Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 29, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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felnil of fmtorj
mM- "From QT There" V
42 n General Penhing's Official Report t
- The following casualties are report
ed by the coamiaiitling general of the
Aniercaa expedtionary forces:
Wounded severely Cti
Killed in action 42
Hied of wounds 38
Jfed of accident and other causes... a
I'ted from airplane accident 4
Jied of disease 71
V.'onnded, degree undetermined 114
."Wounded - slightly . U
Sfissing iit action ; 34
Prisoners - i
: Total , 400
Killed in Action
' Edward M Cronin, Bayoune N J
Prancis B Lowry, Denver Colo
Easeom L Field, Greensboro N C
X William T Ingram, Oneonta Ala
-- John O Miller, Fairveiw N 0
'. Thomas Schw'mn, Wellington Kan
' - Sergeants
; FSyton R Campbell, Buffalo N Y
. larion P Taylor, Wawoka Okla
William A Coon, Okarche Okla
William Miles, McKenny Va
William F Kansoti, Fhilttdelpbia
Lester O Whitscm, Chicago
Edward Wraesinske Heaver Dame
Elmer K Bergor, Wilkinsbtirg Fa
Edward Collins, New York
If You Suffer From OonBtipatlon, TJp
1 sat EtonMiCh or Inactive Liver,
Give Celery King a Trial, if
You Want Genuine Relief
and Want it Quick
It's ft purely vegetable remedy, gen
tie and effective thut drives impuri
ties from the bowels and makes you
feel better right away. ,
Brew ft enp of this pleasant remedy
when you atch cold, get feverish and
an out of sorts. .
lijo it for sick headache! to Rive
foil a sweet breath, clear skin and
wealthy appetite. ;
ISair Stops ; Falling Out And
Gets Thick, Wavy, Strong
. And Beautiful
Your hair becomes, light, wavy, fluf
iff, .'abundant and appears a soft, lus
Rrous and beautiful as a young, girl's
utter n "Itauderiiio hair cleanse."
VI nst try this moisten a Moth with a
.little Duiulerine ud carefully draw it
(through your hair, faking ono small
Hiand at a time. This will demise the
tiair of ilit, dirt and excessive oil and
in just a few momenta you have doubl
ed the beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying the hair at once
I'anderine dissolves every particle of
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig
orates the scalp, forever stopping itch
in); and falling hair.
But what will please you most will
le ater a few weeks' use when you
twill actually nee new hair fine and
klowny at firstyes but really new
luiir growing all over the scalp. J f you
if.aro for pretty, soft hair and lots of it,
fiurely net a small bottle of Knowl
loii'm I'anderine from any druggist or
itt ilot counter for a few cents.
i r. ii w-h rvnf v.v ffmricj't'p-iim.ii
t i
it -
to the
Country Means-
That we are producing the Best Loaf Tossible under wartime conditions.
HOLSUM BREAD is so good that you enjoy it to the last crumb,
. ..',' -'-'',-.- ..." . -
Clieny City Baking Company
Augut Deperiso, Italy
Yunbrono tiinsidio, Beaver Falls Pa
Howard t Hilton, Madrid Nei
Ernest O Johnson, Parsons Kan'
AaJtia W Key, Kirkwood Mo
u ivosivicK, Cleveland O
Asron T Mi-Culler. Creek Tex
William P Makee, Noonan X l
Charles Malcolm, Allentown l'a
Charles Murray Newark X J .'
John JShnaowich, Chicago
Joseph Pcnimer, Herndon Kan
Martin J iStanton, Bayonne X J
Abraham Swititsky, New York
- Millard T Trouten, Newman Ga
Madur Wsre, Abbeville ISa
Ernest P Wendl, Niagara Falls X Y
Harry Williams, Akron O
Yancy J Wilson, Hartwell Ga
Andrew P Young, Woonsocket R I
Rufie Albright, Bessemer Ala
John Champion, Zwalle La
Himmie L Davis, Stanford Kj
Peter Maifsky, Butler Pa
Waiter Moussa, Superior Wis
Chester X Olson, Scandinavia Wis
James E Sage, Burke Idaho
Died from Wounds
Capt Louis H Fielding, Philadelphia
Lieutenants '
Frank A Howe, Detroit Mich
Thaddeus ,L Roderick, Farmington
Me ,
John A McHenry, San Diego Cal -Oeorge
Pace, Bartlett Tex
Adnlf O Schindler Jr, Brooklyn
William H Sherman, IBad Axe Mieh
I Corporals
Joseph 8 Brusnahan, Trenton N J
Ksdras J Deloney, Ogdensburg N Y
Anton Melichar, Red Rock Okla
Cyril C Munch, Tolodo O
Antoine Souza, Fall River Mass
Clare P Sparling, Oneida Kan
. Donald A Thompson, England
Gus.Zoellner, Wardner Idaho
Alfred P Hoist, Loraine Wis ',
Horseshoer Komm P P drey, Brook
Privates . ..
Robert Braes, Hoboken N J .
John Q Colston, Wadesboro N C
Antonio Daugelo, Rochester N Y
William E Flynn, Sanilac Mich
Victor First, Villisaca la ;
Bronce C Fultz, Akron 0
Oeey Jones, Colunlbia Tenn
Irving K Krenkel, Elgin 111 i
George W Levi, Soddy Term '
William McChtin, Fallington Pa
", Arthur' L Malhorbe, Kaw City Okla.
Anton Pichski, Chicago . .
Leo F Shciburn, 8t Louis Mo
Arthur B Wanner,' Rending Pa
James F King, Urn-don Ark
Frank F Krnnso, Royalton N Y
James Mazs-.ei, Bollevernort Pa'"
Charles A Parks, Hoyt Okla
John H Roberts, Sumner Miss
Pink P Sexton, Herbert' Spring's Ark
Box Tribby, Mt Pleasant la ..
Died from Accident and. Other Causes
Mech i'liinUi A Bacon,; Magna Utnh
' v Privates .
Jiinmie Oriffin, Cardenas X C "
Clifton Wormhood, Rochester NY.
Arthur M Hill, Blytho Tex
Stanislaw Kamininski, Cleveland 0
Died from Airplane Accident
Stafford L Brown, Nowton Centre
Mass ... ..
Goorge-fl Reisz, Great Falls Mont .
Paul 8 Whitehead, Oberlin O
.Benjamin Wok I, Chicago
Died of Disease .
; '" Lloutenants
: Arch G ('hilton, Dallas Tex
Franklin M Hawley, Mercer Wis
Nurse Norene M Royor, .Winchester
Idaho ,
. Sergeants
William Bechtold, New York
Walter W Lojjan, San Jose Cal
Spencer L Boyd, Eckmau W Vn
Dorsi'tt G Goodwin, Jacksonville Flu
Musician Albert W Angell, Morn
son 111 .
Leon Adams, Ivorncss Miss
Tom Allen, Rayswood Ga
Lonnio Alsman, Dnnville Ky
MauJa Anderson, Toledo O
Jesse K Bailey, Oceana W Va
Claude Barker, Inoln Okla'
Irvia E Bilile, Seresco Neb .
Joseph H (Branson, Clements MJ
William J iBrophy, Patrrson Xr J
Columbus Davis, Silver City Miss
Emile T Goulder, Now Orleans i-a
0 M Griffin, Mercer Mo
T M Huddleston, Isnhell Ok!a
Honry Irving, Tyre River Va
Oscar E Jenkins, Galena Kan
Many Cases Develop Into
Deadly Pneumonia. Easier
To Prevent Than Cure. Haw
To Avoid.
The constant daily increase of Span
ish influehza reported by local physi
cians shows clearly that many people
are falling to take the simple ordinary
precautions necessary to avoid infec
tion. For, while ijufltienza, after its de
velopment, i9 sometimes difficult to
eure, it is an easily preventable dis
ease. The bestiJan is to begin treatment
before the first symptom starts. For
no other disease will develop so quick
ly or spread so rapidly. Y'ou may feel
fine today--be sick tomorrow aud lose
a week or more of work. Ycu will in
deed be fortunate if pneumonia docs
not develop.
I he air today is full of influenza
germs. Every breath you take is like
ly to draw them into your nos? auu
throat. Y'ou ennjirevent the disease by
killing the germs before they spread
tnrougltout your body. There is probao
ly no safer or surer way to do this than
to go to the nearest drug store and get
one of the famous Hyomei Inhaling
Outfits consisting of a bottle of the
pure Oil of Hyomei and a kittle vest-
pocket, hard rubber inhaling device in-'1
to wnich a rewtdrops of the Oil of Hy
omti are poured, v
Just breathe tlu Oil of Hyemei deep
into your nose, throat and lungs and
every particlo of air that enters your
breathing organs will be charged with
an antiseptic, germ killing balsam that
will absolutely destroy the germs of in
fluenza that have found Lodgement
Y'ou can't do this too often. No ordi
nary night and morning'gargliiiit or
throa spraying will be sufficient so
long as during the day you come in
constant contact with infection. The
Hyomei inhaler is small and can be
conveniently carried in a hand bag or
vestpocket. fcvery half hour or so thru
out the day take it out and draw a
few breaths of its pure healing air into
your nos..end throat. By doing this
you can prevent infoction and check
the further spread of the, disease even
though you are coming iii direct con
tact with it. This is an inexpensive
treatment as the Inhaler will last a
lifetime and further supplies ot the
Oil of Hyomei can be had at any drug
store for a few-cents.
NOTE: Oil of Hyomei, so strongly
recommended above for the prevention,
or Spanish intlutnza i8 not a new dis
covery but is the application of an old
and time-tried treatment to a new dis
ease Hyomei has been a standard iu
the treatment of catarrh and colds for
almost twenty years and - is . sold tiv
druggists everywhere.1tlundreds of petf
pie in Salem end vicinity keep a Hyo
mei outfit with inhaler on the bath
room shelf for regular winter use. If
you have one get it out now and use
it, If you haven't one,. go to the near
est drug gtore and get one today. It is
the duty of every person, not only for
his own sake but for the community to
do all In his power to prevent further
spread of this epidemic and to stamp
it out.
At Pau'l j. Fry's. '
Lemuel 'L Jennings, W Tulsa "Okla
Victor Lablanc, Maisville La
Tom McCoy, Bolton Miss
William J Mnher, Perth Amboy N J
Joseph Mnstio, Xew Orleans La
Addis E Moore, Rome Ga
liilph Worrell, Ft Hunter N Y
Charles B Murphy, Cilitson Pa
Clarence L Xesheiin, Clear Lake la
Felix Pohryski, Dicson City Pa
Leo R Rogers, Blue Mountain Ark
Lawreuce M Sohambaugh, Frey La
Charles Smith, llamniersloy Fork Pa
Hinry Staufield, Pino Bluff Ark
Alf Thompson, Amory Miss
Thomas A White, Linden low
John J Bnum, Baltimore Md
Bernard T Cauefiold, West field N J
James H Coleman, Washington
Charles L Cotter, Xew Britain Conn
George W Crim, Indianapolis lud
Win E Davidson, Ihiyton Wash
William Dickey, Columbia S O
Edward Eisenhower, Valley View Pa
Claude A Enloei Hico La . '
Max Ertl, Milwaukee Wis
Arthur B Frazer, Osnkis Minn
William Hans, Fridley Minu .
r " J ii'giuy nuinnous r . ,
(Capital Journal Sneeial Servw-e)
Pratum, Oct. 23. Harry Bisehoff is
vry ill with influenza at Camp Lewis.
The school at Pratum will remain
closed this week. No definite date ha
been set for its re-opening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lauierba-.'k have
named their small daughter, .lea a Ai-deU.-
The tiny miss is now about four
weeks old. . ..
Praak Beutler, who has beea ill with
influenza, is-reportetl a improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder and children
Albert and Anne, are visiting relatives
:n California.. They expect to remain
for a month.- - . . -v .
Miss Anne Harold, principal of Prat
lim school, spent (Saturdav and Sunday
at her home north of Salem. Miss Har
old will remain in the district even
though school is elrsed. - . .-
Mrs. Russell Mcl'allister and Mrs. J.
W, Wety were Salem shonners Friday.
Practically all of the farmers are
thru with potato digging now. Owing,
perhaps, to the drv summer, few farm
ers can boast potatoes of .the first qual
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Cloverdule, Oct. 29. The Cloverdalc
8. S. has, been discontinued indefinite
ly on account of the "flu."
J. D. Craig reports that his daugh
ters who aro sick in Salem with tho
"flu," are no better yet.
MsF. A.Wood aud, son, Everette,
and. Mrs. Kunke were in Salem Tues
day. Mrs. Myrtle Graybill and son, Thea,
spent the week end here with her sis
ter, Mrs. Walter Blaco. Mrs. Graybill
has but, recently moved to Salem. -
Ernest Hays, Hillman Ga
John Hendrickson, Ypsilanti Mich
Alf M Hovind, Carburg X D
Corbett J Jenkins, Hillsville Va
Charlie E Kendnll, Athol Mai.
Albert J KendricktTjtlnton Ind
Frank Lindsey, Keithville La
John Long, Pleasantville X J
Edward P McKenna, Philadelphia
Russell S Murray, Ipswich Mass
Eremah Pcra, Xew Britain Conn
William H Schramm, Detroit Mich
Daniel M Smith, Hichg La
Evan M Smith, Carmichael Miss
Marion J Smith, Jasper Texas ,
Henry Sperling, Xew York
William E Steed, Darden Tenn
Eminette Vaiden, .Hernando Miss
Albert Walker Louisville Ga
Ernest W Wood, Guy Kan
Killed in action ,
Died of weunds ..'
Died of accident
Died of disease ,
Wounded severely ...
Wounded, degree undetermined
.. 12
.. 5
.... 1
... 21
,.. Si
... 33
... 14
Slightly wounded
Missing in action , 31
Total ...-.j..:.
Killed In Action
Lt Col-William E Holliday, Saata
Monica Cal.)Jl : ' . v.i : t . ;
Privates I . . ' . :
Orajio Alasce, Manchester Coun
.Ignatis Bigas, Tacoma Wash
Harvev Brown, Chester Pa
Burtclieall Odom, Blakely Ga
Nicholas Demntti, Xew York !
Donald A Gueet, Ostego Mich ''
Edward A Hantschke, Brooklyn
John J Kerberg, Joffersonvidlle Ind
Charles KKuhlthuu, Delaware O
Eugene W Rogillio, Rogillioville La .
Martin isaar, 'Buffalo X 1
Died of Wounds
Corp Clifford Cannier, Bedford Mas
Privates ' ;
Bartholomew F. Butler, Brooklyn
Theodore Jordan, Atlanta Gti
kSoloman LceJ Cubbage Ky
Oscar Swnnson, Sweden
Died from Accident
Pvt Joseph A Riley, Queens KT
Died or Disease .
Lt Clifford G- Park, Dexter Me
Sgt Walter A Laucks, Newark N J
Corp Win 0 Hampton, Englishtown
X 5
Bugler William H Cabanne,St Louis
Privates ..
Henry M Bchle, Lancaster 0
Ernest Behrens, New York
Ernest M Bell, Lexington Mo
- Clarence Boyd, Abbieville. N C
tleore L 'Btickliu, Minneapolis ftlinn
William J Burns, Los Angeles
Jacob C Clendennin, Mechanicsburg
Pa . -
John B Conlin, Madison Wis
Howard Hurst, Greenville Mi?s
Frederick A Johnson, Galveston Tex
Giles Jones. West Point Miss
Steve Mikolayewski, Plymouth Pa
Harold S Powers, Nashville Mich :
Otto Wagner, Maystown 111
Sam Warren Jr, Alfalfa La
Stanley Washburn, Hillsboro O
Max A Weiss, Woodbine la
Wounded Severely
Pvt Leonailas Addington, Harrison
Missing in Action.
Corp Ralph E Wyman, Bt iseIdaho
' Sgt Gordon S Keith? Fontana Cal .
, cTm&t Jew?"
I JWlWatf7l?
. r
jcttp ff i - - - - i ' rv "xz a
Start Tomorrow
and Keep It Up
Every Morning
Got In the habit of drinking m
glass of hot water before
We're not here long, so let 's make
our stey agreeable. Let us live well,
eat well, digest well, work well, sleep
well, and look .welt. What a glorious
condition to attain, and yet, how very
easy it is if one will only adopt the
morning inside bath.
Folks who are accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when they arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
can. instead, feel as' fresh as a daisy
by opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well,' should, each morning, before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonf ul of limestone
phosphate in it to wash from the stom
ach, liver and bowels the previous
dily 's indigestible wastesour bile and
poisonous toxins. The action of hot wa
ter and limestone phosphate on en
empty stomach is wonderfully invigo-1
rating. It cleansout all the sour fer-l
mentations gases, waste and acidity I
and gives. one 8 splendid appetite for
The millions of people who are both
ered with constipation, bilious spells,
stomach trouble; others who have sal
low skins, blood disorders and Bickly
complexions are urged to get a quar
ter pound of limestone phosphate from
the drug store. Thig will cost very lit
tle, but is sufficient to make anyone a
pronounced crank on the subject of in
side bathing before breakfast.
Fraud Is Charged In
War Jelief Work
San Francisco, Oct. 28. Major John
B. Jeffery, aged 72, veteran of the
Philippine war and a prominent club
man, was indicted by the federal
grand jury here this afternoon on a
charge of using the mails to" defraud
in tho collection of tnousands ofdol
lars for the national .defense league
and other war relief organizations.
He is alleged to have received ?
per cent out cf all collections. Named
with him is JohnH. Suits, advertis
ing specialty man, Mason L. Williams,
tield secretary for the northern divis
ion of the national defense league, and
Mrs. A. R.Rohie, a Los Angeles wo
man. Mrs.. Annette Atmms, United States
attorney, gathered the evidence in the
case.. '' '" ' ' . -
(Continued from page one;
thy with the idea that war work must
go on witnout Hindrance.
Austria-Hungary' is virtually out of
the war, now leaving Germapy to fight
it out alone, according to almost uuan-
oM lipiome circles nere toaay,
Austria wants peace and intends to
desert Germany if the allies will let
her. , This is tho interpretation diplo
mats piace on her appeal for an imme
diate armistice "without -awaiting the
result of other negotiations.".
Semi-official statements hole today
reported disorder and virtual revolu
tion in Hungary. , Magyar leaders are
arousing their people to break from
Vienna and gain the freedom from the .
Hapsburgs which they tried to got in '
1848 when Austrian arms forced them '
back into the empires. , i . I
(Continued from page one)
ian city, 37 miles northeast of Trieste.
Military Leaders Lose
London, Oct. 29. Colorful reporis
pouting into London from the Hague,
quoting Berlin newspapers, expose a
military coup detat. planned by Gen
eral Ludendorff and Field Marshal Von
Wash That I
ItchAvay f
There is abnolnterjr no sufferer from eem
who ever used tha simple wash D. D. D. and
did not feel immediately that wonderfully -calm,
cool sensation that comes when the itch
is taken away. This soothing: wash penetrates
; the pores, gives instant reliel from the most
i distressmg uun diseases. , .
J. C. "i,KRy, Druggist
Hindenburg to block concosions t
President Wilson. ' :
The Voerwaerts declares the consti
tutional changes were rushed to frus
trate the coup d'etat. Expcsure of the
alleged plot is believed to have f jreeJ.
the resignation of Ludendorff and to
have started a movement also to oust
Von Hindenburg.
Members of the reichstag and the so
cialist press daily d.-uiaad. abdication
of the kaiser. - - .
The Vocaler Dnsseldorf declares it is
pcrlisleatly rnmored that the German,
armies till retire behind the Rhine.
German headquarters will be trans
fcrred to Dnsseldorf, the newp-jpers
said, where, it is officially admitted,
the quartermaster's department is reg
istering billets. .
Civilians are stampeding from the
lower Rhine region and Westphalia.. A
Zurich dispatch from Budapest any?
the. stormiest demonstrations are being
enacted there, similar to those of 184S
(the date of the Hungarian revolution)
By Ed L. Keen
(United Press staff correspondent)
London, Oct. 29 The Austrian note
to President Wilson Is tantamount to
surrender.in the opinion today of well
informed authorities and the press of
The Express says it is informed from
authoritative sources that the allied
conference at Paris soon will present
to Germnnv the terms of an armistice,
which, It is believed will include the
occupation of Metz, the Krupp arsenal
at Essen and other fortresses of the
It Is believed in diplomatic circles
that the publication of the allied ar
mistice terms will lead to hoisting of
the white flag of surrender by the ene
my forces.
Bishops Appeal to Pope .
Copenhagen, Oct. 29. The Cologne
Volks Zeitung says a congress -of Ger
man bishops has asked the pope to ex
ercise his influence in favor of a just
peace which will prevent -the allies
from destroying Germany. ;
Federal Council Approves
Copenhagen, Oct. 29. The federal
council has approved the bill amending
the German constitution as passed by
the reichstag, according to a Berlin
dispatch received here today.
Eugene, Oct, 29. Miss Blanche
Matzman, 15 year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J.- W., Matzman, died at the
homo of her parents in the outskirts of
this city late Sunday night of pneumo
nia, brought on by. the influenza. The
death brings the total in Enno dur
ing the present epidemic up to 20, Miss
Matzman leave eight sisters and two
brothers, besides her parents, .
A Calcium compound that wltt bring r
tlef In many acute and chronlo caseo.
I'rovldea In handiest form, a bajilo rem
edy hltrhly recommended by science. Con
tains no harmful drtga. Try them today,
50 cents a box, including war tax
For sale by alt dnterlt
Eekman Laboratory, Vhiladi-lphla
-Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Nor
mal School will offer a War Emergency Course of
twenty weeks outlined b ythe Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction. The course will begin with each of
the terms commencing Nov. 16, 1918; February 8,
1919 and April 12, 1919. The Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction will consider it equivalent to the
Teachers' Training Course and issue a certificate up
on its completion valid to teach in the elementary -grades
for one year. . . .
This course will be open to those who have had
two years or more of high school work or its equiva
lent. No age limit is required for 'entrance, but be
fore a certificate cai? be issued applicant must be at
least eighteen years of age. . ' . -
All regular courses will be offered as usual. ; :
For detailed information address' '
The clean, economical, efficient fuel; for furnaces, hot'::
water and steam boilers, base burners, bakeries and for ::
any purpose where heat and cleanliness are required. ; ::
Properly burned, "Salem Gas" Coke will give you better
results and more satisfaction than any other fuel you -have
ever used. -'
. .
Phone 85 -
Comforting relief from pala
makes Sloan's the
. World's Liniment
: This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness, - stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
suffers from, 'enjoys its great sales
because it practically- never fails to
bring speedy, comforting relief. .
Always ready for use, it takes little)
to penetrate without rubbing and produce!
results. Clean, refreshing. At all drug-
stores. j large pome means economy.
(Continued from page one)
Thereafter Italy micht rofnse to con
sider any terms of surrender at all. but
would dictate her own peaco cn Austro-
Hungarian soil. This possible develop
ment undoubtedly is strongly influenc
ing the Vienna sta'esmen to plead with
President Wilson for an immediate ar
mistice. This .means that Austria-Hungary
wants American intercession to save
the Hapsburg empire from utter des
truction. If America declines, the Hapr
burgers' end is not far distant. '
. .
Freezone Is Magic! Corns Lift
Right Off With Fingers ,
Without Pain
- Hurtf No, not one bitl Just drop a
little Freezone on that touthy corn,
instantly it stops aching then yoii lift
that bothersome corn right off.. Yes,
magic! Costs only a few cents.
Try Freezone! Your druggist sells
tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your feet
of every hard corn,, soft corn, or eorn
between the toes, and calluses, without
ono particle of pain, soreness or irri
tation. Freezone is the mysterious ether'
discovery of a Cincinnati genius.
Oregon Normal School
Monmouth, Oregon.
-ri tt l
-nit il. LAUKliy U I
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