Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 11, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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An Economical, Delightful, light Place to Trade
- t mtttt mtt
Bat Pr word New Today:
Each insertion .
Oae week (6 insertions)
Oh month (26 insertions) ..
. 1
. 5a
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more thn one Insertion,
for errors in Classified Advertisement
Sead roar advertisement the first day
it appeara and notify ns immediately il
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15a.
T0TAT0E3 for sale. Phone 80F11. tf
FOB SALE Small pigs, stock
and sows. Phone 18F11.
FOR SALE Fresh cow; two months
old pigs. Phone 45F22. 11-11
MATERNITY cases wanted in modern
home. Phone 2501J4. - 11-11
WANTED -To buy soup beans. Phone
483. tf
ANCONA cockerels for sale. Phone 67
F13. 11-11
BALED grain hay for sale, on ranch.
Geo. Swegle. 11-12
ORDER cabbage now. Phono 40F12.
TOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 69 N. Cottage. 11-12
FOUND fimall leather purse. Call at
Journal efface identify and pay for
d. 11-11
FOR SALE Cow and calf,
or call at 1640 Hall St.
Phone 616
FOUND . Friday, gold
bracelet. Phone 173b.
.37 ANTED Worn an or girl to ia light
bouse work. Phone si. call tor Air.
Jones. 11-11
FOUND Grav kid glove: owner may
have same by calling at office and
paying tor adv. n-n
FOB TRADE Rooming house for city
property. Call 1979. tf
FOR RENT 5 room modern flat furn
ished. Call 1737W. 10 31
DDL. W. F. WRIGHT, jae auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Puonj 69. - tf.
WHITE sugar sak for sale at Hunt
Bros, cannory, now 7oc per doz.
j . - 11-12
GOLD watch to trade for gentle horse.
Jnquire I. W. Thomas, West Salem.
TO LOAN From $300 to $2500 on ap
proved security. W. A. Liston, agent
FOR SALE! cord' wood stumpage. Call
between 8:30 a. m. and C p. m. ,at
Bug and Carpet works, cor. 20lh and
Mill. 1M3
frUND Man's new brown leather
glove. Call at this office and pay
lor dv. 1111
9 PLYMOUTH ROCK pullet's and roos
ter for sale. Phone 117. tf
LOST Thursday Cunklin foiiiitain pen,
case, cap and smooth barrel, green
ink. Phone llt'ia. J-"
WANTED Housekeeper for bachelor
good home, with small child prefer
red. N-9 care Journal. 11-11
FOR SALE Or trade, a five gallon
churn and butter mixer, used twice.
Phone 1531R. 11-12
LOST Sat. afternoon purse containing
two $2.50 gold pieces and suvei. Ke
turn to Journal office. Reward. 11-15
Lost Wallet containing . valuables,
return to T. A. Livesley & Co. Re
ceive reward. ' 11-11
STANTED To buy poultry, eggs,
farm produce, hides, etc. Cherry City
Feed barns. 11-13
FOB SALE Fresh cows, one 3 year old
Jersey, one five year old Holstein.
Heavy milker. 1925 State St. 11-11
FOR SALE Fresh cow, four year old
Jersey, very gentle. 2505 State St.
. .1111
iWANTHD A good set of second hand
harness, suitable for farm work.
Phone 49F12. 11-12
WILL trade Salem residence property
for merchandise of any kind. Ad-
dress M S care Journal. 12-1
i, ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
tmward. Bursa's Furniture Store, 179 ,
Commercial. tf.
FOB SALB Everbearing strawberry
plants tl hundred. Plants now ready
for delivery. G. L. Warren, Salem, Rt.'
. ' , j
WANTED Men and w'omen to take
that needed exercise at the Club
Bowling Alleys, 122 N. Commercial,
up stairs. "-"I
FOR flALE 1917 Maxwell, completely
overhauled, demountable rims, $475.
fiighway Garage. Phone 355, 1000 ft
Coml. tf
PLENTY of money to loaa on good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
1 ttd, Salem. tf
CAPABLE midlle aged woman want
ed as housekeeper immediately.
. Phone 284J after 5 p. m. 11-13
POTATOES for sale, delivered. Phone'
rs. 11-19
1913 MODEL Briscoe for sale. See ear
at Capital garage. n-ifi
WORK wanted as carpenter, shingling
anything in the building line. A.
xirage, 1190 N. 15. 11-11?
WANTED Woman to to do family
washing Monday- mornings. Phone
11 9
TWO and three room furnished apart
ments, 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203
12 5
WANTED By competent stenographer
steady or piece work. Address A 6
care Journal. 11-9
FOR SALE Set chains for Ford.
Child's bed. 1916 Ford. Faverolle
cockereis, Persian cat. Phone even
ings 2510J2. . 11-H
LOST Will the boy who picked up
signal corps service Ilag in front or
10 and 15 cent store, please leave
same at Journal office. 11-9
AN adult family of three want 3 or 4
rooms furnished or unfurnished, in
desirable location, reasonable. Ad
dress X X care Journal.
WANTED Girl or middle aged wo
man, without children preferred, to
take care of little girl 8 years old
and keep house. Phone 17, F. L. Ter
williger, Elks club. , 11-9
FOR SALE 1916 Ford roadster with
demountable rims and shock abserb
ers, several other extras, for $325.
Phone 250OJ5 or call Rt. 7, box 215,
Garden road, afternoons. 11-8
FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. Sect
ed by well improved valley fanes
in amounts of $S00 vp to $10,000.
Thos. A. Roberts, Phone 1427, 814
Masonic building. 13-4
WANTED Small improved farm, close
to school, value around $3500 in ex
change for 40 acres in Hood River
county, and 80 acres in Wosco coun
ty. Both properties are improved, a
mile apart and free from encum
brance. Owner might assume. C. W.
' Niemeyer, 544 State street. The home
of real estate trades. 11-9
Pot the Cost of Improving Church
Street in the City of Salem, from
State Street to Mission Street. ,
To Harriett DeMuth. Susan Newtan.
F. H. Johnson and to owner unknown:
You. and each of Ton are hereby no-
tified that the city of Salem has, by
ordinance No. 1958, levied an assess-
meat upon your respective properties
hereinafter described and in the amount
hereinafter set forth, for such prop-
erty's proportionate share of the cost
ui improving uurct street in ine citj
of Salem from the south line of State
street to the north line of Mission
urci, wpi mai pvmuu luereui oe-
cupied by what is known as the Bush or
nurcn street Dnage extenaing from
the north line of Oak street to the
north line cf the westerly extension
of Bellview street. A descriptiu of
each lot or part theteof or parcel of
land, tne owner thereof, anovthe amount
assessed and levied upon it is as fol-
lows, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the east
line of Church street 83 ft 6 ir north
of the southwest corner of block 71 of
the city of Salem, and running thence
northerly along the east line of Church
street ft to the sonth line of the
alley in said block; thence easterly
and parallel with Ferry street 82 ft, 6
in; thence southerly and Parallel with
Church street 39 ft. to- a point 83 ft.
6 in. north of the north line of Ferry
street; thence westerly and parallel
with Ferry street 82 it. 6 in. to the
fTslls8' '
mi. I . ii. .v i .
bio?; n vvi? jrsr -2-1-
rpoint on the eart
line of lot 6 in Mock 71 of the city of
Salem 112 ft. 6 in. northerly from the
. i. k i. ..-.a Ki.t-
southeast corner of lot 5 in said block,
and running thence northerly Along
i lt a m f.
alley in said block 71, 10 ft; thence
southeasterly at "an ang e of 43 degree.
tn thfl ilia ftf npoinniTitf. H H. -Inhn-
r --o - .
son. Cost 1.U.
The south Zi:Zo feet of lot 2 in
block 9 of the city of Salem. Owner
unknown. Cost $142.22..
Said assessments were entered in
volume 3,- docket of city liens, on the,
30th day of September, 1918, as a
charge and lien against the said do-
scribed properties, and are bow duo
and payable to the city treasurer.
Thh7 notice is served upon yon by
publication thereof for ten days in the
Daily Oapital Jpurnal, a newspaper
published in the eity of Salem, Oregon,
by order of the common council,
Publication ktxeof, is
October 26, 1918.
" H Becorder of the City of 8alem.j
for EXCHANGE What have you,
Mr. Property vwner, in a wen im-(
proved, unincumbered farm of not
over $4000 value, preferably with
two sets of substantial buildings and j F. E. Gonha of Ashby, Neb., is reg
in Polk county; not far from Salem, ; itered at the Bligh.
on good roads, with running water, I j. k. Johnson of the Breitenbush hot
family orchard, stock, farm imple-1 ...rinir. i in the eitv.
menis, ieaf iuei bbu ivgctamtj ui
winter, in exchange for business in
eity and good securities Give de
tailed description, location and valu
ation in first eommunif ation. Home
seeker, Lockbox 187, Salem, Or. 11-13
- . i . i . .. 1 . 1 i .
cleaned and repaired, stoves repair
ed. Phone 19. tf
WANTED To purchase 20 to 30 acres
ipf bearing Italian prune orchard, good
improvements, close to Salem or ear
line Give accurate description, price
and terms. A L care Journal- 11-13
Letter Received From
Leonard Hamilton
Tb following is part of a letter re -
'ecived by J. M. Hamilton, from his son.m cares, snope and other places.
Pte. Leonard Hamilton, of the C. M.
6. C, some where in France:
September 25, 198.
TVr TatW mill Nnllin! 1 mcAivfd
your letter of August 10 last night and
will fi-tr inH anitror nnw I'm still nn
top and feeling fine, though Fritzie
sends over quite a bunch of scrap iron.
Mks a fellow duck when he hears
them coming, all the way from 4 inches
vp to 1G inches Some of those big ones
make a hole in the ground large enough
for the basement of a house. Tlioie has
been several of our lads in this battery
wounded with shrapnel the last lew
days, but not bad. I wag hit on the
shoulder with a piece, but only stung a
little, as it was a glancing hit. I don 't
think he's got my number. Bight now
I aim sitting in a hols in the ground be
hind my machine gun not far from the
front line. Yes, I received the tin box
of things before I left England. Every
thing was O K and many thanks.
Tito poem you sent in thig letter was
good; send some more. '
Well, Dad, I guess I'll have to close
for now. Hope this finds you all well
and enjoying life.
Election to Approve of
School Budget Nov. oui?1?.'md rove;ent thanka f ur
On account of the increase of teach
ers ' salaries, the purchase of the Hoi
man property adjoining the high
school, a loss of 666 names in the school
census it has been found necessary to
increase the school budget for the com
ing year more than six per cent.
As is customary in such eases, there
will be a special election to pass on the
matter. It will be held November 30 at
379 State street
To keep up the efficiency of , the
teaching force, it was found necessary
to increase the salaries of teachers as
has been done in every high school in
the state. . The Holmao property ad
joining the high school is consiuvuxi
8od buy for the district at 32o0. In
tn loss of 66 in the school census by
many with large families moving to the
shipyard cities, the district lost $5,300
It ' estimated that the levy will bo
raised from 6.4 mills to that of 7.6 mills.
Last year the total amount raised was
$80,000. This year it will require $95,
Through the closing of the MeKinley
schools $1,736.00 was savod the district,
in addition to the creneral UD-keoD of
the DUilaing.
The election to be held November 30
iB in the way, of a general election to
wmcn all voters in school district mo.
24 are. entitled to cast a vote.
3C ))t )t )f fC )C )t )C Tt s(t
Court House News
sc sc sfc jje ic sc (s )(t sc sc fc sc
Blanchard a inst c. jj Blanchard the
Atnant .;a
,iivorce was iven on tault The f
th ,of ft h cM,dr(m . t
the n)0tncr $2300 montn f t
maintenanee UIltil the court rcleases
Mm- The mothcr is j th t .
M usua, of the chilren. . '
In tha caM of K j Kuntz . t
c ; a Q R; h &
, d ,lh '. h h
Plaintiff wi!1 ?al1 for ruling on a
demurrer filed on next motion day in
c -rt-
, JTi
37 " r!! 441,: '
lnK tne Oregon State bank from dis-
. , . iha iA
".. ... . ,. . .,
ijiuirc.ir iu.gi.ra m 11117
i""" uu " "
frwn d'sP"n. ot ? of. th.e .monf
- - - - - - -
Officers elected at Jefferson city
e,e"TOU weTre"iT 7
Recorder, E. E. Howell
Council, 4 years, J. L. B'aekweD, R.
l'.,-a L,uonJy-. . .
Cnell ,2 l?' J- A- Aupperle, O,
- Efley B- "j"-
: personals :
fi nn Vm WnlfAr Piiuh returned
yesterday to their home in Astoria.
Captain A. A. Hall of Portland was
in the eity over Sunday visiting friends
ana relative i
London's Darkening Regula-
bons Rescinded And Bon
fires Allowed.
' By William Philip Simma
(United Press Staff Correspondent
Paris, Not. 11. Paris is smothered
with allied flags.
News of the signing of the armistice
I became generally known at 8 o'clock
thi morning through bulletins posted
The'first announcement was made in
a bulletin in the cafe Anglaise. former
ly the Cafe Viennois, -whose manager
was famous as the double of Franz
Josei the late Austrian emperor. It
. u
''The armistice is signed. Vive les
American doughboys, awaiting the re-
nnri. in nn annrrniOTtr nrnira nharkm
The streets became more lively every
hour. Throngs of women and girls car
rying flags and flowers, were every
where. People laughed cheered and
shook hands.
A handful of Georgia colored dough
boys were a big success in an unoffi
cial parade up and down the boulevards
carrying a huge American flag.
A truckload of Yankee beef hash
nosed its way through the crowds and
was laughingly cheered.
London Celebrates.
London, Nov. 11. "The cruelest war
in history ceased at 11 a. m. today,"
Premier I.loyd-George declared in the
house of commons this afternoon after
having reud the terms of armistice ao-l
cepted by Germany.
"This is no time for words. Our
hearts are too full of gratitude. I move
that the house of eommons immediately
This was done, the house of lords do
ing likewise. ,.
The people celebrated joyously.
Anti-aircraft guns and bombs previ
ously used as air raid warnings, were
fired, adding to the din.
The celebration - became general at
11 o'clock.
The work of cleaning up the street
lights, which had been dimmed because
of the danger of raids, was begun im
mediately. All recruiting has been ordered sus
pended and all notices calling men to
the colors have been cancelled.
The king and queen appeared on the
balcony at Buckingham palace attended
by Princess Mary ; and the Dust of Qon
naughtr Thousands gave thom an ova
tion and sang "God Save the King."
Darkening regulations were official-j
ly rescinded and fireworks and bon
fires permitted.
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With The American Armies in France
Nov. IL At 11 a. m. hostilities ceased
on the American front.
What waa crobablv the most wnmfor-
ful collective demonstration of joy the
worm nas ever seen Began immediately.
The momentous news flashed along
the line like a neleetrie current.
The Americans continued their ad
vance until the last minute- Our guns
roarea an morning. At the stroke Cf
eleven, thousands of guns in the Ver
dun sector blazed in a last 'Salvo.
Then a hush settled over the battle
field, broken only by the cheers of the
victorious armies.
: . Died
BIOKNELL At his home 508 North
19th street, Nov. 11, 1918, the Hov.
George E. Bicknell, at the age of 74
yearn. He was.-a retired Presbyterian
minister. Death was due to hear,
He is survived by a widow, a daugh
ter, Miss Beuna Bicknell, one son in
Portland and two sons in the east.
The funeral services w'11 be held
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the Presbyterian church and will be
conducted by the, Hev. Thomas 8.' An
derson, pastor of the church. Services
at the cemetery will be in eharge of
me urana Army of tne Kepublic.
EVANS In Portland, Sunday, nov. 10.
1918, Mrs. Barbara J. Evans at the-
home of her daughter, Mrs. (i. C.
Pewtherex, 873 Kelly street.
Mrs. Evans formerly lived in Salem
and has a wide circle of friends here.
The funeral services will be held Tues
day afternoon in Portland from the
Miller & Tracy chapel.
WTCKLAXDER At her lato home 553
8. 12th street, Nov. 10, 1918, Mag
dale, beloved wife of Dan Wickland
er, at the age of 70- years.
Besides her husband she js survived
by three sons, George of Leavenworth,
Mont., Charles of Portland, and Richard
of Falls City. Two daughters' Amanda
and Mrs. James Callahan, both of this
eity. The remains are in care of the
Terwilliger Home, and funeral an
nouncement will be given on the ar
rival of a brother who is on bis way
from .Michigan.
A Leackr-Rasuib are
our Wanl AbTbsy load
the my lo Belter posilxm
better WorKeia
Silks Make Fine
Most women would be delighted to receive a Silk Dress Pattern of enough ma
terial for a dress, or perhaps only for a waist, which she could make herself.
Wouldn't you like to receive such a present? We can help you in determining
how many yards will be needed and also aid you as to pattern, color and quality
36-in SILK POPLIN, yard. ............. .... ... ..... .$1.25
36-in. TAFFETA, plain colors, yard . .... ... . .$1.75 to $2.50
36-in. FANCY PLAIDS AND STRIPES yard . ..,...$1.75
. 5f )s sft 'fc s5 s(
President Wilson issues prQC
lnmntion announcing armistice.
Secretary Baker announces
all draft callg suspended.
Secretary Daniels announces
young men who enlisted purely
out of patriotic motives and
who are needed in business or
-schools will be released as rap
idly as possible.
Fuel Administrator Garfield
suspends lightless night. -
Washington, Nov. 11. With 350,000
men now at work in the shipyards, the
government could use at least 150,000
more to carry oh its giant shipbuilding
program, Chairman . Hurley of the
shipping board declared today.
Washington, .Nov. 11. Orders were
issued today to eliminate all Sunday
and overtime work in government con
struction, in government-owned Or coir
trolled plants and in plants producing
war supplies.
Washington, Nov. 11. George Crcei,
chairman of the commission on public
information, announced late' today that
he was taking steps to remove all cen
sorship. He did not say just what timo
the censorship would be lifted.
Washington, Nov. 11. The formor
kaiser is in Holland awaiting the de
cision of the Dutch government re
garding his remaining in that country,
according to a German wireless ru
ceived at the state department today.
Hindcnburg did not accompany tha
kaiser, the wircles said, but is still
at German headquarters.
London, Nov. Jl. It is rumored at
Evsdeii, Holland, that the crown prinof
of Germany lias been held at the border
by guards, according to a Central
News dispatch fvom Eysden.
Amsterdam, Nov. 11. That shots
were fired at the kuiwr's train cnrou'.e
to Holland was tha report which
reached here today.
War Work Campaign
Resumed Tomorrow
ine united war worn eanipaigD
started this morning with approximate
ly three hundred solicitors on the job.
Headquarters was a very busy place
for some time supplying equipment for
the great army of solicitors
The workers had scarcely been on th
job soliciting one hour when the report
i-aiue to headquarters that the gover
nor had proclaimed a legal holiday be
cause Germany had signed the armis
tice. As the solicitors returned to
headquarters they were informed one
told that a halt had been called on cam
paign for the afternoon in order that
all could participate in the demonstra
tion and parade which was to take
place at 3 o'clock.
The campaigning is to le resumed
with full vigor at 9 a. m. tomorrow.
i City News J
David A. Stirling of Astoria and Miss
Florence Josephine Ritchie were mar
ried this morning at the parsonage of
the First Methodirt church by the Rev.
R. N. Aviwin. They will make their
borne in Astoria where the bridegroom
works in the shiip yards.
The circuit court with Judge Bing
ham in Department No. 2 was working
away on the Rateliffe divorce tasc
Journal Want Ads Pay
416 State Street, Salem, Oregon.
tis morning when it was announced
that by proclamation of the govern
or, the day was to be observed aa a
holiday, Hence court was adjourned
and the ease will be taken up again
A cablegram was received this even
ing giving the news that Lieutenant
Claud D. Bauch had been given a com
miss.on es captain. The news came
from his brother, Sergeant Ed Ranch,
who is in the supply serviee at Contres
France. Captain Raueh went ever the
top September 26. In the serious work
of the succeeding nine days, threo of
his officers were gassed and two visa
ing. Captain Rauch came through the
ordeal uninjured. ,
o -
Posters of an entirely different kind
from -those issued in thigcountry may
be. seen in the lobby of the V. 8. Na
tional bank. These are the French na
tional defense loan posters and are
woras or art. They are suggestive of
the heroic nation that has withstood
the attacks of the Huns for the past
four years or more.
It is announced that Mra Curie
Day is able to be out agam and has
about recovered from an attack of in
fluenza that kept her in doors for the
past two weeks.
Come on with your champion potato.
George F. Benson of 531 North Hiiih
street announces that he dug up the oth
er day an Early Rose potato 12 inches
lonir and four inches in 'diameter and
that it weighed three pounds. There
were six- potatoes in the hill but the
three pound one wa tho champion.
Mr. and Mrs, M. H. Standjfer have
mist received a letlter from Carson;
Standifer in, which he tells of his ex
periences when lost nt sea for 19 rlavs.
Ha left for France froin Norfolk, Va.,
on tno boat west Apaum on October
15. After a few days out in a big storm
the boat was separated; from its con
voy and after floundering around for
19 dnys, finally managed to make port
at Halifax. He left Salem May 23,
1918, going first to Bremerton and af
ter three weeks training, a-isisnea to
duty ship board. When lie wrote his
letter telling of his experiences, he
thought he would soon bo sent to
Now that the ban against public
meetings has been lifted, the W. O. T.
U. will again hold its reirular sessions.
The first one will be Tuesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock at tho W. (!. T.
U. hall. South Commercial ami Kerry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Nlso have '
received a wire from tneor son stating
that he had arrived safely at West
Movie fans may now heave a sigh
of eon'tent a the ban is off and all
moving picture shows opened this af
ternoon. At the Liberty for this even-
Mr. Business Man J$
As a matter "of economy you
should consult the Journal's
Job Department before placing
your printing--we are satisfying
Salem's leading firms put us
on your calling list. Phone 81
I t
1 1
1 1
1 1
All ShoudI Subscribe Not Less
.Han Ten Per Cent Of
Months Salary.
Many reports have already been re
ceived from captains and solicitors for
tho United War Work campaign at
headquarters. There seems t0 be a gen
eral impression that one day's pay will
put Balcin over tho top to the tune of
$37,500. Tho impression is wrong and
if Salem is to keep her patriotic repu
tation of mcetinu her full responsibility
her citizens will have to respond with
more than ono day's pay. The commit
tee has frequently Aeon asked what
would be reasonable to expect from the
people. The answer- is that all persons
should subscribe not less than 10 per
cent of a month's salary and persons
having incomes should give in propor
tion to their annual incomes. $37,500 is
tho largest sum for which Salem has
been asked for war relief since the be
ginning of the war.
While no prediction Is being mads
that Salem will not be asked for money
for bimilar purposes in the futnrn. vt
it is tho confident belief of those in
charge thut Salem is now being asked
iur me largest sum for which she will
bo askod for any purpose in connection
with tho war.
ing, beginning at 7 o'clock, Ethel Bar
rynioro is the attraction. At. the HUirh
there in a comedy showing Alice How
ell and a strong film featuring Pris
cilla Dean,
Two deaths yesterday and one tody
is the toll of the Spanish influenza at
the etnto peniititinry. The .victims
yesterday were Timsteo Cavena, com-'
mitted from Marion county in 1914,
and Ham Varbrongh,' committed from
Malheur couuly in 1914, whilo Rex
Sheldon, committed from (.'rook coun
ty in 14, died today. It is reported
that ail threo wero in poor physii-al
condition when they were stricken with
the influenza.
Bud Stuhler and Earl Riley, two con
victs employed with dipgiug potatoes
at liuUo Labisli, escaped Saturday night
Stublvr was serving time for forgery
ami liilev for lnrccnv. Stubler is the
convict who wrote a letter to Joe Kel
ler, parole officer, offering to pay for
Acting under the authority of the
city health office, tho Salem publio
schools opened today with the usual
attendance. Late Saturday evening it
was decided to remove the baa from,
the schools and all public gatherings,
schools were closed four weeks.