8ALEM, OSEOOH Thursday, October 24, 1918. EIGHT t it 4 I 4 I i 4 3 3 3 M i 3 7 ! 3 The Government requests that you EARLY : personals : . In preparation for Christmas, and that your Chopping be confined to useful articles. You will find us prepared with useful gifts, and will find them priced the J. C. Penny Way, that is the lowest price possible. HANDKERCHIEFS Per Box of 3 lo 4 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c, and 89cBox LADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR Silk Bloomers, $2.49 Silk Vests, $1.98 Silk Union Suits, $3.98 ' KCwONAS AND BATH ROBES Serpentine Crepe Kimonas $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 and $3.98 Flannelette Kimonas $1.98, $2.49, $198 and $3.98" Fine Beacon Bath Robes $3.49, $3.98 and $4.98 WAISTS Nice line of wash and silk waists that please. Lawn And Voile Waists' 98c, $1.49, $1.98 Each Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists - $2.98, $4.98 and $5.90 BOUDOIRCAPS. In very neat. Colors and trimmings 25c, 35c, 49c and 79c PETTICOATS Satin and of Heatherbloom at 98 c, $1.69 and $1.98 Silk Petticoats at : $3.98, $4.98 and $5.90 it n 7 Incorporated 111)'-. (&S? &TKefflB All Around Town COnKGETOffS Oct. 27- Sunday. At night, turn the time back one hour. Not. S. Election day. ! funeral Beautiful "Wbb ft Clongk Oo. tf w-Uw tat". It all yon can do when death, comet. Call Webb Clough Co Phone 120. , . f. A marriage license was Issued yes terday to Frank M. Morloy, ago 3fl, a farmer of Silverton, and Miss Mabel Tomelia Anundson age 33 a nurse of Hil vcrton. Dr. O. Hartley, dentist, Moore build ing, 407 Court St. Painless filling and extractin. Pyorrhea. tf , , o There la the least bit of silver lining to tho cloud of the high cost of living. 15c Silk, lOOyard spool 1'. 10c 8c Silk, 60-yard spool 6c Remember our 200 yard 0. N- T. Clark'a special, only ... 6c All Silk Ribbons, for about half -what you pay at other stores. Large stock to select from. Don't pay 10c to 15c for Columbia Mercerized Crochet Cotton, when you can buy It from us for 8c We have also a long pants suit to close out at half-price. All first class goods. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE FARMER'S CASH STORE Opposite Court Uouso on High Slroet Butter has gone down two cents a pound. The food administration per mits credit houses to make six cents a pound profit and when the wholesale price drops two cents, the retail drops along with it . , . .0 . Dr. Bchenk has new returned from his vacation and he extends a cordial invitation to bis patrons and friends to visit his Institution. '' , tf Mrs. W. V. Hawk, of Hoskiw, Ore gon, is registered at the Bligh. C. L. Kurd of the IT. S. navy in the city Born KRAra At Aurora. Oregon Oct 2L 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kraus. a daughter. I Died : THOMPSON. At her residence 2460 Elm avenue, Wednesday Oct . 23, 1918, Mrs. Goldie Thompson. She is survived by a husband. Char les Thompson. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at the home. Burial will be in the City View cemetery. KAISER. At her home 1706 North Fourth street. S&lom, Oct. 24, 1918, Mrs. Dollie Kaiser in her 58th year. Besides her husband, Gus Kaiser, she is survived by a daughter Mrs. Ray Perkins, her mother Mrs M. J. Cross, a brother H. D. WatsonJ three sisters Mrs. Florence Thompson, Mrs- Lhas. Cochran of Falls City and Mrs. Maggie Forbes of Mt. Vernon. Wash. The funeral sorvices will be held from the home Friday afternoon. - if - UNCLE SAM VALUES THE EYES OF EVERY 1 one of his men enough to re qu're a searching examina tion before he can enter the service. ARE YOUR EYES OF LESS VALUE? .''. Better have them examined today j l? L CcCULLOCH, Optometrist, 201-5 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Secretary la wanted Applications for the position of secretary of Wil lamette chapter, American Red Cross, will be considered at this time by tho executive board of the chaptor. This position requires the. undivided atten tion of a capaMo and experienced of fice manager, handling a large corre snondonco and considerable cash, be sides innumerable detail matters relat ing to Red Cross work; Applicants calll at Red Cross headquarters in U. . .Na tional bank building, or phone 1500. - - : . ..... 40-24 The total value of taxable property in Marion county is $7,610,580. accord ing to the figures of the county equal ization board. "This is a net gain of $777,330 over the figures of one year ago. The automobiles in Marion coun ty are assessed at $679,950. o Use your telephone. Call 67 for fresh roasted coffee, now crop tea, cocoa or chocolate. Win. Gahlsdorf. 10-24 Word was received yesterday of the death W Miss Ora E. Cavitt at Camp kcwis Wednesday.Miss Cavitt was wide ly known in Salem. She was graduated from the Salem high school in 1913 and at once took up a course of train ing as a nurse at the Willamette Sanatorium- from which sho was graduated in 1916. Miss Cavitt answered the call for graduato nurses and went to Camp Lewis October 1. Her death was due to pneumonia brought on by an attack of influenza. ' o Bert Yates, the man who attempted to abduct his wife about 3 o'clock one morning about threo months ago is now minus one wife. In the circuit court yesterday, Judge Bingham granted Mrs. Yates an absolute divorce. After Yates attempted to abduct his wife, she swore out a 'warrant against him charging i assault and attemiit to kill. After lan- 'guinhing iu the county jail for several weens the charge was withdrawn on tho condition that Yates jiccp away from Silverton and Salem. o At a meeting of the Business Men's League last evening it was shown that 700 of the rating cards have been brought up to date and it was cstimat ed that within a few weeks the entire card systom would be perfected. Six boys, all of the same family, named Adams, ranging in years from six to 17. were reported to" tho police yesterday as making a lot of unneces sary . noise in barn at 554 .North Liberty street, disturbing a sick wom an- An officer was called and gave them some fatherly advice. On the po lice blotter, tho report of the officer reads; "Both parents of the boys went to Portland today and they were having one hell of a time. - o ' ' " Work is now progressing rapidly at the Commercial Club bringing the loy alty cards up to date in order that they may be used by the solicitors for the coming United war fund drive. This work involves an immense amount of labor a each citiien in the city is (riven a separate card and on this card there is placed figures showing the amount given to each of the four lib erty loan drives; the Salvation army drives, Red Cross and Armenian cam paign. The loyalty 'card is so named as it shows at a glance whether a citizen has been supporting the various pat riotic, . drives of the past year or so. As a sollitor, approaches a citizen for a subscription to the coming Unitod War Fund drive, he will have one of the loyalty cards handy on which will "be shown just exactly what that citizen has done. . Wanted Work In noma for one eld erly lady, also one young woman. Phono Home Service Red Cross, 332, during office hours. o--r- , - ; ' Dr. O. Hartley, dentist, Moore build- ins 407 Court St. Painless filling and extraction, .pyorrnea. rnone w. Mr. Rocco Falstico, wherever be lives will not receive the letter mailed to him at Salem. The writer gave the ad dress as 595 3rd street, but that was rather too indefinite as now-a-days it is the custom to includo tho city and state address. Mr. Jno Kelly has a let- tor addressed to iwn at Wdodman. That also was rather indefinite as no state address was given Of course on both letters there was no" return address given in tho upper left hand corner. The following young men are on the list of the local exemption board to be sent to Ft. Stevens. From th"o list of six names, five will be chosen and they will leave this evening: Fred Gil bert, Shaw; Carl Temple Pope, Salem; Daniel J. Kintz, Sublimity; Carl Rob ert Peterson, Aumsvilo; Lloyd G. Gan tenbein, Salem and Glenn A. Olds, Tillamook. The dance at Turner, Saturday night has been postponed on account of the influenza epidemic. 10-25 Due to shortage of labor, beginning November 1, Vick Bios, garago will close at 7 p. in. and opon at 6 a. m. This will do away wuh tho nignt buiii and save several men for day work, Which ig most essential, as all business and commercial cars are usually tnru with their day 'g work by that timo. 11-4 Things are improving at the State Training school for boys. A few days ago about 40 were down with the in fluenza but yesterdav and today there hasboen no new cases and many of the old ones have about recovered from the first attack. No deaths have oc curred at the school and Superintendent Gilbert says he now has everything well under control. , Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn returned to day after spending a few days in Port land and will be here until Friday noon, when he will leave for Richard son's Hot Springs, California. Dr. Mendelsohn has sold out his office and stock to Dr. Slaughter, who will occu py his offices. Three boys escaped from the state reform school yesterday afternoon. They AIDE 13 I I p &rv I 32 I OtIIlii THIS COLD CURE (GOT THAT CAUSES' US TO SELL MORE HATS THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN SALEM jsSi Tbere's A Good And Suf ficent Reason mSSC. ITS BECAUSE- We buy in larger quantities ki ; " and consequently have a much UV ' ' more varied assortment froid n i. i i. i4-; wnicn you may uiaivc eeietuv". FIIRTHERME , We have arranged for regular ; and frequent shipments. New Hats are arriving almost every ; day, so you may be sure of ob ; taining the very latest approv . . : ed styles. AND THE PRICE- On top of all this, the volume ; of our millinery trade enables - us to sell at a low margin of ; profit. Our prices are AL WAYS THE LOWEST. UNUSUALLY LARGE STOCK NOW For this fall's trade we have secured an unusually large stock hundreds of new models-appropriate for every occasion- all of them the very last word in mil- nery' Ladies Hats . . . . ... . . . ... $1.98 to $6.50 Children's Hats . . . v. . ... . . .'. ....... 98c to $2.98 OUR MILLINERY WORKROOMS Our workrooms are presided over by expert milliners, who will trim our.hat to your Individual fancy i k II Our Prices Always The towesj Gale & Co. Commercial and Court Sts. Salem v "Formerly Chicago Store Our Prices Always ' The Lowest were seen in the city last evening but managed to elude the officers. For a time the boys were investigating an auto that had been left standing m the alley near D. A. White & Sons but when the officers approached, the boys fled. . Thttmerh the ironerositv of the U. S. National bank, Red Cross headquarters for Willamette chapter will remain in the U S. National bank building. A few days ago it was found that cer tain tenants in the building wished to Anlnrcn their head- office and this would require the rooms used by the . . . . . i . .1... Bod Cross- At Iirst it was inougnt mat headquarters woum oe esraonsnca cise 1 thnt it -would be necessary to pay for suitable rooms. The bank again eaiffb to the rescue and offered room 204 on the second tloor or tne building for office use and rooms 316 and 317 on the third floor as the sup ply, packing and merchandise Tooms. Since Willamette chapter organized, the it s Katinnal hiink has been eivintf free rent and this included heat, lights and janitor service. This gift contin ues, only in different rooms. ' DOCTOR IS VICTIM. ' nolflnnil Oil.. 'Oct. 24 Dr. A.- F. Kelly, for ma'ny years head of the board of education of Oakland, died to ir frnm influenza after a brief ill ness. He was stricken while treating influenza patients. SaN FRANCISCO DEATHS. DR. W.L STANTON Dermatologist and Foot Specialist. Specializes in removing superflous hair from face ,neck and arms. Facial work for removal of blemishes. Also the latest appliances for treat ment of the feet. " ' Try' Stanton's face cream, massage cream and freckle lotion the best that money can buy. Lady Assistant DR. W.L STANTON Licensod Dermatologist,. 518 United State, Bank Building. Phone 416. LAWSOK IS INJURED. Marlborough, Mass., Oct- 24. Thomas W. Lawsoh of Boston is in the Marlborough hospital today suffering from broke nribs and other injuries received when his limousine turned tur tle in Northborongh. Lawson was re ported tg be resting comfortably today. WANTED. - ' Portland Furniture Dealer wants all kinds of second hund furniture, stoves, gag ranges, etc. Best price paid. Phone 951. ; c.n iv.n;in Hot. 24. Nine hund red sixty four now cases of influenza were repwted to the health board to day, with 34 deaths from the same cause. PORTLAND MAN DIES. Ottawa, Ont., Oct.' 24. The following American appears in today's Canadian I casualty list: Died K. .Hazel. .Portland, vregon, CARDINAL WILL REMAIN. . Home, Oct. 24. Transfer of Cardin 11 in tf York hag been ad judged inadvisable owing to the impor tance of tho Boston archbishopric, ac cording to the most renaoic lniormauon today. Tho innilidatea for archbishop of New York have now narrowed down to Archbishop Hanna- of San Francisco and Archbishop Glcnnon of Bt. Louis. INFLUENZA IN CALIFORNIA. Sacramento. CsL Oct. 24 influenza cases in the state total "50,135 this morning. Thia is an increase of 4,441 over Wednesday night. Journal Want Ads Pay 'Tape's Cold Compound" Ends , Colds And Gnppe In A Few Hours. Take "iPape's Cold Compound" ev ery two hours until you have taken three doses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will be broken. It prompt ly opens your clogged-up nostrils and air passages of tho head; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves ho headache, dullness, feverishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit Wowing and snuffling. Ease your throbbing head nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pane's Cold Compound, which costs only a few cants at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, and causes immiTlf irjlUT mO D1V no inconvenience. Accept no substitute JyyluiAL Willi 1 Aifj Inl I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. V I WANT YOUR I SACKS AND BAGS 1 buy all Kinos 01 used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my Prices Before you sell. : THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. ' Phone 398 " The Square Deal House 271 Cheraeketa Street t HEMSTITCHING J Hemstitching and Picot edge work. We do this work in 'lie kert Banner. All work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Machine Co Phone 441 337 State Street Saleu t WANTED, JIM 5 And All Bands of 2nd Ha4 oods. riS Starke Price Special Prices paid for Back. 4 Qee oar prices beore yon sell. TUB PEOPLE'S JUKE ft 2ND 4 SAND STOEE . 4 rn . Oom'l Si. Paoae 7M 4 r Bring in I your beans ? ; : We are now running our bean cleaner and if your f ; : beans are going to need I cleaning bring them in I at once whether you sell now or not and have them cleaned. We can not keep our bean clean er running all the time so better clean them now. " , . ' . D. A. WHITE & SONS t 251 State St. Phone 160 L.M.HUM are of - ' YickSa Tour : I Chinese Uadinlna n. T I tr . . ' . 7 vm T T mecucina wniea will - tare T I aay knows disease. . I L w c 3 . T t '-'v" Buuuaji irom iv a. m. I an til 3 p. a. 153 South High St Salem, Oregon. Phoaa 181