Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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' i".
n -fc. : - t x - v (Hit
Resembles Old
Fashioned Grip
Toe symptoms of Span
ish Influenza are very
similar to old fashioned
grip pains throughout
toe body, extreme dizzl
ina, sleepiness, chills,
high f f r, headache,
disturbed digestion with
running at tiie bos and
yea and excessive spit
itinn-. showing aa tnflam
saation and congestion
of the snucous linings.
t L, Hi
Manifested by
Catarrhal Condition
' With the first symp-;
toms of. Influenza, it i
well to consult your fam
ily physician at once. It
Is sot the disease itself
that Is to be (eared so
much as it is the compli
cations which may follow.
To ward oft Spanish
Influensa or as an aid to
returning health after an
attack, nothing is any
better than Dr. Hart
nan's World Famous re
For Catarrh cf Every Description Take
The well known and direct action of Peruna In restoring and
torn! n timing a healthy condition of the mucous membranes through
out the body makes it the greatest disease preventing and, health
restoring remedy known to science.
For forty-fire years Peruna has retained Its title as a reliable
safe-guard to the health of the American family.
ANNA, OHIO. 1 find Peruna ex.
Veellent for Catarrh of the head, I
keep Peruna and lianalin in the
house all the time." Mrs, A,
Euaitle, Bos It
NEWARK, N. J. "I have se4
Peruna for colds and grip. It will
do all you claim and more. My
family always have a bottle oa
hand for stomach and bowel
trouble and colds." Geo. Clark. I'ii
Union Street.
Try Perana First Tablets or Liquid Sold Everywhere
(Continued from page one
combats, in the course of which IS
were shot down. Five of our machines
did not return. Our aviators also can
ried out important recounaisnance and
photographic missions.
'Artillery and machine gun fire con
tinued during the night on the front
f the first army north of Verdun,
reaching particular intensity in the re
gions of Bois Bolleu and the Eois Du
"On the remainder of the front
there is nothing of importance to report.
French Make Advance
Paris, Oct. 30. French troops made
additional advances between the east
bank of the Oise and the Serre last
night, the war office announced today.
"North of Guise our troops made
progress along the east bank of the
Weuse and took (Beaumont (Beaufort)
farm, west of Les Quille, said the
"Oa the right bank of the Peroa we
made a new advance east of Moneeau-Le-Nenf
and took some prisoners.
"In Lorraine, two enemy raids were
unsuccessful The night was calm else
. where." .'
, A ,
, supply the very help nature
requires. They rectify morbid
skin conditions then from the
source ot skin health, springe
loveliness ot natural beautv.
Don't confuse Marinello Prep
aration, with ordinary cosmetic.
Tbey'redifferent. Tlieynwwe faults
mm iwn imuun vmm M
183 N. High St.
Oil Center Given Up
Zurich. Oct. 30. The Turks have
evacuated the great oil center of Baku
On the Caspian sea without fighting,
according to a dispatch received from
Moscow today.
All Traces of Scrofula
I IwporUles Promptly Wiped
Cleansed from the Blood
If there is any trace of Scrofula, or
I the impurities in your blood, you
cannot enjoy the full physical devel
opment that a healthy body is ca-
t'abls of until your blood has been
horoughly cleansed and purified ot
II traces of impure matter.
S. 8. S the wonderful old purely
vegetable blood remedy, hat so equal
for remov!na tha lane froa c..
ula and other blood taints, and there
is no cast that it does not promptly
reach. S. S. S. will thoroughly cleansa
and remove every disease germ that
infests the blood and give yoa new
life and vigor. It is sold by all drug
gist and yoa should get a bottle and
can obtain expert medical advice free
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ca,
BLUE BONNETS" ,f Nt Fakk sXtn Vew Feehma,
" BU tmtt," a lU m-J, J iK. vonM wh. mm a b.iM. d-MMthhh
IriW.-)cU dnsm. iport cvtkt ih1 rljib, ctitijtu efla. Ptti4U. etc Akuti.
at. ..iinMtn4aVlKaiid onnbl. WidtMiitk ei ta
, flUBi
If rw fc.l ;Wt emy "BU Be;" mti m tha 4 wak aM f doJ-r aad
W wUi Mwi Km MMpln mad Boli, Iimb oSrur hqumL
. Mrs. Sassnaa Euasakar of Portland,
who is being entertained as the guest
of Mr.' and Mrs. M. L. Jones at "their
country home at Labish Meadows, was
the gueet of honor at a charming in
formal tea this afternoon given toy
Mrs. Jones in honor of Mrs. Bnnsak
er's seventy sixth birthdsy. The guests
for the most part, included the rela
tives of the honoree, bidden both from
this vicinity and Portland. Mrs. Hun
saker is a sister of Mr. Jones. Assist
ing the host cm during the afternoon
were her daughters, Mrs. John Withy
combe of Labish Meadows, and Mrs.
Anderson Cannon of Portland. The
latter accompanied by her children, is
also a guest at the Jones home this
Paul Todd, a nephew of Superintend
ent and Mrs. John Todd, is down from
the naval training station at Seattle
for a few days visit in Salem as a
guest at both the Todd residence and
the home of Mi. D. A. Hodge, 158
North Twelfth street.
Miss Lulu Smith of Muncie, Indiana,
arrived in Salem Saturday to succeod
Mrs. Harold Turier (Maud Joy Bcals)
as ninsie instructor at the Salem high
school. She is making her home at pres
ent with Mrs. O. A. Wood, 745 orth
Cottage street. Miss Smith held the po
sition of assistant supervisor of music
in the Muncie schools.
Miss Ethel Davey of Minneapolis,
Minn., is visiting in Salem this week
as the guest of Mrs. William Everette
Anderson. Miss iavey has spent the
last three years on the esast, coming
to Oregon directly from 8an Francisco.
She is now en route to her home in the
Cecil Nist, who has received an ap
pointment to the U. S. military school
at West Point, left for New York yes
terday afternoon. He was accompanied
as far as Portland by hi. father,
Charles Nist of 1432 North J6tb street.
The appointment signifies a year's
training at West Point, after which
period Mr. Nist will be given his offi
cer's commission. He received his ap
pointment through Senator McNary.
'Mrs. W. H. Daney has returned from
an enjoyable few days visit in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tarpley, who
have been living at the Multnomah ho
tel this fall, have taken apartments at
Alexandria Court for the winter. Ev
ening Telegram.
Mr. and Mrs. Tarpley are frequent
Salem visitors, Mrs. Tarpley having
spent soma time in Salem this sum
mer as the guest of Mr. Tarpley 'a par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Tarpley.
Mrs. Sophronia Jessup, the house
guest of Mrs. Fred Stewart, has been
enjoying a short visit with fortiana
friends. Mrs. Jessup who resides in
Boise, Idaho, is a former Salem resi
dent, and has been passing the summer
in fealem, visiting trienus.
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Van Dorn are en
tertaining as "their guests for a few
davs, Mr. Van Dorn 's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Baker of Los Angeles. The
visitors have been sojourning in Se
attle and are now en route to their
home in California.
Miss Florence Kumrow has returned
from a short business trip to Albany
and other points in the vicinity.
Mrs. N. T. Hellyer of Salem Heights
will move into town for the winter the
first of the month. She will be domi
ciled at 4S0 North Eighteenth street.
Mrs. Hellyer "has sold her eountry
place of tea acre in Salem Heights,
whirh she has occupied for a number
of years, to Mrs. Clara Marsh of San
Francisco. Mrs. Marsh and her daugh
ter will arrive in Salem to take pos
session Friday. Mrs. Hellyer, who has
taken an active part in the social life
of Salem Heights and vicinity, will be
II TSie Out - Door Man's-
Double breasted, high corduroy col
lar," blanket lined with genuine
slicker oil cloth inter lining, making
them wind and rain proof a warm,
durable and practical coat for the
out door workman and driver.
Men 'a 31 to 4 ....... 15.00 and SS.25
Boys' 8 to So 13.00
Aqua pel la Pants
And Leggings
r.::a IkpeOant
Lzck Pants
After the government had taken
ail onr men's slicker we were
able, fortunately, to again get a
i few cf Tower's Best Dreadnaught
Fish Brand in the full length on
ly. We have all sizes fcut a great
, number, at each ........... 18.50
Beys' Best Quality Fink Brand
Slickers in aises 5 to 1 ynk.t2.SS
The shas the bey wear oa the
battle field a shoe designed sad
built to rit hard knocks, mud
and water. Ought to be good for
Oregoaiana. Our price, I6.S3, is be
low the latest government contracts
for theee shoe in million pair lots.
man tor shoes
Pccpcnia Often Results
Vkfcs Seized Wtbd
, ly Necessary.
Much of the difficulty experienced
bp health authorities is checking the
spread of the Spanish influenza lies
in the fact that it strikes its victims
without warning.
Although state and federal author
ities are taking every possible precau
tion ia their etfort to stop the epread
of the epidemic, the disease in many
sections of 'he country has gotten en
tirely beyond control and is claiming
its victims by tht thousands.
It is universally agreed by all well
informed persons that the surest pre
ventative ia to get the system in the
best possible physical condition in or
der to be able to throw off the infec
tion. As has been previously stated it
is possible to perfect the powers of re
sistance of the human system so that
it can throw off almost any infection,
not excepting Spanish influenza, which
is one of the most contagious diseases
Medical authorises agree that peo
ple who are weak and run-down are the
earliest victims of the influenza epi
demic If you find yourself weak and
losing flesh, or if you are in a gen
erally rnn-dowo condition, yon are real
ly in great danger if you should come
in contact with the influenza germ.
As a powerful reconstructive tonic
and system builder, Tanlae is without
equal. This is a statement of faets
and ia fully supported by recognized
authorities. According to all accepted
reference works, including the United
States Dispensatory, Encyclopedia Brit-
anniea and leading text books used in
the school of medicine, the principle in
gredients of Tanlac possess the most
valuable tonic properties known to
science, this statement is further prov
en by the fact that millions of persons
who have actually taken Tanlae have
testified to its extraordinary merit as
a medicine.
Tanlae restores health and strength
to the weak and rundown system by
enabling every organ of the body to
perform its proper function in nature's
own way. It creates a healthy appetite
for good nourishing food, and ia an
ideal strengthening tonic for persons
who are in a rundown condition and
who are suffering from the after-effects
of influenza, 'grippe or bronchial troub
Tanlas is sold ia Hubbard by Hub
bard Drug Co., in Mt. Angei by den
Gooch, in Gervais by Joha Kelly, ia
Turner by H. r. Cornelius, in Wood
burn by Lyman H. Shorey, ia Salem
by Dr. 8. C. Stone, in Silverton by Geo.
A. Bteelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J
P. McCurdy and in Stayton by U A.
Beanchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
Store, (Adv.)
Hot water
Sure Relief
'for indigestion
welcomed in town by a large circle of
friends. .
Miss Mabel Garrett is passing' the
week with her mother, Mrs. Ida M.
Garrett of 152 North Thirteenth street
Miss Garrett is an instructor in the
Woodburn high school, which in com
mon with other schools is closed dur
ing the epidemic.
To arouse a slagsh Ever,
to relieve a distressed
stomach, to fortify your
self against disease. use
Lars Satarf Aa-Mo-elm ia rita WerU.
SMwrwlM-a. la ttoaaa. 10u, 2.
111 10 Mil II
uracd-sa Kept Her Locks
Datrk. Gcssy, Asd YcutSi
ful With Sage Tea and
The old time mixture of Sage Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray;
streaked and faded hair is grand
mother's recipe, and folks are again
using it to keep their hair a good, even
color, which is quite sensible, as we
are living in an age when a youthful
appearance is of the greatest advant
age. Nowadays, though, we don't have
the troublesome task of gathering the
sage and the mussy fixing at home.
AH drug stores sell the ready to nse
product, improved by the addition of
other ii'redienfs, mlled "Wyeth's
Ssge and Sulphur Compound" It is
very popular because nobody can dis- j
cover it has been applied. Simply mois
tea your comb or- a soft brash with it
and draw this through yoor hair, tak
ing on small strand at a time; by
morning the gray hair disappears, but
what detietts the ladies with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that,
beanies beautifully darkening ths hair
after a few applications, also pro
duces that toft lustre aid appeamatee
of abundance which is so attrsrtive.
This ready to use preparation is a de
lightful te3t requisite for those who
desire Y more youthful appearance. It
is sot intended for tha euro, mitiga
(Continued on page six)
leaving ths prisoners nndei a terrific
bombardment which was kept np for
sours in aa effort to prevent the Ital
ians from rebuilding the bridge.' The
prisoners suffered heavy casualties.
More thaa 15,000 prisoners have been
officially enumerated and there are be
lieved to he thousands more which
have not yet been brought across the
river and counted. - -
The Italians have extended their of
fensive southward to the Adriatic, in
creasing the width of their drive to a
front of more than 100 kilometers (62
miles). They are now pressing for
ward from the Grappa region to the
sea. -
The new advanee was begun last
aight bv the third armv. -under com
mand of the Duke D 'Osta.
At the time of cabling, bridgeheads
have been established on the east
bank of the lower Pinve of Salgareda,
at San Dona Di Piave, and opposite
Zensoa. " " " '
(Salgareda is six miles directly south
of Odorzo. Zenson is a mile south of
Salgareda. San Dona Di Piave is ten
miles from the main mouth of the Pi
ave.) The Twelfth army, after a night of
forced marching, captured Folliaa
(eight miles northeast of Voldobbia
dene) in cooperation with the Eighth
army, advancing from Conegliano, they
are threatening the great Austrian base
of Vittorio.
Seven Miles Beyond Piave '
Pome, Oct. 30. The allies vigorous
ly pressing their advance have advanp-
eo; seven miles beyond the Piave on a
front of more than twenty five nuies,
the Italian war office announce to
day. They have captured nine addition
al villages, including the important
railway town of Conegliano and the
strong enemy base of Valdobbiadene.
A thousand prisoners and 150 guns
have been added to the captures. Many
of the guns have been turned against
the Austrian. ;
"The enemy has' been forced to
abandon positions en the heights along
the left bank of the Piave," the state
ment said. "The villages of Valdob
biadeite, aa Pietro Di IDiarboezza,
Farra Di Soligo, Pleve Di Soligo, Col
lalto, Befontolo, Mareno Di Piave and
Fontanelle have been liberated and we
have entered Calcine Torrent. Bitter
fighting is under way, it) the Grappa
region. . '
"Aa additional thousand prisoners
and more than 150 guns have been talc
en. Many of the latter are in action
againststbe enemy."-4
The Austrian Report
Vienna, via London, Oct. 30. Aus
trian troops on the Piave front were
withdrawn to new positions in the rear
areas last night, the Austrian war of
fice announced. - ,
"On the Piave, although the entente
forces did not succeed in breaking thru
Always ready with abundant stocks td supply your X
: - . . Denis in . - - - :
. " . . . ESSENTIAL WEAIUNG:APFiUtEL' -:. "": ": '
For every feminine member of the family at prices
exceptionally reasonable for
For this year's Holiday Season, even more than usual
this store will feature merchandise suitable for
U. G. Shipley Go. I
toward evening we decided to withdraw
in the met strongly attacked sectors
to the rear of bur lines," the state
ment said.
"The movement was carried out dur
ing the night."
"In Albania our rear guards have
evacuated Alessio. '
Jackson s Delinquent
Tax measure Vicious
The delinquent tax measure
which we have to vote on this
fall provides that the sheriff
shall notify the person taxed
at the address on the tax rolls."
The tax rolls are made up
March 1. .The time for paying
the last half of the taxes does
not expire till a year ami a ijt
half from the following Octo-
ber a full year and a half af-
ter the rolls are made np. In
the' meantime hundreds of peot
pie may have moved away -od id
it is impossible to rind them by
addressing a : letter where V
,.they were a year and a half
previous. This is- merely one "
of the many reasons why I be-
lieve that this proposed mean- 4
ure is vicious and should be
defeated. y
County Clerk of Benton County.
The Original
Forlnfanta, Invalids .wlGrowing Children. I Rich Milk. Malted Grain Extract la Povfdec
The Oruetnal Food-Drink For An Axes, I OTHERS are IMITATIONS
Tokio, Oct. 26. (Dcayed.) Baron
Goiisuke Haynshl, Japanese minister to
Chiua, has resigned and Torikuchi
Obata has been named to - take his
place. -
After Being Relieved of Or
ganic Trouble by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. -
Oregon, 111." I took Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound for an or
ganic trouble which
pulled me down un
til I could not put my
foot to the floor and
could scarcely do my
work, and as I live
on a small farm and
raise six hundred
chickens every year
it made it very bard
"I saw the Com
pound advertised in
our. paper, and tried
it It has restored
my health so I can do all my work and
I ant so grateful that I am recomir end
ing it to my friends." Mrs. D. M.
Alters, R. K. 4, Oregon, III.
Only women who have suffered the tor
tures of such troubles and have dragged
along from day to day can realize the
relief which this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Finkbam's Vegetable
Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters.
Women everywhere in Mrs. Alters
condition should profit by her recom
mendation, and if there are any ooro-plic-tions
write Lydia E. Pintcham'a
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for sdvice."
The result of their 40 years experience
is at vour service.
w W'
fl Wm USCflHT'
Cannot dwell under the
same roof.
Wherever you find Music
you will find pleasure,
contentment and happi
ness. Let there he music in your
Pioneer Music Dealer of Salem
432 State Street
one 159
tion or prevention of disease.