Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 08, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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;c Doilpntel Journal
. BALElf, 0BEG03
You Can Preserve
The Spirit of Christmas
This year by selecting practical gifts, sucli as this
company has ready now. Our low prices add the
possibility of extreme economy.
For instance makes one of the most practical, and
appreciated gifts that you can pick.
Crepe de Chine ". ' $1.49
Messaline . 83c, $1.49 and $1.98
Silk Poplin ....... .$1.25 and $2.25
Taffeta, Plain and Fancy ............... . .$1.98
f ncoroorated &
I! AH Around Town
Nov. 1118 United War fund
drive. Marion county quota
$02,000. Quota for Mom $37,-
"Tb funeral
dough Co.
oeautlfuL"Wetb ft
Highest cash price paid for fresh
eggs. Midget Market. tf
The Saturday meeting of the Salem
'Woman's club has boon postponed on
account of tlio influenza.
b"Th best" 1r all j on can do when
Heath eomei. Call Webb A dough Co
Phone 120. . tf.
Dr. O. Hartley, aentist, Moore build
ing, 107 Court St. I'ainloss filling and
extracting. Pyorrhoa. Phone 114. tf
WUUam Evans of rural route 7, Sa
lem left today for Portland to join tho
marino corps, llo loaves under spceiul
orders from the office of the provost
Dr. Bhenk has now returned from
his vacation and he extends a cordial
iavitation to his patron and friends
to visit his institution. tf
Change of schedule, effective Not. 1
Balemitayton stao leaves Salem. 12
arrives Kingston 1:45 p. m. connect!
with east bound train for Mill City,
Detroit, etc.. . ,11-8
Some miscreant attempted last night
to kill two walnut trees in the parking"
in front of tha J. 0. Oultrn homo, 725
Court street by girdling tho trees, about
Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes
Red Meated Same As Famous Southern Yams
11 lb. 50c; 23 lb. $1.00
Yellow Meated Sweet Potatoes Same Price
Fall Butter Pears Onions
While They Last Winter Keepers
75c Per Box 40 lbs for $1.00
A good grade for eating and cooking at a very low
price. Baldwins, Ben Davis, Jonathans, Northern
Spy, Red Cheek Pippins, Spitzenbergs and Roman
Cabbage for Kraut, $2.50 per 100 Pounds.
Ward K. Richardson
Phone 494 2395 Front Srteet
three feet from the ground. One of the
walnuts in front of tho Oeorgo Rog
ers home adjoining was also partially
' - o
For Sale A Fine Jersey cow, four
years old, just fresh, gives four gal
lons of milk a day, very rich. 715 8.
Twelfth stroot. , '
Now 1b the time to place your orders
for rosobusbos, shrubbery, fruit, walnut
and ornamental trees for immediate
planting, with the Capital City Nur
sory Co., 1030 Chom. St. I'hone 75. 11-31
With $1100 already pledged, Willam
ette university is ready to begin the
erection of the club house for tho H.
A. T. C. Iboys. It will Ib'n located be
tween Kimbull college and tho gymna
sium. The main room of tho club house
will be 27 by 45 feet with a kitchen 5
by 14 feet. The porch in front will be
10 (by 17 feet. The dimensions of the
entire houso will be 32 by 45 feet and
it will face the northwest.
, o
Notice New garage now open for
business gtoraga nnd repair specialists,
export mechanics. Seryioo Is our motto.
Motor Inn Onrago, opposite Marion
hotel, formerly Halvorsen & Burns.
. o
Publia stenographer, ... Patricia Graf,
first' door south of Snlom Bank of
Coiimicrre, 124 South Libeitv street.
Phone IW7. tf
Before the quota of Marion county
for tho United War fund driv. tad
been raised, "Willamette iHiivirmty was
given $1100 to pledge Now that the
quota for tho ontiro country has been
raised about 50 per cent tho quota for
the university is $1700. With 2HS stu
dents enrolled, this will average $tl
for each student. The amount will bo
raised Iby personal solicitation.
Dr. Scott thanks votore. I wish to
Secretary Daniels
Admits Admiral's Mistake
Washington, Nov. 8. Secre
tary of the Navy Daniels told
newspaper correspondents this
afternoon that Admiral Wilson,
in response to an official query,
admitted giving out the report
in France of the armistice sign
ing' yesterday, explaining that
he had it from what he regard
ed as an authentic source.
thank the people of ward seven for
the generous support given me in my
candidacy for councilman ana to as
sure them that my constant endeavor
will be to do my part toward the prop
er administration of the city's affairs,
and that l will at all times keep an
eye single to the interests of the ward
I represent. Dr. O. I. Scott.
Even if the celebration was a little
premature, the people of Salem demon
strated clearly last evening that while
the capital city is not easily awakened
when it does arouse itself for a genu
ine hilarious time, there is the proper
spirit with which to do it. Last ev
ening thousands lined the down town
streets to witness the parhctic parade.
And in justice, it may be said that the
patriotism was all there. The L. L. L.
More Of Those Tender
Chickens At
Per Pound
Corn fed pig pork. A roast of
this for your Sunday Dinner
will be delicious.
Per Pound
Again we ask you to Shop
Extra choice supply of stall
fed beef. You should not deny
yourself a tender roast or a
juicy steak of this
A o
(Little Breakfast Sausages)
A treat for vour Sunday
25c per lb.
Pure Lard, per pail $1.45
Shortening, $1.25 per pail
Originators of Low Prices
351 State St
Reichstag Demands
Kaisers Abdication
Amsterdam, Nov. 8. The so-
cial-democratie membera of the
leichstag demanded that (he
kaiser abdicate by noon Friday
4c (today), according to the Ber- 4c
lin Vorwacrts. Vnless the em- 4c
peror complies, the deputies de- 4c
4c clnred that they would leave 4c
4c the government. 4c
' 4c
L. boys, iof the Spaulding Logging
company with their large sawg did
yeoman service in keeping up the en
thusiasm. By the way, the Loyal Le
gion of Loggers and Lumbermen em
ployed at Spauldings stand 100 per
eent on Liberty loans.. Henceforth)
when anyonof makes a remark that Sa
lem really .cannot awaken for any oc
casion, reference may be made to the
evening of Nov. 7, 1918, when the
town went wild on premature peace
news. "
A number of letters have been re-
ceive4,by died Cross headquarters in
the U. S. National bank, all conveying
the' thanks of the boys for sweaters
and other woolen wearing materials
knitted by the women of tho Bed Cross
for members of the students army train
ing corps! The Bed Cross sent 78 sweat
ers to the S. A. T. C. of Willamette uni
versity. ' '
Difficulty in securing wire strapping
for firune boxes in now holdine un ship
ments of prunes. When the English
representative was nere a tew anys
ago it was finally decided that ship
ments abroad should ibe wire or iron
strapped on account of tho rough hadn
ling en route. Packers here were assur
ed of a shipment .of iron bands for the
strapped on account of the rough hand
has been received. Hence there is noth
ing doing in the way of filling the or
ders for foreign governments.
A special session of the grand Jury
has been called and it is now in ses
sion. One of the matters it will take
up is the parole selling scandal-of the
tate penitontiary. Georgo Gibbons of
Woodburn is foreman- and other mem
bers are N. J. Gehlen of Staytn I.
H. Small of Turner, J. M. Hollings
worth of Silverton, B. S. Drake of Sa
lem, James T. Cooper of Salem and J.
B. Cruig, Salem. '.
: o 'Mi
J. E. Coleman, who la In charge of
tho Community labor board here and
th tt. R emnlovment Iburcau is in Dal
las and McMinnvill today to secure
from the larger Dusiness interests
record of the nurmbor employed and in
what branches of work. In Salem,
about all of tho stores with fivo or
more employes and- all manufacturing
nlnntfi pinnlovintf more tlian five have
reported to the Community lubor. board.
Frank Wriehtman will servo as can-
tain of the legal advisory board at
the court house Saturday for those
wishing help in making out question
naires. With him aro Al Downing, John
rf. MeNarv. Elmo 8. White, Alice H.
Pago and tha Rev. G. F. Holt.
Wnrrt was received In the city tod&y
r,f tl. dniitti nf t.hn infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Daniels of Marshfield.
Mr. Daniels was formerly with tho J.
L. Stockton store.
Th liinnml HArvices for Bernard
Edes who died in Oakland, Cal, last
Sunday will ibo held at the Catholic
ltnh finfrnrilnv moroinff at 8.30
o'clock. Burial will be in the Catholic
cemetery. Tho funeral arrangements
are in charge of the Rigdon company.
ThA sur'eical denartinont of the Eed
Prnna in Snlein has btcn reancsted to
furnish 123 fin Tunsks for soldiers at
Camp Lewis. The 30 or, wore who will
be inducted into tno service next mou
day will be supplied with masks beture
they leave lor uamp iiewis..
Tha fnnnral nervirea for Harlan R.
lloffmnn, member of tho students' ar
my training corps, were held this af
ternoon at 'i o'ciock rrom tne Jviguou
chnpel and wore conducted by the Kev.
Leland Porter, pastor of the First
Christian church. The pall bearers,
, . . ' ,. s
4c V .
M1ZE At his home in Liberty, Ster
ling Albert Mize, at the age of 32
Besides his wife ho is survived by
four children, the youngest being only
three weeks old. The mother is now at
home ill with the influent. Ho is also-
survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Mi,e, and two sisters, Lena E.
Mize- and Katie O. Mize, a!', of Liberty.
The services -will be held Huturdny
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from tho
chapel of Webb & Clongh nnd will be
conducted by the Rev. Leland Torter,
pastor of tho First Christian church.
PVItH At Fort MeArthu. near Los
Angeles, Nov. 1, 1918, Albert W.
Pugh nt the ago of 27 years. Death
was due to pneumonia following an
attack of the influenita.
He ia survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Pugh, formerly of Sa
lem but now of Bond; a brother, Al
bert Pugh who is in the ship yards at
Portland, and a sister, Mrs. E. E. Ca
ble of Newport News, Virginia, where
her husband is in the service.
Burial will bo in Salem and announce
mcnt of the services will bo made upon
arrival of tho body.
STODDARD At Astoria, Oregon, Nov.
6, 1918, Mrs. Irene Stoddaok Death
was due to pneumonia.
Besides her husband, she is survived
by a son fivo years old. her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Shields, and three
sisters. -
The. funeral services were held at
thothapel of Wobb ft Clough this af
ternoon at 2 o'clock and wtro conduct
ed by the Rev. H. E. Pemberton. Bur
ial will be ia the City View cemetery.
ram to get
Washington, Nov. 8. Defeat of Ger
many will not prevent her from gain
ing an economical strangle hold on
Russia unless 'the allies take immed
iate steps to flood southern and north
ern Russia and Siberia with commodi
ties most needed by the Kmsian peo
ple. -
This warning was issued here today
by Dr. Joseph M., Goldstein, pwfessor
of political economy at the University
of Moscow and one of Russia's leading
commercial authorities.
Dr. Goldstein, nbw on ' a tour of
the United States, aiming to interest
American business men and corpora
tions in Russian trade, declared today
that now that Germany is defeated, the
bolsheviki can last but a few weeks
more, that she herself would take steps
to overthrow them. Once the bolsheviki
go, Dr. Goldstein said, the race be
tween Germany and the allies for con
trol of the Russian market will be
L'in. -
"Germany," said Dr. Goldstein, "is
prepared to flood the Russian market
with goods. Unless the allies take ira-
meaiate steps to counteract tnis, uer
j mony will succeed in restoring her for
mer economic supremacy in iwissia
and put allied businessmen1 at a tre
mendous disadvantage." &
brother "students of the S. A. T. C.,'
were J. Francis Cramer, Paul E. Dav
ies, Harlan Ab Hunt, Carl D Booth,
Paul W. Wise and Roy L. Skeen. Taps
were sounded by bugler Wallace P.
Carson. Mr. Hoffman wasbiiried in
the uniform of the U. S.army. ;
Max Solof, proprietor of the Western
Junk Co., 460 North Commercial st)et,
has purchased the Farmers' Cash stoie
of O. B. Durdall. Mr. Solof announces
that he will close out the stock at the
present location of the store on High
street. ' Mr. Dnrdall opened the store
in the spring of 1915 shortly after the
Thiolson-Westacott grocery movuff W
State streets. . y
Dt. O. B. Miles, city health officer,
announces today that nothing definite
has been decided ag to when the town
will be open again., ' In such matters,
the state board of health is consulted.
One week ago when the proposition
came up as to removing the ban on
meetings, the state board of healtn do
cided that the time had not coniewhen
it was safe to permit people to congre
gato at churches and at the movies.
3. W. Maruney reports that no one
responded to the appeal for roses and
bulbs to bo sent to Camp Lewis. Mr.
Maruiiey sent from his own greenhouse
200 roses and that was the total of Sa
lem 's contribution.
"I tried everything that I heard of
for the stomach and bowel trouble
and bloating, but got no permanent
help until I struck Mttyr'b Wonder
ful Remedy, nnd that did the business.
My son in Canada has also taken it
and writes it has dono him a lot of
good." It is a simple, harmless prepa
ration that removes tho eatarrhnl mu
cus from the intestinal tract and ab
lays the .inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, live and in
testinal ailments including'' appendi
citis. Ono dose will convince or money
refunded. J. C. Perry, druggist.
Entire $25,000 Stock
Must Be Closed
Still Continue Closing Out Sale With Big Sacrifices.
Still Cany a Full Lot of Shoes, Dry Goods and
Reliance Coffee, per lb v. ......r. ....... . .30c
F. C. S. Coffee, 35c value at 25c
Economy Coffee, per lb; ' 19c,
Best Peaberry Coffee ....... .................24c
Arm & Hammer Soda 7c
Columbia River Salmon .19c
Sweet Corn .15c
Ghiradellis Sweet Cocoa,
10 Pounds Karo x
Best Australian Onions, pound ................ .2c
Best Potatoes, pound .2c
Good Cabbage, pound . . .". ... 3c
Sweet Potatoes, pound . . 4c
All Orders of $3.00 or Ove
uDDiv i
Men's Heavy Work Sox, per pair - 15c
Men's Heavy Ribbed Siirts and Drawers,
. Garment. . - 95c
Men's Heavy Ribbed Union Suits, suits . . . . . -51.75
ahd. ... $1.98
Men's Khaki Pants, per pair . . . . .$1.50 and $1.98
Men's Extra Quality Felt Hats, each ....... - $1.98
Men's Mackinaw Coats, each.:.... $6,95 0 $10.50
Men's Shoes, for work or dress, the best values
in town, per pair. . . . . . . . ..... . .$2.98 to $5.00
Men's Work Shirts, each ...... ,, ;,. . .c q $1.39
Dress Shirts -9C to $1.75
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Commercial and - Formerly Chicago
Court Streets ' . Store
F. L. Minard is spending the week
in Coos county on 'business.'
RiiHsell Beckett, who has been visit
ing friends and relatives for the past
ten ilnvs. Una returned to the naval
training camp at Seattle.
H. B. Coleman of Dallas was m the
oity yesterday.
K. O. Wado of Albany registered
yesterday at tho Bligh hotel.
Maurice N. Selig was a guest at the
Hemstitching and Ficot edge
We do this work in best
All work guaranteed.
t Singer Sewing Machine Co
Phone 41
337 State Street Saleu
pound ............... .33c
... . .$1.00
Delivered Free of Charge
Bligh yesterday.
Miss Amanda Matthews has been the
guest of Salem friends for the pas
few days. , .
Mrs. Horace Bibby with her son Del
bert, has returned to Salem from 1't.
Stevens where she has been spending
several months with her husband, Cor-
I poral Bibby, who left recently for i'oi't
jEu9tis, Virginia.
Toot Specialist
Without Blood or Pain Or Causing
Soreness or Other Inconvenience.
Chilblains and All Diseases of the Fool
Cured. Special Attention to Antiseptics there
by Preventing Infection.
Appointments by Phone.
Lady Assistant.
518 V. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phone 416. Salem0re.
t I ftf UY TRI t
care of
Yick So Tons
Chinese Medicine nj Te Oe, X
Has medicine which will tu
ay known disease.
Open Snndayi from 10 t. ,
nntH 8 p. m.
f 153 South High 8t .
I Salem, Oregon. Phone 181
And All Kinds of 2nd Hud ..
.roods. -
Tall Market Prices SpecUl
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get on prices before yon sell.
. THE rEOPLE'8 JUNK til 213
S71 R. Oom'l St Phone 734
Portland Furniture Dealer wants
all kinds of second bund furniture,
stoves, gas rangos, ot. Best price
;.' paid. Phone 951.
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices. "
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my Prices Before
you sell.
Phone 398 -The
Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street