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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1918)
SIX THE DAILY CAPITALJOUIcNAL, SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1918. Th al 8 1 ere is a Great Difference between what you expect in a tire I and what you get-- 1 Too many car owners let the PRICE select the tire, A 30x3 Republic tire-guaranteed for 5000 miles cocts you $24-80. The majority of tires 30x3 carrying a 3500-mile guaranty sell for $23.50. Figure this out you are assured 1506 more miles on the Republic for $1.30 There is no better tire than the Republic and adjust ments are made by us. See the Rib Tread Republic, also guaranteed for 5000 miles. We carry them in various sizes including 30x3 for Fords. . VOTERS BROKE ALL SOLID PARTY LINES Qiieer Things ! Happened At Ihe Recent General Elec tion Perce Runs Good 8 Salem Automobile Co. F. G. DELANO PHONE. 97 246 STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON A.I.EOFF Republic Tire Distributors for Polk-Marion and part of Linn County WE'LL STILL HAVE FIGHTING IS OVER to consider their food diynands. It is cortnin that tho United States and the u I lics will make a united effort to put aside tho old testament motive of an oyo for nu eye and a tooth for a tooth, that bus actuutod them in tho war and substitute a lesg hostile attitude." 1to first duty, food administration officials point out, is to supply suffi cient food to England, France, Italy, Belgium "and Norma. The adininiatra tion has gone on record with its ia inir program to tho Czocho-SIavoki, the Jugo-Hlavs and othor peoplo of tin) late Austro-Hungarian empire who have, as sisted tho allies iu the struggle for world democracy. The feeding problem will be the big ger with the cessation of hostilities than it was before tho war and, while there will be a lessened demand for ra tions among tho troops, tlii8 small gain will be moro than ovcrcomo by the de mands of civil populations iu the var ious countries of Europe who have been sadly underfed during tho war. 'Tho roleaso of shipping will permit the Hermans to send fleets to south dipping Problem Of U. S. Will Be More Acute As Time Passes. ,'. Washington, Nov. 9. The German people will have to eat and the Ameri ' fan people will have to continue strict food conservation measures. That will be the post-war situation, s food administration officials saw it today. ' Despite tense, disinclination of the American peoplo to deny themselves in order that tho enemy countries may lmvo food, this denial must bo made, fficials say. "Whothor tho Germans actually got and consumed American food does not particularly matter," they said. "Peace will permit them to buy food in tho world's markets and the food situa tion must bt viewed from the stand point of the world's supply. And the world probably is short. I largest -part of her merchant fleet to' lAIIDMAI WANT AH? PAY "They must go to Spain and the' renew her commorco among her colon- JvUUllnL II nil I nUO fill panish colonies or to the neutral states ies. The shipping problem of tho Unit-1 ' 1 1 ' " f South America. But it is necessary cd States must continue for the period I JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY of the return of our soldiers and for feeding them and continuing our ex ports." Herbert Hoover, food administrator, working with the beads of other war making agcnoles in. Washington to pro paro u program of protective legislation to be asked of congress by President Wilson in case of an early signing of peace treaties, to regulate the produc tion oi distribution of food and manu facturers in the readjustment period rouowing wo ena or the war. . Ban On Wheat Lifted May Now Feed Stock Farmers who feel oo inclined may again feed wheat to their stock and chickens. According to a. bulletin is sued by Mar H. Houser, second vice I Mrc-Bkuciib ui. mo iooa aununiatraiion train corporation, all restrictions on the use or sale of wheat lor stock or poultry feeding have 'been removed. It is not considered likely however that the cereal will be used for feeding pur- Aiuoriea to lift grain,, and some animal pom to an great extout thes higl, products," it was stated "Tho British of course, will bo able t0 move greater quantities of foods from Australia, where large stockg of small grains and animal foodg have accumulated." price get by tho government will make it more profitable to sell the waeat to the mills and use the courser grains lor their stock, (jood crop prospects for next year nnd a large supply of whoat "For the United Btntes tho sUinuintr i in the country aro probaMy resnonsi- problem will be even more acute, mas-l''' for the new ruling. niucn ng itrcnt m-itain will, requiro tho ' If w . I Lrfc -rr i LIEUT-COMM A . PROKOHEFF-SEVERSKY PSTMV AVIATOR. I kmc Whn it comes to gathering in the votes of Marion county,. Senator Me Xary with a total of 6102 ran righest m u recent election, Lachmund is next to high man with votes totaling and Pierce, candidate for govern or, is third with 4.'16o votes. Pierce beat Governor Withveoni-le in the county by 19 votes. The city of Salem divided even, liv ing Pierce nine precincts and Withy combe, nine. Pierce WCIlt especially, strong in precinct 1, tho northwest limits of the city, with 182 against 88 for the governor. Precinct 7 up in the Highland dis trict on the north limits of the city was also strong for Pierce with 113 compared to 28 votes for Withycombe. Precinct 18, in south Salem voting at the Friends church was another Pierce stronghold with 132 and only 102 for the governor. Jn fact, as the precincts voted the governor lost in tho outlying districts of tho city, tvhilo down town precincts gave mm a majority. In preciuct 11, whica includes the central official dis trict between Center and Ferrv and High and the S. P. railrond, the vote stood 76 for Pierce and 177 for the governor. Precinct 16, tho business dis trict of the, city supported the gov ernor with a vote of 44 for Pierce and 91 for Withycombe. The only outlying precinct that supported tho govornor was No. 3 out towards tho penitentiary. It was tho old stand pat republican precincts in the center of the city that stuck with the stat,admiiiistration. Salem Heights precinct was strong for Pierce with 112, casting only 42 ballots for the governor. In Kast ilt. Angel the voters saw nothing but the ! governor as 139 voted for Withycombe while only ,.29. votes were cast for. rierce. At Sublimity conditions wore just reversed as in this procinqt they vote4 solid for Pierce, giving him 144 votes while the governor only polled five. It West Mt. Angel the governor got 65 vote' whilo Piorce received 11. Down towards Jefferson tho voters weren't very partial to any candidate as Pierce polled, 132 and the governor 135. The governor does not stand very high in the estimation of the Liberty people as in this procint he received only H votes while Pierce was given Oswald SVest is a poor runner in Marion county compared to Senator McNary.' In Salem to carried but one precinct and that was No. 7 known as tho Highland school district in the ex treme north, part of the city. The vote there stood Ate Nary 65, West 72. In the official residence district, precinct 11, McNary was given 202 votes com pared to 47 for West. In precinct 18, the south part of the city along Com mercial street the vote wa MeNary 185, West 51. Outside of Salem, McNary carried every precinct in tho coumy excepting eight and these were small voting pre cincts. Riverview gave West one ma jority, Marion eight, Horeb 24. Breit- enbuuh two, West Stayton seven. Seotts Mills did little better for West giving hiin 23 majority. Scbllard was eieht i I N n 4 11 V 1 I LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT By S." W. STRAUS . Praitknl f tie American 5kk$ for Thrift NEWKST PROTO OF GEN. LIGGETT. Major Gen. Hunter Liggett, who com mands the first American army, has been promoted to the rank of Lieut. Genoral by President Wilson. With General Bullard who received a similar nomination, holds tho only rank of Lieut. General ia the service. His nonr ination is for the period iof the war. Crop Production For Current Year Reported Washington, Nov. 9. Corn produe- tion for 1918 was 2,749,000, the depart ment or agriculture announced today. This figure is approximately the same as for four yeas average ending 1916. The- potato crop fell to 390,101,000 ousneis, urty million less than in 1917. An increase of 70,000,000 pounds is snown in the report of tho tobacco crop. Tho production was 1,266,686,000 pounds. Tho crop reporting board confirmed earlier estimates of a decreased pro duction due to droughts. Tho crop is I 4. ... ,1.3 While we re doing everything we can for our boys in Eu rope, we are, through thrift less ways in the care of eggs alone, wasting enough of this food to furnish each man of an army of 5. 000.000 with Iwo eggs a morning for breakfat This destruction comes through spoil age, deteroratlon and careless hand ling, all of which means thriftlessness. There is not a person in America who would willingly rob one of our brave bovs of his breakfast. In fact we would do anything possible to adil to the comfort, happiness and efficiency of these men who have proved them selves, despite the handicap of short training, as good fighters as the world can produce. But through sheer thrift Icssness our annual loss in eggs amounts to $122,73.5,500. One of the interesting manifesta tions of thrift lies in the efforts now being made to turn the former depre dations of wild rabbits into a national asset. In this matter we arc following in the steps of Australia which a few years ago had a serious problem on its hands. But the government took the matter in hand and the rniibils of Australia are now a source of wealth to the country. There are 900,000,000 wild rabbits in America and tlie damage caused by . tltem has hern so great tlwt the B- j logical Survey frequently has been called on to give' help to Western fanners in fighting the pests. If the wild rabbits killed in America were consumed as food there would be an addition of from 200,000 to 300,000 tons to our supply while the skins nloue would huve a value estimated at s 20,00O,0(O. Estiiblishments are being opened in the West where rabbit meat is canned am! the fur is tanned. From Alaska comes another inter esting phase of thrift that Is as new as It is novel. This is the successful effort being made to utilize the rein deer for food. The meat of tlie rein deer Is said to be excellent fowl, hav ing the gamey taste that is rellsheoTby so many people. The flesh is tender and compares favorably with beef. . The government is importing reindeer from Siberia in order to encourage the industry in this country. It- is esti mated that then? are 100,000 reindeer in Alaska, of which number about 18, 000 animals can be placed on tltt ni.-irkct for food supply purposes. . The reindeer lives on lichens which have no other value, and there is no expense connected with placing tab food on the market except herding, , sheltering, slaughtering and shipping. These are just a few of the Inter csting'side lights of the war. We are going to a hard and bitter school. We are being taught some interesting and Valuable lessons in thrift. ' The great question is how long will we re member these' lessons after the days of bloodshed and strife are over? State House Notes Senator-elect John B. Bell of Lane county and representative L. E. Bean of Eugene were Salem visitors yester day. Senator Bell stopped off with the idea of picking out his seat in the senate. now estimated at 11 per cont below that majority for -West and Mill City four, of last year. The quality is poor. A For state senator Lachmund has the!materil11 increase in the per acre yield satisfaction of knowing that he carried!0' tobacco 8 shown.. Tho tobacco acre- hi4 own precinct, No. 11. Too lote in this precinct was Lacnmuud 169, La Pollett 103 and Brown 12i. The only city precinctf that did not give Lach mund a majority vote was No. 17, in south Salem between Ferry and Miller, High street and the river, voting at the Marion hotel. The vote thero A9 Lachmund 136, LaPollett 142 aud Brown 39. LaFollett led tjie ticket for senator at Turner and walked away with the vote at Sublimity with 136. while Lne.h murnl received 59 and Brown 26. West Mt. Angel was strong for LaFollett whilo East Mt. Angel ncnt for Lac-h-nmnd. East Stayton was alo strong for LaFollett. Sam Brown, whose name had to be written on the ballot received a larg er vote than either of the other two candidates at East Gorvais, 'hemawa, West- Hubbard and Brooks. In Salem a precinct two voting at tho Bungalow Christian church, Brown received only two votes while Lachmund pot 141 and LaFollett 120. The stand pat republi can precinct No. 11 of Salem also lin ed up with tho two straight republi can candidates, giving LaFollett the minority .vote. At East Woodburn, the republican voted straight giving Lach mund 116, Brown 113 and LaFollett JS In the race for supreme judge of Oregon, the county turned do!i the governor's candidate Conrad Olson, and gave a democrat the heaviest vote. ago was not materially largor than last year. LONO DISTANCE FLYING. New York, Nov. 9.-The world 's rec ord for long distance flying, previously held by D'Annunzio, the Italian flyer, today is held by Major D. J. Boot8 and Lieutenant Ilmoro Spencer, of Detroit, Who landed near Yonkers yesterday af ter flying more than 700 miles in four and one half hours without stop. The average speed maintained was 150 miles an houi. D'Annunzio, making his record fiigb,t flew 600 miles continuously without stop, while flying over Vienna. Boots nnd Spencer left Selfridgo field at Mount Cloincns, Mich., at 11:40 a. m., end arrived at Yonkers at 4:10 p. m. DRAFT BOARD NEWS. ' Orders havo been received for induc tion in tho navy of Earl Broyles and Joseph Hopfinger, who enlisteif a few days ago in Portland. They leave next Monday. All those who change their occuju. Hons, affecting their stntug before the board, and not notifying the board, will ho prosecuted The following have been sell c tee) to ieave for Camp Lewis the middle of the month, some of them to fill Kraneies C. D. Babcock, formcrlv a member of the Stato industrial accident commis sion' and now manager and secretary of n.i insurance organization at Detroit, Mich., is in Salem. At a short meeting this morning tho stato Jboard of control approved a num ber of snlory increases and adjustments at the state school for the deaf. J. J. who wttg clocted district attorn ey for Clatsop county for the unexpired term of J. O. Erickson, who resigned t go to war, wants to take office immed iately, but Attorney General Browit. ad- 1 (inA Francisco, Nov. 9. With- viseu mm toaay tnat ne couia not quail- in tho next ten years Joseph M ty for the place until after the official Blum must acquire a daughter canvass of the vote is made by the sec- j or lose $21,000. ' " retary of state and his certificate of1 The will of Mrs. Rosa Blutn, administration. He holds that Colum bus day is a legal holiday and hence dJ nmrrage cannot be collected for it. K Camp Brant Soldier ' Killed In Accident Chicago, Nov. 9. Ono Camp Grant soldier was killed aud ono died later oi injuries sustained , when a troop trni enroute to Chicago was struck by C. and Q. passenger train No. 53 at Sugei Grove, 111., today. Three more were so riously injured and 15 slightly iiurS The soldiers wero to attend a footbaft gamo here between Camps Grant .amj Taylor. Railway officials hurried ty Aurora where tho injured were takeit to dotermino responsibility for tlii 'wreck, Private E. J. Dubben of Chicago waj unofficially reported killed. - j MUST ACQUIRE DAUGHTER. nomination is issued. E. C. Judd is now filling the place by appointment. Erick son said ho thought ho could take office immediately because there could be no question about bis election, as he had no opposition on the ballot. filed here today for probate, leaves him $21,000 on that con- dition, When tho will was made Blum had a wife, but recently tho Blums were' divorced. HcDce a year is Chopped from tho time when he can start to live up to the terms of the will because of The Great Southern railroad will have to refund the demurage it .collected on Columbus day, according to a ruling re ; . the divorce laws of this state. ccived by the publie service conimis- sion from S. A .Herring of the railroad I Copyright revlrcU, 191S Hennett received 931 in the eo.ii,ty, I eaused by rejections: li. J. Trunberger, Coke 736 and Olson 581. j Mt. Tinge; Andrew Pedcmon, Silver- - - I ton; Herman Pillett,. St. Paul; K. M !drmimr Cnvnvo Uiooclwin, Silverton; L. D. Bloom, Au- UtlKiailJ UtftlO rora; w. E. Matheny, Silverton; J. E: nil IlT'l' n Ko,,ert8, WoSdbnrn; J. R. Moore, Wood- Relations With Russia !!"B-u. B. (Lamb, Wnconda; O. M. LeUruii, Wood bnrnj Harold Bntern,Silvertou; S. C. Gottcnborgj Mt. Angel. Woodburn In dependent. DEATH OF P. H. KXIEWER. Copenhagen, Nov 7. Hungary has declared itself neutral in tho threat ened trouble Between Germany and ihe i Russian bolshevik! government, accord ing to advices received hero today. The Hungarian war minister has or dered that all German troons t raver-! I'- H- Kliewer died at his homo yes- sing his country shall be transported terday afternoon at 3 o'clock of pneu- j without arms. . Jmoina following influenza. Mr. Kliew- Germany, it is declared, requested j e" had been very low for several days, the Bolshcviki to withdraw her diplo- He leaves a wife and three children, matie representatives until, the murder the wife being siek with influenza but of German Ambassador Mirbaeh has been atoned and until Russia guaran tees its organizations will not eouduct revolutionary propaganda in Germany. The German asbassador at Mo-scow has been ordered homo. not in a serious condition. Mr. Kliewer had been a resident of this section for a number of years. Ho moved from Woodburn to Monitor and there went into the blacksmith busi ness, which he disposed of and then moved back to this city, having been in the employ of Paul Sowa. Ho was a skillful mechanic and a man much thought of in the community. Wpod- ' Basle. Xov. Germany has broken off diplomatic relations with Russia, it was reported here todav, pending guar- ukis iinHximii oeisiiuvibiD puni Independent, in Germany and punishment of eonspir-j " ""mi-'-.. ;,. j jrrSaX ,he murdet 01 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY A ftattery-or THE Battery You can buy a battery anywRere. . You can buy the battery in only one place from the-Willard Service Station. . The Still Better Willard is the battery because it is the only battery in which you . can get Threaded Rubber Insulation the most important battery improvement in years. . You'll know the Still Better Willard by the Willard Mark which is branded in the box. The booklet "A Mark with a Meaning for . . You" tells all about th Mark and the Battery, , Auto Electric : Shop DEGGE & BURRELL 418 Court Street Phone 203