Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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Catarrh Distorts
Spreads The Nose, Blurs The
Eyes, Puffs The Face, Dries
The lips. How To Get Rid
Catarrh not only makes one feel
miserable, it shows this effect in tha
features, and it usually grows worse.
But thanks to remarkable home
treatment, there is recovery in store
tor every sufferer by the remarkable
Guu self home treatment, which you
ran try free, in your own home.
r .a
: society
It Is Perfectly Wonderful the Way
Gauss Treatment Drives Away
An cKwsive secretion from the nos
trils is an unsightly misery. A breath
tainted with the odor of catarrh is an
offense against all health and decency.
A' stomach Tilled with droppings from
TKScased nasal eavaties may cause un
told misery, and rums tha complexion.
The bowels clogged with strings of
ropy mucus indicates a .body literally
reeking with catarrh, causing pimples,
b'otche and other skin muM'-.i.
The blood swarming with millions
of catarrh germs, itntkils u:.:. the kid'
ateya a labor Ihut may brju them
down; the lung ti:tl !iron!unl tubes,
aconrged with the (':i?rnt!ti-73 iutlu
cace of systemic atir?h, tun liad to
anemia and tbj nu.st scri'iu cf use
quern es.
flo why continue with all this mis
ery f Send your name and address to
day for a free trial of Sfr. Gauss' fa
mous treatment Mail it to C. E. Oauss,
filNiT Main tit., Marshall, Mich. It will
sot cost you a ipenny to try it, and it
surely will astonish1 yon wth its won
derful effect. Fill out cm3ii mid snail
it today.
This coupon is good f "
package of OAXI88' COM-
MKNT,cnt frni 'y ). ail. .Simp
ly fill in your hth and ad-
dress on dotted lines lielow and
mail to C. E. (MISS, .TOOT
Main St., Mursliall, Mich.
Nmne ,
R. P. D.
or Street .,
City - Sts'.e
Moderate Receipts And
Strong Undertone
North Portland, Or., Nor. 4. Mod
erate receipts of live stock this week
to duto has revealed a strong under-
JCewcomers of note, who will occupy
a place of prominence is tho social
life of. Salem this winter are Colonel
and Mrs. George S. Young of Portland,
who will make their residence in Sa
lem while Colonel Young is command
ant of Hie Students Army Training
corps at Willamette onive-sity, which
position he has already assumed.
Mrs. Young will arrive in Salem
next week from Portland to join her
husband. They will make their home
at the Marion hotel, having taken a
suite of rooms there for the winter
When in Portland Colonel and
Mrs. Young resided at 202 King street.
Mrs. S. A. Sanford of Roseburg, who
has been a recent Salem visitor, left
a few days ago for Marshfield, where
she will spend a short time. Mr. San
ford, who has also been in the city
on business will remain some time
longer. The Sanfords are former wall
known Salem residents, anj have been
domiciled at the Marion hotel during
tbeir stay in Salem.
An urgent call comes from the head
quarters of the .National league for
Woman's service, working in co-operation
with the American Bed Cross, for
young women between the ages of 21
and 35 years, to sign up for the army
school of nursing. The accepted appli
cants will be sent to the various mili
tary hospitals in fhis country and over
seas for the training. There will be no
tuition, and all expenses will be met
by the government. The course extends
over a penou ol tnree years. Applica
tion blanks may be had at the league
headquarters of the Salem Woman's
service headquarters at the Commercial
club. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stivers ot A.ta,
Iowa, who have been visiting in Sa
lem the past two weeks s the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitney left
yesterday for the east. Mr. and Mrs.
Stivers came to Salem to attend the
golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Whitney, which was celebrated
recently wirli a large reception at the
Whitney home, 2105 North Liberty
street. Mrs. Stivers is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney. -
Mrs. Mary Ashby and Mrs. Alice
Grueb arrived today from Poineroy,
Washington, to be the guests. of Mr.
and Mrs. II. C. Tarplov at their resi
dence, 739 North Liberty street. They
will remain in Salem the gicater part
of the winter.
Mrs. M. C. Pettys of Poitland is vis
iting in Halem this week as the guest
of Mrs. A. H. Bunn at her home on
Marion street.
fitacv Reeves, Jr., the small son pt
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Reeves of Astoria,
it ' recuperating Buffer ,an attack of
pneumonia at the home of his aunt,
Mrs. Llovd Ramsden of Salem, where
he and "his mother have been visiting
the past week. Mrs. Beeves and her
son plan to return to Astoria the lat
ter -part of the wctk.
Among tho girls who returned to Sa
lem upon the resumption of college
work at Willamette this week, after
onnndins their enforced vacation in
their respective 'homo towns were Miss
Eunice Rush of lrain, miss i,etni.
R..hv of Portland Miss Ina Moore oi
Seaside and her house guest, ansa a
The friends of Mrs, W. Carlton
Smith will be glad to hear that she has
fturtMi tn Silent to reside alter a
m - u : . t.
year s so.iourn in lacoma. .". oui.i"
will occunv her home at 1133 Oak
The Germans are apparently in rout on the entire
front from the Sambre to the Meuse. I
The official report of the French war office today in
dicated that the enemy lines have crumbled along the
whole line of nearly 100 miles.
Huge gains were reported at a points on this front
and whereas the communiques of the past few days have
definitely fixed the limits of the advance, today's state
ment intimated that the allies progress is so rapid this
could not be done.
The French have leaped forward at least five mile
on their left flank, clearing the forests of Nouvion and
Regnaval, and beraing down upon Hirson, from which
they are now seven miles distant Capture of this town
will close the northern exit of the German armies south
west of the Ardennes, completing their entrapment.
At the point where the French line joins with that
of the American first' army, French cavalry has gone into
action again and is reported to be approaching the Meus-;
between Sedan and Mezieres. I nthe center French troops
have pushed forward several miles north of the Serre.
GREATEST OF WORLD cans this morning after as additional
WARS COMES TO END advance of more than four miles.
Paris, Nov. 7. Tha greatest war of . .
all time cams to an end at 2 n. m. to- lno oven i
day. The allies and Germany signed an Germany and the allies signed an ar-
armistice three hours earlier on the mistice at 11 a. m. today, hostilities
field of battle. ceasing three hours later.
ine uerman aeiegauon nad come in- As Mashal Foch 's terms are known to
to w,e auico, lines nnoer limtt nag. include provisions which will prevent
oeuau, one w uo miotic ernes in resumption of hostilities, the creates!
TCltrrms WAS MrttllMj Kw vha AmaH - '
v-vu j war ot &U time has come to an end.
By Webb MiUer.
(United Press staff correspondent)
Ends Stubborn Coughs
in a t iurry
For nal effectlvm, this aid home
snM rity ha mm qnl. Em
US' aad cheaply proband.
You'll never know how quickly a bad
cougn can do conquered, untu you try
With the American Armies in France, this famous old home-made remedv. Anv-
Nov. 7. (Noon) The First army today one who has coughed all day and all
speeded up its already swift advance )ght. fill y that the immediate relief
upon Sedan and i. bearing down rapid- r rX.
ly upon the city, now only a few kilo- there is nothing better for coughs,
meters distant. Into a iot bottle, put 2 ounces of
American aviators report tie Ger- Pinex; then - add plain granulated"
mans are hurredly retreating behind the "uar Tra" , "?5kS f,u11 v'm$ 01
or corn syrup, instead, ol sugar syrup,
if desired. Either way, the full pins
saves about two-thirds of the money
usually spent for cough preparations,
and ewes you a more positive, effective
remedy. It keeps perfectly and1 tastes
pleasant children like it.
- You can feel this take hold instantly,
soothing and healing ths membranes in
all the air passages. It promptly loosens
a dry, tight cough, and soon you will
notice the 'phlegm thin out and then
disappear altogether. A day's use will
usually break up an ordinary throat or
chest cold, and it is also splendid for
bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, and
bronchial asthma, ,
Pinex Is s most valuable concentrated
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, known as the most reliable remedy
lor uiroat ana cnest ailments. -
lo avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with
full directions snd don't accept anything
els, truaranteea to give absolute satis
faction or money promptly reiunaea.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
inni. The euttla market snows an aa
vanco of 23 cents on prime steers snt
25 to 50 cents on cows with all other
grade in strong demand. Quotations
fire: Prime steers, 12.00$12.B0j good
tn ehoiee steers. ill.00faSl2.UU; meai
urn t0 good stocrs, 9.756f11.00; fair
t medium steers. 18.25(0 fti.ZS; conv
mon to fair steers, .00f S.00; choice
cows and heifers, 8 00(58.50; medlnin
to pood cows and heifers, $H.005)$7.50 ;
fair to medium cows land heifers, 3.00
3,00(a4.00; bull
ves, w.iiu(a;sis.uu;
stockcrs snd feeders, .00(I48.0(.
Trading in the hog nlley is much im
moved. The week's market opened
Get a Small bottle of Xlv'a Creuii utrnnn with an idvinu in nrien nf 25
Balm from your druggist now. Apply to 33 cents over previous quotations.
little of this fragrant, antiseptic, There is a good outlet for all offorings
W-tt,T h Tln " J and prices are steady at following quo
Zl ; r T tations: Prime mixed. 17.rU(a17.7S;
wvimi am iuubidwii vr swollen - ,iti,ti ne . -i.
tunntia iMnkriu mnA 7ii.i i medium mixed, $17.00$17.25 tough
smioous mcmorint ana rsiiel comes in , . . 41 ,nj,41. -n. - .
rnt) heavies, f 15.50i(cf ls.nu; pigs, SH.uUQy
It's jnst Ins. Dent stav stuffed-us '5-,0i bulk' ".25$17.40.
- i j .... . w
fSsys Cream Applied in Nostrils J
Opens Air Passages Iilght Up. X
Instant relief no waiting. Tour
Clogged nostrils open rurht not tha air
saaaages of your head clear and you can, ft 6.00; canncrs,
breaths freely. No more hawking, snuf- ".00(u 7.50; al
ning, Mowing, neadacbe, dryness. No
strugglins; lor breath at nightj.youi
The ahoip trade has got ton Tut of thr
When you walk into a dependable
shoe store and ask for a pair of 'i '
BucKHBCHT Army Shoes, you
can be sure
That this Army She a i
Co stsndatd-tha it is
,' snade by wockawa whs
luvs turrnd out more thn
tooyoea Army Shoes units
amrt supervnioa and that
St is backed by s Moord if more than fifty
yesn of hontst tho SMmifadunng.
Look for ear fgistl trad name
Buckhkht KMfml on tht tola of Mty
dboe tor our soutuai jMouoioa.
jr.' .-'.
Should your dealer be enable to supply you,
end bis name to the manufacturers Buck
ingham and Jlecht. Ean Francisco. Enclose
priee of shoes you desire snd ws wilThavs jcur
order filled. -'..
There's just one thing
to remember ask for
the Duckhbcht Army
Shoe by name and it
surt that you get it.
Then you will appre
ciate why it is worn by
thousands of
Office Me Fanners
Attorneys Orchardwts
Physician Metorawa
Hikers- Conductor
and others in every walk of life.
$7Q0 - S8QQ
Kast of tho Meuse, observers declare
that at some points the enemy retire'
ment is practically a rout, great quan
tities of equipment and material being
me Americana made further prog
ress on the important heights behind
Dun Bur-Mouse and gained the crest of
tote tit. Uermain.
IJomlon, Jiov. 7. American troops
advanced on a wide front astride the
Meuse yesterday, the American offi
cial communique announced today.
West of the rive the Americans eap
tured Baucourt, Bulson and Haraueourt
carrying their line8 to within less than
four miles of Sedan.
Along the east bank, they advanced
about two mile and a half, occupying
Murvaux, Fontaines and hill 284.
"East of the Meuse we advanced
four kilpmeters and captured Murvaux
hill 284 and Fontaines, ' the statement
"West of the river we captured
Raucourt,. Bulson and Haraueourt,"
Pursuit Is Besumed.
Paris, Nov. 7. Pursuit of the re
treating Germans was resumed on the
whole French front this morning,-the
war office announced today.
On tho left, the French -have ad
vanced at least five milos, passing the
Ncuvieii and Regnaval forest and clos
ing in upon Hirson from which they are
more than seven miles distant.
French cavalry on the right is push
ing toward the Meuse, evidently at a
point between Sedan and Mezieres.
la the center the French have near
ly passed the Serre and the Aisne.
"The pursuit was renewed this morn
ing on the whole front," the commu
nique said. "
"Wo progressed east o' the Nou-
vion and Regnaval forest, north of the
Serre and the Aisne.
"On our right our cavalry units are
progressing toward the Meuse."
The only sure way to get rid of dan
druff is to dissolve It, then you de
stroy it entirely. To do this, get about
four ounces of' ordinary liquid arvon;
apply it at night when retiring; use
euough to moisten the sculp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
Do this tonicht. and by morning,
moBtlf not all, of your dandruff will
(Continued from page one)
ing their pressure on the 150-mile front
from the Scheldt t0 the Meuse, made
important advances all along the line
yesterday. The greatest progress was
made by the French in the center. They
shoved ahead nearly eight , miles, carry
ing their lines to within that distance
of Hirson, which constitutes the
northern gateway for the German ar
mies rapidly being trapped along the
southwestern edge of the Ardennes. A
similar advance today may see the
practical isolation of these enemy
forces completed, as the Americans
have virtually closed the eastern exit
in the Meuse region. m
Iho trench, with Italian troops co
operating, went forward between the
Sambre and the Bar rivers.
They captured the important town of
vervina, on the road to Hirson, and
also took Monteornet, Bethet and At
tigny. The Aisne hag been completely
pasted. On the French left the western
outskirts of the Nouvion and Kegnrail
roresta was reached:.
The Italians crossed the Hurtant
river and stormed Eosoy-Sur-Sicre.
..North of the Aisne, French troops
reacned the general line of IaHardoy,
on the outskirts of Chaumont-Poreier,
Dotiniely, Begny, Nerbigny and tho rail
way between Rethel aad Liart. On the
right, the Freneh advanced to the gen
eral line of Vauzelies, Auboncourt, Sor
cy, Bautheinont, Ecordal, Quinconrt,
be gone, and three or four more appli-, jonvti ,nd eaes Oromoat, nearly
.;tl. .nmnlalal it I 11 1 V a anil - " ' J
cations will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every siugM sign and
trace of it, no matter sow niucn dan
druff you may have. .
You will find too, thnt all itcsing
ami digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will to f.uiiyrus
trous, glossv, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
Yon can get liquid arvoa at any drug
store. It is inexpensive an.l never fail
to do the work. -
old rut and is showing considerable life.
Lambs are in demand at an advance of
SO cents snd the mutton end of the
trade is strong at following quotations:
Primo lambs, en.5O6Til2.50: fair to me
dium lambs, 8.50a 10.50; yearlings,
lO.OOfSsUOOs wethers, S9.00glU.lW;
ewes. 6.W(ffW.50.
The receipts of live stock at the
North Portland t'uioa Stock yards to
date is approximately 2,000 cattle, s,!Wf
hogs and 3,400 shtep.
Th Joamal JtA Department
will print yon anything Ja tha s)
stationery line d it right aad
save you real money.
fouy mile, north of Attigny. Where
the French and American lines join, tho
latter enptured vendresse and pushed
northward, storming Omioourt.
British Continue Progress.
London, Nov. 7. The British contin
ued their progress along the whole bat
tle front yesterday evening, Field Mar
shal Haig reported today. .
"Our progress on the batttefront con
tinned yesterday evening," the state
ment said.
"We have taken Dompiere and Mon-
ceau-8t. Vaast and have reached or
passed the line of the Avesnes-Btivay
road between Monreau-St. Vaast and
the railway south of Bavay.
"A counter attack in the evening
southeast of Bavay was repulsed with
heavy losses to the enemy and our line
was advanced."
Enter Constantinople.
Washington, yov. J. The allies have
entered Constantinople and are (nageit
in demobilizing and disarming the
Turkish troops, according to military
officials here today.
An allied military commission also
haa reached .Sofia, the Bulgarian cspi
disarming the Bulgarian troops, it is'
Unlike Topsy
Swift & Company
Has Not "Jest Growed"
Swift & Company, in fifty years of well ordered growth,
has become one of the great national services because
it has learned to do something for the American people
which they needed to have done for them, in the way
in which they preferred to have it done.
It has met each successive demand, in the changing
conditions of national life, by getting good meat to
increasing millions effectively, efficiently, economically,
and expeditiously.
The Swift & Company packing plants, refrigerator
cars, car routes, branch houses, organization, and person
nel of today are the practical solutions, born of practical
experience, to the food problems of a half a century.
Because of all of these elements working in cor
relation and unison, Swift & Company is able to supply
more and better meat to more people than would have been
possible otherwise, at a net profit per pound of meat so low
(a fraction of a cent) that the consumer price is practically
Strip away any portion of this vast, smooth-running
human machine, and you make a large part of the meat
supply uncertain, lose the benefit of half a century of
fruitful experience, and scatter the intelligent energies of
men who have devoted a life work toward meeting the.v
needs of a nation in one vital field. ': '
The booklet of preceding chapters in this story of
the packing industry will bmaild on request to
Swift ft Company,
Union 8tock Yards. Chicago, Illinois.
Swift & Company
contest mm
Ungwortli Of OMo And Gil-
lett Of Massachusetts
Washington, Nov. 7. An interesting
contest is likely for the speakership
of the next house. Half a doien names
were mentioned by republicans today
in connection with the place, which
.passe from democratic hands next
Longworth of Ohio and Cillett of
Massachusetts are apparently the lead
ing candidates to suceeed Champ Clark
as boss of the house. UiHett is acting
republican leader, Representative Mann
Illinois, the republican leader, is too ill
to be considered for the speakership,
it is said, enough he would doubtless
be the almost unanimous choice were he
able to undertake the heavv duties in
If Gillette is chosen speaker, Long-
worth probably will succeed him as re
publican floor leader. . .
Fess, Ohio.j chairman of the congres
sional commKiee, may cct trie deal
ership a a reward for the republin
victory in the nous. Many republicans
give Fess a large share ut the credit
for organizing the campaign and favor
making him speaker or at least floor
leader. ....
Towner, Iowa, member of the com
mittee C education, and Campbell,
Kansas, are others whose f rVnds today
were booming them for sptaker. Uncle
Joe Cannon, former speaker, will get a
complimentary vote in tre republican
caucus that picks a speaker but he is
aot considered seriously tor the place.
. Wits republican eontrol assured by a
considerable- majority, democratic in
terest centered ia their owa floor lead
ership. Kitchen, North Carolina, pres-,
ent floor leader, probably will continue
to be the leader. Speaker Clark, how
ever, is favored by some, particularly
from the north and w.t. Kitchin's
lukewaruness en some war measures
has alienated some of the democrats
who believe Clark would make water
use of the minoritj strength.
In Browns, Greys and Blacks
Browns at $11, $9.50, $8.50, $7.50. $6.00
Newest designs, plain or tipped. French or military
heels; fit, style and wear guaranteed
Beautiful Blacks $8.50. $8.00. $7.50 Down tot $5.00
Best styles, all leather or cloth top, French, military,
Cuban or low heels; plain toes or tips; right in every
way. Some carried over from last season you can
buy at $1.00 to $2.00 under present prices.
. Comfort Sices In All Kinds