Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 29, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salem Qaar
ntoed by the Audit Bursas, ef
dependent Government Set
Up By National UuncuUi
; Budapest.
German Mltaq Leaders De
feated In Attempted Coup
Copenhagen, Oat. 29. Constantino
ple has proposed a separate peace for
Turkey, according . to Information re
oeived here today. ' '::',-.:
It. Is stated that the. proposal was
made independently by the Porte,
'. Copenhagen, Oct.' 29. Hungary has
definitely rcvolo.! mid formeu an in
dependent anti-dynastic , atatc, - under
the leadership of -Count K'ajrolyi in co
operation with, the Czech and Jugo
slavs, according to a' Vienna dispatch
.to the Politi'kea.- :', : 'a " .- '
' Karolyi who was elected head of the
national council, was given an ovation
upon Lis arrival in Budapest. Ho told
the crowds, which numbered thnusflnrlii
that i Emperor Karl hag refused his
lrigrnin ior a greater ocgree or sepa
ration between Austria an.l TTnnir'ifv
wherefore an independent state was
Montentgrins Revolt
Zurich. Oct. SiW. A rpvnlnfinn hn
broken out in Montenegro according to
B disnatch from- Laibach torlav:
The revolutionists which include Al-
Sn;n ' nt,;. :,.J
...uuiau oumicio, uuvc sri.cu ,j.rtlljjjcr
Scutari and Riekn. The Autro-Hungar-ians
are evacuating the country. ,
Cettinje, the capital of Mentenegro,
is located within two miles of the Hun
garian frontier. Rieka i9 six miles east
of Cettinje. 8cutari, the' principal eity
of northern Albania, is 35 miles south
past of Cettinje. Laibach is a Huugnr-
(ContinueS on page six)
Th' feller that takes lii9 hat off an'
scratches Ms head is &re t' git left
these fast times. NobudSy kin feel as
helpless as th' owner of a sick gold
mm wm m
vii nuuiiunii iuiil
B U A. A 1M .
m mmm
Hungary has revolted and set up an independent state in-conjunction '' with 'the
Czechs and Jugo-Slavs. .-- - . " f
. The Montenegrins, aided by Albanian soldiers, have started , a revolution seizing
Cettinje, capital of Montenegro, and Scutari, principal city
Ihe berman socialist press
cation of the kaiser.
German newspapers declare the German armies will
that preparations are under
ji - j i
are neeing irom me rajver nmne provinces. , .... ;: ,
The Austrian lines have been broken on the Piave front where the I ;alians and
British are across the river on an unbroken line of 30 ihijes. - ' '
. The Americans are locked with the Germans in a desperate battle alongthe impor
tant heights on both sides of the Meuse. - - ' - ' ;
v American long range guns are bombarding the Mezieres - Montmedy Longuyon
railway, 10 or 20 miles behind the German lines. V .. .
s The French have advanced across the Lys on a seven mile front, reaching the rail
way between Deynze and Waerekhem. ; They also have improved their s positions be
tween the Oie and the Serre and along the Atsne. The remainder of the 'west front
is comparatively quiet." t :'y ...T:' :' :V.j.
In the Balkans, the Italians have occupied'Alessio, 20 miles southeast! Scutari.
The Serbs hape captured Kragujebatz, 52 miles southwest of Belgrade in addition to
occupying Jagodina, Colemines, Gewje,' Rabanareka andBespbtovace. ' v .
The Britistun Mesopotamia have captured" Kurkuk and are driving the Turks to
ward Altunkoprf, 20 miles to the northwest. Along the Tigris, they have driven the
Turks northward 12 miles, occupying positions three miles south of Kalaat Shergat,
only fifty miles south of the great base of Mcsul. ,
r ,
Meeting At Versailles Will De
cide Matters Of Momen
tous Import To World.
By Robert $, Bender.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
"Washington, Oct. 29. Decision
which will determine whether, Ger
many is to accept a dictated peace or!
fight to the bitter end, will come out
of the great; Versailles conference,
opening its sessions today.
It may be stated auftigritatively
that President Wilson believes his
prog; am for armistice terms will be ac
eepted by the conference. It may be
implied then that the conference willed murmurings seep out from Germany
tell the German he must leave his as Von Hindenburg 's whole scheme tl!
heavy artillery whore it stands on all retreat is imperiled,
fronts, though he may take home hisj Berlin is hanging on the words which
side arms; he must evacuate all occii-l will emanate from Versailles. She will
pied territory, including Russia ami! not have to wait long, as a few days
Rumania; he must submit to allied! at most are deemed sufficient, once the
control of German seacraft and import- formal settings are under waj
ant munition plants for the time atj Foch and the allied generals are be
least, and he must expect the allies tol'ieved to be ready with the purely mil
occupy strategic points in Germany,! jtar? demands, which will be necessary
including striAigholds in Alsace-Lor
raine, so that there will be no double
dealing at the rcace table.
The tame terms will apply to the ar
mistice with Austria-Hungary, Presi
dent Wilson is expected to forward im
mediately the Austrian appeal for
peace to the Versailles conference so
that the whole question of terms for
Germany, Austria and Turkey may be
discussed at the same time.
Acceptance by the Teuton powers of
these terms will mean an end to hos
tilities. The president is represented today,
by men in his confidence, as believing
the Germang will knuckle now to a
peace dictated by tha allies.
The war department, however, is pro
ceeding with war order and war prep
arations as though no peace talk were
in the air. The draft machinery is be
ing hurried and every possible effort 'is
i . . i -1 . ...
veins luvue 10 Keep inumuong ana oin
er industries at full nitch. Secretary!
'ftF War R'.lrA. AaalnraA lta full Evmnu.1
(Continued on page sis)
. W t it i-J U U Li
and members of the reichstag continue to demand abdi
' - j ;
way to establish headquarters
Germany Awaits In Suspense
For News From Decisive
By William Philip filming
(United Press staff correspondent)
. Versailles, .Oci., As the allied
chieftains gathered here today for tht
purpose of deliberating on .terms of aa
armistice with Germany, the central
powers seemed disintegrating tinder
pressure from within and without. "
Marshal Foch is continuing his pres
sure along the west front, from Holland
to the Meuse, with the Huns giving
around at important noints. Discouraor-
if Germany gets an armistice.
Austrta-Hungary i considered as at-,
ready having ceased to exist as she
was known before the war.
Turkey is merely waiting to see hat
Germany will do before .taking action.
Germany herself is in a political condi
tion .scarcely less chaotic than that of
her two allies.
"The allies' moment has come," a
high personage said to the Loited
Press today. , ' ' !
"Whether the war ends in the next
few weeks, or Is prolonged indefinitely
depends upon how the situation is
handled today.
"Absolute unity is more important
now than ever, and every atom Of
strength must be put into our next
blows, both political and military,"
Hesolutions Aa&f ted
London, Oct, 29 (British admiralty
wireless.) Resolutions, nnanimouslr
passed tart week at the conference of
French. Italian. Belrian and British
uuliin. tt tliA in tor.nl! ia.l ni i-lifl mll'
(Continued on page three).
o n
of northern Albania.
1 r, i-i V' ' -::" A" i.' : '
retire behind the Rhite and
in Dusseldorf" Civilians
- -1 . j - -
French Advances On Right
Bank Of Lys Making Im
portant Gains.
By Fred S. Ferguson,
(X'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the American Armies in Fiance,
Oct. 29. (1 p. m.) The Germans -op
ened a heavy bombardment of tht
American lines east Of the Meuse todnj
but their counter attacks had not bcciw
renewed up to the hour of cabling. .
Enemy aviators aio unusnally activt
on the front of the second army in the
Woevre region where the artillery
fighting is normal.
Deserters insist that the Germans are
removing (Their artillery to . the- rear
and that there is a considerable move
ment of ull kinds of material througk
put the Larraine region. ,, ;
Other deserters claim the German.)
are holding Austro-Hungurian snidien
in the front lire as hostages and guai
antce against a separate peace in tha
meantime ' withdrawing the Gernuu
' Three Boche planes were -.' bronght
down, today when 13 attacked eight
American machines. .
- Trench Troops Advance 7
" London, Oct. 29. French troops ad
vancing along the right bank of the
Lys, have reached the railway between
Peteghem and Wacreghcm (a front of
ctght miles), Field Marshal Haig re
ported, in his special Belgian - com
munique today. , -; ..; . :
"Thc French, progressing along the
right bank -of the Lys, have reached
the railway' between Peteghem , and
VVacregheni at several points," the
statement said.
"There was heavy .artillery fighting
all day on the whole front." ...
- ' Pershing's Official Report.
Washington, Oct 29. Capture of a
number of German prisoners is a raid
on the enemy's lines and the bringing
i(own Of three German planes by Amer
ican aviators, was reported by General
Pershing today. .
"On the Verdun front the day Oiji-
(Continued on page three)
m i
Yankee ArmiesHamnier Way
Through Strongest Ger
man Positons.
By Fred 8, Ferguson. .
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the American Armies in France,
Oct..; 29. While the .Moiieres-Lon-
guyon . railway is under fire of the
American long range guns, the Germans
arc putting up their bitterost struggle
ens?; of the Moused '"'ThlfcSrillen wood
positions in that region are now the
keystone of the entire west, front. If
the Americans capture these 'heights
they wilj have a clean sweep across the
valley to the Mczieres-Sedan-Longuyon
railway and the enemy will be fuvced
to rctiro behind, that line.
Smashing of these hcightB . positions
and an advance across the valley, the
comparatively short distance to Mont
Medy (25 miles directly north of Ver
dun) would be equal In importance to
the longer advance - to Mezieres ; (za
miles northwest of Mont Medy).. -
, Yankees Clear wood.
- Bellonit wood, ' south of Wavril'.o
(three-quarters of a mile southwest ol
Damvillers) which lias been the scens
of violent fighting for days, is now
held by the Americans, though they
must still take the heights on either,
side. . - '
The wood was first takon by slorn
then lost as the rosult of a Boche
counter attack with heavy reinforce
ments. The fighting swayed baek an I
forth until the wood was restored.
This is an examplo of the resistance
the Germans are putting up all along
the impoitunt ridges which are bound
ed on the west by the big bend in the
Meuse, In the region of Brieullcs.
(Continued on page two)
Lives Of Hundreds Of Men
Being Saved 6y These In
, teffigeiit Birds.
. . By Fred S. Ferguson..
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the American Army in France,
Oct. 3. (By Mfil.) Can you Imag
ine a man's life being saved by a pig
eonf -
Or, can you imagine the liveg of hun
dreds of , men being saved, and the
course of a battle being changed by a
Such things are happening daily on
tiie' great front where the German arn.v
is slowly, but furely, being bealco
back, f .. -
Ihousanda of pigeons are fighting in
their dumb way as valiantly as tho
men in the line, their battle for the al
lied cause; Hundreds are giving np
their lives. They fly through shell-fire,
through the smoke and din of battle.
carrying messages that may mean sue-
icess Or failure in an operation. Tele
phone lines may be broken, Or commu
jnieation by this means interrupted by
i other causes. But communication by
pigeon war's most reliable messen
ger can be broken by death only,
. A pigeon may be wounded. It may
I bo famished for water, but it will f 'y
i ii in
v. V J V. -
',v"yr V V'V V
Lin u
MUutM ii ii
Enemy Likely To Be Driven
Entirely From' Italy In
. Short Order;
By J. W. T. Masoa ,
(United ftosa War Expert)
New York, Oct. 29. The Austro Hun
garian army is beginning to crumble
before the British and Italian attacks
along the Piave, suggesting that if the
Hapaburg plea for an armistice is not
granted 'an unconditional surrender in
.the field may be the result.
The allied advanee across the Piave
has carried the Anglo-Italians half way
to the Llvenza river. The stream forms
the mid-way Austro-IIuugariun defense
toward the famous Tagliamento posi
tions. Beyond these there is a elear
sweep to the Italian frontier.
If Austria-Hungary remains in the
war but a little longer it should re
quire no insuperable, effort on the part
of the allies to push the battle line well
into the enemy's country oneo more.
It is difficult to see how the Vienna
government can count any longer on the
loyalty of a largo'part of the troops
facing the British and Italians. While
so many of the states forming the uaps
bure empire are themselves partly or
wholly independent, it would require
only slight urgine to start a mutinous
movement in the army.
(Continued on page s'n) .
despite its own enemies in the air, un
til its last oifiice of strength is ex
hausted Heading for it9 cote from tho
front lino, it will fly" with the speed of
tho wind. Fast pigeons can mako bet
ter than a mile a minute. Attached to
its leg is a little aluminum message box
about an inch long. Arriving ui the
cote, the pigeon is "trapped," trie
message box quickly opened and rushed
to headquarters. The message m de
ciphered. And while tho pigeon is
straightening its ruffled feat lieu, or
cooing in anticipation of a meal of
barley or canary seed, it is likely that
orders are going out meaning life or
.death, success or failure, to a company.,
a tcgiment, a brigade, or even a di
vision. .
A. you pass along the roads in the
rear of the battlefront you will see
qtieer little houses standing on tup on
the very peak of prominent knoils.
Then you will notice tho odd little
houses are on wheels. They are al-
iways standing iu the most open place
'in the vicinity. - There is not a to
I within rod. of the little house. The
sun boils down pitilessly, or the rains
pour upon tne place. Tnore noesn'i
i teem to bo anyone about, but some
'when. in the shada nf the little house.
ior the ' shelter of a dugout you wit?
find the only human inhabitants of the
The quier little house is a - pigeon
I (CaatiMoi a esse two
tiV.4w.w4 s4Vfvt
, , , . .. .... .., :
- .
Oregon: Tonight anj Wdlnes-
day fair ligh t winds mostly
westerly. " "
. , , . . , ...
Eli m
Battle On Fifty Uhh.
Frcst Decicive A!!:ci Vi
tcry At All Pchis.
prisoners mzn
Austrha Divisions T.crtcd
To Have Lcct Fifty Per
... Cent Cf Effaces. .
London, Oct 29. (11.120 a. m.) i
Austrian divisiona hnve lost mora than .
fiUy pei cent of their effectives, so
far, In the Anglo Italian offensive ac
cording to a dispatch from Boufe to
day. '; By Henry Wood - '
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the Italian Armies in the Field
Oct. 29. (10 a. m.) The Italians aru
now advancing on a continuous front
of sixty kilometers (374 miles) ex
tending from east of Mont Sjnnoucia
to. Bocandulle.'. j
The Austrian lines have been com
pletely pierced east of the Piave.
' Italian patrols already have crowd
the Montienno river 15 kilos (nearly
ten miles)' beyond the Piave."
A number of additional bridges have
beon thrown across tho llava and these
are constantly being added to as the
engineers work like mad men. .
Across these biiilRes liaht intuntry
and other units poured all night long
in increasing numbers, to take up the
pressure against the enemy where his
linea have been sliattored.
Austrian Line Broken
Home, Oct. 29. Italian and Britiili
troops continuing their offensive in
tho Piave region, have broken through
the Austrian lines on a wide front, the
Italian war offico announced today.
Tho battle is prococding on a front
of about fifty miles from the Asiago
region to a point on tho Piave between
Troviso and Oderno. The Itnlians and
British are across tho Piave on-the
whole thirty mile front between Valdob
biadene and Roncadellc.
The allies have driven a great wedge
into the. enemy lino east of Roveso ad
vancing more than five miles eastol
the Piave on a fifteen mile front. Vho
villages of Brogo, . Malanotte, Tezzo,
Kai, Ban Miehele Ormelle, Kogandelle,
Tempio and Biancre have been captur
ed. . , -
San Luci Pi Piave and Vazr-ola have
been entered. Italian troops are with
in a mile of the Mouticano river.
To the mountain region, the Italian
have extended their gains north of the
OrniC river. Numerous prisoners have
Wn tAken in addition to the 9000 an
nounced In yesterday's eommnnique. -The
Italians have entered the im
portant town of Alesmo, in Albania
(20 miles south of Scutari) and aro ad
vancing on San Giovanni K Mcdua.
"The twelfth and eighth armies
have extended their bridgehead," the
statement said. "North of the Ornie
Torrent we-have gained new advant
ages. i
"East of Grave Di Pauadopoii. the
enemy ceded ground. We broke through'
the enemy lines and liberated the vil
lages of Brco, Mulaiiotte, Tezze, Bi,
San Miehele Di Piave, Ciniadolmo, San
IPnL'Iii Piava and Ormelle. We enter
ed Han Lucia Pi Piave and Vazzola
1 and are approaching the Monticano
river, we eaptureo amiuiona' ti.-v-crs
and guns. a
"in Albania we entered Alessio and
are marching on San Giovanni le Ma-
Continued , oa.p.age two)