Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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V 4
: Since people are going
CWstmas Shopping Early
We have an exceptionally nice line of
stationery for both children and
grown lips 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c,
69c, 85c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.49 a box
That make very appropriate gifts
for the girls . . .25c, 49c, 75c, and 98c
98c, $1.29, $1.69 And : . I
M i j m
V - -iflT"
j All Arouiid T
Nov. 11-18 United War fund
ic drive, Marion county quota
(12,000. .
"The funeral oeautifut"webb ft
Clough Co. ' tf
Highest cash price paid for fresh
eggs. Midget Market. tf
,w 'The best'
death eomes.
stone 120.
Is all yon can do when
Call Webb & Clough Co
tf. Dr. O. Hartley, dentist, Moors build
ing, 407 Court St. Painloss filling and
extracting. Pyorrhea. Phone 114. tf
Dr. achenk hui nr.. r.UM from
nil vacation ana no eiieiuu a ooruiui
-to visit his institution.
' i.'V:..'.T..
Change of schedule, effective Not. 1
Salura-tttnyton sttigo leaves Salem 12
arrives Kingston 1:45 p. m. connects
with east bound train for Mill City,
Detroit, etc. 118
Now Is the time te place your orders
for rosehushes, shrubbery, fruit, walnut
ml ornamental trees for immediate
planting, with the Capital Citv Nur
sery Co., 1030 Clu'in. St. Phone 75. 11-31
The Eed Cross mailing depot, with
headquarters at the office of the Port
land Railway Light and rower Co'g
office, urge all who liava received la
bels to at once CftU for a carton, La
bel are coming in rather slow just
bow but within a week or so it is
thought large numbers will bo received
und then there will Lie a bi ; rush for
eartons and another big rush and con
fusion when each carton must be care
fully examined and repacked, weighed
iid officially sealed. Dried fruits or
other food products should be packed
in one quarter or one half pound size,
but it must be understood that noth
ing will bo accepted that could in any
way injuro tho contents. No liquids
may be sent nor any article packed in
The county board of canvassers will
begin at once to canvass the Marion
county vote. Tho board consists of the
cotintv clerk. U. G. Boyer, AVilliam P.
Mulkev. lustiee or me pence ior 1118:1,0 ImJ been in
Kehama district and John F. Theodore j
Hrentano, justice of tho r.ouct for the 1
St. Taul district.
W. M. Smith, county superintendent
f schools, is sending an outline Of
study in reading, language and arith
metic to the rural schools. This is in
the way of ft supplementary course of
study, giving teachers information on
what to teach especially during tho
jiext two months. y...
'. ttttttt
You should not fail to look over our
line of books, as you will find many
you will want 5c, 10c, 25c, 45c and 65c
You will certainly want some of these
for the little ones 49c 98c, $1.25 $1.49
and $1.98
Bath Sets
As the studont army training corps
is officially part of the regular army
of the United States, it has been
thought appropriate to have this army
organization load the precession to
night for the great celebration. Col
George a. Young, recently assigued to
the university as commandant, will
march with tho Is. A. T. C.
A call Is made by Colonel Woolpert
for all members of tho Oregon gunrd
to assemble this evening at 6:15 to
participate in the parade to start
promptly at 0:110 o'clock, On account
of Rbther cool weather conditions, mem
bers of the four companies nuiy ap
pear in civilian clothes instead of the
Attention O. A. R. Let every mom-
uor of Sedgwick Post and all iCivil war
veterans turn out and assemblo at the
court honso tonight at 6:15 o'clock to
ioiu in tho narado in honor of the most
joyous occasion since the surrender of
- 'Mll,l,lmu",t' "cosier, aujuuuiv.
,,, T , t-i f T r,A
Lumbermen of the Spaulding null, 100
per cent right on all loans, stopped l'r
a time this morning to enjoy the good
news when it was announced that an,
armistice had been signed. Employes of
tho Hunt cannery also stopped work
und sang tho Star Spangled Banner
wrile flying the United States flug.
Notice New garage now open for
business storage und repair specialists,
expert mechanics.' Service is our motto.
Motor Inn Garage., opposite Marion
hotel, formerly llnlvorsen & Burns.
Public stonographor, Patricia Graf,
first door south of Sulem Bank of
Commerce, 124 South LUieitv street.
Phono 937. tf
A marriage license was issued yes
terday to David Mays Burnett of Jof
t'cntou, ago 48 and Miss Pearl E. Kliv
en ,ne 34, of Salem.
Louis Lachmimd, recently elected s
senator froui Marion counly, will serve
tomorrow aa captain of the legal ad
visory board in session at the court
houso. With him to give a.islanoe to
those bringing their questionnaires are
David G. Drager, F. A. Turner, V. 11.
Trindlo, I. 11. Van Winkle, Walter C.
W'inslow, Chester A. M euros, C. W.
Niemoyer and James G. HclUcl.
First Lieutenant TrancJs Bant of
the 103d infantry, now in France,
writes his wife in Salem. Tie says that
southern Frtfuoo near
Bordeaux, making the trip by automo
hiie. tie writes that he is building i
great platform and cover for troops
nt one of the principal stations and al
so a Kcd Cross building where tho boys
can ect hot coffee and sandwiches
while wailinir for trains. He was com
plimented on his building plans by the
Chief of staff of his division,
Judge E. C. Kirkpatriek of Polk
couuty, recently defeated in his race
to do their
for county Judge, may feel that with
republics, counties are sometimes un
grateful. It was Judge Kirkpatriek,
who through his juggling and delays,
prevented the building of the bridge
across the Willamotte until this year.
When tho proposition' came up to build
t'he bridge, Polk county was to pay one
third. Two years agio, the contract
could have been let for 4160,000 and
Polk county would have paid as its
share about $53,000. By all sorts of
delays, Judge Kirkpatrirk 'prevented
the .building of the bridge until this'
year, when it cost $238,000 and Polk
county got off for its shara wifh about
$4.1,000. These samo delays iu building
while the price of materials wore rap
idly advancing cost Marion county an
extra $80,000. Now (fudge Kirkpatriek
has boen east in the discard by his
own county,' .being the only republican
defeated ou tho Polk counly ticket. .
, o
The funeral services of Mrs. Chuh
cey Bishop were held this afternoon
from the home at 340 North Liberty
street. The services were private with
only relatives and close personal trends
attending. They were conducted by the
Rev. Thomas S. Anderson, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, of which
Mrs. Bishop was a member. Burial was
in the City View ceretcry. A touching
testimonial of the deep sympatny ac:
corded Mr.- Bishop was given this af
ternoon, before the funeral when about
ono huudred and fifty friends visited
tho family home and deposited each a
pink carnation upon the doorstep.
Bud Hill, recently of Portland has
returned to Salem... ,
Miss Edna Purdy has moved to Oren
eo, Oregon, where she will mako her
home. Slie will be accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Anna Purdy, who will
spend the winter with her.
National Director Mott
Asks Increased Subscriptions
Local enmpnign leaders for the Un
ited War Work Drve have just received
the following telegram from State
''John It. Mott, national director Un
ited War Work Campaign has just tele
graphed insisting that the subscriptions
of all states and communities o n"
creased not less than fifty per cent
above quotas to enable the several war
agencies to carry on their necessary
work. Mr. Mott Btntes that this action
has the unanimous eudorosement of the
thirty five members of the executive
committee composed of five from each
participating organization and lias un
qualified endorsement of the President
of the United States and the secretary
of war."
The former quot for the county
was 42.000 and the eity of Salem $i"v
000 will therefore have to be raised as
follows: Marrion couonty, $63,000; City
of Salem, $37.500. '
All Gties Celebrate And Work
Is Suspended Everywhere
E. D. Groat
(Uuitod Prcas Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Nov. 7. The armistiee
terms, not yet made public here, re
quire evacuation of occupied territories.
Probably they also demand surrender
of part of the German fleet and allied
occupation of the rest of it; investment
of border strongholds; surrender of a
portion of the German artillery and
equipment; return of allied-American
prisoners at once.
The -surrender wag an admission of
defeat. Staged in the field, it put .a
touch of added humiliation to the bit
ter dose the Gormans swallowed. The
scene of signing was behind the French
lines where the German retreat was
tho most pronounced, according to press
dispatches this forenoon. The govern
ment is without official confirmation
of the signing. For some days cabinet
members have been confident that tho
Germans would quit.
They kifew better than " the general
public how desperate was Germany's
internal situation. A
The Germans were prcn. sere as
hurrying to accopt before some field
disaster, or some destructive revolution
overtook the nation.
The armistice terms aro known hero
but were withheld pending official
word of the surrender.
Chairman Hurley of the shipping
board, turned all the girl clerks in his
department loose for the aftornoon,
telling them to "go out and mako it
Treasury employes poured into the
street, work there being suspended. All
other departments were completely de
moralized. Great- army trucks, filled
with singing girls and cheering soldiers
swept down tho center of the city,
dropping the United Press news in the
form of bulletins, ' Then a crowd
marched in their wake shouting and
cheering. At 3:30 tho crowd
creased to tremendous volume.
At 3:30 tho crowd had
Spokane Enthuses.
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 7. Spokane
went wild today over the news an
nounced by tho United Press that the
armistice had been signed. Every rail
road and factory whistle in the city op
ened its throat. All the bellg in town
rang. Automobilists seized extras on
which the word "Peace" was embla
zoned and pasted them on their wind
shields. With these they raced about
tho streets with their horns screeching.
Chicago's Greatest Day.
Chicago, Nov. 7. Chicago celebrated
the cessation of hostilities today wifn
tho wildest demonstration in her his
tory. - N ' '
The United Press telephoned the
great news to tho city hall and federal
building, tho stock yards and telephone
offices. ,
Almost immediately whistles in every
corner of tho city were shrieking the
tidings. Bells were rung and gung were
fired and at the end of two hours tho
din hatl increased rather than dimin
ished. In spite of a drizzling rain the streets
filled magically with people. At State
and Madison streets, Chicago's busiest
coiner, traffic was halted while thou
sands of laughing excited people went
from curb to curb.
A bluejacket band that appeared was
at most overwhelmed by shouting citi
zens. Thousands fell in behind bauds
that paraded down town streets blaring
"A Hot Timo in tho Old Town" and
"Hail, Hail, tho Gung's All Here."
Many business houses dismissed their
employes at noon to permit them to
join in the celebration.
Tops of office buildings and windows
wore jammed with cheering, flag-waving
From every window in the J-oop dis
trict floods of torn paper and ticker
tape descended. The air was so filled
that it was almost impossible to see
tho streets from au elevation. The pa
per storm continued unabating for
Policemen joined the joyous crowds,
many emptying their revolvers into tho
News stands were overturned by
crowds trying to purchase extra edi
tions carrying the United Press dis
patches. Men in amy and navy uniforms were
hugged mid pounded on tho back when
ever they appeared in the streets.
Mayor Thompson this aftornoon offi
cially declared a holiday.
Pandemonium Reigns.
New York, Nov. 7. On account of
the pandemonium that followed the au
iiouucenicrt of tho signing of the ar
mistice, governors of tho Now York
Stock .Exchange announced that the ex
change would close at 2:30 o'clock. Tho
jubilation was so great that trading
General March Says
We Had Them Licked
San Francisco, Nov. 7.
"Gee, that's great!"
That 's what the dignified Col
onel Frederick Marsh, comman
der of the eoaft artillery sftid
when tho United Press told him
that an armistice had been
signed on the west front.
"We have been going on with
our preparations as though we
were to fight indefinitely, but
of course this will have an im
mediate effect on aU camps and
Berlin, via London, Nov. 7.
"Between the Oise and the
Scheldt, the enemy by heavy
attacks endeavored to hinder
the methodical continuation of
our movements which were eoni
nienced Monday," the German
war office announced today.
Nots The above is probab
ly the last official statement
from the German war office on
military operations as the next
communique undoubtedly will
contain announcement of the
signing of an armistice. .
was impossible. The market was very
Lstrong at 2 p. m. some peace stocss
reached their nignest rccoros. ,
The market stood still for ten min
utes, then bedlam broke loose in the
financial district. Wall Street looked
like the scene of mardigras carnival.
Many dumped their shares. i
Bethlehem B sagged nearly four
points to a new low of 60; steel com
mon yielded to 100 from a htight of
104. Alcohol and whiskey share were
thrown overboard.
At tho close Northern Pacific gained
seven points; Great Northern preferred
gained 3, Union and Southern Pacific
gained about three each".
All these stocks made new highs for
the year. Erie gained 3 points in a few
hou'r3 of trading, selling up to 21.
Motor stocks boomed. Willim Overland
eaincd three points and Studcbaker
five points. General Motors gained
seven points. New highs were hung up
in United States rubber, tobacco prod
ucts and American smelter. Mexican
petroleum gained about thirteen points.
Steels rallied but met pressure.
Holiday In San Francisco.
San Francisco, Nov. 7. A holiday
was immediately declared in Snn Fran
..iurtft iTiia ninrninff -whnn the United
Press informed May Eolph that Ger
many had signed the armistice.
"Let us set this city afire with ro
loicina and proclaim tho news far and
wide," ho said, "This is a great holi
Pandemonium broko loose as soon as
tho news reached the city gver the
United Press wires. Newspapers car
rying the story were unable to got
enough papers on tho street. Business
hnH.-d. S!tirp were eninticd. Business
in-lhousc8 )uay clus0 tll;s afternoon.
Half-Holiday Declared.
Oakland,. Cal., Nov. 7 A' half holi
day was declared in Ouklnnd this
mornme when Alavor Davis learned
from the United Press that an armis
tice had been signed. - lire engines
were driven at breakneck bpeed
through the business section, clanging
their bells. Huudreds of whistles
joined in a mighty peace chorus. Stores
5 Bars White Laundry
Soap . :..25c
Large Citrus Washing
Powder . 25c
Hersheys Coco 1-2-ib ..15c
Dromedary Cocoanat 1-4 lb.
pkg. 8c; 1-2 lb. pkg 15c
12-oz. Royal Baking
Powder 30c
Post Toasties, 2 pkgs ...25c
Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs 25c
3 oz. bottle lemon extract 22c
My Jell, 2 pkgs....1.. 23c
6 Large Boxes Matches. .32c
No. 5 Vegetable 15c
Peanut Butter, lb....... 19c
Fancy Peaherry Coffee .
5-bs. $1.05
Royal Club Coffee 3 lbs.. $1
Dependable Coffee 3 lbs. .$1
2 Cans Libby's or Armours
milk for . .25c
upply Your
Men's Heavy Work Sox, per pair . . . .'. ... ...... 15c
Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers,
Garment . . -JJjC
Men's Heavy Ribbed Union Suits, suits $1.75
and '$1.98
Men's Khaki Pants, per pair $1.50 and $1.98
Men's Extra Quality Felt Hats, each ....... .$1.98
Men's Mackinaw Coats, each $6,95 to $10.50
Men's Shoes, for work or dress, the best values
in town, per pair. $2.9S to 55.00
Men's Work Shirts, each ...... . . .'. . 98c to $1.39
Dress Shirts . 98c to $1.75
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and
Court Streets
United Press Brought
First News Of Vctory
- .
New York, Nov 7 Tbo Unit-
cd, Press bulletin which brought
the firs-t news to America of
the signing of tho erniistice
with Germany, was s'.gned per-
sonally by Jtoy W. Howard,
president of the United Press,
now in goncral charge cf tha
United Press organization in
France. The dispatch also car-
ried the signature of William
. Philip Simms, chief of the Par
'is bureau.
were closed and thousands joined in a
irrent - citv-wide celebration on tho
Los Angeles Wild.
Los Angeles, Nov. 7.- The United
Pres3 announcement of the end of the
war set Los Angeles wild with joy to
Fifteen minutes after the first carry
jing the United Press story reached the
fiehtiiiB for a chanco to buy a paper,
Papers &re known to have sold for as
high us 10 for a single copy.
At 11 o'clock newspaper men on the
street were still unablo to mec,t the de
munds for papers.
SEAMSTEB Tn Portland Nov. 4, 191S
Buth Seamster, at- the a,?e of1 15
She was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. V. L. Sennister former residents
of Salein.
HOFFMAN At the Willamette sani
torium, Wednesday evening, Nov. 6,
1018, Harlan Hoffman, it the age
pf 19 years.
Ho was the only son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Hoffman living a few miles east
of the city. Ho was a graduate of the
Salem high school. This year ho enter
ed Willamette university und had been
inducted into the army as a member
of tho" students army training corps.
About two weeks ago ho contracted a
slight .cold wMch developed into "In
fluenza and pneumonia.
The fnncral services will be held Fri
day afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the
Kigdon chapel ami will be conducted
by the Rev. Lelaiid Porter of tho First
Christian church. Burial will be in the
Lee Mission cemetery.
WRIGHT In the city, Nov. 6, 1918,
Keece Wright, at t'he ago of 34 years.
The body will be forwarded to liose
. burg for burial.
Certain Cure for Cronp
Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Greenville,
111., ha had experience in thi treat
ment of this disease. She says, "When
my children were small my son had
croup frequently. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy always broke up these attacks
immediately, and I was never without
it in the house. I have taken it myself
for coughs and colds with good re
.Hemstitching and Pieot edge
We da this work is 'he best
All work guaranteed.
Nmfro VoiirlnT OmliJnA C
Phone 441
337 State Street
Formerly Chicago
Taris, Nov. 7. (5::i0 p m.)--Senn-tor
LaCroix introduced a resolution irt
the upper house this afternoon extend
ing the thanks of the country to Mar
shal Foch and Premier Clcmenccau.
This is the first time that similar aet
ion has been taken since tho timo of
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Foot Specialist
Without Blood or Tain or Causing
Soreness or Other Inconvenience.
Chilblains and AU Diseases of the Feet
Special Attention to Antiseptics there
by Preventing Infection.
Appointments by Phono.
Lady Assistant.
518 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phono 410. . Salem, Ore.
euro of
Yick So Tcsg
Chinese Medicine and Tea Ca.
Has medicine which will ear
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a, m,
until 8 p. m.
153 South High Bi
Salem, Oregon. Phoae S8I
And All Kinds of 2nd Eul
woods. Ii
Fall Market. Prices Special ft
Prices paid for Backs.
Get obi prices before yoa sell.
871 B. Oom'l St Phone 7$
Portland Furniture Dealer wants
all kinds of second hund furniture,
-stoves, gas ranges, ete. Best price
paid. Phone 951.
. ....
Your Junk and give'you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my Prices Before
you sell. '
Phone 398
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street