Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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lj T more eggs toa. mea (
jBBt hoover asks you to do. ; ' BBjw
BB' n( yu're la to do it. You know there isn't a better BiBSPl
lllll B breakfast than two poached eggs on toast seasoned exactly M p
f flSmiwmllaBffiBliffi St. Of course, the cooking gives the flavor. . There isn't
'IHHH niuch interest in 'a raw egg. . Hfiffi
BHffiHil Q "cooking" does it-for Lucky Strike cigarette gives a to:B
Slate House Notes
Objecting to being restrained from
Stop Itching Eczema
Never mind bow often you hava tried
and failed, you can stop burning, Itching
ctema quickly by applying a little temo
furnished by any druggist tor 85c. Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment cemo is applied. In a short time
usually every trace of eczema, tetter,
pimples, rash, blackheads and similar
skin diseases will be removed.
For clearina the akin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use temo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
ereasy salve and it does not stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable treat'
aaent for skin troubles of ail kinds.
1 Tin E. W. Rote Co., Cleveland, O.
lulling gasoline at retail after 8 p. ui,,
four dealers at LaGrnnde and one at
Enterprise today petitioned the public
service commission to compel the Stand
ard Oil Coniprny to soli them gasoline
I for their trade without any resw.ions
being attached as to hours in which it
nrny bo sold.
i be request not to sell gasoline after
6 p. in. came' from the stute council of
defense. The public service commis
sion has no jurisdiction over the ques
tion, it was stated.
Those signing the petition are 0. K.
flaragt, Enterprise; Hilton's garage,
Smith's garage, B. C. Hamilton's ga
rage and Auto Electric Service com
pany, LaGrnnde.
One hundred twenty-five convicts are
now down with influenza at the state
penitentiary, according to the report
or w union Aiurpny today, la audition
piglit employes have the disease. Every
available space at the prison is now
crowded with beds and eots, which
havo been borrowed from the Oregon
'state hospital and the state training
school for boys. No more deaths have
'occurred since the first three.
! The state tax commission will meet
this afternoon to hear arguments from
Wallace McCamant, former justice of
(the supreme court, as to why the as-
sesBea valuation oi tue wens rargo ana
the American Express companies should
be reduced.
"In my judgment, the way to amend
a law is by au act of the legislature
rather than by interpretation or con
struction of the statute,"
That is the opinion given by Attorney
General Brown to C. M. Thomas of Med
ford, who asked the attorney general
for advice as to whether an irrigation
district could adopt some other method
than that provided in the irrigation law
for paying claims.
The attorney general suggests that as
the legislature will soon meet, if the
irrigation law does not suit it can be
amended, but in the meantime it will
be the part of wisdom for irrigation dis
tricts to follow the provisions Of
About Croup
If your children are subject to croup,
or if you have reason to fear their be
ing attacked by that disease, you
should procure a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy and study the di
rections for use, so that in case of an
attack you will know exactly what
course to pursue. This is a favorite
and very, successful remedy for croup,
land it is important that yea observe
the directions carefully.
WiD Not Hold Farmer,
And Home-Makers' Week
Oregon Agricultural College Cor.
vallos, Nov. 14. Fanners' and home
makers' week which for several years
TcIZs How to Stop a
. . ' .
SOCIETY is rapidly adjusting itself
to the dawning era of gay activity
and is making plans for numerous
parties ef various kinds' which will
usher in and accompany the holiday
season. Social interest jnst now is cen
tering in the large dancing party to be
given Thanksgiving eve, by the La
dies Entertainment committee of the
Illihee club. The affair will be one of
the largest and most elaborate parties
given, so far this season and is being
anticipated with eagerness by the danc
ing contingent of Salem. The proceeds
of the evening will be turned into the
fund for procuring- dishes for the elub
house. Over one hundred invitations
will be sent out in a few days.
Mrs. Charles Lee of Corvallis is the
guest ofSMrs. John Withycombe of La
bish Meadows, .
' V
Mrs. Georee G. Brown returned last
night from Harrisbufg, where she has
been enjoying a ten day 's visit as- the
guest of her niece, Mrs. Lloyd Shisler.
She was accompanied home by Mr.
Brown, who joined her at Harrisburg
on his return from a week's business
trip to San Franciseo. '
Mrs. Thomas Sins of Portland, who
has been entertained in Salem for sev
eral days as the guest of Mrs. W. S.
Mott, returned home today.-
Much to the regret of their friends,
idr. and Mrs. A. -E. Hockestein, Jr., are
leaving for Independence this week to
take up their residence, for the win
ter. Mr. Huckestein has. accepted a po
sition with the Standard Oil company.
While in Jsaleni, the Huckesteins have
made their home at 1125 North Fourth
street. ,
Clyde B. Clancey has returned from
a. few days stay in Tacoma, having ar
rived at the bound city in. time tor
the celebration Monday. Tacoma, in
common withf other towns along the
Sound, gave vent ttr its enthusiasm in
a 'particularly expressive demonstra
tion, bcins fortunate enough to boast
an immense stadium with a seating ca
pacity of 35,000 people, which was
naturally the center of the rousing ac
tivity attendant upon the day 's events.
ft w
Readers of Ann Shannon Munroe,
wel known Oregon writer, now in New
York, will learn with anticipation that
a new story from her pen has appeared
in Smltfl's Magazine lor JNovemuer, en
titled, "The Answer in the Back of
the Book." This follows closely upon
her article in the October Red Cross
Magazine "As the. West Sees the
War." Miss Munroe has been Dusy do
ing war writing, as the war has been
reflected in our country, which she
found quite as full of interest in its
enange-proauemg quuuues s war i
the front.
TV.2 mnmihara P th WillVinn's Tfolil'.f
Corps will re-assemble for their first
numtlntt elna tha Inflnpnzn enidfimic.
Saturday afternoon at two o'clock at
their regular nail. A good attendance
rloofi-al an this i iTKtnpctinn mftfltinflT.
Mrs. Jennie Bentley of Hood Biver,
department inspector, win ne present.
Pass is visiting in Salem as the guest
nf tH Alienist Hiickesteins at their
residence, 1173 North Fourth street.
w w
Tlx, fii-ot n-rnd.inl A nf thn Rpprl col
lege courses for reconstruction aides
to reach France witn tne united stares
army - is Miss Josephine Saunders- of
Ashland. She is witn .vieuicoi invision
No. 5. She ha sent her photograph in
her overseas reconstruction aide cos
tume recently adopted by the surgeon
general's office.
Miss Saunders graduated from Reed
college in 1917. She was tben a gradu
ate assistant in phyval education un
der Ir. Bertha Stuart and took tho
course for aides beginning last March.
Miss Saunders is the first of the
Reed college graduates to enter mili
tary hospitals in I'tan:e as a recon
struction aide. Mora tl'an 50 others are
ma nr nn tfcftiv wnv ni AWfiitillff Orders.
anA MVAi-nl th.nnsa.ml more will be need-
ted, according to the latest word from
the surgeon ecncrai. oerom me cuw
niAtinn nf the, next Reed colleae eourse
which begins December l.l
No organs of the human body are so
important to health and long life as
the kidneys. When they slow up and
commence to lag in their duties, look
out! Danger is in sight.
Find out what the trouble rs with
out delav. Whenever yott 1 eei nervous,
weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness,
or have pains in the back or difficulty ,
in passing " urine wake up at once.
Your kidneys need help. These are
signs to warn .you that your kidneys
are not- performing their functions
properly. They are only half doing
their work and are allowing impurities
to accumulate and be converted into
urie acid and other poisons, which are
causing you distress and will destroy
you unless they are driven from fxut
Get some GOLl ME1AL Haarlem
Oil Capsules at once. They are an old,
tried preparation used all over the
world for eenturies. They eontain oiilj
eld fashioned, soothing oils combine
with strength giving and system-cleans
ing herbs, well known and used by phy
sicians in their daily practice. GOLiX
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are im
ported direct from the laboratories is
Holland. They are convenient to take,
and will either give prompt relief ot
your money will be refunded. Ask fot
them at any drug store, but be sure to
get the original imported GOLD MED
AL brand. Accept no substitutes. In
sealed packages. Three sizes.
Why accept an in
ferior Army Shoe
When you can get
the standard article
at the same price or
less? Ask for the
Duolhbcht Army
Shoe - get what
you sk for.
Then you're sure
to be sattxhed !
Look for the lumt
umptd a tha sok
of mmy Shot-fat out
Ntutual pcoceAnn.
Jl I
Built sturdy and
serviceable for
Office Men
and others in
every walk of life
Should your dealer be unable to supply you,
send his name to the manufacturers Buck
ingham and Heehtt Pa a Francisco. Enclose
price of shoes you desire and we will have your
order filled.
$1 - $81
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Do not imagine that because other
cough inedii'iues failed to give you re
lief thttt it will be the same with
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Bear in
mind that from a small beginning this
remedy has gained a world wide repu
tation and immense gale. A- medicine
must have exceptional merit to win es
teem wherever it becomes known.
London, Nov. 13. The battle lino at
11a. m., Monday was as follows, it was
announced today:
Dutch border at Selzaete; west bank
of the Sclzacte canal to Lsngerbrugge
station, two miles east of Ghent; one
mile east of Wetteren; Gramuiont;
Lessines; two miles east of Ath; four
milos east of Mens; Momignies; one
mile north of Signv Le Petit; Roeroy,
Charwville, two miles north of heUn;
west bank of the Meuse to Stenay;
Damvillers; l'ajjny; Noniiny; Parroy;
Blamont; Kaon; Steinbeck; Carspaeh;
unction of French, German and Swiss
Bwmbhif Hnlto firan tfclt foam
fconw wftrtft trrnp. Kaauy.
prepared ud eaats lhtlft.
If you bave a severe cough or ches
eold. accompanied with soreness, throat
tickle, hoarseness, or difficult breathing,
or if your child wakes up during the
night with croup and you want quick
help, try this reliable old home-made
cough remedy. Any druggist ten tap
ply you with 2& ounces of Pinei.
Pour this into a pint bottle and fill
the bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrup. Or you can use clarified
molasses, honey, or corn syrup, in
stead of sugar syrup, if desired. This
recipe makes a pint of really remarkable
cough, remedy. It tastes good, and in
spite of its low cost, it ean be depended
upon to give quick and lasting relief.
You can feel this take bold of a conga
In a way that means business. It loos
ens and raises the phlegm, stops throat
tickle and soothes and heals the irritated
membranes that line the throat aad bron
chial tubes with such promptness, ease
end certainty that it ia really astoa
ishing. -I
i fines is a special and highly conem-1
: t rated compound of genuine Norway pine
: extract, and is probably the best known
I means of overcoming severe eougbs,
j throat and chest cold
I Thre are mny worthless imitations of
this mixture. To avoid diMuroomtnnt.
ask for "24 ounces ef Pinex" with full
directions and don't accent anything else.
Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction
or money nromptlv refunded. The Pines
Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
has brought hundreds of persons from
all parts of Oregon to the eollege will
not be held next wintor as planned,
due to conditions brought about by
the war.
Th main reason for this decision in
,k. o,, nt PrAnirient W. J. Kerr and
O. D. Center, the director of extension,
was because of the large number of S.
A. T. C men at the college, it will be
impossible to accommodate adequately
the farmers of the state who would at
tend. Even though farmers' and home
makers' week will not be held this year
at the college, the institution will wel
come the various state associations
which meet at the time of the larger
gatherings, and will do everything to
make the meetingsprofitable.
"Victory Day" Suggested j
By Eleniber Of Congress
Washington, Nov. 13. A joint reso
lution declaring ovemoer xi "a"
tional holiday to be designateu a9 vic
tory Day was introduced in the house
today by Representative Hickg of New
York, a member of the house naval af
fairfi PrtrnmittAA.
A resolution making November 11 a
holiday in commemoration of tne coo
ing of the war has been introduced in
the French chamber Of deputies accord
ing to advices from Paris received to
day. I Senators at the capital today gener
ally approved of the plan to make a
national holiday in celebration of the
vietory over Uermarty. That the na
tion will gain a holiday as one of the
fruits of victory geenis likely. Senator
Bheppard, Texas, said he approved of
this plan and was eonsidering intro
ducing a bill to that effect.
"Such a holiday should be world
wide in' its scope and pertain to Europe
as much as to America. The day that
the peace treaty is signed will be ono
of the most significant days in the his
tory of the world. I believe that in
years to come that day will stand out
rather than November 11, great as that
is, the day the armistice was agreed
Greatly Benefitod by ChaniberlaJn-'s
"I am thankful for the good I have
received by using Chamberlain's Tab
lets. About two years ago when I began
taking them I was "suffering a great
deal from distress after eating, and
from headache and a tired, languid
feeling due to indigestion and a tor
pid liver. Chamberlain's Tablets cor
rected these disorders in a short time,
and since taking two bottles of them
my health has been good," writes Airs.
M. P. Harwood. Auburn, N. Y.
Dallas Schoools Open
With Large Attendance
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Nov. 14. The Dallas city
schools which have been closed for the
past three . weeks on account of the
epidemic of Spanish influenza open up
Monday with equally as large an at
tendance as at the time the schools
closed. The influenza is, on a rapid de
cline in Dallas and surrounding country
but a few new cases being reported to
the health officer during the past sev
eral days. The diseaso was extremely
light among the children uf this ciiv,
only a small proportion of tiiem hiivinjj
symptoms of the malady.
Prominent Dallas Citizen Marries.
Robert 8. Fisher, one of the piomi
nent young men of Dallas, and Miss
Esther Luce of Mount Ayre, Iowa, wero
united in marriage Tuesday afternoon
at ,3 o'clock at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Hayter, in the presence, of
a few friends and relatives, , Mr. Fish
er has 'the distinction of being the
"strawberry king" of this locality,
owning a largo berry farm just west
of the city. Mr. Fisher met Miss Luce
while visiting relatives ,i mws noout
two years ago and their f ricnJship
finally endod in Miss Luco making tbc
trip from Iowa to Dallas to bceome
Mrs. Fisher. The young couple left
immediately after the ceremony fur
Portland. .
Patrick were Portland visitors a fow;
days this week.
C. L. Hubbard has rcsreCf to Van
couver, Wash., after a short visit in'
Dallas. ' k ..
Mrs. Willis Simonton of Suvcr is X
guest at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Alice I. Dcmpsey.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Conn left the firm
of tlio week for Texas where thoy will
visit relativog during the coining win
ter. They expect to return "to Dallas
about the first of March. ' ' 1.
EJ Wilson, aa employee of tho. Port
land sltipyardj spent Sunday with his
family ju this city.
Sleep and Rest
One of the most common causes of
insomnia and restlessness is indiges
tion. Take ono of Chamberlain's Tab
lets immediately after supper and see
if yon do not rest better and sleep bet
ter. They only cost a quarter.
, Word was received here this morning
of the death of R. F. Shier at his homo
in Mehama, of pneumonia following an
attack of influenza. Tho funeral was
field at Gates this afternoon. Mr. Shier
was tho promoter of the Black ifngio
mining company, 15 miles northeast of
Gates, and has made his home at Gates
and Mehama for the" past 15 years. Ho
was well known in Albany. He leaves
a wife and four children to mourn his
death. Albany Democrat.
Dallas Marine Visits Home.
Corporal George R. Minty, a Dullt.s
bpy who has seen service with the
United States forces in : Fiance, re
turned to Dallas this week for a hlioi t
visit with relatives and friends. Cor
poral Minty was wounded i.i tu V..i..:
tt Chateau Thierry on July IS, by re
ceiving a German machine gun bullet in
the face, the missle passing through the
head and coriini? out at the hues ot hip
neck. He has been in hospitals since
that time and will leave the l ist of this
mouth for New York city to laku
treatment in a naval hosprtal.
Dallas Man Located in San Diego.
F. E. DavifV a former Dalias blisinest
man who joined the Y. M. V. A. army
branch as a secretary, has been sta
tioned at San Diego where be has been
assigned to work in the naval base in
that city. Mr. Davis writes Dallas
friends that the Spanish influenza has
spread over that city at an alarming
rate and that there are hundreds of
cases in the hospitals there.
Mrs. Lee Clemens and children of Se
attle are guests of relative in Dallas
this week.
Arthur Rahn of the Rodgers Paper
company of Salem was a Dallas bus)
ness visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Edwin Jaeobson of LaCicde.
T,ti,ilf ia b c-uest at tho home of her
parents, Judge and Mrs. Hardy HoLnan
County Judge and Mrs. v. KirK
Wants You To Know
:( All About the New
Pile Treatment ',.
88 C)
Tsars .Cf TU
Old f4 ?j Hew
Mr. B. R. Page, Marshall, Mich, , .
Dear Slr:-
"1 suffered with piles for meny yw.ru
and used all klnd of treatments, bun
never got relief until I tried yours. Am
now completely cured. Although I am
88 years old, and the oldest active black
smith in Michigan, I feel years younxer
since the piles have left me. I wlli
surely reooiumend It to all I know who
saner this way. You can use my letter
any way you wish and I hope It will lead
others to try this wonderful remedy."
Yours truly,
Boot let a doctor cut you and don't
waste money on foolish salves, ointments.
2,"?'' e'o-. but send today for a Fre
Trial of my Internal method for the Per
manent Cure of Piles.
This liberal offer of free treatment Is too
important for you to neglect a single day.
Wrltonow. Send no money. Simply mull
the coupon but do this now-TODAY.
M9B Page Bldg Marshall. Mich.
- Please send free trial of your Oombt
nation Treatment,
Name .. ..,.,.
St. No. or
R. F. D
fit State
Experts Say
because it holds better
compression, gives better
protection to the moving
parts and deposits less car
bon. Zerolene is the correct oil for mU
type a of automobile engines
the correct oil for your automo
bile. Get our Lubrication Chart show
in the correct consistency tor
your car.
TW "T-Hetd type ftfmt, IDs
trd htre, lik all interna com.
ovation anrfma, requires sn oil
that holfa its lubricating qualities
at cylinder heat, born clean in
tha cylinden and goes sat witkei
haaat, Zeroiene fiiii these require.
tents perfectly, bmmmm im cor
nxtlj raAnad from mrkiW CllUbf
aim Mpbatt-btit sraoa.
TheStandkd Oil for Motor Cars
R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co, Saka