THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1918. PAGE THREE I r "" ' '1 The Best Seller The reason the grocer has so , many orders for Kream Krisp is that when you use Kream Krisp for shortening you save not only by using lessof it than either but teror lard, but you eliminate the failures that often come from us ing inferior fats in your cooking. Kream Krisp is made from se lected peanuts and is a wholly pure vegetable product. Kream Krisp costs less to use than but ter or lard. . KreamKrisp has no flavor of its own, and doesn't absorb flavors irom foods, no matter how wide the variety fried in the same con tents. For this reason you can use it again and again, simply by straining it after each use. Kream Krisp heats quickly in frying, forming a crisp crust that keeps the food flavor in. and does not soak the fat, thus foods fried in Kream Krisp are not , greasy and indigestible. Kream Krisp economy starts with your first purchase of a can of it Try Kream Krisp today and you will use it always. " - BROWN COMPANY Kream Krisp Department, Portland, Me. Pureh Vegetable ----S- - I KRIS Jae Universal Shortening " UftlVERSAL HOK.TP- 1 TfiwVtai II NrauowoJI I I I rxi ft) 1 rr I - i-Vi H ' iff ih(Jw0 I- BB&- 1 I f 1 TOR SAVINGS SnUPS I Hi On Or Before November 1 On account of failing health and inability to secure efficient health I find it necessary to retire from business. Coupon books re deemable until January 1st. Until November 1st, we will conduct busi ness as usuaL Afterwards Pheasant North-. west Company will continue the business. For information Phone J. Stellman, Phone 1737J, or 415 Salem Ice Go. BUDAPEST DISORDERS (Continued from page one) GERMANY TO GET (Continued from page one) ence's verdiet in official form for rep resentative's signatures. GERMANS BEND NEW NOTE. By Robert J. Bender -Washington, Oct. 30. Germany am sont a supplementary eommuuieation to the United States on the subject of peace. . It reached the Swiss legation this, forenoon and was delivered by the Swiss charge shortly before noon. The new message described what Germany is doing in the way of consti tutional changes to make the govern ment responsible to the people. it was said that it does not alter the peace situation as it stands today, not making any new proposals. It is understood to have been un solicited and constitutes a voluntary move on the part of Gormany. The text may not be made public immedi ately. " The supplementary message was by way of amplifying previous statements of the German government that it had politically reformed. Tho note, which it supplements, declared thatthe presi- aeni --Knows aoout mese reforms." It was regarded here, therefore, as a Iast-minuto effort to persuade the pres ident that the kaiser's power had been effectually shorn and that armistice dealings would, in reality, be with the German people not the Hohenzollerns. How the government regards tho sin cerity of the explanations was nol forthcoming. ; . The note, which is quite long is un signed and directed not to President Wilson, but to tho United States gov ernment. It is more in the nature of a memorandum for public consumption in tho United States than an official document solely for the review of the officials. . While the increasing efforts of tho central powers for an armistice before they are definitely beaten, there was growing belief here today that the United States and the allies should dis patch their armistice terms and peace terms simultaneously, tho former to be granted upon the condition that Ger many and her aillies accept the latter. s A some expressed it tliero wouM be no use in granting an armistice if there was then to bo prolonged wrangling and chance for discord at the peace ta ble. Germany, they said, should be given an armistice only if she agrees to the allied peace terms. Conference at Versailles. The Versailles conference will agree to adhere to President Wilson's poaco points. .' This was stated in authorltativo American official and . entente, diplo matic quarters today. As a corollary to the basic, acceptance the question of an armistice lias been given over to tho militovy advisers, and according to the United Press' information, armis tice terms will bo forthcoming before the weekends. . i And differences ns to the application of ' the president's 14 points, will be threshed out in the final-feace ini.1nat ment, If was said. It was emphasized that the Versailles conference will cldso with a completely united diplomatic front. With armistice torms about ready, for presentation to Germany, her brok.m ally, Austria, wag today madly scramb ling to gst a separate peace before tho complete crash comes. ' ' '.' , New Austrian Appeal. Her latest reported note an appeal to Secretary Lansing to, use influence upon President Wilson for such a peace had not been rtccivod. But it was expected to follow closely, on her pence answer delivered lato yesterday, which was before President Wilson and ec- retaiy Lansing today. That tho allies and the United States are ready to make terms on tho basis of surrender of Austria iB considered likely. But the entente, it was learned authenti cally, will stipulato that Bohemia and Slovakia be occupied as a base for fu ture operations against Germany before an armistice win do aupwca Austria. DON'T DIG KIDUEYS RUB BACKACHE AWAY Instil Relief! Rub Pais, Sore ness And Stiffness From Your Back With 4;SL Jacob's Limnent" Kidneys cause backache! No.' They have no nerves, therefore can not eause pain. Listen I Your backache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, penetrat ing "St. Jacob's Liniment." Bub it right on the ache or tender "spot, and instantly the pain, soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled- Get a small trial bottle of 'St. Jacob's Liniment" from your durggist and limber up. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache, sciaticaor lumbago pain- "St. Jacobs Liniment'' stops any pain at once. It is harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. It's the only application to rub on a weak, lame or painful back, or for lum bago, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains or a strain. Individuals Included In Excess Prof its Taxes Washington, Oct. 30. The senate fi nanco committee today brought indi viduals and partnerships under the war excess provisions of the $8,000,000,000 war rovenno bill. Under tho house bill, individuals and partnerships paid no war excess profits tax. To equalize this condition, the com mfttco provided that Biich individuals and partnerships shall pay war excess profits taxes exactly as corporations but that the war excess profits tax shall bo credited againBt the income tax paid by tho individual or the indi vidual members of the partnership. STOIMCHIISERY Get Rid of That' Sourness, Gas and . Indigestion When your stomach is out of order or run down, your food doesn't digest. It ferments in your stomach and forms gag which causes sourness, heartburn, toul brciath, pain at pit of stomach and many other miserable symptoms. ' Mi-o-na stomach tablets will give joyful relief in five minutes; if taken regularly for two weeks they will turn your flabby, sour, tired out stomach into a sweet, energetic, perfect work ing one. . You can't b6 very strong, and lg orous if your food only half digests. Your appetite will go and nausea, diz ziness, biliousness,, sick headacho and constipation will follow. '.Mi-o-uia stomach ...tablets. ..are small and easy to swallow and aro guaran teed to banish indigestion and any or all of the above symptoms or mojjcy back. For sale by Dnn'l J. Fry and all leading druggists. ifKMMHtMtMM4tHMTmtMtMMItHtHmMH UIl ft GREW Reliable Merchandise TABLE CLOTHReal linen, fine quality, pretty de signs at . . . . . . . . . .$3.25, $2.50, $1.90 and $1.50 a Yd. Mercerized Tablecloth 39c up; 72-indi wide 90c yd. BED SPREADS Big sizes, good values,, . .$1.50 up 75x84 at $2.50; . Also 80x90 at $2.50; 76x88 at $3.00 Dimity Bed Spreads at $2.75 Cotton blankets, 68x76 at $2.50 a pair Nice fluffy plaid blankets 66x80, at $6.50 a pair Sheets, 81x90, at $1.00 V Feather Pillows, at $1.25 and 90c -: MEN'S FURNISHINGS Union suits, winter weights at $2.25, $1.50, and $1.25 a suit Boy's union suits at ....... v. .............. . .$1.00 Men's underwear, separate garments. 85c Men's wool union suits at $5, $4.50, $4, and $3.50 suit Men's all wool Mackinaw shirts, also Meckinaw, Rub- ber Boots and Acquapelle Goods. ; . , Shoes, that are guaranteed, the only kind for winter 240-246 COMMEIiCfAL STItEET Louis Swift's Son-ln-Law Confesses To Intrigue New York,, Oct. 30. Depositions -n i. T A- Hfi. maao oy tue coum, .' ' idealism to save Germany from her just !"""""" i . r.Zi,i 'ate The Germans, holding n0 higher stated, ' at allied embassies' today, he doubtlessly would be made ehauiuan of the peace conference if ho goes. Should tho war go on for years, as" is possible, the president 's reported de sires might ibo altered, of course. Should he go, the constitution pro vides that during the poriod of his absence, the vice president -would di rect' the executive work of the presi dent. 1 . It would be tho first time in the history of tho nation that the president has visited Europe while in office. Colonel Roosevelt wont to Panama while president. ' Report of the president's possible course with particular sympathy among diplomats oft tho smaller countries who have enthusiastically applauded his at titude toward Austria- and his expres sions on tho rights of small nations. "Incidentally, this new gossip added zest to "discussion hero because of the president's known conviction that tho doors of the peace conclave should be 9WU112 wido to the public and all cove nants should bo arrived at openly. , TEMPTINGAMERICA (Continued from page one) Swift, the Chicago packer, disclosing what transpired during alleged meet ings betwoen former Premier of Franca Caillaux and Count Von Luxburg, in Argentina, were cabled to tho French authorities today . to be used at tho opening of the Caillaux trial. Tha de positions wcro mado yesterday BETTER 'THAN MEL Austria is regarded a8 in tho position thousands Havfe Discovered Dr. Edwards unve laDietsare a Harmless Substitute. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tabletfr-the substl of having to take practically any terms the entente and America present. Must Give Up Entire Fleet. The original ticket was" that Ger many would have to gWe up her sub- jute for calomel are a mild but sure mariiio fleet and permit occupation of laxative, and their effect on tha liver i her grand fleet pending the outcome almost Instantaneous. They are the result of the final peace negotiations. British of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat pressure may have altered that, for liver and i bowel XuTl press dispatches from abroad now sug- His effortt to bamsh it brought out these gest that surrender of not only the httleohve-colored .9. . U-boats but the grand fleet will be re- SSTO bS to? no bad after quired. . g t, Theydon't Injure the teeth like Austria's note of yesterday will ,f,i:nl,iftanrpalomel. Thev take hold motives than those of force and ruth- lessnces, believe that American ideal ism must necessarily be based on sen timontality and weakness of character. Tho kaiser, therefore, expects the United States to accept-his flattery and to summon ail tho rest of tho world at sinners to hear the irrevocable judg ments of the American nation. By this means tho democracies of Kurope would naturally bo incited to enmity against ' America. , The resulting dis cord would immeasurably benefit Gor man interests. It is not through any such intrigu as this that a just pcacs can be imposed on the Germans. Peace must be in agreement with tho funda mental terms of all the democratic nn; tions, if democracy is to win tho war. Germany must not be allowed to gain the victory by subtly planting seeds of future strife botwean America land tho domocraciu' of Great Britain and France. house On his lots in Richeo addition to Turner.' Ho has also bought two acres north and east of his house so "watch Turner grow." ' J. Al. Pattison was up from Portland Mondn)' looking after his 'logging in terests. " ., . . : Churley Bear brought in a largs ' plant known as the -enstor bean lot Banker Gray to use as a window dis play. It wns 10 feet high so B. D. de cided to leave it on the sidewalk. , Clyde 0. Rice, wife and little daughter wore Sunday visitors . ue Turner homo. Air. H. C. Porter of Auiusvjlla was a business culler on L, II. Tumor fctatur. day. " ''.; ., ... , . p- Scott of Portland, representing Broughton & Wiggins, was a Turner . business visitor Saturday. . 'Mrs. CV A. Nelson and daughter, Al dah, of Shedd wcro week end visitors at tho Turner home. - :, - Mr.' Charles App'ogufo was a business visitor to Tumor Monday. j' .. -Ralph Chavis, wife and son, John, were in Salem Tuesday. . . 1 Dr. Massey reports no "flu" cases in Turner at present, and every ono in taking extra precaution no school nor church gatherings for a few weeks ' Mrs. Massey was in Salem Monday attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Herman Sproed. Charles Martin moved into town Sat urday. . "ffoe" Hall is . working ' for the Dragcr fruit Union. Rev. Mickey and family have moved to hulfiii. i ... . Geo. Mooro was down from Mill City tho first of tho week., Charles Ball died in Portland lion- 'ly- .... The aged father of Sherman Swank iif AuniBvillo died Monday, and his body was brought to Turner for burial Wednesday afternoon. Miss At;ncs Arnold is in Turner for a few days.. Clarenco Forrest is homo from the iriiigs. :" . 'Hungary's Independence. Amsterdam. Oct. 30. Archduke Jo- senh. n second cousin of tho Austrian probably be forwarded to Versailles at ti,rniihla Andouicklv-correctlt. Why emperor, has issued a proclamation de- once. Her supplementary appeal from tCure the liver at the expense ot the teeth? daring that Karl charged him t0 effect! Count Andrassy, tho new. foreign minis-' Calomel Sometimes plays havo with the complete independence of Hungary tor, to Lansing, is unusual. Diplomatic gums. So do Strong liquids. Itisbestnot which would ioin the league of na- procedure ordinarily would require that to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards tions, according to a Budapest (lis-1 sue as a ncuimi io hiu, ramcr iuhh yiivo lauicm H"-. m patch received here today. Reports received yesterday stated that Count Karolyi who whs elected head of the national council, alieady had formed an independent, anti-dynastic state in Hungary, in Which the Czechoslovaks and Jugo-Slavs had joined. Sailing Vessel Sunk At Pier In Seattle Seattle Wash, Oct. 30. Rammed dur ing a heavy fog as she lay at buoy number two in JCUiott bay, the sailing vessel A. J. Fuller was sunk after be ing hit by the Japanese steainshipj Mexico Maru, a few hundred yards than m;a Tahlpta take its rjlace. ask an enemy secretary of state direct- Most headaches, "dullness"' ana tnat ly for his good offices. . lazy reeling como itom toiraunauwu mi.. a ..!.' 1. o AianrAprpi liver. Take Dr. Edwards' tion to the press that hr appeal need Olive Tablets Wtenvoufee from fhe M(,attfl WRterfront- eftrty thii not imply .fo was asking f ? a sepa- Note how they mennng. ...- t r- - . i h a. .1. f-uiier now rests on tne bottom of tho bay in 30 fathoms of water. The mate and nightwatehman - State of Siege Proclaimed. Zurich, Oct. 30. A state of siego has been proclaimed in Budapest, following the attempt of a hundred thousand demonstrators to enter the palace of Archduke Joseph. Tho demonstra-, tors are demanding a republic.,- German troopj are reported to be arriving. Students in the eity have formed a council to co operate with the Magyar national council. Czecho-Sovaks Control. Copenhagen, Oct. 30. The Czecho slovak national council was in com plete possession of Prague, capital of Bohemia, on Monoay, a V lenna dis patch reported today. The populace was enthusiastically celebrating. - . Wants Peace Wita Italy. Cp penhagen, Oct. 30. Count An drassy, new Austro Hungarian foreign minister, hag decided to begin direct negotiations . with Italy, according to adviees received here today, rate peace, apart irom uermany, wss 25 bcx Ail druggists.; interpreted here merely as a feeble cf-. w fort to show that Germany and Austria are still united. However, the ' ex planation showed that what was want ed will bo a geparato pcaco in the in terest of general peace. ' Czecho-Blovak Question. ' President Wilson has said that the Czcclio-Slovaks and Jugo-Slavs must be satisfied with the pcaco outcome. Tho Czecho slovak national council is un derstood to insist on nothing short of unconditional surrender of Austria- Aun-fc Polly says:' . Dobby. what n 4 nnrl IVl nveiy f POST TOASTIES (MADE OF CORN) .and cream, says I c Hungary, with complete military and political evacuation of the Hapsburg regime from. Czceho-Jugo, Pole and Italian territory. President Wilson was reported this morning as preparing a reply to the latest Austrian peace plea, which was expected to be completed and made public some time today but probably not until lato this evening. That the president would merely pass on the Austrian appeal to Versailles for settle ment, notifying Austria of his action was tho conviction here. PRESIDftfTTOON MAY Continued from page one) against the president leaving his coun try. Precedent alone- has guided the ac tion of former executives. . President Wilson has broken nny precedents. 'y those who believe he will go, it is pointed out that such action would servo to climax his efforts for his kind of a peace "based on justice to all." Owing to bis bigh position, it was were the only persons aboard the Pul ler at tho time of the sinking. They were rescued. Tho Mexico Maru was on her way to pier 8 when sho ram med the schooner, which, sinking, took the buoy down with her. . A full cargo of Alaska canned sal mon went down with the Puller, which was owned and operated by tho North western Fisheries company. The( A. J. Fuller was of 1600 tons grot,"and plied between Uyak, Alas ka, and Seattle. Sho sank in ton min ut)f) after being rammed. 1 Turner School District Holds Special Election (Capital Journal Speeial Service.) School district No. 79 held a special election Saturday afternoon. Dr. Mas sey and George Moore having re signed, B. E. Robertson was elected clerk and Mr. Webb as director for a three-yeart erm. Mayor H. L. Earl ordered tho school closed Oetobflr 21. W. A. Martin is building a new t iNSWHt rosins Tw mmSjifimmt-! nu n1iwss 'Dividends! of better health and comfort arc being enjoyed by thousands wh$ (av" invested in INSTANT POSTUM as their regular table beverage in place of coffee Convenient Economical Delicious