Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 08, 1918, Image 4

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EditorialPage of The Capital Journa
Editor and Publisher
November 8, 1918 8?8?
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon, itself to discharge these obligations, and give satisfactory
guarantees 01 preiormance. lms snoum De maae a iun-
damental condition of German national existence here
after. -
Address All Communications To
(The Dailsgilal Journal
130 S. Commercial St.
Daily, by Carrier, per year,,.... $5.00 Per Month.
Daily by Mail, p?r year $3.00 Per Month
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. II. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building
The Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the paper on the
porch. If tho-carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper
to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way
we can determine whether or not the carriers are' following instructions. Phone
81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the
carrier has missed you.
Is the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
Anyway, Admiral Wilson, of the U. S. N., is a good
sport He takes whatever blame may be attached to the
sending out of the United Press report that an armistice
had been signed between the allies and Germany which
ended the war.
The Capital Journal is inclined to think that it was
mistreated by the United Press, which furnishes it a leas
ed wire telegraph service. .' ....
We do not mean to say that this was intentionally
done but was no doubt the result of too great a desire to
beat rival press associations to the news.
The United Press has an explanation today blaming
the whole affair 6n the cable service and the censor. They
claim to have filed a; cablegram to the effect that the
armistice had been signed, on the authority of Admiral
Wilson at Brest, France. -" ' ,
Later, the explanation says, the admiral announced
that the news was unconfirmed, and that their cablegram
stating this fact was .held-up, and never got through to
the United States.
We know nothing about this ourselves. We pay the
United Press for its full leased wire service. The associa
tion has, heretofore, been reliable and enterprising. Their
' . . ' ja .1 111. J
explanation of the occurance ot yesterday win nave to
stand for itself.
That the war is practically over is almost.a certainty,
and, since all information is to the effect that the envoys
are in session, an official announcement of the signing of
an armistice may be expected at any time.
The Canital Journal regrets the. occurance of yes
terday exceedingly because it' prefers being reliable to
If the United Press management cannot prove con
clusively that they were honest in this instance and the
victims of a serious mistake on the part of cable officials,
they will not continue very much longer to serve the
Capital Journal with news.
In all our discussions of peace terms, Americans
should never lose sight of the fact that Germany must
pay for the damage she has donoe in invaded countries,
and that nothing must be allowed to interfere with such
There is a popular impression now that if the German
people promptly 'overthrow their government and estab
lish a responsible democratic government, they will be
allowed to evade the natural penalties incurred by Ger
many in the war she has waged against innocent nations.
Some penalties, no doubt, the German people may es
cape or sfoten, if they act with sufficient celerity and
honesty. But surely the allied governments do not intend,
and the allied peoples should not permit it if they did in
tend, that b yso doing the German nation may avoid its
just war bills.
There must be reparation to France and Belgium, and
to other nations whose cities Germany has destroyed and
whose lands she has ravaged withouot provocation. If the
property of the Hohenzollerns and their fellow-freebooters
is taken by an awakened people and applied to that
purpose, well and good But it will noftgo far. ; There are
inany billions to pay.
Any popular government that is the successor of the
present autocratic government will inherit its pecuniary
obligations to creditor nations. A German republic may
disclaim some of the heritage of distrust and hate be
queathed by the German Empire, but it cannot disclaim
the heritage of retribution for property destroyed.
The German property must make good the property
wiped out by Germans. Not only as the heir of the pres
entent German government, but as an accessory to the
government created by the German nation should pledge
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
arc receiving subscriptions'now
for the
Its more than likely that the war will be over and no
mistake about it within the next 72 hours.
By Walt Mason
Most workers pull down princely wages, reward of
honest sweat: but still the bards and kindred sages must
take what they can get. -The man who comes to do my
choring draws many bones a day, and at odd moments he
is roaring, because of meager pay. At times I hire a
learned mechanic to tinker round my car; his charges
put me m a panic, and gives my soul a jar. The butcher,
grocer, and the baker have hiked their prices high; and
I'm afraid the undertaker will skin me when I die. On
everything the price is higher, except on deathless pomes,
and bards can hardly find a buyer for products of their
domes. My wife declares she needs a bonnet, she's worn
her lid three years, and I remark, "I'll write a sonnet, a
thing of smiles and tears; and if it fetches in some plund
er, a roll of good long green, you'll have a helmet that's a
wonder; the smoothest ever seen." Then in the market
place I flaunt it, among the shopping gents, but not a
buyer seems to want it for more than forty cents. They
've raised the price on hens and hearses, on all. the things
that grow, but soaring and immortal verses won't bring
ten cents a throw.
tt4-ttMMtM-M wives are as considorate."
I' "Why, of 'e'o'urse they are. I feel
almost wicked, to go to. dinner with
iyou, knowing -ho is probably taking a
snack iu some honied placo near his.of-
i,M t ' 1 u av0 fa - very tenuer con
science. ' .
ETJTH DINES WITH HER EM- As he said it, Arthur Mnndol won-
'l 3 X. 1 Ji. . l.l.ln
what ho know from Ruth. .Wise ior
The Wife!
Bulh could scarcely impress tho guilty
feeling she. had a,t accepting her em
ployer's invitation. It camo over her
that she was doing oxaetly what sho.
hated so to have Brian do -then ex
cused herself on tho ground, of business.
Had Brian boon coming homo as usu
al, she would not have gone. But Mr.
Mamtcl had been so insistent' that she
diuo witlr"hiui, if sho worked ovor-
tune, that it had been easier to consent
than to refuse.
Ill will be careful not to toll him
when Brian is out," she said to her
self as she smoothed her hair, pre
paratory to going to dinner. fcho had
worked with Mr. Mandel until a little
past cven, and was both Tired and
She was thankful for tho waiting
taxi. It would rest her a bit.
" Sfou arc very tired,' Mr. Mnndol
said us sho leaned bock -with au un
conscious sigh..
"Kot so vory," Kutk had answered,
flushing to think sho had allowed hm
self to let her employer know sho was
waary. lie was so uuiioruuy Kind auu
thoughtful that sho felt chagrined.
'You must eat a good dinner. Then
I '11 goud you hxmie in a cab. I was go
ing to propose a theater; but you aro
too tired."
"Oh, I couldn't have gone!" Ruth
exclaimed, knowing sho would havo en
joyed a good play.
"Why not!"
"It wouldn't be right for mo to do
something so selfish whon Brian, my
husband, is working," sho had not told
her employer that her husband was go
ing to school. Simply that ho had to
be out on business.
'I wonder if" Miindol .stopped,
vhen after a moment addod: "If ad
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes
Most Women Can Have
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TV. P. M. Edwarda for 17 years treated
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These tablets are wonder-workers on the
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ous matter in one's system.
If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull
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Mistless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts.
inactive Doweia, ou cane ono m vi.
Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time
and nnta tha nleasins results.
, Thousands of women as well as men
take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc
cessful substitute for calomel now and
then just to keep tn the pink of condition.
iuc ana mc per cox, ui ojuguu.
him; his hopes of -winning hor. She evi
dently knew nothing. Had he realized
that already Ruth was terribly jealous
of Mollio King, that sho knew of some
of Brian's visits; ho would havo hesi
tated no longer. But he supposcu ner
entirely in tho dark except perhaps that
day whon she saw them when thoy vis
ited Washington Square on business. ,
They hud 'ft delightful dinner. , Man
dol insistod that Ruth drink a tiny
glass of champagne.
"It will do you good," ho hndsaid
when sho objected, and so once mure
sho did as ho asked rather than discuss
tho matter furthor.
When they finished ho put Ruth into
a taxi, bade her good night, adding:
"Don't hurry down in the morning.
You need tho rest."
"Was ever employer so kindf" Rnth
wondered as she loaned back in the
corner of the cab. All through dinner
ho had chatted brightly, told her inter
esting stories and anoedotes of people,
without taxing her in the least to do
her part to entertain him. She had
been grateful. She' did not fool like
Walking and it had been a relief to know
it was not required of her. And some
way she knew that Arthur Mandol
knew sho did not want to talk; and so
had saved her tho necessity.
Ruth was just the typo of a woman
who appreciated such delicacy of atten
tion, Hho thought much of Manlol as
a consoquoncc. Sho regarded- him as
tho kindest, most thoughtful man she
ever had known. Occasionally she won
dered idly why ho never had married,
and was rather pleased, that he had not,
although sho could havo given no rea
son for the. feeling.
Sho went directly to bed when sho ar
rived homo and fell asleep almost im
mediately., Sho had not intended to;
she meant to wait for Brian and tell
him of hor .nice dinner, and hear how
he had got along with his typewriter.
But she really had been very fatigued,
and so had slumbered, rcgardlessol her
intent to remain awako.
She woke with a start! she must have
fallen asleep. But Brian was not yet
in, so sho could not havo been sleeping
long. Ho had said he would be home
a little after nine if he had his lesions
early; and it had been just nine when
sho lay down. '
Sho' looked at the tiny clock on her
dressing table. It was after eleven. She
had dozed nearly two hours. Where in
the world was Brian f
Sho went to the window to watch
for him.
Just as the clock struck twelve she
saw him. Some impulse, for which she
could not account, sent her scurrying
back to bod; and made her pretend to
be asleep whon Brian switched on the
lights. - '
Tomorrow Brian Remains Out Just as
Late as Before.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
.Election day passed' off very quietly
in Donald, only about o.ne-half of votes
cast as should have been in this local
ity. Judges were H. E. Marty, chair
man, Chas. Felter, H. D. Evans, A. E.
Feller and E. R. Feller. Municipal of
ficers eleeted as follows: Mayor, 6. A.
Cone; recorder, O. O. Freeman; treas
urer, D. C Walker; marshal, Boy Gar
rett; couneilmen, M. W. Johnson, J. C.
Moore, A. J. Rich S. A. Williams, J.
A. Feller and E. C. Mayes.
Mrs. Bu aQiiinn came down from
Portland Thursday morning and will
spend several days with her mother,
Mrs. Mathoit, near Butteville.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips of Warrcnton,
Or., were guests of her mothor, Mrs.
Fowlor, last week, leaving for. homo on
Saturday. .
Mr, and Mrs. F. L. Allen eame over
from Vancouver Monday ?jevening to
spend election day with nor parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Johnson. Mr. Al
len is one of tho superintendents at tho
Standifer steel ship yards and reports
the company taking on men on an av
erage of eighty per day So things are
humming over there.
Mr. Kinsr of Portland was a business
caller in Donald on Monday staying
over night at the E. U. Mayes horns.
A telephone message received Thurs
day morning stating Germany had
signed the armistice caused much re
joicing in Donald, even the litle tots
proclaiming it in stores and on the
Ben Quinn came up from Portland on
election day to cast his vote.
Mr. Joo Bixel is able to bo about
again after. a few dayg illness.
Fred Sexsmith, our depot agent, went
to Portland Tuesday to bo under the
care of a doctor for a few days as he
was suffering with a severe cold. Word
this morning reports him bct.cr.
O. 0- Oone eame up from Portland on
Tuesday and shipped by truck the bal
ance of hig household goods to furnish
up a vacant house whore they will re
sido for a while.
Mrs. Mike DeSart returned from Sa
lem a few days ago,. after being.'in
quarantine there for several wooks bo-
cause of Jier children, having scarlo-
tma. $.'
The 'Donald Red Gross failed to have
meeting 'Westerdav on their- regular
day, for the first time sineo their or
ganization, because of the influenza
scare and sickness. Only two pr three
Wont 'to the room so the -.supervisor
called it off for the day,
' Mrs. Perry was called from Taquina
on 'Wednesday because of a relapse of
her daughter, Mrs." Collier. Mrs. Col
Her had a very severe attack of blood
poison some time ago and it was thought
she had entirely recovered, but it scons
not from recent doVelopmcnta.
1 Mr. H. - NY Smith, sold tw carloads
of wood to tho -Oregoa Uleetric this
week which was distributed at their
stations along tho route,
- F. A. Jacobs of Portland, Lang & Co
representative, was doing business with
the Donald merchants on iriday.
Mr, Smith shipped out two carloads
of hogs from Donald on Thursday
somevery fino oncp wcro brought in
bv the Donald' farmers.
on Tuesday. .Mr. Jim Ryan had his
wagon and team in tho corn field y hen
from -some cause they became fright
ened, running away and breaking Mr.
Ryan's left leg and spraining his right
ankle badly. .
Mrs. J. C. Moore returned from Port
land Sunday morning aftor a wcok's
stay .there.
A new agent was sent out from Port
land on Wednesday to care for tho rail
road business during Mr. Lcxsmith's
enforced absence, but remained but one
day, as being only an operator found
but little to do along that line; but
having no experience ft an agent found
too much work in the shipping business
for him to handle. A. J. Rich is. look
ing after the depot until another one
can be sent out.
"A tcasfoonM of Dr.CaldweWs Syrup Pep
sin each night at bedtime has done me a
world of good, as I am 62 years old and was
getting badly constipated. I had previously
taken a lot of salts and pills without real
relief." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell writ
ten by Mr. A. Forester, Princess Anne, Md.)
Constipation is one of the penalties of
age that should never be neglected Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple
laxative herbs with pepsin that relieves consti
pation in an easy, natural manner, without grip
ing or strain, and is as positive in its effect as it
is mild and gentle in its action.
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. (:,) $1.00 '
(Continued tram, page one;
American soldiers will hereafter car
ry no ammunition with them when they
sail ovorseas. ..
and comfort
"to many a
coffee drink
er who wants
his coffee bat
doesn't: drink
rt because
he knows
-that: coffee
hurts him.
' There's a Reason"
again stares them in the face. What
we are witnessing flow is the destruc
tion of the system of railway toinmu
nication .which tempted the enemy in
to Belgium. The net result of reovat
operations is that of all theso railway
lines only the one down tho valley of
tho MeuBe is working properly. Two
are lost and of the remainder the ono
through the Mouse valley is threatened
Campaigners Are
In this campaign for United State
senator, Oswald West spent only $25,
according to the statement he has filed
with -the secretary of state.
Charles A. Johns, who was e'ectel
justice of tho supreme court, had no
campaign expenses at all, his atate-t
ment shows. , .
Tr .. l : .mrrn .i, -: .. l : .i .i :
. 1 ... Wj, M;wn . , lttimi4rtlWll. Ill mJUUlllBL CAIIU1
rrHnn tor congressman in the first dis.
that tho east and west -wings of the
German armies are now separated.
"The mouth of the pocket is now nar
rowing and from Avesues east of tho
Monnal forest,. to Mczio res, where tho
Mouse railway enttrs. tho eover of tho
Ardennes, the distanco is . between 50
and- 60 , miles. ,., Through this .narrow
passage the whole of the Gorman armies
now in France havo to squeezo 'and
trict, spent $1.
George W. Weckg spent $25 to be
elected representative in Marion coun
ty. . 1. C. Thomas spent $25 on hig cam
pa:gn for representative , in the seconi
dli trict.
Oren it. Bicliards, elected representa
tive in the eighteenth district, spent
$15 campaigning, "and :C. A. Sidlcr.
there is only ono railway in this region elcoted representative in the ,, seventh.
which is working freely In other
words, the waist ef the German lines
say between Lille and Verdun, has been
coiupressVd to one-third of its former
dimensions. , That gives some idea of
the agony through which the Gorman
army is now passing.
"Nor is the worst of the. compression
over. Tho enemy, for very good rea
sons, held out on the line of tho Aisno
a3 long as he could. That line is now
lost on its whole longth, thank? to the
renewed activities of the Frenck and
tho recovery of the American army
from its transportation difficulties and
the real squeeze of the German army
is only just Beginning. Worse still, tho
bottle neck through which it is passing
is a narrowing one and congestion, in
stead of decreasing, will tighten, It
may even be doubted whether - tho
district, spent $9,50.
Mouse line will be tenable. In a sen
tence, the military situation is most
desperato for the enemy. '
"Ho is in danger of having a large
part of his army cut off and finding
the way for his retreat from the Aisno
closed behind him. And even if ho
reaches the Meuse line it will bo in a
stato which does not permit of his re
tiring upon it. In addition, lust whim
he wants every man that he has to pro
tect. himself ho finds himself out
flanked on another front from the sido
of Austria and even if ho escaped a
military debacle there is behind that
the thrcrft of a political disaster still
more terrible." . . 1
Limber Up! Rub Any Kind Of
Pain, Soreness. Stiffness
Right Out With 'Ja
cobs liniment"
Don't stay sore, stiff and lame! Lini-'
her up! Rub soothing, penetrating "St.
Jacobs Liniment" right in your ach
ing muscles, joints and painlul nerves.
It's the quickest, surest 'pain relief on
enrth. It is absolutely harmless an4
doesn't burn the skin.
"St. Jacobs Liniment" conquer
pain. It instantly takes away any ache,
soreness and stiffness in "the head, "
neck, ghouldors, back, logs, arms, fing
ers or any part of the body nothing
like it. You simply pour a little in your
hand and rub "where it hurts," and
relief comes Instantly. Don't stay crip
pled! Get a small trial bottle now from
any drug store. It never disappoints
six gold modal awards.
IN the lives of most business men the daily
trip to the bank is one of the important rou
tine steps of the day. You will see hundreds
of Salem and Marion County business men
and business women, too-going in and out of
the United States National bank EVERY day.
And you will find it satisfactory
to bank here for just the same'
reasons they do.
!S iai lt tea. imiJ I f. I .7-J
mil ' ,-,,7: