Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 16, 1918, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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The Most Acceptable Gift
This Christmas Will Be the
Practical Kind
Suitable for Gifts at
Economy Prices
First Sergeant M. A. Esh of the
Oregon military police was in the eity
yesterday having received an urgent
call to come home owing to sickness in
the family.
Mrs. Minnie Patterson of 222 Super
ior street left for San Francisco to
spend Thanksgiving with her son.
H. B. McMillan of Williamsburg, O.,
is in the city visiting his brother, O.
G. McMillan, and siBter, Mrs. Wfie
Irctou of 1047 South Commercial ttreet
Thig is his first visit with his rela
tives since 1884.
Leo Sutton of Bay City, Mich., is
registered et the ttligh.
Claud Broan of Falls Citv was in Sa
ilem yesterday.
Toilet Articles
Are always acceptable. We have them
and you should note the prices. .
Soap . 10c
Cold Cream ............. 21c
Vanishing Cream 21c
Face Powder . . . 45c
' Talcum Powder .21c
Shaving Cream 35c
Colgates Shaving Cream .19c
Colgate's Talcum Powder ......12c
Cashmere Bouquet Soap . ... . ... .10c
Bath Robes
Are wanted by all and it is hard to
get a "gift that would please more
than a nice bath robe.
Ladies Robes $3.49, $3.98, $4.98
Men's robes . .$3.98, $4.50, $4.98, $5.90
' Kimonos
In both serpentine crepe and flan
nelette that are always useful $1.15,
$1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 and $3.98
All Around Town
Nov. 11-18 United War fund
drive. Marion county quota
$02,000. Quota for Sulem $37,
500. '
" Nov. 20. Annual Bod Cross
meeting at Commercial Club.
Nov. 28. Thanksgiving.
Nov. 30. Election on School
Budget. '
"TU funeral oeautifUL"Wbb ft
dough Co. tf
IHghest cash price paid for fresh
gga. Midget Market. tf
George O. Will is distributing posters
sent him by the Unitvd states food
commissioner. They bear the wurn'Uj;:
"Won't Stop Saving Food."
Monday Night Music club. The Mon
day Night Music club of l.cslio church
wiil meet next Momluy 7:30 p. m. Ev
ery member present .please. H. N. Aid
rich. .... . 11-10
Dr. Bchenk has now returned from
all vacation and he extends a cordial
Invitation to his patrons and friends
to visit hi institution., tf
n '
If the food administration will per
mit, O. W, Eyre will ship hogs next
WodneBilfty. Phone 220KM. 11-16
Iiu this morning's report of casual
ties In France tho name apponrg of
John M. Thomas of Silvcrtua as one
of the men reported missing.
, 0
Better dentistry without pain. Two
poBt graduato courses in rainless den
tistry. Dr. Hartloy. Fhone"ll4. tf
10 Per cent off on all Miller tires in
stock. 311) N. Com'l, l'hone 74. 11-10
The Salem firs department contrib
uted I2 to tho 1'mtocl War Fund. Aft
r talking it over, the boy8 decided to
t.nch give ono day's pay for tho Rood of
the cause, figured on a basis of $3.00
a day. '
"T best' la all yon can do when
loath comes. Call Webb Clough Co
Paone 120. tf.
Leslie Mothodist church. To the mem
bers of Leslie congregation. The war is
over. Tho quarantine hns been lifted,
and, after five Sundays out of our
church, wo aro permitted to IUl ser
vices again. Never bofore wns there
greater reason fur thanksgiving and
praise to our Father and' our Christ
than now, Christianity Is conquering
the world. Mny 1 urge you to be pres
ent in tho services next Sunday that
we may pray and rejoice together. Sin
cerely your pastor, Horace N. Aid
rich. 11-10
Cretonne bags to the number of 640
luivu been asked of the miscellaneous,
department of the lied Cross. This is
the fiiota for this chapter. The hggs
inches. For November of 1917 there
was a rainfall of 3.24 inches and for
the month in 1916, it Was 7.12 inches.
o 1
A society sensation with Carmel My
em at the Bligh theater today, also
"Home Bun Ambrose. " It's a knock
out. Mrs. Junk's studio, 679 N. Cottage
St. Christmas Chinaclass. Private les
sons Friday, Saturdays.
o -
Penny Bros, store under tea Cotillion
dance hall. , . .
A real estate transfer with $30.00
revenue stamps wns filed for record
yesterday in tho office of the county
recorder. Tho deed was for tho trans
fer of 133 acres northeast and close to
Mt. Angel and the consideration was
$30,000. Thv grantor was Nicholas O.
Mickol and wife and the grantee was
Charles Ertclt.
Regular dance music tonight at the
Cotillion hall.
Better movies, Norma Talmadge in
tlio "Swrot of the Storm Country,"
at the Liberty today only.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Terwilliger,' grad
uate mortieinns and funeral directors,
770 Cheinekota St. Phone 724.
Christmas boxes may be mailed m
Into as Nov. 30 to soldiers acro?s sue
ocean according to recent ruling cf the
war department. The ruling has placed
the final day as Nov. 20. llus ex
tension of ten days wns due to the fact
that so many of tho boys were in the
great American drive of Octobor and
wero so busy fighting they had no time
or opportunity to mail the necessary la
bels. '
Fatty Arbuckle and Charlie Chaplin
at tho Bhgh tomorrow.
the final whistle in the fourth quarter,
Grant scored on a touchback. The
Grant boys claim Lincoln had the heav
ier team. Clarke Tucker 13 captain of
the Grant team and Floyd Bohannoa of
tho Lincoln players.
Begul&r meeting Knights of Colum
bus, Monday evening, tho 18th. All
members urged to be present.
The regular meeting of Hal Hibbard
auxiliary United Spanish War Veter
ans, wiM be resumed Monday evening
at 8 o'clock at the armory.
Night school at the "Capital Business
college is intended to accommodate
those who work during the day but
wish to improve their education along
u1! bio lines, buck subjects as Book
keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Spell
ing, Arithmetic and Penmanship are
taught. The principal will bo in his of
fice Friday and Saturday evenings to
care for enrollments and talk to those
who ate interested. Investigate.
Mrs. Blley Bob'ertson of 1105 North
Liberty street has just recoived a tele
gram from her son, W. A. Dunsmore of
Oakland, Cnlif., with tht new8 thai his
wife was Beriously ill with influenza.
Hunt's Quality orchestra tonight at
the Cotillion hall.
The Liberty school will open Monday
morning. In fact, throughout the coun
ty, there will be a general opening of
schools unless in, certain districts in
fluenza conditions make it inadvHflble.
Sure see you tonight at the Cotil
lion, dandy floor and wonderful luttsic.
0 .
It seems there was some confusion
in names in tho report from Portland
in regard tothe death of Andy Ander
son, ago 27, due to influenza. Accord
ing to information received today, it
was Leonard Anderson who died and
not Anderson. .' ,
As you like it 75o all evening or
5c dance, tonight at' the Cotillion hall.
This is potato story No. 3. The first
one was about a potato grown in Salem
weighing thrco younds. The next report
was of ono that raised the first entry
two ounces. Today the third aspirant
for bigness was grown by B. T. Ensloy
near Marion and itglofficial woight is
three pounds and 12 ounces. Tho potato
is on display at the store 01 uaviason
and Barber at Marion.
0 .
Mrs. Belle Hardenbrook who has
been employed for the past two years
in tho millinery store of Mrs. Stith, left
for La Grande, Oro.a few days ago,
where slio has tmruhasoa a niuwwy
store and will conduct the business for
It seems that the boy thieves who
entered the confectionery store of Wil
liam Burger on Asylum avenue and 17th
street a few nights ago showed tad
tnxtn when thev robbed tho store or a
cannon ball in addition to a lot of can
dy and cigarettes. They doubtless con
sumed tliw eatables and sinokables but
tho cannon ball was too much for them.
Anvhow, it was found last evening uy
G. W. Giles. But the camty ana sucu
have not been discovered.
The screen's first big patriotic comedy drama
abel Normand
Joan of Plattsburg
By Porter Emerson Browne
- ... 1 other attractions too
,100 per cent attraction,
Mis Margaret Russell, 1135 N. Fif
teenth St., Halom., Or., explains won
derful cure.
To Those Afflicted with Cancer- I
devm it a great privilege to bo ait) to'o for hospital use. An appeal is now I
testify to the absoluto cure of cancer' made to women of the city to furnishi
on the side of my nose from which Ijthis catonue, oven in small pieces. Itl
puiiuivu iur uiri'u y rw in. i (. v.j w.v . ijumwi ja.ua
Only July 14, 1916, I applied t0 Dr, t wo cretonne bags. Those who
B. O. Stone for treatment. 'He applied Wl1' nrve aM naked to take their do-
aim. I nations to the Ked Cross nt tho U. h.
National Bank building, second floor.
a puste for four days and then a aim
plo ointment. In just cloven davs aft
er the first treatment the cancer foil
Stout, The place soon healed and is
jiuw bound and well.
Miss Margaret Russell.
Salem, Or., Nov. 8, 1817.
Scene's Drug Store
241 North Commercial street,
Salem, Oregon
Phone 85.
Consultation and Advice free.
The river made another year record
Inst night by rising four feet. The stage
is now six feet above the low water
mark. The rainfall for the 24 hours
jendig at 8 o'clock this nioruing was
.43 of an inch. With a ram every few
J days, November is living up to its roe
lord as a wet month as for tho first half
ll.Ct...t5t , t lie re has beea a precipitation ot 8.11
Dance Moos hall tonight 8 p, m.
Jan of Plattsburg, the screen's first
big patriotic comedy drama featuring
Mubel Normand at the Liberty Sunday.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of
tho Old Italian Method of singing.
Studio 162 Liberty St, N. for appoint
ment phone 9'H.
To all of our friends we wih to ex
pre. our nioxt aincere and heartfelt
thanks for their assistance and their
expressions f sympathy in the recent
loss of our beloved wife and mother.
A. F. Schmallc and children.
Table sanaah not less than 100 lbs.
delivered. Cummiugs, 94F13. . 11 1
A letter was received this afternoon
at Red Cross headquarters confirming
the wire regarding the Nov. 80 limit
and also giving the additional infor
mation Unit those wfio have a soldier
over there and who do not rccciv a
label by Nov. 21, may lvceive one and
have the privilege of sending it prop
erly filled by filinc an affidavit where
in it is stated one is entitled to send the
Dance Moose hall tonight 8 p. m.
Charlie Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle
at the Bligh tomorrow,
Mrs. O. O. Shelburg will hold a fan
cy work sale Nov. 21st, 2-i!, 23rJ. Bur
en's Furniture store.
By a score of 2 to 0, the Grant junior
high school football team defeated this
imirninir the Lincoln junior hinh school
players. If was an exenlv balanced'
game and just about a minute In fore
Students of the high school are com
ing forward with the quota Tor no
T-. W...J v. ,,,wi TTn to Fridav noon,
.thev had pledged $797.15 and within a
day or so expect to have the full quota
of ll)!5.l)0.
Thero is still a good demand for la
bor, nciording to the IT. S. employment
bureau with offices on State street.
Tie makers as well as all kinds of mi l
workors ai in demand and the old lull
for laborers fromthe ship yards has not
bv-en cancelled.
Gopher, gray digger and mole busi
ness was not very rushing this mouth ai
the office of the county clerk. That is,
those who generally bring in scalps to
claim the reward of fivo cents pur
scalp appear to have been engaged in
other occupations during October, as
only S9.0 was paid out of tho special
fund. Those who aiw inclined to make
spending money in this way may feel
encouraged as there remains about
1800 In this special fund for this year.
Within a few days a special list will
., nt ti.n Knim tmblic lirrarv
uu (Ultivvu ..." r - t - -
of books treating on war conditions and
the countries of Europe thai nave ueeu
ithe Into war. Two of the books have
-1.. ..!.. 1. ...... nlnnml nil the libmiV
shelves " Home Fires in France" audi
'Tales from a Famished lana.
There is nothlni to the story or the
geiwral impression that army recruits
aro fed mostlv on baked beans. At least
hi-r i a different story for the boys
of the Students Army Training corps
of Willainetto university. l iaci is
tlm vnnthfnl snldiis pet baked bean-
only once a week and that on Satur
days and when the cook does ecrve the
beans, it requires 20 pounds to give
ttu hnv tho irriit wei'klv ration For
tomorrow their bill ot faro is as fol
lows: Breakfast mush and milk, horn
iuv. Fivnch toast, caae, outrer ano
bread and coffee. Dinner veal roast
with brown gravy, mashed potatoes,
creamed turnips, coffeo and jelly pud
dinr. Supper Sandwiches, enke, coli!
nrcats and cocoa. '
Funeral services of the late -Berg.
Maj. Harry E. Mason will be held from
tho Terwilliger Home, 770 Chemcketa
St. Monday at 2 p. m. Hcv. Mr. ee
of tho friends church will officiate All
friends and members of the W. A. C.
are respectively invited to attend. Bur
ial will bo in I.O.F. cemetery.
This evening at Eaton Hall will be
held tho annual Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.
reception, which was to have been held
on tho evening of October 12, but tho
influenza prevented. Tho recvption is
for the students ,faculty and trustees
of the university.
Dr. Carl Gregg Doner will leave this
evening for Klamath Falls to join Dr.
M. C. Fimlley in a few days of recrea
tion in the way of fishing and hunt-
Walnut growing is sure to become one
of the great industries of the Willam
ette valley. This is the opinion ot ix
H. au Trump, county fruit inspector.
In making a fruit census of the county,
Mr. Van Trump found about 1200 acres
planted in English walnuts, ten . per
cent of which is yielding and paying
tho ownvrs big returns. Trees which
Sacred Heart Academy has exceeded
on old stock Mr. Van Trump found
were grafted about threo years ago
walnuts to the value vaeh of $25.00.
This year ninny trees yield 150 pounds
each which sold on the market at 30
c ents a pound. The walnut tract known
as the Diem orchard, located just south
west of Quinaby is ony of tho standard
bearing tracts in the county. . It is one
of the oldest, Mr. Van Trump say3, but
is ample evidence of what walnuts will
do in the valley.
Tn t.hfl TTTittftri War Work flamnatrrn.
Sacrod Heart AcauVmy has evceedodj
its quota by $7.20. The entire, subsenp
tionamounted to $202.20. Every boy
and girl in the school signed a pledge
and all now wear the Victory button
as evidence of patriotism. A parade
wps formed by the student body today,
marching around tlio school block car
rying banners to eelebruto the success,
of the drive in th school.
Household goods, harness, wagons, tools,
ranges, heaters, cookstoves, farm ma
chinery, etc. I pay cash or will sell
on commission from stock sales con
ducted nnywhore. Phono 010 or 511
Woodry, the Auctioneer. ,
Journal Want Ads Pa?
ft! .
--- 4
When the evenings are
cold and rainy and you
have nothing much to do
but knit for our soldier
boys and read.
will relieve eye strain
, and give you a world of
comfort and pie '.su.'3 in
the wearing.
DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
204-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
At buckle
The drama of the Steel Mills
V ' ':-5.:V 3
igh Theatre