Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 06, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Willamette Valley News
State Normal School Was
Not Compelled To Close
(Capital Journal Special Service.) ,
Monmouth, Uregou, November 5.
The rutnor ss current fcaturday eve
ning tlrat the normal school would be
ciosed, but the report was not official,!
an.l school opened Moiulay nioriiiDg as;
usual. The influenza situation im- i
proving, there being no new eases iHj
town since Friday. There have teen no;
really serious eas.es and no Jialhs. Tie I
liigh school as well as the training!
srhool are Hill closed.
The social activities among the nor-j
mal students being dispensed with oni
. count of the influenza, and the eesa
JUoa of the student teaching, because
there are no childreu to teach, gives
nnich eitra time to many who are
oVvoting part of their energies to Ked
('run work, while others nave asnisieil
Professor Gil more in the harvesting of
the dormatorv potato crop, while still
others are helping Miss Parrot! in the
work i . cataloguing the material suit
t !! for patriotic programs which is
contaii.e I ill the normal library. ' j
Mi-is rVhmette, head of the depart
ment tf music, entertained the stud
en: ami faculty Weduesday during the
chapel hour with a very pleasing pro-
j(-am. iae two principal uumuera ire-i--g
the recitative and aria, "My Heart
1. Weary," from the opera Naileschda,
! Goring Thomas; and another "Hut
the i.ufd Is Mindful of His Own,"
iVom Mendelssohn '8 oratorio Kt. Paul.
The folk song ''Come Lassies and
1,','ls," the are song "Ishtnr," by
Hiruu, and the ballad "Oh, No.
Join.!" The variety of selections were
chos ii to illustrate the many difforent
fori" of musical composition. Miss
heh' ette's explanations of the different
typ of music, mid her rendition of
ik'ihj were most enjoyable.
Very little interest was manifested
the nominating convention held last
Wednesday. On account of the bun on!
p.iilic gulheiiiigs the meeting was!
hi Id out of doors in front of t ho normal!
t.'.eater building. Jew citizens were
p esent and clamoring candidate were
not much in evidence. City officials
now holding office were renominated,
the ticket being practically Hie siiiiui ns
ttiNt year, tie one exception being K.
at. Kbbert who. was nominated to mic.
eed Parrell (Stump t serve as coun
cilman, Mr. and Mrs. Win. I'iiliill, Jr., and
Cimily and Mr. usJ .M . I'hillipi of Al
bany returned W csdiiy evening
from a ten-days' ..iitiug in houlheru
Oregon. Thry i ttt a fur ns Kugmio
by automobile, tnen by train mid boat
and at last on foot before they reached
'their destination at Allegheny, whe.ru
they visited with relatives. The men
p'i: hunting nml Were successful 'in
idling two bears ami a wild eat.
Miss Hullivnu, of Kugeiie., is visit iug
I his wick with the Misses Chnse und
hmitii. Miss Hulli vim had charge of
tho department of music nt the normal
two yeur ago during summer school,
Mrs, U V.,l'ember, who recently mov
ed he from .Miuiienpolis, is recover
ing frni a case uf miimpH uud now her
kuihII Mia liiiH the (Incase. Both ease
Iihvo been very light.
Mr, x , I Mrs. Milton lloyser motored
l.i Dullus huiuluy to spend the day with
t'n. llnytcr'a i ' r and wife, Mr.
noil Mrs. John Nebt n.
Mrs. W. K. Rich, of Howard.
Alaska, visited Frtdny and Saturday
with her sister, Mrs. George. Hi them.
Mrs. Rich ha been visiting relative at
different points In Oregon since August.
Wio has a dnughter ntteilding 0. A. H.
bud a son who is second lieutenant in
ttie navy stationed nt Marc 1-lund.
hhe exj piled to suit Monday from He
attic on the Alameda for her home in
'I he recent rair.s hste been suffi
cient for plowing and ever farmer in
till) vicinity is busy getting in fall
cro'ris. Home of the grain is up nicely
(mil iimi ucs ar(i begiiuiiug to look
f;ieen after the long dry season.
Misj G!a !yj Evans, who is teething
th-, primary grades at liana Vists
sjeut the week cud with home folks.
Mr. George Bcthers, who has been
tcerhing school at Vancouver, is spend
iug the "influenza vacation" at Home
Harry Nel.no, brother of Mrs. Milton
li'.y.ier lias joined the marines and cx
puts ta leave Sunday for iSaa Fran
cisco. E. R. O-truM is busy hauling tilo
with which he. expects to improve his
A Fordsnn tractor, purchased of Vick
Bros, of Halim was deliver d Katurioy
to a Mr. Chamberlain of the Luck
iamute vicinity for nse on his lanch
The Kcrdson was loaded oa a Maxwell
truck with a trailer attached brhiiid oa
which an Oliver plow was conveyed to
the kante party.
Recent letters received from Mr. Os;
tein tell of his interesting work iu the
Y. M. ('. A. canteen service at the
front. Much of his work consists of
furbishing entertainment fur the boys'
within hU reach by auto, going about:
in this manner'with his portable u.ocii-j
outfits. Wood, he says, is sold by th'j
pound by the peasants who gather the
twigs into handles .like sheaves of!
wheat. The boys have no reading mat '
ter at the front except very old maga
tines and a daily newspaper from
Paris, which reached them the day it
wag printed.
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
lo'-ed fur another week at least, v- j
"a! of the scl-u! in the country adja
cent to toB have been closed. j
Word from Mrs. G. F. Konne-, wiol
? as seiiuu-ily ill for some time in Port j
iand. i3 to fie effect that she is im
proving nicely. Her sister, Miss Mary (
an Alexaniler, U still with her.
Mr I. Kaleigh Harold ren.ains ver
in a Uospital at Albaev. !
Mrs. W. F. FullU' fattier, Mr. Beard I
died at his home in Scio last week. j
L. C. Bailey ,who has becu qui't s-ck
with the infitienza, is reported much :
improved. i was in this city transacting
Win. Nendel has been on the list of , Friday and Saturday,
sick for several days, but is oa the G. G. Holmes, who has b.eu employed
men. I r- j. .v i
1U iuiiiub me. pHSl SI UlUltluv, friumcu
'for indigestion
' AJ Friedl and family, of F'-ra Ridge I
have moved to town. i
to his home in this city Tuesday.
George Brock was in the city Friday'
on business. Mr. Brock, IX p. Brock
and Rani Eastburn have pureaauid a
sawmill near Alpine and when thev'
have sawed their timber there will1
I move th4 mill to this county where they ;
(I'nited Press staff corrcsimndcnt,) : have several large tracts of timber. j
Aumsville, Nov. 6. Grover Nance.) Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Darbv and son.
who recently moved hia family to Mill; Ralph, of Lostner, were attending to
City, has moved back to his home south business affairs and ereeting old
of town. (friends the latter Dart of the week.!
D. K. Swank did at his late resi- Mr. Darby was formerly postmaster!
dence in Mehama, October at tlie'at this place. j
age of 84 years. Funeral services werei jr. Bn(l Mrs. D. W. Wright and son I
held at the home of his son, S. S. Alitn, of Boise, Idaho, arrived Friday;
.Swank in this city Wednesday after-jfur a month's visit with Mrs. Wright's1
noon. Interment in Twin Oak ceme- parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hcin. !
tory at Turner. Mr. Kwanfc was a. School is closed here indefinitely on)
proiniuent business man of this .eitr, account of the influenza epidemic No
having bien owner of the Aumsville j caies of influenza have been reported,
flouring mills. fcr nany years. Iiorc at all, but the closing order will;
Mis. Chas. Rani" ji had as her guesisjassist in eliminating danger of the epi-1
last week Miss J "hel M. Donald andldemic.
If Cross, Feverish Or Billions
Give -'California Syrup
No matter what ails your chilJ, a
gentle, thorough laxative should always
jie the first treatment given.
If your little ono is out of sorts, half
nick, isn't resting, eating and acting
naturally look, mother! toe if tongue
is coated. This is a sure sign that it's
littlo stomach, liver and bowels art
flogged with waste. When cross, irri
table, feverish, stomach sour, breath
1(ad or ha stomachache, diarrhoea,
fiore throat, full of cold, give a tea
spoonful of "California Ryrnp of
fig," ntl in hours all the con
stipated poison, undigested food and
our bilo gently move out of ita little
liowels without griping, and you have
well, playful child again.
Mntliora can rust eusv after Hiving
this harmless "fruit laxative" liev.-,ns
it never fails to cleanse tne rniie one a
liver and bowels and sweeten the stom
ach tind they dearly love its pleasant
taste J-'ull directions for babies,' chil-
. dren of all ages and for grawa-upa
- printed on each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig yrup.
.Ask your druggist for a., bottle of
"California Syrup of W l01"" "
that it is made by the "California Yig
By lap Company.!' , . . . . .
(Capital Journal Special ServUr) j
Kii'key, Nov. S. Sallie Dickinan of'
Portlaml spent several days with her ,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. . Dickmnn,
recently. - -
Miss Golda Wheeler of this place is
recovering from influenza at Hood
Kthel and Florence Wiedmer of fpo-
kaue were recent guests of their unc!e,
D, A. Harri?. "
Hay .Savage of the I7. S. navy visit-!
ed bis gruml parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. ;
B. Oiisnor, the last of the month.
Miss N'ell Dickmnu of Pprtlnnd is
visiting her patients, Mr, and Mrs. I
Ii. Diiliman.
Mrs. E. A. Lewis was a Salem visit- j
or Tuesday. !
Mrs. C. (leaner of Auburn vifited her j
mother, Mrs. Ueo. I'Mard, Wnlies-d:--y.
- M.rjiari-t M:igee i th" proud jos
.scssnr of B new Shetlnnd pony, pre
s.ntn.1 to her by grandfiit'iier, D. A.
II. S. and Adolph Uesner were Salein
visitors Wediiciilav afternoon.
Fred -White had the .misfortune of
being kicked by a horse.
Itiuco Wallace is nt home again af
ter spending dome time with his un
cle at Florence, Ore.
Hawl Harris spent Friday afternoon
witli Mrs. K. J. Whitney. t
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Piiitum, Nov. 5. Miss Colnr Harper,
who has bee ill with influenza ,is im
proving. -
Albert Beutler returned to Portland
thU week to resume work in the ship
yards. He is employed in painting the,
Miss Kslher Kchaap w,ho is employed
by the O. W. If. N. at Aycr Junction,
Wash., has been (juito ill with influen
za but is improving. steadily.
Adolph Krehbrel is very ill at his
homo at Pratuiu.
Miss Anna Hchroeder left on Monday
for her place of employment in tialem.
Services at both tho Mennonite and
Methodist churches have been discon
tinued while the influenza epidemic
The school still remains closed. It
may begin on Weduesday of this week
if no new cases are reported in the dis
trict. Mrs. Merle Fox and children are vis
itors at the P. Lardon home.
Miss Blanche Cornu spent Sunday at
Clifford Welty, who has been ill at
Fori McDowell for some time, is now
well and has heen assigned to a com
pany. Harry Uischnff of Camp Lewis is
gettiug over his attack of iiiflueum..
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stayton, Nov. 5. Mrs. F. I. Jones re
ceived word Monday that her brother.
Cletns Holt, was wounded in Franca
October, 4, but not seriously, and is
getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fryor, who have,
beer, sufferers from influenza, have eo
far recovered aB to be now vUitingj
with hi parents near Shaw. i
Mrs. L. A. Thomas is home from a;
visit with her husbnnd, wh0 is doingj
painting at Mill City.
C. C. Carter of IShaw was in town
F. Silhavy of Melama was in town
Monday. Mr. Silhavy raised , some
sugar csue this season as un experi
ment, and has made some excellent mo
lasses from his product. He ays he
has learned something about the grow
ing of the cane, aud next year expects
better success.
E. B. Watters and wife were down
from Detroit over Sunday visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Mack are the
parents iJf a son, born Saturday. This
i the third son in the Mack family.
The funeral of Mrs. Alpharetta Shel
ley was held In the open air On aecount
of the prevailing epidemic. Tho de
ceased eamo here from Kansas in 1S
and has since made this place her home.
Tiie funeral of David G. Swank, for
a number of years owner of the flout
mill at Aumsville, but lator a resident
f Mehama. where he died, was hold at
Aumsville last Wednesday, and burial
was made in the Turner cemetery.
Dr. C. H. Brewer reporta nearly forty
eases of influenr.a under hia charge,
none of them so far being serious. It
ba been decided to keep the KhooU
nic e Laola of M Minnvillc. Miss Me
Donald was priii.-uy instructor here
for several yenr i aud made many
friends. She is touching at La'ayette
tin i yi ar.
Attorney Ro' in K. Page
Miss Kuby Spcer is spending tho
week with relatives in Salem.
The Capital Journal Job Depart
r""it can supply all vour wants in
of Salem printing. Phone SI or 82.
(Capirsl Journal Special Service.)
Wo Mlb'.nn. Nov. 3. On November 11
a merger campaign will be opened fur
raising war work funds for a numljcr of
different organizations. One is not
ns.al to give to each, as there wilt not
te separate campaigns. The chairman
of this division is N. A. Hoffard, who
wil look out after district No. 103, the
quota being $1,725. Mr. Hoffar dhas
aonointed the following chairmen in
tii other divisions in his district: Dis
trict 34, J. J. Hood; District No. 18,
Geo. Miller; District No. 44, Wm. Scol
lard; District No. 68, F. J. Kinn, Dis
trict No. 104, Mrs. W. S. Hughes. Ev
erybody is expected to give and help
all they ran.
M.ss Clara Guerne returned Friday
from a week's visit at her home near
Salem, where she remained for the
burial of her brother, who died from
pneumonia following influenza at
Camp Taylor, Kentucky.
Miss Jessie Hicks of O. A. C. was
week end visitor at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hicks.
Miss Olive Boot returned Tuesday to
her home at Dayton, Wash., after visit
ing In r aunts, Mrs. H. L. Gill and Mrs.
P. A. l.iveiiey.
Mrs. Don Cowles and son, Junior, of
Livingston, Mont., is visiting her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Bessie Cowles, and other
relatives and friends.
Miss Millie Branigar, who is teaching
at West Stayton spent the week end at
her home here.
Verne Bientner of Newburg was a
Wondburn visitor today
Mrs. Rebecca Djrrell died Saturday,
October 20, of paralysis at her home in
this ci'y. Deceased was born in Phila-
rtHft isrro .Cr-V
A n y5fLil- - . , v Vvl. -, f I
No Cooking
For Infants, Inyalids andGrowing ChUdrea I Rich Milk. Malted Grain Extract in Posvder
Tha Orieinal Food-Drink For AH Aires. I OTHERS ar IMITATIONS
delphia, Pa., in 1837, and came to Ore
gon 40 years ago settling first ncur
Ncedv. She lived for the past 30
years in Woodhurn. The funeral was
held Sunday at 2 o'clock. Service was
held at the house, Bev. C. L. Dark of
ficiatiug. Interment was at Belle
Passe cemetery.
Mae 8mith died October 29th at the
home of his mother, Mrs. T. P. Sonles.
Ha was born in Albany July 6, 1874.
He grew to manhood in Salem where he
attended the public schools, and for a
timo the. Willamette University. About
fifteen vears ago he took up his resi
dence in, California, leaving there for
Arizona. About two years ago, wnen
he brought the body of his brother back
to the old home in Salem for burial, it
was noted that he was failing in health
Soon after he left for Alaska, returning
with a bad cold which developed into
tuberculosis. He then went to Arizona
again, hoping to regain his health; but
failing fast he returned here last May.
He leaves beside his mother a little
daughter Marion aged 10 years, living
in Seattle, Wash. The funeral a held
Wednesday at 1 p. m. on the lawn of
his late home, Rev. C. L. Dark officiat
ing. Interment was in I. 0. 0. F. ceme
tery, Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Amies arc visit-
. ing nt Jefferson.
j Mrs. M. L. Hendricks attended the
'funeral of Mrs. Kiter at Salem.
Dwight D. Davis of Taconia left for
homo Saturday after visitjug at the
home of his cousin, O. L. Davis.
The Croked Finger school district,
in the bills east of Silverton, is one of
the schools of the county that has nut
closed, as they happen to have n
"flu" up in the mountains. Thero are
14 pupils attending this sr trout. The
, Briar Knob school, also feast of Silvet
( ton, with six pupils, did not close nor
i did the Grassy Pond school with 3-i pu
pils. The Silverton schools have been
, closed along with several elose to Si!
For three generations women of this
cauntry have used and recommended
to their children and children's chil
dren the use of that famous old root
and herb remedy, Lydia E..Pinkham'B
Vegetable Compound, until today it is
recognized everywhere as the standard
remedy for woman's ills. It contains
no narcotics or harmful drills; ie mads
from roots and herbs Of the field na
iler the most sanitary eondition.and any
woman suffering from such ailments
should be sure to give it a trial
agT?rr?!?rT;.;- ?r '"" - IBff... -i
Do Y
"Every Picture
N THESE critical times every
one's best is badly needed. But
you can't do your best if half crip
pled with a lame, aching back. If
you suffer with constant backache,
feel lame, weak and all-played-out;
have dizzy, nervous spells and fits
of "blues" look to your kidneys.
You can't do a full day's work with
out well kidneys and a sound, strong back. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have
helped thousands of workers. They should help you.
Read Th
ese Salem Cases:
State Street South Thirteenth Street Mill Street v
P. W. Brown, retired farmer, 1499 State street, Mrs. Ii M. Drager. 9fi9 S. Thirteenth street, says: W. C. Johnston, gardener, 1021 Mill street, says:
savs: "Hard work weakened bv kidneys and I ofifen 'I can conscientiously say Doan's Kidney Pills are . 'Taking cold and over-exerting myself brought
felt the effect in lameness and soreness across the a reliable medicine for kidney disorders. I have taken kiln(lv. trouble For twn, rear, T .,.ffr,l Zi
small of nir nk. Finally my attention was called them at different times when I have had a duU, tired """"T troble' r tw rars I. suffered with pair,
to Doan's Kidney Pills rtiid I got some. The back- feeling across my kidneys and when my kidneys he small of my back, nghr-across my kidneys. My
acho and soreness entirely left me.". (Statement giv- haven't been acting regularly. Doan's have never back ached at night and in the morning I felt tired
en January 31. 1906). failed to give me quick relief. It is only once in a and iame j was iangu;d and nerVOu8. also. Head
On April 11, 1916. Mr Brown said: I am ready great while now that I have to use a k.dhey medi- achps fl bot
to confirm anv time what I said tn mv former state- cine.' .... "
ment, regarding n.v experience with "Doan's Kidney blu"ed- The k.dney secretions didn't pass often
Pills. I still consider them a medicine of merit and enough and they contained sediment. Finally I heard
they always do good work when I take them." North COulSierCUll StTJCet f Dan'3 Kidne5r and after taking them, was
i- greatly relieved. Doan'g sure are fine."
MiSSOS StreCt A- j- Wood- 6S9 N- Commercial street, says, "Kid- " ! '
nevs and bladder trouble got to a point with me KPimftnt frpf
" about two months ago when I was obliged to take some UCUllViU OU CCl
, s'eps in checking it or suffer more serious results. --
Mrs. G. H. Deacon, 149S Mission stTeet, says: It The worst time I had was just after getting up in Mrs. M. B. Churchill. 703 Belmont street savs- '
has Wen a UBg time since I have taken Doan's Kidney ' -Three year, ago I was down in bed for' a week
Pills, but speaking from past experience, I can say tncm from Dr. Stone's Drug Store. My kidneys were w,tu m7 buck. 1 couldn't get up or down without ar
they are a medicine of merit. I had a dull pain across restored to a normal condition and I was freed from swtance and my back felt weak and lame- I was sick
... , 4 ... t every symptom of the trouble." (.Statement given 8u over. Hearing so many reconmend Doan's Kid-
my kidneys and at times it was very severe. After I January 30, 1906). t T ,; . ' 7. n 8 caa
had taken Doan'. Kidney Pill, a few days, that dis- On April 1U 1916. Mr. Wood added: ''I have had ,ZB wilT t T
. ,, ... , . , . ... but verv little trouble from my kidney, or backache doses when I felt better. Two boxes stopped the
agreeable ache disappeared- My back and kidneys ginfe j ho,d of Ki(lney r dont know trouble and in every way I felt like a different per-
have caused me bltt very little trouble since.", of anything to equal them." son."
1X -5 J
i-k all all
Every Druggist Has Doan's, 60c a Box. Foster-Milburn Co Maaiafacturiag Chemsts, Buffalo, N. Y.
a wm
I Wlli-lM