Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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fir I
4MM ... !'
Bate per word, New Today:
Each insertion
Oa week (6 insertions)
. 1
. 5
Oh month (26 insertions)
The Capital Journal will not be re-
ponsiblo for more thsl1 0De insertion,
r errors in Classified Advertisementa
Scad your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately il
rror occurs. .
Minimum charge, 15c
FOTATOES for sale'. Phone 80F11. tl
FOR SALE Small pigs, stock hogs
and sows. Phone 18F11. 11-11
TX) or three furnished house keeping
vooms at 633 Ferry street. 11 7
1X)E SALE Big Burbank ootatoes.
Phone evenings 8F23. 11-7
MATERNITY cases wanted in modern
home. Phone 2J01J4. 11-11
RAILROAD ties for trade for any kind
of produce. Phone 1737W. 11-7
ROOM and board reasonable at 1045
N. Cottage. 11-8
WANTED -To buy soup beans. Phone
483. tf
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 696 N. Cottage. 11-13
FOR SALB Peerless water power
waihing machine. lhono 10U1. 1M
FOUXD-inall pig. Owr identify
and pay for ad. Phone 1416. 11-9
IiOST Bunch of keys on Ferry or
State St. Phone 1806W. 11-8
. FURNISHED housekeeping rpoms fo
rent. 143 Court St. H
WANTED Cheat seed. Address 1305
N. 16th. 11-7
FOR TRADE Rooming house for city
. property. Call 1979. tf
, FOR RENT 5 room modern flat furn
ished. Call 1737W. 10-31
COL. Wr F. WRIGHT, se auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Puona 59. , tl.
v 1 " 1 " 1 " -
WANTED1 By competent stenographer
steady or pieco work. Address A 0
: ca'rB JournaUi '-- ';--'H-9
WANTED To buy. poultry, eggs,
farm, produce, hides, etc. Cherry City
Feed hams. , " 11-13
FOUND-Gentleman 's watch. Call 578
N. High, identify and pay for adv.
FOR 8ALE Fresh cows, one 3 year old
Jersey, one five year 'old Holstein.
Heavy milker. 1925 State St. 11-11
FOR SALE Fresh cow, four year old
Jersey, very gentle. 2505. State St.
1918 CHEVROLET for sale, all new
tiros. Inquire forenoons 1111 Mill
. 6t. H-7
WANTED A good set of second hand
harness, suitable for farm work.
Phone 49F12. . 11-12
-YOUNG cow' for sale or trade for wood
cutting. Top bugay for sale. ISA,
Rt 1, box 4C, Turner, Or. 11-7
WANTED A cook in small hospital.
$50 per month with room and board.
Phone 1204. 11-7
WILL trade Salem residence property
' for merchandise of-any kind. Ad
dress M S care Journal. 12-1
ALL PAPER 15'cents per double roll
upward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. . tf.
FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry
plants $1 hundred. Plants now ready
for dolivery; G. L. Warren, Salem, Rt.
3. . , 1113
FOR SALEA fine Jersey cow, four
years old, just fresh, gives four gal
lons of milk a day, very rich. 715 S.
Twelfth street. 11-7
WANTED Men and women to take
that needed exercise at. the Club
Bowling Alleys, 122 N. Commercial,
up stairs. . 11-11
SLANTED To rent three or four room
house or three unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping. Widow, no children.
Address 35 care Journal. U-8
FOR RENT 15 or 20 acres 1 miles
ont on Jefferson road; lso want to
hire 5 or 6 acre plowed. Inquire O.
B. Allm, 8-r- North Com'l St. 11-7
WANTED Good, modern $2500 house
close to penitentiary in exchange foT
an improved 40 acre farm 12 miles
from Portland city limits. C. W. Nie
raeyer, 544 State street. U-8
FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell, completely
overhauled, demountable rims, $475.
Highway Garage. Phone 355, 1000 8.
Com'L tf
WANTED To rent by Nov. 1st. by per
manent party, 5 or 6 room modern
house, close in. Address J-24 care
journal or Phono 1612. tf
PLENTY of money to loaa on good
farms; low interest rates; five yean
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple on any interest date. Call or
write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
Wdg, Balem. tf
- TRY Ifflffl f OR RESULTS!
FOR SALE Oats and cheat hay $25
was T4. e V. no tiiac. n
rv wu. jh. , uua t ixtwui-eiu.
WORK wanted as carpenter, shingliug
anything ia the building line. A.
Kluge, 1190 N. 15. 1111
WANTED Woman to to do family
washing Monday .mornings. Phone
658. 11.9
CAPABLE woman wanted for geneial
house work. Must be able to took,
good wages. Apply 1370 State. 11-7
TWO and three room f urnisLed apart
ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203.
- - 12 5
LEAVING city must sacrifice 5 pas
senger Reo, first class condition
guaranteed, 5 good tires. Address
11-7 care Journal. . 117
FOR SALE By city Btreet dopai t
ment, horse, 1500 pounds, will soil
cheap. Inquire W. S. Lowe, street
commissioner. - 11-8
TAKEN. UP-A Jersey heifer calf, Sat
urday evening. Owner mny have same
by paying for this ad and keeping.
H. Ristow, Rt. 6, Salem. Phone 101
F22. 11-13
FOR SALE 1916 Ford roadster with
demountable rimg and shock absorb
ers, several other extras, for $325.
Phone 2500J5 or call Rt. 7, box 215,
Garden road, afternoons. 11-8
ed by well improved valley farms
in amounts of $500 up to $10,000.
Thos. A. Roberts, Phone 1427, 314
MasOnio building. 13-4
FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock
cockerels, 7 and 8 months old, O. A
C. strain, price $2.50 and $3. Ad
dress G. L. Jory, 874 S Com'l Sa
lem. 11-7
FOR SALE About two and one half
million feet of tie and piling timber.
, Clean as a grove. Partial payment,
bal. as cut. Also will rent house and
barns for horses and crew. F. P.
Farrington, Salem, Or. 11-7
OPENING-flalem bowlers will be glad
.. to know that the Club alleys will be
open Sundays and evenings during
the winter season, beginning Friday
Nov. 8th. Cid Doolittle, prop. 31-8
FOR SALE Almost now Cypress In
cubator, 70-egg " eupacity, price 18.
i Gold PoUar and Wilson strawberry
plants 35 rts. per hundred, $2.50 pr
thousand. Would trade dry cow for
fresh one and pay difference. Wo.
A. Bond, fit. 6, box 98. . 11-8
WANTED Small improved farm, close
to school, value around $3500 in ex
change for 40 acres in Hood River
county, and 80 acres in Wasco coun
ty. Both properties are improved, a
mile apart and free from encum
brance. Owner might assume. C. W.
Niemeyer, 544 State street The home
of real estate trades. , 11-9
For the Cot of Improving Cmuvh
Street In the City of Salem, frflm
State Street to Mission Street.
To Harriott DeMuth, Susan Newts n,
F. H. Johnson and to owner unknown:
You, and each of you are hereby no
tified that the city of Salem has, by
ordinance No. 1558, levied an assess
ment upon your respective properties
hereinafter described and in the amount
hereinafter set forth, and for such prop
erty's proportionate share of the cost
of improving Church street la the eitj
of Salem from the south line of State
street to the north line of Mission
street, except that portion thereof oc
cupied by what is known as the Bush or
Church street fridge expending from
the north line of Oak street to the
north line of the westerly extension
of Bellview street. A description of
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land, the owner thereof, and the amount
assessed and levied upon it is as fol
lows, to-wit:
Commencing at appoint on the east
line of Church street 83 ft, 6 in. north
of the southwest corner of block 71 of
the city of Salem, and running thence
northerly along the caBt line of Church
street 39 ft. to the south line of the
alley in said block; thence easterly
and parallel with Ferry street, 88 ft. u
in; thence southerly and parallel with
Church street 39 ft. to a point 83 ft.
6 in." north of the north line of Ferry
street; thence westerly and parallel
with Ferry street 82 tt. 6 in. to the
placo of beginning. Harriett DeMuth,
cost $138.98.
The east Vn of the southeast V of
block 13 in the city of Salem. Susan
Newton. Cost $671.06.
Beginning at a point on the east
line of lot 6 in block 71 of the city of
Salem 112 ft. 6 in. northerly from the
southeast corner of lot 5 in said block,
and running thence northerly -long
the east line of said lot 6, 10 ft; thence
westerly along the south line of the
alley in said block 71, 10 ft; thence
southeasterly at an angle of 45 degrees
to the place of beginning. F H. John
son. Cost $1.90.
The south 21.25 feet Of lot 2 in
block 9 of the city of Salem. Owner
unknown. Cost" $142.22. ....
Said assessments were entered in
volume 3, docket of city liens, on the
30th day of September. 1918, as a
charge and lien against the said de
scribed properties, and are now duo
and payable to the city treasurer.
This notice is served upon yon by
publication thereof for ten days in the
Daily Capital Journal, a newspaper
published in the city of Salem, Oregon,
by order of the eommon eouncil.
fate tf first publication arol, is
Oetober 26, 1918.
11-11 Recorder of the City of SJern.
FOR . SALE Windmill Phone morn
ings 542. . 11-7
FORD touring ear, 1916 model, good
as new. 554 Ferry St. - tf
FOR SALE Harness, wagoa and wo id
1. ASft Til . - ..... n
kc, raoao evenings iwr ja r
1621. 117
SALEM chimney sweep, dean them
wuaout Oust on tbe carpets, furnaees
cleaned and repaired, stoves repair
ed. Phoae 18. tf
FOR EXCHANGE What -ave you,
Mr. Property Owner, in a well im
proved, unincumbered farm of not
over $4000 value, preferably, with
two sets of substantial buildings and
in Polk county; not far from Salem,
on good roads, with running water,
family orchard, stock, farm imple-
rncnts, feed, fuel and vegetables for
winter, in exchange for business in
city and good securities! Give de
tailed description, location and valu
ation in first communication. Home
seeker, Lockbox 187, Salem, Or. 11-13
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, by virtue of an order of the
county court of Marion eounty, Ore
gon, duly made and entered of record
on the 28th day of October, 1918, was
appointed administrator of the estate
of Charles A. Guerne, deceased, and
that he has qualified as such. All per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same,
duly verified as required by law, at
the office of Smith ft Shields, attor
neys 403 Salem Bank of Commerce
building, Salem, Oregon, within six
monthg from the date of this notice.
Dated and first published this 91st
day of October, 1918.
Administrator of the estate of
Charles A. Guerne, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the county court of tha state of Ore
gon for 'the county of Marion as ex
ecutor of the last will and testament
of Ro&ia R. Gerig, deceased, and that
he has duly qualified as such executor.
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby notified to present
the same, duly verified, to me. at the
office of A. O. Condit. 203 Hubbard
building, in Salem, in Marion eounty,
state of Oregeon within six months of
tbe date of this notice.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 15th
day. of October, 1918.
Executor of the laBt will and testa
ment of Rpsia R Gerig, deensed. -
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned by an order of the county
court of the state of Oregon for the
county of Marion, duly made and enter
ed on the 25th day of October, 1918,
was appointed administratrix of the es
tate of Thomas Robinson Townsend
deceased, and that she has duly qual
ified as such administratrix. All per
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present , the
same duly verified, as required by law,
to the administratrix at the law of
fices of Jas. G. Heltzel and Max Gehl
har, in the city of Salem, Oregon, with'
in. six months from the date of this
notice. .:
Dated this 31st day of October,' 1918.
' Administratrix of the estate of Thom
as Robinson Townsend, deceased.
Jas. G. Heltacl, Max Gehlhar,
Salem, Oregon.
Attorneys for estate.
Date of first publication, October
31, 1918.
Date' of last publication, NovemDer
28 1918.
Judge Kirkpatrick
" Beaten In Polk
Dallas, Or., Nov. 7. A completed
count of the vote in Polk county shows
that Asa B. Robinson, democrat, of Dal
las, has been elected as county judge
over E. C. Kirkpatriek, republican, by
99 votes. Kirkpatriek is incumbent,
having been appointed by Governor
Withycombe to fill a vacancy caused by
tht death of the late Judge Teal. Rob
inson is now completing his third term
as county clerk,
The. rest of the republican ticket has
been elected. John W. Orr hag 'n-n
returned to the sheriff's office; Floyd
Moore, present rural school supervisor,
has defeated Tracy Staats for county
clerk, and A. V.. R. Snyder is ro-elcctod
.county treasurer. J. J. Sammons is
elected surveyor and T. J. Graves, de
feated I. L. Simpson for county com
misioncr. y '
Alfred 8. Bennett received the Ligh
est vote for justice, of the supreme
court tofill the vacancy caused by the
death of Justice Frank A. Moore, Gov
ernor Withycombe and United States
Senator McNary received heavy leads.
Improve Your
Know the Joy of a
Dcner com ptextoa.
You cm intUntly
render to youri&i-i
nearly -while aoD-ar-
.-. --.lt h
1 1 iv iriniuvi vi 7-u-lm
friends ii yoa will KM
Oriental Cream
SendlOc for Trial Sia
IP 1'. tin it?
i til w
final Day Of War Found Ger
mans Trapped Beyond
All Hope.
By J. W. T. Mason
New York, Nov. 7. The end of the
war has come with the German army
beaten to its knees and compelled to ac
cept unconditional surrender. The fin
al day of hostilities found one-half the
German troops in France trapped south
of the Ardennes by the brilliant offen
sive of the American army which clos
ed the Luxemburg, way of retreat and
captured Sedan a a series of remark
able drives extending over the final
week of the conflict.
The Prussian military machine has
been broken beyond possibility of re
pair during the retreat of the past four
months. The German surrender is not
due primarly to the desertion of Ger
many by her allies but to the fact that
the forces of democracy arrayed against
her on the western front have over
thrown the German armies on the field
'of battle.
The day of surrender sees the kaiser 's
' great forces so entangled ia the meshes
'of their own retirement as to make it
! impossible for them ever to have reacr
' .J k -... ... : . -
;u mo iTEiiiau iivuuvr TAl-CJIl. ns m
remnant. Marshal Foch's extraordinar
ily successful strategy since mid-summer
has now reaped its fruit.
.Had the war coutinued, it would in
reality have become a massacre. The
Germans have lost such frightful cas
ualties in their effort to get out of
France and Belgium, as has threatened
annihilation of all of Germany's mil
itary manpower- There is no truth in:
the reports that the last phase of the
war has shown the Germaus as masters
of the art of retreat.
Their effort to reach their own ter
ritory in such big haste has been a fail
ure. Von Hindenburg was only half way
out and unable to make the rest of the
way with any army fit to defend the
. The German defeat is complete, over
whelming, obliterating. No more will
be heard cf the military invincibility
of Prussia. ,
An Old Man's Stomach
As we grow older and less active, less
and le9 food is required to meet the
demands of our bodies. If too much is
habitually taken, the stomach will re
bel. When a man reachc. the advanc
ed age of 85 or 90, you will find that'
ne is a light eater, Be as careful as
yon will, however, you will occasional
ly eat more than you should and will
feel the need-of ,;C;h&mberlain'g Tab
lets to eorrect the jsorder. These tab
lets do not contain pepsin, but strength
en the stomach and 'enable it to per
form its functions naturally. They also
cause a gentle movement of the bow-
Court House News
In the matter of the estate of Lo
renzo Whitlock, deceased, tAister E.
Ross, attorney for the estate, filed an
affidavit that notic-ies had been post
ed giving notice that en Dec. 7, 1918,
the executrix would sell all personal
property of , the estate.
Kate I. Griffith, executrix of tho
estate of John Clayton Griffith has
filed a report with tlja county court,
showing $li)31.9o on hand and also re
porting that no real estate had been
Charles T. Pomeroy wti? appointed
executor of the- estate of Marguerite
li. 1). Pomeroy, who died Oct. H.
Krnestina Boelimlte filed with the
county court her final report as guar
dian' of Lillie Boehiuko t.ml Raymond
Bochmke. The report was accepted by
fhe court and the guardian released
from further liability, ,
In the mutter of the e?tate. of Zai
dee E. Jalmer, the county court order
ed the administratrix to dispose of all
household and personal property.
Save Your Hair! Make It Thick
Wavy, Glossy And Beau
tiful At Once.
Try as you will, after an application
of Dnmlerinc, you can not find a sin
gle trace- of dandruff m falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will please you most will be after a few
weeks' nse, when you see new hair,
fine and downy at firt--ys but real
ly new hair growing all ever the scalp
A little Danderine immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. 'o differ
ence how dull, faded, brittle and scrag
gy, just moiHten a cloth with Danderine
and carefully draw it through your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time. The letfe.et 5s Immediate and
amazing your hair will be light, fluf
fy and wavr, and liav an appearance
of abundance; an Incomparable lustre
softness and luxuriance, the beauty and
shinimeV of true hair health. ,
Get a small boule of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drag store or toi
let eounter, anil prove that your na;r
is as pretty and soft a any that it
has been neglected or injured by carc-j
less treatment. A small trial bottle will'
double the beauty of your hair.
Crews On Exa Battleships Mu
tiny And Wa?e Red
Rioters Demand Release Of
Imprisoned Comrades, Is
Official Report
Copenhagen, Nov. 7. The revolu
tion which broke out in Kiel has spread
throughout Scbclswig and Holstein, the
provinces whi.h Germany seized from
Denmark half a century ago, accord
ing to advices received here today.
Hevoiutiug soldiers and sailors aio
reported to have captured the cities of
Altona, I'lemsburg and Apenrade and
to hold a portion of tue German high
seas fleet.
The city of Hamburg, the greatest
commercial eenter on the continent,
alsa is said to be seething with revolt,
and an artillery battle is reported to
be raging ia the streets.
The crena of the battleships Kaiser
and Sehelswig-Holstein mutinied and
waved red flags thig rao-ning, it was
reportea. iney arrested their officers
of whom .0 were shot. Tho mutineers
declared they would hoM out until
peaoe i effected.
Thousands of German troops have
been ordered to Kiel. The workmen and
soldiers have decided to resist.
Kiel is now governed by a council
of sailors, soldiers and workmen. The
German strike began Sunday and was
quiukly followed by the mutiny. The
ships, tramways and stores are con1
trolled by red flag officials. -The
revolutionaries also are report
ed to hold the major portion of the
province of JKchelswig.
The airdrome at Apenrade hat been
seized by the revolutionists, who ar
rested the airmen. Altona and Fleus-
burg also are reported to have been oc
cupied. Revolution in Hamburg
Copenhagen, .Nov. 7.A revolt has
broken out in Hamburg and an artil
lery battle is raging in the streets, ac
cording to dispatches received by tho
Copenhagen, Nov. 7. The battleships
Kaiser and Behlcswig-Holstein are
still held by sailors who mutinied at
Kiel, according to reports received here
today. The sailors threaten to blow iip
the Bhips if thcv are attacked. The
garrison at Kiel has refused to sup
press the mutiny, it is understood.
Copenhagen, Nov. 7. The Wolff Bu
reau (scmi-officin agency of the Ger
man government) ha, officially con
firmed tho reports that great riots have
taken place in Kiel. It declared, how
cvor, that order has been restored. The
general strike continues.
Confirmation also was made of riots
and a general strike at Hamburg and
Several Killed.
Washington, Nov. 7. Reports of seri
ous rioting in Kiel reached here
through diplomatic channels today.
Independent socialists held a meeting
which was followed by disorders in
which sailors and arsenal workmen par
ticipated. The rioters demanded re
lease of imprisoned comrades.
Hcvarnl persons were killed and over
a kcoi'c wounded in the clash with tho
police, the cables stated. Delegates
from tho rioters were received by tho
governor of Kiel in an effort to quell
the uprising and it is indicated that the
rioting has gone much farther thun
meager reports showed.
Rebels Form Soviet.
Amsterdam, Nov. 7. Three compa
nies of German infantry dispatched to
suppress the revolution in Bchleswig
Holstein thecw their arms in the water,
it was reported here today, A tourtli
company was dinnimed.
Mutinous sailors mounted mrfchino
guns at vantage points aboard the war
ships at Kiel to iepel any attackers.
They demand immediate peace.
Cavalry detachments coining up the
roudfi figui Witusbeck were fired on by
tho sailors. Two of the cavalrymen
were killed.
The rebelK have formed a naval soviet
and have taken prisoner Admiral Couch
eon, the governor of Kiel. Maeliin
guns have heen posted nt various points
about the eity.
The rebels later released Admiral
floucbeoa ou his f.nnuue to reeog'ii.'.e
their soviet to abolish the inline and
to release all rebels without punish
ment. Senator CnaaberlaQi
Hears Great News
Portland, Or., N.iv.- 7.-
That was the remark of Sen-
ator Chamberlain, ehairmnn of
the senate military affairs com
mittee, when word that Ger-
many and the allies had signed.
an armistice was phoned him
by th United Pr. .
. "That is fine." he continued
"But the result ha been in-
evitalile since Arteries placed
two million men in the field."
Preferably 200-lb. Weight
Also want a large quantity of choice FAT TUR
KEYS and all kinds of other poultry for Than o
giving and Holiday trade. Must be A-No.-l quality.
Wholesale and Retail Butchers And Packers
Northwest Corner Court and Liberty Sts
Perfection and
Manufacture OREGON Phone 1528
first Dose of 'Tape's Cold
Compound'' Relieves All
Grippe Misery
Don't stay stuffed-upl " i-
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose
of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken ev
ery two hsurs until three doses are
taken will end grippe misery and break
np a severe cold either in the head,
chest, body or limbs..
It promptly opens clogged-np nos
trils and air pasesages; stops nasty
discharge or nose running; relieves
aick headache, dullness, feverishness,
sore throat, sneezing, soreness and
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents at drug stores. It acts
without assistance, tastes nico, and
causes no inconvenience. Don't accept
a substitute. - ,
Mrs. P. O. Stuchell Tells Hew She
Cured Her Son of a Cold
"When my son Kllis was sick with
a cold last winter I gave him Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It helped him
at once and quickly broke up his cold'
writes Mrs. P. O. Sonchell, Ifcimer
City, Pa, This remedy has beea ia use
for many years. Its good qualities have
boon fuily proven by many thousands
of people. It is pleasant and safe to
San Francisco, Nov. 7. The stato
bono dry prohibition amendment was
defeated bv a majority of approximate
ly 40,000 Tuesday election returns to
day indicated.
Likewise tue Eouiinger bill, regulat
ing the sale of Honor, wag caught be
tween a barrage of extreme drys and
extreme wets and defeated by still nuivo
decisive majority.
Governor Htephens' mnjority over
Theodore Hell will probably reaeli W0,
000. The governor's supporters conlead
that the majority will be even greater.
C. C. Young defeated Jo V. Snyder in
the raco for Lieutenant Governor and
Will C. Wood was easily elected super
intendent of public instruction.
The completion of California con
gressional delegation "will remain un
changed. The republic ans gained one
(cut in tho Seventh district where Har
bour defeated Henry Hawnon, demo
crat, but the democrats nmde up for It
in tho Eighth district where Hugh
HoiHiimu, democrat, bested Congress
man E. A. Hays. Montaville Flowers,
republican, was defeated by Congress
man Knndull, prohibitionist and demo
crat, iu the Los Angeles district.
The Choice of
Those Who Know
Manufacturers and leading mo
tor car distributor! recommend
ZEROLENE. The majority
of motorists use ZEROLENE.
ZEROLENE reduces wear and
gives more power becauso it
keeps its lubricating body at
cylinder heat. Gives less car
. bon because, being refined
from selected California asphalt-base
crude, it burns clean
and goes out with exhaust.
ZEROLENE ! th correct oil lor til
tjpet oi utoir.-.btk engine!, It Is the
correct oil for your automobile. Get
our lubricatic n chert Khowinf the cor- -rect
eoniittc.-.cy lot your car.
At duhrt r nryvhtm end Standard
Oil Service Stetrona.
, (Celttorole)
IheStutduxj Oil for Motor Cars
R. II. CAMPBELL, Special
IT BROS. me.
Nugent Beats Goodin In Idaho
-Ford Probably Is
Defeated. 7
Boiso, Iduho, Nov. 7 .Senator Nu
gent, democrat, bus been re-elected by
a plurality of about 500, latest return
indicated today.
Ford is Defeated"
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 7 Tmnn H.
Newberry was leading Homy Ford by,
approximately 0000 votes todav with
Uesa than 200 small rural normally re-
puuiieHii precincts io near irom.
Ford managers have withdrawn their
claims to hopes for a Fold victory and
say they will ask for recount if the
Newberry majority is under 10,000.
Newberry managers believe the fin
al figure will show just tho.t majori
ty. ',, ' '
The figures as given out today by
both republican and democratic stato
central committees practically tally.
They dhow 207,543 votes for Newberry
and-201,843 for Ford. (
New Mexico Doubtful
Albuquerque N. M.t Nov. 7. Jtc
publicans today claimed re-eloction of
A. B. Full to the United States sen
ate by 2500 and election of B. V. Her
mnndex to the lower house over O. A.
Richardson, democratic congressional
candidate by 1000 majority. Indica
tions in oarly returns poin to the vic
tory of .A. Luira.id (or governor by '
The Australian ballot system, uncd
for the first time in a Netr Mexico
state election ig making tho count very
Republicans May Gain One
Chicago, Nov, 7 Probability of n
republican gain of one congressman iu
Illinois wns seen today when a fnirly
complete count showed Hiooks, re
publican, leading Representative Fos
ter, democrat, by a small margin in
tho 23rd district. Country distrb-H
wiped out Foster's early lead in tho
county. With twenty precincts unre-f
ported, Hrooks' lead wus more than
200 votes.
Eczema Wasli
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