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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1918)
TWO "It is strange that she should be, gone. She apparently had-an inexhaust-! ibla hold on life. But people like her are never gone io reality. They re main in a multitude of associations and happy memories. With time when the first agony of grief is past, the thought of them becomes a kind of fragrance. So far at she was concerned there are disturbing reflections, no regrets. She made life a succession of good days. But the suddenness was hard on those for whom her presence made a kind of radiance." GLIMPSE into the Bod C.oes A booth in the Portland Railway Light and Power ofliccs, where tie Christmas cartons for tho soldiers overseas are being distributed ' and shipped, shows - that the Salem hoys across the water are not being forgotten in any sense of the word toy their friends and rela tives at home. Though the booth was only opened for business on Tuesday, the committee in charge has already registered the names of over two dozen aeaders from here and tho respective recipients over there. Them cartons are of standard size, 3 by toy 9 inches and must not weigh over two pounds, fifteen ounces, be fore being-wrapped, after packing. When the box is packed, unsealed and unwrapped, it must be taken to the col lection booth for inspection. The ship per will, then affix sufficient postage on their parcels to earry then? to Ho boken, N. J.' . Theso eartons are only given out at the headqunrtera booth upon presenta tion of a label on tho part of the would he sender, who ha received said label from some soldier overseas, designat ing the soldier's authorized privilege to sv Xmas package. After the carton has been finally packed, passed the in ' paction of the Bed Cross oommittco as to content and weight, and been wrap Beautifies iii h thn akin a delicately clear. nearly white complexion. Brlnitt luck l it oft smooth appearance of youth. Result is Instant and tmmvunent constant. Gouraucrs 5 Oriental Cream Smt 10c for Trial Six " i. Frnn. T. HOPKINS SON. New York tteTTtTTTtTtTTttttttftttttttttttttttTe Into our New Location The Imperial Fur niture Co's building and we will be pre pared to meet and defy all competition. Let us show you the newest in furniture and get our prices before you buy furniture. A full carload of new furniture will arrive in a few days. Our policy to give the people more value for their money, will be carried out. Our new stock will include all that is useful and practical for "gift giving." We invite you to get other dealer's prices before coming to our store. viciroias ana We will carry a full line of Victrolas and Victor records No Old Stock on Hand. Nothing but new machines and new and late Records to choose from. Sewing Machines We wiU Also Carry the SINGER SEWING MACHINE and we will sell them on liberal terms with Monthly . Payments aha a. ....... ...4M see By CAROL & DIBBLE ped in stout paper, the Christmas la bel bearing the address of the man for whom it is intended will be placed on it. Another label certifying that the inspection has been completed by the Bed Cross ' put on the package, which is left in charge of the committee un til delivered to the postal authorities. Naturally it Is expected that noth ing will be packed in these Christmas parcels, which will not keep fresh from the time of packing until Xmas. Dried fruits and other food products should be packed in small tin or wooden box es, one quarter to one half pound size and then placed in the paste board car ton. A question has arisen it to whether packages may be sent th.i nurses, Y. M. C A. and Y. W. C. A. workers, Ar menian and Serbian soldiers in the al lied armies and other war wjrkers, who would not be classified 'as American soldiers. As the inqniry in this regard was rather general information on the matter was wired from the Bed Cross headquarters at Seattle, Wash. This stated that workers in France belong ing to the Bed Cross, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Knights of Columbus, Salva tion Army, nurses and soldiers in the allied army might be forwarded Christ mas parcels if the person here desir ing to send a package to anyone listed in the above classification), apply at the Bed Cross headquarters, at the United States National bank 'building, for a permit. Upon receipt of this per mit the committee at the Xmas booth in the Portland Railway Light and Power offices, will thon give the appli cant a standard carton. Hence the way has been opened for all of those in the allied service from this country to be remembered at the Christmas season by their friends in the "Unitod States. . The booth will tie open as late as next Wednesday, Novemb'-r 20. After Wednesday no Christmas pal eel will be accepted for shipment. Mrs. W. M. Hamilton is chairman of the committee directing the shipment of the packages at tho booth. Working with hor are: Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mrs. William E. Kirk, Mrs. J. H. Farrar, Mrs. Ocorgo Graham, Miss Mnttie Beat ty. Tko committee members are at the booth each day, thus affording the convenience of an alternating arrange ment. A pretty event of the week -was the celebration of the golden wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. '0. S. Vick which took placo Wednesday evening at their residence on the Portland road. Masses of fluffy chrysanthemums of a deep yellow shade wore used in appro priate decoration throughout the rooms The evening was pleasantly passed TPtv Weloel Monday victor Kecoras THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, with music and a variety of impromptu festivity. Later dainty refreshment were served br Mrs. o. H. Snyder, Mrs. Ronrorn Vifk and Mm C. H. Vick. About sixteen relatives and intimate friends participated in the gayety of j the occasion. Toe children of the Hon ored couple present at the affair were, Mrs. S. H. Snyder, George ' I. Vick,! Charles H. Vick, Alfred Vick and Ber nard Vick. V The members of the North Salem Woman 's club will not hold their regn lar. monthly .meeting next Wednesday at the .residence of Mrs. Cora Hump, corner of North Cottage and D streets, owing to the continued pievalence of the influenza epidemic. Mrs. J. B. Miles and small grandson, Brantson, have returned from a weeks stay in Portland. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Theo M. Barr, who have been seriously ill with pneumonia are now convalescing and out of danger. e Mrs. George G. Brown is the guest of friends in Harrisburg this week, hav ing accompanied Mr. Brown that far, on his way to San IFrancisco on a short business trip the fore part of the week e e T I a TWvl. TTnlt. .rifliio-lifpT rtf Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Holt, spent a few days in independence tniB ween with irienas Miss Holt, who teaches in a Washing ton school is home during the closed period. 'Friends of the gifted young Salem pianist, Fred Cline, will bu pleased to hear of the position he now holds, head of the. primary department of leading musical school in Kokomo, I diana. Mr. Cline left Balem for tl east about a year ago and assumed h present position this fall. ; While in Salem Mr. Cl:ne studifd under MiBS Elma Welter, frequent! appearing before the public, on numei ous occasions. He also Attended the Salem high school, making his home with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hockott, at their residence in Highland. . Lieutenant and Mrs. Edmund Regis ter, who have made their home in Sa lem the past few months while Lieu tenant Register has been connected with the S. A. T. C. at Willamette uni versity, left yesterday for Eugene. Lieutenant Register has I sen trans ferred to tho training camp at the University of Oregon. Morning it n You get More For Your Money at Moore's I ! h i i i.( 1 imp: ' I1! H ! I. I- Mrs. R. W. Walton, whir-has been passing the past tea dajs in Salem with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith, has returned to Lebanon, where she is on the faculty of the Lebanon high school! Though the schools of Leb anon bav not opened yet, Mrs. Walton went back, to be with her blotter, Ray Smith, who is slowly impro-viflg after the serious automobile- accident, in which he was injured th:s summer. A eoterie of Willamette girls were bidden to the home of Miss Florence 8cheoerler 395 North 14th street last mrht for an evening of informal gay ety. College festivity and Willamette songs contributed largely to the merri ment of the gathering, the hostess was assisted in serving; by Ji'se .Uarjorie Minton. The guests included Miss Marguerite Wible. Miss) Bernice Cnuths, Mise Beth Briees. Mis Margaret t.oortin, Ansa Geraldine Pnrdy, Miss. Shafer, Miss Lucy Holt, Miss Marione Brown, Miss Fay Collins, . Miss Lncile Ross, Miss Marjorie Minton, The Thursdav Afternoon elub which was to have met with Mrs. Fred Stew art and Mrs. Frank- Spencer Thursday afternoon, November 14, at the home of Mrs. Spencer, has temporarily post poned all meetings while the influenza is still prevalent in the eity. -.- - Salem friends- of Mr. arid Mrs. R. B. Houston will be interested to hear that thev have recently changed their residence from Santa Rosa to Oakland, California. Mr. Houston, who has been connected with the Southern Pacific a district freight agent has been pro moted to assistant, general freight agent and will make his headquarters at Oakland. The Houstons who are very well known here, made their home in Salem for several years, leaving Salem for Santa Rosa two years ago. - Mrs. John W.- Todd was hostess last night at a charming little a-iiner party a hAi. viriAnpA nn -Ttpllpviic street. A glowing howl of. marigolds centered the tanLs which was eireied oy Mr. ana Mrs. JT E. Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. and son, Paul, and Superintendent ana Mrs loaa. - - j . Via MinniA fWhrinir osve a nret- ty informal luncheon Wednesday, at tho home of her sister, airs. Miner nit vier, 775 North: Cottage street, asking as her guests a few of the Salem teaeh ro nf tho naiirhhorhnod. Miss Oaohrine Vs lately arrived in Sitlem from (irtyid Island, iseDtasKa. one is an in ti-iif.fni in h -inninr hiffn school. A Hnintm vpIIiiw color motif urevailr ed in the table decorations, a center piece of yellow chrysanthemums em nhaeinins tliB vivid note. Covers were laid for Miss Lnca Smith, Miss Helena wiuett, aaiss r.uua oioruun, uw jju cile Elliott, Miss Blossom Redmond, Miss May Clemof Mrs. Bevier ana tne hostess. 1 v T1.A hnmA nf Mm. W. E. Vincent was ilia annnA n ft mftrrv pfitherinff this af ternoon when Miss Catherine Vincent and Miss Jeancllc vanclervort entertain J n .,.,, r, nf fi innrla-nt A iollv " ilive- '11 Kuui wt a :t. . ,i.a mut.l. Anmina nrAAAAa in a variety of bewitching children s costumes, aji manner oi uuv aic, m.n-ootivA nf -nVnvdftvs were reiuvenat ed and made the inspiration of a gala frolic. Guessing games- ana long hS timn ilivArsinns followed one an other in jolly succession. And just as of old the gayenes euinmiuieu nm the afternoon with the seiving hour, vhn FAibmniji -.irrvincr out a cun- uinir red, white and blue tfolor scheme were served Dy ine nositaws hbmi k Mr. Vini'nt. 1 ' ' The rooms were decorated in, flags and other red, white and oiue regaim. An appropriate and unique decorative f.,0,., rnrm&hed bv the arranae- mcnt on the walls of an array of well known advertisements, portraying small folk in various amusing uu.iuk ing situations. . 1 tl v;iin irerp: Miss Lolla Mil lard Miss Florence Young, Mise Lucile Moore, Miss Gertrude West, Miss Mad eline McEvoy, Mis Frances Welch, Miss Mildred Welch, Miss Frances Hodge and Mis9 Esther vinceni. e v;aa r,irlpl Stceves and Miss Char lotte Croisaiv were charniin? hostesses last evening, when they entertained a bevy of Willamette girls at a delight ful little supper party at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves, 316 North Church street. A cut glass bowl of richly-hued mar igolds formed a lovely centerpiece for the table and accentuated a gold color thr itaveloDCd iu the ex quisite place cards and other dainty table appointment. TkA t&rnwlntr rnnm WAV Dtnttily adorn ed with clusters of chrysanthemums of a delicate pinK shade, ine noun were savlv whiled away with music and rook. ,. Covers were ylMeA lor Miss rjiza.- beth TcfcbJns, Mis, Margaret Legg, Miss Leila Rubv, Miss Lorelei Blatch- ford, Miss Mildred Stevens. Mis Fay Mi'Kennis. Reed college was the first institution west of the Atlantic coast to conduct courses for reconstruction aides. Tho work was undertaken, with the aid f the medical ,-hool of the University of Oregon, at the request of the sur ,.r.i surf Raa.1 rnlWe was the only institnt'ion in the west officially approved by the war ntpanmcnr iu the training of reconstruction aides. Til. o. ,lnnrliilinl nn lOTIlTCr tmbliB.- A lie " . . . es a list of approved institutions; but . ... it. L imliABfA last advices irom nasuiinsi"" iu. that every graduate recommended by Reeil college has been called, o. will soon be called, to military hospitals in this country or in France. Reconstruction aides in physio-therapy nre vivilian employes of the med ical department of the army. Their work is distinct from that of the doc tor and of the nnrse. They are not "nurses' aides." They gi?e massage and remedial exercises priKcribea for patients in hospital and other sani tary formations of the army. Head aides are selevted by promo tion. For every ten"ide in a hospita! I,r. una hoa.l aid. WHO is Tespon- 'sible for the work of t"ie aides. A number of women on graduation from ,the Reed college course t once re ceived appointments as head aides. Colleciate women who have been lending their efforts towards enlarging the Woman's building land at the Uni versity of Oregon, will be interested! in the work, of Mrs. A. H. Schraff, aj gifted miniature painter frftra Boston, , who, having recently come to the coast, i giving the pro-Jeeds of her commis sions just now to the building fund. Mra. Schrail has been Portland vis itor th past few -weeks, where she exhibited some of the. beautiful minia ture -she-had done of prominent peo ple in, the state. One that was espeeiai- 1t attractive was that of Mrs. P. L. Campbell of Eugene, the wife of Pres ident Campbell of the University of Oregon. Mrs. Schraff is now m Eugene, but will return to Portland soon to work On some of the commissions she has re ceived for' miniatures of children and grown-ups. Or the eve of her depar ture for Eugene, Mrs. George Uerbng- er gve a luncheon in her honor at her residence in. Portland. - - Th. .rinil nt Mr. C. D. Gabrielson will be glad to know that she will re main, in Salem for the winter, instead of going to Portland as. she originally planned. She- will make her home at tho Manon . hotel for th next Jew months, Fruch war nosters have been re ceived direct from Paris and will be ex hibited at the United States National VrnnV when, it onens Monday morning. They are the finest collection ever shown in Oregon and were eent to Sa lem by Lieutenant : Allan A. ijynon, who is serving his country iu France. A nnUit anrl altogether informal din ner was given by Mrs. E. A. Kurtz and (r v. Knnwlnnd at the Kurtz home, 428 North Church street, last Sunday to a small party of immediate friends which served the joiat purpose n9 a wAlpnmintr rnnest to Messrs. P. E. Fnllerton, E. A. Kurtz and L. B. Dav is who had just returned from a tisiiing excursion to the Big Nestucca river in Tillamnnk MlnntV. B 11(1 B9 a COnmlimCUt to Mr. and Mrs. John I. Savage of Portland, who were-- tne wees- ena guests of relatives and friends in Sa lem. The -four courg feast, which form ed the principal and interest center ing feature of entertainment, was quite in lfAA-ninir with th hiehlv cultivated cuisine art of the hostesses as well as with the patriotic restrictions of the times and the social intersourse and entertainment of the evening was in strict accordance with ir.fiuenza cpi- Thn nicce-de-resist- ance of the dinner was the prize tro phy of the fisting party, a 12-pound silverside salmon. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John I. Savage of Portland, Mr. and t. O T.r Canfield. Mr. and Mrs P. v. -PnllATfnn. Mr. nl Mrs. L. B. Davis and daughter, Miss iiotita, Mr. ana Mrs. C. E Knowland and daughter, Miss Pauline, and Mr. ana airs. r,. a. jvunx and two sons, Masters Chcrter and Al vin. ... Ktfti-v 'Raavas and small son. Stacy Jr., will return to Astoria this evening alter a lortnigm s visit u Salem with relatives.- Mrs1. Beeves came np- to attend the celebration of the golden anniversary of tor parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitney. She will be accompanied back to Astoria by her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Rainsden, who will remain in Astoria about two weeks Mrs. T. G. Bligh and grandson, Gregory, have returned from a two months trip to Winnipeg and various points in Canada, 1 The sixth, birthday of little Roberta Bevier .was made . the occasion of a lovely little, birthday party Tuesday afternoon, when her mother, Mrs. Mil ler Bevier, invited six small belles to share tho merriment of the afternoon with their diminutive hostess. The 1ns- siesv revelling in the birthday f estivi ties at the Bevier home on North Cot tnco street were Ruth Johnson, Doro thy Hewitt, Ma-rjorie Hewitt, Dorothy Moore, Eleanor Schmidt, Alice and Leona Brown.. Musical circles of Salem continue to follow with much interest- the success with which a former Oregonianj is meeting in New York 's "field of music. It is Hartridee Whipp, baritone, who a littlo over a year ago left Portland in search of a wider field for his tal ent. Of Mr. Whipp 'a latest achievements, Henry T. Finch, eminent critic ot the New York Evening Post writes, uniler date of October 22: "The new season has already dem onstrated one fact: That the singers have put Grieg on their banner this year. It i well that this should' oe so for, as Dnniel Gregory Mason has tru ly saiid, these songs are often as spon taneous as Schubert's, as impassioned as Schumann's and as finished in art as Rotiert Franz's. And thejr are ad mirably adapted to the voice.' More StreMtbens Kidneys Fcrifies Blood You can't expect weak kidneys to keep up under 'the terrific strain of nature effort to filter the acid3 and poisons out of the system unless they are given a littlo help. Don't allow your kidneys, the- most overworked organs of your body, to becume diseas ed when a little attention now will prevent it. Don't try to ilicat nature. It can 't be done, As soon as you commence to have backache, feel "nervons, tired or worn out without-caus-?, GET hi SY. These are usually warnings tint your kid neys are not working properly and throwing off the puisons as tLey should Do nut delay a minute. Go after the canoe of your ailments or yun may find vourself in th grip of an incurable disease. GOLD M KDAtL Hsarleu Oil Capsules will give almost immediate relief from kidney troubles, which may be the unsuspected cause ct ill health. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. They are the pure original Haarlem Oil Capsules import ed direct from the laboratories in Haar lem, Holland. Ask- your druggist for GOLD MEDAL, and accept no substi tutes. Look for the name GOLD MED AL on every bos. Three sizes, sealed packages. Money refunded if they do not be!p you. 1918. over they are not German, so every-! body ought to be happy. "Tho American baritone. Hartridce wt.;nr. mHA hia Aeolian hall recital last night notable by including in his list Greip'a opns 44, 'From the Mo-1 tains and the Fjord,' a group of five songs, with prologue aud epilogue whieh the great Norwegian penned in 1886, during a tour with the poet Draehmann. Two of its numbers, 'K gna and Rognhild,' are as simple and tuneful as folksongs, and should- be niAAAj nn manv nrozramav that lack room for the whole group of seven. tr I - 1 I,- i TtwAvmncW WOlll a favorable impression, sang them in the true spirit, and with the requisite pictorial Bnse or regard for loeal col or. ' . ilTlan -a am fiArman D1US1C OB hlS program, by Bach and Handel, and no body protested; one numuer uemg Back's 'Phoebus and Pan,' which is m the repertory of the American singers at the Park theater, and which was dqne in London last year. There was English musio by Cecil Forsyth, French Maasraet. Delibes. Am erican by Marion Bauer, and by Walter Kramer, whose line - a ..,. .nm-AKiAtAit hv the audience. In all of these Mr. Whipp showed his genuine skill in interpretation as as his fine voice to advantage." YANKEE FORCES Continued from page one) ions, if they have not yet been an nntineri nr the 37th. under General Farnsworth and the 91st under Major General W. H. Johnston." Pershing's Official Report. - Washington, ' Nov. . American force. Fridav afternoon drove the-Ger- nifina from their last hold on the heights of the Meuse, scene of the great battle of Verdun in 1916, General Pershinir reriorted today. "On both sides of the Meuso the- day was marked by heavy machine, gun fighting and sniping," tho statement said. "There was neavy anuiery -wring in tho region of Sedan and cast of the Meuso." The Yanks advanced six kilometers on a front of 14 kilometers, taking moie than a half dozen towns and villages. - "This "afternoon (Friday) French and American units operating under the command of the First American army, wrested from the enemy his last hold on the heights cast-of the Meuse, mum-i-ablc as. the scene of the great battle of Verdun, in 1916, and drove him back in to the lowlands of the Wocvre," to day's communique stated. " On a front of 14 kilometers we ad vanced to a -depth of six kilometers, taking Lissey, BrehevillO, Feuvillcrs, Damvillcrs, Flabao and other towns and villages. "Along the line of thc-Mense from Willefranche to Wadclincourt, lively ar tillery and machine gun combats havu taken place during the day. Six addi tional guns of heavy caliber, many more machine guns, 2,000 rifles and a largo airplane workshop, captured during our advance west of tho Mcuao, hayo bees reported. ? " ' "In the Woevro on tho front of tho Second American army our patrols wero very activo, capturing prisoners in tho course of several successful enterprises near Lake Lachusse. "Despite adverse weathor conditions our aviators, flying at a height ox 100 meters carried out a number of recorr naissance -missions They bombed nnd machine gunned concentrations of ene my troops in the region of Baalou and Arniellon and blow up an ammunition dump at Giberiiy. ' Four enemy balloons were destroyod and three enomy air plnnes were shot down during the day. Some of our plane are missing." WHOLE OF GERMANY (Continued from page one) catcd that important cities in all parts of the empire are in the hands of the revolutionists. , Following reports that the council of workmen and peasants in Munich had declared Bavaria a republic, it was announced that the revolutionists are helievotl to have seized Dresden, capital of Saxony. A dispatch from Stuttgart, capital of Wurtemburg, said the eabinet of that state lied resigned. . Workmen's and soldiers' Soviets are reported now to control Lockstadt, Eckernforde and BrunswicK Rioting is reported in Essen, scat of the great Krupp gun works.- Other important cities s'd to be held by the revolutionists are Hamburg, Kiel, Bremen, Tilsit,. Schworin,. Brein erhaven, Wilhelinshaven and Flensburg Revolting Sailors Take Navy Practically the entire German navy with the- possible exception of the Third squadron, has been taken over by revolting sailors. A wireless dispatch from Berlin says that Chancellor Maximilian "in view of., the., altered parliamentary situa tion" has sent m his resignation. It has not ye$ been accepted.' Apparently -the chancellor's last of ficial act before turning in Iiis resig nation was, to send out the following proclamation to Germans, abroad: "The victory .for which many bop-1 ed has not been granted us, but tho German people have won a greater vic tory, for it hag conquered itself and its belief in the justice of might." Dresden, a city of oOO.OOO is locat ed 100 milos south of Berlin. Munich, also s city of half a million, is nearly 230 miles west of Vienna. Stuttgart is about 120 miles northwest of Munich. It hS9 a population of 200.1W0. Bruns wick, is 35 miles southeast of Hanover. It population is 130,000. Essen is 20 miles north of Dusseldorf. It has a population of 200.000. Eckrenford is ten miles-vsoutheast of 'Schwerin. After laboring 30 years to get a vote, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt cast her, firaC ballot in New' York Tuesday. She. voted for -Governor Whitman. j D. H. MOSHER Kiaji Class Ladles Tailoring Choice Serge Suits $60 and up 474 Court Street RELIEF!N0 BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a -- Mustard Plaster Without i the Burn or Sting Musterole is a dean, white ointment,' made with the od of mustard.' It does all the work of the old-fashioned mustard piaster doea it better and does not blis ter. You do not have to bother with a doth. You simply rub it on and usually, the pain is gone I ... I Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients, ! ThA will o-laHlv toll vou what relief it gives from sore throat bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains i ..u, f4 Ka Kju-lr nr ininrs. snraina. sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds ot the cnest (it oucu vents pneumonia). M auc ana cue jars; nospiiai sue HAIG ANSOUNCES (Continued rreui page one u-.tliin thn irrasn nf the British and French. The British have taken Conde and Uuutmount and hold the western portion of Tournai. Field Marshal Haig announced that his armies have taken 18,1)00 prisoners and several hun dred guns since November 1. .French troops have crossed the Scheldt on a wide front south of Aude narde. Ivr tho Balkans the Serbs have defeat cd the Germans along the Danube and Save and have crossed those rivers Into Hungarian territory. They also have taken up the march to Sarajevo. HUN ARMIES' Continued from page one) eline to accept the ultimatum for fro occupation of strategia points within Germany by the allied armies, the kais er is well aware that tho allies can seizo the points by right of conquest. . Therein is the reason why the German must throw up their hands. HANS CHR13T0FFEES0N DIES OF INFLUENZA,- ' At Vancouver, Wash., October 30,, 1918, at the age of 22 years. Death was ' due to influenza. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. HaiiB rhristofl'orson wlio live near Chemawa. Ho was among the young men who went into service 'from Salem August 15, being assigned to the Benson l'oly technic at Portland for special training in the engineers corps. Besides his parents, he is survived by five brothers: Lauren who is in the navy at Brooklyn ad' Georgo, Boya),'' Gerald and Burns Christofferson who live at homo. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. A. C. Carbcrry of Pasco, Wash. Tho mother and Mrs. Lauren Christ offerson went to Vancouver last Wed nesday and was present at the time f hig death. A military funeral was held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the chapel of Webb & Clough in ulcm. Tho services wcr.e conducted by Chaplain Bronson of Vancouver. Burial was in City View. Gervais War. WOODBUEN CITY ELECTION. Mayor Jas. J. Hall. Counciluicn W. H. Broylcs, Alfred Klamp, .1. B. Landon, C. E. Tyler. Recorder Geo. H. Beebe. , Treasurer Lois Beebe. Sewer Ordinance 79 for, 230 againM. is a lelicious and whole some drink of great food value and' absolute purity. "Chocolate and cocoa add flavor and energy giving material to a diet and their use will help in many ways in the preparation of nalat- able, nourishing dishes from those foods of which there is an abundance." Bookkt ot CAom Rtdptm Snr Am WAITER BAKER & CO. Limited DORCHESTER - MASS. Established 1760 -$&H'ip BAKERS I SM0A Ik J l