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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1918. PAGE FIVE . German Fleet W21 UUIUU ULlllUl IJHLIO mum party Surrender TKmsday p551 "IT WILL, MAKE YOUR RED AMERICAN BLOOD JUMP WITH JOY AND EXCITEMENT" London, Nov. 18.-7:20 p.. in.-The German fleet' fill leave its bases Wednesday and will surrender Thnrsday, . it was learned this evening. Previous imports said the fleet was to leave its buses at -5:30 this morning. M HOLLAND BORDER IT'S BETTER THAN THE BOOK THE - GREAT AMERICAN WiDielm Was Angry. When Forced To Delay By Ser- geants Orders. " n Washington, Nov. 18. Admi ral von Tirpiti is in Switzerland according to Swiss advices to day. Ho left Germany before the revolution broke out, the ca blo said.--'' U H -if M any New Arrivals IN CHOICE PIECES OF FURNITURE Our stock is clean and the prices are as low as dependable merchandise can be sW. There is little satisfaction in buying shopworn goods because they are cheap. A good piece of furniure stays with you for years; then it should be something worthy a place in your home. We have just received a number of good Tapestry Covered Davenports and Overstuffed Chairs. They have very choice covers of high grade tapesttry arid are offered a very reasonable prices. THE BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH- Is attracting a great deal of attention because it is so different from other ALL-RECORD ma chines, and because the tonal value is so superior to other makes. You get the best of all makes combined in the ferunswick. Hear it. Your old . phonograph will be taken in exchange. Buy now for Christmas and we will hold and seliver when wanted. . " . . Amsterdam, Xov. IS "The fir one who moves will be shot!" was the ultimatum of a Dutch sentry when "the former kaiser anil his party" threatened to enter Holland without chserving any of the internntiona foimalitiies. Sergeant Pinckcrt, the soldier who issued the ultimatum on November 11, was interviewed bv the United Press today. "I was on duty when I saw the im perial ears approaching a? though they were going to cross the -frontier, " said Finekort. "I shoued, 'stop!' Immediately the wnoio procession Halted. tome officers Court House Notes Huklah E. Cochrane has been grant ed a divorce from Thomas E Cochran. The decree was signed last Saturday. In the matter of the case of C. Wol ford against , Arthur Beardsley, the plantiff moves the court for an order dismissing the amieal for tho reason came forward and asked to be allowed! that tho defendant and appellant have to pass. . , I failed to file an undertaking on ap- " 'You may pass without arms' lineal as renuired bv tho laws of Ore- ' 1 JlilWJiJll 3 l ' '''' n ''''' "7 '' answerea. i recognized a man coming from tho second carriage as tho kaiser. He said: . " 'You must allow us to pass with out further fuss. The, government knows who we are.' " 'Very good,' I said, 'but I don't know who you are. I must do my duty and disarm you all.' Kaiser Displeased " 'German officers are not going to allow thomselvea to be disarmed by a common sergeant,' the. kaiser said ang very goou,' l replica, -but you gon regulating appearances in the cir cuit court. The cstnto of W. T. Farrington has been appraised at $743.00. This amount ho had in bank. The appraisers were W. L. Cummings, Mrs. II. C. McCam mon and Dr. R. Cartwright. Tho county court docs not approve of the final account of tho administra trix of tho estate of Sarah J.. Petty john. The court does not approve of tho pay ment of $130.00 as commission for a real estate commission, when it is are going to .remain right hero Until ; thouirht that SS0.00 would have been the commandant at Maastricht has been I rcagonaiji0. Tho objectors to the final LIBRARY TABLES . See our.Library Tables in Mahogany, Gold en Oak and Jacobean oak. Good Solid Oak Tables From Rockers We have just the Rocker you Want. Rockers for old and young:, large and small. once and Call in at CHOOSE ONE FOR CHRISTMAS Seats of Genuine Leather and Craftsman Leather at Reasonable Prices. a 5. Trade In Your Used Furniture Hamilton if $9.09 UP , notified. Tho iirst one who moves will i bo shot' . "Ono of my men telephoned the commandant, who arrived in 20 min utes. In the meantime, tho men wait ed, rifles in hand, while the Hermans walked nervously to and fro. When the commandant camo up, tho kaiser told him of my opposition, -paying: " 'That i a good soldier; ho might have been a Gorman.'.". "The 'whole company then gave up their arms. I knew it was' the kaiser, but if ho h4 move 1, I would have shot my last bullet into Mm.'? The former-crown prince had a' sim ilar, adventure. Sentries Searched his motor cars and seized a number of ri fles and quantity of ammunition. Tho crown prince did not' want to give up handsome snorting rif o which had been presented to him by n lady from India. Ho finally surrendered it, say ing ... "I'll have to backwater .for the first I time in my life." , .-;-J,i.;j- ' j Frederick. William,. is.,, -conversation; ! . if Ulli fl Tt!c? u1"1 nat , should be final, mcnt has taken steps to prevent their meeting on Hutch territory. account wero A. 1). Pfettyjohn, JUzzie Rowland and Millio Yates and their objections were sustained. December 10, 1918, has' been set by tho county court for tho final hearing in tho matter of the estato of James N. Shantz. Mnrnaeh & Evan whoso lumber warehouse with contents wero destroy ed August 1, It) J H, at Waconda, have entered suit agnust tho,Royal insurunco company. Jn tneir compiainr, uiey ai leiro that thev paid SWo.OO prcuuuin Julv -8. 1918, for $25,000 insuranco for one year. That on July 10, 19.18, they paid tho sanio amount for an additional $25,000 insuranco. That there was total loss by firo August 1 1018. That there was a clnuso in tho insuranco contract to the effect that in case of fire and there was. a dissigronient as to loss, that each side Bhould select one adjuster and that tho two selected should choose the third -and that the award of any two 'of the, adjusters That the " plaintiff selected Louis Laehmund and that tho insurance com pany selected Frank M Brown and that ...,v .l,nnDa mfrt Unnann and declares that he (or blrc)-i8 the The rlo.Iltilffa,or allego that nearest hving relative in the Unite; Mr iVhmund and Mr. Hansen, two of tho threo adjusters, agreed that the 340 Court Street Camp Lewis Volunteers v Will Be Discharged Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 18. All men who voluntarily enlisted in the army wll be discharged at Camp Lewis, fol lowing completion of permanent organ lEation, the first step toward demobil isation, orders for which were receiv ed today from Washington. The num ber of training battalions in the de-1 Salem Soldiers To Receive Gifts If Labels Are Delayed pot brigade will be reduced to four. There are now 12. Two or three thousand men will be discharged durng the next two weeks, Tow,,!, nnerto nd linemen will ! Tn0 noa,'ost relative of .1 soldier over not be released until further instruc- J 8tas maT cur a caitou and the privil tions from Washington, and men uffer- cge of sending him a three pound Christ ing from social diseases will not be mas present br appearing after Nov. 20, at thv mailing station of the Rod Cross at the Portland Railway,- Light and I'ower Co'g. office and signing the following statement: "The undersigned hereby represents discharged until cured, it is announced. Journal Want Ads Pay JOURNAL WANT ADS tAV States of "tho proposed ' recipient and that the applicant in the calendar year (1918) has not made or will not make any other Christmas shipment to tho abovy named consignee.?' Including next Wednesday, cartons will be issued only on presentation of the regulation label, but after that dato beginning next Thursday and ending Saturday Nov. 80, the carton may bo secured from the Red Cross and mailed by 6igniug tho necessary statement. This morning business opened with a rush asiiuany who may have received their labels and carton are preenting tho carton properly fillod with Christ mas remembrances, to avoid the rush that is sure to follow tho coming two weeks. Each day the cartons are collected and mailed by the postoffice depart ment and forwaMcd to Hobokcn, N. J., wh-jre they are at once placed on board for shipment direct to 1'rance. , JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY actual loss by fire had been $15,789.00 and this Iosb was fixed on August 23, 1918. That there was a clnuso in the insur ance contract that 60 days might elnpso before any payment for loss be made That this time had expired aml the in surancc company had not paid tho Joss us agreed on by tho adjusters. The plaintiff asks for $13,789.00 dam aires and costs of suit, McNury, Mc- Nary & Keyes represent Marhnch and Lvans, Way To Address Letters To Soldiers Ju6t to make it clear as to how hit ters should be addressed to soldiors, the following form ia shwn. This sample address is sent out by the Washington postal officials and approved by army authorities, Ilero is the frm for the address and also tha return address: From Mrs. John Doe, ',79 Roo Street, Salem, Oregon. Sergeant John K. Doe, Co. D, 03d Infantry, Amorican Expeditionary Force Complulnts are being rccwivod by postal authorities that letters have not been delivered to soldiors. If the wri ter would place tho return address on tlw upper left hand corner of tho en velope, then if the soldier cannot be lo cated, the letter will bo returned to the sender. X'y v ( r . STARTS TOMORROW SEE HOW HE WENT "OYER THE TO?" Featuring Sergeant L GUY EMPEY (hmself) - And An All- Star Cast Snrgt. .Arthur Guy Empcy imVilarnph's waster prot?flt,' L , mm 0W Mr. Business Man As a matter of economy you should consult the Journal's Job Department before placing your printing-we are satisfying Salem's leading firms put us on your calling list. Phone 81 Raising the Family """""The war is affecting the old man nowM 'JFIsfieri OU INCOMSlDEPATE THING, - (UT Vow S IM A B ) A V J hzr HE6M.G ww& r r7?i