BAT.KM, OBEGOa MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. EIGHT 1)C Smb)il Ifouruol l! You Can Preserve The Spirit of Christmas This year by selecting practical gifts, such as this company has ready now. Our low prices add the possibility of extreme economy. TWO THOUGHTS WORTHWHILE For instance makes one appreciated gifts Crepe de Chine $1.49 Messaline 83c, $1.49 and $1.98 Silk Poplin $1.25 and $2.25 Taffeta, Plain and Fancy- .$1.98 J YOU SHOULD NOT OVERLOOK OUR LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR f s 4 . . ; All Around Town I COMING EVENTS , Nov. J 1-1 8 United War fund drive. Marion county quota $02,000. Quota for Salem 37, SOU. "TH funeral oeutlfuV'Webb dough Co. tf Highest cash price ggs. Midgot Market. paid for fresh tf Special notice. Foresters of America will moot tomorrow (Tues. Nov. 12th) Important business. 11-12 B,'JTb( teat" Ii all yon can do when ceatu wimj.. Call Webb k Olough Co tPfcone 120. tf. Better dentistry without pain. Two graduate course in puinlus den tistry. Dr. Hartley. Phone 114. tf Extra Big dance tonight at the Co tillion hall, music by Hunt's orches tra. Jitney dance. Admittance 10c. ' Dr. O. Hartley, dentist, Moore build ing, 407 Court St. Painless filling and extracting. Pyorrhea. Phone 114. tf A letter hag bean received from Cant 6. Bluff stating that the ship on which he sailed had arrived sntely at an Eu ropean port. He is with base hospital No. V.i. Con you read this typo clearly and with the same p .ir of glasies tee dis tant objects ) pi Can you ri-ad JH this typo Py? clearly and 3 Twitb the same p .ir IT of glasies tee dis. i DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 204-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg. .liaise Id) IK L. BRYANT, Manager tm of the most practical, and that you can pick. DEPARTMENT ncoroorated 1 ? 4 4M w-w , - - - -m m v v v V W V W V V ' . t - Dr. fichenk has now returned from hia vacation and he extendi a cordial Invitation to hia patrons and friends to visit hi institution. tf Miss Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of tho old Italian Method of Bulging. Studio lfi2 Liberty St. N. For appoint ments pnone 334. o Public stenographer, Patricia Graf, first door south of Salem Bank of commerco, 121 South Liberty street. Phono 937. . tf A strong man la officer Mariels. The police record this morning roads: "Of ficer Mariels picked up a small Jer sey eow on North Front stroot and put her in a feed shed on Center stroet Tho owner was notified," Now is the time to place your orders for rosebushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut and ornamental trees for immediate planting, -with the Capital Citv-Nur- sory uo., 1U30 cnom. tst. i"hone 70. 11-31 Notice New garage now ' open for btiRinesw storago and repair specialists, expert mechanics. Service 's our motto. Motor inn Garage, opposite Marion hotol, formerly Halvorsen & Burns. , . 1120 Mayor Walter E. Keyes with tho fire department and a dozen or so automu- 'biles had a parade all to themselves lust night about 1 o clock whon the news came ovet the wiro that an ar mistice had been signed. . o A telogram was received this morn ing from Karl Hingca staling that he COMFORTABLE READING GLASSES FOR WINTER EVENINGS Let us make you comfortable for long evenings of reading and knitting by supplying YOUR EYES. . v Stop that burning and smart ing of the eyes under artificial light. Isn't. it worth while? n mil At FOOD TO BE SHIPPED TO NEEDY EUROPE Herbert Hoover and Secretary . Baker Putting Mammoth Program Into Effect Washington, Nov. 11. An enormous food reserve will be collected in franee under direction .of the .quartermaster general of the army, Herbert Hoover, announced toduy. Hoover and Secre tary of War Baker will put into imme diate effect a mammoth program for sending to Europe quantities of food to meet the dire needs. When armistice negotiations are sufficiently carried out to permit distribution, Serbia. Southern Austria, Montenegro and other sections, wucro mere is a distressing need, will uo miypiicu irom tue quartermaster general's stock. Hoover announced that he will sail for Belgium Friday to be in charge ol Belgian relief and reconstruction work tor tno Amorican Bovernment. Robert j n a i ' "anowcu and Dr. AIodz0 Taylor will assompany Hoover. Chairman Hurley of the United States shipping board will leave at the same time for Belgium. The purpose of his trip has not been made public. ihad been ordered to an .officers train ing school at Camp Lee, Virginia. He has been stationed at i'ew Brunswick, N. J. From Vladivostok, Siberia, Private Earl LeBoy Jenks of Co., B, 31st in fantry writes, ''Have been in this army little over five months and am now located at Vladivostok, Siberia. Have nisi ocuu uiuu or japan, But beliove me there js no place like the old U. S. A." Chauncey Bishon was confined t.n his home today by a slight cold. In quiry at his home -made . late this af ternoon said there was nothimr ser ious, merely one of tho colds that i usual at this time of tho vear. Now that everything: is wlda onn and the city has resumed its accustom ed, ways, tho public library will again open and closo at the usual hours. For tne past week or so it has been ODea to its patrons only in tho afternoons. Saturday a marriage license was Is sued to William Rnhnrt. l'nri-Ul. 51 logger of West Woodburn and Miss So- phroma Viola Hoffman, 26, al:to of vvooumirn. Today a license was issued to David A. Stirlinff. 24. of Astoria and Miss Josephine Kitchio, 22, of 491 North vwnago atreet, Baicin. o Fred Mangis, prominent Elk and Chorrian writes a8 follows from Camp Pike, Ark., whero he is attending an of ficers' training camp: "We are work ing hard horo and hope to get across before it is all over. More than 100, OlM) are in the camp besides those in the officers' training camp, 4000. The, camp graduates a class every month. More than 100 Oregon men are hero." o At a meeting of the vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church Saturaav ev- oning, the Bov. C. H. Powell of La Grande, Oregon, was chosen as rector. According to tho rules of the church, the bishop hns 80 days in which to con firm the choice. It is hoped that ar rangements can be ninde whereby Mr. Powell will bo here for tho Thnnksgiv in gduy services. Now that the ban is off, social af fairs are beginning to move along in a natnrul way. Tho Swedish Aid soci ety announces that a meeting will be Held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock a the homo of Mrs. Gus Anderson, 1840 i.nomi'Keta street. As the state council of defense and the fuel administration could not agree, it seems that the flurry as to when gasoline may bo sold is all over. Thru the efforts of these two war bodies, an effort was made to restrfct the snlo of gasoline. But as they were not working In concert, there seems to have been a general mix up between the two and the leading gasoline companies. As the situation now stands, It seems to be up to the denier as to whether he wants to sell ou Sundnys'Tlnd after six o'clock in the evenings. Lawrence Koene, graduate of the Sa lem high sehool and also a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural college and well known as an athlete, was drown ed yesterday in High river, Alberta, Canada. He is survived bv his mother, Mrs. Sophia Keeue of 4ti2 North 21st street, Salem, and a sister, Mrs. V. A. Huirlies of 2t. North 20th street. Also I!a brother Roy Koene, who went with 'company M to France. In the telegram received today no particular? were giv en as to how the accident happened. fi 17 it- WARED BADLY ii Model t)f Famoas Liberty Bell and Tank Were Unusual Parade Features. For the big demonstration this after noon at 3 o'clock, Salem again demon strated that it is good for all kinds of celebrations. At 2:30 o'clock the streets were lined solid with people waiting for the big parade. And they were not disappointed for never in the history of the city was there such a parade with so great a conglomeration of noises. One of the usual floats was that of a tank, shootine savagely from a ifun in the rear, only in this instance the big gun happened to be a six-inch stove pipe. Six staid citizens carritd a casket in which the kaiser's remains were sup posed to be resting The Loyal Legion or ijumDermen and loggers were once ' nimin nrnminent with v.;.. .. anu Dig noises. Judge Bingham of th i circuit court carried a flag while the, vminor lnf?v rnnnlnirAa n .l.n ..a.... 1nnnt uasisieu in carrying a- large United States emblem. - - . . . . The Elks wero there in number, fol lowing the casket in which the remains of tho kaiser were supposed to be rest ing. It was a joyous occasion. Among the enthusiastic marchors were members f the Grand Army of tho Republic. And then there was tlie 100 Stuyton boys all in uniform and with them the float with a boll the size of tho famous Liberty bell, and the Htayton bell was proclaiming liberty as did the famous bell of Bevolutionary tunes. The kaiser fared bad a8 from several floats he was found with a rope to his neck. The fire department boys were mi on nana as well as representatives irom several business houses. When it comes to celebrating, it seems that Snlem can do the thing up right and with the tw0 dayi already colebrntod, it is said that Salem will be in fine demonstrating Condition to prop erly welcome tho boys when they come home. . Were Th Money For The War Fund Early this morning while the chill was still in the air end the foi? had barely lifted, two boys, ages five and seven years, wero found at the cornei of Court and Commercial streets wait. ing for the doors to be unlocked that they mieht be tho first to mihscrihn for the United War Fund. When the doors of the United Wai Fund headquarters Were finally open ed, the boys rushed in. One ran to the counter and banged down a heavy tin can with a slot in the cover. The other showed up with; an equally hea vy card board ibox' with the usual money slot. ' They jerked the cover off their tem porary banks exclaiming "We want to pay our money for the soldiers who are fighting for us in Franco " The counter was covered with pennies, dimes and nickles and after they hed been counted it was found that one of the boys had $5.18 and the other $15.10. Tho boys wore Eobert and Charles Kay Bishop, sons oof Chauncey Bish op. . IJ MIS Iii MrLN t m b Mate u U V TODAY Exceptional Programs Both Houses Bligh Till 11 TTIH fl n . rr tt nn AM. RED CROSS TO BENEFIT $9,000 Will Of L .C. Lston Gives This Amount For Benefit Of Suffering Humanity. The sum of $9,000 has been bequeath ed to the American Red Cross by the will of N. C. Liston, who died at Bed ding, Calif., November 5, 1918, on his way to Southern California for his health. Tho will is dated October 23 1918. Mr. Liston was unmarried, but had several brothers and sisters living in the east. Being in ill health, he left for Southern California early in No vember but at Bedding his condition was so. serious that he was removed from the train. Shortly afterwards he died. In his will he appoints F. E. Callls- ter as executor, to serve without bond. After making provision that all his dcWa be paid, it is directed that the ex ecutor use $5,000 as a fund to be held in trust for the purpose or png funeral expenses, providing for a suia- able burial plot and a proper monument. The third provision of the will is that on account of past friendship, C. E. Mcllwaine be given $1,000 and also that F. E. Callister be given $1,000. After theso bequests are carried out, the executor is directed to pay all tho balance of the estate of whatever kind to tho American Bed Cross, tho sanio to be used in alleviating the suffering in the groat war an3 for tie benefit of tho destitute in France and elgiurn, The estate is valued at about $10,000. Of this amount $4,000 is in roal estate and $12,000 in personal property. Mar garet Irvine Wishart and C. E. Ross witnessed tho signature to the will. The county court appointed as appraisers Starr. Ed R. Adams, M. Gunderson and Fayc Starr. . STATE HOUSE NEWS - With tho exception of three federal aid jobs, which twill be continued dur ing the winter, all highway work being done uy tho state highway department will be shut down within the next week according to C. A. Dunn, construction engineer of the highway department, The three federal aid jobs are the Union-Telocasct section of the Old Ore gon trail, the Elgin-Minam road, both in Union county, and the Three Rivers project in Tillamook county. Complain mndo to the public service commission by residents of Rex, Che halem, Sherwood and Newberg again3t tho train servico of the Southern Pa cific was dismissed today or o com mission as none of tho complainants ap- poarea wnen a date was set for hearing. In tho meantimo the company has changed its tram schedule. Secretary Baker Urges New Army Legisation Washington, Nov. 11. New legisla tion wui no necessary to obtain an army of proper strength after tho peace treaty. Secretary of War Baker said GO YeLiberty mm ma m s mm a - a a -Ir lee to llofflse Ha Mb Let us give thanks for )eace and victory and )reathe a prayer for those who have made the supreme sacrifice for freedom. GALE PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Streets SENATOR. LAFOLLETT THANKS THE VOTERS OF MARION COUNTY To tho voters or Marlon county: I sincerely thank the voters ofMarjon county for the renewal of tho confi dence reposed in me in selecting mo a senator from Marion county. I appreciate very much the spirit which prompted you to recognize my earnest efforts in your behalt in tne different sessions of the legislature of which I have been a member. If it had not been that tho people of Mirion county prior to my announce ment as an independent candidate had presented me with a potition of 2123 names of prominent citizens asking me to run, 1 would not be your senator ro dav. This petition was presented to me without my hnowledge or solicitation, on my part. Will strive in the future to retain your good will and approval. All proper laws will be favored by me. Those I deem contrary tfi the pub lic good will be opposed. I shall endeavor to protect the tax payers and asiist in the passago of laws favorable to good government. ' A. M. LAFOLLETT. today. Under tho present laws enlist ments terminnto at the. conclusion of peace. Unless further legislation is obtained the army will have to go back to its pre-war strength. The secretary did not indicate the na ture of the legislation desired. Cargo ships will continue movement abroad without cessation of any sort, Bakei said; Troops now loading are largely medical and personal. ' Decision iu regard to demobilization was being marc in Secretary of war Baker's office today. "n the conference were Secretary of War Baker, ' Secretary " of tho Navy Daniels, Chief of Staff March, Chair man Hurley of the shipping board and Felix Frankfurter of tho war labor poll cies board. CARD OF THANKS To the many friends who so kindly assisted during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and daughter, and those who donated so generously the nmnv t nvn nttfivniffa -Wi wish to extend our most heartfelt I thuuks. Frank Stoddard, Mr. and Mr John Shields and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stoddard and family. WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON Stop at BLIGH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District ki g ' T r ! i' r DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist Foot Specialist ' CORNS, BUNIONS, INGROWING TOE NAILS REMOVED Without Blood or Pain or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains' and All Diseases of the Feet Cured. Special Attention to Antiseptics there by Frevcuting lnftetion. Appointments by Phono. Lady Assistant. 518 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 41(3. Salem. Ore. & CO. Formerly Chicago Store t t L.M.HUM are of YickSoToiaj Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa, Has medicine which will emrt any known disease. Open Sunday from 10 a, a. nntid 3 p. m. ' 153 Soutfc High Bt Salem, Oregon. Phoio 181 I WANTED, JUNK t And All Kinds of 2nd Hud rtOda, Fall Market Prices Special Prices paldjfor Backs. ' Get our prices eore yon sell! THE PEOPLE'S JUNK fe 2ND 4 HAND STOKE 271 H. Oom'l 8b Phone 7M "WANTED. Portland Furniture Dealer wants all kindB of second hund furniture, stoves, gas ranges, eto. Best price paid. Phone 951. . . I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and &ive you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinda of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber E.nd junk. Get my Prices Before you sell. " 1 THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. Phone 398 The Square D ial House 271 Chemekf ta Street HEMSTITCHING Hemstitching and Picot edge work. 44 We do this workia 1e best manner. Au work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Co; Phone 441 337- Stats Street SsJeu JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY W. L BRYANT, Manager