Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 15, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"Asalaxatke, and for stomach trouble. Dr.
' Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a wonderful
remedy. I su ffered greatly from indigestion
and found relief after usvtg one bottle;
(From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by
Cecil Fitzgerald, 829 14th St. Parkersburg,
Constipation is a condition that should
never be neglected. The eliminative process
is an essential factor in digestion and on its
proper functioning depends the welfare of the
entire system. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
relieves constipation without griping or other
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere,
SOcts. $Z)$L00
Continued frov. page. no)
(Continued from page one)
Of the seven or eight contracting
firm i" the city, only one--C. Van
Jatton has taken out a membership for
the coming year.
Only one hospital it represented
that of the Deaconess, with the mem
bership In the name of T. B. Wcdol.
All druggist are members excepting
tiro. The shoe atores are represented by
O. B. Price and J. B. Littler. The Spa
is the only confectionery store with a
membership la the elnb, a.id sporting
goods are represented only by Hanger
Two barbers are Interested in the
city 'a welfare enough to take out club
Memberships P. J. Hiblor of 335 State
and J. L, Ingrey of 811 (State. Junk
dealers are represented bv W. Cohen
and Mai Solof. John Sumlin of 347
Htnte street is the only tailor in the
city with membership.
All of the larger institutions like
the Salem King's Products Co., H. S.
Gile & Co., Kay Woolen Mills, Spann
ing Logging Co., Salem Fruit Union
and other are supporters of the club.
Canneries are represented so far only
by Hunt Bros. Co. .
Among the larger busing houids in
general, the Commercial, club is sup
ported with several memberships to
each. All the banks have each taken
out plural memberships. The lawyers
are represented by 14 while the doc
tors number 27. Groceries to the num
ber of 13 are supporters.
Real estate firms, especially inter
ested in the building up and advertis
ing of the country around Salem are
represented by three D. D. Bocolof
sky, ,1. E. Scott and John H Scottt
While the membership pledged for
the coining year has not aw vet reach
ed the necessary 400, t is felt that a
number of firms who have not yet
taken out memberships have- either
been Overlooked in this membership
campaign or will decide later to asso
ciate themselves with the club.
The Belgians are in possession' of Ant
werp today, according to reports re
ceived here.
The dispatch does not indicate wheth
er Belgian troops occupied the eity, or
whether the Germane bad evacuated
and Belgian civilians resumed charge
of the city's administration.
Antwerp is the chief seaport of Bel
gium. It is located on the Sohedlt riv
er, 22 mile north of Brussels and is
25 miles from the nearest point in the
Belgian line, as established at the
close, of hostilities.
Races Cancelled
Amsterdam. Nov. 15. Evacuation of
Belgium Is expected to be completed
By the end of the week.
Antwerp is said to be In control of
the workmen's and soldiers' adminis
tration. Food conditions in Berlin are
reported to be bad, in information sent
out by the German. The distribution
of meat is said to have been stopped.
The horse race at Karlshorst have
been cancelled. Officials of the course
recently have feared to traverse Unter
De n Linden in automobiles with the
gate receipts, through danger of being
A Frankfort dispatch says the Grand
Duke ,of Saxe-Weimar has announced
his willingness to abdicate, providing
the safety of himself and his ianiily is
TJ. S. Airman Landed
Copenhagen, Nov. 14. An American
airman landed in Cologne yesterday, it
was reported here today.
Cologne, the northernmost of tbe inv
portant Rhine crossings to be held by
the allies, ia 38 miles from the nearest
point on the Dutch border and 123
miles from the nearest point of the al
lied lines as established at 11 a. m.
November 11.
Do Not Get Careless
With Your Blood Supply
Continued from page one)
representation on the mixed armistice
commission which, is to supervise ful
fillmcnt of the srmistiee terms.
Rhoades to Represent France.
Now York, Nov. 13. ill:13 a. m.)
General Khoatle. will represent France
on the inter allied armistice commission
which will leave for German head
quarters at Spa Saturday, a French
wireless dispatch stated today.
L YEAR OF 1925
Irripttdtles Invite Disease.
Vou should" pay particular bead to
ny Indication that your blood supply
in becoming sluggish, or that tbere is
lessening in its atzonff and vital
By keeping your blood purified,
four system more easily wards off
disease that ia ever present, waiting
te attack wherever tbere is an open
ing. A few bottles of 8. S. S. the
great vegetable blood medicine, will
revitalize your blood and give you
new strength and a healthy, vigorous
vitality. Everyone needs it just now
to keep the system in perfect condi
tion. Go to your drug store and get
bottle to-day, and if you need any
medical advice, yon can obtain it
without cost by .writing to Medical
Director, Swift Cpeclfle Co., 25 Swifl
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
SPRINGTEX is the underwear
with a million little springs in its
fabric which "give and take"
with every movement of the
body, and preterve the shape of
the garment despite long wear
and hard washings.
It it the year -around underwear, light,
medium or heavy weight, at you like.
"Remember to Buy It
Ym'U Forget You Have It Oa"
Ath Ymmr Dtaltr
tales Booth 150 frsrtwiy, Ntv York
r " W 4 i J
r i
Treasury Expended Eighteen
Biliion Dollars This Fiscal
Washington, Nov. 15. America will
be paying war taxes until 1925.
Treasury plans as outlined today
snow that the heavy Burden of taxa
tion must eontiirtio for at least six
years more. The end of actur.l fighting
has cut the 1918 cost by $6,000,000,000
secretary AicAdoo aunounced, but im'
mediate war expenses will continue to
come. It d for these that the nation
will have to provide fund?, according
tO Ottll'lllln.
Facing the treasury for the present
fiscal year were expenditures of 18,-
000,000,000; for the fiscal year ending
.une, jvzv, $a,uuu,uuu,uuo and ror tno
next four years the government ex
penses will range around $3,000,000,'
After January 1, 1923, expenditures
should settle down to approximately
$2,00,000,000 a year, officials estimat
ed. This figure, however, will depend
somewhat en amortization plans de
veloped to pay off the gret.t bond is
sues which mature after 1980.
During the next year, the govern
ment will be liquidating contractual
obligations incident to t ho war. In ad
dition,' it must meet the expenses of
Tower's Fish Brand, Army Standard, Olive
Drab Short Slicker Coats
Slicker Pants, Same Color
and Price
Tower's highest grade
Dreadnaught Slickers, full
ankle length, black ..$8.50
1 f)
0. ae
- .-?".
The following plan pursued by the
Bed ' Cross chapter of Moscow, Idaho,
cannot fail to be of suggestive inter
est to worn a workers. Quoting from a
Moscow paper: '
"Section B men will soon be outfit
ted with uniforms. Shoes and nonchos
nave already been issued to the men
and the balance of the equipment will
oe issued later in the week. Bed Cross
sweaters were issued Friday and Sat
urday. These were knit by the women
of Caldwell chapter of the Bed Cross
sociexy and ny tne women ol tne oa-lent-
(Oregon) ebapter."
The only drawback ia the business
of handling the Xnias cartons for the
Salem men overseas, which is now in
fun swing at the Bed (.toss booth a
the Portland Railway Light and Power
offices, seems to be in the delay ex
perieneed by the relatives in receiving
their labels from the soldiers in France
entitling them to their respective car
tons for the sending of Christmas
gifts abroad. So far an 'exchange of
cartons 'for labels has been made at
the booth to the number of 117, which
means at present thero are that many
cartons in tho process of being pack
ed throughout the city among the vari
ous friends and relatives of the Salem
all of which boxes mvst be turn
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
ed into headquarters by November 20
Thirty five cartons have a7ready.been
packed and handed in to the commit
tee in charge of the shipment of Xoias
Mrs. M. J. Crcighton and daughter,
Miss Mabel Croighton of Portland are
spending a few weeks in Palem with
Mrs. Creighton's daughter, Mrs. W. Al
Miss Alice Fields, who has been
spending the past month in Salem while
the Portland -schools have been closed,
expects to return to Portland tomor
row. Mise Fields is an instructor in
the Bose City Park high school and
will resume her duties Monday, when
in accordance with present expecta
tions the schools are re-opened. Miss
Fields has been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fields, during her
stay in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cav'eton were
dinner hosts last evening in honor of
Dr. H. G. Shelton of Eugene, who was
a Salem visitor,. at their residence, 1040
Union street. Superintendent and Mrs.
John Todd were bidden additionally
as dinner guests.
Those who enjoyed the pageant of
all nations which was presented at the
state, fair this year, will note with
pleasure that it is to be given again at
Portland Sunday night, during the pre
sentation of the film, "Crashing thru
to Berlin," or "Why the Allies Won,"
at the Star tkater under tho auspices
of the National League for Woman's
service. The film will be shown one
week and Monday evening has been set
aside as a gala night, when a special
program of music and patriotic fea
tures will be given in c6nnection with
the film. A number of society lorn
have taken boxes for the occasion.
Miss Litha Packingham, who ass
been the guest of her sister, Miss Anne
Packingham, for A number of weeks,
will leave the end of the week, for
Kelso, Washington, wnere she teaches
In the Kelso high school. The schools of
that vicinity Will open on Monday, af
ter being closed during the influenza
outbreak. .
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
society of the First Methodist church
held its regular meeting Wednesday
afternoon at Ep worth hall. The yearly
reports were given and Mrs. C. J.
Lisle read the lesson for the day.
Miss Mildred Taylor has returned
homo after a month s visit in eastern
Oregon, where he has boen visiting
her sister, Mrs. B. a. Webb TAmeha
Taylor.) Mrs, Webb accompanied her
sister to Salem and will remain- on a
few week's visit.
Use The Old-Tine Sage Tea
And Sclphcr And Nobody
' WiflKnow.
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can only be hid by brew
ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul
phur. Your hair is your, charm. It
makes of mars the faee. When it
fades, turn gray, or streaked, just an
application or two of Sage and Sul
phur enhances its appearance a nun
dred fold. -
Don't bother to prepare the mixture
you can get thin famous eld reeipe im
proved by the addition of other ingre
dients at a small cost, all readv for
use. ii is caueu wyetn'B aae and Sul
phur Compound. This can always be de
pended upon to bring back the natur
al color and lustre to your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's Sage and
auipnur compound now because it
darkens so naturally and evenly that
nobody can tell it has been applied.
You somply dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
the hair, taking one smalt strand at a
time; by morning the gray hair has
disappeared, and after another appli
cation it becomes beautifully dark and
appears glossy and lustrous. This ready
to use preparation is a delightful toi
let requisite for those who desire dark
hair and a youthful appearance. It is
not intended for the eure, mitigation
or prevention- or disease.
Men's two-piece Coat and trousers corduroy suits
of excellent quality and high grade tailoring in good
shades of brown. By all odds the best values in utility
clothes today.
The diet during and after influenza.
Horlick's Malted Milk, nourishing, digestible.
nterest on loans and expanded gov
After that tjm government expens
es will consist of the bond interest
payment, a steadily increased expense
resulting from war risk insurance pay
ments and many governmental activit
ies caused by the re-construction program.
(Capital Journal Special Serviee.)
Silvcrton, Nov. 15. Demps Hutton
baR returned from South Dakota, whfru
he has been visiting his brother Har-len.
Miss Flossie Conibear, who is attend
ing school at Salem, left for that eity
Saturday evening.
Lloyd Fry went to Portland Saturday.
M. M. Snyre has made arrangements
to handle the Daily Capita) Journal at
his stand on Mam street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lupr0 and family have
moved to Portland. Mr. Lupro was
formerly an employee in ene of tho
mills here.
Mr. Coninbear, who holds a position
with tbe United States government at
Toledo, returned to his home in this
city Saturday. He returned to Toledo
the for part of this wees.
William Skoog rame up from Port
land Sunday, where he is employed,
returning Tuesday. ,
.Miss Anna Sebo left for Portland
Sunday where she has a good position
offered htr. Miss Sebo ia a ver com-
uetent clerk and served the public over
the counters of the J. lford and Co.
store fo several years.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Alien, Miss Fsve
Allea and Miss Neva Conrad motored
to Salem Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samnel Towsend have
moved into the Saumter house west ot
tbe university building.
Before applying powdergive your
skin a protecting coat of
Motor Cream '
Shields skin against wind and weather.
Prevents tan and sunburn. Keeps akin soft
andyetvety. Ilhnlntc9 cause of moat com
pJexio defects. Absolutely essential to
proper care of facial beauty. Try it.
135 N. High St.
J. E. Hosiner visited in Salem on
Miss Mary Bobinson of North Watu
street ia reported very ill. .-
News has reached Rilverton of the
death of both Mr, and Mrs. Walter
Gray of Crane, Or. Mr. Gray, until
tares weeks ago was employed in one
of the Silverton saw mills. They leave
a baby girl.
Mis tva Coohdee visited in Salem
Jtarl Adams returned Tuesday even
ing from Eugene, where ho has been ai-
tending the officers' training school.
Gladys Vikan and Miss Hicks visited
in Salem Tuesday.
Air. and Mrs. Nels Largsev's hub.
girl was quite badly hurt Monday dur
ing the parade at the peace celebration,
when she fell from a moving automo
bile head first on to the hard paveiui.ut.
Itev. tienner was in Salem Tuesday.
W. Culver of Sakm was in the cily
Mrs. Effie Smith returned from
Washington Sunday evening, whorj sue
was called on account of the illness of
her mother, Mrs. Keeton.
Norton t'owden received a cull Mon
day to report for duty in the Idaho dis
trict where he registered, but the
draft being culled uff on account Of
the signing of the armistice, he is etin
numbered among the Silveitonians.
City Health Officer Dr. P. A. Loar
reported eleven new cases of influenza
in Silvrton Tuesdav.
NOW Is The Best Time '
To come in and select your winter garments. Never
was there a more opportune time to fill your winter
apparel needs. Never were assortments more com
plete and comprehensive: never were there greater
I opportunities-for gratifying individual testes in se-
i t-: nr. j " x i i. - . iL.i j.
lecuun. vve uu iiul iies-iuue tu say uiau our present,
showings eclipse previous efforts; that garments of
such grace and beauty, combined with practicability
and serviceability are seldom to be found at one time
and at one place. s "
Not the least important is the fact that it is
now the best time to buy from the viewpoint
of economy The prices are sure to be pleas
ing. . i ;
COATS PRICED FROM $14.75 to $65.00
SUITS PRICED FROM $16.48 TO $65.00
U. G. Shipley Co.
Deputies Urge Punishment Of
Those Responsible For
Cruelties Of War.
Paris, Nov. 15. Three deputies to
day served notice they will move that
the allied governments open legal pro
ceeding -against . those jcespvnpible- for
the war, through establishment of a
tribunal composed1 of representatives
of jill the countries which nave snifter
ed from the machinations of these men.
They declared in a memorandum that
even if Holland should refuse extra
dition, "the fact that the kaiser, tbe
crown prince and their advisers bad
been condemned by snch a tribunal
would place them in such a position
that their only refuge would be death "
It is now expected that the pence
conference will - be held in Versailles
early in 1919. Foreign Secretary Bal
four and Foreign Minister Sonnino al
ready have arrived here. Premier Lloyd
George and Premier Orlundo are ex
pected soon. Colonel Houso is working
Baby Coming To
Tot Home?
Tb Wonderful Event Tint Will Bring
Muck dadoes. ;
Are yoa looking forward, dear prospective
nxither, to the wonderful, glorious tisiB
whea you shall bold In your arms tbe littler
mile, which Is of your flesh and blood,
with feelinn of mlsrlvuigf
Now is tbe tlm tl eet In mnitltlnn In,
Y meet tbe crisis, and ttiree fenerations of
wimicn iibto xouna 111 ine iime-nonorea
preparation, Mother's Friend, a grateful,
penetrating remedy to prepare their system
withstand the shock. vua.m. -.-.. -
The action ef this famous remedy is to
relieve tension on drawn nerves, cords, ten-
dons (nd ligaments, to relieve strain and .
discomforts, aucb as naiuca, nerroutoesfr;
hetring-down and atretcblng pains. By
regular use during: the period the muscle
expand easily when baby la born; pain
and danger at the crisis Is naturally lem
and the nours are fewer. Da not neglect
the use of Mother's Friend. It is for ex
ternal application only, Is absolutely sate
ssd wonderfully effective.
Write the Bradfteld Regulator Company,
flept K Lamar Building, Atlanta, Georgia,
for their Molherliood Book, and obtain a
bottle of Mother's Friend from the drug -store.
It l Jut as standard as anything
you can think of.
Washington, Nov. 15. No more can
didates will be admitted to central of
ficers' training schools, the war de
partment announced today. Candidates
now in attendance at these echools will
be allowel to complete the course, or
may be discharged from the army at
any time at their option.
candidates wno gueeessiuny compiere
tbe course will be commissioned in the
reserve corps and placed on the iliact-
ve list.
Paris, Nov. .15. Four hundred and)
twenty thousand Preneh wS prisoners!
luciuuing inose interned m neutrat
countries, will be repatriated, it jwa
officially announced today.
6rt 1rte 6enun(fYr
and Avoid?L7fW
JSiPTrTcvery Cake
is best treated by a vegetable remedy;
that gently drives Out the poisonous
waste that lodges in the lower bowel.-
is sure and acts without discomfort.
Uso it for sick headache, colds and
feverish condition. Same old remedy in
the same old box.
.Ranks with Yanks
(Beat Com PtaKM)
Beat the
-Our Guarantee-
Your grocer will refund
the full price you paid
for 1MB d&ju if it does
not please your taste, no
matter how much you
have used out of the can
You caxilmy
Ash your grocer