Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 11, 1918, Image 4

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Capital Journal r' 1 1
'itorial Page of The
Editor and Publisher
VVVV VW-' w w v - I
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communications To
136 S. Commercial St.
TY.:i- v p.,,ir nr vMr fci.OO Per Month..
" ' i i
Daily by Mail, per year..
'Per Month...
AV. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
II. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building
The Dcily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the paper, on the
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Is the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see,
Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be;
Saw the heaven fill with commerce, argosies of purple sails,
Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with eostly bales;
Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rained a ghastly dew.
From the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue;
Far along the world-wide whisper of the eouthwind rushing warm,
With the standards of the peoples plunging through, the thunder etorm.
Till the war-drums throbbed no longer and the- battle flags were furled
In the parliament of man, the federation of the world.
Keep on with the Red Cross work until the officials
say it's time to stop. Kemember wnat tne boys nave gone
through to make this day possible.
People in Europe in the habit of looking under their
beds before retinng snouia not be surprised 10 discover a
king or kaiser in hiding there.
The league of nations will be a class"A" organization
from the jump, judging from the way democracy is sweep
ing over the world.
America will be sown from now on with literature
denying German outrages in the war. In fact, warning
has already been issued from Washington that societies
are being formed for tne extension 01 sucn prupagauua.
Tf wn inevitable that Germans as well as the pro
German element in this country should take this course
in the hope of influencing puonc opinion uxwiuuiy,
'Wo haw unfortunately for Germany, too great
cloud of reliable witnesses against her. Brand Whitlock,
fnr oYamnlP and the various representatives of the Red
f.rnsa in France and Belgium, while of authentic testi-
mnmr tVDVQ ova 7nllimPS
Germany can neither palliate nor deny her bloody
crimes. The best that sne can nope is mat ui mui w
not be told. ... .
There should be no weakening in any respect of the
just horror with which she is regarded. The conclusion
of an armistice or peace cannot alter the facts, and should
in no way influence the cool judgment of the world
against which Germany has so grievously sinned, and to
which she must make what recompence she can.
II ' -M
The circulation of the Daily Capital Journal 'during
the past week has broken every record made in the past
by this or any other Salem, newspaper. Even barring
the figure set on Thursday when several special issues
were printed, the regular circulation of the Daily Capital-Journal
has averaged above 5,000 copies daily. On
Saturday, November 2, the 5,000 mark was passed, the
number of copies distirbuted being 5,020, but last Saturday
and issue of 5,215 was insufficient to supply the demand.
Here are the week's figures:
Monday, November 4 ........... .4,910
Tuesday, November 5 5,000
Wednesday, November 6 . . . . 5,020
Thursday, November 7 7,585,
Friday, Novoember 8 4,903
Saturday, November 9 . 5,215
The Capital Journal is a member of the Audit Bur
eau of Circulations and its circulation figures are attest
ed by the auditors of that organized assocoiation.
We hope no serious number of fatalities will follow
atinn of the sicrninc of the armistice which be-
can shortly after midnight. According to the Oregonian
and Telegram the casualties of the celebration of we
"fake" reuort were "heavy", and of course those papers
will nn rinnhr. advise all the rjeome to remain quietly in
doors at this time and receive the news over the telephone.
The American flag may not continue to wave over
the conquered lands of Europe but the principles it stands
for are deeply rooted and will grow and flourish to the
betterment of all peoples and all governments across the
ocean that separates the old world lrom tne nev.
Max Harden, Friederich Ebert and other socialist
leaders have finally discovered that the kaiser has prov
ed himself useless. After.a while some of these wise Ger
mans will discover the world is round.
Dispatches say moving pictures were taken of the
German peace envoys. It is safe to say, however, that
Kaiser Bill imigrated into Holland so fast that the camera
man was unable to catch him.
What's the use of working, anyway! .
They might have taken their pants, too, and sent
tnem across tne itnine in empiy sauerkraut uancio. .
The women of America today are not worrying much
about whether they have the raght to vote or not.
i i
The clown prince might get a good paying job from
. . j n
some enterprising American vauuevme manage.
The Yankees gave them their last good licking only
forty' minutes before the armistice was signed.
They've stopped the draft. Foch closed the German
front door. That's where the draft came from.
They walk through barrages as if they were rain;
They rush through the rivera pell-mell,
And the terrified Huns drop their jaws and their guns
At the sound of that wild-western yell.
In vain the machine guns spit hatred and death, . . .
They keep coming up on the hop;
They have learned how to fight an offensive all right.
But neglected to learn now to stop
Like so many wildcats just out of the woods,
They fall on the enemy's flank
The savage and terrible
Wholly unscarable, :
Fierce, do-and-dare-abla
- Tanksl -
They haven't been disciplined seventeen years,
They often forget to salute;
They're a little bit rough in the tactical stuff,
But they certainly know how to shoot.
And many a German who thought they were soft
And never could count in the war,
In the combat and strife of a bellicose Ufa
Will sot take a hand any more.
While others are rushing like mad to the rear
In advance of the oncoming ranks
Of tho scowling and glowering,
Kaiser-devouring .
They 're gentle as lambs if you let them alone,
But their fury is dreadful to hear
When a Gotha slides by half a mile in the sky
And a hospital's bombed in the rear.
And it riles them clean through when a treacherous fos
Walks out with a smite of good cheer
And observes "Kamerad" while a camouflaged squad
Cuts loose with a gun in the rear.
It Is then that they go through Von Hindcnburg'g lines
Like a squadron of armor-clad tanks,
With purpose ru&Dakable,
With vengeance unslakable,
They're simply inplacable
A Vicker's machine gun, and a revolver
I trust
Are my puis thru the day, when Flit
tie's shells bust;
I fondle them with care, like a mothet
her babe,
While the sizzle of shells' make 'on
feel he's in Hade. ,
There 'a my gaa mask too, w.at without
I couldn't do;
For when he's putting over gas, the
mouthpiece I can chew.
It keeps a follow from eussing, th0 hii
thoughts are far from pure;
But with this trusty pal of mine, 1M
be out of luck I 'm sure.
Now those aro my pals; the beal friend
I've got,
l While I'm up at the front, showing
Fritzie What's what.
I'd rather go hungry than lose any of
tho three,
Which hardly expresses their true wort k
to me.
Written by Pte Leonard Hamilton,
from Somewhere in France.
'V -
Latest cablegrams from Holland state that the
kaiser's mustache is dropping at both ends.
The only time we will feel happier than we are today
is when the boys come marching home.
' Probably some of the German people do not yet real
ize how much better off they will be. , r v ,
What's the matter with taking in that Oregon-O. A.
football game next Saturday?
Good way to celebrate would be to subscribe to the
United War Activities campaign.
1 Y
In a few days more the press correspondents may
find leisure to resurrect Villa.
v. .,,.,-
And in the end the misguided German people must
pay the bills of militarism.
Kaiser Bill, Hindenburg, Ludendorff and Mackensen
were merely four-flushers.
The junk dealers of Europe are being overstocked
with crowns and coronets.
The czar has the advantage of the kaiser now.
earthly troubles are over.
Emperor Karl might have meant well but his family
connections were bad.
"The girl I left behind me" is entitled to the place of
honor in the parade.
In a few days the Yanks will find out if the fishing
is good in the Rhine., "
Cheer, and the would cheers with you I
doesn't count!
The kaiser
"The marines have landed and have the situation
well in hand."
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
are receiving subscriptions'now
for the
The Hohenzollern line has gone the way of the Hin
denburg line.
Seems hardly natural yet to speak of the "former"
By Walt Mason
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, and watch, with
cheerful eye, the hurried Turks burn up the land, as they
go whizzing by. Through storied scenes tney . wildly irusn
their coattails flapping wide, they're scratching for the
underbrush, where thev mav hope to hide. By cool
Siloam's shadv rill the Turk, ih deep distress, is wonder
ing horn Kaiser Bill got him in such a mess. Could I butl
stand where Moses stood, and view the landscape o'er,
I'd see the Turk vamoose for good from Jordan's sacred
shore. The rose that blooms beneath the hill must short
ly fade away, and so the Turk, with lust to. kill must per
ish and decay. Too long, too long he's nung arouna, a
blemish oh this sphere; hark, from the tombs a doleful
sound tells that his end is near. The Turk still trots on
weary limbs, and leaves much dust behindhand, as we
read, forgotten' hymns, unbidden, come to mind. The hill
sides and the towns and streams knew One, long, long ago,
who has inspired the hopes and dreams that all good
Christians know. It is the soil of hallowed worKs, ana it js
good to see such moral lepers as the Turks chased out of
Galilee. Oh, may they be forever .banned, forever and a
day, from Canaan's fair and happy land, where their pos
sessions lay.
it MM
Briau found interesting.
Tes, perhaps that was the trouble.
Brian was bored. She must now find
the solution. An antidote for Mollic
Sho did her work in an abstracted
manner which caused Arthur Mandel to
oliinfn nftpn i hfir direction. ''Has
appreciative remarks at the bmikfast j hllr husband found fault with her for
Just today wo chanced to meet-
Down upon tho crowded street; ' -.
And I Wondered whence he came,
What was onco his nation's name.
So I asked him, "Tell me true, J
Aro you Polo or Russian Jew,
English, Scotch, Italian, Eussian,
Belgian, Spanish, Swiss, Moravian,
Dutch or Greek or Scandinavian."
Thea he raised his head on high,
As he gave me this reply:
' ' What I was is naught to me,
In this land of Liberty.
In my soul as man to man,
I am just American."
Author Unknowa.
torested self; and Arthur Mandel smil
ed to think he had made such a mistake,
and could not help a throb of pleasure
at the thought of the earnest, personal
way in which she had regarded 8.n
business matter of his.
When Kuth reached home, she four-4
a letter from her aunt, Mrs. Claybaron.
She had made up her mind to n::iko hvr
nioco a short visit, and the letter sm
nounced she would arrive, the following
day.' -
"She's como around, at last!" Both
told old Eachel, "I knew she wouH
forgive me. She's so sensible about
everything else."
'Don' be too sure, honey, she's xor
giv yo'. Khe's comin' to see how yo
is livin' and cf yo' ig happy. I Knows
her, I does."
"Now Mammy Eachel, don't you try
to spoil my happiness. I am so glai
she is coming. I haven't anyone else t
visit me, you know. I never had many
'To' got olo Rachel, ain't yo'T An
yo' husband I" she added, but in ft eui-
ferent voice.
'Yes, and what should I do without
you," she hugged the woman who baa.
been so much to her always; and ig
nored the part of her speech referring
to Brian. She knew only too'Vell that
her mammy's sharp eyes had dtStoctci
her occasional unhappiness; and that
she resented it. "But mustn't talkl
must have everything lovely for
her. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday.
Sho won't get in until seven o'clock, m
we can meet her, both of us meaning
Brian and I will ask Mr. Mandel to let
me off all day Saturday. Oh, Rachel,
1 so long to see her.;' .
Vhen Brian came in, a moment later.
ho was astonished to see Ruth whirling
Knchol around the dining room, both of
thorn laughing gayly.
'Here you tw0 dancing Dervishei.
Stop that racket and tell me what'
up!" he exclaimed.
Tomorrow Kuth Plans for Her Aunt'l
1 By Jane Phelps.
All day Ruth thought of Brian's un-
table. Often her eyes filled as she re-(nitl t0 rtjnncr wjth met" he asked
called the almost sneering tone uj himself, and felt guilty, wondering if
which he had belittled her worit, anu.it wor M an(j if he ),ad c8U8ed her
caMod her a "know-it-all sort of person,
Then, too, she had constantly in her
mind that question:
Where had he spent the time after
hi lesson t Was it with Mollic Kingt
nam. lie wished she would tea mui.
He couldn't fix his mind on his business
while she looked so worried and anz
"Aren't you feeling well, Mrs. B.ae-
And if it was, why didn t he tetr her j kett j , . he finBnv culd keep silent no
franktyi sne never nagg"1! """"l longer. "I am sure you over-tired your
scolded him, regardless of what he hadgef ycsterday."
said. Perhaps if she would scold oncei jf0 ia i gid notl and I feol
May take a third celebration to get it all out of our
systems. .
It doesn't take long to make a good soldier of a good
Everybody's happy with the possible exception of
You couldn't beat this for a real "Mother's Day."
The kaiser seems to have got in Dutch for sure.
The watch on the Rhine stopped at 5 a. m.
Hats off. The flag goes by!
ia a while, taiK to nim aooui mo uuiyi
t0 her the duty he owed his wife ho
might do differently. But no sooner
had the thought arisen, than it was dis
missed. Brian would not be criticized.
She must find some other way.. But
there was one thing she might do pro
pose to meet him after his lesson and
have a little supper at some gay, inex
pensive place. It would do them both
good to go out, in that way, twice a
week. Fcrhaps things were betting a
bit monotonous for Brian.
It came to Ruth that somewhere she
had read that, "A man will stand any
thing as long as he isn't bored." Was
Brian becoming bored, aivd was that
the reason he sought Mollis Kingt Mol
lic was bright, she was witty. Ruth at
perfectlv well. I am trying to solve
puzzling question, and probably that
made me look as if I were tired. ' '
"Is it about the business, may
"Yes it is business," she anseroi.'
salving her conscience by saying to her
self that: "It WAS her business to
keep her husbjnd'a love."
"Please do not look so anxious over
it. If anything troubles you to that
extent, take it to LaMonte er bring it
to me." v
"It'g not so bad as that," she re
plied, wondering what Mandel would
think, if he knew what it was over
which she was worrying.
After this conversation, Ruth pulled
her wandering thoughts back into lino.
Look At Tongue! Remove Poi
sons From Stomach, Lvier ,
And Bowels.
knowledge! that in repartee she eeuld,8he was a business woman. She must
not hold her own with the Greenwich j learn not to let anything, even Brian,
Village girl. And then Mollie was eoito occupy her mind during the hours
much more worldly wise. She knew her j belonging to the firm. So for tho rest
w York, and so many people whom of the day she was her natural busy, in-
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