' ft 4,800 SUBSCRIBERS (i5,000 READERS DAILY) Only Cirrulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY news service FORTY-FIRST YEAR- NOA :f i f pill SlVl H I n S5 V ! I f DR.SOLFSAPPEAL CONCERFiMNG FOOD "CONTEMPTIBLE" Times Berates Self, Saying Its Merely Attempt At Mis chief Making. STEPS TO ORGANIZE RELIEF ALREADY TAKEN Armistice Plainly Shows That Allies Contemplate Feed ingGermany. London, Nov. 13. (British Admiral ty wireless.) TU6 Times -described Dr. fcolf's appeal to President Wilson re filling conditions of the armistice as affecting food of the German people, as a "contemptible attempt, at mischief making. " "Solf hag but to look at the armis tice in order to see that the allies and the United States contemplate the ro victualizing of Germany during the ar mistice as shall be found necessary," ays the' Times. "That is both right mid wise. It is our plain interest to do what in us lies to preserve a stabilized government in Germany, if only in or- oer to nave sonic responsible person with whom to deal. President Wilson in his address to congress on November 11 also stated that 'steps hayo been taken to organize relief to the peoples f the central powers. By use of their Idle tonnage it is possible to lift the fear pf utter misery from their op pressed peoples'." , The Daily Chronicle says: "Germany, who never showed mercy, has now to 'ii jiUire it. The allies will no doubt in these circumstances take such steps as Immunity dictates so fur as they can rin so consistently with feeding their own populations. "But that is no trivial proviso and ll'e food cargoes that Germany has ciiuiimilly sent to the Uottom of the. te? cannot be fished up, even to feed the Germans.''' BALLIN SUICIDES. - - . Amsterdam, Nov. 13. Albert Ballin, managing dhector of the Hamburg Americnn steamship line, committed Kiicide at Hamburg when he lenmed the terms of the arniislwe, it was"re p'utod here today. , . AB2 MARTIN Th' onl-.- thiiig we'd want tiiat wuz wide in Germany is a perforated hel-1 met. "I declare I don't see how th'i killer ever ei's any sleep," said. Met. Tiptoa Bud t'day. I 5 A , - - PEACE CONCLAVE HELD - ONLY WHEN ORDER RULES Supplying Of Foodstuffs To Central Powers Agreed To By President. By Robert Bender. (United Press Staff Correspondents.) Washington, Nov. 13. President Wil son is ready to consider "favorably" the supplying of foodstuffs to Germany, if he can bo assured order is being and will continue to bo maintained there. - This reply has been sent Germany in answer to her appeal for food. The only other condition placed upon the mutter was that there be a guarantee of equitable distribution. The Gorman appeal delivered yester day through the Swiss minister said: "The German government urgently requests the president of . the United States to inform the Gorman chancellor, Ebert, by wireless, whether he may be assured that the government of the United States is ready to send food stuffs without delay if pudlie order is maintained in Germany and an equita ble distribution is guaranteed." The main 'portion of the answer as given by this government through Sec retary Lansing said: . " At a joint session of the two houses of congress on November 11, the presi dent of the United States announced that the representatives of the asso ciated governments in the supreme war council at Versailles, have, by unani mous resolution, assured the peoples of the central empires "that everything that 13 possible in the circumstances (Continued on page two) CROWN PRINCE MAY BE DEAD OS MAY BE WITH HiS TROOPS AT FRONT Imperial Palace At Potsdam Seized By Workmen And - Sailors. Berne, Nov. 13. The body of Fred erick William, former German crown prince has been found, covered with bayonet and bullet wounds on a mili tary train bound for the Dutch fron tier, it was reported here today. J Copenhagen, Nov. 13. The Wolff bureau, official German news agency, announced today that the former crown prince is with his troops at the front. The Hague, Nov. 13. Reports per sisted today that the lormer crown prince was shot dead in Belgium when he tried to cross the frontier. His brother, prince Adelbert, who was with him, is said to have escaped. Paris, Nov. 13. (1:30 p. m.) The former crown prince arrived in Maas tricht at i o'clock yesterday afternoon according to a dispatch from Rotter dam today. Amsterdam, Nov. 13. Dutch newspa pers publish unconfirmed report that German soldiers assassinated the for mer crown prince when he was fleeing toward Holland. A dispatch has bc?n received from Berlin stating the work men's and soldiers' council has an nounced the arrival of the former kais er and crown prince in Holland. Royalty are Seized Copenhagen. Nov. 13. Workmen and soldiers have seized the imperial pal ace at Potsdam where the kaiserin, the crown princess and a number of other princesses had taken refuge, a Berlin dispatch reported tday. The new German government has is sued its first decree declaring that mil itary discipline must be maintained. Karl's Proclamation Copenhagen, Nov. 13. Emperor Karl of Austria-Hungary in announcing his abdication, issued the following proc lamation: "Killed with unalterable love for my peoples, I will not hinder their free development. "I. acknowledge- German-Austria ' . .1 SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOV., THREE DAYS OF PEACE. Hostilities. cease on all fronts. Evacuation of occupied Jerri- tories and surrender of equip- meiit by central powers under way. ' if. . Hiotous celebration through- sje out the world. Plans for peace conference under way with President Wil- son urged to attend by allied diplomats. t 4 Emperor Kail of Austria at)- dicates. . Kaiser Wilhelm virtually in- . terned in Holland. Reports of the death of the crown prince. Germans and peoples of form- t er - Austio-Hungnriau empire. work to bring order under new governments. . " Drafting of Americans stopped and all questionnaires now in the hands of the draft- ees ordered returned unsigned to local boards. . German government pleads for food and early peace con- clave. , Fuel and light restnetiotis. .. modified. : sfc ;. Relaxation of some food "con- trol measures ordered and a new food conservation program out- lined. Modification of orders regu- lating output of industries an- uouueed. - . Questionaires To Be 1 If 1 henirneU UnSlgnCd' . ! Washington, Nov. 13. A new ruling by the provost marshal general today sent to local draft boards throughout the country, provided that all draftees who have received their question- si! naires shall return them to the Jocal board though they need not be filled out. The order yesterday was uiat all questionnaires in the hands of men who had passed trieir 30th birthday, on September 12 last, should be filled out and re- turned and all others ignored. To clear up any confusion, Geti- eral 'rowder today ordered that all questionnaires should be 10- turned to the board unsigned. decision to become a separate state. "1 relinquish all participation in the administration of state affa'rs. "May the peoples harmoniously ad just themselves to the new conditions" Bound for Switzerland Basic, Nov,. 13. Emperor Karl and his family hav left Schonbrunn pal ace on the outskirts of Vienna, accord ing to the Vossisehc Zeitung. Presum ably their destination is Switzerland. A Few Accomplishments Of NavyMad2 Public London, Nov. 13. Some of the ac complishments of the American navy may now be made public. ' i From American naval sources the United Tress learns that the American navy so far has provided escort for 900,000 troons, which is nearly 50 per cent of the total of American troops in France. American ships also .escorted 27 per cent of allied, and neutral ship ping, including merchantmen, supply ships, munition ships and troops ships. A mine barrage 300 miles long the longest in the world has just been complete i from Scotland to Norway, completely enclosing the North sea. The American navy laid 80 per cent of these mines, with -about C7,000 American made, especially designed mines. This is regarded as one of the greatest naval feats in history and ws previously be lieved impossible. The mines tver transported from America to two gigan tic American naval bases where thev- 1 were assembled. III' V .. KAISER NOW CALLS HIMSELF COUNT HOHENZOLLERN German Factions May De mand His Extradition Be fore Socialist Court, BRITISH NEWSPAPERS CLAMOR FOR SEIZURE Joint Action By Powers Nec essary To Send Wilhelm To Elba. X Amsterdam Nov. 13. Tin former kaiser has taken the name of Count Hohenzollern. He probably will buy a large estate in Holland and remain in definitely. ....Amsterdam, Nor.- 13. A statement was published here today to the effect that the former kaiser wishes it known that M has not fled Germany, but de parted merely so the new government might not be embarrassed. Amsterdam, Nov. 13. Count William Hohenzollern, the former kaiser, plans to make .his permanent residence at the Achilleon palace, on the Island of Corfu, it was stated by well informed persons today. !orfu, the largest of the Ionian Is- lands, lies in the Mediterranean ott the coast of Albania. It is about 40 miles long and has an area of 277 square miles. The island ha? beautitui scenery and the climate is mild. ' Amsterdam, Nov. 13. Further do tails were available today concerning the arrival of the former kaiser in Holland. In a dismal drizzling rain, newspapermen, photographers and of ficials stood on a fence near the sta tion platform. Some photographers ciiuilied on top the station. When the ex-emperor, wa'hed to his automobile a few cheered. He started a salute. But the cheers were drowned out by hisses and he failed to complete the salute. Efforts to photograph were frustrat ed Jiy a Gorman general who stepped between him and the cameras. Washington, ' Nov. 12. German fne- (Continucd 011 pago thre BEGINNING OF POST TRANSITIONS N Automobile Industry Is Run ning On Fifty Percent Basis. - Washington, Nov. 13. The transition from war time t0 peace industries is being made gradually right now. The war industries board has made changes in priorities listings and has ameliorat ed restrictions, so that many lineg can tegiu to resume peace output at once. The automobile industry is now run- nine on a 50 per cent basis as regards passenger cars and can make a 23 per cent inercase this month. A number of. other industries are permitted -to in- 5 crease half the restrictions now apply-j ing. Building projects can increase at j once. Restrictions arc lifted entirely, on lumber, cement, brick and tile pro-! duction, transportation can ao ahead, with improvements, cities can make in creased improvements. Curtailments are decreaecd with ro spect to farm machinery, stoves, elec trical household enuinmcnt. sewina ma- ehiiies, talking machines, corsets, beds,! boilers and radiators. Houses costing less than 410,000 can be erected without reference to the non war construction branch. Materials will be expedited for various businesses, particularly shipbuilding. 1 0 5 f y :wrrcrwvo3fr vll Jim 13, 1918 BAKER IS STUDYING PROBLEMS PRESENTED BY CESSATION OF WAR Practically Every Detail Of Demobilization Yet To Be Worked Out. By Carl D. Groat (United IJoess staff correspondent) Washington, Nov. 13. Returning de mobilized soldiers into industries thru local draft boards were being worked out by Provost Marshal General Crow der tcday. . . 1 - Under Crowdor's plan which is tenta tive and still without formal approval of the war department soldiers will be discharged as fast as their local boards can find jobs for them to step into. Each local board would act as a sol diers', employment agency until de mobilization of the wholo national ar my was complete. The system would return the soldiers to civil life by exactly the same course as they were taken into the army. Rough details as worked out at General Crowdcr's office follow: Each hoard has a record of the jobs the soldiers left when they joined the army, so tho jirsj step would be, to ask the former employer if JifT wished to re-employ the men. All employers would be asked to list their labor needs with the local board anil tho kind of work the soldiers want ed ascertained. If a local board informed the com mander of a demobilization camp that it could placo fifty machinists, that number of men coming undor tho juris diction of the board making the e quest could be discharged from the ar my directly into civil jobs. Congressmen who were acquainted with Crowdor's plan today ciMorsed it, declaring it was the only' ..possible way so far suggested for demubilizing an army of millions of men without a sud den glutting of the labor market mid consequent disturbances in every com munity in the country. Baker, his personal aides and ad visers and tho general staff, are study ing the various problems presented by the cessation of hostilities. Of course, some general demobilization plans were made when the war started, out these are insufficient. Tho only policy thus far decided on is that nothing shall be done abruptly or in a way Jikely to upset labor con ditions. The return to a peace basis is to ibs made as smooth and gradual as is possible. The stopjtfng of the draft machine was the first step. Orders to prevent launching of work already con tracted for, but not actually begun, are now going out, "Wo far we are working'nround the fringe of the program; we have not tackled tho heart of it," Baker aid today. He is studying the best method or sending tho 'soldiers to their homos. Those chiefly needed in industries will probably be among the first to return, thcuxh Baker made it clear that so many considerations enter into the prublem that nothing definite has been worked out. General Pershing and Gen eral Bliss in France ore wonting on this phase of the problem also. linker has several civilian aides as well as the gencntl staff working on the future of the student army train ing corps, which controls practically every big school, college and university in the country. He said today that though it is too early to announce a victory, the aim is to return the schools to a peace footing at the earliest pos sible moment without doing it so sud denly as to put any of them out of business because of the changes from "war courses" to their normal peace curriculum and the removal of tho nr mv students. How fast to return to their homes men now in training camps it another problem. This will depend largely, Ba ker indicated, on reports from Pershing and Bliss as to e'Jnditions on the other side. TOMMY ATKINS SCORES Private (to newly promoted lance eorporu) " What they give such blokej as you stripes for boats me." Lanc9 coruoral ".Not for bein' lazy, gnyhow." . ' Private "No; I knows all nbont that, 'cos if thev dirt. vou'il look like a Woomin' ze bra." ' . PRICE TWO CENTS HERBFRT HOOVER SAYS FOOD CONVERSATION IS STILL NECESSARY Can Abandon Substitutes For Wheat, But Fats Must Be Sayed. Washington. Nov. 13. Warring against famine and anarchy in Eu rope, Food Administrator Hoover today declared the vAmerican people munt conserve food along new lines, that Europe may be fed. "Famine," he said, ''is the mother of anarchy. If we value our own safe ty and the social organization of the world if we value tho preservation of civilization itself, we can't sit idly by and see the growth of this cancer in tho world vitals." He declared there are conditions of famine in Europe, "that will be beyond our power to remedy." "Thore are 40,000,000 people In north Russia to whom I fear little access with food can be obtained this winter," ho said. ''Their transportation is da moralized in complete .. anarchy and shortly many of their ports will be frozen even if international transport could be realized. I expect . ttte most ' dreadful results of starvation beyond all human power to allay." , Hoover's discussion of the food sit uation in Europe was made to a gath ering of state food administrators this aftornoon on the eve of his. departure for Europe to take up tho work of food distribution to liberated peoples. He appealed for tho necessity of con tinuation of food conservation in the United states, even though the armis tice is signed- '''From the inability of governments to 'secure food for their people," he said, ''grows revolution and chaos. From ability to supply their peoples grows stability of government and the defeat of anarchy. If we put it on no higher plane than our interests in the protection of our institutions wo must bestir ourselves in solution of this problem. ''There are millions of people now libcrfttcd from tho German yoke ,for whoso interests we have fought and bled for the last 18 months. It js now up to us not to neglect aiiy meas ures which enable them to return to health and self-supporting national life. "This is the broad outlook of some kind of food administration during the 12 months. As to what the, detailed structure of our organization may be can be dnvelojx'd from time to time to suit conditions. It will bo months un til formal peace. In tho meantime, the organization must remain intact if we are to serve tho high purposes I have outlined and ul'ter that we can decide our course upon the busis of unity." Hoover told the state administrators that a "new world situation in fond" requires a change in d unieitic food pol icies. A balance sheet of tho world's fond supply is approximately as follows un til the next harvest: Sufficient supplies, with economy in consumption, of wheat and ryo and shortage of about 8.000.0(H) tons in feeds for dairy animals,, sufficient sup plies with economy In consumption, of othr feeds, beans, peas and rice; . ft shortage of 3 000,000 pounds in pork 'products dairy products and vegetuble j oils; sufficient beef to' load nil refrig erating ships available; sufficient sugar1 I for our own normal consumption if we keep on snort rations, nut snonage 11 thev increase their rations. This being the new world food sit uation, created by the collapse of the war, Hoover summarized tho prime changes in our food policies on today's outlook as follows: 'That we may iThw advantageously abandon the use of substitutes in our wheat bread but that wo would still re quire economy and elimination of waste in its consumption. That for the present we need conservation in but ter and condensed milk. That we must extend this to all fats. ''We can contemplate et most, main taining fully three- pounds per month of sugar per person of household sugar and on the .present outlook we can by the availability of Java sugars to Eu rope begin at once to relax more re straints cn sugar pending some changes in Europe's policies. "These arc special feature in changes of policy, but the shifting of conservation from one commodity to another is not the whole policy- There (Continued on page two) Weaker Report Oregon: Tonight and Thurs- day rain; warmer fast portion tonight;, moderate soutiier'y winds. . " - - ' ' 1 ON TRAINS ND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS " REVOLUTION IS' EFFECTIVE ALL OVER GERMANY" Communications Now Signed German Legation Instead Imperial Legation. REPUBLICS PROCLAmED i IN BERLIN AND VIENNA - i IT 1 1 11 . iiuiuenourg in icmixnicaion With Workmen's And Soldier's Council. London, Nov. 13. Tho new German ' government) emphasizes in lirelosg dis patches sent out from Berlin that the' revolution is now efueetive practically everywhere in the country and that dis order has been reduced to a minimum. Despitethis. assurance,- a, Copenha- gen repcrt insisted that Monday when the new government declared that all was quiet in Berlin officers and cadets still loyal to the former kaiser were resisting tho ".vd guards' in the capital, from the royal library and other public buildings. A Hamburg dispatejh received by way of Amsterdam said that German miiin headquarters had notified the lo cal headquarters as follows: "A workmen's and soldiers' coun cil has been formed at the front with out disturbance. H entered into com munication, with Field Marsral Von Hindcnburg Tuesday." Tho Hague relayed the following Berlin dispatch: "The revolution has been completed with little bloodshed, Chancellor 1'ji.erts cabinet comprises Scheidcirmnn, Laus berg, Haasc, Wttmann and liarth." A wireless dispatch from Berlin, states that Dr. Solf hnrl requested of ficials abroad to sign communications ni "the German legation" or tho "German consulate," insteait of -'im-" perinl," as hitherto. The workmen and soldiers still have complete control of the North sea and Heligoland, according to ' Amsterdam reports. Ului.ufi.li.tu Irmii 7iiritl 11 lllinil IICC1 that republics had been proclaimed both , in Uerlin and Vienna. The following delayed dispatch waa sent cut by the Berlin wireless: Tho workmen and soldier') announce that the kaiser, kaiserin and crown prince have arrived at Maastricht, u-hr thuv ni-n nwnitimr decision of the Dutch government regarding their admission into Holland. "It is untrue that Field Marshal Von Hindcnburg is included in the par ty. He is nt general headquarters and ' in support of the agreement wo submit.,. Crown Prince Kulprecht likewise is re maining at his post." . AMERICANS MARK TIME. With the American Army at the Front, Nov. l'J. The Amer ican army is marking time until orders come from Marshal Fpch for the next move. .Very few Germans were seen along the front lines, which gave life to tho belief that plans were already under way for withdrawing back, to their own order, ... , , i Cessation of hostilities has wrought wonderful changes on this front. Marching columns of troops going into battlo are replaced by groups of doughboys and poilus rejoicing at the success of their great efforts. Towns in thiH part of France continue to celebrate with un abated joy. MINISTRY HAS FALLEN. ' sic 1 I . sinnlimrn. Chile. Nov. 13. The min istry of Garcia De La Huerta Buha ' moiide has fallen because, it is said, of nllmrrwl nrn-Oermnn inclinations. A j great ce'ebmtiou of the allies' victory I will be held tomorrow.