'ft -r-frt j i 4,700 SUBSCRIBERS (23,000 EEADEB3) DAILY Only Circulation in Balem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureao ot Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL "WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SEEVICB FORTY-FIRST YEARa vrS." IF till 1 1 WH AT IS RB TO ASSURE PEACE Armistice Terms Prepared At Inter-Allied Council Have Been Submitted. MEAN SURRENDER WITHOUT CONDITIONS No Intimation Of Details Civ en Out Except That Terms Hardest Yet Named. . MUST APPLY TO FOCH Paris, Nov. 5. Tho armistice' tortus to be of forcd by the al lies and tho United States to Germany will bo transmitted to tho Gorman government by President Wilson, Premier Cle-. menceau announced in the cham ber of deputies this afternoon. Ho declared the terms were forwarded to President Wilson last night. After he has ap proved them Uo will send them to "the imperial and demo cratic government of Germany" London, Nov. 5. The Ger mans must apply to Foch, Pre mier Lloyd-Georgo - declared in . tho house of commons today. "The allies are" in complete agroement regarding the Geri man armistice terms, which, have been sent to President Wilson," he said. Washington, Nov. 5 It was reported unofficially late today that President Wilson has no tified Germany she may have her armistice terms by applying to Marshal Foch on the field of bat fie. Washington, Nov. 5. Germany by this time is probably acquainted with the terms of the armistice, signed un der conditions of diplomatic unity, be tween the United States and the allied in Paris. ' The plan, it was stated here auth oritatively was to have Marshal Foch convey the terms to the German army commanders in the field. Though no announcement had been made as to procedure with the armistice it was believed here that no time was lost in sending the terms to Germany. . That she will accept, was the flat statement of one official and the con fident prediction of many others. But the situation in Germany now is not clear and there is a chance that the militarists may refuse to yield yet. The allies stand united on President (Continued on page threo) abe mm "It would take th'. American Army in France, in infantry formation, three months t' pass a given point, want t' state right here that that point ought t' be tbA Kaiser's palace,", said Tie NUes Tqrner t'day. A woman would rather marry a poor provider any time than a poor, listener. QUIRED "V 262. AMERICANS Gil OVERTHREEMILES TODAY'S ADVANCI First Army Has Closed Impor tant Stenay Gap And Is StiH Driving Ahead. FOOTHILLS OF ARDENNES ONLY TEN MILES AWAY German Armies On Edge of Ardennes In Serious Dan ger Being Trapped. By Fran3o J. Taylor (United Press staff correspondent) With the American Armies in France Nov. 5. (2:10 p.' m.) The Americans gained gix kilometers (three and three quarters miles) ' against heavy resist ance in a sudden lunge along the Mouse this morning. (The cable shows -the allies liavo cleared the left bank of the Meuse as far north as Beaumont. .Taulnoy for est is in tho bend of tho river between Stenay and Beaumont, that extends jiorth of an cast and west line through the latter village.) , They captured Beaumont, Cesse and the Jaulnay forest aud completed occupation- of Laneuville. American engineers threw pontoons across the Meuse at two points under heavy shell fire. Doughboys, pouring across the newly constructed bridges, drove the Germans from the east bank between Dun and Brieulles, pushing them back toward tho great Woevre forest. The First army has closed the fa mous Stenay gap and is now within ton miles of the southern foothills of the Ardennes. At Beaumont, the Americans can look from the heights south of that village "into German territory, eleven miles distant.. Since Saturday the first army has advanced about 18 miles, on a front of about 20 miles. In the capture of La Neuville the American lines were car ried to the very outskirts of the vil lage of Stenay just across the Meuse. " The tiermans aro now piling great masses ot reserves into mis uarrww front to retard our progress toward Se dan Tho important railway wmen runs from Montmedy through Sedan to Me zicres and Charleville, striking thru the southern edge of the Ardennes is already under heavy bombardment from our artillery The enemy also had brought up a big additional concentration ot air forces resulting in constant uuiui-s i torial supremacy In the last four iays, American uvi ators have brought down more than 150 enemy planes Americana Besume Attack London, Nov. 5 American troops of the First army, resuming their at tack this morning, forced a crossing nf Urn Meuse at Brieulles and Clery Le Petit, despite desperate opposition, it was announced in the American official communique today, fm.ain nf the Meuse at these points opens the way for an extended AmnjMcnn advance east of the river. Clery Le Petit is a mile south of Dun-Sur-Meusc. Brieulles, which was taken three times before they permanently held 'it is two miles and a half south of Clery Le Petit. The important Stenay gap, me i"" cipal point of egress for the Germans in a retreat south of the Ardennes, was definitely closed by the capture t NTonirilln inst across the Meuse from the village of Stenay.' Beaumont heights were occupied, and the Amen- can lines were camcu w ---moiaes, ten miles directly south of Se dan. Thirty German airplanes were de stroved, . ' , ifpi, ir irmv. continuing its u' vanee, drove the enemy into the Meuse ralley' and cg-upied LaNeuville, oppo !. imnnrtant crossing or tne VI Meuse at Stenay," the communique "We occupied weauuium u advanced to Grandes-Armm. y captured stores, munition u 6 eer material ., We raided Montmedy from the air with excellent results. Over five tons of bombs were dropped. "Thirty hostile airplanes were de stroyed or driven down out of control, stroytu u flown; geven inree uau"""" . ,, of our planes ato Anodes Being Trapped London, Kov. 5.-The German arm- (Continued on page three) TEN DAY BATTLE BEFORE AUSTRIAN ARMISTICE WON SINGLE HANDED BY ITALIANS Army Captured Three Hund red Thousand Prisoners And 5000 Guns. r By Henry Woor ' , (United Press staff correspondent) With the Italian Armies in the Field Nov. 5. At the moment the Austrian armistice became effective, the Ital ian and allied armies in a ten day bat tle had attained the greatest military victory in the world's history. When the battle opened, more than a million bayonets, with an auxiliary million in the 'rear, opposed them. I'he victory wag obtained by the Italians practically single handed, only five Anglo-French divisions and one Ameri can regiment aiding them. During the ten days the Italians and allies captured more than 300,000 pris oners and 5000 guns. They liberated more than.3000 square kilometers of territory and over 1000 villages, which exceeds the losses of every item in the Caporetta disaster, although they op erated with forces far inferior to the enemy in number. Every detail of the battle was plan ned in advance,' not permitting the loss of a moment. The progress of the Italians from their starting points av erngod fifty kilometers (lil miles) al though the distance traveled over the winding roads exceeded 100 kilometers. The first effort to negotiate with Italv for an armistice was made Octo ber 29, when an Austrian captain, with a white flag, presented himself before the Italian lines in the Adige valley, south of Eoverto. The Italians retused to regotiatc, as his credentials were in sufficient. The following day, nine military and naval officers, headed by General Vone, accompanied by their orderlies, presented themselves at the same piace, LEAGUE OF NATIONS S POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE WS Germany Must Be Included or League Will Not Be True To Name. By J. W. T. Mason (United Press war expert) New York, Nov. 5. The Anstro- Hungarian armistice conditions make the Hapsburg empire impotent to re sume the war, but it does not necessar ily mean that the terms of peace to be imposed upon the dnnl monarchy will bo decided by America and t.n al lies without consultation wnk fepre sentatives of the . enemy powers. Whether the peace treaty shall be discussed at a conference of both sides or whether the victorious nations shall simply declare their purpose to the vanquished has not been announced. There is reason to believe however, that former precedents will be follow ed and the defeated nations will gath er together with the victors for a dip lomatic strugglo at the .conference ta ble. This was what hanpened when Europe united against France during the .Napoleonic area. Arter irance was forced to make an unconditional sur render, French delegates attended the peace conference at Vienna and were astonishingly successful in what they saved from the wreck of Napoleon's fortunes. One of President Wilson's terms of peace is that a league of nations shall be organized at the peace conference tn ifediicfi the -Dossibility of future The central powers muet be permit ted to join this league in accordance with the president's purpose or the lnixmA would become no more than an alliance of certain powers joined against certain others and might be a cause instead of a aeiem-m vo iuiuit I conflicts. . . Tf heri-fore. all the world's princi pal powers are to lie brought together into a league oi nations w v.vv. at, the peace conference the defeated belligerents mst De Teiiresrumu company not omy nun allies, but with neutral powers as well. t ; inovitanie tnai irai' nd finesse will play an important . H-V..t tin. part in such a congress. ... al terms of peace will be, thereto, may not depend on the military eondi- lion g ux mo . . The war is now moving i' en . .wifoTMiee hall. Strategy and tactics will find their place at tb new meeting 8s at we ciu. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918. after a signal by bugles. They wore tak en in automobiles to the headquarters of General Diaz, near Padova, where the request was immediately transmit ted to Versailles. The final signature took place there at the earliest possible moment, after the iernis were accepted. Will Occupy Trieste Amsterdam. Nov. 5 The American fleet will soon occupy Trieste, accord ing to reports received hpre today from Pola. German Submarines Back To Home Bases Berne, Nov. -5. Tho . Leip ziger Nousten says that Ger man submarines in the Mediter ranean have left for their home ports by wiiy of Gibral tar. Washington, ' Nov. 5. Sec retary of Navy Daniels was of the opinion today that prac tically all German submarines have gone back to their bases. The last official report on sub marine siukingS showed prac tically none and the secretary know of no additional sink ings since that report. Tho, navy, hfiwever, Is not rclaxiing in 'any respect, tho it is beliovcd. '"t the west ern Atlantic is- tiMipletely free of U-boats. .. . War And Anti-War Demon strations Are Held Thru out Germany. OoDCnhascn, Nov. 5, Tho Russian bolshevik eovernmont lias sent a noto t0 tho allies asking peace negotiations, according to a report received here to day. Copenhagen, Nov. 5. A great dem onstration was held Sunday at tho Bis marck monument in Berlin, in iavor of continuation of the war, according to the Berliner Tngcblatt. Eesolutions were adopted against ac cepting a "humiliating peace" Amsterdam, Nov. 5. Germany is on tho verge of a huge strike, intended to enforce peace, according to a report published in tho Berlin Worwaerts, semi-official organ. The Haguo, Nov. 5. Count Knrolyi has resigned the presidency of the Hun garian national council, according to in formation received here today. Deputy Johann Hock will succeed Knrolyi. The latter has taken over the office of Hun garian foreign minister. Washington Nov. 9. Diplomatic re lations between Germany and the bvl shoviki have been broken off, Basic ad vices today announced. Will Quit Only When Germany Quits Philadelphia, Nov. 5. High officials rof the Emergency Fleet Corporation to day mado it plain that only the assur ance that Germany is ready to quit will cause them to sever their relations with the organization. Charles E. Picz, general manager of the corporation, an nnnnceA that the men are ready to leave within six months or as much earlier as the conditions permit, tbat thev may return to their old businesses. Amone those who havo aireaoy negun arrangements for resigning, aecording to Piez, are Charles M. rtcnwaD, direc tor eeneral: Edward JN. Jiuriey, cnair- man of the shipping board, Charles Picz; Howard Coonlcy, vice-president; M. B. Tuttle, supply division; A. Mer ritt Taylor, housing and transportation; John 0. Hoyworth. wooden ship con struction; Dr. Louis V. Marshall, indus trial relations. - SENATE ADJOUBNS QUICKLY Washington, Nov. 5. The enate broke aU records today when it ad journed one minute after convening. Sis senator were present. n3 1.1 J Mfy 'lf ALLIES ATTACK WHILE The allies are attacking over a front of nearly 150 miles from the Mons canal southeastward to the Meuse. The inter-allied diplomatic conference completed its work at Versailles yesterday, it was announced today, and reached unanimous agreement on the armistice terms to be presented to Germany. The bolshevik government -is reported to have offi cially asked the allies for cessation of hostilities in Russia and the opening of peace negotiations. Thefiffhtinff on the west front is rapidly forcing the German armies along the southwestern edge of the Ar; dennes into a trap. . - With the southern exit practically closed through oc cupation of the Stenay gap by the Americans, the British and French are shutting the northern gateway in the re gion of Maubeuge and Hirson. At the same time the French are squeezing the Germans along the whole front between the two exits. ' The British fighting front extends from the Mons canal, at Conde, southward to the Sambre, a front of forty miles. The French, cooperating directly with this drive are on a 15 mile front from the Sambre southward to the Oise at Guise. . The French f irst arhiv beean a new attack this morn ing on the forty-mile front from the Oise southeastward to the Aisne. in the region of Chateau-Porcien. General Gouraud's Franco-American army is operat ing along the Aisne from the eastward to the left flank near LeChesne on the Ardennes canal, a front of about 25 miles. General Liee-ett's first to about thirty miles, from the Ardennes canal eastward to the Meuse, then southward along the west bank of the Meuse. -' Rapid progress is being with the exception of the short strip along the Aisne, where the Germans appear to be holding well. The British captured the fortified town of Leuesnoy yesterday, it was officially announced today, adding 1,000 prisoners to the 10,000 reported earlier in the day. The Belgians have made a slight advance between Ghent and the Dutch border, while the French and Amer icans astride Audenarde and the British north of Tournai are pushing cautiously eastward from the Scheldt. In tne iace oi nese continued victories ana me elim ination of Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, comes a import from Copenhagen that a big demonstration wag held Sunday in Berlin, in favor of the continuation of the war. . AMERICA'S 'ARMIES IN DEH0B1LIZNG British Plan To Withdraw Transportation From U. S. Service Will Delay. " By Cart D. Groat (United Press "staff eo'rrcspondelt) Washington, Nov. 5. America's ar mies will bo a year or two yeaTs re turning and demobilizing. That is tho general war department estimate today, though the department is doing nothing toward demobilization until it is assured that Germany has fulfilled our armistice terms. Demobilization plans, however, are all mado. In fact they were mapped out along with mobilization plans by the general staff. On the whole, the demobiliza tion will follow the selective system, Men longest overseas and those most needed in industry will be the (first returned. The shipping problem will offer some difficulties. Britain plan( to withdraw her trans ports from the American service, tak ing care of her Australian, Canadian and Indian troops. Hence, the process of return will be slowed up immediate ly. Still another phase of demobiliza tion which icU a year or two- years foreign service for many troops is the need for police duty abroad. One phase of the demobilization calls for return of men to this country for sending them to camps and feeding them back into industry as industry adjusts itself. iretarv Baker has given the plain warning that it will be many months before the last man is out oi ni and back at a productive task. Thn o-encral staff -plans are so ad justed that there will be no sudden glut ting of the labor market with a (Continued on page three) PRICE TWO CENTS GERMANY HESITATES. - right flank of the first army of the American first army armv has extended its front ''.'',; made along this whole front, SWISS WANT RHINE OPENFORCOIERCE Germany Working On Project lo Build Locks Above Strassburg. By Raymond Clapper (United Prosg staff correspondent) Washington, Nov. a. Switzerland wants Germany forced at the peace conference to open the Rhine for in tornational commorce. She is prepared to ask the good in fluences of the United States to this end. Switzerland desires free access to tho sea and an end to Germany's ef forts to cut off traffic and strangle tho mountain republic, it is learned au- tnontativciy If a league of nations Is formed an appeal will bo made to international ize the Khino and place it under con trol of the associated powers. Return of Alsace to France will create a strong interest in the Khino in France as the river will be the German frontier for a considerable distance. Germany has been working on a pro jcet to build nearly a score of locks above Strassburg to develop water power. River boats to Switzerland would rvc to be carried through these locks, making the trip much longer and more' expensive as Germany intends to force 8wiss commerce to bear the ex pense of tho undertaking. ' Feeling for a league of nations is growing in Switzerland, where the de sir for protection against the menace of Prussianism is strong. There will be probably a direct influence favoring Sw'ihh rfiwircn because it now appears certain the great peace conference will! bo held either at Geneva or Lausanne, j Switzerland. The Hague and Washington also have been discussed and in event of any of these points being chosen, the cause of neutrals in the final adjustment which cause, it is stated authoritative ly -will be considered by the confer ees Will be materially strengthened. r Report I Oregon: Tonight fair? eolder f wept near the coast; Wedm-s CXOOpt day fair ami warmer; heavy frost except near coast; light northerly winds. ON TRAINS AKD NEWS stands FTVR ravr FRENCH ATTACK ALONGFORTY-MILE FRONT AGAIN TODAY Hard Drive Is Made Against Great Elbow From Peson River To Aisne. REMAINING POSITIONS ON HUNDING LINE FALL British Capture Important Po sition Of LeQuesnoy With 1000 Prisoners. Paris, Nov. 5. Tho French first army launched a new attack on a 40 milo lino against the gre,at elbow of tho wost front this morning, extending . from tho Pcron river southeastward to tho Aisno, At tho same timo the French forces pushed forward between tho Poron and the junction With the British lines at the Pambre, "extending the attacking front to a width of f5 miles. ' - "Eepeuted success of our troops has forced the enemy 4o a now-withdrawal in scvoral parts of tho front," said the communique. "Unceasingly pursuing Ms roar guards, which are charged to protect his retreat and delay our advance, out troops, with, ever lasting ardor, are tightly maintaining contact. "In the region nirtheast of Guise we occupied Bergues-Bur-Sumbio Liberat ing "00 civilians. "On the whole front of the firnt army wo renewed our . attacks this morning and mado progress. : "Between tho Teron and the Serre wo have taken Bois I.es Pargny. In the region north of Hissone w reached a line passing through the Froidniont sugar factory, west of Au- tremontcourt, Cuincux, uonddaiicoiirt and Macheourt. Our outposts aro pro gressing, with the help of our artillery "Between Fissnne and Chateau-Pni cien, wo penetrated all parts of the Iliiuding position, which the enemy still held, forcing hig detachments to withdruw. Our ndvauco iH general between a point oast of St. Quentin Le Petit and the outskirts of Uerpy." British Take LeQuesnnoy. London, Nov. 5. Lo Quesnoy, tho im portant fortified town eight miles southeast of Valenciennes was cap tured by the British yostcrday together with its garrison of a thousand mon, Field Hnrshnl Haig announced today. The British thug wiped out a sharp salient which had been created early in yesterday's advance. Au additional advaneo of three t four miles was made, after overcoming strong resistance. In addition to Quesnoy, the villages of Jollmetz, Lo rond, Queue, Frnnzoy-Le Petit and Ma rais were captured. Further progress whs made in Alormal forest. "Tho walled towrt of LeQimsnoy wns completely surrounded and foil into out hands yesterday afternoon together with the entire garrison of over 1,000," the statement said. "In tho sectors south and north of LeQuesnoy, tho thirty-seventh and siv ty-sccond divisions, in hard fighting yesterday, took many prisoners. "Having overcome strong resistancl about Lovignes-Les-Quosnoy and Oisin val at tho outset of the . attack, the thirty-seventh and sixty-second divis ions pushed forward rapidly on the flanks of tho New Zealand troop ad1 vancing with them to tho depth of be tween three and four miles and captur ing the villages of Jolimctz, Lerond, Quene, Frnnzoy-LcPetit and Marnis.' "Yesterday evening we made, futhef progress in Mormnl forest. , "East of Valenciennes we capture Eth." Asks For Investigation 01 Mistreatment At Fort Seattle, Wash., Xov. 3. Major Fran Pease, field director of the Red Cro at Fort Worden, telegraphed Frcsldonl Wilson this morning declaring thai gross brutality of nurses and mistreat ment of soldiers has existed during the. influenza epidemic at the fort. Tense appealed to President Wilso to step into the breach and give Justie to nurses and soldiers alike. i