Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 12, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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2toU of saw
"From Over There"
General Pershing's Official Report
Among the casualties mentioned in
today's dispatches are the following
from Oregon:
Portland; Died of Wounds
Woodburn; Died of Disease
Monmouth; Killed in Action
The following casualties are reported
by the commanding general of the Am
erican expeditionary Jorces:
Killed in action .... ..: 1J1
J)ied of wounds 96
lMed of disease 107
Wounded severely ; 34
Wounded slightly 63
Missing in action 66
Killed In Action
Major Fred A Cook, Creton on Hud
son, N. Y.
Captain Edgar Hayden, Coffeyville
Captain ,Tas C Kenady, Dexter Mo
Lieutenants Henry A Foote, New
York .
Herbert- W Howard, Chicago
Jog A Carr, Auburn, NY , -William
J Hanly Oakland Calif
Sergeants Wilson B Barnes, San Fran
cisco Roscoe G- Benapil, Los Angeles
Chas. M Duncan, Dearborn Mo
Frank Hoxworth, Doylestown Pa
Patrick Loveless, Johnson City Tenn
Bertie W David, - Winehestor Ky
r Amog Hughes, McConnellsville Ohio
Floyd E Nevins, Indianapolis Ind
Walter J Rogers, Baltimore Md
Corproals Harry F Beatty Eric Pa
Emil Bohling, Milwaukee Wis
Thos. Bennett, Belmont W Va
Archie A Bird, Roekford 111
Win, E. Calahan, Brooklyn N Y
Bichard I Cassidy, Jolinsonburg Pa
Clarence E C'hancelor, Memphis Mo
John Or Diets, Detroit Mich
Delta Wilbur Doyle, Highland Wash
George T Dugat, Texas City Texas
Paul E Eckenroth Bloomburg Pa
James Gordon, Amarillo Texas
Charles L Guthrie, Williamsport Pa
Frank Jcnna, Brooklyn N Y
Harold B Peters, Troy Pa
George C Rosencrantz, Edward Ncbr.
Boyed Grandell, Baltimore Md
Albert Warnbrough, Centre Dale B
Frank G Davis, Santa Paula Cal
Harry J Dawson, San Francisco
Oscar A Flori St. Louis Mo
Bobert A Gaston, Fort Som Houston
Lester L Harris, Joseph Mo
Daniel O Harrison, Hardy Va
John D McPhail, Hope Mills N C
August Schrocder, Washington Mo
A.. i. m C!i;..Un 1nlf;mni.A M.3
' ".Morva Tackett, Newport Ky
George M. Waldhauer, Brooklyn N
Moses Winterficld, New York
Bugler Ernest Bagwell Tonganoxie
Xtav I, Lnvmnn. Kansas
City Mo
Mechanic Henry Foutz, Chrisman 111
Wagoner Ambrose Edward Flattery,
Detroit Mich
Earl Mitchol, Poplar Bluffs, Mo
Cooks August M Behrmnn, St Louis
Mo .
Ben W Elbbn, East Lake Tenn
Boy M Hunter Scalp Level Pa
Privates Frederick J Baumgartner,
Chester C Bcaudine, Kent Minn
Walter B Birkland Chicago
Levi Bishop, Dcxtor 111
William B Clair, Bellf ield N D
Lawrence Boy Blann, Richmond Mo
Elmer Morton Bower, Waukcgan JU
,Wm. Bower, Brookings S D
Alf Brocks, Rogersvillo Tenn
Geo. V Broxton, Hannibal Mo
Dewey H Buchanan, Abilene Kas
Roy L Burkett, Chillicothe Mo
Aubra Burns, Council-Grovo Kas
Frank Cain, Arno a
. Giovanni Cavallo, Thenton N J
George Chicerlo, Chietino Italy
Benjamin F Cline, Thurmont Md
. , . ... . ill' . A-l.
John w, uollins. JYU'Ainsicr Aim
James Verne Craig, Kansas City
Elliott A Crews, West Point Tenn
Chas. A. Crockett Dekalb Mo
Frank Curtis Valley Falls Kas
t..: r... finllnn Pnint TJ V
UUIUD .uuui., vmg. v...v .
John H Doraty, Huniiboldt Tenn
Jos Dorfer, New York
Edward L Drill, Princeton Wis
William Edw. Dwyer, Rochester N V
Curtis. Alexander Dye, Huntington
Bobert J England, Carrolton Mo
Theodore Anderson, San Creek Wis
Garler Ballou, Columbia Ky
' Paul H Barber Cleveland Ohio
Filippo Benincasa, Pottsville Fa
Bexford Best, Princeton N C
Robert H Bevor, Buffalo N Y
Chas. Coylo, Philadelpnia ra
ni t nK.;t ' Philndclnhialwell known authority. Meat forms
Ohio . "
George E Douard, St Louis 111
Hush Ton Dumas. Fort Worth Tex!
Antone Eberlcin,. Baltimore Md
Ferris L Eckis, Berlin Center Ohio
Arthur B Edwards, Lcbo Kan
Severre Eife, Daglum N D
John A Eisele, Philadelphia Pa
Jesse L Foster, Garden- Grove Cal
John M Fouste, Lowden Wash '
Elmer Cox, Hubhsen Cal
Arthur W Gibbons, Knoxville Tenn
Fred L Grennan, Burlnitgon Kan
Carroll P'Hale. Bison Okla
John B Haves. Hampton V
Nicholas W Heery, We Haven Conn
Ouy M Holloway, Willow Springs Mo
Earl E Hornbeck, Los Angeles
Car! Hoy, Bakersficld Cal
Madison HughesJ Ono Ky
Joe Janorsi Carnegie Pa
Sonny Fixico, Samkws) Okla
otto J Flonan, ITiicago
Robert L Crim, Kilgore Tex
William H Hall, Trenton Mo
Walter R Hartley, Louder.ville W Va
Cleveland Head, Arley A'a
Frank D Herbert, Wiikinsburg Pa
Ivar M Johnson, Brooklyn
Clyde F Jones, Russell Pa
William P Kelley, Springfield O
Gilbert Killian, Poplar Bluff Mo
Harry A Kimball, Clear Lake la
Solomon H Kitchens, S Albany Ga
Jesse L Kite, Casey I -John
C Klsffks, Cheektowago N Y
Lloyd V Khne, Waunetn Neb
Michael J Monika, Northbraddock Pa
Frank Kowamagky, Shenandoah Pa
Francis M Kralla, Mt Joy Pa
Henry B Kramer, Ogden Utah
Harry J Krivona Latrobe Pa .
Charles L Langham, Mnion Center
Dama S Love, Odin III'"""
- Frank Luci, Erie Pa
Liza Merkiel, Gaylord Mich
Osenr Midkiff, Bloom Rose W Va
Robert L Mitchell, Cadis Ky
George K Mollenhour, Chetopa Kan
Leotis C Overton, Ft Towson Okla
Herman L Paff, Henderson Ky
Lewrenco H Pako, Chicago .'
John C Pettison, Warsaw Ind.
John H Pitts, Frink Fla j
Albert N Prosser, Denver
Joseph V Qncenan, Chicago
Leon E Raab,-New York
JohnRiddle, Marion Kan
Earle W Robinson, Oharlcstown W
Will Roseveld, Hull la
August C Schuler, Finland Pa
Frank S Scott, Augusta Wis
Frel G Smith, Conrad Mont '
Oscar Solberg, Big Timber Mont
Frederick Stants, Staten Island N Y
Charles W Starnes, Bnileyton Tenn
Milton Stern, Philadelphia
James Stewart, Newark N J
Joseph St Germain, Baltic OtrSn
Roy Swaim,. Wamego Kan .
O Siwerman, Bayside N Y
Ellis A Tucker, Minneola Kan .
William F Waidler, Sheridan Pa
Frank M Keating, Lancaster Wash .
Arthur II Lemmer, Shakonee Minn
Ha dy M I,ockwood, Corsica S D
Courtney M Long, St John Kan
Robert F Lumber, Portsmouth Va
Harry D Miller, Coplay Pa
OUie Mills, Houston Tex ...
" Henry T Mohr, Freeport N Y
Ruel 'Neal, Lcroy 111
Carl O Pabl.hi Philadelphia
Joseph A Roche, Brooklyn N Y
Oscar H Rollins, Charleston W Va
Richard J Rorke. Clifton Htg Ta
Harry Ruehl, Baltimore
Joseph Rushing, Granite City 111
Max Schaff, Newark N J
David Schledewitz, Fresno Cal
Theodore G Scholler, Camden N J
Walter R Schoultz, Philadelphia
- Fred G Schwab, Pittsburg Pa
John Slubowski, Poland
Earl H Stout, Horton Kan
Walter C Stowers, Felton Minn
Cloo Strong, Latrobe Pa
Cecil E Thompson, Escalon Cal
Lloyd Titus, Munith Mich .
Died of Wounds
t Capt- -Webster S Albertson, Vancou
ver Wa.9h
Harry A Hollidny, Traverse City
Clyde T Morrison, Timpson Tex
Joseph M Fournier Jr, St Louis Mo
Claude N Stinc, Lafayette Colo
Philip W Brooks, Brooklyn
Robert G Troy, Monessen Pa
Ellis W Williamson, Rneford N'C "
Ross E Bowerman, Adrian Mich
Robert L Flanagan, Binghamton Nt
.Elmer W' Gibson, Melbourne Mo
John Keenan, Philndelphia
F.lon Sheppard, Wayland N Y
Kosie Smith, Gadsden Ala
Benjamin Stormont, Gnllipolis O
William B Decring, Cedar Springs
Hobnrt Edwards, Craig Colo
Lloyd L Both, Govans Md
Mech Harry E Wiles, Abingdon 111
Cooks Axei L Anderson, Youngstown
Roy May, Hemlrix Okla
To'.bcrt Adklns, Huntington W Va
Birndv Alexander, Helomse Tenn
Sully' Bourgois, .Teanerett La
Harry O Cecil, Canton 0
Flush The Kidneys At Once
When Back Hurts Or Blad
der Bothers-Meat Forms
Uric Acd.
No man or woman who eats meat
reularlv can make a mistake by flush
inir tho kidneys occasionally, says a
uric acid which clogs the kidney pores
so they slugishly filter or stram only
part of the waste and poisons from the
blood, then you get sick. A early all
rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, constipation, dizziness,
sleeplessness Ibladder disorders come
from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
tho kidnevs or your back hurts, or if
thf urine "is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four ounces of Jad Salts from
anv reliable pharmacy and take a ta-
; blespoon u m a "
urea m.'i a Z
nevs will then act fine. This famous
salts is made from the and ot grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia
and has been used for generations to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
m nrtivitv. also to neutralize
orders. ,
Jad Salts is inexpensive and ennnot
injure; makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia- water drink which all reg
ular meat eaters should take bow and
then to keep the kidneys clean and the
blood pure, thereby avoiding serious
kidney complications,
Not a Bite of
. Breakfast Until
You Drink Water
Say a glass of hot water and
phosphate prevent illness
and keeps us fit,
- . v
Just as coal, when it burns, leaves
behind certain amount of incombust
ible material in the form of ashes, so
the food and drink taken day after
day leaves in the alimentary canal a
certain amount of indigestible mater
ial, which if not completely eliminat
ed from the system each day, becomes
food for the millions of bacteria which
infest the bowels. From this mass of
left over waste,, toxins and ptomain
like" poisons are formed and sucked
into the blood."
. Men and women who can 't get feel
ing right must begin to take inside
baths. Before eating breakfast each
morning drink a glass of Jtal hot wa
ter with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it to wash out of the
thirty feet of bowels the previous days
accumulation of poisons and toxins and
to kecip the, entire- alimentary canal
clenn, pure and fresh. .
Those who arc -subject to sick "head
ache, eold, Ibiliousnoss, constipation,
others who wake up with . bad taste,
foul breath, backache, rheumatic stiff
ness, or have a sour, gassy stomach af
ter meals, are urged to get a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate from the
drug store, and begin practicing intern
al sanitation. This will cost very lit
tle, but is sufficient to make anyone
an enthusiast on the subject. . . .
Brown W Coleman, Hineston La
Cloyd H Cronin, Zanesvi'le O
Harry Davis, Girardville Pa
Norbert G Dorschoid, Buffalo N V
"Archie Faircloth, Favettoville N C
Irving H Friedman, Brooklyn N Y
Herman Friodner, New York
Linden L Gain, West Union W Vft
Liugl Gavazi, Elmore Pa
Arthur Janney, Hanover N M
Ralph R Johncox, Buffalo N Y
Johannes Kurdie, Kaylor S D
" Robert Luff, Brooklyn N Y
John J McCool, New York
Carson McGregor, Wallaccburg Can.
Max Miller, Marblehead Mass
Francesco Molisse Rookville Center
Fred W Moll, Ebenezer NY
Harry L Abbott, Mcadville Pa
Charles H Albertson, Elizabcthton,
August Appenbrink, Quincy 111 ,
Napoleon iBeaucage, Chassel Mich ,
Carl P Britton, East Alstod N H
Godfrey E Brugeon, Malone N Y
Leroy Bryan, Rayalton Pa
Hilmer T Carlson, Minneapolis Minn
Ralph Cerncra, Brooklyn N Y
Nicolaos H Chichilicas Vallcjo Cal
Carl R Crites, Lakeside 0 .
Thomas D Curfman, Steubenvillo 0
Leslie Davis, Osage City Kan .. . i
James W Dix, Danville Va
Howard Dresciicr, Chehali? Wash
James R Dunn, Richmond Va .
Raymond Flahorty, Boston
Moses Fond, Hawkinsi Wis
Ralph Fouch, Washjiort 0 . .
Austin W Frankenficld, Coopersbnrg
. Theodore E Gourviotig, Garfield Utah
Curtis L Graham, Clearfield Pa
-Leo C Joller, Pittsburg Pa
Alexander Kaminski. Dctioit Mich
Howard Macdougnl, Brooklyn N Y
Walter R Monettc, Hines Wis
Roy O Money, Cleveland O
Francis X Naugliton, Hanisburg Pa
i'ramer H Pelliam, Whitney Tex
Emil A Peo, Chicago
Wilbur Or Purcoll, Oldham Va
Edward R Reeves, Chicago
Lawrence J Sardi, Brooklyn
Charles L Saxton, Onconta NT''
John E Schleig, Treverton Pa
Anton Simaitis, Chicago
Oeorge 8 Simington, Los Angelea
Benj W Skelton, Central 8 C
East Smith, Chillicothe Mo ,
William Smith, Reading Pa
Jake Smothers, Hand Ark
Ernest J Southard, Russ Mo
Charley Spear, Horton Kan
William Stoenson, Greenwich N Y
Waflll Ucinowicz, Biiyonne N J
Albert M Waters, Columbus O .
Anthony Welcnc, Troop Pa
Charles B Wood, Carterville Mo
Died of Disease
Capt John P, Pryor, El Paso Tex
" Nurses
Henrietta I Drummond, Pawtuckot
Anna Marie McMullcn, Alltntown Pa
Theodore P Bonner Jr, Hickory N C
Jay E Breeding, Idaho Falls Haho
Russell E Davis, Grafton H D
Theodore S Elliott, Pine Bluff Ark
Elbert N Patten, Maryland N Y
Logan B Greene, Pasadena Cal
Harold W Griffiths, Adams N Y
George E Richardson, Hagerstown
Bugler Roy M Brown, Ontonagon
Musician Daniel J Builock, Balti
more Cook, Russell L Coc, Grand Junction
. Privates
John A Andrews, Hamilton HI
Walter R Armstrong, Knoxville Tenn
Joseph A Bndcr, Baltimore
Percy H Bailey, Hillsbcro N H
Willie Baker, Greedmore Tex
Orvillc L Barg, Minneapolis Minn
Frank T Bartels, Hamilton O
Carl Boehlken, New Yor!.
Harry J Bush, Bullston Sta N Y
Albert F Carlson, (1arrisa Minn
Clyde Chapman, Nacogdoches Texas
Lee Chapman, Orangeburg 8 C
Kives Clardy, Fayette Ky
Floyd Cooper, Waynoka Okla
John Crigler, West Point Misb
James H Deeter, Seibert Colo
Robert De Graffenroid, Cliestcr S C
John E Donati, Camp Bellsville Ky
lienton Edenfleld, Swninsboro Ga
Oria S Entsey, White P 0 Pa r
Dewey C W Farr, Flagler Colo
Porter M Fairlcy, Agood Mo
Tom Fry, Charleston Miss
Eav G Gilbert, Craftsbtiry Vt ''
liuford C Gordon, Lexin(,ion Mo
Henry J Hall, Chanute Kan
Ollie O Hartzeil, Emlington Ps
George 'Hayes, Detroit Mict
Haavel N Hellickson, Brooten Minn
Irad M Hidden, Ocean Grove X J
George Hogoboom, Keokuk. Is
Lawrence .Hultzleiter, Brookville Ind
Claude E. Hughes, Abbeville S C
William U Jennings, Clifton Okl
Henry O Jockneck, Hitchcock S D
Legree Gordon. Maehea Ga
Carl A Keith, Jonesboro lad
Isaac L Kinney, Spark O
Homer Lof tin, Delta Colo
Benjamin H Long, Havlock Neb
Jilartin O Longstrom, Flagler Colo
John McElrath, Hollius AW
Francis McLonghlin, Brouktyn
Daniel O McMahon, New i'ork
Anton" Maly, Bee Neb
Carl Manning, Chcwey Okla
Joe F Marsoun Boscobel! Wis '
Edward L Mathis, Erin Tenn
Leoland C Mayle, Roxbury O
Joseph Modica, Kingston NY
Henry V Moore, Ashvflle N Y
Harold C Ncergaard, Rio Grande Cal
Fred W Nelson, West Plains Ma
Mack Nickorson, Greensboi.o V . ,
John Pnrutis; Chicago " '
Clyde L Sage, Schroon River N Y
Joseph H Schwartz, Green la
Claude See Appling Ga .
Frank Soufert, New Haven Conn
Howard W Shaffstall, Coper San
dusky 0 . '
Harry Sheffield, Guyton Ga .
Andrew J Sherin, Osakis Minn
Horace E Shnpard, Bridgeport Pa
Thomas Skryspak, Perth. Amboy NJ
Lonnie L Smith, Quitman Ga
Forrost E Waterman, Morley Mich
Zoffoa Pceples, Kite Ga
.William'. B Pfrommer, Philadelphia
John D Retherford, Starksville Miss
Dayle 8 Reeves, Washington la
Wrilliain M Reeves, Camp Verde Tex
William T Reines, Falmouth Fa
Albert Robreclit, Watsonville Cal
Lonnie- T Rodwell Lowisburg N.C
Louie Schuldt, Clayton Minn :
Arthur P Schultz, Norwich Conn
"Geo J Schuster, Shanpsburg Pa '
Arthur Ymith, Beallsvillo 0
John Stack, Hartford oCun
Clarence -Stettler, Stroudsburg Pa
Hubert Btoiicbraker, Humausville
Paul J Stout, New York
Edwin A Sandquist, Lyons Neb
Andrew ftwanson, Fayetteville Ga
Albort O Tacker, Macksville Kan
Bert K Talbott, Kansas City Mu
Harry E Tangoman, McGiegor la
Gcorgo B Toin, Honolulu
Edward L" Vailo, Cincinnati
Clarence G- Wagner, Redbud, 111
" Frank L Wahnor Milwaukee Wis
Ralph G Walker Scottsdalo Pa
Wounded Severely
Capt Charles E Moore, Charleston
W Va
Lt Richard W Mulcahy, Portage Wis
Isidor Fiedler, New York
Honry 8 Rogers, Philadelphia
Otia W fitrand, Deerficld Wis
John E Weber, Scardule N Y
Mech Jim Moses, Brookwood Ala
Florin W-AUon, Baltimore
Willis Barnby, Buffalo N D
George R Carson, Brooklyn
Benjamin Clausson, Brooklyn N Y
Louie P Fenwick, Bernie Mo
Walter' J Fickenworth, Chicago ,
Harry Paul" Foor Bedford Pa .
Isiic Fultz, Brushart Ky
Clayton A Hatcher, Hoarland Ala
John Alvin Landie, no address given
Floyd Gcorgo McMahon, Lincoln 111
i Walter E McNutt, Battle Creek Mich
Albeit M Milota, Creseo Iowa
Vincent Miragliotta, New York
Tillman H Moncrief, Gardcndale Ala
Sanford D Moon Balaton, Minn
Elsworth Moore, Wilmington Ohio
' Harvey Jones Morgan, Ellwood Neb
James Mosier, Cleveland Ohio
Robert W Mouchotte, Alicevillc Ala
Christopher C Murphy, Ashford Ala
John F Orender, llola, Okla
Raymond Ehoades, Bellevue Ohio
Glenn B Shupp Nashville, Mich
Arthur Vnnharen, Phoenix Ariz
Elmer Whitmcr, Mankato Kas
Henrv Wickert, Albany NY
Wounded Slightly in Action
Joseph W Anderson, Ludington Mich
Clarence E Snyder, Canton Ohie
Henry I Vcith, Ensley Ala.
Guy H Boyce, Waitesfiold Vt
Irven 0 Lewis, Utica Minn
Thomas Mahcr Council Bluffs Iowa
Wallis W Nicholls, Sterling Colo
Theodore Rosenborg, Alameda Cal
Gcorgo W. Smith, Georgetown Tex
Max A Wilk, Windsor Colo
Harry Wood, Los Angeles Cal
Howell Ford, West, Texas
II Valmez, Elmira N Mex
Allan C Westenhiser, Los Angeles
Cal m
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Hazel Green, Or., Nov. 12. The fun
eral of Mrs. Carrie B. Tyson who died
Friday evening, Nov. 1st, was held at
Pioneer icemetery, Sunday at 10.30 a.
m. Rev. Allen of the M. E- church
at Brooks conducted tho service. j
Mot. Tyson was the wife of Jas. B.
Tyaon and was born in Wisconsin but
her parents moved to Minnesota when
she was a small girl. She was married
to Mr. Tyson in Garden1 City and came
to Salem about seventeen years ago.
They were residents of Hazel Green
for 15 years. Mrs. Tyson was afflicted
with cancer. Her husband and step
daughter, Mrs. Groskesy of Torington,
Wyo. were with her during the last
few Weeks. Two brothers also mourn
her decease- Mrs. Tyson was a Christian
and joined the M. E. church in Minn
esota. After coming to Hazel Green
sho united with the U. B. church but
later joined tho M. E. church . at
Brooks. She was much interested in
Hundsy school work and was s teacher
of the Bible class- for some time. Her
mother preceded her to the Heavenly
home just six weeks.
Mrs, Palmer of Vancouver is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Collins
Grandma Savage has been on the sick
list lately.
Mrs- Martha Wolf has been in poor
health for some days. .
Mrs. David Peterson of Portland vis
ited at the Wolf home Sunday;
Mr. Lester of the Portland Y M. C.
A. spent the week end at the E. A.
Dunigan home.
Mr. Mabel Famett who has been
visiting relatives here returned to her
home at Gold Bar last week.
Mrs. Buell of Sheridan is visitin? her
j daughter Mrs. Rose Chapman,
1 E A. Duuigan went to Portland Sun-
tt t MM
Esctrie Co, aUsonfe Temple, 127 North Hih
- TON Osteopathic, physicians snd
serve specialists. Graduates of Am
erican school of Osteopathyi Kirk-
- ville, Mo. Post graduate and spca
" ialized in nervous diseases at Los
Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Kat
Bank Bldg. Phone 85. Residence,
1620 Court. Phone SS18. Dr. White
Res. Phone 46. .
413-4H Bank of Commerce building.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 608.
(Capital Journal Special Sorvico.)
Stayton, Nov. 12. M. Schuff, while
working at the Brown-Potzol satf mili
last Saturday, had the misfortune to
havo some heavy planks full upon his
arm, resulting in a fracture that will
lay lain off for some time.
Mrs. Hadie Kaufor arrived 3alurday
from Camp Green, N. C, where sho has
been for some time and where her hus
band now is. Sh is visiting her par
ents, E. C. Lau and wife, and other rel
atives. . '
Frank Fory, who was badly injurod
last fal when bis separator ran away
going down a hill hear Sublimity, madu
his first trip to Stayton Saturday. Jlu
it obliged to use a crutch, but is gutting
along as well as can bo expected.
Mis. M. A. Lake was in town from
her farm home cast of town Saturday
and left a monster apple with the Jour
nal scribe.
Albeit Nettling was up from Portland
last week on business. It is reported
that he contemplated returning to Stay
ton to live.
J. P. Williams has received -word
from his son in Portland that he is con
tinuing to improve from his attack of
penumoniu, but it still quite sick.
Stevon Taylor left last week for
Deep River, Wash., where he may re
main if conditions suit him,
8. H. Holtitol is reported quito sick.
Mrs. M. J. Smiick is sick from the
prevailing disease, influenza.
Nows of the signing ef tho armistice
by Germany was received in Stayton
about 1 o'clock yesterday morning, and
soon all the bells in town, including tho
fire alarm bell, were set ringing. Drums
were beaten, auto horns added to the
clamor, and the rejoicing was continued
until daybreak, and then some. At
about 10:30 Separato company A of the
Oregon guard of Stayton formed on tho
luuiu str.uet, an auto truck neatly decor
ated, was used as a speakers' stand, and
addresses were dolivered by Mayor
Beaucbamp, Geo. Koech, W. H. Down
ing, J. P. Wilbur and Hon. W. H. Hob
son. Tho remarks' of each spoaker wero
well received and to the point. Tho
speakers were Introduced by Major L.
S. Lamburt. By permission of tho
church tho large bell at the Catholic
church was placed on a truck, decorated
with a black line to represent the crack
in the old Liberty bell, and was driven
through the Btrccts. In tho early uftor
noon the guards, with tho bell, and a
large portion of the population of town
and vicinityleft for Salem, to partici
pate in the celebration there. Tho fact
that Stuyton celebrated last Thursday
didn't lessen tho enthusiasm of yester
day's gathering. People weie here
from a long distance, all business
house closed, and everyone ablo eo bo
about was present to show his satisfac
tion that the great war is at last ended
victoriously for tho allies.
day to spend a few days.
Antone Rasmussen is working over
at Waconda.
Mrs. Alice Parmeter and Miss Mar
gery Parmeter spent Saturday and
Sunday in Salem. .
There wiU be no school at Hazel
Green this week on account of sick
ness iu the Williamson and Loouey
(Effective October 23, 1918)
Main Line.
No. 10 Oregon Express - 6:55 a. m
No. 54 Oregon ian .5:05 a. m.
No. 28 Willamette Limited -9:15 a. a
No. 18 Portland Passenger 1:20 p. m
No. 24 Coos Bay Limited 4:00 p. m
' The Journal classified sds are
freal favorites, with people who
0 things Try one. .
' -
Mail 1209
"Hen's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry,
watches, tools, musical instruments,
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit
eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters
snd furniture. Capital Exchange 337
Court street, Phone 493.
On Good Real Estate Security
O.er Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Oregon
sent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt,
401 Masonio Temple. Salem, Oregon.
FOB SALE And worth the price, fivs
acres of choice land lor hay, gram
or fruit; located about 2& miles
from city limits, new snd well
furnished house &nd barn, an excel
lent well with pump, acre of tim
ber, place well fenced on B. V. V.
Plenty and variety of fruit for fam
ily use. Price $2000. mprovemente
are worth the money asked.' Inquire
of Square Deal Realty Co. Phone 470
ROOM residence, paved stroet, large
lot, $700, $350 cash, balance terms.
40 acres, 20 cultivated, 3 prunes, fair
improvements, $2000, $500 eash, bal
ance terms at 6 per cent. Strictly
modern o room new bungalow, close
in," $2500. 70 acres, 40 cultivated, bal
ance timber, running water, joining
town, $65 per acre. Socolofsky, 341
State St. t
10 PER CENT on your money does not
compare with the following invest
ment. 45 acres, all cultivated, prac
tically joining Salem, on account of
arrangements to be met this beauti
ful, well located tract will be sold at
$210 per acre. Mr. Investor you need
not worry about this proposition last
ing long. It will be sold. If interest
ed act at once. Box 215, Salem, Or.
I can match you. C. W. Niemoycr, Aeal
Estate Agent, Canadian LandB, 544
State streot.
THE FIXIT SHOP Let is repair and
Sharpen your lawn mowers. 267 Court
Phone 1022. . tf
60 years experience, Depot, National
. and American fence.
Sizes 20 to 53 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, ete
LoganborTy and hop hooks.
. Salem Fence and Stove Works.
250 Court street. Phone 124-
No. 14 Portland Express 17:55 p. m
No. 53 Oregonian . 3:20 a. m.
No. 23 Coos Bay Limited 9:42 a. m
No. 15 California Express 10:58 a. m.
No. 17 Eoscburg Passenger ....4.18 p. m.
No. 27 Willamotted Limited....5:54 p. m.
No. 13 'Frisco Express 9:33 p.m.
No. 73 Arrive at Salem :10 a. m
No. 74 Leave Balom 3:10 p. m
161 Leaves Balem, motor 7:00 a.m.
163 Leaves Salem, motor ,.m....U:Z a.m.
165 Leavos Salem, motor ........1:55 p.m.
(Through ear to Monroiutu snd Arlie.)
171 Leaves Salem .......... .-.6:15 p.m
162 Arrives at Salem ........ 8:25 a.m
164 Arrive at Balom 11:00 a. m.
166 Arivcs at Salem ...3:20 p.m.
17,8 Arrives at Salem .......7:40 p.m.
Train Leave Arrive Airiv
Mn Portland Salem JiiiirmH
8 Ltd.. 8:15am 10:15 am 12:30 pm
7 10:40 am 12:50 om Salem only
9 2:05 pm 4.12 pm 6:35 pm
13 Ltd 4:45 pm 6.40 pm 8:50 pm!
17 . 6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only
19 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only
No. 63 school train from woodburn, ar-1
rive 8:35 a. m. except Saturday and
(North Bank Station (leaving Jeff ersos
Street 15 and 20 minutes later.)
Train ' Leave Arrive Arrive
No. Eugone Salem Portland
6 - 7:15 am 9:20 am
No. 04 to Woodburn 8:55 s. m. except
Saturday and Sunday.
10 Ltd 7:23 am 9:4ii am 11:30 am
12 12:15 pm 8:25 pn
18 Ltd. l:4i pm 4:00 pm 5:60 pm
20 . 8:30 pm 7:40 pm
22 8:23 pm 7:85 pm 10:00 pm
(North Bank Station (Arriv Jefferson
stroet 15 minutes esrHor.
Leave Corvallis ' Arrive Salem
8:20 am....Northbound.....9.45 am
2:41 pm..Nortlibound..4:00 pm
6:18 am Northbound 7:55 pm
Leave Salem Arrive Corvallis
10:15 am Southbound 11:37 am
4:12 pm........8outhbound... 6:40 pm
6:40 pm Southbound 8:00 pa
refuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone, Main 2247.
Residence,. Main 2272.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. P. Andresen, C. C, F. J. Kusta
K. R. i a
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets
every 8rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o 'clocsi
In Derby building, corner Court and
High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; F. A.
Turner, clerk.
"Oregon Grape Camp" No. I860,
meets every Thursday evsning im
Derby building, Court and High St.
Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St.
oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record
er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84 meets first Thursday of
each month, at S p. m. in I. O. O. F.
Hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A4
, C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 34Q Owens
street. .
Wheat, soft white $1.94I
Wheat, lower pads on sample
Oats , . 80c
Hay, oats .. $25
Barley, ton
Hay, cheat, new ,
Mill run
Butterfat 67
Creamery Ibutter 66e
Fork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on foot : 16e
Pork, dressed 1921e
Veal, fancy 1718e
Steers . .. 79
Cows 46K
Spring lambs - .. lO'.e
Ewes.. .. .....4s
Tmbs, jrcnVrgs 87e
egg ana rouiuy
Eggs, cash
Hens, live ....
,. 2022s
... 2124
..... 8335o
.... 23&25S
Old roosters
Turkeys, dressed
Turkeys, live
Sweet potatoes , . 8e
Potatoes i-E
Onions, local $1.7J
Cabbage .. -e
Carrots $1.58
Horse radish root, lb, 15s
Turnips : 2Vs
Beets - -e
Grapes - $22.5
Green peppers e
Parsnips ........ . .
Egg plant ,
Cranberries, box $4.2s
I rait
Oranges $1"
Lemons, box ltf10.5
Bananas ...-.......... .......... 7e
Huckleberries, pound - 17a
California grape fruit, case $7.508.5
Black figs, 25 25 lbs ' -50
Figs, 4 oz packages
Figs, 6 oz, packages $4.58
Fis, 8 oz. packages ... $3.59
Figs, 10 lb. fancy $8.
Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy . $2.W
setau rnces
Creamery butter - 70s
Flour, hard wheat .- $33.85
Country Gutter ......................... foe
EgKs. aozen ............. 'u
Portland, Or., Nov. 12. Butter, city
creamery 60s
creamery 60o
Eggs, selected local ex. 6356o
Hens 2527e ' j
Broilers 2730
Oeess 1718o
Cheess triplets 3536e
Receipts 1RSD
Tono of market steady
Prime stccis $12.25(oj12.75
Choice to good steers $1118
Medium to good steers $10(all
Fair to medium steers $8.50(o9.50
Common to fair steers tWiX
Choice cows and heifers .258.75
Medium to good cows and heifers
Fairto medium sows and heifer
C'snners $.14
Bulls $5(5)7.50
Calves Wal2
Stockers and feeders $68
Receipts 4172 I
Tono of market slow 4
Prime mixed $17.251'.33
Medium mixed $17(017.25
Rough hesvies $15.25(015.35
Pigs $14(uil5
Receipts 2152
Tone of market steady
Prime lambs $U.5012.50
Fair to medium lambs tS.5O10.3O
Yearlings $10(11
Wethers $910 ''iST'Il
Ewes $68.50 3 Set U
The Journal Job Department
will print you anything in the
stationery Une-r-do it right and
save you real money.