4,700 SUBSCRIBERS (23,000 EEADEBS) DAILI Only Cirenlatica in Sales Guar anteed by the Audit Bursas e - Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SEE TICS ; FORTY-FIRST YEAR- r3Y7 '8 ARMISTICE TERMS SEr TO BERLIN Herman Newspaper Asserts. Tliat Berlin Receives Of ficial Decision. AUSTRIAN ANARCHY i GROWS MORE SERIOUS rder Is Given To Evacuate AH AW Territory Now - Occupied. : r , .Copenhagen, Oct 31. Marshal Foe ha armistice terms reached Berlin on Tues diy night, it ia declared by the Vos sfache Zeitung. ' Geneva, Oct. 31. Demonstration against the kaiser are being staged daily throughout Germany, according -to advices received today. - . Speaking Sunday at toe Schumann otccus, Dr. Haase, minority gociailat leader,' violently assailed Wilhelm while his audience wildly cheered. Fre quent demanda are made for abdication f the wholo Hohenzollern family. Milan, Oct. 31. Austria has notified the Polish government at Warsaw that t.9 military and civil authorities of occupied PoliiA territory will he hand 1 over to them and that Austrian troops will evacuate Immediately, a Vfenna. dispatch reported today. .. Washington Oct. 31. The' Austrian "personal note." to Secretary Lans-i-ig wag delivered to him this morn iug. It was practically the same as the press text, appealing to the American 8oretary to intervene with President Wilson in Austria's behalf. ; Zurich, Oct. SI. Czechs have cut 11 - railways between Berlin and Vienna, ' via OTderberg and Bodenbach, it was ln?.rned today. Communications be twasn Budapest, Agram, Flume and VI na are completely interrupted.: II l A ;M-8ina - Asks jMistefflaig: &gm mw$ IADQ HI fiilOHHL IUUII Washington; Oct. 31. Confirmati6n of- the reported despatch of. General l')eh'a armistice terms to Berlin was j jflv.king at both the war and state de r 'rtments today. The state department tras particularly reticent about discuss , ; iug anything In connection with the Versailles conference. It was hinted tfaat the aemistice might not neeessar- ' be submUwu to Germany through tis country, as he matter is " large-! ly up to the military authorities." , : A.t allied embassies it was believed tua terms may. wcil havo been sent al ready, the 'announcement being with held until , receipt was acknowledged Berlin. , ' . . , Conference is in Session Paris, lOet. i3i. (Noonr Conversa- t ons between members of the inter; (' iHed diplomatic, council continued to-. : iiy. at Colonel. House's headquarters. Allied rpprentntive called there 4 remained -sorni time.' ' "'" Premier Clcmenceau and Marshal IVh returned.t'30ou from Versailles, where the council is sitting, looking greatly satisfied.. The Austrian note to ; Pcesident Wilson was first handed to volonel House.br the United Press. 1 "Will a separate peace be the-out-come " he. waa asked, .- "They certainly are asking it," he replied smiliagly,- "but your opinion i as good as mine. " High -allied diplomats consider the tMe as formal severanee of the Aus- t.ff.(rOrm ra . nlfianAa. wliifll, wad ..a lf tils allies' wsr- aims, leaving Prussia ' 'one on the- battlcfront. - French. Deputy's View . Paris, Oct. "31.. Deputy Bussenot, tf.nber of. the naval committee of the chamber of deputies, urged today Jhat the armistice terms include. . v. . Allied coatttt -of the U-boats. . ; Removal . of- all marine mines. CN-cupatioa of Cuxhaven, Heligoland, aid Cattaio., ,. " . - - . Takmar over of 'all German tonnage i neutral porti as partial replacement tho 10,000,400, tans of allied shipping -k hj German, submarines. , Gersa. submarines. aatiuued on page three) roJ-irMyi Ilk 0. 258. TAFT AND ROOSEVELT ISSUE STATEMENT OPPOSING PRESIDENT Call 0a Voters Of Nation To Repudiate And Discredit Adjaiaistration. New York, Oct. 31. Urging election of a republican congress, Ex-Prcsidcnt Bsosevult ond Ex-President Taft today issued a joint, 3igned statement in re , ply to the appeal of President Wilson for election of a democratic congress. ' The stutemont, which was made pub lic by the remililicnn nntiniinl tee, laid stress on the present peace cunversation with Uermany aud da-, elared "the president has indicated a, willingiyss to make a peace, negotia tion. He has nnl. ilnmanrlnrl . I.n might 'hnve done, in three lines, that wuicn me 'American people demand, an unconditional surrender." Boosevolt and Taft declared iho war was being fought to suppress one-man i-umiui. rresment Wilson's 14 peace terms were called general and vagne and fear waa expressed that they would not lead to a real peace treaty. The- statement follows:. ' "1 The war must be fought to un conditional Surrender unless this, is achieved before. ..; . ,. . .. ,,. "4 "2 The terms "of world peacrtairst" "3 The democratic .administration after expending billions of treasure and exercising more absoluto power" than any administration in our bistory must give an account of its stewardship. i "4 The hange from war conditions to peace must be brought about with the least disturbance and the work of reconstruction must be broadly begun. "A republican congress would be much better qualified than one eon trolled by ..democrats, to aid the coun try in sdontinflf the for these four great tasks.. '. f "First. 1?VAn Aa O n.inA.U. . " " ... i .... 1 1 . j yiai i the republicans made the winning of the war possiblo by passing the origin al draft bill. Without this we could not have trained anl landed the two million of men now in France. "As a minority party the republicans forced upea the reluctant president and sec retary of war after an injurious delay of four months, the amended draft act without which we could not have put two more millions at the front next July. The speaker, the leader and the chftirmAn nf thn militnrv MmmiHci t.t the democratic hou?e opposed the orig inal draft with all the vigor possible. It was saved and sd . our country's cause- was saved by the republican mi nority. " "Second The new senate must provo by two-thirds vote, the terms "of peace. . These terms should be settled not by one man only. It is one-ma a control we are fighting in this war to suppress. If the peace treaty is to be usetui in tne ruture. it must be ap proved by the great body of the Ameri can people. The president, has indicat ed a willingness to make a peace by no- ('Continued on paare twnv TODAY'S RESUME Turkey is out of the war. J An armistice, which is said to effectually prevent Tur key from resuming hostilities, was concluded with British representatives in Salonika at noon today. v' ; j Aiistria-Hiino-arv. already tentatively EDlifc ub into " T several independent states by with anarchy spreading hourly enrougnout tne country, is franrirnllv RPfkinP" neane . The Austrians officially withdrawing their armies Ttalv nnft t.ha Ralkans. With the Austrian defenses split on a wide front east of the Piave and Italian, British, French and Ameri can troops pouring through the gap, the entire 175 mile front from Switzerland to the Adriatic is reported to have blazed into action today. 1 Official reports state Austrian prisoners now total 45,000 and that 300 guns have been captured The British and French suddenly began a drive to ward Ghent this morning and are reported to be progress ing well. They were last reported four miles from that important Belgian city. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IHiNDENBURG SAYS NO SURRENDER Amsterdam, Oct. 31. 'The Dusseldorf Nachrichten says that Meld Marshal Von Hinden burg has sent the following message to the German army commanders; ''The army and fleet will con tinue to protect the frontiers. We will not capitulate " Washington, Oct. 31. "Big doings" was ithe enthusiastic erclamation of Chief of .Staff March this afternoon When informed by , the United Press of the capitulation of Turkey and the reported appeal or an armistice on the field o battle by Austria-Hungary. ' And war department officials indi cated they expected more "big doings" before long. 7, .J'..,.. Washington, Oct. 31. President Wil son will not reply formally to the last Austrian note, Secretary Lansing stat ed today. The Bwedish minister, however, will be told orally that the Austrian noto will be submitted .to the governments associated with fhe United States in the war. . ' e ..- ' v The SVwedisb. minister is in charge of Austrian interests in the United States. ''tfepesluifen)"'Qat. A 31. All foreign territories occupied by the Austrian rrmies will be deserted withinra few days, aftor which the armies will be demobilized, according to a Vienna dis patch received here today, ' , Washington, . Oct. 31. Heavy artil lery firo on the American front east of the Meuse and destruction of 21 enemy airplanes Wednesday was ; re portedly .General Pershing today. ffal CUfaa.'D-::'. Not Arce With Roosevelt Washington, Oct. 31. Will Hays, national republican chair man, today called upon the country to prepare for peace "by electing a republican con gress." The aim of the repub lican 'party are threefold, Hays said. . First to win the" war. Second, a peace with victory and not a peace by compromise ' Third,' to "prepare now in sano manner for the problems of reconstruction. ', "To stand by the"prcsldcnt ' in support" of all war measures is a duty and. privilege which republicans have assumed as a, hiatter of course," said Hays. . Refugees say that the mania for mur der among the Bolheyik officials of Rus-jia is, so strong that they even shoot their own partisans. " ': - OF WORLD WAR, J J X " T ( " 1 - " a series of revolutions and declare they are voluntarily trom occupied territories m Tin 1 on r luTQ) GEM LOSSES ESTIMATEDTWO ID Hfpfl Over Million Of iThese Have Beeii Put Out Of Action Permanently. AUSTRIANS IN UALY I ASKFOARKimCE Haig Starts Drive Tday'Ia Belgio In Direction : Of Ghent .V v - V: .. ..... GERMANS LOSS GREAT, j London, Oct. . 31. German losses since January 1 were semi-officiallv estimated to-day ; at 2,500,000, of whieh 1,000,000, ; were permanent. . Of the 10.000 German gnn -ttwiuUiu - July 15, the1 allies have captured a third. . : l..-: nJ':vi . - , London, Oct.,51-(3:50 p. m.)-The Austrian commander in chief on the It- alian front has applied to General Diaz for an armistice, it waa stated on high ithwt , authority this afternoon. The request wag forwarded to the in- ter-llied council in Versailles. "-. . By Lowell Mellelt-JM- United Press Staff Corresnondent.) With the British Annies in Francs,! or behalf of the allies, and it became Oct 31. The French and British at- effective this noon, tacked this morning in the direction of i 'It is impossible to publish the corn Ghent. The battle is reported to be ' Plete terms, but they include going well. " . ....,' I ' 'Free passage of the allied fleets - through the Dardanelles to the Black London, Oct. 31. (2:10 p. m.) The " ' , Italians have extended, their Offensive' " 'Occupation of the Bosphorus and to the whole Austro-Itallan front, ac-,the Dardanelles forts, as necessary to carding to a central newt dispatch from Borne this afternoon. Paris, Oct. 81. (4 p. f m.)-Austrian prisoners now total more than 43,000, It was officially announced here this af ternoon. - Throe hundred, guns havj been captured and more than 100 vil lages liberated. By Henry Wood (United Press staff correspondent) , . With the Italian Armies in the Field, Oct. 31. General Treat 's Ohio troops are in contact with the Austrians oast of the Piave. , Official Report ' London, Oct. 31. The allied advance east of the Piave is continuing without check, tho war office announced today. (Continued on page thre) J - ABE MARTI . . " . . . .. , Leslie Tanger weat rnushroomin' yis- terdffr an' poisoned bis whole family on. golf balls. A feller that got good (leaks ha got all th' luck that's com- in' C hm 31, 1918.; '.1 ... IWN GENERAL TOME!, CAPTURED BY TURKS, i IS PEACE ENVOY Complete Terms Of Armistice With Turkey Are Not Made Public. By John DeGandt (United Press Staff Correspondent) ' Paris, Oct. 31. General Townshend. commander of the British Mcsopotam isn force which surrendered .at Kut-El-Amara, was tho messenger who bore the Turkish request for an armistice to the allies, it was officially announc ed today... . - Townshend was forced . to lay down his arms April 29,' 1916, and" was sent as a prisoner to an island in the Sea of Marmora. - , i Admiral Leygues, French minisr of marine, entered the chamber of deputies J tins atternoon and made the following lowing-. declaration: ''Premier Clemencesu has been de tained at Versailles. The inter allied su perior war council charged me to make in the namo of the government the fol lowing declaration: ' A few days ago, General Towon abend was freed to go to inform the British admiral, commanding ;in tho Aegean sea that the Turkish govern ment asked that negotiations be own- d irhl lewfOwticlusioff of an at misttce between Turkejj. arid the al lies. : ; " ....'-;; " 'Bear Admiral Calthorne renlifld tnlt if the Turkish government sent feBularly ac.redited iotftipotentiaries he. had the necessary powers to inform them of the conditions under which the !Ulp'1w?,lM 0"ent hostilities ,nd that he had the power to begin, in j behalf of the allicl!) an ,onlltiMVied on these conditions. - ' I " The Turkish Dleninotentiaries ar rived at Hudros at the beginning of this week. The armistice was signed last night by Bear Admiral Calthorpe guarantee the security of this passage. (Continued on page two) TURKEY'S PlEA FOR PEACE IS PASSED ON TO ALLIES BY SECRETARY LANSING Procee&g Of Versailles Al lied Cosferesce Are Veil ed h Secrecy. Washington, Oct 31. The United States government today forwarded to jthe allies Turkey's request for an lm- expecrea 10 oe laxen snortiy witn the Austrian appeal, if it already hag not I boss done. The actions will place In the hands of the Versailles confereneo , appeals for peace from all of the cen tral powers. - By Robert J. Bender (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Oct. 31. The United States will pass on to the allies Tur key's request for an immediate armis tice. r . This was the answer of Secretary of State Lansing, made to Turkey today in a-formal note, ' The note, delivered to the Spanish ambassador, said: "Excellency: I did hot fail to lay before the president the note which you addressed to him on the fourteenth instant, and handed to me on that date. "Acting under the instruction of your government, yon enclosed with that note the Wt of a communication received by the minister of foreign af-ihave the honor to inform your excel fairs of Spain from the charge d'af-ilency that the government of the Unit faires of Turkey at Madrid on Oetober , d States will bring the communication 12, in which, the good offices of tfcvf the Turkish eharge d'affaires to tho government or fpain were uuox to , bring to the attention of the president . the request of the imperial Ottoman government that he take upon himself the task of the re-establishment of I PRICE. TWO CENTS TN Tr Tr -TrS TTxx I - I fill f : AUSTRIANS GIVE UP . ALL Of CONQUERED TERRITORY NOV HELD Orders IssLtd To Annies From Vienna To Withdraw Within Own Borders. By J. W. T. Mason (United Press war expert) : New York, Oct. 31. To what extent the crumbling Hapsburg empire is pre' pared to resist on its own soil before accepting the. demands of the demo cratic nations for unconditional sur render, will be made known within a few days. ; The withdrawal of the Austro-Hun-garian "armies from all occupied- terri tory, which has been ordered j tho Vienna government, should permit the dual monarchy to form, U lines afresh along its own frontier by the first of UQxt week, if the high army command ronows the frantic directions of the civilian rulers. ," ' Thereafter what is left of Austria Hungary will have definitely abandon ed all thought of conquest and if' it continues the war it will be fighting solely against terms of unconditional surrender. ;.:- i The ability of the Hapsburg armies to prolong the struggle, even for self defense, is highly doubtful. The disin tegrating forces new at wet within the tvmpirt"1iave already- mado-. self preservation impossible. Although Aus-! tria-Hungary continue, to be thought j 'of as one country, it is very doubtful! whether at this moment tho authorities at. Vientia are the do facto govern ment of the Hapsburg empire, or, in deed,' whether a Hapsburg empire 'now exists in anything but name. These matters will become dearer when the troops of the dual monarchy are 'behind their own boundary after abandoning Poland, Serbia and Italy. If a strong defensive fight can still be made under tho Hapsburg banner, the war in southern Europe will have to bo carried well into the enemy's territory. But if loyalty to the imperial house has vanished with the defeat of the imperial armies, it will not be possible for Karl to inspire his troops to con tinue the struggle for a vanished sov ereignty. In that event, November should Ree Austria-Hungary but of the war and Germany isolated against the world. - peace, and that he notify all belliger ent states of the request and invite them to delegate plenipotentiaries to initiate negotiations, the . Imperial Ot- toman government accepting as a basis for the njfoti!itions the proaram laid down by the president in his meswifra to eonirress of Jannarv 8. 1918. and in his subsequent declarations, especially (far reanested bv Hi imperial Otta- . aims and armistice considerationstwere clothed in secrecy today. , The general understanding here is. that no definite announcements will I bo made until the conference coves forth with a full, united statement of agreement on peace terms and perhaps simultaneously, with armistice coudi- tions. Reports that armistice terms aK resdv had been sMit Germany caused sun) rise here. ! It is pointed out that there are three I eourses Germany may pursue when thee"terms come out, namely: ' First,- reiect them completely and continue the war. , I Second, accept them and end the war. Third, protest loudly anoV either try to stir her people to press the war, or roan covernment that step, be taken for the immediate conclusion of a eea- erul armistice on land, on sea and in the air. ' 'By direction of the president, I nnowiv.io oi va jruveruuivuis it with Turkey, "Accept, excellency, the renewed as-, (Continued on patfe tw) c ..,. ...... - . . ,) Oregon: Tonight and Friday generally fair; light wester'.y winds. , : ? . - .-' " 1 ; f - ON TRAINS AND NEWS 6TAND8 FIVE CENTS TURKEY ACCEPTS ARMISTICETESIMS lAY!i2GD0'IIH Dardanelles Opened To Allied Fleets And Other Safe guards Given. '; NEWS DISCOUTiTED j by CEztAL vir; irs""4! i. r - i r 'sm - Turks i1.;;; Erectly To Great Erfoa r London, Oct. 31. (1:10 p. m.) The Dardanelles are reported to have beta opened at 6:30 this morning. Tho Dardanelles strait connects the Mediterranean with the sea of Marr.io- 'n a.-.d w the water defenso of Con . wtitM(iui.ple. The Lardttnellca iv iuly miles ling and is sufficiently narrow t , pri'vo',t thav passage of warships wh.l" t;.C roriilieatlons on each side are in .ttive service. ! . .. , Pioiii the Daiilauclles to Cwnatanti-. nople ia the sea Of .' Jdarmora is 1.1 mil''.. The ea cf Marmora has no Of fenses, snd ptice V'V-t th9 DardanCili njr:iitiiiuile is wholly at the m.-.jr of on apiuoachiug i'iect. r , London, Oct . "3f. British represen tatives concluded an armistice with Turkey at Salonika at noon today, ae cordiiijr to, authoritative informatioa received hore. The terms are said to include free pnsahae of the Dardauolles and to be such that it will be Impossible for Tur koy to resume hostilities. Turkey is thus definitely out of the war. Turkey approached Great Britain for early separate peace. The arm.stice was. the result. British officials, it was stated on high authority, had been cxpect-r. Turkey to surrender on the buttlefit'(i It is understood that the Turkisn ar mistice includes unconditional surrcw der. . .. , . . .. t "" General View Confirmed. Washington, Oct.,31. London cables that Turkey had agreed to an armis tice confirmed the general vlow here that she would appeal direct to the al lies ond tnkc what she was given pro vided the United States did not hurry its reply to the original note ; ' (fduUtuei sa pag two) Fifty Thousand Is Latest Count Made ' Eun-.e, Oct. 31. The Italian and allied armies in Italy have taken more than 50,000 pris oners and 300 guns, the war of fice announced today. . ' OPEN DARDANELLES . The British fought a bloody, losing campaign at Gallipoli to force the opening of the Par- dnnelles in 1915. Their expedi- tioa was finally obliged tO with draw.. Several allied warships were, junk in vain efforts to get through the narrows. The Dardanelles was known in ancient history as the Helles- pnnt. A British squadron under Sir John Duckworth forced a passage in . 1807, but suffered heavy losses in the tri-p out. French and British fleets passed through the Dardanelles . at the request of the sultan in . 1853 in the Crimeun war. ., . THE LATEST WAS SUMMARY. , London, Oct. 5. (By mail.) This is, the vicar of Skilling ton' summary of. the war .to date. , . , ,.' , , . , "Tanks, Yanks, -j spanks, thanks.