PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918. "Suicide by Inches" THOUSANDS of people commit suicide by inches! . . . v. If one should take minute daily) doses of some irritant or poisonous drug, no particular effect might bej noticed until accumulation of the poi-.f son made its action evident. if Yet how many realize that irritant and poisonous substances are formed constantly, even in health, during food digestion and the preparation of its waste for elimination? If the bowels act regularly and thor ugh!, such dangerou matter i safcly gotten rid of. But if constipation exists, there results stagnation of intestinal waste, increased production of poisonous substances, and their absorption in to the blood, which carries them all over the body. The result is disease or disorder, which, if neglected or allowed to continue, cripples or kills. The victim of such lelf-poison-ing commits suicide by inches. Constipation is a bad habit It is t sin against the body. But there is an even worse habit, a crime against Nature, the taking of pills, castor oil, laxative mineral waters, and salts to "force the bow els to move." Because such drugs do not cure constipation. They make constipation a habit. They do not prevent "suicide by inche's." On the other hand, the . Nujol Treatment not only overcomes con stipation, but prevents stagnation an 1 makes self-poisoninz impossible. Nujol is not a drug, does'not set like any drug ; it is absolutely harmle s. Nujol helps Nature re-establish ea y, daily, thorough, bowel evacuati n. Wnrm'vif NUJ0L " M tr timing, oniy in lealed bot tles bearing the Nujol TraJe Mark. Insist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OILCO.(NEWJERSEY) 50 Broadway, New York r Regular as iiiiiasiu: -mv) II MSB ;i i, j r I'tJf J- Clockwork WILL HOHENZOLLERN TRY TO MOUNT THRONE! OFjGERMANY AGAIH?! War Expert Says Revolution Has Appearance Of Being Pre-Pkumed. Additional Expenses During Recent Campaign' By J. W. T. Mason. (United Press W Ernert 1 1 W Y.irt Vrtw 11 Tl : . 1 - -i i... xut-itr 13 ueep danger that Hohenzollern will try to! j mount the throne of Germany again if jthe delegates to the iwace eouferenee1 .sueceed in disturbing the harmonr of! the allies, or sow discord between' .Anicriea and the world's other tlemoc i j raeies. I ' The German revolution shows cvi-i dence of having been too carefully or-1 ganized in too short a time for it to bej j accepted at its own vaiue. j sHohenzollcrn's self imposed exile has .taken him into the nearest neutral' country from which he could mako a! ;quieit return if conditions warranted a j duplication of Xnpoleon's escape from' lElba. A true devolution should how' jfar more exuberance and a far greater j spirit of rejoicing over the winning of! i'"11" nas yet Deen uemonatrat- ted in Germany. 'When a nation hn. tioon ormi.nH ;. j medievalism as Germany has been, a' ;Crtain amount of inefficiency is inevit-' jnlile before the true voad to liberty is1 jiua-.d. Germany has not yet passed' j through a transition period. There is! n indication that new machine at the government i3 being used, although' new names' are renlaciim the old min listers. ' If the revolution had been carefully planned long in advance by German) I efficiency experts, as a final piece of organization to save the old autocratic (spirit of the fatherland, it would not have been arranged any differently ' I than it has been. " i A revolution that pi rmi .? a prince to return to the lead of its jarniy after renouncing the light of sue ! cession, is not a revolution to be trust-' ed. A revolution that retains in office ' H the autocratic army commanders! ,fioiu Von Hindenburg down, is not a' I revolution t0 carry conviction. A rev-' , idution that allows its former emperor' tr) cross to a neutral boundary whence' he can conveniently return after peace! : im oecn signed is a revolution to be held under surveillance. I Hohenzoll n '9 surrender should be ; demanded or' Holland by , Alneriea and the allies under the law of extradition, i After sentence of guilty of world mur der has been imposed on him, he should be imprisoned for life. Execution i would be too lenient. It would fix the ' j conditions of the case if Great Britain wouiu ccuo im. tteieua to tlie league of Expenditures of $?r-atnr Chirles L. Mi Nacy dving th? recent election cam paign amounted to Si-eording to the statement he fled today with the secretary of stat v In his campaign for state treasurer, 0. V. Hr-.f eri.-nt $5d.3t, according to bis -statement. . Other expense statements Wire filed to-lay as follor, s: Alfred P. Dobsou, circuit judge, 4th dixtriet, Icpt. So. 4. dmotrntie, nil. Fred V. Wilson, circuit judge, 7th distiict, republu.-an-demoeratic, nil. Walter A. Diniiek, state senator, 12th district, r pub!i-an-demo;ratic, nil. S. A. Hughes, representative, 1st dis trict, republican democratic, $2j. Charles A. Bra'nd, representative, th ditrii-t, republican, nil. J. E. Standard, representative, 6'.k distiict. republican-democratic, 3c. W. P. Lafferty, representative, 10th district, republican, ni1. B. X Hurd, representative, 19th dis trict, republican.denioeratic, nil. Alice M. McXaught, representative, ISth district, democratic, $,"3.24. I'. H. Sternberg, representative, ISth district, socialist, nil. E. h. Ballagii, representative, Oth district, republican,' $11. Salem Man Writes Words Cf Dashing Patriotic Song A new patriotic song is now being presented for pul lie approval, entitled "We'll All Cheer the Flag." The song is of special interest to Salem people as the words are br Albert E. Gebhardt, examiner in the corporation deport ment at the state house. The music is by the Portland musician and band leader, Dudley Huntington Me.i.'osh. The song is published bv Mr. Geb hardt. . : ( Although hundreds of patriotic songs have been recently published, "We'll All Cheer the Flag" bids fair to n.eet with the patriotic spirit of those- who enjoy rousing songs, as it is bv far above the average that has been offered for public approval. The cho rus has the proper dashing' military swing and the words are really worth while. . They tell a stoiy of patriotism aud this i3 a lot more than can be said of the average patriotic song offered to the public. nations for a prison for the former kniser. Thereafter St. Helena would serve as a perpetual place of incarcera- Shoes and Not Shoes We sell you shoes of Standard Makes, such as Keith Konquerer, Buckingham & Hecht and J. Tilt. The names which stand for Quality only during the last fifty years, and not shoes the kind you .know are made for special sales. We do not want anyone to take a chance or even our word; as every shoe dealer claims his shoes are the best. But ask one of our Customers. He will tell you what kind of shoes Paris Shoe Shop carry. Do you insist that your shoe man give you the same kind of shoe you bought the last time?that's the way our .customers buy their shoes. REMEMBER! That whenVou deal with us you deal with a shoe maker and not a SHOE MAN. Anybody can be a shoe man, but it takes a life time to become a shoe maker, the kind we know. BEWARE! Don't trust your feet to everybody. Your feet is your lifetake no chances. For Style, Quality and Perfect fit go to Paris. Contribute to Allied War Fund AMERICANS MARCH Continued from pagt 0nc) ' 1 withdrew. tion for high offenders world s pence. against the - Clown Prince Writes the Kaiser j 'i Per Hun, Rj.rim civ in France, Aug. nut 30 times. J'ciir I'apa: 1 nut wriding on der run, iin tier pravo uud gUiriotift Hoidiet's under initio gmnnmnd haf not seen der Khino fur o long (ley have started buck dut , v.iy, und of course I am going niit. Oh, pupa, dere bass been some oft'e! (Hugs happening hi e iu France. '"First, I sdurded in niy bi otfen ivc which vs to g'lish der fooi Ameii en ns, but dey know so little npout mill 4nry tietnes dey viU not be, griished, cliunt like a vanted "cm. I sent my men til der fight In big vnfes, nnd ven dey ?ot to der Americans dey all Mild: linn! us Joud as dey could holler. Veil, ag fording to vat you haf always, toldt me, der Americana should Imf turned tml run like plnzes. But vnt do you fink I Deni fool Americnns don't know anything about var, mid instead of running dey oder vay( de.y eonio right toward us. Home of dem vas singing pome dings like 've won't go pack till jt'a ofer, tifor dere,' or xome oder fool gong, und some of dem ver luffing like fools. "Dey are so ignorant. bn dey aie si) ofel reckless niit i!ere guns, und ven ili-y eome toward us it vns d 'n that my men took a notion dey vanted to go buck to der old Kl ine. Ve din'd like red little old dirty Mnrne river, any linw. I' ml, oh, pnu, den- Americans w.e such ofel Lilian ich. Diy know notting of cull ure und any such ofel rimgs right befor us. Und talk blas ji'ienny, too. Van yon dink thov trcid ijb in front of my fneef One big husky from a place dey call Oklahoma, he said Oh, pupa, I bate to fell you vat all ofel dingt he said 'To hell niit dor kaiser! Did you efer :-ap anything so ofelt 1 didn't stand und hear such a ofel dinfcs, so I tinned j round mil run mit der odors boys. Vas I right Vns I, Und, Om, papa, you know dem breast plates vat you sent us can you sent us some lo put on lour backs, You know ve are going der oder vny now, mid breast plate are no good for dor coward Americans nr shooting us right in der backs. Some of der poys took dere breast plates off und put dem on behind, but der fool Americans are lny tag 'Der Star Hpnngled runner' tmt machine gnu on dem breast plates. Uuu't you help us' You remember in your speech you wild that nodding could standt before der pravo Uherman sol diciH. Oh, papa, I don'd believe dir ignorant Americans efer read your speech, for dey run after us chust like vo vas a lot of rabbits. Vat you dink of datF Can't you sent dem some of your (.pecdics right avayf Dey don'd know how terrible ve are. Can't you move my army back to K', vere ve von all our glory ? My iren can vip all der vimmins und children vat dem Belchiums can pring tin. L But dose Americans are made dem underhand! dut ve are der so rough I und ignorant. ' Ve cuii t greatest soldiers onearth, und ven ve try to sing 'Dcutchland U bin- Allies' dey luff like a lot of mou key. But v lire getting der pest of ler Americans. Ve can oudtiuu dim, papa, if we are not der pent fighters on earth e are der pest runners. Nobody can keep up mit us von vo tink of del old It lii lie, uud my army nefer did tink so itm.-h of dat dear old river as right now. Let me know light away by return pistuffrsW t'HOW.V TRINC'E V1LL1E. . . Kaiser Writes to Clown Prince Oh, these common people is so igno rant! Now, Willie, I want you to be caieful. Remember, you ia to be the kaiser of (iermany and the whole woild, maybe if dem Americans become educated enough, but, Willie, I is so discouraged nliout dem. I don't belief dey can 1.6 educated. Hut anyhow, you be careful. Keiuember dat those ignorant Ameri cans might shoot you iu the back. 1 sin sending you your breast plates at once, quick. Y'es, I am sending you two breast plates. Maybe you had bettor wear dem both on your back. Encourago your men all yoi. p-i, 'Wil lie. Tell dem to fight hard and if dey don't get kilt and if dey rapture me a live American I will give thein an Iron cross, maybe. I tun sorry dat I did not train yn fo I run foot races wi-cu I trained you to be a soldier. But I didn't think you would ever need to know dat. I I is keeping the Khine in good shape for you. JT is so beautiful. I fear those ignorai.e American will cut down some of thf beautiful trees along it, and "oh, Williel that would break my heart. I think I will give dem Americnns another chance for peace and if dey don't take it we will retreat back to the beautiful Rhine. . Those ignoinnt Americans! I j, so discouraged with dem. If dey don't accept my peace offer we will have a strategic retreat. I is very sorry dat those Americans use such bad language. How ignorant dey is! Just to think, dat beg Misouriaii wanted me to go to hell when he knows well enniirh thai I nnd liott is partners and I will go to neien. I wouldn't haf anything to do with aucn people. . Now, son. I must close. Dim 't foro..i to use vour breait nlates on thp i.ihnr side and make your men be real bravo our mayue you nad better come back to Berlin until the strategic retreat is over. Then we can blame it on someone else. Your loving father, WIUIELM, GERMANY MAKING Continued from page out) The Journal Jot, Department will print you anything in the stationery line do it right and save you real motiey. district a-lrcady has been evac iated. As the evacuated towns and villages in AIsace-Lorjaine are taken over, the German civil ndminis; iations are re placed by French officials. Re-cccupa-tion of the restore, provinces will be carried out precisely the same as that f northern France, as it is considered that Abaee-Lorraine has benn occupied by the enemy forty eight years' instead of four years. American troops ajv cooperating with the French in the work of rei artiation The Germans have officially complain ed of the hostile attitude' of the in habitants of Alsace-Lorraine as they i 0' is only ten miles fiom tho al- liert lines, as they were at the close of hostilities. Metz is 12 miles, anil '. Strassburj 30 miles from the lines. Officer to Chimay I London. Nov. 14.-Fren'h military officials have asked the Gc:man Sev : enth army to send an officer to Chi ' may at 2 o'clock this afternoon to ar- range handing over of that ariny'8 (guns and material, it was announced in ja wireless dispatch from Faris. , Chimay is in Belgium, 14 miies norta : cast of Hirson and only six n'.iles from i the allied lines as established on Nov. ill.'- :''.- ' MmtttHttHttMHHt MMMMMMMMtMM vVOOLWORTH HOLIDAY OPENING HAIFA Saturday, November 16th 1 1 CALLING YOUR ATTENTION TO THE GOVERNMENT REQUEST TO DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY r MANY TTSEFTTT. ANn rVFYPPxreivi? v CURED AT VVOOLWORTH'S Tho followiag letter w written by a Bciota girl in reply to the recent let ter published in a Kansa paper, writ ion, by Crowa I'riace Willi to his papa, the kaiser; Bomewher in Germany, Here, Thoro tind Everywhere, Night "d Dry A'.l ti Time Dear Son Willies Koeeived your very pleasiagr letter dated 'All the time." '. Now, aoa, I am veryorry dat dem American are no ignorant and unman jierly. Wo didn't built thbj great war iitthIo of our to eoii(uer ue!i Igo mnt reotde with, ,'f thought the World vas better civiliuml or I would never ben in America bat supposed dat dey! pre vet enough educated to know dat I and liott and Oermany were going to, rule the whole world. It may be dat' if dey don't become better educated' quick at once dat we will haf to give up liiia war for conquest and go to fighting for defense. Ye, Willie, I haf jut about already decided this. There' no use-trying to conquer people that, are too ignorant to know dat we ean: whip dem. j I haf already told my people, my on,! fene but dey y dey can t understand 1 'wfcy we i in Franco a fighting if wej ..I l.J I. I A m ' "e siHmcn, uot 10 America, as an intercessor, but t0 all the victims or Herman Iwt and cruelty. It the Herlin government receives eneouiage inent ia its plan t0 ignore Europe and deal as exclusively a possible with the United rltates, HoheniolUrn in his Iuteh waiting place will grin with sar donic satisfaction. The most difficult work of a coalition is not making war, but niakiug peace. Many a bcatvn na tion liiui saved itself by disrupting coalitions at the peace conference. The stnkc is too large for Germauy to neg leet any gambler' device that hold a similar possibility of success now. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY I CHRISTIVIAS RIBBONS . Beautiful Patterns in all widths BEST QUALITY BEST PRICES HOLLY BOXES" All Sizes One for Your Every Need 5 c, 10o 15c , A Complete Assortment of Toys, Books, Gaines, Tree Toys and Decorations, Christmas Cards and Booklets, Stationery, Crochet Cottons - And Threads, Hosiery, Notions And Novelties. A FEW OF THE SPECIALS OFFERED FOR OUR HOLIDAY OPENING SALE. Carnation Milk, tall ifjc Campbell's Pojrk and Beans, 17-oz. can '. ... .15c Hershey's coco, 1-2-lb. can .15c Underwood Sardines, can 15c Crystal White Soap, bar ". 5c Palmolive Soap, bar lOc Fancy Ribbon, Wjde, yard 15C Ladies Best Hose, pair .v,Vj ... ... 10c Bixby's Shoe Polish . ' 10c Toilet Paper- 10c roll, 2 f or ." . . . 15c WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR ADDITIONAL SPEC IALS AND TIME OF SALE OF THESE ITEMS n n 1 Handkerchiefs, Hundreds of kinds for Men, Ladies and Children, Plain and Fancy .5c, 10c and 15c You will find a large assortment of useful guaran teed items in our Jewelry Department. None over 15c DELICIOUS CANDIES Fresh and Clean Hand Made Chocolates "As Good as the Best" . : We Still Uphold cur Policy of Bigger and Better Values Than E?er REMBIBER WOOLWORTffS-For Ecornnv I liUimiXU UfJUlldC I F. W. Woolworth Co. 5c- 10c-15c Store I 425-427 State Street SalPm;n,M g J vgwn 11 x liaf afar'ed uch a war. I nefer oaf i tightinjr dat kind of a ivar. I A.