PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 16-1918 The Imperial Fiw nittrt AWAff pfSces- tock now Being sold at almost "GIVE o yoti Christmas Shopping hei?e D KaSifPSsMF'fSfimS ii'-fiiaf mif 7miY wft jJlhaTiiSa Tnwi Impair iITl MrtnSlFffi jMiJ This great combined stock being thrown on the market , at the prices we quote should appeal to the Xmaa shop per. Everything in our store would make acceptable gifts We will store and deliver Xmas gifts free of charge. $38.50 Book Case For $29.50 $47.50 G. 0. Spanish Leather Davenport With Mattress Inside $35.00 $24.00 Birdseye Maple Book Case $17.45 $26.50 Quartered Oak Desk $18.75 $38.00 Jap Rockers for $19.50 $18.00 W. Enamel Desk $13.75 $27.50 Solid Oak 28x48 Library Table for . $16.50 $28.00 Solid Mahogany Sewing Cabinet for $19.85 if r k $42.50 Blue Velour Rocker $29.50. $16.50 Solid Mahogany Sewing Cabinet for $14.50 $24.00 Electric Floor Lamp $17.50 $28.50 All cast Charter Oak Heater (Stove pipe 35c) $19.50 ; $4.75 Maple Rockers V $2.95 -U $15.00 6-foot, 42-inch ex. table . J10.7S :( $19.00 Solid Oak Sewing Tabie $14.00 . $22.50 Reed Rocker (Cretonne Upholstered) - ' $14.95 v $17.50 2-in. Iron Beds With 1 1-16-in. Fillers, any color $30.00 Ivory Dresser $24.00 $65.00 Quartered Oak Bed $42.50 $65.00 Birdseye Maple Bed $42.50 $16.50 Solid Oak Dressing Table $12.00 ; $8.00 Book Shelves " ! ,. $5.75 $4.50 Pillows, Pair ' $2.75 $24.00 50-lb. Pure Cotton Felt Mattresses With Imperial Edge And Best Art Tic Victrolas and Victor Records We have the largest stock of new up-to-date Victor Records in Salem. Let us sell von a talkirir machine for Xmas- I terms to suit"Make our store your Victor Store. $4.25 Porch Rocker $3.00 $29.00 Reed Rocker (Upholstered in Tapestry) $28.85 $12.50 Art Rockers $9.95 $18.50 Cedar Chest 1 " $14.00 $1.50 Linoleum, Yard 75c 75c Yard Wide Carpet, Yard 55c $57.50 Body Brussels Rug, 9x12 $42.50 $3.00 Rag Rugs $2.25 $12.50 Combination Mattresses $9.75 BSE 404448 Court St; ii i . . ... i Pfigg - . . 1 ,"i WW i Trade in your old furniture Oregon City News Can an Old Battery Be Repaired? That depends: on HOW OLD it is; .r on HOW WELL you've taken care of it; on HOW SOON you let the Willard expert locate the trouble and correct the fault. Nobody can repair a battery until he finds the trouble, and nobody can correct a big fault as easily as he can a little one. If you suspect any LITTLE battery troubles you'd better drive around and let us find them. Ask for the booklet "A Mark With a Meaning for You." We test' repair and recharge storage batteries, and always carry a full supply of batteiy parts, new batteries and rental Dattenes. Liberty school district No. 71 has the 1 .. 1 .. 11.. .1 ! .. j .. ! i- t. ! iiuuoi ill. utnuK uutf I'l l He uistncta tu not only raise its full quota In the UiuUhI War fmul ilrivo but to have (iiito an mount, in oxevss. In tho or isiniil (iiota t lie district wns.givoit i475 to raiso. Whin the' SO per cent extra orders came in, the quota . figured $712.u0.o With, this big figure facing tlrcm, menibofw living iii the district startod a campaign that soon brought in $803.65. Mrs. W. B,' Freer has been elected school librarian, suereediiig Hiss Ruth Pnxuon, wlio resigned to aerept a posi tion in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Freer is a graduate of Edinburgh and received hor library twining at Dreawl Insti tute, Philadelphia. The Salem Elkletis the first publics tion in tho state to issue a Xmas edi tion. ,It comes out in an enlarged form displaying in colors tiny American flag. In putting out the. Christinas number so early it was figured that for tho j boys over there, it will bo delivered! nuour uio nine loutftf members, nr tno service are thinking of Christmas do ings at the lodge. American Prisoners Released By Germans and they wore a motoly collection of clothing. Some who woro German uni forms had been working at saw mills and on farms. By Webb Miller (United Tress Staff Correspondent) With the American Armies in France Nov. 3 0 Hundreds of American pris-1 oners released by tho Germans are pour ing across the lines. j Many walked 24 hours in freezing weather with little food. They said the (ierinans evacuated anil left them to their own resources. The arrivals in clude froops from Texas, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Wash uigtoni iS'one of the men had overcoats Director General McAdoo Will Have Management Of All Business. - Washington, Nov. 3.6. President Wilson late todi.y signed proclamation I tukJiig owr the American Eailway Ex-! pres.! companies, it was officially an-j nounccd by the railroad administration. I Properties of the express companies: will be under federal control aftvr noon Monday. Tho management of all tho express business will bo under Director O-eneral McAdoo. Hecently McAdoo permitted the merger of tho Amerhnn, Weils Far go, Adams and Southern Express com panies. Their contracts with tho railroad ad ministration placed thn nominally un der federal direction. PAPER MAKES OUT BILL . " KO OFFICIAL SHOE PRICE . Washington, Nov. 16. Lo Ma tin declares that Germany owes France $68,000,000,000. The bill is as follows; Cost of the war $23 000,000, 000. . Reparation $20,000,000,000. Pensions $8,000,000,000. Return of the. 1871 indemni fied, $14,000,000 000. .-Interest of same $11,000,000, 000. Total, $08,000,000 000. Washington, Nov. 16. The war in dustries board today removeu the price restriction on footwear. A few weeks ago a maximum price of $13 for shoes wa8 established 'by the board. .V.'H. H..iE .t . ; 'Auii .: ) n U Half-Soling United States Tires i Retreading Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires Auto Electric Shop REGOE & BURRELL 418 Court Street Phone 2(X I W-k -v:-: ... .. .......... .... :xs 1 1 h.f 1 ! Mt' .:i 4 AiN AMK.VIOAN HX1PER AT WORK This official photo show, an Amer ica rifleman drawing kead through a telescope sight upon a Oerman out post.. . . . . , . . .i : ..-.. . y 66 U ACK'S .. . " 1 219 North Commercial Vulcanizing SER VICE Halt Soles Z3