Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 09, 1918, Image 1

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Only Cirrulation in Nalern Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
f FHffl f IvIPlRlF II lilfllM OF Mil lllTF
t - .-2-L ... . .lL
Raiser Wilhelm Has
Hold Sedan Sta
Have Crossed
Americans And French Now
Hold Line Of Meuse From
. : Mezieres South. '
London, Nov. 9. The great fortress
. city of Maubeuge hag been captured,
Field Marshal Haig announced today.
The British made good progrosB south
" ot that place also.
"The fortress of Maubeuge was cap
tured by the Guards and 52d divis
ions," the statement said.
"We made good progress south of
the town and are well east of the
Avesnes-Maubeuge road."
Iii rig, Nov. 9 The French resumed
their advance on the whole front this
normng, jt was announced by the wai
" During" the nijjht there was. artil
lery and machine gun activity ut suv
otal points on the front," the com-
muniiiue. said. ,
"This morning our troops again start
ed their march lorward on the whole
The French are now holding the So
oVu station.
Free More French SoiL
London, Nov. 9. -The allies are con
tinning their liberation of French and
Belgian soil while Marshal Foch awaits
lie uDswor of the German high com
maud tit Rpn to his terma for an armis
"tire. Latest olfu-ial reports showed
feencli, British, Belgian, Italian and
American troops attacking along a
rout of about 200 miles, from the vi
cinity of Ghent to the Verdun re
gion. Important new gains have been
simile on a wide stretch of this line. Ia
addition the enemy is reported to be
wndertaklug a great retreat on tho
IHcuse front. Details of any American
advance in that region have not been
tweivecl. i
The French and Americans now hold
Hie line of the Meuse from Meziercs
southward. The great fortress cities of
Maubeugo and Hirson are practically
(Continued on page two)
It'i easy t' gucus tb' ope of a feller
n:neu Dewcv. "One o th worst
drawback t' prohibition is fiudiu' a
boot legger th' next morniu'.
Report Sent Oat From Berlin
Through Wireless Operator
Chancellor Max Issues De
cree Telling Of Decison
By Wilkhn.
sfc c sj? c sjc jc JsJ sc Jc sc sjc sj
London, Nov. 9. (Britisjx Ad
miralty Wireless). A German
Wireless message received in
London the afternoon of Nov.:
9, says;
"The German imperial chan
cellor, Prince Max of Baden,
has issued tho following decree:"
''.'The kaiser and king has
decided to renounce the tnrone.
'' 'The imperial chancellor
will remain in office until the
questions contained with the ab
dication of the kaiser, the re
nouncing by the crown prince of
the throne of the German em
pire and of Prussia and, the
setting up of a regency have
been settled. -"
'For the regency he intends to
appoint Deputy Ebert as imper
ial chancellor and he proposes
that a bill shall bo brought in
for the establishment of a law
' for the immediate promulgation
of general suffrage and for a
constitutional German national
assembly, which will settle fin
ally the future form of govern
ment of the German nation and
of those peoples which might be
desirous of coming within the
"'Berlin, Nov.9, 1918.
''The 'Imperial Chancellor,
Prince Max of Baden.' "
The kaiser remains at grand head
quarters, evidently afraid tc go home.
His own people have forced his abdi
cation. Throughout his reign of a quarter of
(. century the kaiser had but one am-
-to "Teutonize the worM'' He
t 'Cootinuad on page three)
If f , j,.-5s 4 VI
ijjf - -vsi, -.' Am
Decided To Abdicate
No Further Inquiry Made
Into Admiral's Statement
- ... .. .
Washington, Nov. 9 Secre-
tary of the Navy Dnni'ds today
said that he has no intention of
making any further inquiry of
Admiral Henry B. -Wilson "con-
corning the .admiral's aunouuee
ment to the United Press Thurs
day that tho armistice had been
signed. Tho secretary kpoke in
the most coiuplimeutaiy terms
of Admiral Wilson s services,
characterizing him as one of
tho very best officers ia the
American navy. He said that
every one who had dealings.
with Admiral Wilson in France
brought the same high reports
of him. Seretary Daniels
- thought, too, that the admiral
had pursued a manly course in
acknowledging his responsibil-
ity and exonerating tht , Unit-
ed Press. . , : . . . ,
No Lenger Able To Maintain
Direct Ccnratinication
With Bases.
By J. W, T. Mason
(United Press war expert)
New York, Nov. 9, The German
armies along the west front have been
lent into two disunited groups, through
tho success of the allies reaching tho
1 environs of the Ardcnncg massif.
For all practical purposes the Ger
mans in Belgium are no longer able
to maintain direct communication with
the Geinmus in France for interchange
of supplies and manpower. The Mils'
ami forests of the Anienne interpose
impassable obstacles aaimt tho free
mnvemcut of transport columns and
marching troops. Nearly the whole ot
tlr German front in France has now
been pushed sjuth of the Ardennes
while that part of Belgium still in tho
enemy's poss ssion is north of the ar
dennes. To maintain contact for military op
erations on a large scnlt? between h:s
lisuu itoii armies, Von 1) indejiburg
mut send troops from one group to
the. other by a long rearward detour
via uerm.in territory, ibis situation u
n impossible one for Jong continuance.
Depleted of fresh troops as they rc,
the Germans would have to form two
separate reserve armies, one to act iif
Franco and the other in Belgium,- if
Von Hinrlenburg were to cling still
longer to both French and Belgian soil.
.Strategically, the difficulty of this
taw; is immensely increased by the faie:
that tho Americans now have under
gun fire the. principal lines of commu
nication feeding the Uermrn front in
France. Even a brief prolongation of
the war would compel the. Germans to
evacuate all of France. While still try
ing to hold central and eastern Bel
gium, Von Hindenburg would have to
admit the allies into Germany before
the end of the year, through Luxem
burg and Lorraine.
Therefore, while the kaiser and his
militaiists are considering Marshal
Foch's armisitice terms, they know
that rejection of the demund fcr un
conditional surrender will mean a quick
invasion of the fatherland. If they dc-'
(Continued on page two)
The National Woman Suffrage asso
ciation reports that it spent $7,o&3 toi
defeat Senator Baird in New Jersey.
Senator Weeks In Massachusetts audi
Mr. Hose in New Hampshire. '
7 n.M o
- - , - '
wit th
Workmen And ; Soldiers At
Munich Demand Kaiser's
Unconfirmed 7 Report Says
PriEce Maxjailian Has
Offered Resignation.;
Pari, Nov. 0. qio a. n ) k di
patch from Zurich, today purported to
affirm that Prince Maximilian, the
German chancellor, has resigned.
Th Haguei, Nov. 9. Ac unconfirm
ed report received here today that in
surgents have seized Berlin, Batting
five to tho post office and city halL .
Copenhagen, Nov. 9. The workmens
and soldiers' council has blocked tho
Kiel canal by throwing warships length
wise across It, according to dispatches
rsccived here today. : '
The revolutionists are' reported to
dominate completely Hamburg, Oux
taven and Lubccte,
Bss'e, Nov. 9. The workmsn's and
soldiers' council at Munich has adopted
a resolution demanding abdication ot
the kaiser and deposition of the Wit
teflsbach dynasty, according to a dis
patch received from that city.
Munich is tho capital of Bavaria.
Tho Wittelsbachs have been the ml
ing family of that slate for mo:e than
SOO years.
London, Nov 9. Practically all of
Germany is reported to be s'.etliiii?
wi'h revolt.
Dispatches received here today indi-
(Continued on page two)
Considerable Interest Centers
In kdependeat Party
Men Next Session.
By L. O. Martin.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 9. With almost
complete returns from Tuesday's elec
tion indicating the senate will 1 e re
publican by a majority of two, the o
called progressives In the upper branch
will hold the balance of power when
tho senate convenes next March.
According to inaicationg today there
will be 49 senators on the republican
side and 47 on the democratic snu am j
one progressive vote swinging to the'
side of the democrats could thcicfore,
command a majority for tho minority !
with Vice-President Marshall's vote. I
Thus, chief interest today centers in
the course which will be pursued on
great reconstruction issues by such men
as Borah, Johnson, California, Lal-'ol-lettc,
McNary, Oregon and Kenyou,
Iowa, all of whom are more or less in-1
dependent of party. The democrats are;
ciiuntim? strongly on the Bupport of
thes? men at lerst sonic of them iu
7irei'v.tii;g repecl of many laws which
the democrats have passed during taeir
'Cviitiniied ou paj three)
9, 1918
Throne Chancellor Announces
Marshal Foch Has Power To
- Make Minor Changes In
By Carl D. Groat.
(t'nitod Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 9. Tho nution
waited today for signing of the armis
tice with Germany. Officialdom, long
Since made up its mind that tho German
answer would be an acceptance. So to
day it only devoted itself to specula
tions as to how soon the reply would
bo announced.
Some thought by tonight; others to
morrow, whilo another group believed
Gormany would take the limit and that
tho actual answer would not be rn
vealed before Mondny, when the soven
ty-two hour dead lino comes.
Internal Gorman events, as woll as
the pressure of tho victorious American
iVllied armies, are making an arfirina-
(Continued on page thre-0
; '
The German revolution has spread throughout the
empire, according to reports from neutral sources.
An unconfirmed dispatch from The Hague today even
declared that theinsurgents "have seized Berlin, setting
fire to the city hall and postoffice.
Bavaria is reported to have announced its secession
from the confederation and to have set up a republic. The
workmen's and soldiers' council at Munich, the capital,
is said to have demanded immediate abdication of the
kaiser and deposition of the .Wittelsbachs, the royal fam
ily of Bavaria. The revolutionists no wappear to hold
Hamburg,, Bremen, Brunswick, Schwerin, Tilsit, Wil
helmshaven, Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Altona, Kiel and
other important cities in all parts of Germany. They
are also believed to control Dresden, the capital of Saxony,
while the ministry of Wurtemburg, at Stuttgart, is said
to have resigned. Riots are reported in Essen where the
great Krupp works are located.
Practically the entire seacoast is now under red flag
domination and the Kiel canal is entirely in the Rands
of revolutionists. The destination of the warships report
ed to have left Kiel under the red flag remains a mystery.
The kaiser is believed to be at German grand head
quarters in Spa, where he and his staff are considering
the armistice terms sent, by German courier from the
town in the department of the Aisne, where the German
delegation is in conference with Marshal Foch. The al
lied armies continuing their advance between Ghent and
the Metz region, are rapidly driving the Germans out of
the small strip of French territory remaining in their
Field Marshal Haig announced that Maubeuge had
been captured, indicating the Germans made no effort to
defend the famous city, with its ring of forty fortresses.
The British in their great retreat in the early days of the
war, held out in Maubeuge for two weeks after they had
been completely surrounded.
Reports from the American front said that General
Bullard's men , have resumed their advance east of the
Meuse, despite a heavy rain. It was believed the Ger
mans had begun another retreat between Verdun and
Metz, in the direction of Bney,
rru TPU t.:"
AliC rieiiuil aie mcuuiuiig lui wctiu uii tucu wiwrc
fVnnr rVin Porio oftmmnm'niia
The battle line now apparently extends as tollows:
Chant cnnrrtwnrrl tn
the Scheldt, to Herrines; southeastward through TournaiuiVhoB.w
in r rcrt rfvt n-f CcrA& fiacf urarrl air-mo iha AT nne pannl ! ! n itfiir tho roads, were wnt back. '
i rri. . n . j .
Tr n ii i i w 'iit ni ii i't urn v
iu a iiuiiii , suuuicaoivvaiu tu a uhil caoii ui iiiauucugf
southward to a point southwest of Hirson; southeastward
to Liart; southward to a point midway between Chamont
Porrien and Sipnev-L'Abbave: eastward to Poix: north-
eastward to Mezieres, southeastward to the old hattta
iror.t east of Beaumont. .,
Paris, Nov. 9 Abdication of
the kaiser was officially an
nounced hero tonight from Swit
zerland. .
(Judge Bennett Leads
For Supreme Judge
rortlnnd, Or., Nov. 9. Judge A. 8.
Bennett, democrat, of The Dalles, was
holding his narrow leud today over his
opponents in the race for election as
justice of tho supreme court to succeed
the late Judge. Moore.
Bennett led Circuit Judge Coke of
Coo's county by 709 . votes, and Judge
Olson is running third..
Tho totals at noon today were Ren-
nett 11657, Coke 10,888, Olson 984(1 and1
Campbell 6024.
The figures were based or complete
and incomplete feturns from all coun
ties except Deschutes, Grant, Lako and
Malheur. Theser- four- counties are all
in eastern Oregon, and Bennett's sup
porters claim they can bb counted on
to give him a greater lead. , -
e A tunt
AiirlpnnrriP' srmthwarrl nlnnc
- rt mil n t i i l r r r li i i i riu l i i ru
Weather Report
Oregon: Tonight and bandar-
rein: moderate southerly winds
General March Reports
Changes In Corps
' 4 Commanders.
Disposition Of Troops Work
ed Out When Armistce :
, Is Signed.
Washington, NffV. 8. Amcrtcai
forces ou tho Sedan front hiivancod
thirty fnilfs In might' days, "6enett
March said today in his weekly confer
ence with correspondents. In a brref
summary of the military situation, he
said the Germans now have been de
prived of all railway lines parallel to
their front. They hold only lines radi
ating toward the fronts which makes
the shifting of troops difficult.
The American advance severed the
Vali ncienne.s-MeU railway, at Kednn
The allied advances havo pushed .the
German front from a point 38 miles
from Paris to more than 100 miles away
;and have reduced German occupation of
French territory from 10,000 squaro,
miles last July to 2,300 square miles to
day. General March stated that the organ
ization of American forces into armies
hjs necessitated changes in corps com
manders. The corps are now command
ed by the following officers:
First, Major General Diekntnn; Sec
ond, Alajor General Heed ; Third, Major
General Hines: Fourth, Major Gcnsrnl
Mute; Fifth, Mujnr General Sutninorall;
Sixth, Mo jor General Wright, and Sev
enth, Major General Meiichef. :
" During the week," March said,
"dispatches have) indicated that certain
American soldiers nro- in Belgium work
ing with the forces there. Those divis-
CContinued on pane two)
Send Report Of Proceedings
To German Command By
Paris, Nov. 9. (4:20 p. m.) No
word had been received at the time of
catling of the return of the German
cornier; from grpud headquarters at
Spa, who is expected to bring Ger
many's reply to Marshal Foch's ar
mistice terms.
The roads are known to be unusual
ly bad, bridges having been blown up
and the highways turned into mud by
the heavy rains.
Paris, Nov. P. The Gcrnmn armis
tice delegates, during their interview
-Marshal l-ocn appeared greatiy
dejected, it was learned today.
i Thev arrived at the French lines
du'rins a drenching roiu Thursday
night. The French guard, under a high
! officer verified their paters, then
' The German representatives were tak
on to a designated point wnere icey
ate and then retired fur the night.
Thev wcro awakened eaily yestenlay
morning and departed for the meeting-
somewhere in the denartntent of
Ai"- ThPir """' jtu,,nfy """""
1 , (continued on ve. &ti