Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 08, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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November 7th, 1918
The W
Right Triumphs Over Might
A World Safe for Democracy
The Shoe
Store of
: Satisfactory
Senate Doubtful; Republicans
HavelS Majority In
r,. . -
By L. C. Martin.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 7. With the house
of representatives republican, and con
trol of the senate still in doubt, a tie
mendous. overturn of legislative affairs
is expected after March 4 next.
The, passing from democratic to "re
publican, control means that all tho
great houso committee chairmanships
will, revert to republicans. Whether a
similar change will take - place also in
the senate, appeared today to depend
upon the final returns from three states
Now Moxico, Idaho and Michigan.
Exclusive of these three states, tho
republicans today appeared to nave 47
votes in the senate to 40 for the demo
crats,. Tho republicans must got two of
the doubtfsl states td win the majority.
With five districts "not yet heard
from, the republican's appear to- havo
carried the house with 234 seats, or
15 more than 219 necessary for major-
ity- . , ,
Foreseeing the inevitable contact in
which the advantago will rest ' with
congress, since it makes the laws, the
president's friends in congress may at
tempt to forestall the republicans by
acting now. Control doos not pass from
democratic hands until March 4 next.
Ia'-the: short December session -democrats
may try to pass the Overman re
construction resolution providing for
study. "f i reconstruction' problems and
framing necessary measures by a com
mission to; be- named by the president.
Republicans would, put all ' recon
struction questions, up to. congress
through a joint - congressional recon
struction commission. Meantimo, Pres
ident Wilson is preparing reconstruc
tion legislation of his own. ,
xaiiix revisions prouauiy will ue
among the (reconstruction measures un
dertaken by the new congress. Re
publicans demand tariff protection for
now American industries growing out
of the war, but which will continue in
peace times, including dye making and
nitrato plants. "
Return of railroad telegraphs and tel
ephones 4b private ownership as soon
aftor the war as practicable will meaa
another battle.
Absolute Repeal of all unusual and
extraordinary war measures conferring
new powers upon tho executive depart
ment will be insisted on.
The question of ship subsfdies will
come up in discussion of the future of
tho great new merchant marine.
Republicans generally are also in fa
vor of a budget syBtein to systematise
Mrs. Courtney Tells How She
Was Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
J...,. ". Compound J'.;
Oskaloosa, Iowa.-r" For years I was
simply in misery from a weakness and
awtul pains and
nothing seemed to
do me any good. A
friend advised me
to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Ve.ge
tableCompound. I
lief right away. I
can certainly re
commend this valu
able medicine to
other fromenjtfho
suffer; for it has
done such good
work for me and I know it will help
others if they will give it a fair trial."
Mrs. Lizzie Courtney, 108 8th Ave.,
West, Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Why will women drag along from day
to day, year in and year out, suffering
such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when
such letters as this are continually being
published. Every woman who suffers
from displacements, irregularities, in
flammation, ulceration, backache, ner
vousness, or who is passing through the
Change of Life should give this famous
root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For
special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result
of its long experience is at your service.
Our Guarantee
Your grocer will refundWull price you
paid for M. J.B. Coffee, if it does not
please your taste, no matter how much
you have used out of the can.
Vacuum Packed
It Reaches You Fresh
and make economical expenditure of
government money and sueh a system
probably will be proposed. President
Wilson hag favored such a system also.
universal military training seems
likely to be made a permanont Ameri
can policy as republicans strongly fa
vor it.
An order by the war industries board
precluding the allotment of wool to
manufacturers for civilian purposes has
resulted in closing many mills not work
ing on government orders.
The American-Russian Chamber of
Commerce at New York hag appealed
to civic and religious organizations!
throughout the country to protest
against tne massacres in .Hussite
There Is General Speculation
At Capital On Germany s
Next Action.
t Remarkable values in fur muffs, Capes and neckpieces.
e in Hatch Sets.
Old White Comer Buildine
Salem s Greatest Women s Apparel Store ;
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 6. Tremendous in
demnities -for her barbarism confront
Whether that fact will delay or de
ter her acceptance of the United States
allied armistice terms constituted an
absorbing topic of speculation today.
The logic of tho situation appeared
to be that she would yield, as she can
never get better terms, it is stated.
The sobering realization of years of
taxes for her crimes, however, may
swerve Germany into a desperate effort
to rally her retreatine armies, her war
worn populaco and to fight on.
President Wilson's note . showing
that the allies gave Foch tho armistice
to transmit, that freedom of tho seas
goes to tho peace conference and that
restoration indemnities must be paid,
aoes not, in tact, alter the basic Wilson
peace formula, it was held here.
It was pointed out, Germany, accent
ed that formula leaving details to be
worked out at tho peace table...
lltnce the note may not change the
position of Germany toward accepting
uiu armistice. .....
It was pointed out that Wilson do
clared for "restoration'' of invaded
territories. Tho allies at Versailles
gave notice that this Would bo intor-
ptetcd as hard cash for damages done I
mo tuncu luYiuau pupumuon ana prop'
erlv by lajid, oca and air. .
If Germany had ftn idea that bier res
toration indemnities Were not intended
by Wilson, it is foreseen that she mav
fight on, desperately" hoping fpr bettor
terms later. . m
' (Capital Journal Sp.ecfal Service) ""
Silverton, Nov. 8. ' s- Mr. and Mrs.
J. C, Hill and little daughter, Maxine,
were guests at the G. D. Bowen home
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Blanche Stevenson visited in
Salem Sunday evening.
'Mrs. Edith" Cooley left Wednesday
for Portland where she' will receive in
structions at a private business col
lege. Mr. Wallace Cooloy and wife of
Astoria will move to Silverton and Mr.
Cooley will look after tho interests in
the moving picture ' show here while
his Isister-in-law is away.'
..Halford Brideri, ftCCdmtHurieit by his
mother, also Miss Miller and Mrs. Win.
Taw motored to Wpodburn Tuesday to
investigate something concerning' Hal-
ford's questionaire. . r i
Miss Mona Brown, who was recover
ing so nicely from Influenza has had
a relapse. m
Miss Hilda Chase who has been
teaching school near Molalla is tak-
I Really
wmepmwuna. been cosed on ae(,0Hut of .tne
L !?f? J reT I ing been closed on accouont of the
Get Bid of That Sourness, Gas and
When your stomach is out of order
or run down, your food doesn't digest.
It ferment in your stomach and forms
gag which causes sourness, heartburn,
foul breath, pain at pit of stomach and
many other miserable symptoms.
Mi-o-na stomach tablets will give
joyful relief in five minutes; if taken
regularly for two weeks they will turn
your flabby, sour, tired out stomach
into a sweet, energetic, perfect work
ing one.
.Yon can't be very strong and ig
orous if your food only half digest.
Your appetite will go and nausea, diz
ziness, biliousness, nervousness, tick
headache and constipation will 'follow.
Mi-o-na stomach tablets are small
and easy to swallow and are iruaran-
' teed to banish indigestion and any or
'.11 r. 1
back. For sale by Danl J. Fry and all
leading druggists. '
'fiu." She is spending her vacation
with Silverton friends. Hor brother,
Harold of the TJ. S. navy1, has been here
on a few days furlough. "'
John Hollingsworth of Bilverton who
has been taking' the officers training
course at Eugene has been in this city
for a short visit. John expects to be
sent to Kentucky this week "whore he
will receive further instruction for
military service.
Ben Gilford was taken quite sick
a few days ago wtth Spanish influenza.
Word was received here recently
from George Shields telling of the
death of a second brother, Clyde, who
died just two weeks after another brother.
Miss Alpha Eosenqucst, ner sister
Vera, Mrs. EoBenquest and Mrs. Jack
White, all of Salem were Silverton vis
itors Monday. . ,
Mrs. Standish- gave , a Hallow 'en
party for Marl and Parthina Woods.
Eobert Ecnwick, "Dutch" Einscott,
Mrs. Harley Smith, Pearl and Grace
Wolcott motored to Portland (Sunday,
Mrs. Smith and the Misses Wolcott re
turned Sunday evening.
Spencer Barter or iJortland was a
Silverton vrsitor Saturday and Hunaay,
Mrs. Fred Reeves came back from
Portland a few days ago. She wont
there to meet a friend who had seen
her son, Delbert ''over there."
Mr. and Mrs. Tchanz, have returned
from Brownsville where they have been
visiting with Mrs. Tchanz parents.
Mra. Bvrd Miller returned irom fort'
land Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wuatl have mov
ed into the Rosmcr building on Water
iew Osborn came up from Portland
to spend Sunday with his wife who is
visiting her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. iiu
man Hutton. .
Miss Marjorie Kichcs spent several
davs at home due to closing of the
Howell Prairie school wheie she has
been teaching. -
Mrs. Haven received a telegram an
nouncing the death of her son t Black
Hills. South Dakota. Mr. Haven died
of influenza- He leaves a mother and
sister, Mrs. Closter of Bethany, also a
sister at Salem to mourn his loss.
Albert Towe has been promoted to
the position of sergeant in the infan
try of the A. E. F. in France., George
Towe writes that he has been in the
thickest of tho fray for a good while
and Casper a third son ol Andrew
Towe of this city is also in Fiance,
but as yet has not been sent to the
front. -
William C. Taw who is taking the
officers training eourse in the east
writes his wife that he is soon (o be
commissioned lieutenant. He will then
be sent to Europe.
Bev. Eoseland officiated Wednesday
at the Miller cemetery services of Mr.
Bye's son who died at Camp Lewis
while in the service of his country.
Mrs. John Anderson of the East Oak
risfmas Coat and Suit Sale!
Sensational Values Off ered In Women's Fine Winter Ready-To-Wear J
ArfAKtL :
Including Coats, Suits, Diesses Waists, Furs and Millinery t
We invite you to compare the ValuesTo Convince Yourself That these Hand-
. some Coats and Suits Offer Considerably More Than Your Money's Worth t
I S5.Q0 To $7.00 Ladles Ready-To-Wear Hats $3.75; $7.50 to $9.50 Hats For $4.75 J
t JjOok wnere you will, you'll not find another such stock
t of handsome new coats in all Salem. Coats for all oc-
:: casions and .of every desirable material direct from Am
:: erica's-foremost coatmakers including wool velours,
iiuoiico, uuiwms, velvets, uruauciuui, iverseys, siiyer
tone and kindred materials. Belted or
I semi-fitting models. We have them in
t crowns, greens, taupe, navy, black, bur-
gundy, plum and other leadina: colors.
t specially priced-.
New Fall And Winter Coats, Special $29.50
I Smart" new belted models. Some with large convertible
collars, round or square effects. New plaited styles
ana military moaeis. uneviots, velours,
meltons, burrellas, -broadcloth and vel
vets, in all -the leading colors. Sale
price ..........!
Misses And Women's Utility Coats. Values To $30.00.
Sale Price $22.50
Smart new Belted Coats with large convertible collars in
t round or square effects; new plaited
styles and military models m latest de
signs. Cheviots, velours, meltons, .bur-
t ellas and mixtures. All sizes. Leading
x cuiurs. . . , , , wu Sssi
Beaalifol Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists Priced from. . . .$2.95 To $15.00
Special $32.50
$42.50 To $55.00 Suits $32.50
Fall and Wintor Suits direct from America's foremost"
makers come an express shipment of smart styles for
street and dimria ' occasions, plain" tailored and nov
elty styles. Many with large collars trimmed with
furs or pluBh, others are trimmed with braid and but
tons. Materials are serges, broad cloth, gabardines,
tricotines, wool velours and mixtures, brown gray,
navy, taupe, green and plum color in a good assort
ment of sizes.
And another group of plain tailored and novelty suits
for young ladies and womon. Every now and worthy
design from the foremost Amorican coat and suit
makers. Smart stylos for street and dress occasions.
Novelty and plain tailored models. Prevailing mater
ials are serges, gabardines, broadcloths ,wool velours,
tricotines, etc. All colors and sizes. ..i , OJOQ PA
Begular Values to $40.00, Sale price ......... fW.DU
I $17.50 to $21.00 Silk, Satin and Serge Dresses, latest models for ... j. . . .$12.50
Doul)les the Btrenelh of wenk. dellcats.
nervous people In two weeks' time In
many Instances. It Is the form of
pnompnorous discovered Dy pnysio
loKical chemists as the essential "salt''
In nerve-cells those microscopic units
of nerve tissue made up of albumin
and BITRO-Fhospliate. Bofd by drug
gists under a guarantee or money
back If not satisfied. Get the genuine
BITRO-Phosuhate the kind that
Rebuilds Nerve Force
Continued from page ono)"'
Daa'l J. Fry.
Amerca's united praise for victory
keejyng time to tho passage of the Ger
man armistice demonstration, It was a
unique demonstration of sound instiuct
which caused poople of the United
States to hold fast to tho celebration
onco it had started. . . ,
There ig n0 question that Germany
must do the full bidding of the allied
By their spontaneous public rejoicing
last night the Americnn people wont on
record as trusting wholly in Marshal
Foch 's ability to make the kaiser bend
the knee and kigfl tho hem of democra
cy's garment. Tho basic coremo.iy of
capitulation occurred when the German
plenipotentiaries crossed No Man
Eill died Tuesday after a Ingering ill
ness. Besides hor husband and a fam
ily of children she leaves a host of
friends who held this admirable woman ; Land along the Guise road, bearing the
in their highest esteem. I wnit,) banGr a( tlicir f oro. Tho surren-
Mrs. Gilbert Moser was taken to the l,!r token of the Hohcnzollerns was held
Halem hospital this week where she' "loft on tho western front yesterday
underwent an operation. Her condition well within the time when pnons to vtc-
is quite critical but it Is believed she tory wero sounding throughout tho
will recover.
George Evans died at the fiilverton
hotel Monoday after a short illness.
Little Is known of him hero He has
been working in the logging camps here
and contracted a cold which developed
into pneumonia, thug causing his death
Quickly Eased By Penetrating
Hamlin's) Wizard Oil
American continent. The Vnited States
was thus first among tho world's de
mocracies to celebrate democracy's
overthrow of medicvul autocracy. His
tory wil fix upon November 7 when
Uermau pleuipoteiitai'ies approached
aiarsnai roch's headquarters as the
read date of democracy's triumph.
m Anmn nnrurn nr
iLUoinii w ur
Delegation To Receive Terms
ui armistice oent 10
West Front
London, Nov, 7.- Premier Lloyd
George received official confirmation
last night that the German armistice
delegation had arrived within tho Brit-
101 11J1C9.
Officials who aro usually well in
formed state flint mi orm;uti.A 1 ......
tain. . '
A safe and harmless
to relieve the pains of Rheumatism.
Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago is
Hamlin s Wizard Ua It penetrates
quickly, drives out soreness, and
limbers up stiff aching Joints and
muscles. . ,;
You will find almost daily uses for
it in cases of sadden mishaps or, ac
cidents such as sprains, bruises, cuts,
burns, bites and stings. Just as re
liable, too, for earache, toothache,
croup and colic.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back. .
Ever constipated or have sick
headache? Just try Wizard Liver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 39
cents. Guaranteed.
Pullman, Wash., Nov. 8. A $12,000
Y. M, C. A. js to be given to the soldi
students of the two branches of he
S. A. T. C. The college is to grant thf,
Washington, Nov, 8. Decline of the
influenza and pneumonia epidemic in
military camps 'was reported by the
war department todny. Influenza cases
this week totalled 18,175, against 19,
966 last week anil pneumonia cases,
wero 2m this week against 5991 last.
Soufhern and western camps are re
porting more new eases of influenza
Lfhan eastern camps, but the disease is
lesg often complicated by pneumonia,
Amsterdam, Nov, 8. The king of
Serbia entered Belgrade Thursday, ac
cording to a dispatch from there today.
Delegation Appointed.
Taris, Nov.- 7. (10:0-1 a. m.)Chan-'
collor Maximilian has published a woo-:
lamution to the Gorman oeanle. nr.
nouneing that a delegation to receive
tho ternis of tho armistice has boon
promptly sent to tile west front.
"The maintenance of order ft ml dis
cipline with a freo consent of the peo
ple, in these decisive hours is an abso
lute necessity which any democratic
government must mako it8 duty to the
nation," tho proclamation concluded. :
Old Favorite
Tonic Laxative
When constipation bothers you and
you get feverish and out of sorts re
member that old reliable vegetable.
is sold in every drug store in the land.
It's fine for indigestion too and for
fevers snd eolds. game old remedy that
thousands swear by.