Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 26, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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ty .
WttOHMItmmtOtttttttttHtttltmtltllHUttmMMMttH MMM
r:u?m want ad deparmnt is the best selle:g
Turner, Oregon, f-ons 58. tt
Bat per word, New Today: , f
Each insertion . je; FOB KENT Ponr room house and
One week (6 insertions) ..,..,. , ,. 5c 1
One month. (26 insertions) 17c
Tlie Capital Journal wilt not be re
sponsible for mor nan one Insertion.
fot errors in Classified Advertisements.
-Kead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify ua immediately ii
rror occurs . ! -
Hiaimum charge, 15c
POTATOES for sale. Phono 80F1-. tf
FOE EENT (Piano. Phone 75. 10-30
AM prepared to do team work of all
kinds. Call 110 La Felle. St. - 10-2S
FOR SALE Good body ash wood.
? Phone 180GW. i0-26
HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Do not mind
, children. Enquire 420 Ferry. 10-29
COMPLETE set of new bicycle wheels
for sale; Phone evenings 8F23. 10-26'
TK)R jSALE Str-Andersonburg singer.
'2 S. Church. v 10-26
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Collie, 5
months old. 296 S. Church. 10-26
FOR RENT Fifteen acres ready for
'; plow, near Salem, Phone 9F5. 10-28
.WANTED Teal calves and fat cattl.
Phone 1576W. . r ; ,: 10-28
MONEY to loan on. good farm securi
ty. Phone 538M. , tf
TV ANTED Man for milk route., Fair
mount Dairy. - tf
FOR RENT 142 acres improved, 7
miles south, 1363, S. Com '1. : 10-25
iSV ANTED A washerwoman et 860
Cbemeketa St. or phone 565. 10-28
FOR SALE Phone on farmers line,
vail 62F4 or 2142W.. ; -.10-30
iWANTED-Gooa used four-hole range.
,. Phone 2153R. 10-28
IWAWTED-rA woman for cooking and
general housework; $25. Call 1305
i Itroadway. 10-28
PASTURE with shed" for shelter," will
1 ieep five or six head of cattle. Phone
t 2249. . .Vvi ' 10 2
WANTED A good milk cow to keep
for feed. Etta Wharton, Salem, Rt.
' 3, box 214B. 10-29
jWAiNTED-rWork by man, office or in
door work preferred.1 3295 Fir St.
' Phone 1399W. . , , 10-29
..MONEY to loan, $2500, $5000 on ap
' proved farm security at. 6 per cent
' interest. W. A. Liston, ,- --..10-26
EXCHANGE Six acres well imprev
- ed, close in; on "main road, to ex
change for home in Salem. Room 8,
Bayne bldg, v ;. 10-26
FARM TO EEKT 70 acres, gcod
house and barn, on mail and cream
ery route, one mile good town. Cash
' rent. Box 333. Salem. 10-2
WANT TO TRADE 14 acres land all
under cultivation, 4 miles from
Stayton for house in Salem or light
automobile. Call at 1009 S. 12th af
ter 6 o'clock or Sunday forenoon.
WANTED" Several men at once at
Quaker nurseries. Call or phone
WANTED 4 roomed furnished apart
ment or house, modern, close in. Ad
dress 10-24 care Journal. 10-31
GOOD 40 acres at Liberty, rent, trade
' jor sell, best term8 ever heard of. Win.
LeraleyJ Salem.
WANTED Water Spaniel v 'pup or
young dog Address M A care Journ
al, giving price. . "' l"''"'
85 PRUNE pickers wanted, meet at
Capital City Transfer at 7 o'clock
every morning. Phone 1435W. tr
WALL PAPER 15 cents per double Toll
pward. Buret's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. ti.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments wi
tingle woms, nicely furnished,
33 Ferry street.
FOB SALE 3 good work horses, also
heavy stump puller; very low price.
Thone 8-F4. ..: : ; :. I0'""
v OVERLAND 1917 model, in i good con
dition, must sell at once. Call 475 H.
Coml after 5 p. m.
WANTED To rent by Nov. 1st. by per
manent party, 5 or 6 "om modern
house, close in. Address J-24
journal or Phono 164 tr
WANTED Experienced saleslady fi
drv goods, domestiies and general
atore work. Address X-3 care Jour.
el. . " ; :- lt3 M
3T ANTED Man and wife fot general
farm work nd housekeeping. Ad
dress Gcrvaia, Bt. 2, box 45. Phone
3FI1. .,. ". - , - ' - ' u
PLENTY of money to loa- on good
farm.; low interest rate; five years
time; privilege to pap $100 orimilU
ple in ny interest date. Call or
' writ H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic
. Wdg, Salem.
nam, uau lztaa. lu-o
FORD touring ear, 1916 model, good
-a new. 554 Ferry 8t : tf
HOUSEKEEPING rooms nicely furn
ished at 633 Ferry street. . 10-26
40 HEAD Shropshire spring lambs for
sale. H. Wipper, Turner, Or. 10'30
WANTED A Belgian hare doe. Phone
1532J, residence 629 North Winter.
v- 10-2'i
FOR BENT On shares, 250 acre farm
about 8 miles from Salem. Phone
850. 10-31
FOR SALE Small bungalow and lot,
consider acre tract or Ford. Terms.
. 620 S. 18th. ... . 10-28
FOR RENT 143 acres of land on
shares. Long lease to right party. W.
A. Liston, agent. ' 10-26
FOR SALE Ford truck with 1 ton
attachment, in first class shape. C.
H. Stevenson, Bt. i, box 38, Salem.
Phone 108F14. - : 10-29
FOR SALE At a bargain, property on
5th and Hood. Inquire of A. G. Carl,
424 18th St., or at B. D. Gilbert &
Co. - 10-26
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch,, for sale. State cash
. prioe, full description. D. F. "Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn. .......
I HAVE a client who will loan all or
portion of $3500 on good farm se
curity at 6 per cent. John H. Scott,
404 Hubbard building. ....... 10-26
WIDOW, 36, worth $37,000, income $5,
. 000 yearly, and many others anxious
to marry. Mrs. Warn, 22161,. Temple
; St., Los Angeles, .Cal. .... j v :.
SPIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A.
Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thura. af
ternoons. Phone 1425R. -
FOR SALE 3-horse team of 1400
pound horses, $300; 2 eight year old
' horses. $250, with harness; 1 mare
$50; first class "horses. Skyline Or-
, chards, Rt. 3, box 187.. : , ...... - 10-29
A SPECIAL opportunity for women to
earn from $5 to $10 per day as spe
cial .representatives. Write Hygiene
Douche Can Co., Inc., 555 New York
Block, Seattle, Wash. -, . . -
WANTED Cook and helper to. cook
in small logging camp for about 20
' men. Inquire Grant Holt, Chas. K.
Spamlding Log. Co, Front and Fer
ry. ; . 10-28
WANTED To rent modern 5 or 6
room house, .must be close in and
reasonable. Want possession not lat-
er than Nov. 15. Address J-24 care
- -.Journal. : - - - - tf
FOR RENT A good quarter section of
Canadian wheat land, cash or shares
goiod house, barn, granary, well, close
to school, church and town. u. w.
Niemeyer, 544 State. tf
MEN WANTED Falls City Lumber &
Logging company, Falls City, Ore-;
eon-, needs thirty men for general
yard and mill work. Wages 50 cents.
per hour, excellent living conditions,
cheap wood, low cost of living. 10-30
STRAYED from Jim Witzel place, one
bay mare, 3 years old; weighing be
tween 000 and oUU lbs., - wnite una
feet, barb wire cut on front foot.
Notify J. Jasmer, Turner, Bt. 1, box
25 and receive reward." 10-29
WILL EXCHANGE 80 acres of good
but unimproved land, near Macleay
for. small improved acreage near Sa
lem, or city property in either Sa
lem, Albany or Lebanon. Value $5,
(100. fl. W. Niemever. 544 State
street., Salem. 10-29
OfYVT.RrcMfcNT need. 12.000 clerks
Salem examinations Nov, 16, Dec. 7.
Salary 'l-UU. ixnenence Tinneees
sary? Men and women desiring gov
rnmpnt. rtnnilinns write for free nar-
ticulars, J. C. Leonard (former civil
service examiner,) 10o Kenoig mid
ing, Washington. 10-29
U. S. GOVERNMENT is appointing 50
thousand clerks, men, women, girls,
18 or over. Commence $1100 year.
7 Easy, office positions. Washington
. D. C.', or near home, 7 hour day. Va
cations. Common education sufficient
Experience unnecessary. Salem ex
aminations coming. Very simple.
. Write for free sample questions and
coaching lessons. Franklin Institute,
Dep't 379 H, Rochester, N. Y.
I Open Fcrcn
Salem, Oregon, July 6,
1918. An open letter to Bishop Mat
thew Simpson Hughesi
Dear Bishop: Four weeks ago a public
letter a'ddressed to you charged the
Sunday newspaper with being an abom
inable .uisance, and the republican
party with being "an hypocritical, un
Godly' old liquor arty, over forty
years behind the times, ruled by li
quor and tobac6." I boldly renew
both charges. To me these- seem to be
vital and irrepressible issoeg of vast
and immediate importance. Are you a
doubtert Respectfully, Wm. N. Taft.
(Reprinted from Capital Journal,
July 6, 1918. (Paid adv.)
AGENTS WANTED Largo manufac
turer wants representative to sell
shirts, nnderwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists skirts, direct to homes. Write
for free samples. Madison Mills, 503
Broadway, New York City.
MARRY if fonely; for results, try me;
best and most successful "Home
Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar
riage oon; strictly confidential;
moat reliable; years of experience;
descriptions free. "The Successful
Club," Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oan-
' land, Calif.
5 BOOM residence, paved street, large
lot, $700, $350 cash, balance terms.
40 acres, 20 cultivated, 3 prunes, fair
improvements,' $2000, $500 cash, bal
ance terms at 6 per. cent. Strictly
modern 5 room new bungalow, Close
in, $2500. 70 acres, 40 cultivated, bal
ance timber, running water, joining
town, $65 per acre. Socolofsky, 341
. State St. , ; tf
10 PER dENT on your money does notj
compare wath the following invest-i
ment. 45 acres, all cultivated, prae-1
tically joining Salemon account of
arrangements to be met this beauti
ful, well located tract will be sold at
$210 per acre. Mr. Investor you need
not worry about this proposition last
ing long. It will be sold. If interest
ed act at once. Box 215, Salem, Or.
, tf
MAKE money in spare time, costs lit
tle to raise rabbits'. Its interesting,
and profitable. Their delicious meat
now finds ready sale at 45c per lb.
$5 will start you with a pair of prize
strain, famous large New Zealand
Reds or Flemish Giants, soon ready
to "breed, expressed in good condition
to any address on receipt of .money
order. The Breeders, P. O, box 172,
San Diego, Cal. ,
For the Oo-t of Improving Cnurch
Street in the City of Salem, from
State Street, to Mission Street.
To Harriett DeMuth, Susan Newton,
F. H, Johnson and to owner unknown:
. Ybu, and each of you are hereby no
tified that the city of Salomi hB, by
ordinance .No. 1558, levied an assess
ment upon your respective properties
hereinafter described and in the amount
hereinafter set forth, end such prop
erty 's proportionate share of the cosfc
of improving Church street in the city
of Salem from the south line of State
street to the north line of Mission
street, except that portion thereof oc
cupied by what is known as t.h Bush or
Church street bridge extending from
the north line of Oak street to the
north line of the westerly extension
of Bellview street. - A description of
each lot "Dr part thereof or parcel ot
land, the owner thereof, and the arrflrant
assessed and levied upon it is as fol
lows, to-wit : - 1
Commencing at a point oh the east
line of Church street 83 ft, 6 in. north
of the southwest corner of block 71 of
the city of Salem, and running thence
northerly along the east line of Church
street 8 ft. to the south line of the
alley in said block; thence-easterly
and parallel with Ferry streot, 82 ft. 6
in; thence southerly and parallel with
Church street 39 ft. to, a point 83 ft.
6 in. north of the north line of Ferry
street: thence westerly and 'parallel
with Ferry street 82 tt. 6 in. to the
place of beginning. Harriett DeMuth,
cost $138.98. .
The east of the southeast of
block 13 in the city of Salem. Susan
Newton. Cost $671.06.
Beginning at a point on the east
line of lot 6 In block 71 of the city of
Salem 112 ft. 6 in. northerly from the
southeast corner of lot 5 in said block,
and running thence northerly along
the east line of said lot b, 10 tt; thence
westerly along the south line of the
alley in said block 71, 10 ft; thence
southeasterly at an angle of 45 degrees
to the place of beginning, b. li. Jonn
son. Cost $1.90.
The south 21.25 feet of lot 2 in
block 9 of the city of Salem, Owner
unknown. Cost $142.22.
Said' assessments were entered n
volume 3, docket of city liens, on the
30th day of September. 1918, as
chargo and lien against the said de
scribed properties, and are now due
and payabte to the city treasurer.
This notice is served upon you by
publication thereof for ten days in the
DaiPy AJapital fluurnal, a newspaper
published in the city of Salem, Oregon,
by order of the common council.
Date of first publication hereof, is
October 28, 1918.
11-11 Recorder of the City of Salem,
Fees Received From .
Farm Loan Applications
Fees received with applications for
rural credits loans,, during the time
there was funds on hand for making
loans, amounted to $5,332.50, according
to the biennial report of the rural cred
its fund a, made by G. G. Brown, clerk
of the state land board.
Of that amount $4,174.25 was paid o
attorneys as fees i" connection with
making the loans and $398.85 was re
turned to the applicants, while the bal
ance is still on hand.
All told bondg to the amount of $450,
000 were sold and that sum has rxvn
loaned. No more bondg were sold, the
report says, because they could not be
disposed of at par. No loans have beea
made since October 16, 1917.
- ,
... ..
i The Journal classified ads are
great favorites with people who
do things Try one.
- . j,-
Lieut Coningsby Dawson, Fight
ing Author, Makes Stirring
Appeal for Y.W.C A,
Lieut Coningsby Dawson, who wrote
"Carry On," says of the war work
which the I. W. C A. la doing: "You
at horn cannot fight with your Uvea,
but yon can fight with your mercy.
The Y. W. C A. Is offering yoa Just
this chance. It garrisons the women's
support trenches, which lie behind the
men's. It asks you to supply them
with munitions ot mercy that they
may be passe, on to us. We need
such supplies badly. . Give generously
that we may the sooner defeat the
What Lieut Dawson says of the Y.
W. C A. he might have said of all the
national organizations which are com
ing together for the biggest financial
campaign that organizations have ever
headed. All the $170,500,000 to be
raised by the seven great national or
ganizations the week of November 11
will be used to garrison aud supply
the support trenches behind the lines.
They are the Y. M. C A., the I. W.
U A., the National Catholic War Coun
ell, Jewish Welfare Board, American
library Association, War Camps Com
munity Service and Salvation Army.
American girls in various uniforms
mingle strangely with picturesque
Brittany' costumes In France. The
American Y. W. 0. A. has a hostess
house in Brittany where the Signal
Corps women live and a hut where
the nurses spen. their free time. Both
these centers are fitted with many of
the comforts and conveniences of
"At a tea given at the nurses' hut
one Saturday afternoon," writes Miss
Mabel Warner, of SnJina, Kansas,. Y.
W.XJ. A. worker there, "there was an
odd gathering one admiral, a bishop,
a Presbyterian minister, a Romaa
Catholic priest, a doctor, an ensign,
one civilian and myself."
First Victory Boy's Work.
"Say, rro wise to yon, all right," a
Western Union messenger boy whis
pered to one- of the directors of the
United War Work Campaign In the
New York headquarters, The direc
tor's desk bad only just been moved
In and the work of the big drive had
hardly begun. . ;.
"I'm onto your stunt," the boy went
on as he swung a grimy fist over the
desk ; "you're get-' to give us fellows
that ain't old enough to go to war a
chance to earn an' give to back up a
fighter an' help win the., war.- Listen;
I'm In on this." u ., i v.- . i-, . - v :
: The crumpled $5 bill be dropped on
the desk made him the first of "a mil
lion boys behind a million-fighters"
who are to be lined up as Victory Boys
during the week of the drive.
There will be a division of Victory
Girls, too, and every boy and every
girl enrolled will have to earn every
dollar he or she glveti to the war work
,fund. : ..... . :.t .,.,-.. ; ' ,-
Catholic Service Flag
Adds Another lold Star
A golden star replaced a white one in
the service flag of the Catholic church
when the sad news was -received here
last Friday, that Fred A, Deranleau,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lueian Deranleau
of Polk county, had died at Camp
Kearney, Cal., from pneumonia wlncB
followed Spanish influenza. Fred
joined the regular Rnny in April, 1917.
when he was 18 years old, and another
brother, Arthur, is also in the army,
stationed at Camp Joseph E. Johnson
Florida. Fred is the first Catholic boy
from St. Joseph', parish to die in the
service. His funeral was held from the
church, privately on account of the epi
demic, last Thursday, Father Buck sing
ing a requiem mass and interment was
in the Catholic cemetery. The follow
ing letter was received by Father Buck
from the K. C. Chaplain stationed at
'amp Kearney:
Knight9 of Ccuunimis War Activities,
Camp Kearney, Oct. 19, 1918.
Dear Father: This will certify that
Private. Fred Deranleau received the
rites of the church and is entitled t
Catholic burial
Please say to his dear mother and
sorrowing relatives that he prepared
for death as a good Catholic and gave
his life gladly in the cause of freedom.
His thought in hi, delirium,, as in his
conscious hoars, were of his mother, A
good Catholic and a dutiful soldier.
He is worthy your grateful memory,
for' he made the supreme sacrifice for
his country. He died far from the
field, of battle, but he died in the cause
of humanity. The years will mako
I clearer the debt the world oweg to him
jand all the brave lads that have died
that the nations of the earth may en
joy equal liberty, l'eaee be to nig soul.
Yours sincerely,
K. of C. Chaplain.
Lcis J.
Spanish "Fla
Marahfidd, Oct. 26. Word has been
received here that L. 1. Simpson, who
was on his way home from Washing
ton, D. C, is ill of Spanish influenza at
Chicago. A. K. teaman, of this city,
has received word that hie son, Wesley
Seaman, is aerionsly ill of influenza at
Keo, ev, where he wa stricken while
on hig way cast to a training school. ,.
Employrt and convicts at the
penitentiary are being vaccinated to-
day with "anti-fin" vaeine.
. i .
Oar old friend
Do Your
BE DONE EARLYj NO AMERICAN will fail te heed this order. Stores will not be al
kweil to employ extra salespeople or keep open evenings. Useful presents are
the only ones that should be botight.-r"K!DDIES" Excepted, i
These are the "Boys" that's
taking the germ out of
CARD GAMES of all kinds.
Santa Clans
Orders Of State Health
Board Must Be Obeyed
Orders of local health officials, Issued
at the direction of .the state board of
health, closing puilie schools and other
public meeting places on account of in
fluenza must be obeyed, J. A. Churchill,
superintendent of public instruction1, to
day informed J. P. Keycs, chairman of
the school board at Bend.
Mr. Churchill received a telegram
from Chairman Keyes asking by what
authority the state health board was
orderina schools closed and whether
such an order must be observed. After
consulting the attorney general, Mr.
Churchill replied that the order orig
inated with Surgeon Genernl Blue of
the United States Health Service and
it must be obeyed.
Petition For Repair
Of Pacific Highway
If we are successful in the immedi
ate future in getting the Pacific high
way put in repair, (loo. Kcsselring will
be largely renponsiblo for totting the
work started. The Marion county di
vision of the Pacific highway is very
rough and unless put in repair will be
come impassable in a short time. The
road was to have been hard surfaced
before this time and would have been,
but for the war. The county court has
been appealed to for relief but inurs it-
self embarrassed because this pieco of
road has men turned over to tne state
highway. A petition to the county
court i, to be started ana circulate, at
once, with a view to having the road I
scarified and rolled, believing that if
thig can be done we will have a good
road for at least anrtfher year, Hub
bard Enterprise.
Great Storm Interferes ;
With Telegraph Lines
Denver, Colo., Oct. 26. Telephone
and TelegTaph communication over tt
large part of the middle west was crip
pled today as the result of storms in
Kansas and Nebraska. Denver was al
most completely cut off from the east
Eleven iche8 of snow following a sleet
storm near Grand Island, Neb., prostrat
ed miles of telephone and telegraph and
railroad wire lines.
Later nigti wind
storm between Garden City, Kansas,
and Dodge City, Kansas, paralyzed com
munication in aa area through which
Uinc had been rerouted to eonnect
,,ut. cut off by the first storm.
1 - . , ' . . .
cials of the American Telephone and
Telegraph company here stated that no
rlief was in sight before probably latoi
afternoon, ......
MM M 4
v ' -
iiti Jit
Clean Up" Special
Every model set at EXTRA SPECIAL. BUILD
quick, at these special prices. They are selling
Tllf All sizes and kinds from the4 Rag
JLOllSJ Babies, to the Kid Bodies, Cork
and Hair stuffed, Dressed and Undressed.
You can Always do Better at
iy i-J
.- .
State House Notes
Warden Murphy of the penitentiary
left last night for Gold Hill on business
in connection with the state lime plant.
Now that .the emergency board has
granted another deficiency appropria
tion of $5,000, bunkers for storing limo
at the plant will he built.
After yoars of effort, Jason C. Mooro
has failed to finance a project to ei
tract valuable salts from the bods of
Bummer and Albert lakes, in Luko
county, and the state land board has
served notice on him that his lease on
those lakes Will be cancalled within 60
days. The lease has bren renewed sev
eral times. A deposit of $10,000
which Moore put up with the state as a
guarantee fund has been forfeited and
turned into the state common school
fund, ; ,
Mis8 Christine Mackrock, who came
Fall Suits-
Did you ever stop to think when you are asked to
pay $30 to $:55 for ready-to-wear suits of clothes,
made of shoddy (re-workcel wool or mixed with cot
ton) that you were not conserving?
I can make you a suit or overcoat from all .wool
material purchased before the raise in price, that
will satisfy you and your pocket book.
474 Court St.
. .(
.tUI HMM 44444444444
The High and
Mighty Mon
arch heed his
Stand Pat
With Your
Your Chance
' Toyland
to Salem from Forest Grove to aecopt o
position in the notarial department of
the secretary of staters office, litis bcea
called into government service and h:is
gone to Portland. She had made appli
cation to the government before coming
to Baleni. . , 1 ,. .
Attorney General Brown has adviseil
the slate highway commission that it i
not required under the law to prepare
drawing and specifications for a
liridgB to be built, by the city of Tli
Dulles ns it is part of a city street. Thl
highway department is required to pro
paio bridge plans for county highways
at the request of county courts.
Road districts which desiro to vote a
increase in road taxes as provided in
chapter 150, luwg of 1917, must submit
at the same time the question of wheth
er tJia voters approve of increasing the
tax levy in races, of the limit in! posed
by the 6 per cent tax limitation, ac
cording tu an opinion given by Attor
ney Ot'iterst Brown to District Attorney
Max Gi'hlhar of Salem,
Journal Want Ads Pay
Salem, Oregon