SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OFEftON Thursday, October 24, 1918 r ll j P AT more corn bread. You know that's the fH I mm surest, most satisfactory way of saving j BWfcpH tiilft Sffll I Mill wheat .the big job for all of us. . . . HBBIHH llji ' Corn bread is simply delicious made right, in jlB the good old Southern way. Cooking .trans- IpR iffjtl; orms com meant0 a delightful food. ijKpM j : plfj 1 1 lllll j And cooking makes tobacco taste much more " delicious. Burley tobacco toasted is used for Plans Are Completed Fnr Markhicr Old Site (Capitol Journal Special HorvU'f.) """'' "'' '" ""''" of Rnrnh Children TVilk Chapter of tho DuutJitei'8 of tho American Rovo lution hold tn Pallus, Monday after- I K -.' -Uto-llw . - vV vvi ... '-'(. 1 j , , w . - 'c s v V" . ' i ' I ' v - OS ,; - ' - I v " - c - N 0(fl CHANNBL BASS V ' V -M iC TAKEN . ;, ft nbw iNtrr.f ,,SJ I ' V.i- 1 -r-r-TiH-T -..r rT p.oon th0 final plans for tho. unveiling i nf tit it mntt n imi tit flint ! tn mnrlr ihfi no of the first roik county court i Houso wore caiatiU ti'tl, Thf monument i which ih a gift to the Chapter from voileil on Saturday, November 2, the ceremonies diking place at 2:30 o'clock lin the afternoon. Miss Evelyn Sibley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.' 13. Bibly ti 111 Miis Jessie Boyd, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Boyd, will ' 'tn-' ll Hie n onuinent. Miss Sibley 'a an-1 cestui were among the fir- settlers in Polk County couiing to this country when there were but about two f ainiliev (lonts of tho new district. living 'within the county's borders. o Tho site of the first Court House is iu Hairy C. Seymour, of Corvallis, a North Dallas at the junction of Or- former school superintendent of this chard Avenue and tho Dallas-Sabm county was a Dallas visitor the first road. For years prior to the erection 1 of tile week, of (lie building tho court met" in a school Harry A. Woods and -W. L. Soehron I1011.-0 on the' old Donation Laud Claim were business visitors in the Capital of iCnrey Kmbree near the present town City Monday afternoon, of Kickreull. As the building had only j Mrs. Will Colins, Mrs. J. A. Mo one room the jury after hearing the j Cann, Mrs. Ed. F, Coad and Mrs. Wm. arguments of the attorneys departed Kersey were shopping in Salem the to the brush outside the building wu to first of tho week , the eases were settled. In nuviling tuct Mrs. Alico Deinpsey and daughter, monument on Novdinher the D. A. Ks. I Miss Fanny, Mr. and Mrs. John H. celebrate th birthday of former presi-j Sibley and little daughter, Katherine. dent, James K. Folk, after whom this visited over Sunday at. the home of county was named. The. local D. A. K. 'Mr. and Mrs. Willis Himonton at Suver. Chapter is named after Prcsideut Folk's wite, Small Childress. Another Dallas Boy Reported. Missing. Word reached Dallas the first of the; week that Oscar Jackson, a former, I. j n T 1 .t . ' iiirmuiT 01 voiitpauy 1j olvcius city wagi missing In action on the battle fronts in France. Jackson participated in the! big battle of July and the first ofi August and according to advices from the ur Department he was misted about the middle of the latter month. Tie vouns soldier who was about 20 yeara of age was transferred from Company I. together with a number of other young fellows after the Third Oregon arrived in France, . ., Heating , Plant Besumeg Operations. . The central heating plant operated ty the Dallas National and the Dallas City banks, which has been undergo ing repairs for the past several months wa started up Tuesday morning for the first time. The system has been en tirely changed and better service is as sured the patrons of the system. The plan furnished heat for a big majority of the business house, of-the eity be sides the two bank buildings. New County School District Created, A new school district has been created In the western part of Folk County to accommodate the children of locirer. and other workmen in theiurday and Sunday in Fcwtland. Sileta Basin district. This part of the) countT has heretofore been s part of the Black Bock district but the opea-l mm ing up of the vast timbered belt by the construction of the Valley & Siletz Kauway into the Basin called for a utw uisinoi ami touniy wuum oupcr intendent Crowley was willing to ac commodate the netirinns of thn resi Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fiuseth, of Fort- land, are the guests of relatives in tho city this week. Mrs. H. A. Woods and Miss Delia B. Tiers were Capital City visitors .this week. . - WACOM NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Wacomia, Oct. 24 The first frost f the s1'"80" touched Waeonda light- V ?lsllru-v morning. Farmers are making good use of the fine weather, and a much larger amount of fall grain will be sown than for some years past. C, M. Hall has delivered the wood for the school house, and L. H. Martin has the contract of sawing it with his new saw, whith he operates with his Ford and does excellent work. Carlton Savage of Oregon univer sity, and Francis Nusom of Corvallis spent tho week end with home, folks at Waeonda. V An. Oregon Electric feridge gang of thirty eight men, arc repairing the trestl jusa north, of the depot. It will require a week or ten days to com plete the job. , After a few dayi illness, Alice Palmer- has returned to het office work in Salem. Mrs, E. P. Habert, Waeonda corre spondent for the Journal, spent Sat- William Ahlgren is reported as ser- ionsly ill at Camp Lewis. J- H. Bales nd,fmily r moving to I Court Rouse News J In the matter of the estate of Ber nard V. Shadier who died Oct. 22 the court appointed his widow, Mabel Shad ley as administratrix of Uie estate and as appraisers Eva Wolf, Mrs. Margaret Klinger and F. L. Newman. lie was the owner of the Oregon Restaurant on State street. The estate of Mr. Shad ley is valued -at about flOOO. J. H. Baldwin, as 'administrator .of the estate of Martha L. Crurup'acker upon filing of his final report was given his redcase and discharge from trust as administrator. The last will and testament of H. Walker who died Oct. 20, has admitted to probate. Besides his he is survived by eight children, appraisers appointed were J. W. lamy, D. F. Harrison and E. B. riSe. J. A. Walker with Sarah M. ker were appointed executor and utrix. ; J. 8. been wife, The In the divorce case of Zulema Bohan nou against J. D. Bohannon, the court gave, the mother custody of the minor son and decreed that Bohannon should pay her $35 a month for one year and for the following year $30 a month. At the expiration of two years he will have no alimony to pay. . The easei of W. C. Hubbard against L. H. McMnhan involving about $15,- 000 worth of land was again before the circuit court yesterday on the ques tion of the appointment of a receiver. Mr. McMahan filed an affidavit in which he alleged that prior to the be ginning of the war ho had disposed of his interests and came to Salt-in to practice law, but that on account of the war, he was obliaed to look after the interests of his own and others' in volved. That he had had a talk with Mr. Hubbard and Hubbard had said it would do no good to have a receiver appointed but that his lawyer had so advised h'im. That Hubbard also said ho had no use for the courts or for law as it cost money and got no one any where. McMnhan also alleges in his affidavit that Hubbard inquired if it was McMshan's intentions to let tho land lie idle or farm it. JicMahan in formed him that 80 acres had 'been plowed and would bo seeded within a week. Discussing the orchard, he claims that Hubbiard said it was better to take up the trees and plant the land in wheat. - S. H. Van Trump, court-y fruit in spector, alst filed an affidavit in the enso in which he says that ho examined the orchard on .the land involved in tho suit and thinks that the orchard sould be removed or thoroughly reno' vated and cleaned up because of tho condition of the orchard. Also that the orchard will never be a commercial success and that in its present condi tion it is a menace to other orchards. tho Ramp place, four' miles southwest of Turner. They will ho missed very much in our business and social life. A. W. Ninioui shipped a good sized porker to- his son, Walter, who lives near Tillamook. Tho bad read between Waeonda and tho Pacific highway is getting a coat of gravel, much to the delight of the residents of that section. Chas. Faist and family will occupy the house 'being vacated by Mr. Bales. Road Supervisor Patterson is busy repairing bridges and other necessary work before tuo coming 01 winter. , fairf!eldnews notes. CCaoital Journal Special Service) Fairfield, Or. Oct. 24 MiBS Margaret Marthalcn who is attending high school at Woodburn returned home Monday on account of the Bchool being closed. Ralph. DuRctte has purchased the Rulinn Short nlace. Mr- Short has rent ed the Corban farm for a term of years. Miss Gladys Lorett who is teaching school transacted ' business in Salem Saturday. Arthur BrooK ana Mr. ana Jirs. Harry Brook of St. Johns spent the week end at Tom Ditmans. Carl Francis has rented his ranch to Mr. Fetch and he will move to Port land for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. DuRette are the proud parents of a fine boy, October 21. He has been named Donald Richard. Mr and Mrs. John Imlah and family and Miss Gladys Lorett were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B, J. J. Miller Sun day. ' Misa Annie Luthv of Salem is Visiting her sister Mrs. D. B. DuRette. B. J. J. Miller is the possessor 01 a new Maxwell car.. Miss Merle DuRette of 0. A. C. spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks ' . DA-NDEUx Jt SOUJM at BUINS THE HAXK nivls if vnn want nlentv of thick. beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don t. It rl.iA.n t dn much ffood to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get lid of dandruff ' to dis solve it, then you destroy vt entirely. Tn An ii.ii mt alx-.ur. four ounces of ordinary liquid a'von; PP,V t at ni8ht when retiring; use enougn to moisien the scalp and rub it in geutly with the finger tips. .. . ' By morning, most if noi an, oi jvu. dandruff will be gone, and three ot four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy ; single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times (better. You can get liquid -von at nw drug store. It is inexpens-. ive nd four ounces is all you will ..) nn mutter how much dandruff yon 'have. This simple remedy never fails. ' JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY FRUITLAKD (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fruitland, Or., Oct. 24. C. S. Kesling of Antelope county, Nebraska, purchas ed the property of N, J. Bowenj of this place. Mr. Kesling is employed at gov ernment work in Portland and will not live on the premises at present. Also the Nicholas property has been sold to Nicholas Stempel of California. Tho McFarlane property now owned by G. Testout of Salem is undergoing repairs. New sills are being put in place. Max Standifer and John E. Miller are doing the work. The farmers are getting out their po tatoes against the time of rainy wea ther. Leo Donaldson, a soldior at Camp Lcwiayisited his, parents here a few days ago. It is reported that Claire the young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robinson of Yeoman station is ill with the Spanish flu. TliiR is the only case of the kind here as far as reported. N. J. Bowers of this place has goue to Okanogan county, Washington, where he will reside for the winter. Th0 Jigg is about up with Kaiser Wil helm. This rooster went into the war with high feather and sharp spurs. Now he -has faced toward home with be draggled plumage and dragging tail 'Tis well. Will Seek To Enjoin' Railroad. Company Injunction proceedings will be insti tuted by public, service commission against Sumpter Valley Railroad Com pany to restrain that company from, violating the orders of the commission. I The action will be filed in the circuit I court for Baker County. 1 The proceedings will he based on an (affidavit of the Baker While Pine Lum-J ber Company showing' that the railroad. company is charging a 2j per cent in-j crease in all freight rates when such an increase has not been authorized by! the commission. The commission grant-1 ' ed a 15 per cent increase on a portion of , tne company s rates, but wuen the com-'. control it added a 23 per cent increase and since it has been released from, government control it has refused to re ; turn to its old rates or to file a tariff providing for an increase. Instead, it is said the company ignores the authority of the eoimiiissioiC" . Governor Withycombe Dsferis His State Police The request of the Oregon Agricul tural College for a deficiency appro-, priation of $37,433 for taking cart of the, students taking tli war course at the college, and tlm state military po lice uie strongly defended by Gover nor Withycombe in a statement issued yesterday in reply to the attack of Senator Gus' C. Moser. Governor Withycombe says tne stato police have given valuable semco . the statu by guarding shipyards, eleva tors, warehouses and docks, and can ning establishments, grain fields and food depots. Besides, he points ,put that they have arrested bootleggers and other law violators. . ! Senator Moser refused to vote for. the requested 0. A. C. appropriation at! a meeting of the stato emergency board j Monday,and he charged that Governor j WithycomlSo had made a political ma-1 chine out of the state police, aftor the , ,,.,.... i,,,,.i 1,0,1 n,.,,fr,,i f -iiinnn for the state police on the plea that they wore a military-necessity. Journal Want Ads Pay trere is true economy in eating SAUSAGE' Our facilities are so extensive that they afford a range of seceltion that enables us to establish and maintain the highest possible Standard of Excellence ALL MADE DAILY In our own kitchens, perfectly sanitary and abso . lutely Clean and Wholesome SAVE MONEY EATING Some of the Popular Kinds we Make : Wieners, Liver, Sausage, Head Cheese, Frankfurts, Garlics, Metwurst, Bologna, Minced Ham, etc., etc. Also Cooked Corned Beef (Pressed), Veal Loaf, Boil ed Tongue, Boiled Ham and Lunch Ham LINK PORK SAUSAGE SATURDAYS-Try these - for Sunday Morning's Breakfast. LIBERTY STEAK and BULK SAUSAGE (Pork) GROUND HOURLY and You Takeo Risk on these ' OUR PRICES ARE LOW FOR WE GIVE. STEUSLOFF BROS . Ffjc I Wholesale and Retail Northwest Corner Court and Liberty Sts Perfection And Cleanliness Of Mm Manufacture "EVERYTHING " Must Pay Teachers For Fol ; Vac3tbn School teaehcrg should receive -f all pay "for the time schools are cltd.oa account of . the influenza oiiiictnie throughout the state, according In ad vice being given the teacher,, by A. Chuirhill, superintendent of public in struction. . , .. Teachers from al! parts of the state, where the schools have been ehned by order of the health officials, have been writing Superintendent Churchill for information on this. point. - .- i Mr. Churchill's reply to the. eJfect that the teachers can collect full pay is based on an opinion from the attorney general, who points out that wiiilo school boards may close the sehoors tat the protection, of the public health teachers are entitled to their rcgniar pay during the time that the schools are so closed, unless their contract has a clause specifically providing , other wise. PAPERS ENDORSE POSITION. " - New York, Oct. 24. -New York eve ning newspapers commented editorial ly on President Wilson's reply to Ger many in part as follows: ; The Mail: "Mr. Wilson has spoken ,i his own way, ha9 spoken after counsel ling with our allies, and ha3 told tho German people that before any peace can come their army and navy must be placed under the control of the allies, that their government must lo niado one that can be trusted. What moro is there to be said!" The Sun: "The cool, clear, tempo rate statement of the ally will and purposo will have its good effect. It will clear away German illusion with out arousing a passion of desporato re sistance. It gives the German firo breathers no chance to preach a cru Bado; it strengthcn3 the hands of thoso who see tho hopelssuess of furSfrr struggle." - Tho Globe: "The declaration in tho president's answer to the last German note of vital interest is one that will 'leave the United States and the pow ers associated with her in a position to enforce any arrangements that may 1m vntered into and to make renewal of hostilities on the part of 'Germany im possible.' .. , ; . . .- "All else in the reply is apurtenant and 'secondary, to this. Heic is tho judgment of the court the deeree i enleied. ' Germany must lfiy down arms before her representatives will bo listened to or received. While Ger many is powerless, her opponents are to n iuniii armed and thus enabled to forca obedience. Here is the substance, if not the form of unconditional surrender." The World: "The president of . tTm t'uitedStates has with new forco and finality, pronounced upon 'those who have hitherto been - mas ters of. Germany policy.' In tho field they must take tho terms the allied commanders dictate. Politically their power among nations is doomoflrTkero can be no further foothold or shelter for German imperialism in a civilised country.". ' Evening Post: ''President Wilson has to fair minded men put 1 1 10 sum of the whole, nfntter beyond misunder standing. He was obliged to follow diplomatic precedent. In the first part of his note the wheels of his chariot drive heavily through the "Vehnical de tails. But when he comes to speak in !iiu owri name of tho things that must be done he moves swiftly to the point and makes his utterances as direct and terrible as the day of judgment." Journal Want Ads Pay W1IRJWL WANT ADS PAY i 1 THE QUALITY Butchers and Packers OREGON Phone 1528 ? GUARANTEED" ; - . '.' i