" '"""mmhhhhmmmmmhmm THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY ! MM HI JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELLING ODIUM IN MARION COUNHTRY THEM f OR RESULTS CTABKTTTED ADVEBTISINa BATES Bt per word, New Today: Each insertion , , . . Oae week (8 insertions) -. Om month (26 insertions) - . It - So 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for mor than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisement Bead your advertisement the first da; it appears and notify us immediately nor occurs. Minimum charge, 13c POTATOES for sale. Phone 80FU. tt FOR SALE Small pigs, stock ' hogs - and sows. Phone 18F11. 1111 FOR SALE Fresh cow; two months old pigs. Phone 43F22. 11-11 MATERNITY cases wanted in modern home. Phone 2501J4. 11-11 BOOM and board reasonable . at 1045 N. Cottage. . 11-8 "WANTED To buy soup beau's. Phone 483. . tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 69ft N. Cottage. 11-12 FOR 8ALH Peerless water power washing machine. Phone 1091. 11-9 FOUND Small !pig. Ower identify and pay for ad. .Phone 1416? 11-9 liOST Bunch of keys on Ferry, or State St. Phone 1806W. 11-8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 143 Court St. lit FOR TRADE Rooming house for city property. CaH J979. tf FOR RENT 5 room modern flat furn ished. Call 1737W. . . 10-31 COL. W. F. WRIGHT, iae auctioneer. Turner, Oregon. Plions 59. tt. liOST La9t cToning a coon skin fur. finder please return to Schrunk's store. Reward. ' 11-8 liOST Sat. afternoon purse containing two $2.50t gold pieces and silvei. Re turn to Journal office. Reward. 11-15 WANTED Carpenter work, repairing, ( resetting gjasKj etc. Phon-5 1617W. Lost Wallet containing valuables, 'return to T. A. Liveslcy & Co. Re ceive reward. Tl-11 WANTED Business girl or student as companion. Call between 5:30 and 8 evenings at 448 Center. . 11-9 WANTED Laundress at Oregon state tuberculosis hosipital. Salary $50 per month and maintenance. Phone 433. 11-8 liOST Last evening gold brooch cn gravel "B M B." Phone 384 W. 11-9 FOR SALE-JLadies new $50 (Salts) silk iplush coat, a beauty. Size 40 to 44 can wear it. Will sell at a bar- , gaiu. Phone 1194 immediately. FOR SALE By city street depat t tneut, horse, 1500 pounds, will sull cheap. Inquire W. S. Lowe, street commissioner. 11-8 WANTED To buy poultry, eggs, farm produce, hides, etc. Cherry City Feed barns. 11-13 FOR SALE Fresh cows, one 3 year old Jcrsoy, one five year old .Holstein. Heavy milker. 1925 State St. 11-11 FOR SALE Fresh cow, four year old Jersey, very gentle. 2505 State St. 1111 WANTEDA good set of seoond hand harneeej suitable for farm work. Phone 49F12. . 11-12 WILL trade Salem residence property for merchandise of any kind. Ad dress M S care Journal. 12-1 .ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf. FOR (SALE Everbearing strawberry plants $1 hundred. Plants now ready for delivery." G. L. Warren, Salem, Rt. 3. 11-13 W ANTED Men and women to take that needed exercise at. the Club Bowling Alleys, 122 N. Commercial, up stairs. - 11-11 WANTED To rent three or four room house or three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Widow, no children. Address 35 care Journal. 11-8 WANTED Good, modern $2500 house elose to penitentiary in exchange for an improved 40 acre farm 12 miles from Portland city limits. C. W. Nie meyer, 544 State street. 11-8 FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell, completely overhauled, demountable rims, $473. Highway Garage. Phone 355 1000 8. Com'l. tf WANTED To rent by Nov. 1st. by per maaent party, 5 or 6 room modern house, close in. Address J 24 care journal or Phono 1642. tf PLENTY of -money to load on good farms; low interest rates; five yea" time; privilege to pap $100 or multi ple on ny interest date. Call or write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg, Salem. tf IM m FOR SALE Oats and eheat hay $25 per ton. Rt. 5, box 92, Litchfield. 11-9 WORK wanted as earpenter. shingliug anything- in the building line. A. Kluge, 1190 N. Hi H-n WANTED Woman to to do family washing Monday mornings. Phone 658. 11 9 FOR RENT Well furnished and at tractive house-keeping rooms, close in. 541 Mill St. 11-8 TWO and three room furnished apart- nieurs. -i JN. cottage. Phone 2203. 1.5 WANTED By competent stenographer steady or piece work. .Address A. G care Journal. li-9 TAKEN UP A Jersey heifer calf, Sat urday evening. Owner may have same by paying for this ad and keeping. H. Ristow, Rt. 6, Salem. Phone 101 F22. ' n.13 FOR 8 ALE 1916 Ford roadster with demountable rims and shock absorb ers, several other extras, for $325. Phone 250OJ5 or call Rt. 7, box 215, Garden road, afternoons. 11-8 FIRST MORTGAGES for sale. Secir ed by well improved valley farms in amounts of $500 up to $10,0(0. Taos. A. Roberts, Phone 1427, 314 Masonic building. 12-4 OPENING Salem bowlers will bo glad to know that the Club alleys will be open Sundays and evenings during the winter season, beginning JTiday Nov. 8th. Cid Doolittle, prop. 11-8 WANTED Small improved farnij close to school, value around $3500 in ex change for 40 acres in Hood River county, and 80 acres in Wasco coun ty. Both properties are improved, a mile apart and free from encum- . brance. Owner might assume. -C. W. Niemeyer, 544 State street The, home of real estate trades. 11-9 NOTICE OF ASSESSItlENT For the Cost of Improving Cburch street in the City of Salem, from State Street to Mission Street. . To Harriott DeMuth 'Susan Newton, F. H. Johnson and to owner unknown: You, aad each of you are hereby no tified that the city of Salem has, by ordinance Nov 1558, levied an assess ment upon your respective properties hereinafter described and in the amount hereinafter set forth, for such prop erty's proportionate share of the cost of improving Churcl. street in the city of Salem from the south line of State street to the north line of Mission streot, except that portion thereof oc cupied by what is known as the Bush or Church street bridge extending from the north line of Oak street to the north line of the westerly extension of Bellview street. A description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land, the owner thereof, and the amount assessed and levied upon it is as fol lows, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the east line of Church street 83 ft, 6 in. north of the southwest, corner of block 71 of the city of Salem, and running thence northerly alone; the east line of Church street 39 ft. to the south line of the alley in said block; thence easterly and parallel with Ferry street, 82 ft. 6 in; thence southerly and parallel with Church street 39 ft. to- a point 83 A. 6 in. north of the north line of Ferry street; thence westerly and parallel with Ferry street 82 ft. 6 in. to the place of beginning. Harriett DeMuth, cost $138.98. The east Vi of the southeast V of block 13 in the city of Salem. Susan Newton. Cost $671.06. Beginning at a point on the east lino of lot 6 in block 71 of the city of Salem 112 ft. 6 in. northerly from the southeast corner of lot 5 in said block, and running thence northerly along the east line of said lot 6, 10 ft; thence westerly along the south line of the alley in said- block 71, 10 ft; thence southeasterly at an angle of 45 degrees to the place of beginning. F H. John son. Cost $1.90. The south 21.25 feet of lot 2 in block 9 of the city of Salem. Owner unknown. Cost $142.22. Said assessments were entered in volume 3, docket of city liens, on the 30th day of September, 1918, as a charge and lien against the said de-1 scribed properties, and are now due and payable to the. city treasurer. This notice is served upon you by publication thereof for ten days in the Daily Capital Journal, a newspaper published in the city of Salem, Oregon, , by order of the common council. Date f first publication isreof, is October 26, 1918. I EARL RACE, I 11-11 Recorder of the City of Salem. ' Court House News Clifford J. Taylor and wife Have en tered suit in the circuit court against M. S. Lang and others for $M00.W. jji his -complaint he that on .May 17, 1917, he contracted to buy real es tate and that he paid $300.00 on tho purchase price. That he made improve ments on the farm in the way of remod eling the house, repairing ftnees and preparing the land for onions to the value of $1,000.00. That on October 17, 1917, ha tendered the defendants the balance due on the purchase price. That in a suit before the circuit court, he was ousted from the premises and as ha had paid $300.00 on the purchase price and had done $1,000.00 wort, of improvements on the farm, he should THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON i MM MM II MM . FORD touring ear, . 1916 model, .good as new. 554 Ferry SK , -; tf i SALEM chimney sweep, cleaa them ntu vui uuai, uu iuu carpets, lummcw cleaned and repaired, stoves repair ed. Phone 19. tf FOR EXCHANGE What have you, Mr. Property Owner, in a well im proved, unincumbered farm of not over $4000 value, preferably with two sets of substantial building? and in Polk county; not far from Salem, on good roads, with running water, family orchard, stock, farm imple ments, feed, fuel and vegetables for winter, in exchange for- business in city and goqd securities? Give de tailed description, location and valu ation in first communication. Home seeker, Lockbox 187, Salem, Or. 11-13 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned executrix of the- estate of Mary Payton, deceased, has filed in the county court for Marion county, Oregon, her final account in settlement of said estate, and said court has fix ed the 25th day of November, 1918f at 11 a. ni., at the county conrt room in the court house at Salem, as the. time and place for hearing any objections that may be filed to the same. Dated this 24th day of October, 1918 ANNA M. MAXWELL, Executrix of the estate of Mary Pay ton, deceased. 11-22 Germans Gaim Success Of Counter Attacks Berlin via London, Nov. 8. "The French, after having obtained another footing on the east bank of the Scheldt river northwest of Audonardc,- were thrown back by our counter attack," the war office announced today. "Between the Scheldt and the Meuse we ffontinucd our movements inkj. night, according to plan. The enemy's lines are east of LaCapelle, southwest of Hirson, south of Signey-Labbaye, near Poix-Terron and along the heights south of the Me use." ' WARLEY U$ IN. DEVON 2H IN. COLLARS CtUETT. PgaBOOY a CO.. INC. MAKERS have judgment for $1,300.00. It wag at the .ate term of -the circuit com, yjKt Mr. Taylor lost in a suit for possession of the farm. Iu the matter of the estate of B. T. Randall, who died December 31, 1916, tho executrix. Lucinda Randall, filed with the county court a report of the salo of a lot tn Tillamook for $1,500.00 t0 W. U. Dwight of that city. Seymour Jones Making Strong right ror lhe Speakership Seymour Jonos, one of the recently elected representatives from Marlon county to the state legislature, is mak ing a strong race for tho speakership, according to those who are well in lornicu on tne political situation. Be sides having the unanimous support of the Marion county representatives, he nns developed strong support through out the Willamette valley and his can didacy has been favorably received by the eastern Oregon representatives. It is understood several candies,. for the speakership have announced themselves from Multnomah county but on account of the factional fight in Portland, nono has been able to show decided strength in his own community. Mr. Jones served his first term as representative in the 1917 legislature and was regarded as one of. the best posted men on parliamentary rules. The house will have 60 members and the ma jority elects. Two Fatal Accidents During Past Two Weeks Accidents reported during the past week to' the state industrial accident commission total 338, of which two were fatal, as follows: Oscar Wilkins, Grants Pass, construc tion; H. P. Larson, Portland," steel works. Of the total number reported 358 were subject to- the provisions of the compensation act, 17 were from firms and corporations which have rejected the provisions of the compensation act, and a were from public utility corpora tions not subject to the provisioaa i the compensation act. Fate Of State Mitia Not Yet Decided The question as to what action shall be taken with the state military police is the subject of a conference being held today between Governor Withy combe, Major Richard Diech, command er of the police, and Adjutant General Bcebe. When it became known that the bill to increase state taxes by $950,000 was defeated in the election Tuesday. (invomnr "ithveomhe announced that tre state police organization would be j materially cut down or disbanded in order to save expenses.' The payroll of the state police is In the -neighbor hood of $20,000 a month. ARROW OUT IIED Of WAR FUI IDS Precbably Would Require Lore Money Should War End Tomorrow. Even though the actual figtifnig va the world war may soon be over there is still great need for funds for the welfare organizations which are doing valimt service lor the soldiers in serv ice, points out Governor Withyeombe in an appeal made to the people of Oregon to respond patriotically during the United war work campaign, which will be put on next week. The governor says: "I calling upon the gene-roug people of patriotic Oregon to respond during the United war work campaign Novem ber 11 to 18 with the same willingness, spontaneity and unanimity of spirit that Has characterized Oregon in ail previous war drives, I earnestly eautiou against any impression that the pros pect of an early peace might mi-iinizu the importance of supporting the seven great participating agencies which are administering to the health, comfort and the morale of our soldiers and sail ors in the service. "If the war were to close imhiediate ly there would, probably be greater need for the war work fund during the period of demobilization than. at pres ent Because if peace bo tomes a reality tho strain of battle will be over, rigid military discipline wiU be relaxed and the- help of the seven welfare organiza tions which have . the indorsement of the president, the war department and the national council of defense will perhaps be needed more than in time of war. , "Let us respond promptly in- true uregon fashion with more than the af fixed quota and let us continue to sup port whole-heartedly the Young ilea's in.isti&n Association, the xoung Worn en's Christian Association, the War Camp Community service, the Knights of Columbus, the American Library As sociation, the Jewish Welfare hoard and the Salvation Army in their splcn did work. m . ..- . "Tho millions of young men now serving in our army and navy will be the men who will change the destinies of our nation during the next genera tion and it is of surpassing importance that they return to civil life clean- and strong mentally, morally and physical ly." MAKE MANY I it iirVi Long Distance Flying Possible Unly Twenty Days During Month Of October. London, Nov. 8. (British Admiral ty wireless) During October, despite me- prevalence and thick mists thru out the Rhine valley, the British In dependent air force made sixty four raids over important German towns, ex clusive af numerous raids upon German airdromes at Frescaty, Hulhazau and jameiz. . Thig achievement is the more strik ing in viow of the fact that long dis tance flying was only possible on 20 days of the month. Of these only sev en days could be described a fair, while nine were highly unfavorable for flying operations. Hundreds of tons of bombs were dropped dunuw the raids. During the month there were 25 raids upon Motz-Sablon. Tho famOuB railway triangle is of exceptional im portance to the enemy at present when, apart from the question of supplies for his fighting lines; very large enemy forces are in rapid retreat toward the Rhine. Photographs taken during re cent raids show as many as 12 or 15 enemy troop and ammunition trains crowdc"d into the southern arm of the triangle alone at one time. Although it is not possible on every occasion to secure direct hits upon wa gons containing ammunition and oth er highly explosive substances the per manent way and intricate network of crossings is extensively damaged al most daily by the British bombing squadrons, necessitating the constant eployment of large repair gangs and causing grave delay to the enemy's military transport. For similar reasons the important enemy junction at Thion ville has been repeatedly attacked dur ing the month. May Cancel Contracts For Wgoaen Vessels San Francisco, Nov. 8. Shipping men interpreted here today the shipping board 's decision to convert uncompleted wooden ships into barges as meaning that the government will soon cancel contracts for the construction of addi tional wooden eraft The special commission of the ship ping board continued its survey of wooden ships in San Francisco b.;y to day. Wooden vessels that pass the tests will be sent to Manila ot to the Atlantic The board's decision to convert wooden hulls in San Francisco bay into barges is said to be due to the rapid completion of 'steel ships and the trouble that the shipping board lias been having with coast-built wooden ships. Word was received- here by wireless yesterday that the Kineo, built at Van couver, Wash., by the G. M. Standifer Construction Company, w, forced to. start back to Pan rraneisco when Ju. miles at sea on account of boiler I trouble. G0VERN0RP01NTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, SEC, :. LANSING PROTEST MALICIOUS HU II ACTS Selena Assurances Of Ger-EsaGoTercinentNotGy- enhGood Faith. t Washington,. Nov. 7 Thit Germany was wantonly eruel and destructive to the last waR the claim of tho state de partment in an emphatic protest made today agaiitst act ordered recently in Belgium. 4 In a note- sent t Germany through the Swiss minister, Secretary Lansing today wrote- "I have the honor to request that you will bring tho- following to the attention of the German government: "In its- note of October 20,. the Ger man government announced that the German troops were under the strict est instructions to spare private prop erty and to exercise ears for the popu lation ta the best of their ability. "Information has now reached the government of the Unite! States to the effect that the German authorities in Belgium have given notice to the eoal mining companies that all -men and animals should be brought out of the pits; that all raw materials in possession of the companies should be delivered to the Germans and that the mines will be destroyed at once. "Acts go wanton and malicious, the destruction of a vital necessity to the civil population of Belgium and the eonsequent suffering and loss of hu man life which will toilow, cannot fail to impress the government and people of the United States as wilfully eruel and inhuman. If these a-ts in flagrant violation of the declaration of October 20j are perpetrated, it will confirm the belief that the solemn assurances of the German government are not given in good faith. In the circumstances the government of the Unite 1 States to which, th declaration of October 20 ws made, enters an emphatic protest of the measures contemplated by the Gorman authorities for whose conduct the government of Germany is wholly responsible." CQ'iOCRATS HAVE A SUM SENATE HOPE . i . Assert That Scler Vote Of Rhode Island Kay Change Result Washington,. Nov. ft Democrats to day turned to tha Rhode Island soldier vote as their last hope in the battle wr control of tho next senate. : State Chairman' Hagan, of Rhode Island, called at national headquarters today and told party chiefs that the votes of 20,000 soldiers had until No vember 10 to get in and be counted in the result. . Eighty per cent of these soldiers, Ha gan claimed, voted democratic in 1916. A repetition of this would overcome Senator Colt's lead of 4,200 over O 'Shaunnessy and tie up the senate with the vice-president casting the de ciding vote. ; Republican headquarters said thore was absolutely no basis for Hagan 's claim and said the election of Colt, aloDg with Senator Fall of New t"ejuo and Truman Newberry of Michigan was assured, giving tho republicans forty nine votes aud the senate control. Democrats today wcro practically conceding- the election of 222 republi cans to the house, enough to control that branch of congress. .Republicans claim 241 in the house, conceding 188 to the democrats. With republican control certain, the battle for election of a new speaker and democratic floor leader was already niider way. Friends of James Maim of Chicago declare he has sufficiently re covered his health o hold the speaker ship and that h,e will make an active campaign for the place. Under these circumstances, -republicans generally believe Mann would bo speaker without any serious contest. At Hpeaker Clark's office today it was indicated that Clark will demand the democratic floor leadership over Claudo Kitchen, present leader. It was stated positively, however, by democrats that Clark had not yet given up hope of being speaker. ' j E MADE TEA Is Used By Entire Families B caase It Is Purely Veget able, Does The Work And Costs Very Little Why pay high prie for Liwr and Bowel remedies when nono are better than Dr. Carter's K. and B. Tea, which is purely vegetaDie, can Be hrewed at home, and a small packet will last a long timet Thousands of old pcoplp will tell you they have been drinking it for years, and after the liver and bowels have been put in fine condition in a few days toy a before bedtime cup cup, that only an occasional cup i after wards necessary to keep one feeling fit and fine. People who drink a cup of Dr. Car ter's K. and B. Tea once in a while,1 tacks, sick headache or callow skin. It's good for boy- and girls, especially! those who ar peevish end fretful. j Druggists have been selling it for many years. 1918. Armistice immi j I we are still in the game, not only in fight- i t mg lur litmus rreeaora, om m oiienng I Salem Shoppers the best mer- J chandise on the American market. : I . nmmimimimfmmnni (limit liliiilHIiiUlllllillUiilllUiUiiiiil Our Ready-to-wear Section e ii!i::!:::::::i!!;;i!:!:;:i:::;:B filled with the very last word in Dres- t ses. Suits, Coats. Sweaters r an nil irn -.!! st i auunu rt cai au.cd IUI t Our prices are right, vince. t Salem's Toy : Holiday Choppers. Stock com : plete and all American Made; Sh op' You can Always do Better at I il " X-LOOOl), MM Steadiness Of Stocks Inspire Confidence New York, Nov. 8. The Evening Sun today said: The steadiness of the rails and trax. which hold closo to the finals, the rise in equipment and motorg of one or two pointg and tho orderly elmrnetm. if market as a whole were factors which inspired confidence in the present fi nancial situation and which bore testi mony to tho value of the recent meas ures to restrict purely speculative op erations. . Tho stiougth in American locomotive 5001bsUmecaNutButter For Our Saturday's Business 500 lbs. Oleomargerine Have You. Ever Used These Butter Substitutes? Nothing Purer Ever Served On Your Table. Umeca Nut Butter, 40c; Eleomargarine, 45c Thousands Of People Are Using It NEW TODAY. German Breakfast Cheese, Neuchatel Cheese. Wiscon sin Brick, Swiss And Limburger Cheese. FISIER'S BLENBROUR As long as you must use substitutes in making your bread use the strongest flour. Substitutes work much better in good flour. Blend Flour is made from Blended Dakota, Montana and Blucstem Wheat. Don't wait order a sack of it today. $3.15 Per Sack Fisher's Substitutes Consist of Barley Flour, Oat Flour, Rye Flour, Milo Maize Flour and Corn Flour. All of Exceptional Quality. Roth's Fresh Roasted Coffee The steady increase in our sales gives us the con fidence that the goods we are turning out is not easily matched in the city. GFM BLEND 35c, 3 lbs for $1.00 Elegant Cupping Coffee at 25c, and HOc a pound APPLE'? All kinds in today. But above all get . a box of those. . DELICIOUS APPLES Roth Grocery Co. FIVE Not Signed I ButuiHii - j ....ll - - WCJI UlCdScU WUIIlCll. comparison will con land is ready for Early I MM and Baldwin locomotive was aseriboll to tho rocelpt of new and largo orders for their products. Tho motors, it ap peared, would benefit materially from the early conclusion of tho war. . Tho rails, which had so vigorous an advanc yesterday on the assumption that they would be the first to benefit from settlement of the war, hold their previ ous gains remarkably well. PERSONALS. LCOODS - Mrs. Ada Johns and daughter, Misa' Mamie, and grandson Donald, are ex pected homo in a day or so from a visit in Han Francisco.