Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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We Always Lead
T- 1
hi- CSeCaUSe 111 UUJlIlglUr UUr
prices, ouier cuiiuiuuuiig i casuii xui unuci ociuug 10 uuiiuiiiu
One Of The New Ones
Black Kid Vamp, Grey Cloth Top,
Military Heel, plain pointed toe,
button . .$4.50
A Common Sense Comfortable Shoe
it ; Which at the same time
appearance and good for wear. Has
black kid vamp, grey cloth top, Good
year welt sole, rubber heel imitation
tip, lace .$5.50
i!;j-AroimilTotVii !!
' Nov. 6. Election day.
Nov. 1118 United War fund
drive. Marion county . quota
$42,000.' :. '
j, j . "' '
"Tft funeral eeauttfnV'Webto ft
(Hough Co. tf
"THe bem" it all yon can do when
death cornea. Call Webb & Clough Co
IPhone 120., it.
The funeral services of Will E. Ah
jren who died at Camp Lewis Oct. ii5.
will bo held Thursday afternoon at 2
'clock at the Kigdou chapel. The ser
vices at the City View cemetery will
fea public.
' - o
Vote 46X Clark H. L. for county
judge, independent. Revere tires;
Clark's tire houso, 319 North Commer
cial street, Salem. (Paid adv.) 11-2
. -o
Dr. Bchenk has now returned from
bis vacation and he extends cordial
invitation to his patrons and friends
to visit his institution, tf
Egg. are becoming most .
scarce in thia part of the valley. Coday
the wholesale price is 60 cents a dozen
and they are not coming in very fast
even at this high figure.
Vote for Percy M. Varney, candidate
for city marshall. tf
Buy an organ at your own price. E.
L. Stiff & Son. '
Mrs. Will Nibler of Aurora died of
, , , ,, i n 4. ob
cpanisn innucn .wunuuy vn.
Her husband also died of the influenza
Wednesday Oct. He was the local
oVuggist. Before going to Aurora he
am emlovcd in one of tho Salem drng i
tores, - .
The 8. A. T. O. boys were all 'shot'
yeeterday and taking into consideration
that a shot in the arm often causes in-
r M44
X ' est spectacle wearing nation in the world. The dif- I
J ference is that Americans
t while the Huns can't see
a good American. Have your eyes examined.
Ll "A. IIcCULLCCH Octrict,
01-5 Bank of
1IW TV VloV.lfw1
jstuies rc aic cuawcu
f v,j m,
Tan Russian calf vamp, Nubuck top,
Wing Tip, . French or military
heel ......... $7.50
Field mouse grey kid vamp, khaki
cloth top, imitation tip, pointed toe,
rubber military heel, welt sole. We
have another, the same as above, but
with plain toe and French heel. .$4.98
is neat in
ed to drill today.' Instead of taking
the influence, vaccine in two " shots,
they were given it all yesterday in one.
Henoe the vacation. s 7
Highest cash price paid for fresh
eggs. Midget Market. tf
' o
Due to shortage of labor, beginning
November 1-, Vick Bros, garage will
close at 7 p. m. and open at 8 a. m.
I This will do away with the night shift
and save several men for dy work,
which is most essential, as alt business
and commercial cars are nsually thru
with their day's work by that time.
; . : il-4
Must close out Organs at your own
price E. L. Stiff & Son.
The four manual training teachers o(
the city schools are putting in their
time remodelling the Holnmn house
just south of the high school building.
This property was purchased some time
ago ly the district. The building wild
be used for .the domestic art depart
ment and will also be equipped with
model kitchen to demonstrate the right
kind of cooking to the classes in do
mestic science. The Smith Hughes act
requires that domestic art must be
taught in a building separate from
. . ., . 1 o
WiU ship all kinds of livestock next
you sell your Thanksgiving turkeys.
O. W. Eyre, 2200M. 10-28
Br. O. Hartley, dentist, Moore build
ing, 407 Court St. Painless filling and
extracting, Pyorrhea. Phone 114. tf
Now that all questionnaires are out
or at loaxt the big majority, tho ad
visory board meeting -eaeh day at the
court hoime ig giving free legal assist-
the youlh just over 18 years
well as the man between 30 and 40
years. For Thurenay the ooard is as
follows: Justice Geo. H. Burnett, cap
tain;; 8. M. Endicott, Thomas Brown,
W. E, Keyes, Ivan u. Martin, Key. K.
N.- Avison and Dr. B. E. le Steiner.
i From past experience of those who
ihave served on the legal advisory
j boards, it ;ig said that the oldor men
arc much more willing and aniious to
be given advice than the hoys 18 and
GERMANS are the great- i
are mostly far sighted I
further than their nose. Be I
Commerce Bldg.
y it
frw KllTT 1 f limiCll till V 1 fXT
tu uujr at uimjuuuj
ottt t tmh t?hp PAQTT
Of The Best
The Hon. E. S. Erwin, United States
marshal from Fairbanks, Alaska, and
daughter, Mary, accompanied by his
sister, Mrs. Vesta 8catt, are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodfollow at
their homo near MoCoy. Mr. Crwin nnd
party with the inBane from Alaska for
Mt. Tabor and prisoners for McNeil
Island were on the boat just ahead'of
the Princess Sophia which was lost in
a storm and all on board drowned.
' Good 2nd hand plno cheap, at E. L.
Stiff Son's.
The river is beginning once again to
look more natural. Today it was up to
three tenths above the low water mark
after having been two feet below zero
the first of the month,
' ' o
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Terwilliger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors,
770, Chcmcket 8t. Phone ' 724.
- o .
Organs at your own price. E. lb Stiff
& Son.
The United War Fund drive to be
put on beginning Nov. 11 has nothing
whatever to do with the Amorican Bed
Cross. Funds for the Bed Cross will be
raised in a separate campaign. The
United War Fund is for seven patriot
ic organizations. Tho total amount to
be raised in the country is $170,000,000
The auota for Marion county is in,
000. The f oUowing is the names of the
seven organizations for which the drive
is put on and also the amount each is
to receive Y. M. C. A., $100,,000,000;
Young Women s Christian association,
$15,000,000; Knights of Columbus, $30,
000,000; Jewish Welfare Board, $3,
500,000; National Library association,
$3,50,000; Salvation Army, $3,500,000;
War Camp Community service, fia,-
Around the court house, everything
begins to look like election aay. Bal
lots and ballot boxes have been pre
pared for all voting precincts in the
county and today Sheriff W. I. Need
ham is arranging to send them to the
judges of each preoinet. Besides the
chance to vote for everything from a
socialist to a repoAilican-democrat, the
electors will find seven propositions
to deside. Two questions have been re
ferred to the people by the legislature;
two roferendumg have been ordered to
be voted on by petition of the people;
two are proposed by initiative peti
tion and one is referred to the voters
by the state tax commission.
D. X. Howard of Aberdeen, Miss,
writes his friends hare that he hopes
to return to Oregon and -that they
need not be surprised if he should fome
back to this country next spring. He
was formerly social director of the
Commercial club and still retains his
Elk jpiembcrship in the local lodge.
Lloyd T. Rlgdom writes Secretary
Wiodmor of the local Elks' lodge that
he is on the way over there. O. J
Kornicks' sends word that he is now
statioued at Camp Lee in Virginia.
Wayne Price lg taking his training at
Fort McDowell. California.
Oscar B. Gingrich who had an auto
mobile tire stolen from the rear end
of his ear last Friday night found that
be was covered for the loss by the Pa
cific States Fire Insurance Co. of
Portland, W. C. Dyer, agent. He re
ported his loss Monday and has al
ready received a voucher from the
company reimbursing him fully for his
From teaching country school to he-
Voters Should Place 'T
Before Name Voted For
Voteri of Oregon are advised 6y At
torney General Brawn to place at the
left of any name written in on the
ballot at the November election an X,
in the same way that the X ia placed
before the names of candidates whose
nimes are printed on the ballot sheets.
Under the law the attorney general is
of the opinion that this is not neces
sary, but to eliminate any doubt and so
that the electors or candidates whose
names are written in may be on the
safe ude, if such votes should be car
riedby contest into the courts.
A meeting was held last evening of
the Community board cooperating with
the U. S. Employment bureau in Salem.
A survey of labor conditions will be
made in Salem. A list of 88 firms and
manufacturing plants in Salem each
employing more than five people was
submitted last evening. These plants
and firms will tie notified to make out
a list of their employes and when the
list is completod, it will be forwarded
to headquarters at Portland, iiv CO'
operation between state authorities and
local community boards it is thought
that the federal authorities will be
able to more satisfactorily handle la
bor conditions. .
In the campaign for members for
the Commercial club, up to today noon
about 300 pledges had been turned in
to fceadqnaakilV. When the workers
started Monday morning, calling on
those who should become members of
the club the prospects for securing the
400 necessary was most encouraging.
However, pledges did not come in quite
as fast as anticipated and today- the
meetincr of those to solicit for hc
United War Fund drive Nov. 11 call
ed in a number of the best workers
from the Commercial elub campaign.
Unless there is a considerable ex
tension of time when the Christmas
present may be mailed to the boys in
France, the chances are that thousands
will be obliged to miss, the nome re
membrance. As yet. no one has. ap-
peawd at the Red Cross headquarters
with one of the labels, and the last
date when the cartons may bo mailed
is Nov. 20. . v
Earl J. Sumner, "who left Salem 'with
Company M, was wounded last June
and since that time has been in a hos
pital. In a letter Just received by his
cousin, Miss Pearl George,, of the Price
Shoe store, he writes that he has been
brought to a hospital near Now York
city and that .he -was more, than -glad
to get back, to hurt's country. The
shot that .wounded him shattered one
of his legs from .the knee to the hip,
and hiti letters socm to indicate tnat
he has not evon yet been able to leave
a hospital. He wortefl for about two
years at the White House rostaurant.
His parents live, a,t Damascus.
iiok 'i
(DI "
Hersheys Chocolate, Vs-pound 19c
lyal Baking Powder, 60o sise..j:.39c
0. A. Baking Powder, 25c Bize......23c
K. O. Baking Powder, 60c sise....r..40c
K. c. Baking Powder, 25c size 20c
Eoyal Club Coffee, No. 34, 8-lb 90c
M. j. B. coffee. No. 35, 2Vi-lbs. .....85c
Dependable coffee, 3 lbs . . 95c
O. A. coffee, No. 28, 3-lbs..... 80c
Hard Wheat flour, $3 and -33.15
Soft wheat flour .. ....... .-.$2.90
Krinkle Corn Flakes. 2 for 1 25c
Kelloggs Corn Flakes. ....14c
Post Toasties ..,..;,..' 14c
Best Creamery butter, 1 lb...... -61c 67c
Good walnuts, 1 lb. ... .. .25c
Large package Sea Foam washing
..powders -.25c
Citrus washing powders 27c
Fresh Peanut butter, 1 lb 50c
Cooking oil la bulk, 1 gallon.. -..$1.95
Sweet spuds, pound ... . 6c
Fresh Crackers, bulk, S days, 1 lb 18c
White Flyer soap .6c
Zurich. Oct. 30. The Aostro-Hun-
garian government of Montenegro fled
to Vienna, following Uie uprising iu
that country, a disoatch from Laibach,
reported today. Montenegrin Coiuuad-
jia nave entered Cettinje,. the capital.
Borne, Oct. 30. The Italians have
reached the Livenza river.
The Livenza river is 13 miles east of
the Piave. Vittorio, the great Austrian
base is situated on the vest bank.
With the Italian Armies in the Field,
Oct. 30. American troops from Ohio,
under command of General Treat, hays
crossed tho Piave and taken up the Ad
vance. Berlin! "via London, Oct. 30. A
French attack on an eleven-mile front j
between Nizy-Lc-Comte and the Aisne.
in which great numbers of tanks wer
employed, w&s completely beaten tack,
the ucrman war office announced to
'Parts of our position northwest of
Hcrpy, which were temporarily lost,
were recaptured by a counter attack,"
the state said. "Heavy losses wer
inflicted on tho enemy yesterday and
many tanks were destroyed."
(Capital Journal Special Service)
North Howell, Oct. 30. Charles Buss
died at Camp Lewis after a few davs
illness with the influenza; he was the
third son -of -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buss of
this place and leaves to mourn his loss
besides his parents, four brothers at
home, one sister, Mrs. Frances Swart;
hout, of Portland and-a brother, Geo.
A. Buss, of- Camp Eustis, Va. Funeral
services were held at 8 o'clock Bun
day morning at Mt. Angel.
Elmer diingstad, who died on the
train (bctwten. Portland and Oregon
City had been in poor health for a
year. His father had taken him to east
ern Oregon, hoping the dry climate
would be of benefit, but as he seemed
to get no better, was bringing him
home when the end came. He was 20
years of age and had a host of friends
who extend their sympathy to the lam-
Mr. and A!r- Chas. Dunn and Mr.
and Mrs. Bollie Dunn came up from
Portland to attend -the funeral of their
brother, Geo. W. Dunn, which was held
in Salem. Burial was in the Pioneer
Mrs. Franees Swarthout is spending
a few weeks at the home of her par
ents, BTr. and Mrs. Carl Buss.
No cases of the influenza have ap
peared -in North Howell thus far.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chaffee of Sa
lem spent Sunday at the home of Thos.
A crew of 30 trusties from the state
prison are digging potatoes on that
part of Lake Labish managed by Esolo
and Thorne.
. Mr. Liston, who has been in poor
health for some time was taken to the
Willamette sanatorium last week .by C
E. . McEllwain. ,
Germans Still Violate
Rules Of Civilized War
New York. Oct. 30 That the Ger
mans have not abandoned tactics they
employed when they overran Belgium
and France in the early days of the
war and when they violated every
clause tf The Hague convention, is ev
idenced -by the latest British official
report "received here today by the Brit
ish bureau of information.
Advancing troops of the British
Fifth army, under General Birdwood,
the famous Anzac leader, according to
the report, recently captured Bed Cross,
wagons loaded to the tops witn ammu
nition. This capture, it was pointed
out, was made at the tune the German
high command was protesting sinceri
ty in its plea for an armistice.
San Francisco, Oct. 30. Because her
soldier husband will soon leave for
France, Mrs. Bita McDonald, aged 21,
a bride of four months, lies in a cot at
the Lettorman general hospital today
Due to 111 Health
Mr. John Steliman
has retired from the t
Salem Ice Company
t We have assumed the
t business and shall con-
t tinue it in the name of
the Salem Ice company ; :
I at the Same Address and
Same Phone (No. 415), J
i with Mr. Harry Elgin j
in charge. .
We thank you for pas' f
t courtesies and solicit t
your future patronage. I
t Pheasant NortHwest Pro-;
dads Company.
A New Shipment Direct from New York Showing
AH the Latest Models . -
$3.69 $4.45 $5.75
Our Prices Always the Lowest
GALE ;& CO. '
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Formerly Chicago
Court Streets Store
fighting to . keep from recovering
from a self -inflicted bullet wound in
her head. .
"I did it because he is going to
France,", she . told attending physi
cians. "I hope 1 die." Kho may win.
flnlnnrtl Uitl, nf f oTititi villa la in
the city. He was formerly captain of
company H of Silvcrton. .
B. J. Allison ef Dallas was In the
city yesterday.
W. H. Beall and family of Mill City
were in the city Tuesday registered at
the Bligh.
Charles Ullman of Mt. Angel was in
Salem yesterday.
Major Lambert of Stayton is in the
city. He was formerly captain of sep
arate company A of SMverton.
Miss Florawse' Kumrow is home from
a visit at Albany.
Mrs. Robert Smith is here from
Brcmertonj Wn., the guest of her fath
er, Frank, Wrightman. Mr. Smith is an
ensign in the navy.
"' Archie Rice is home from Athena,
where he has been spending the past
year. ' '
Merril T. Lamport is now Lieutenant
Lamport, according to today's dispatch
es. ie was given his commission as
second lieutenant in the quartermas
ter 's cerps.-
FJCHE Mrs. Sophia Mabel Eichc, Oc
tober 29, 1918, in her 36th year. Tho
services were held this afternoon and
burial was in the Bethel cemetery..
TURNER At a hospital in the city,
Tuesday Oct. 29, 1918, Mrs. Frank
Turner. Death was'due to heart fail
She is survived by a husband aad
three daughters. The funeral arrange'
ments are in chargo of Webb & Clough.
The funeral services will be conducted
by the Rev, H. N. Aldrich, and will be
held at the Webb & Clough chapel
Tnursuoy morning at 10:d0 o'clock
KLltDAS 'At the home of his sister-
in-law, Mrs. Hazel Kecler, Oct. 30,
1918, Frederick Kludas, of Kansas.
Death was due to double pneumonia
brought on by the influenza. Besides
his wife he i survived by his parents
living at Spokane and brothers and
sister living in Washington. The fun
eral services will be held at the l'er
wiHiger home.
Mr. Kludas left Kansas Oct. 21 com
ing west to visit his relatives and had
been ill only a few days. He was an
Hemstitching and Ficot edge
We do this work la 'he best
manner. y
All work guaranteed.
t Singer Sewing Machine Co
Phone 441
337 State Stmt , Saleu
, car of
I Chinese Ifedielne nA TW rw
f Has medicine : which will iirt
L aay known disease.
Omb Sundtva fmm in
aatii S p. at.
I 153 South High 8t
I Balsas, Ortgos, PkoM 1ST
Prices I
coming a genuine "torn cat" in the
tank service of the country ig a pret-', ,
ty long jump but John C. French of
1545 South Cottago' street has succeed
ed in making it. This oveningi he will
leave for Camp Colt, at Gettysburg,
Pa. for training in a tank corps. 10
day he was given his proper papers by .
the local exemption board. Last win
ter Mr. French taught school at Cen- ,
tral Howell.
j. Dermatologist
Foot Specialist
Without Blood or Pain Or Causing
. Soreness or Other Inconvenience.
Chilblains and'AU Diseases of the Feet
Cured. ,v
Special Attention to Antiseptics thero
- t,-by Preventing Infection.
Appointments by Phono. :- .
' - Lady Assistant. :
. 518 V. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
Phone 418. ' - ' Salem, Ore.
And All Kinds of 2nd Hut
Fill Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get oar prices before yon sell. 4
871 H. Oom'l St Phons 7M
jf. tftop at
"A Home Away from Home.'
Strictly Modern $1 jer Day
100 Rooms of Solid Coffort
Only Hotel in Business District
Portland Furniture Dealer wants ,
all kinds of second bund furniture,
ftstoves, gas ranges, etc. Best price
paid. . Phone 951.
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices,
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni-,
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my Prices Before
you sell. ' '
Phone 398
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
When yon nse Journal clasaifi-
ed ads get what you want them
to they work fast.