Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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' '
Bae per "word, New Today:
aeh. insertion .
One week (8 insertions) '.
One month (6 insertions) -
. 5a
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more thatt one Insertion,
for-TT0rs in Classified Advertisement
Kead jour advertisement' tie first day
it appear and notify as immediately u
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15.
POTATOES for sale. Phone 80F11. tf
POTATOES for sale, aiivercd.
WAN TED Job driving Ford delivery
car. Prone 15S."tt. ll-la
1913 MODEL Bniseoe for sale. See ear
at Capital garage. . - 11-16
WANTED Team for
km Kt. 6, box 93.
work. 8a-11.19
FOR SALE 3 h. p. gas engine, 25.
1360 N. Front St. . 11-15
WACONDA hog sale (aU week), ready
to fatten. E, M. Finney. 11-14
FOB SALE One Jersey cow at 2695
Hazel ave. 11-15
The Korthfork Irrigation district," in
Bakur county, has made application to
the state engineer for permit to store
water on the north fork of Burnt river,
near Whitney, for the purpose of Jni
gating 4,000 or 5,000 acres of land in
the viciniy of Audrey and Hereford.
The -state highway department today
received from the eapital issues com
mittee permit to sell $590,000 of high
way bonds from the $6,000,000 bond is
sue. The bonds will be advertised for
sale in the near future, and the money
received for them will be used iu pav
ing various pieces of highway to b se
lected by tho highway commission.
LOST Monday a tan kid glove. Leave
at Journal office. 11-li
WANTED To rent farm 500 to 700
acres, on shares. Address J Q care
FOB RENT Furnished
Phone 2092R.
FOR SALE Or let on shares, 20 well
bred goats. Phone 1576J. 11-16
FOR SALE One force pump, almost
new. Room 304 Hubbard bldg. tf
FOR SALE10 pigs 9 weeks old, $6.50
each or $55 for all. Phone 69F21
pigs, 1'hcne 36F3. '
brood sows with
100 ACRES of improved Poik Co. land
at a bargain. E. N. Keeney, Rt. 1,
Dallas. 11-20
WANTED Man or woman with vacu
um cleaner to clean rugs. Call at 310
Bellevue, corner Commercial. 11-14
"WANTEDA girl, no cooking. 461 N.
High. Phone 1627. ' - 1.1-16
FOR SALE Horses and hjrness, wt.
'.2800 age 8; price $273. 2645 Port
land road. 11-18
FOR SALE Jersey cow, will be fresh
m January. 715 S. 12th. 11-la
ROOM modern flat furnished, garage
if desired. Phone 1737 W. 11-16
WANTED To exchange 69 acres of
land in Gladwin county, Mich., for
Salem property. 840 N. Cottage. 11-14
HIGH school girl wishes place to work
tor board and room, nonc oo.ro.
TWO 1400 lb. horses with harness for
sale. 1, $50; 1 $100; good animals.
Skyline Orchards, Rt. 3. 11-15
WANTED A girl for general house
work. Mrs. Clifford Brown, 578 State
St. Phone 627. 11-15
Clareuc Phillips, formerly a Marion
county teacher and reeentlv discharged
from the teaching force at weaverton,
will be given a trial before J. A.
Churchill superintendent of public in
struction, at 2 p. m., .November s
Charires of immorality have been pre
ferred against him by County Superin
tendent N. A. Frost of Washington
county, who demands that Phillips'
certificate t0 teach be revoked.
Justice Conrad P. Olson of the Ore
gon supreme court, is ill today with
Spanish influenza at his apartments.
Ho was taken sick yesterday. Dr. O. B.
Miles, who is attending him, says Jus
tice Olson's condition is not serious.
train taking him from camp. Although
the fall hurt him severely, he made a
break for liberty, but was finally
obliged to throw up his hands when
German bullets spattered close. When
retakon, ho was clubbed and beaten.
George Creel Issues State
ment Regarding Censor
Regulations. Washington, Nov. 14. George Creel,
chairman of the committee on public
information, today issued the following
statement regarding censorship regula
"It has been agreed that there is no
further necessity for the - operation of
the volunteer censorship under which
the press has guarded from the enemy
the military policies, plans and troop
movements of the Cnited States. The
agreement may be considered as no
longer binding and the card carrying
the request of the government is here
with cancelled. The secretary of war
and the secretary of the navy and all
others eonneeted with the direction of
America's war effort join in sincere
acknowledgement of the debt of gitni-
tude owing t0 the press of the United
States for the honorable discharge of a
responsibility. Without force of law
and under no larger compulsion than
their own patriotism, the overwhelming
majority of newspapers have given un
faltering obedience t0 every desire of
the government in all matters of mili
tary secrecy, carrying through success
fully a tremendous experiment "in
trust." "
: . ,
Cczrt House News
Grace Alice Brandt has filed suit for
a diverge from- Otto. Conrad . Brandt.
She alleges they Were married in 1909
in Calgary; that they have no children
and that while living in Canada, he
abandoned her in 1915. '
- Georget F. Palas was granted a dl
voree yesterday from Bertha Palas. Hu
alleges that she deserte hinv Septem
wt 13, 1917. The decree previdesthat
she shall have no interest or claim to
his real estate or property. .
David Rowland, living out towards
Silverton, has filed suit in tho circuit
court against B. E. Qtjen and Earl
Wood for $200 and $50 attorney' fees.
He alleges that he entered into a con
tract with Otjcn to pile iSO cords of
wood at the rate of $2.50 a cord. The
wood was to be placed on the Earl
Wood farm. That he did pile the wood
and that for his service he hag. re
ceived only $125.00. He asks the court
for the $200 he alleges ig due him and
enough extra to pay a"u attorney.
Journal Wast Ads Pay
LOST Yellow and white female Scotch
Collie, quite old. Notify 260 N. 24th
St., Salem. 11-14
washing Monday
to to do
TWO and three room furnished apart
ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203.
FOR SALE Dressed beef by
Phone 1671 W.
the .
POTATO saicks for sale, 10c each,
while they last. Chtford W. BroWn.
Phone 115. ' 11-18
FOR SALE Cow and calf,
or call at 1640 Hall St.
Phone 616
DDL. W. P. WRIGHT, iae auctioneer.
- Turner, Oregon. Phons 69, tf.
FOR SALE Two thoro bred Duroe
Jersey brood sows, one with pigs.
Gorden'E. Tower, Rt. 5, Salem, Or.
FOR SALE! Fresh cow; two months
old pigs. Phone 45F22. 11-11
WANTED To buy soup beans. Phone
483.: ' ' ., r... . ' ; tf
SMALL family wants 5 or 6 room,
modern residence in goon location.
Best references, permanent. Box 22,
Salem, Or. 11-14
WANTED To buy 'ibe-ef-.
calves. Phone 1576W. ,;;
cattle -n&
WANTED By gentlomen, room and
bath close in, private family. Ad
" drees P Q care Journal. 11-14
. WILL BUY good touring car if up to
date and price right. Phone evenings
84F4. . . 11-14
XOST Sat.-afternoon purse containing
two $2,50 gold pieces and silvei. ite
, turn to Journal office. Reward. 11-15
LOST 2 amall diamond stick pins con
nected with chain. Valued as keep
" sake. Finder please notify Mrs. War
ren Hunt. Reward. Phone 1296. 11-15
INTELLIGENT young woman wishes
position in office, or as clerk in any
lino, during all or part of day, or
evenings. Address Box 50 care Journ
al. " 1115
JNOT1CB to apple growers. The Pheas
ant Northwest Products company are
in the market for apples for delivery
not later than .November 21st. Jfhone
229 and 204.
FOR SALE! Chevrolet touring car run
3000 miles and in good shape, will
take $050. Claude Boone, Aumsville,
Ore. H-16
LOST (Bay driving mare, weight about
BoO, had halter onji Anyone seeing
' or1 hearing . of horse, pleuse phone
-1154. Reward. - " tf
NICELY furnished rooms with board,
suitable for ladies or gentleman,
rates reasonable. Phone 1578 or call
332 N. Church St. 1 ll-io
TWO furnished bed rooms for rent,
onifortable: apply Home Service sec
Hon Red Cross, 174 North Liberty
street. ' H-16
WANTED Janitor at the Willamette
Sanatorium. A middle, agei single
man preferred. Apply to Dr. Cart
wrieht. 11-15
SALEM chimney sweet), clean them
without dust ou the carpets, furnaces
cleaned and repaired, stoves repair
ed. Phone 19. tf
MY business requires my living in Sa
lem, will trade Portland income up
to $14,000 for Salem business or
warehouse, pay ditfcrencc or assume
Would look itito a good farm propo
sition. Box 22. Salem. Or. 11-19
WILL trade Salem residence property
for merchandise of any kind. Ad
: dress M 8 care Journal. 12-1
I, ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
upward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf.
FLENTY of money to load on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
bldg, 8alem. tf
FOR SALE Or trade for place in Sa
lem, 13 acre home near Salem, good
7 room, plastered house, and out
buildings, pressure well, 5 acres
' TJrnnes and family orchard. Phone
C1F11 or write T. E. Nunncmaker,
Bt. 2, box 53. 11-14
FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. Seet
d by well improved valley farms
in amounts of $500 up to $10,000.
Thos. A. Roberts, Phone 1427, 314
" Masonic building. - 13-4
1 0h'
to the Willamette
Valley and
Pure Juice
of the
As well as our other Fruit Products.
Avail yourselves of the opportunity of
making Salem and Marion County the
nucleus of Oregon's most widely known
products. Farmers, increase your acre
age of all varieties of berries.
Send a case of Phez east
Phone Orders to 204
In the county court Walter L.. Hatch,
administrator of the estate of Silas
Hatch, filed his final papers which were
approved by the court aud the admiiiis1
trator discharged from further liability.
The Michael O'Neil ease has boed
up again. It has been wandering its
weary way turouen. tne county court
since James O'Neill died December 2,
1916. Thero is about $15,000 involved
and the estate is in tho court from tho
fact that James O'Neill was not sure
whether his brother and two sisters
were living. Hence he made a will and
appointed T. K. Ford executor, wlieroiul
it was provided that if the- relatives
were not located within ten years, Mr.
Ford should distribute -the property ac
cording to the will.
About a year after 'the death of
James O'Neill, there appeared Mmhael
O'Neill of Jersey City, N. J., claiming,
through hig attorney, John Baync, t'uc
O'Neill property. T. K. Ford was not
convinced that the real .brother had
appeared and refused to hand over tho
' property.
' October 30, 1918,' Mr. Ford appeared
before the county court and asked that
the ease be taken to the circuit court
on the grounds that the county court
had no jurisdiction in matters of real
November 13, 1918, John Bayne, at
torney for Michael O'Neill, appears
before the county court and opposed the
motion of Mr. Ford putting forth the
claim that the circuit court has no ju
risdiction rn the matter, but that the
jurisdiction is with the county court,
The final account of B. E. Robertson
and Norah H. Robertson, adminislrar
tors of the estate of Benjamin Robert
son, was nresented to the county court,
and December 16, 1918, was set as the
date for the final hearing. :
1 3 1 . . i
Andy Anderson, age 27, formerly a
resident of Salem died yesterday in
Portland from influenza. Ho was for
merly employed in Salem with the Cap
ital City Transfer Co. He is survived
by a wife and two children. He was a
member of the Eagles and of the Bridge
and Structural Iron workers and Pile
Drivers local of Portland. ,
The Auburn school district Just east
of Salem district is reported by can
vassers to be showing a patriotic dis;
position and yesterday the report came
in that not a single canvasser had been
turned down. While the district may
not pledge its quota, yet there is a
good-feeling reported and a disposition
to help andi so far every one suncueu
has given something.
Journal Want Ads Pay
As Prisoner He Was Target
For German Intelligence
FOR SALE Or trade. What have you
to trade in a- 30 to 80 acre farm for
- 11 acres with small house, barn, all
clear, good orchard on good rock
. road, one mile from small town, and
1 acre with 5 room house in good
small town. Will sell the two places
. cheap or will trade for farm and
ssume a mortgage to $2000. Both
, placet rent the year round. Will
snake some one a good deal. Address
Jt C eare Journal. 11-1
X ACRES house, barn, fenced. in
enltivation, first class new land,
"' some berries, 1 miles from Salem,
will sell cheap or exefiange for Sa
lem residence, I acre good improve
ments, in Salem, if takes at once,
. 41250. 70 acres, joining town, $65
" per acre, easy terms. Strictly mod
nrm new bungalow cheap. Soeolofsky
841 State St. tf
, London, Oct. 31. -(By mail.) Lieu
tenant L V. Isaacs," U. S. N., decided
he was of slight use to the American
war government as an inmate of the
German prison eamD at Villingen, so
he improvised a bridge of light boards
on which he crawled from his barracks
window, jumped the barbed wire-and
dropped right between two German sen
tries. "The Teutonic mind seems slow at
grasping new situations," said Isaacs
today. "Never before had an escaping
prisoner appeared right under the noscf
of these Uerman guards, rney seemed
unable to deeide what to do. Before
they fired I was several meters away
ia the darkness." . '
Isaacs, whose home formerly was in
Oeiun. Inw. was rantnred bv the U-9.
which torpedoed and sank the President
Lincoln in May, Captain Eemy of the
U-boat took Isaacs from a raft when
the German sailors failed to find the
ship's eaptain.
Aftnr heinsr landed in Germany, fol
Inwinir trin throneh the Kiel canal.
i - -
Isaacs became the target lor Uerman
'. i . - tM ..;n,i - -ia-.
intelligence unitcm, nuv uu mj k"
Isnade him the United States should
' We inined the war on the side of Ger-
many. s . uu. i i.v -- n
4TirM (Ian in a "listening hole,"
j where dictographs were strung all over
the room in tne nope inui me prisuno
would discuss military secrets. Isaacs
thinks the Germans learned little from
kim hv this device.
Tiiiipi mailfl an unsuccessful attempt
to escape when he jumped from the
Oversize with
means service
v For Light Cars Including
Only a few
left and you
must hurry
The mechani
cal model
builder is the most instruc
tive and entertaining toy on the
markets. ; Only a few left at radical
Shop Early-
Salem's Toyland is full and over
flowing with the greatest selection
of American made toys, games and
dolls. Special prices on some lines to
close out. Make your selections early.
Christmas Gifts-
Have many useful and practical gifts for
grown-ups. SHOP EARLY and EARLY IN
You can Always do Better at
IT" " v .
It ---f I v.
- 4 ., V.
E V S -r JT . w SW- . .t
1; K ,
. ' m" 0 '
If orma , . " 4?
j TALMADCE - J iv SUZ- ":
'""SECRET""'-" ' - ;v ; .r'j, : .-s
r. thwm ,,,1, i sELtCT fypiriut sr tiSths
1 a-.niTTTsiS55ssSsJ
The Goodrich Tire with the extra air room
One-fifth Stronger than 30x3 1-2
Same strength as 31x4
30x3 1-2 costs $20.65
"375 (31x3.75) costs $23.60
31x4 costs $31.75
177 South Commercial
Phone 428
Once You Investigate
You will not Hesitate to serve
On your table. Give it the hardest test serve it on
Hot Rolls or Toast. This will tell you how sweet
Or how Rank it May Be
Stands the test. It's Sweet and Pure. It Saves You
Money 40c per lb. 30c less than good butter.
Freshly Churned Butter Substitute, 45c lb.
Fisher's Blend Flour? The Best Milled Flour on
' the coast. $3.15 per lb.
Gem Blend Coffee--3 pounds for $1.00
Get a box cf thera today
Roth Grocery Co.