Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 29, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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I The Best Cough Sump
li llome-mace
Tou'vs obbly M of this well
laowa t!B of matin eonirh wrap
bw tut haw- ya r ad it T Ututa
won do, you will understand why thou
wad of families, th world over, feel
jiat they oouiii hardly keep bouse with
ui it If timpi and cheap, but th
away it take bold of eoogh will quickly,
eavrn it permanent pl&ee in your home.
lata Bint bottle, pour 2ft ounce of
Tian thea add plain granulated
tmjar syrup ti$ fill tip the aint. Or, it
desired, tiso clarified tnola;, honey,
.r corn syrup, instead ct ugar syrup.
Either way, it taste good, never
spoils, and civet you a lull pint of
tetter eouifb. remedy than you could buy
ready-made for three tinea its cost.
it is really wonderful how quickly this
lutese-stcd remedr eoBcroer a wnfh
OHiallv in ti hour or leas. It ti to
penetrate through every air passage,
loosens dry, hoarse or tight couirh,
lift th phlegm, heal the membrane,
d (rive almost immediate relief, Splen
did for throat tickle, hoarseness, croup,
bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
1'inex it a hiirblv concent rated com
pound of genuine Norway pine extract,
and has bees used for generation for
throat and client ailments.
Avoid disappointment by asking your
druggist fur ounces of Pinex with
full directions, and don't accept any
thine else. Guaranteed to (five absolute
Mtifactioa or monev promptly rejunitd,
lbs fine Co, it. Wayne, lnd.
; Nikon Tractors
, Guarantee farm efficiency.
, Cr4V traction automatically.
Stand yar f laud Mrvica.
Light weight May U handle.
TOunlor" for I plow, "Senior" for
(Our l-plow machine coming soon.)
Bast Morrison at B. Third Bt
Portland, Oregon. , .
o) suoutroiuauiuioo
IT sssjppv op n3 oiiovoojm,') )qa
jtoqa o jepjo u 'aim siqsuosvu iwoui
m is S)usitd u.o)-;o-)no iputi iiuj
'aanos uu uonouuo3 ui nvxidSOH
'B-jKBuyip b JO )U9J jad M
nu iuuuijd iu OIXpVHdOHIHO
Mjtp pu ssa jnr jo aisouDvip ii1
luou nvw 'noS uiuiuxa Xt3noiuq) it V
, DUOVHdOUUiO dO ism XHX ,
Atoas spsjpunn Jlupni nusuiinljed j
j3qjt 'spomsui 0!3B4(lo.lnj s)8HAn 0(
4AU 84 ABM JStK U U JSl4 8 0)
aaaivj havh
msM xao
4 1 4B1 M V
Liberty Six Premier Six
Are Yea la Trouble?
The Problems of Life:
Fear, Worries, Sorrows, Lova, Domea-
Uo sna Business Aflalrs, bolvud;
Nervous, Mental snd Psychical Dls
aies, TREATED; and
Tour Natural "Plac" Vooatlon
cm Earth, FOUND by th
rVa-AKbral ai VwatSam) Olraclw.
S3M Mar BulUins.
Writs Kar tioublM or want. EneloM S sml
AOdriM r, Q. k W7. Partluio. Onpak
Ran Francisco, Oct. .S8. Two men
rce injured and one woman slightly
hurt bar Uday on a dowutowa corner
during an altercation between If. I).
Miller, special officer for the board of
bmllfl, uil Juni'8 Wistner, alleged I
W. over the f nforccmety of the in
floeiizs mask ordinance, '
Four shot wore exchanged by Mljler
ad wuwt. Miller, who was placed
under mtwt, said ho pulled a can in
tending to use it ag a club on Wtiavr,
who w spcnking from the corner. In
tea skirmuh, the gun ass fired. No
on wa, seriously hurt. .
tflsWy nojplWs.J .
Usad a cuiativc.
nt for U cxtcrnaf '
eimncnt bternkdie
mtd re luct nnnatursl
color, hJeai for conecting
rwry sting,
. ..J .ClW al
j li Home-mace a
1 1 rat a hm era $mt j t
as m mm wr
Of interest to a large eircle
lem friends is the announcement of the
togageueat pi Mis Esther Caroline
Cox of Arlington, Oregon, and Ser
geant Wesley Sanford Todd, of Taeo
ma. Miss Cox is exceedingly well known
in Salem, having graduated from the-!
School of Music at 'Willamette univer
sity hut spring. She also taught last
year at the school for the feeble mind
ed. She is now supervisor of music ia
the Barrisburg chools.
Eer fiance is the son of Br. end
Mrs. Edward H. Todd of " Tacoma,
former Salem residents. Dr. Todd is
president of the College of Fuget
Sound and was at one time vice prcs-
'i.lent of Willamette university. He is a
brother of Superintendent John Todd
of alem, and with his family ha fre
quently visited in the city since. leav
ing Salem. Sergeant Todd in now sta
tioned with the eoast artillery at Fort
Hauler and expects to be called for
overseas service shortly. The wedding
will not take place until after the war.
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Vandervort were
hosts last week at a series of china
pheasant dinners of a delightfully in
formal nature, Mr. Vandervort having
been particularly successful recently
on a number of hunting trips. Saturday
evening a X roup of friends were hid
den to the Vandervort home on North
Winter street to circle a festive board
laden bountifully with the choice game.
A handsome bouquet of marigolds form
ed a seasonable centerpiece, other ta
ble decorations displaying a touch of
Hallow 'een. Covers were laid for Dr.
and Mrs. George H. Alden, Dr. and
Mrs. B. L. ftteeves, Mr. and Mrs. 1
A. Lcgg, Mr. and' Mrs, Vandervort,
Miss Margaret Legtf, Mies Margaret
'Alden and Miss Jcanelle Vandervort.
Miss Vandervort and Miss Alden as
sisted in the serving. .
Monday night Mrs. Vandervort also
entertained a few guests at a similar
enjoyable affair. On this occasion glow
ing yellow dahlias decked the table
which was circled by Mr. and Mrs. U.
G. Holt end daughters, Miss Grace
Holt and Miss. Virginia Holt, and Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Borgmaa and son, Don
ald, and the hosts.
Dr. ana Mr. H. Cartwright are en
tertaining as their guost, Mrs. George
E. Cartwright of New Salem, North
Dakota. Mrs. Cartwright will be in Sa
lem some little time, as she plans to
eventually locate on the ceaat.
Mrs. Dnn J. Fry, Jr., and Mrs. Earl
Flegel, who have been ill for soveral
days with the influenza at the home
of their parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. E.
Lee 6teiner, are considerably improved
this week. Their brother, Milton Stein
er, is also on the road to recovery, af
ter a Bevere illness of over a week.
Mf."'and Mrs. TT. W. Hughes are
spending a few days Portand.
'"Mr. arid Mr. Hcrbort Scott are be
ing showered with messages of con
gratulations upon the arrival of: .a
daughter, bora yesterday. Sho has been
named Doris Jean, in honor of hor
mother, who was Miss Doris Byford
of Portland. Mr. Scott is associated
with the Wittenberg-King eouipany.
The parents reside at 507 Center street
Mrs. Cordelia B. Hager of 91 Uaion
street h received word that he son,
Harold Hager, who has seriously
ill with the influenii at the Walter
Reed hospital in Washington, D. C, is
rapidly recuperating. Mr. Hager has
tmca stationed in the quarter master
general's office at Washington since
the first of September, when he was
transferred from Camp Josephine
Johnston. Florida. He has recently been
promoted to a first lieutenancy. He has
been in the service a little ever a
year. . , . .
Mrs. John Scott of Oregon City re
turned home the latter part of the
week after a brief visit in Salem a
the guest of her son, Dr. O. L. Scott,
and family.
Miss Floy Button left the latter part
of the. week for Southland. Iowa, where
she will spend tho winter with her
parenta. Miss Button has been a teach
er in .tho Lineoln school the past year.
Prior to her departure she was enter
tained at an informal dinner party
given bv Mrs. Frank Myers at the My
ers residence 09 ,8outh Commercial
street. ' '.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfield were
Portland visitors over the week end,
Miss Alta Jones returned Bunday
from a visit of a few weeks at Joseph,
Walter (ocolofkv was a dinner host
1., u nuinhor nf Willamette students
unday at the home of his parent, Mr.
.... . n sat (writ Xr ..ik
and Mrs. X1, l. socoioisKy, iuuo i-uri
Cottago street. Ramond Raroy, who
has left Salem for his home at Spo
kane, where tie expects to o cauru m
i tiio unvicA shnrtlv was the honor
guest of the occasion. An effective cen
terpiece of nasturtium decked the ta
Ma Tl) i.t..r nf the host. Miss Salome
Soeolefsky, assisted in serving.
Covers were arrangea' xor naruiunu
B..v Rnuoll N8 rev. Harold Dimkk,
John Medler, Paul Fiegel, Ivan Corner,
Harry 'Olson and Harry Rurey,
Mabel Bradford, dauirliter of L. E
and Mary Bradford, was bora in .Wash
ington, Iowa, March 4, 1888. The fam
ily moved to uregon in ivvo ana
bonnht the Darrow property ia Polk
county where they established a mod-
era home. Malel and her elder sister,
Edith,' Mr. C. De Harpnart, ioa en
tered the Salem high schoui r.afl erad
uatcd with honor in the -elass of 1907.
(toon after, she united with the Presby
terian church at Zeaa, Spring Valley,
and identified herself with the social
and missionary work of the church.
October 23, 1907, she became the
wife ,of J. F. Irvine, yonngost jion of
Nineteen Painless Parker
of flees in the United States
repair the teeth of over
100,000 people annually.
Ealem Office
State and Commercial
RobertaHoffard, 13 years old, com
mitted to the state training school
from Portland, died at the institution
late last night of Spanish influenza.
This is the second death among the in
mates at the school from the same
cause. ,
, ,
The most aged face will look years
younger after tho use of ordinary mer
colized wax for from ten days to two
weeks. This remarkable substance, be
cause of its peculiar .absorptive power,
actually removes the tbm veil of fad
ed or withered outer cuticle, a little
at a time. Gradually the fresher, -more
youthful skin underneath is revealed.
This absorption process being a pure
ly hygienic one, an entirely natural
complexion is acquired quite differ
ent from the artificial complexion,
which appears anything but girlish,
though often bearing .painful evidence
of childishness. An ounco of mercolized
wax, obtainable at any drug store, is
sufficient to rejuvenate any complex-;
ion. It is put on like cold cream at bed
time, and removed mornings with warm
To eradicate such age marks as wrin
kles and furrows, make a wash lotion
by dissolving an ounce of powdered
saxolite in a half pint of witch hazel.
This has wonderful astringent and
tonic properties. It quiekly effaees all
kinds of wrinkles,' no matter how
caused, making the skin firm, smooth
and young looking.
A. J. and Pauline Pnrviae, a well
known pioneer family of Spring Valley,
and for ever ten yeait lv lived in
the paternal home.
Sho passed from earth Monday eve
ning at 7:15 October 21, aged 8U years,
7 mouths, 17 days. She leaves to
mourn her loss lier husband and small
son, Lowell, her father and mother,
three sisters, Mr. Edith De Harpport,
Irons and Helen Bradford, and four
brothers two of whom are in service
for their country, Miles in France, Al
bert at Fort Stevens, Oregon, Rule and
Daryl at home.
Slanders, Walkers,
. "Gets-It" For Corns
World Has Never Known Its Equal
"What will get rid of my corn
The answer has been made by mil
lionsthere's only one corn remover
that you esn hank on, that's abso
lutely certain, that makes any corn
UnTmlm U Edt Cr Is Dssssdt
on earth peel right off like a banana
skinnd that's magic "Getsili."
Tight shoes and dancing even when
you have a corn need not disturb you
if yon apply a few drop of "Gete-lt"
on the corn or callus. You want a eora
peeler, not a eora fooler. You don't
have to fool with oorns you peel them
right off with your fingera by using
"Gets-It." Cutting makes corns grow
and bleed. Why use irritating salves or
make a 'bundle of your toe with tape or
, bandages! Why putter and still have
tua eornT Us "Uot-it" your corn
pain i over, the earn is a "gooer"
are a the sun rise..
I "Oets-lt", the guaranteed, money
J back corn remover, the only sure way.
costs but a trifle at any drug store.
Mf'd by E. Lawrence Co., Chicago,
111 Sold ia Salem and recommended as
the world' be corn remedy by J. C
Perrv, D. J. Fry.
EIrs. Erck Rsr ?AWSit
Chocolate Senicc Fer -Adtancing
By Frank J. Taylor.
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the American Army in France,
Oct. 3. (By Mail.) ''Mother" Kur-
dick, the (ittle Texps woman who In
vented "shrapnel cake" and won the
heart of every doughboy who ilocked
into the little Salvation Army hut for
cake and doughnuts and pie, has a new
stunt waiea delights toe aolUier.
It is the "all night chocolate serv
ice." Recently a new division suddenly ap
peared in "Mother" Burdick' area,
or rather the 1st unit of it appeared,
They were going to the front the first
doughboys told her. She was business
at once. Colling "Pa" Burdick and
her other assistants, "Mother" Bur
dick got potfl ef hoelat an the stove
at once. It was then fairly late at
Then "Mother" Burdick wentont
to find the general commanding the
division. Ia the dark it wa pretty
hard to locate the general, but
finally corned him. He was surprised
Being a newcomer In France with a
new division, he had -never heard of
the Salvation Army women. -
"Mother" Burdick toJd him in a
few words, ending with, "We've al
ready put every pot we have on the
stove full of chocolate. When one is
emptied well make more. Those beys
should never go to the front without
each one having a cup of hot chocolate.
I want to stop them in companies, jimt
long enough to fill their cups as aicy
go by the hut down the road."
Tho new general was not tsed to be
ing talked to that way, and it was
hardly within campaign orders to stop
men in companies for chocolate. But
the general had brought his men a long
way already that evening, and they had
farther to go : before morning. He
knew how hot chocolate would brace
the boys. ''' .-'"'-
So ho gave the order for groupa to
stop one by one for. rest at the Salva
tion Army hut, as they passed through.
Then the general stopped himself for
a cup of chocolate. They worked all
night at "Mother" Burdick' hut, and
two other huts nearby assisted so Uat
more than 15,000 cups pt chocolate were
given to the boys that night.
Continued from page one)
cote. ' Three men are attached td each
cote. They train the pigeons, see
that the fighting unit to which they
are attacked is kept supplied with
birds, watch for their charges when
they return from the front, and then
see that the message brought in by the
pigeon is promptly delivered.
Incidentally, it should not be as
sumed that of this queer little settle
ment atop the knoll, only the pigeons
face the dangers of . the front. The
"pigeon men" will not trust the de-
livery of their birds tb the front line
to anyone else. "Thejr put the pigeons
in a wicker basket and dakh over the
shell-Swept Toads in a motorcycle;
sidocar to the post command of their
unit, where the bird are turned over;
te the men in the line. Then begins
the pigeon's period of work. It livss
in the basket in which it is carried,
to the front, known a the "rest bas
ket." Thi basket ia of open wicker,
and is some eight inches deep, and
from a foot and a half to two feet long. 1
Little water pans are fixed in . the'
basket, and food turned over to .the;
1. - 1 . e - . . v - ;
uiau rrnu ig 10 car for ijhj jnguun
while they are in th front line. '
When a patrol is ordered, or an at
tack is being made, the pigeons are
taken from tb rest basket and puU".e to uic v
into a smaller wickor basket. This g) nCC8T ,1
. . ... wi, t,.t recede, bringing historic Sedan (scene
rests on a man's back, just between
the shoulders. A strap passes over
either shoulder, converging into a sin
gle strap in front, forming a simple
sort of harness with the single strap
in front, forming a simple sort of har
ness with the single strap snapping to
the soldier's belt buckle. The basket;
is thus held steady, and the pigeon
rides forth to battle.
Pigeon, are furnished not only the
infantry, but to balloon observer! and
cavalrymen. Ia the case of the bal
loon observers only the rest basset is
used. Th pigeon are carried up in
the balloon, and should the observer's
telephone connection with the ground
become broken, one ef hi pigeon ia
liberated, and bears the message back
to its cote.
When with cavalry, the pigeons ride
in a tiny net .."hammock." A gallop-
ng, or even a walking horse, would
naturally injure the pigeons If they
were at liberty in their wicker basket.
Each basket is fitted with separate
"hammocks" for three pigeons. The
heavy net is cut so that it win pust
fit snugly about a pigeen'a body when
foltfed about the bird. It is then fitted
with eyelet and laces. The pigeon's
wings are folded carefully in place, the
pigeon placed in the "hammock," and
then laced hi with its head and neck
protruding. The bird is then ready for
it ride. It rests ia the hammock in a
nsrmnl sitting; position, and though
the motion of the horse may cause the
haaimock to swing, the pigeon is in no
danger of being thrown against the
side of the basket, but 19 gently
"rocked" on its journey into battle.
Portland, Oct. S9. W. J. Clemens,
well known insurance man, died here
today following a long illness. Clemens
was a member of the Oregon legislature
in 190J-09 and formerly was president
of the Portland Automobile club.
Costs Next -To flotiilsg, Yet
Ketps Eswels la Fee
7 Order And Eds Con
stipation. The head of every family that val
ue its health should always have in
the house a package of Dr. Carter's
K. and B. Tea.'
Then when any member of the fam
ily needs something for a sluggish liv
er, sick headache, or to promptly reg
ulate the -bowels, simply brew a cup
and drink it just before bedtime.
It's an old remedy, is Dr. Carter's
K nd B. Tea, and ha feeew "nedfer
yOars by thousands of families, who
get each good results from its use
that they have no desire to take any
thing else.
Give it to the children freely they
like it -and it will do them good.
Continued front page one) ' .
An earlier communique said:
"Between the slopes of Valdobbia
dene and the mouth of the Solieo we
crossed the Piave river. At Grave Di
Papadopoli we compelled the enemy to
retire and repulsed two counter ai
tacks. 7- -
"Yesterday our prisoners totaled
more than 9000 and fifty one guns
were captured. Ten thousand kilos of
bombs were dropped and eleven hos
tile planes and three balloons were
bro night town.
"In the Grappa region, local actions
continued, we toea lav prison rm,
"At Mont Pertica, the enemy sue
ceeded in gaining A foothold, but in a
counter attack -we regained possession
of the nosition.
"In Albania we crossed the Mati riv
er and are marching on Alessio."
The British communique on Italian
migration a last nieht said:
"The Italians have reached tke line
of Ron-gadelle, Ornvelle,' Tempitf, Bor
go, Bianche and Rai. In the center, the
British reached the Hue Bobotto and
nunim. one kilometer south of cor
Lgevilla and Milanese. To the northward
the Italians are mailing gooa progresB.
They have captured prisoners and guns
which have not yet peen aounieu. .
Vienna Official Report
Vienna, via London, Oct. 29 "East
of the Brenta, a igTeat battle is raging
on a front of eixty kilometers (87
miles) wide," the Austrian war of
fice announced today. "In the moun
tains between the Brenta and the Pi-
av all enemv assaults failed, in spite
hrf. the strong forces, employed."
, "SternkuDoe. soath 01 r oniann-nec-
ca which was lost to the Italians, was
0,1 hv a. counter attacvy. A
large portion of its defenders are in
An honrffl. :
"The entente ' attacked Saturday
.;) .4 Mino.1 the left bank of the
- 1 L. - tka mnot
X rave, pressing u v;
part from Victor. XKwni.reuiii mo ..
my succeeded by means of a strong
force in "gaining a crossing. We coun
ter attacked and fighting is going on
near Moriao and Sernalia. :
t h. direction of Papadoli, the
Enlish thrust as far as Tezze and Saa
Polo. A wide breaft througn on a ironv
of two or three kilometers was bar
red off at Falneken."
Continued from page one)
Will Take Heights Next.
J. addition to giving the Americans
eommand of the valley stretching to
Mont Medy, capture of these heights
will result in wanning w
.!... a hrinninir the roads iroin
that region under our artillery fire.
SkM th. enomv be foreed back ol
Mont Medy and Lenguyon, the entire
.nri in fhn Aisue re-
f th. iive battle of the Franco
Prussian war, tea miles southeast ol
Mcsiews) again into the battle area,
Freoftur in Aire Valley.
While the Americans are guawing
cast of the Meuse, they are exerting
equal preseure along the heights of the
Aire alley, beyona wrnna rre. xm-tb
the French, on the left, are playing a
mmt important rote, pushing on bcyoud
Vounerr and starting foimation of a
salient, with the American left ag a
peak. The tiernisaa, however, are
protected in tiua moveiacut uy a con
tinuation of the heights over which Ine
Americans must rigut oy latacs. "
aanaw feu wvb wvy jallcs.
The weatner Is greatly improved and
there is increasing activity every
where. Heavy Ueiwan artillery fire on
ilic front ut uie American becuwl army
(.east of Yjruun) is revealing the ene
my's uneasiness, regarding tne safety
of the Briey iron ticlds, just as it is
their desperation to- hold the Mcube
line. Uiicicncy of the Briey district
will also be affected by the big gua
tHimbardraeat of the Louguyoa railway,
this being the direct line over vfaieh
the product is hauled back.
The guns which are firing on the
Montmedy-Longoyon railway arc
shooting twenty-five miles. (This
shows the guns are emplaced from five
to tea mile behind the American
lines, as the battle front is about 13
to SO miles from this line.) They are
much bigger caliber than tire Boche
guns which fired on Paris. (The Ger
man guns were nine inch. The Amer
ican guns, it has been announced, are
16 inch.) j
The big guns made a great hit with
the French, who first served them in
the St. Qu eut'ia and Laoa regions. The
'latter point was completely
by them as were all the enemy railways
(leading from that town.
Guns of almost similar caliber next
appeared at the St. MihieJ salient,'
xiuxicuiues ax zranapors.
Description ef these guns i prohib
ited for military reasons, aside from
the 'fact that they are transported by
rauwar. The suns are of such sue
that the French despaired of the Amer
icans ever getting them to the front.
Au Bum ia America. "
All the accompanying equipment is
entirelv American. The monsters were
brought over lashed to the decks of
hips. -
The bombardment of the Mezieres-
Scdun-Longuyon railway is the aio&t se
rious development the Boche has yet
faced, as this line serves for switching
purposes for troops from c: eo west,
and ia also the main line for supplies. It
is the stem of the bottle neck which
the Boche must keep open Breaking of
the line means breaking of the connec
tion between the German armies ta th
east and west, except by an almost im
possible circuitous route.
Biggest Peace Argument.
The eentnnnder the big gun Is
the biggest peace spokesman on, the
west front. He is a monarch when it
comes to consideration of his pets. In
one instance, when he was notified that
the French intended to move his uuu
stera at a certain hour, he drove hit
American engines and cars out on the
line regardless of other traffic, which
was immediately cleared to permit
him to pass. AU questions of whether
the gung -eoald pass through certain
'"T "- "uu J"cn lacy
he had to go through the tunnels and
was not looking for proper jurisdiction
but targets. '
The ears of the gun carry complete
equipment, down to food and clothing
as well aa the giant shells whieh are
hurled over the hill at the Boche.
There's no use suffering from the
awful agony of lame back. Don't wait
till it "passes off." It only comes
baek. Find the cause and stop it. Dis
eased conditions of the bladder or kid
neys are usually indicated, by stiff
lame back, wrenching pains, lumbago,
sciatica, nervousness, . sleeplessness,
tired, worn out feeling, pain in the
lower abdomen. These are nature' sig
nals ift help.
Here's, the .remedy. When you feel
the first twinges of pain or experience
any of these symptoms, gt busy at
once. Go to your druggist and get a
box of the pure original GOLD MEUAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules, imported fresh
every month from the laboratories in
Haarlem. Holland. Pleasant and easy
to take, they, almost instantly attack
the poisonous germs that are clogging
np your system and bring quick re
lief. ,
For over two hundred- years they
have been helping" the sick. Why not
try them Sold everywhere by reliable
druggist in Waled packages. Three
sizes. Money back if they- do not help
yen. Ask for "GOLD MEDAL" and be
sure the name "GOLD MEDAL" is
on the box. i
Decent (ax Law
aved This Man's Home
" (The Daily Oregoman.J
Portland, Oct. 26. (To the Editor.)
Recommendation by the chamber of
commerce upon the questions submit
ted to the voterg for decision at tho
November election seems to me wise
and timely. Personally, the writer has
not had time to give the study that
some of these questions should receive,
but personal experience hag enabled me,1'""- Also, that she would have to have
ta speak positively upon at least one.
Through the publication of the de
linquent tax notice I was apprised of
the danger of having my old, family
horn in Oreiroe Citv sold for. )axLiaer lite. ' it is a Simple, narmiess prep-
The agent ior the property, who looked arataoa. that remove, the catarrhal
after it for me, through an oversight, rom wU;8tiual tract aad
failed to pay tne taxes. When adverV118 th ,n lammat,on which cause
tised, a friend saw ta, advertisement, 1?."?. stomach, hve l -and
knowing that I was in th, east at''est,"al ailmerits, infIjL.di ng append, citis
., .. . B, .. . . ;One dose will convince or money re-
the time, took the trouble to ascertain f j c p c iM Iugtmet
my address and wrote promptly and inland eVerJ.w.)Ur.
Between common
corn flakes
and the wonderful
ihere s nod if fer
ence in price
the difference
in flavor .
is tremendous.
If Your Bad Is AclangCr.
Ehdier Bctcrv Drink
Lets Of Water And c
lat Less Meat
When yeur kidney hurt and your
back feels sore, don't get scared ant
proceed to load your stomach with a .
lot of drags 'that excite the kidneys"
and irritate the entire urinary tract.
Keep your kidneys clean like you keep'
your howels- clean, by flashing tem': .
with a mild, harmless gaits which re
moves the body 'a urinous waste and '
stimulates them tcr their normal activl-'
ty. The function of the kidneys ts'to
filter ths blood. In 24 hours they strain'
from it 500 grains of acid and waste,'
e we can readily understand the vital'
importance of keeping the kidneys ac
tive. I
Drink lotB of water you can't drink) '
too much; also get from any pham-'
cist about four onnees of Jad Salts;
take a tablespoonful in a glass ef vm
ter before breakfast each morning for
a few days and your kidneys will act
fine. Thus famous salt is made froui
id f gnd lemoa juice, com
s been used'
clogged gidneys; also to neutralize tne
acids in urine so it no longer is ft
source of irritation, thus ending blad-' -der
weakness. ' . 1
Jad Salts ia inexpensive;' cannot in-'
jure; makes a delightful effervescent'
Kthia-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep their"
kidneys clean and active. Try this, alw
keep up the water drinking, and no
doubt you will wonder what became of
your kidney-trouble and backache. '
time to prevent the sale of the prop
erty. Jn this instance the owner off
tlie property feltsccure in having per-,
formed all of the dutiea of a good citi-
zen, supposed the taxes had been paid,
and would have been put to consider
able expense and annoyance but for tl
advertisement of delinquency. ,,
The present law seems effective ia,
itg operation, in this instance for tho,
boncfit of the property owner who was
dolinquont. Firmly believing in tha
maxim coined by Woodrow Wilson,,
that "tho white light of pitiless pub-,
licity" is one of the cures for public
ills, I shall vote against the "delin-i
nucnt tax notice bill."
!. PR. W. C. ADAMS.
Miss Erma Bennett Dies
Of Spanish Influenza
The Dalles, Oct. 29. Erma Bennett,
22, daughter of Judgo A. S. Bennett off,
The Dalles, dfod Saturday night, a vie-.,,
tint of Spanish influenza from : which
she had been suffering since Thursday,!
Miss Bennett had been a student at.
Reed College Portland, for the last,
threo years. She was a siBter of Mrs.,
Anita Bennett Hopkins, who died in,,
March, this year, and of Mrs. -ChauBV
cey Butler, Salem, Her brother is Lieu-
tenant Alfred N. Bennett, an aviation
pilot with the A. E. F. in France.
"Five years ago doctors told me I
would have to move my wife to an
other climate, as she suffered so with
stomach and liver trouble and bloat-
IV . "s .u 1 ....... w - v
an operation for gall stones. Our mail
carrier told nie of Mayr'a Wonderful
Remedy and, on bi advice,- she has
taken it and is now as well as ever in