Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 01, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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No Indigestion! Stomach Feels Fine! -No
Acidity, Gas, Souring, Dyspepsia
Belching gas, food souring in
stomadi, lumps of pain from indi
gestion and all distress from an
upset stomach stops instantly. Yes !
At once!
No more stomach-headache.
Never any indigestion pain,
Pape's Diapepsin not only re
lieves bad stomachs but it strength
ens weak stomachs. Splendid 1
jCosts little Any drug store.
upset.? Paoete Diapepsin
: . SPRINGTEX is the underwear V . , f'
with a million little springs in it
: fabric which "give and take"
with every movement of the
body, and preierve the shape of
the garment despite long wear
and hard washings.
It it the year-around underwear, light,
medium or heivy weight, a you like.
"Remember to Buy It
YeVU Forfet You Have It Oa"
Aih Your Dtaltr
Sites Room; 950 Krottway, Km York
Mis. Sophia Mabel Eiche -who died
Oct. 29, 1918, ai a daughter of Mr.
mid Mrs. William A. Branch and' was
bora near Aumivilie July 5, 1882. She
waa married to George Eiche at Auma
wille ia October of 1902. Besides her
husband, sheds survived by four daiiRh-
hold Thursday afternoon, Oct. 31, and
were conducted ;by the Rev. Leland W.
Porter. Burial was at the Bethel cem
Washington, Nov. 1. . Construction
of additional buildings at CamD K ear-
lore, .mane, thji, up ana aieioa ana ( ny, ;al., in order to accommodate WOO
aon, Harold. Three brothers also stir-, additional men will be started at once,
teltf. Vworatf Mita. a ,i ,1 il P.IH..L nf ,1. . WMH 1 4 3
aaiMtt. To turee sisters surviving are
Miss Christcl Branch of Rickreall, Mrs.
The cost ia estimated at $1,924,023.
four two- story 'barracks for en-
IS. C. Brae of Meridnn, Idaho, and , listed men and two barraekn for of fi
Mr, h. A. Savage of Yamhill, dre-1 cer will be added to Camp Travis,
goa. Her mother, Mrs. Trances Branch, Texas, at a cost of $77,000, and a cold
also survives her, besides many other storage plant to be installod af Camp
relatives. The funeral services were McArthur, costing $50,000,
Rheumatism Back on the Job
With Its Old-Time Fury
No Let-Up in Its Torture
' Fmtty soon you will bo reaching
for the liniment bottle again., for . the
million of. little pain demons that
ause Rheumatism are on the war
jiath. Winter weather seems to awak
ea them to renowed fury. ; '
But your 'Rheumatism cannot be rub
bed away, because liniments and lo
tions cannot reach the disease. It is in
the blood, and only a remedy that goes
Jeep dowa in to the circulation, and
routs out the disease germs can rid you
of this disabling disease.
. 8. H. a. has given some wonderful
results in treating Rheumatism. Being
purely vegetable blood remedy, it
purifies the Idood of every germ, and
thus removes the cause of Rheumatism.
Get a bottle today at your drug store,
and start on the right treatment that
will get results. !Free advice about
your case can be had by writing to
Mcdionl director, 28 Swift Laboratory,
Atlanta, Ga.
from Jaaaary 1st, 1918, to October 31st,
1918, exceed our sales for the entire year of
1917. Tbt means that ten months' business
ibis year was greater than twelve months'
bsisess last jetrr
One reason for the great increase in sales is
because we have carried a very heavy stock
of merchandise most of which was bought
Tefore the recent heavy advance in prices.
This has enabled us to sell practically every
item in the store at prices far below present
market values. '
Word has Wea received by the Che
meketa chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution that the ex
ercises to be held Saturday at Dallas
under the auspice of the !arah Chil
dress Polk chapter, D. A. B., ia eon
nection with the unveiling of a tnonu-
ment to mark the site of the first Polk
county eourt house will not take place
a originally planned, after second con
sideration upon the part of the health
authorities at Dallas, owing to the still
prevalent infmenia epidemic
A number of Salem Daughters had
planned to attend the event, one of
decided historic interest ia the annals
of Polk county. But under the circum
stance the - unveiling of the monu
ment, which is a gift of the chapter
at Dallas from George W. Hawkins,
will be indefinitely postponed.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop left Wednesday
for Hood River in response to a tele
gram stating that her sister, Mrs. C
T. Roberts, was seriously ill.
Mrs. B. J. Miles and son, Donald
Miles, aro spending a few days in Port
land as the guests of Mrs. Miles' daugh
ter, Mrs. W. A. Knight.
Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh and daugh
ter, Mise Ruth Rosebraugh, returnee
luesday night from an extended east
ern tour. They visited friends and rel
atives in Illinois, Mrs. Rosebraugh 's
former home state, spending some time
lat Chieago. They also stopped at vari-
u no fining ui imrrcst in jiiuiuuh, is
iting in (Salt Lake and Denver, and
other middle western cities on their
way home. They returned by way of
southern California. They were ab
sent in all about two months. Mrs.
Rosebraugh resides at 1564 Chemeke-
ta street.
Misg Greta Witzel entertained a few
friends informally last night at her
residence, 415 North Cottage street in
compliment to Mis Marv Barrick, who
is leaving Salem the first of the week
to make her home in Portland. Sharing
the evening's merriment were Miss
Barrick, Miss Lucile Holt, Miss Mary
bello Beinhart and Miss Gertie wit
Iffiss Barrick has lived in Salom
number of years, and will be missed 'by
a large circle of young people upon
her departure. Her father, L. E. Bar
rick, is going to independence, wnere
he expects to locate permanently. Miss
Barrick will make her home in Port
land with her sister, Mrs, Fred DeSart
(Edna Barrick) a former Snlcm girl,
Mrs. Emily Cornell of Portland is
being entertained in (Sale-m aa the
guest of Mrs. Ida M. Babcock at her
home. 79 North Commercial street
Another well known 'Salem girl,
Mis Laura. Heist, has qualified , as
a reconstruction aide for service ' in
France, having received her orders
yesterdav td report for immediate du
ty. Miss Heist took the training course
in the reconstruction work at Reed
college this summer along with a large
number of other special students. She
has been an instructor in the com'
mercial department of the Salom high
school. Miss Heist i a graduate of
Willamette University -with the ias
of 1914. She leaves for jNew Yoric to-
day preparatory to sailing overseas.
It may also be of interest in this
connection to other young women of
the locality to learn that a new course
nf training will open December 1 at
Reed college This Btcp was decided
upon owing to the recent heavy casual
ties on the western front, the surgeon,
general having necessarily revised his
estimato of need and notinea tne col
lege that 700O reconstruction aides in
physio-Therapy would foe needed. This
ih seven times the official estimate Of
three months ago. As there are not now
1000 trained women available Reed
cojlege docided as an emergency meas
ure to start another course of training
this year.
It now seems probable that every
candidate who is admitted and receiv
es the recommendation of the college
will It' appointed by tho surgeon gen-
oral to assist returned soldier in re
covering the use of their function in
military hospital ef thi eountry or
of France.
These women will receive all living
expenses and traveling expenses, 05
a month as head aide and 150 a month
as aides. Their uniforms wrll be pro
vided by the Red Crosi
Miiss Lena Hansen and Mis Laura
Hansen are visiting in Portland thia
Miss Frieda Spitzbart. an a A. C. stu
dent, is spending the week in Salem
with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Charle
.1. Kpitabart at their home, 963 D
For New . feest
' - ': t '
Washington Octj 31. Director Gen
eral McAdoo ha told the railroads that
they will be required to pay for the
car and locomotive which the railroad
administration buy to meet war de
mands. In a telegraphic order, Me
Adoo' said that the car and engines
were bt inn distributed where they are
most needed and therefore the rail
roads to whieh they are allotcd must
bear tne expense.
McAdoo' order ends a fight which
haa been going on practically ever
since the government took control of
-.he roads. The railroad in protesting
the extra expense, declared that much
of the equipment purchase for them
was rolling; stock which they would not
have bought But McAdoo 'a decision
shuts off any ehanee which the rail-'
roads tad to get from under the cost
of new ears and engines, officials declared.
fens Eirgs Jsy
Aa at Hour Pe.ee the Coming
Bmhj Drawi New- Arm
Yon Prepared?
the yaf ot ami nf
No wonsa eweitlnr
motherhood ehouid allow the dave'to
without ueinr the wonderful ienelrtin ap-
vunuva, jwutnerr rnena.
Br Ite reeuler use throughout the period
the eyeten H prepared for the eomlnf event
and strain and tenelon I relieved. It ren
den the broad. Bet abrioniaal m uncles pliant
and they reedtrf yield to neture'e demand
for expanelou. As a reeult the nerves era
not drawn upon with that peculiar wrencb
Inf strain, and naueea, nerrowintei. bearlnc
dowa and etretchlnr peine are counteracted.
The abdomen expands easily wbea baby ar
rlvee and the hour at the crisis an nat
rally lee. Pain and daneer a a eoaae
euewe ia aroJded.
Mother's Friend not only atlaya dletrees In
advance, but aeearce a speedy recovery for
the mother. Tua skia la kept soft and
smooth and natural and free from dtiflfure
ment. Write to the BradneM RegulatorOmpeny,
Dept. J, Lamar Bulldln. Atlanta, Oeorcla,
for their Motherhood Book, and procure a
bottle of Motber'e Friend from the drunlat
R Just as atoodaj-d aa aajrtbiof you can,
tnlak of.
4 MM MM Mn
Miss Dorothy Buckner and a group
of her sorority sister at O. A. C, mo
tored up from" Corvallia recently for a
brief visit at the Buchner home, 1310
Court street. Mias Buchuer is, mem
ber of Delta Psi.
(Continued from page one)
ical condition, as well as their fine
Hun Prisoner MTuniertms
"The supply of Hun prisoners seems
to be inexhaustible," he declared,
"and they certainly appear very hap
py when they find themeclve safely
within our line. Not that they don't
give our men plenty of resistance; take
my word for it, we are making that
soil northwest of Verdun sacred with
the .finest young blood of America.
"In a big way, it i the eene f
the itiffeat fighting of the war, be
cause in froat of our lad ia the ben
that Germany possesses and they have
been impregnable on that froat for
four yearn. The Hua is giving way un
der the hammering of the Americans
but we have not, of course, put up
wards of two hundred thousand of hi
shock troupe out ef baoineas without
soni enormous sacrifice on our own
part. The life cost of victory in this
modern warfare is terrifying. But our
bravest chaps face it all with a spirit
that is amazing, cheerfully hoping for
the day when, a a result of whait they
and their comrades in arm have done,
the world has once again been made
safe, and they, too, can come back
home. The soldiers of all the armies
are naturally very keenly interested
in the prospect of an early peace end
like the civil population of the war
ring countries, they are eagerly looking
to President Wilson to bring about a
settlement of justice, rather tban ven
geance. Tribute to toe Navy
"And when, the happy time for the
American boy" to1 return doe eome,"
Kerney continue!, "the country can
rely on that fin navy of ours to get
them over in record time.
"It'a only eight day from the fight:
ing, home when you have the good
fortune to eome on transport nuder
the escort of the navy. And the sailor
mon on the destroyers srould have a'
place alongsdde the fighting boy in
the heart of every American.
"They are the wonders of the world
and their safe conduct across 3000
mile of sea of 2,000,000 troop and the
necessary gupplie to equip and main
tain these troop ia the only certifi
cate of efficiency they need."
Kerney declared that when the com
plete details of what Pershing s men
at Chateau Thierry did in July, were
made known they would runusa, tne
nioa dramatic ehaptr ia all war his
tory. "It waa there." ae said, "that the
liberty of the world was saved, and
there, too, the doughboys first put thi
fear of God in the Hiw. A distinguish
ed member of the Freneh high com
mand -was crracioua enough to gay that
net since the day of the Greek gladi
ator of old, had the world een such
fighters aa tb Americans at Chateau
(Oon tinned from page one)
Ask People To Be Careful And
Take Proper Treatment
Promptly. Many Pneumonia
Cases Follow Influenza.
What to Do.
To be prepared for the serious out
breaks of influenza and pneumonia
that are now sweeping ever the entire
eountry and that have seized on this
community public health boards every
where are issuing cautions and instruc
tions to the publie not to neglect treat
ment at he first sympom of a cold and
to cooperate with the board and physi
cians in stamping out the spread of the
No disease develops s quickly or
spreads so rapidly. The first symptom
usually is a sharp rise in temperature
to 103 or 104 degrees, headache, pain
in the back, throat feeling dry or sore.
limes promptly checked by proper
treatment, the best plan is to tro to bed
ana stay mere lor at least " a ween,
Keeping warm to avoid pneumonia and
let the minor ailment run its course
and also prevent the spread of the dis
ease to others.
Most of us, in these busy days, can
not afford, if it can be avoided, to lose
a week or more of work so it is all the
more necessary that at the very first
sign of grip or influenza a counter act
ing treatment should be taken.
Probably no better or more effective
treatment could be followed at such a
time than to get from the nearest drug
store a complete Hyomei outfit con
sisting of a bottle of the pure Oil of
Hyomei and a little vestpocket, hard
rubber inhaling device into which a
few drops of the oil are poured.
This is all you will need. Put the
inhaler in your mouth and breathe its
air deep into the passages of your
nose, vbroat and lungs. Kvery particle
of air that enter yeur breathing or
gan will thus ibe charged with en an
tiseptic germ-killing balsam that will
absolutely doetroy the germ of influ
enza that have found lodgment there.
Ton can't do thi too often. The
Hyomei Inhaler i small and can be
conveniently carried in a hand bag or
in your vestpocket. Every half hour
or so throughout the day take it out
and draw a few brelths of its pure
healing air into your nose and throat.
Relief comes almost instaufly. The grip
or influenza, symptom subside. Con
gestion, eeases, fever disappears, throat
eonditions 'bocoine normal and you soon
are fdefing fine. The outfit is not at
all expensive for ' the rubber inhaler
will last a life time while the Oil of
Hyomei can be obtained at little cost
from any reliable druggist. Lots of
people already have a Hyomei Inhaler.
Take it out, cliarge it and use it with
out delay. If you haven't one get it
today. ,
A few cents spent now may easily
-prevent serious illness and save you
many dollar and help stamp out the
spread of the disease.
Always ready with abundant stocks to supply your
needs in
For every feminine member of the family at prices
exceptionally reasonable for
Tagcblatt and tha Vossische Zeitung
Thousand ot workmen are reported
to be parading the street snouting
down with the Hapsburgs." They are
being joinvd by throngs of soldier re
turning from tne Iront, bearing rea
Professor Lammascb, the new -Aus
trian premier, and Count Andrassy,
the Austro-Hungarian foreign minister
probably will resign, the German news
paper say.
Victor Adlcr has been named for
eign minister; Herr Lentner, war min
ister and Herr Renner, minister of so
cial aliau-st Ail aro sociaiiirs.
The revolutionary government i
growing throughout the country.
Vienna is reported to oe wuuoui
already have started their deadly work
Tho Austrian army, helpless on the
field, is ready to surrender. Railroads
are demoralized behind the lines, leav
ing the soldiers without food and am
munition. This, added to the growing
atrd of the Hapsburgs, makes it 1m
(ub!Uo. lor the Jtustiian commanders
to maintain military order, reports say.
Disorder is growing at home. Scores
of demonstrations are held daily. Czechs
Jugoslavs, Poles and Rumanians are
organizing everywhere and in 'some
places have already seized control of
the government.
A a result of the collapse, predict
ed for years by historians, diplomats
declared that Austria will become an
insignificant German p'rovince or at
best a petty kingdom.
But unofficial reports today told of
formation of a workmen's and sol
diers' r-ouneil at Vienna, indicating
that radical element have seized eon
troL Some diplomats doubted today
whether. Charles would remain with ev
en, a small German following. German-
Austrians, apparently are through with
autocracy, reports indicating that a
German republic hag been proclaimed
in Bohemia where the Czechs have al
so set up a de facto government.
The latter have control in Prague,
tie Bohemian capital, while the Ger
mans have established themselves in a
nearby city.
Civil war between these two govern
ments may develop shortly as race fcel-
ug is extremely bitter.
Hungary's position i even -worse.
For this year's Holiday Season, even more than usual
this store will feature merchandise suitable for .
U. G. Shipley Co.
The revolutionary movement is sweep
ing everything before it and Count
Karolyi, who for years has worked for
independence from Austria, has been
brushed aside 'by the extremist ele
ments. Possibility that allied troops will
have to go into Austria and establish
order and act as arbitrators between
the count and factions there, was eeen
by diplomats today.
Emperor Earl Gives Up
Zurich, Nov. 1. Emperor Karl, bo
fore leaving Vienna for Godcllo, order
ed the authorities to yield unresisting
ly to the new regime, according to ad
vices received here today.
The emperor also wired Archduke
Joseph (to take similar action. The
latter, who had previously been desig
nated by Karl to take steps toward
greater independence for Hungary, left)
Budapest after a republic had been
' V New Slav State I ?.;
Zurich, Nov. 1. The national coun
cil at Sarajevo has proclaimed amal
gamation of Bosnia, Herzegovina and
Serbia into a great Slav state. The.
persons-imprisoned in connection with
the assassination of Archduke Ferdi
nand, which was -one of the minor
causes of the war, have been lioeratea
by the crowds.
Heavy Run Of Cattle
And Steady Market
North Portland, Oct. 30. The esti
mated receipt of live stock at the
North Portland Union Stock yard over
night is 150 eattle, 200 hogs and 300
sheep and lambs. With a heavy run of ;
2,000 head of cattle yesterday the mar-
! . i .11 ... J i .1 1 . t . '
kui nuju sicauy ai Be opi-miif;, vui mo
cow market weakened in the afternoon
and is still inclined to be diaggy today.
Quotations arc: Prime steers $12.00(2)
$12.50; good to choice steers $11.00
$12.00; medium to good stecrg $9.7.1
$11.00; fair to medium steers $8.25
$9.25: common to fair steers W.00(ff)
$8.00; choice cows and heifers $8.00
$8.50; medium to good cows and heif-
ern ikS.OO7?H.5fl ! medium in irnnrl I'nwa
and heifer $6.00(5 $7.25; fair to medi-i
us cows and heiferg $5.00$fj.OO; can-
ners $3.00(S$4.O0; hnlls $5.00$7.50;
ealvcs 9.00$12.00; stockers and feed
ers $8.00(5 $8.00.
There are a few common hogs coming
in but by far the largest part are
choice to prime and not many pigs.,
Tho market advanced a quarter btrong
yesterday with 2,900 head on the mar
ket, and tho advanced prices is main
tained in today's trading. Quotations
are: Prime mixed $17.10$17.35; me
dium mixed $16.85$17.00; rough ;
heavies $!5.10(ff $15.35; pigs $14.00(ii)
$15.00; bulk $17.10$17.30.
. The sheep market has come to life,
again and all offerings are in demand
at steady to strong prices. Quotations,
arc: Prime lambs $11.00$12.00; fair
to medium lambs 8.00(u $10.00; year-,
lings 10.00(3$11.00; wethers $9.00
$10.00; ewes $.00(g$8.50.
- ' 1 j
The subsistence division of the quar
tormastor corps is shipping to the over
seas forcos tfOO.QOOjOOG cigarettes each.
Rheumatic Pains
A safe, harmless and effective
preparation to relieve the pains of.
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back,
and Lumbago is Hamlin's Wizard,
Oil. It contains no chloroform or '
other dangerous drugs but is com- ,
posed of the most expensive of'
healing oils. It penetrates quickly, :
. drives out the soreness, and lim
bers up the stiff, aching joints and
Wizard Oil is a good, dependable .
preparation to keep in the medicine '.
chest for first aid when the doctor ',
may be far away. You will find al
most daily uses for it in cases of
sudden mishaps or accidents such
as sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, :"
bites and stings. Just as reliable,:
too, for earache, toothache, croup
and colic.
?t a tiottle from your Arugglat fnt
llio and ui. th medlcln.. It not .nllrelT.i
.atl.titd take th. bottl. back to him and
h. will return your momy. '
If yea ar troubled with com! I pa Hon
?1 ' aMaavh. try Hnmlln Wtutrd .
I.lver Whips. Jut pleai-snt little pink :
till, at drusclat. for 16e. Guar.nlMwi
Br Raymond Clapper
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Nov. 1.; Austria ap-
People Notice It Drive Them Off
with Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablet3
A prmply face QI not embarrass you
much longer if you gat a package of Dr.
Vihrnnli1 niimt TaMaM Th akin Krn.M
pears to be developing bolshevism. A begin to clear after yoa bav taken tb
reign of anarchy ia evident there, , tablet) a few nights,
which may rival Russia, according to I Oeanse t! bithe bowels and the Ihwr
diplomatic advices here today. With Dr. Edwards" Olive Tablets, the sue
Kace hatred and revolutionary fire crsefulsubetituteforcalorael; there's never
any atexness or pain alter tailing tfiem.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel doc, and just aseffectively,
btrt their action is gentle and safe instead
ef scteve and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets la
ever enrsed with "a dark brown taste,"
a had breath, a ehitt, batkss, "no good"
feeiinft- constipation, torpid fiver, bad
disposition or ponpty face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are
purely vegetable compound mixed
with olive col; yoa will know thein
by their olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tient afflicted with fiver and bowel
complaints, md Olive Tablets tr the
soHnensety' effective result.
Take oae or two nightly for week.
See how much better yoa fed and look. 1
10c and 2Sc per box. All druggists.
Agent Wanttd
Delightful Flavor
1 1 .-
Hone of coffees
The man. woman or ehM who ha had the raiolorture to W c crea both legi can,
by ft aw of "Anowwmth" Aibntial Limbs, walk with nwreraena so easy and natural
(hat bo wra and friends noe rorpt the deficiency. They mewsse eamns power,
aapiove the health and apperance, add pleasure and comfort to living. No need to leave
jam htne to purchase thea hmbt, yoa save that expeaae. We guarantee a perfect hi.
WRTTE FDR CATA1DG AC FKKM k u t I 1 Lr - j ,. .
u a a. NIAGARA FALLS Canada
Rehem Tired, Aching Feet and limb
iM Ask Yow Shoe Dealer a.
F. sum j j t