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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1918)
itorial'Page of The CHARLES It. FISHEK Editor snd Publisher urna I JO M MONDAY EVENING f' SaSS B November 8, 1918 8?v? m KM i n: Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salemt Oregon. CIRCULATION THAT IS GROWING. 8B8B9B8B8B8eS68686868BS68B ' Cfl ' H C""" Address All Communications To ' ' ... . I 1 J t IT 1 j f II J HI ' 111 (The Umlp t Uounial BALEM 136 S. Commercial St. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES TtiW hv Currier, ner Tear ..-).00 Per Month -4!e Daily by Mail, per year, $3.00 Per Month . 35c FULL LKAKKI) VYIHE TKLJSUKAl'K REPORT FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES Vi' IX Ward, New York, Tribune Buiilin(f. W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building The Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If' tho carrier docs not do thw, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone tho circulation manager, o this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. 9 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBNM. Is the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations WILHELM'S EXIT. Tf. is now about two weeks since the kaiser abdicat ed. As events move in this old world now, that was quite a long time ago; the circumstances which surrounded his going constitute an old story, an oft-told tale as it were. On the other hand we are able now to review this happening of world-wide significance with a degree of complacency ana mosc 01 us are impeaeu u me cuuuubwu that Wilhelm made anything but an impressive exit. From anybody who had played so conspicuous a role in the biggest of international dramas we should have ex pected something morethat is from anybody but Wil helm. . , A renllv ereat man should be ereat even in detiounc ing greatness. We should expect some noble word; some final proof of courage and manhood; some intelligent ap plication of the fact that his work, whether good or ill, is done, and" that the stage must be set for a new drama, with new actors. Tht?re are manv historical actors who have set Wil helm a rood example. Napoleon was still Napoleon, even wnne surrendering ms swoiu aim lading di nciuia. x every big man capable of real comprehension there must come, at tneiena, some sucn migni as mm wwui icmij son lends to King Arthur: , , "The old oMer changeth, giving place to new; f ' ; "And God fulfills himself in many ways, "Tyrone pood order should corrupt the world." Even if Wilhelm sincerely believed in German kultur and militarism and kaisensm, he might have come to that if he had been really big. Instead, we find this mighty kaiser- who had just de clared grandiloquently that he "would never desert hiK sorely tried people," sneaking away like a thief at night, with his money and jewels and stores of food, reading "with a shiver" a final note of advice from the revolu tionary leader, Scheidmann, then signing his abdication paper with a trembling hand, and opening his mouth only to snarl sarcastically, "It may be for the good of Ger many." ' ' Poor egomaniac, for whom so many millions died. He aspired to be known as "Wilhelm the Great." After all his monstrous crimes, he passes as Wilhelm the petty. Admiral Von Tirpitz has ducked also. But he may have caught the habit from his favorite type of boats. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason STRENUOUS TIMES. These be the times that try men's -souls; we're always The circulation of the Daily Capital Journal during the past week gained a higher average than ever before. The record was as follows: Monday, November 11 6,228 Tuesday, November 12 ;. 5,100. Wednesday, November 13 ........ . 4,995 Thursday- November 14 ........ .4,895 - Friday, November 15 .....4,910 Saturday, November 16 5,125 It is interesting to note that the Capital Journal, even without the stimulating effect of big war news, now has an average daily circulation in excess of 5,000 copies, or on the accepted basis of five readers to each "ubscriber, 25,000 readers a pretty good-sized family, who take the Capital Journal as their home paper. The Capital Journal is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations and every copy printed is accounted for and made a record of by this duly accredited organiza tion, organized in the interest of the nationaladvertisers of the country, and all other big buyers of space who wish to know exactly what they are paying for. NO DULL TIMES ARE NECESSARY. Considerable apprehension has been expressed lest the cessation of hostilities precipitate a sudden cancelling of government war orders without allowing time for the industries engaged upon them to readjust their business. Much of this fear is unnecessary. In the first place we are now under armistice mere ly, with the possibility of renewal of hostilities. Until this danger is past and peace is definitely assured, we must maintain our armies fully equipped and ready for action. This will insure a continuance for some time of war manufactures on a large scale, and afford a breath ing space for the making of new plans. " In the second place, Mr. Baruch of the war industries board is authority for the statement that plans have long been under consideration in Washington tor assisting industry back to a peace basis. His board, together with the labor department, has already completed plans for bringing our men back in such detachments as may be absorbed into industry without greatly disturbing it. ' " Government contracts are not to be cancelled whole sale, but gradually, as the need diminishes. At the same time restrictions as to the purchase and sale of supplies will be lifted. Assistance will be given in getting produc tion orders, material and supplies, and- if present legisla tive plans are carried out, there will be extensive financ ing. The transition from war work to a peace production basis should be accomplished with small loss and no per iod of depression, provided military heads will keep in touch with the plans of the government, and there is fair unprejudiced co-operation between these two and between each of them and labor. ' WEAKNESS OF MILITARISM. Now it appears that 750,000 American soldiers were engaged is the Argonne sector, where the downfall of the German armies was sealed. Over difficult terrain, against the best and freshest troops that Hindenburg could marshal, they drove, steadily forward until the powerful defense lines crumbled and the German leaders saw they must meet crushing defeat or surrender and surrender in name of armistice was their choice. We had always thought that if the Americans sent one million men to the front, in a compact sectftr, and instructed them to go to Berlin, not enough Germans could be station ed in front of them to stop their progress and the oper ations of our three-quarters of a million pretty well' es tablishes this fact Also it is proved that the professional soldier is no match for the man who fights of his own volition and with an independence of thought and action that is foreign to the accepted standards of the militarists of any country. Many of the Americans who opposed and defeated the picked Prussian veterans m the Argonne were fresh from the training camps. This fact should digging up our rolls, and stripping off the bills; as fast jn t be tt f surprise to Americans who recall what as we can earn uie cum u ims tu &u ivi sccur ctnu ium, im pantaloons and pills. "The price has risen," is the cry, whene'er a fellow goes to buy a hymnbook or a hen; the war has made of trade a botch, and so the prices rise a notch, and they will rise again. These be the times that try men's souls; the doughnuts now are mostly holes, the pies are thin and pale; most things are made of substitutes, and there are wormholes in the fruits for which we blow our kale. A pound of butter costs us now as much as would have bought a cow, in balmy times of peace; and when we buy it some one comes with w-arning voice and muffled drums, and says, "Conserve the grease." These be the times that tiy men's souls; we cannot touch, with ten-foot poles, the price of things we need; the stand off at the store is banned, and all the wealth we have on hand is merely chicken feed. And yet, as I pursue my way, I do not see a grouch all day, or hear a plaintive whine; the boys seem glad to stand the gaff, and all the hard luck makes them laugh, instead of bringing brine. You cannot whip a bunch like us; in times of peace we rant and cuss, and paw around like sin ; but when we need to wear a yoke we view the blamed thing as a joke, and wear it with a grin. . General Jackson's Kentucky riflemen did to Wellington's veterans the conquerors of Napoleon at New Orleans. In fact history is filled with similar instances of the defeat- of soldier puppets by real men marshaled to defend their homes or a cherished principle of government. And therein lies the weakness of militarism,-which pins its faith to standing armies and professional soldiers. Dear old Liberia our ally, you know has had an admirably simple and effective selective plan. Military liability was established as a privilege. Those wearing no clothes were not eligible. As soon as a citizen put on shirt arid trousers he was drafted. Thus Liberia shadow ed forth a great truth. Clothes do not make the man; but they at least distinguish the soldier. Yanks is the best name for them. And the way they yanked the diamond-studded crown from the imperial Wilhelm's brow was worth all the war cost, and some to spare. - The war profiteer may be pretty definitely branded as the fellow who hopes to see war prices continue with the country at peace. BRIAN TALKS OP HIS HOPES AND DISAPPOINTMENTS TO MOLLIS CHAPTER LXXXVIL . Things did not work out entirely to Mrs. Clayborne's satisfaction. This was principally due to tho fact that tfuth did not lend herself in anv wav to the sehcmvs her aunt had planned. Of course Mrs. Clayborno had said nothing - of them; she was far too shrewd to make a faux pas of that Kina. Jtsut whenever nossihln shn mi- vocatea accepting Mandel's invitation and was tactfilly effusive when speak ing of him to Buth. But Buth was in love with Brian. Hef work done, she was far happiei with him than to be at the opera o) anywhere else with 6thers. 89 she managed to evade most of the things aianuei proposed, and to do it in such a way ho could but accede. Brian had tried his best to be nat ural before Buth's aunt; but always mere wag a little constraint An their intercourse, a forced pleasantry, that was obvious to both of them ana to Buth. "Don't act afraid of Auntie!" she said to Brian, one day. "She wou't eat you." "I'm not afraid of her,-but someway I feel all the time that she blames mo for your going to work; that she dis approves of ma as a husband for her niece," putting his feelings into words for the first time in many weeks. "Nonsense! I don't deny Aunt Lou isa felt so at first. You 'remember her fetters. But she 's all over it, now that she sees what my work it, how happy I am in doing it; how cozy we are, and how nicely we are getting along. Then, too ,dear, Auutie knows that I love you, that we are happy together. I think she never quitw knew Imw much I cared, before." Buth blushed as she. confessed her love for hor husband. Sho was naturally diffident where her affections were concerned, and not of ten did she say much. "Just the same sho doesn't like me. It would havo pleased her bettor if you had married a man like Mandel. She's goia daffy about hiiij, by the way sho talks." "It isn't that, Brian,' Buth patient ly explained, "It is because he is so kind to me he makes my" work so pleasant. Aunt had an idea that all employers wore regular slavo drivers. And that employes were terribly ovei workod and so miserable. She 's found out she c was wrong. I am so nappy that she has, and that wlion she goes home she will .feel differently about us and about my. working." Then, "I wish while she is here you would coute over to fhe shop with her. It seems Strange that you now have met my boss," Bho -finished with a smile. ' ' I don 't know why I should- meet him! He'd most likely patronize me or try to." I Oh. no he- wouldn't, Brian. Ho isn't that kind. Eeally he isu't, dear as she saw disbelief on Brian's face Then I want to show vou my desk. Ihc nice, quiet corner where I can keep to mvsclf." " Perhaps somo day I'll drop in," ho returned, and Buth had to tu con tented. He would moke no further concession. It had been two wevks since Mrs. Clavbome arrived, and sho was begin- nine to talk of eoiuz home. AVhile sli had not been able to do as sho wished about throwing Buth with Mandel, she was not at all dishvartened. "Time. fato. and propinquity have been known to accomplish wonders," she said to herself. "They are much together, he loves her. Ho '11 not givv up easily." Unfortunately, on the very day that Mrs. Clnyboruo left for home, Buth was once more sent out of town on a pmmnisHion. Brian at once frow to Mollie King for sympathy. "I've had tff be on my good be hsvior all the time Mrs. Clayborno wan with us, then just ns I might be com fortable again, off Buth goes and leaves me alone with Rachel. It isn't fair to a fvlhnv!" he stormed. "Of course it isn't! Is Buth going t0 stay long tin timet" "How do 1 know! two (lays , . weeks! It's all one to her, so long as she is puttering over that decorating busiv.css! I tell you, Mollie, it has .got to stop! I want a home, my wife's fo ciety when I go honw, and I might as well sny it I want children like other men." Honest, Mollie, I don't enre a rap for fancy things, for' all the fuss about eating and the house. I just wnnt to be comfortable nud feol, Well like I do with you. And I don't! I 'can't eat when I think that Ruth i walking, that she is away. These dec orations and worKing lor tnai nrm mean more to her than I do! I snp-nosL- I shouldn't have asked her to mar ry me until I had gone further in my profession. At least nntu 1 nan mam mon) money! But I did, and that part can't be helped. But I'd rather iav a little three riroro flat down -ere in village, with Buth fussing up mwi" in a kitchenette like yours, and a Kia dio running to meet me, than to live as we do." He laughed a little, thenj said. "Thotv, I fell better! I've got that out of my system. Now come on, we'll go out to dinner." That evening Mollie was more gen tie, more sympathetic, than ever be fore. Brian 's talk of homo and kid dies had affected her more than he perhaps had either realized or intend ed. Tomorrow Claude Beckly Warns . Brian about Mandel. Our Guarantee Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for MJ.B. Coffee if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can. Buy the 5 lb. Can and Save 25c m t 'J r. m e 1 THE BRAVEST BATTLE The bravest battle that was ever fought, Shall I tvll you where and wheuf On tho maps of the world you will tind it not; 'Twa8 fought by the mothers of men. Nay, not woth cannon, or battle-shot, With sword or nobler pen; , ray, not with eloquent word or thought, ' v From tho mouths of wonderful men, But deep in a wcll-ed-np woman's heart . . Of woman that would not yield, But bravely, silently bore her part Lo! there is that battlefield! No marshaling troop, no bivouac song; But O! these battles, they last so long From babyhood to the grave! Yet faithful still as a bridge of stars, No bannorg to gleam and wave! Fights on, and on, in the endjess wars, 8ho fights in her wolled-up town Then silent, unseen, goes down! O! ye with banners and battle-shot, And soldier to shout and praise, I tell vou the kingliest victories fought , Are fought in these silent ways! Joaquin- Miller. FRONT LINE SCENES Continued from page one) miles northward. We saw groups walk ing about in the open. In ore place, in the middle of a soggy, shell shattered field, a card or crap game was going on, while other men were digging a dug out. At another place the line ran thru a little valley. Not a soul was in flight but a small American flag was stuck in the ground to indicate the front line. At most points along the line we traversed, only a few Germans were visible. These evidently were privates. They were lounging in villages and along the roads, smoking nnu talking. Almost all of them waved a greeting at us. None carried a gun pr equipment of any kind. So far as we'could see no artillery or material remained. Tracks Busy At 'me point, several miles in the rear jf the German lines, we glimpsed a number of trucks hurrying toward Conflans. Farther back we saw huge fires smudging the sky with columns of black smoke. From one place we counted eight fires in the direction of Conflans, while over the region of Pinchuille we saw a great column of fire and white smoke shoot up and drift away with thowind. In little hamlets just behind' ' tho German lines,' German, soMiors were sitting in the sunshine, but no horses, trucks or other means of transportation were visible.' Once we saw six GcrmoH3 in a vil- . lags within tho American lines, sur rounded by a group of doughboys. Pos sibly they were recently taken pris oners. Bonfires in Fields - At many places in the linos the Ann ericans were standing in the open fields around bonfires. Some weri, laundering and their clothes were hiid on the ground to dry. We notice! one mam washing himself in a brook. At another place a burial party was digging three graves on a knoll overlooking the lines At the foot of the hill a unit evident ly was preparing for inspection. All itg equipment was neatly laid out in rows. For several mileg in one TOgion we flew over a section that was pock marked with shell holes th9t were lit erally rim to rim. There were clusters of farm houses which were mere heaps of stone. The whole region was a scene of unutterable desolation. The roads were eut up and there were smashed . trucks and gun carriages in the ditches. Lying in the mud wore dead horses, their legs sticking tip at grotesque -gles. A thousand and one different kinds of war materials were lying where they had been abandoned. Villages Shattered Wo looked down on three villages which were almost unbelievably shat tered. Not a living thing was visible in them. Close by the lines was a forty acre wood. Every limb was stnppca from the trees and the trunks-were mangled. The whole landscape wsvs criss-crossed with freshly made zig zag trenches. We saw two deserted German strong points on a hill. They, were circular affairs, ringed with many lines of barbed wire and with sunken concrete pill boxes in jthe center. The entire field was churned up with nnoU holes, while lines of wire were svnneli- ed fiat. Turning back from the lines, we cir cled over Verdun. The streets were alive with activity. But the only bit Ht color in the famous ruined French eity was a Tri color on the spire of tho cathedral. , From Verdun we climbed to an alti tude of 20OO feet. Ag w made our way back to the hangar we saw doz ens of tiny, winding ribbons of road filled with lines of motor trucks car rying up" supplies to the dormant war machine. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Only the "made in Germany" brand of socialism would accept Hindenburg into full fellowship would make hint guardian of its destinies.. How Long Must I Suffer Fiom the Pangs of Rheumatism? Is there no real relief in sight? Doubtless like other sufferers, you have often asked yourself this ques tion, which continues to remain un answered. Science has proven that your Rheumatism is caused by a germ in your blood, and the only way to reach it is by a remedy which elim inates and removes these little pain demons from your blood. This ex plains why liniments and lotions can do no permanent good, for they cannot possibly reach these germs which infest your blood by the mil lions. S. S. S. has been successfully used for Rheumatism for more than fifty years. Try it to-day, and you will find yourself at last on the right track to get rid of your Rheuma tism. Yon can get valuable advice about the treatment of your indi vidual case by writing to the Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Ox, Dept. D, Atlanta. Ga. Carter's little liver Pills You Cannot be Ok ; A Jlemedy That Makes Life Constipated and Happy SmH Pit! Small Dm ftmaUFrice Carter's 7 AWt Worth Living ln (itnatara AKKt: BARTER'S IRON PILLS many coiorieas fsce but wffl greatly help most pale-faced jwoqIq