PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1918. 1 1 i "For six years me haze used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in our family and feel we could not possibly do without it, especially for the children." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Mrs. Earl Cowell, Ce ment City, Mich.) Children become constipated as readily as do their elders, and the result is equally dis tressing. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is ideal for children because of its pleasant taste, posi tive, yet gentle, action, and its freedom from opiates and narcotic drugs. DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (,) $1.00 ATRIAL BOTTLt CAN BE OBTAINED, FRCC OF CHARGE. BY WRITING TO Dl. W. B. CALDWELL. 459 WASHINGTON STREET. MONTICELLO. ILLINOIS cnrirrv HEADQUARTERS OF Continued from page one) facilities to transport the army beyond the Rhine. Mathias Erzberper, leader of the Catholic party and chairman of the German delegation, will remain as sec retary. General Winterfeld wept bitterly when he signed the document. The German delegation took a special train from Bethondes to Tergnicr, where a German automobile met them and carried them bzack to the German line. 1' J ! 71 IA Purifies Highly antiseptic. Used as curative aeent for all externa kin troubles. Conceal permanent burnishes and reduces unnatural color. Ideal for correcting creasy skins. Gouraud'S Oriental Cream SnJ l()c for Trial SIM ' FRRTX T. HOPKINS SON. ttew York GERMAN LAUNCHES (Continued from page one) It hns Bhown noevidence, to the pres ent, that it is anything more than the outcome of defeat and chagrin at the Hohenzollorn bloody conspiracy againBt humanity. . It is not the purpose of the demo cratic nations to let Germany starve. fVe do not sturve even the most brutal of our convicts, though we sometimes execute them. Nor. can' it be advan tagcoug to the world to permit an' archy to dcevelo in Germany. A rcigh of anarchy would compel America aud the allies to expend force on its sup pression and would increase the dim- cultios of compelling the Germans to pay for the wanton destruction commit ted dining the war. Therefore, while full punishment' will surely fall upon the German.nation, the Germans will be kept alive by the al lies to bear their punishment. But cringing soldiers fresh from their sup pressed piracy and whining for mercy, need expect none from a just world. Democracy 'B own rightful judges will pronuounee the penalties upon this bloody nation. A craven spirit can avail nothing on behalf of Hohcnzol lern's too recent tools. kVVULl I ' By CAEOL a DIBBLE. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. McAdamg delight fully entertained Sunday informally at their residence, 245 D .street, with rabbit dinner in celebration 'of the an ticipation of the peace so soon at hand. The table was artistically decorated with late fall flowers and fruit in a huge basket. Covers were placed for eleven including: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark, Mr. ad Mrs. W. H Byars, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Konald Glover, Mrs. Anna walk er and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Me- AJama have a son in France, Mr. and Mrs. Byarg also have a son in the ser vice over there and Mrs. Walker has four sons in France. . Mrs. George S. Young, wife of Col onel Yonng, U. S. A., the newly ap pointed commandant of the students' army training corps at Willamette -uni versity, arrived from l'ortlcnd today to join her husband for the winter months. Colonel and Airs, loung nave taken a suite of rooms at the Marion hotel, where they will make their home during their stay in balein. Bwore eoming .here Mrs. Young vis ited in Tacoma for several days, where she was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Keed, of tne army colony at the Tacoma Country club. Before her marraage to Lieutenant Keed last June, Mrs. Keed was Miss Polly Young of Portland. Mrs. Young was the in spiration of many charming affairs during her sojourn in Tacoina. Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Durdall have re turned from Portland where they spent a few days the latter part of the week visiting friends. A large number of friend? will be glad to hear that Mrs. C. C. Kuney is A SIMPLE WAT TO EE MOVE DANDRUFF There is one sure way that has nev er failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you de stroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plnm, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this i all you will need,) apply it at nignt when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every sin gle sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You wtll find all itchina and dig ging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hmr will he fluffy. lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. WORSE ? THAN GAS Kidney disease is no respecter of per sons. It attacks young and old alike. In most eases, the victim is warned of the approaching danger. Nature fights back Headache, indigestion, insomnia, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, pam in the loins ana lower abdomen, difficulty in urinating, all are indica tions of trouble with the kidneys. . W he a such symptoms appear you will almost certainly find quick relief in GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules. This famous old remedy nas stood the test for two hundred years in helping mankind to fight off disease. It is im ported direct from the home laborator ies in Holland, and may be had at al most every drug store. Your money promptly refunded if it does not re lieve yon. Be sure to get the genuine GOLD MEDAL Brand. In sealed pack ages, three sizes. convalescing after her recent operation at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Kuney went to Newport about a month ago to spend a fen weeks in their eotlage. Soon after arriving Mrs. Kuney was taken in ana underwent, an operation, iruin which she is now recovering. Her daugk ter, Mrs. Ashley of Portland, is at .Newport with Mrs. Kuney during her convalescence. They will return to Sa lem as soon as Mrs. Kuney is suffi ciently able. The residenee of Mr. and Mrs. George Hose on Court street was the scene of a jolly party Saturday evening, spon sored by the members of the ti. A. club of Willamette univei sity. The hours were gayly whiled away with dancing, the urge basement of the Rose residenee being converted into center of festivity for tot occasion, with seasonable decorations of autumn bloomy and foliage. Glowine pum kins and picturesque corn stalks lent a unique note to the deeovative effect. The Rayeties culminated w.ta the serv ine hour. ' The merrymakers numbered: Miss Alice lClllan, Mias Mildred Gill, Misg Elizabeth Bayne, Miss Helen Ros?, Miss Ameha HabeocK Mass ta na Ackerman, Miss Mabel Corbett, Miss Grace Humphrey, Miss Esther Paranou gian, Miss Helen Lovell, Mis3 Margaret Goodin, Miss Gretcheu Brawn, Miss Catheryn, Slade and Miss Miriam Swartz. Amory Gill Hugh Latham, John Griffith, Edwin Johns, Earl McDon ald, Dewel Hamel, Hubert Darby, Ber nard Nutting, Wallace Carson. Lyle Bartholomew, Robert Newton, Armoa Berger, Kenneth Powers and John Licker. "' The members of the La Area club enjoyed combined .social and busi ness meeting last evening, held at the home of Mrs. Leah Armstrong in North Salem. The meeting was the first one held this season and plans for club ac tivities this winter were discussed. The annual election of officers also took place. The Chautauqua Reading Circle will hold its first mooting of the winter to morrow afternoon at the library at two thirty. The year's work will be begun according to outlined program. Mrs. T. M. Hicks, the new president, will pre side. Mrs. Luella Walsh of Wood burn was a. Salem visitor yesterday, coming up for the peace celebration. Mrs. Walsh was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. N. Shantz., She is the principal of the grammar school at Woodburn. On aceount of the ban on all large gatherings, plans- for the marriage of Miss Fannie Chamberlain, daughter of Senator and Mrs. George E. Chamber lain, and Harold Wilton Tevis of Port land have been changed. The wedding was to have been held at the West minster Presbyterian church in Port land, several hundred invitations hav ing been issued for the affair. The present plan is for the marriage to take plaee at the Chamberlain home, 681 Tillamook street, Thursday evening at 7:45 o'elock in the presence of rel atives and a few close friends, -who are being notified by telephone. A few other friends- will be bidden later in the evening in order that the number at no time will be larger than that stipulated by the health regulations. . Miss Florence Ritchie of Salem and D. A. Stirland of Astoria were quietly married yesterday morning at a sim ple ceremony performed by Rev. R. N. Avison of the First Methodist church at the Methodist parsonago on State street. Mrs. Stirland is a graduate nurse and has made her home in Salem for the greater part of the past three years, while she was engaged in the practice of her profession, f-ae has re sided at 49X North Cottage street. Mr. Stirland is eonnected with a ship yard at Astoria, where the young couple will make their home, having left Salem for Astoria late yesterday afternoon. .-. The-Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the First Methodist church will meet tomorrow afternoon at two thirty at Epworth hall. Mrs. J. H. Ncwkirk of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Crippe of Salem this week. Miss Mamie Johns, accompanied by Afrs AriA. -Tnh-nn. and small nephew, Donald Dixon, have returned to Salem after a two weens- sojourn m San Francisco. FOR THROAT AND LUNGS A C&Mom comtxrond that will bring- re li.f in many aut and chronic cases. Provide la hanit form, a baslo rem edy htrhly recommended by Bcleno. Con tains no harmful drug Try them today. 50 cents a box, including war tax Per sale br n dminrMa Kekawa Laboratory, rhiladrlphi "We Want Candy Cascarets" RstknJ: That when our tongues turn white, breath feverish, stomach sour and bowels consti pated, that our mothers give us Cascarets, the nice candy cathartic, and not nasty castor oil, mineral oil, calomeJ at pills. Cascarets "work" without griping and never hurt us kids. Cost only 10 cents. TO MOTHERS I Learn to give harmless Cascarets to your cross, Sick, bilious, constipated pets and save coaxing, worry and money. ChHdren love this candy cathartic. Nothing else cleanses the little liver and bowels so effectively. Each 10 cent box of Cascarets contains direc tions for dosage for children aged one year old and upwards. ANYBODY HERE Continued from page one) penhagen in a dispatch which quoted a "reliable authority." The dispateh said workmen's and soldiers' council at Cologne sent three representatives to confer with Von Hindcnburg at main headquarters at the latter 's invi tation. The -Paris Matin publishes' a dis patch from Zurich reporting that re publics have been proclaimed in Ber lin and Wurttemburg. Crowdg are reported to have march ed through the streets of Strassburg bearing banners with the inscription, "we wish to unite with France, the motherland!" (Strassbnrg is the capital of Alsace Lorraine.) The sailors of four warships in the Baltic are reported in an Amsterdam dispatch to have joined the revolu tionists. The German frontiers are entirely open, Amsterdam reports. The guards threw down their arms and great num bers of German officers fled into Hol land. Dutch munition workers have been ordered from Germany. ' Paris, Nov. 12. Unconfirmed dis patches from Germany, received by way of Amsterdam today, announced that Gorman soldiors arrested the former crown prince as he attempted to eross the frontier, aud Bhot him. WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied without rubbing, will penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective in allaying external pains, strains, bruises, aches, stiff joints, sbre muscles, lumba- ' go, neuritis, sciatica, rheumatic twinges Keep a big bottle always on hand for family use. Druggists everywhere. 30c, 60c, $1.20 i '"- - J! ANNOUNCEMENT ' . '"'"-V We have sold the balance of the big $40,000 Imperial Furniture Stock to L-s20 oinic, 1-448 They state the goods must be sold quickly for cash, and so the public will find the best bargains in the city of Salem by visiting their store at 448 Coiuurt Street We wish to transfer our good will to E. L. Stiff & Son and assure you that they will give you as good and even better prices and service as we have during our sale. You will now find us disposing of The Spencer Hairdwa&'e Stock at 474 State Street where we will be glad to see you all. Again we thank you all. FeM Compaoy . Now Located at 474 StateStreet, Salem, Oregon ,4