Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1918, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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(Die HailDHilol Journal
77ie Most Acceptable G ift
This Christmas Will Be the
Practical Kind
Suitable for Gifts at
Economy Prices
I Died
SCTMALLE At her hoxe 86") E
street, Xov. 13, 19H, Mrs. Mary
Louise fk-haiaile at the age of 64
Besides her husband the Eev. A. S.
Schmalle, she ia survived bv fonr aoas
Bev. A. B fiehmaJie of HJIaboro, A.
oenmaue or balem, Prof. A I
Toilet Articles
Are always acceptable. We'have them
asfa you should note the prices.
Soap . 10c
Cold Cream .. 21c
Vanishing Cream 21c
Face Powder ....... 43c
Talcum Powder 21c
Shaving Cream 35c
Colgates Shaving Cream ....... ,19c
Colgate's Talcum Powder 12c
Cashmere Bouquet Soap 10c
Bath Robes
Are wanted, by all and it is hard to
get a gift that would pleasg more
than-a nice bath robe.
Ladies Robes .....$3.49, $3.98, $4.98
Men's robes . .$3.98, $4.50, $4.98, $5.90
In both serpentine crepe and flan
nelette that are always useful $1.15,
$1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 and $3.98
7 J
Schmalle of Seattle and X. 8. ScbmaUe
of Akron, Iowa. She is also survived
by two daughters. Mis Cora Schmalle
of Seattle and iiis Esther Schmalle
of Salem.
The funeral services will be held Fri
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the United Evangelical ehurea. Burial
will be ia the City View cemetery.
TEWKSBCBY At hi, horr.e 144 East
Wilson street Not. 13, 1913, Prank
r. lewisourw.
He is survived by a wife and two
The funeral service will be held Sat
urday morning at the chapel of Webb
uougn and will be eonuueted by the
Rev. Leland Porter. Burial will be in
the Lee Mission cemetery.
CHUNG To Mr. and Mrs. M. L-
Chung, 305 South ISth street, Xov,
9, 191 a son.
I All Around Town j
Nov. 11-18 United War fond
drive. Marion eounty , quota
$fi2,000. (juuta for Saicm 37,-
Nov. 20. Animal Red Cross
meeting at Commercial Club.
Nov, 28. Thanksgiving.
Nor. 30.- Election on School
"The funeral oeanttfoL"Wbb ft
CSovgD Co. - tf
Highest cash price paid for fresh
ggs. Midget Market. tf
Now that the ban has been removed,
the Oregon guard -companies will re
sume Ueir weekly evening drilling.
Company F iu command of Copt. J. H.
Arnold, will drill tonight.
Dt Utter, dentist, will reftira to his
office tViday, Nov. 15th. 1115
Special notice, foresters of America
will meet tomorrow (Tues. Nov. 12th)
Important business. 11-12
Within the past few days four new
students have linen admitted to Wil
lamette university bringing the pres
ent enrollment up to 292,
Dr. Clements going to Siberia. Dr. H.
J. Clements will bo temporarily out of
the city for some months, beginning
Nov. 20th, as he has consented to loin
a commission of the Amer'ean lied
f'rosg which will sail abuut Dec. 1st for
Via divostok, .Siberia. Dr. Clement of
fice will be ia charge of Dr. J. O. Mat
this, formerly of Monmouth, now of
Wiilainina, who will loi-ute permanent
ly in Snlein. ;
o j
A marriage license was issued yester
day to James Edward Monahan, age
5, a lumberman of Portland and Clara
Louise Flanders, age 23, a graduate
nurse, or cuiern.
Dr. Scnenk has now returned from
his vacation and he extends a eordial
invitation to his patrons and friends
to visit his Institution. tf
Public stenographer, Patricia Oral,
first door south of 8alm Bank of
Commerce, 124 South Liberty street.
Phone 837. - . tf
Dr. M. O. rindley wiU leave this ev
ening for a ten day bunting aujs,.fish
ing trip near Klamath Eaht. He will
be joined by Dr. Ikiney later in the
Now Is the time to place your orders
for rosebushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut
and ornamental trees for immediate
planting, with the Capital City Nur
sery Co., 1030 Chein. St. Phone 73. 11-31
The regular monthly meeting of Sa
lem (irange, No. 17, will b held next
Saturday Nov. Hith. II. il Iiirdsall,
at 7:30 o'clock. The pastor, tho Eev.
Thomas S. Anderson will bt pleased to
meet members of the church. . This
will be the first meeting since the ban
was placed on public gathering?. Next
Sunday all regular church services will
be resumed.
Public gtenogrpher, Patricia Graf,
121 South Liberty street. Phone 937.
combination dance every Saturday
nignt, cotillion hall. Music by the Hunt
Big dance Saturday nigrt, Cotillion
hall, over Penny's store. Hunt orches
tra. .
Miss Mildred Kaylor has returned
from eastern Oregon, accompanied by
Mrs. E. H. Webb whom she has been
visiting for the past month. Mrs. Webb
was formerly Miss Amelia Taylor of
Charles Chadek of Stayton is regis
tered at the Bligh hotel.
Lieut. E. A. Normale of Portland is
in the city a guest at the Marion. He
is here on business for the quarter
master's department of the army.
Judge Wallace MeCamant, formerly
of the Oregon supreme court, is in the
eity from Portland, attending to legal
Gale & Go's Special Week
The annual meeting of Willamette
chapter, American Bed Cros, will be
held Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 20, at
the Commercial club. The n-eeting was
to be held about a month ago but the
influenza prevented. At this meeting
committees will be elected that will
later select officers who are to have
charge of Willamette chapter for the
coming year.
Girls of Willamette university whi
took the prt-cautinn of taking two shots
in the arm for influenza are fortunate
as not ene has hud an attack or even
the suspicion of an attaek of the flu
4) of them withstood the ordeal and
the 40 aro still immune.
Dnce at Chemawa Frl Nov. 13. Best
miuie. Train service gust iia;ht. Lunch.
Notice New garage now open for
business storage and repair specialists.
expert mechanics. Service i our motto,
Motor Inn (iarngo, opposite Marion
hotel, formerly Halvorsea t Burns.
Victory dance at Macleay Sat. night
Nov. lri; four piece orchestra. Lunch
served by Indies of Red Cvoss auxiliary
The boys still need our hell. li-15
The Spauldirjg Logging Co. has re
ceived several cancellation for air
plane lumber from the war department
Several other small eontraels have al
so own cancelled, Since Vet. 19 the
company has been running tot the one
shift as at that time it was found im
possible to secure enough men to justi
fy a day and night shift.
Artisans ts'te ntlon. Ml8 Cornelia Marvin, state librarian.
The regular meeting of returned this morning from Texas,
the Capital " Assembly here for the last 10 weeks she has
United Artisans, will be DP,n ln charge of tho traveling lib
held tonight at Odd Fcl- " being "'! by the troops along
tno ooraer. tier district extended from
Yuma Aria., to Big Bend, Texas. Her
work. was confined to the border troops
and not to men in the training camps.
She was working under the direction of
the American Library Association war
service. '1 never saw people so eager
for books as were the soldiers," she de-
Jlouschold goods, harness, wagons, tools, today. "Our supply of books
jangoa, heaters, cookstoves, farm ma- M exhausted. The ook. were always
chiiicry, etc. I pay cash or will sell ,B 0e'
on eomtuiiifiion from stock saies eon
ducted anyere. Phone 510 or 511
Woodry, the Auctioneer.
Two divorce cases axe on the docket
to be heard before Jude George G.
Bingham Saturday. In the morning at
10 o'clock will lie called that of Hul
da Cochrane against Thomas E. Coch
rane. In the afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
the case of Beulah Eoff against Glen
K. Eoff will be called. This will be the
seeend time the Eoff htve applied
for a divorce. This spring Mr. Eoff
sued for a divorce whit-h the circuit
court refused to grant. Now Mrs. Eoff
is suing,
-"Tae best'
aeatlt comes.
Phone 120.
is aU yoa can do when
Call Webb k Clough Coil.
FRIDAY' arid
My Jell, pkg ....... .10c
No. 2 1-2 sliced pineapple 28c
Fancy strained honey. . .33c
50c size Postum... 42c
30c size 25c
3-lb, Royal clab coffee. . .95c
StapleDomesticSheetingsMuslin,Etc. 1
Now on sale at bargain prices. We handle only the best known, staple brands.
This is a timely special to supply your needs for fall and future. In buying
direct from the largest mills and factories in the United States we are offer
ing the following prices for one week only ending Saturday night. Buy all you
reasonably want for your own use. We reserve the right to limit quantities.
Regal Sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached . 49c Yard
Pepperell or Mohawk Sheeting, 81 inches wide, bleached .......... .64c Yard
PepperelKor Mohawk Sheeting' 81 inches wide, unbleached ...... .59c Yard
Pepperell or Mohawk Sheeting, 72 inches wide, bleached .: 59c Yard
Pepperell or Mohawk Sheeting, 72 inches wide, unbleached .53c Yard
42 inch Pillow Tubing 29c Yard
33 inches wide ." 33c
- 1 ' 1 a sa
60 mcnes wiae , 6bc
Hope Muslin bleached best tjuaity, yard wide 25c Yard
Lonsdale Muslin Bleached, best quality, yard wide 28c Yard
3 pound Cotton Batt Bleached white . .$1.00 Batt
Crash Toweling 15c
Linen Crash Toweling, extra quality 19c
Our Prices Always the lowest
Commercial and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store
M. A.
lows hall. C. A. .Vibhert,
Secy. X. N, Terwilligvr,
1 Prayer meeting will b held this ev
ening at the First Presbyterian Church
Better dentistry witnont pain. Two
post graduate courses in painless den
nsiry. vt. Hartley, i'none 114.
Tance at Chemawa Frl. Not. 15. Best
music. Train service just
O ! m . tt. i s
That the canning season lasts well Uflinrdeul S ETOUM CI1CC0-
into November in the valley is evi-! . - n
deneed by the fact that County i'ood j Jafo In JlC
Administrator Lockwood was pretty ' ,wiv " .fv
busy the last ten days of October -issuing
the ten -founds" of suar permits.
On Oct. 30, he issuel 237 and on Oet.
31, permits to the number of 31 were
issued, each for the limit of ten pounds.
Night school t the Capital Business
collega is intended tfj accommodate
those who work durini? t He dav but
wish to improve their education along i
usable lines. iSuch subjects as book-,
keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Spell-'
ing, Arithmetic and Penmanship are,
taught. The principal will bj in his of-'
fice Friday and 8aturdav cveninir. to
care for enrollments and talk to those!
who are interested. Investigate.
e- I
Yeomen attention. Installation of of
ficers tonight.
Two weeks from today Is Thanksgiv
ing. Tho union services will be held in
the morning of the 23th at the First
Methodist ennren and tee sermon or.
the day will be delivered by the Eev.
W. C. Kantner of the First Congrega
tional church.
o -
Here's another potato record broken.
Roscoe Dickey of 1490 Jiorth 15th
street brought in a potato that weigh
ed two ounces more than toe latest
quotations. He says that the scales
went down three pounds and two oune-
ea. Also that several others found in
the same hill weighed two and a half
For those who bought fourth liberty
loan bonds, the date of payments may
be of interest. Thev are a fellows. Nov.
21. 20 per cent. Dec. 19, 20 per cent.
Jan. 16, 20 per cent. Jan. 30. 30 per
cent. In addition to tae percentage pay
ment there is tne accrued mieresi
that must be paid on each installment.
Y.M.CA. Secretary Asks
For Free Giving In Drive
A call has been made to the generous
publie asking the people to give more
freely to the United War Fund drive.
The eall is made by James Elvin, of
the American expeditionary forces, di
visional secretary Y. M. C. A., now on
special service in America, after nine
months' active service with troops in
In the letter Mr. Elvin makes the
fallowing statements: "The money is
spent in providing refreshment, reerea
tion and entertainment for the men;
hut construction, transportation, mov
ing pictures, entertainment, lectures,
uniforming and supporting thousands
of workers.
"The expense for this work is tre
mendous. With increased police duty,
release of thousands of prisoners and
reconstruction work in the wnr devas
tated countries, the work will be more
expensive than ever before.
"Give to American soldiers and give
liberally through the agencies appoint
ed by your government."
Labels axe now coming In fast from j
the boys over there who know the only !
- p n 1 11 OO icnance or. genmg a l""1"' i
"fancy Peaberry, lb lie t M.f tlab:l;
' ! vi.,l iirioni were issued for the
Nev 15. Best T 11 1 JL tvWovAvr. Wen Hansen, Glen Maniw, ;
right. Lunch. Tdlliy UlCliU, 1U , . t-Jt , Ueu, Fxlward j. Pi.e, Sergeant. Al-
hrt VT. Tarr. Oris K. Hoffman, fcu-
eene W. Wheeler, Melville S. Jones, ;
Harvey L. Brown, Walter G. Stockley, .
F. W. Rosebraugh, Fred B. Birch, Per
cy G. Gordon. Victor L. Cooiey, Harold j
MeKinnev. Binger Sefton. Xorwainj
Kennedv," Da a P. Searf. Arthur F. Tas- j
to, Chester C. Starr, Clyde C. Vincent, ;
Corp. Lemuel E. Esteb, Sergeant liity
F. Young. John H. Denny, Uaude .
Stanton. Jame V. Xorton and Lieut.
Xeil B. Allen.
Royal baking powder,
12-oz ........... .30c
No. 5 White Ribbon com-
pound .Tz
U lUd antCl MUl&Wvd. . . Fet(eet womanhood depend, on per-
Krinkle corn flakes. l.llcSSh S- U Bi &
I .1 n OA i suffering. A great menace to a womans
reanUt OUtter ID ZUC happiness in life is the suffering that
If or Uorae trom me funetional derange-
KOTflin ITiPll nktf .Si ment which soon develops headaches,
IYUI1UU UlCdl, l&g wk.rho nerveiiflie. and "the bines"
1114 JlOUWeiLK COCO 10 LLC ; thllt famous old root and kerb rem-
o - , . ledv. Lvdia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Yeomen attention. Installation of or. : RlflnOnO 6 TmmS. I M fl7 r hii'h for three eer.erations
ficers tonight. 11-14 j , . . I has been restoring health to women of
DaCKaPe . . I 1C America.
t - - --------- -
Men who re more than 37 years of
age are required of course to retura
tunr questionnaires to the local ex
emption board but according to an or
der received this morning by Sheriff
neodliam, they are not otdiged to ans
wer the questions. Xow it seems that
all the war department wauts is that
the questionnaire be returned. Hence
those who have not made their return
will not be obliged to go before an ad-j
vteory txtard for information.
Knox gelatine, pkg1..... 15c
Atmores mince meat nkg 10c
2 cans shrimo 25c
3 boxes Shinola ... 25c
5 bars No Rub Naptha
Xew York, Xov. 14. The Evening
Sun todny says:
During the early trading gains of tw0
points were recorded by Southern I'a
cific, three by marine preferred, 3'
by Mexican petroleum, a point or
thereabouts by steels, H-j by smelters,
a point each by Anaconda and litts-
George 0. Goodhne, contractor and MJ43 .tb. ,.. o.tiv. i ht nti,.
creamery man, well known in Salem Urteft ria,M. Cwlcr irregular. A number of special j
d!ed yesterday Portland. With his Llgllt liCUSS UeanSCr . . . .0C tie, advanced with a fonr point gain in
family he lived for many years ia Sa - . . i .i i r..V.-
lem on South Winter street, . .h hflTM rtinfrhp? ie th hn,t fwt ...
W wwwW BMSAVU VV VMW - - " " ...... . nwa iiKuiai,
At Closing Sale of
Farmers' Cash Store
Entire lot of Dry Goods, Shoes and Groceries Must
be Sold Under all Other Prices
Reliance Coffee, per pound .30c
F. C. S. Coffee, 35c value at '. . .25c
Economy Coffee, per pound , .19c
Best Peaberry Coffee 24c
Arm and Hammer Soda .7c
Columbia River Salmon .19c
Sweet Corn 15c
Ghiradelli's Sweet Cocoa, pound .33c
10 pounds Karo $1.00
Best Australian Onions lb. 2c; sack delivered. .$1.75
No. 2 Onions- pound 1 1-ic
Best Potatoes, pound . 2c
Best Potatoes, sack delivered $1.75
Good Cabbage, pound .' 3c
Sweet Potatoes, pound 4c
No. 2 Cabbage . , l i-2c
All orders of $3 or over Delivered FREE of charge