Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    IHE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON Thursday, Ociober 24, 1918.
jHintnnm ttioiiM
- I Ferry St. In first class condition, tf
at per word, A'ew Today:
Xach insertion , lo
One weeli (8 insertions) - So
One month (26 insertions) " 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
for eTrora in Clasafied.Advertiwments.
Bead your advertisement tie first day
it appears and notify us immediately if
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 15c.
POTATOES for sale Phone 80Fii; tf
.WOOD for sale. Phone 79F11.
FOR RENT-fiano. Phone 75. 10-30
FOR RENT Furnished apartment, 210
S. 14th. 10 24
FOR RENT 3 rooms for housekeeping,
neat and clean. 687 N. Front. 10 24
FOR SALE Fat hogs, Kt. 7, box 93,
Silvcrton road. ' 10-24
. i ,1, .
.AM prepared to do team work of all
. kinds. Call 110 La Fello St. 10-28
FOR SALE Good body
Phone 1806W.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Do not mind
children. Enquire 420 Ferry. 10-29
- 4HMPLETE set of new bicycle wheels
for sale. Phone evenings -8F23. 10-26
FOR SALE St. Andorsonburg singer.
,. 296 8. Church. . 10-26
,FOR SALE Thoroughbred Collie, 5
months old. 296 S. Church. -10-26
BIRD DOG for sale, $5 if taken at
once. Inquire J. W. Thomas, West Sa
.lem. . 10 25
' FOR RENT All modern 5 room bun
galow, 459 Richmond Ave. Tel. 1598
M. 10-23
" WANTED Several men at once at
Quaker nurseries. Call or phone
250OJ3. 10-30
FOR RENT Two. acres good poultry
place, five room house, barn. Box 5
Turner, Or. 10-24
", WANTED! t roomed furnished apart
ment or house, modern, close in. Ad
dress 10-24 care Journal. 10-31
ikrONET to loan 'on good farm securi
ty. Phone 538M. r.. tf
WANTED Man for milk route. Fair
mount Dairy. , - tf
FOR RENT 142 acres improved, 7
miles south. 1363 8. Com'l. 10-25
WANTED 'Bungalow, modern,, fur
nace. Past office box 475 . 10-25
HIGHEST prices, paid for cattle and
, large calveB. Phone 1425M. ' 11-15
FOR SALE Ford touring car $285.
1309 -N.: Com'l, call after 6 p. m. tf
GOOD 40 acres at Liberty, rent, trade
,or sell, best term ever heard of. Wm.
Lemley, Salem. . 10-29
AV ANTED Water Snaniel pup or
young dog. Address M A care Journ-
at arivinc Drice. " 10-26
5 PRtJNE pickers wanted, meet at
Capital City Transfer at J o'clock
every morning, rnone iMy. n
. WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll
n-nward. Buret's Furniture Store. 179
Commercial. ' tf.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and
single -rooms, nicely furnished, at
33 Ferry street.
FOR SALE Almost new combination
range, at wholesale price. Phone 1162
J after 6 p. m. 10-24
ioST Automobile cushion between
Rosedale and Salem. Reward. Phone
.46F14-. . '. 10-24
FOR SALE 3 good work horses, also
heavy stump puller; very low
; Phone 82'4.
OVERLAND 1917 model, in good con
dition, must sell at once. Call 475 8.
Com'l after 5 p. m. ' -l8
WANTEDr-To rent piano from owner
by family of two adults, at reasona
ble rate. No dealers. Phone 1398.
WANTED-Experienced saleslady for
dry goods, domestiies and general
store wk. Address a-o cc
KICELY furnished rooms with board,
' suitable for either lady or gentle
men. Phone 1578 or call
332 N.
WANTED Mail and wife for general
farm work find housekeeping. Ad
dress GervaU, Rt. 2, box 45. Phone
FOR SALE Concord grapes, lc per
. jKond..'May pick them yourseu.
miles ast of penitentiary on Mae
leay road. 3iay pick any day except
Sunday. D. A. Harris. Phone 26i
T.mTfTT nf mi on at to loaa en good
farms; low interest rates; five years
time; privilege to pap 100 or Mlfr
Tile on any interest uav- ;
-write H. M. Hawkins, 3H Matonie
bldg, Salem.
COL. W. P. WRIGHT, ae auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. ' Pfcoiu 69. tt
40 HEAD Shropshire spring lambs for
sale. H. Wipper, Turner, Or. 10-30 '
TAKEN UP Stray goat, owner call
and pay expenses. J. D. Hardwick,
itt. 4. box 81.
10-25 1
FOR RENT On share small tract for
farming, close in. Inquire of Arthur
S. Benson. Phone 213 or 2147. tf
BROOD sows for sale; couple tons of
-baled wheat straw, A. No. 1. J. A.
Pickens, Salem, Rt. 8, box 104. 10-23
WANTED Loan, first mortgage $5500
secured by 355 acres. 314 Masonic
bldg. Phone 1427. 10-24
FOR SALE Ford truck with 1 ton
attachment, in first class shape. C.
H. Stevenson, Rt. 4, box 38, Salem.
Phone 108F14. 10-29
WOMAN 'wanted for general house
work, must be able to cook; three in
lamiiy, small liouse. Box 13 eare Jour-
FOR SALE At a bargain, property- on
5th and Hood. Inquire of A. G.. Carl,
424 18th, St., or at R. D.- Gilbert &
Co. 10-26
WANTED To rent modern S !
room house, must be close in and
reasonable. Want possession not lat
er than Nov. 15. Address J-24 care
Journal. tf
WANTED To rent by Nov. 1st. by per
manent party, 5 or 6 room modern
houso, close in, Address J-24 care
journal or Phono 164a. . . tf
WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle.
Phone 1570W. 10-28
FOR RENT A good quarter section of
Canadian wheat land, cash or snares
good house, 'barn, granary, well, close
to school, church and town. Cf W.
Niemeyer, 544 State. tf
MEN WANTED Falls City Lumber &
lagging company, .rails (Jity, Ore
gon, needs thirty men. for general
yard end mill work. Wages 50 cents
per hour, excellent living conditions,
cheap wood, low cost of living. 10-30
FOR SALE 142 acre farm, 120 acres
cultivated land, balance pasture and
timbery miming water,-good house,
barn, spring water to house, price
$80 per acre; $2000 down, balance
long time at 6 per cent int. Investi-
. gate this. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
'1575 State street. ' , 10-25
GOVERNMENT needg 12,000 clerks.
Salem examinations Nov. 16, Dee. 7.
Salary. i$,200. Experience (unneces
sary. Men and women desiring gov
.. ernment positions write for free par
ticulars, J. C. Leonard (former civil
service examiner,) 1059 Kenoig build
ing, Washington. ' 10-29
MAKE money in spare time, costs lit-
tlo to raise rabbits. Its interesting,
and profitable: Their delicious meat
now finds ready sule at 45c per lb.
$5 will start you with a pair of,
prizo strain, famous large New Zea
land Reds or Flemish Giants, soon
ready to breed, expressed in good
condition to any address on receipt
of money order. The Breeders, P. O.
Box 172, San Diego, Cal. 10-S
Salem, Oregon, July 6,
1918. An open letter to Bishop Mat
thew Simpson Hughes;
Dear Bishop: Four weeks ago a public
letter addressed to you charged the
Sunday newspaper with being an abom
inable nuisance, and the republican
party with being "an hypocritical, nn
Godly old liquor party, over forty
t . i it-. . t .. J v.. i:
years oenina me umt, ruieu uy li
quor and tobacco." I boldly renew
both eharges. To me these seem to be
vital and irrepressible issues or vast
and immediate importance. Are you a
doubter! Respectfully, Wm. N. Taft.
(Reprinted from Capital Journal,
July 6, 1918. (Paid adv.)
In the iustices court for Salem dis
trict, State of Oregon, eonnty of Ma
rion. E. H. Kennedy doing business nn
der the firm name and style of City
Cleaning Works, plaintff, against Her-
irian Tedman, defendant.
To Herman Teaman deienaant aoove
named: In Uie name of the state of
Oregon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
nirninRt vou in the above entitled action
within six weeks from the date of this
publication and if you fail to appear
and answer or otherwise plead within
said time plaintiff will take judgment
against you for the sum of one hundred
dnllAr and for his eosts and disburs-
incurred in thia action. This
summons is served upon you by publi
cation by order of the Hon. Dame!
whtir. iustiee of the peace for Sa
lem district, Marion county, Oregon,
said order dater the istn oay oi oep
tW 1S1S
The date of - the first publication of
ths summons is Thursday, September
19th, and the date of the last publi
cation will be Thursday, October 31t,
Attorney for plaintiff
D. Webster, -. ;
Justice of the peace.
C&ssdttes Will Meet Tonight
To Discuss Ways Asa
To once more take up the matter of
securing members for the Commercial
! club. 'a meeting has been called this
evening of the chairmen of the several
committees to discuss plana . for the
Just before state fair week, a commit-
t frnm the Commercial club waited on
State Treasurer Kay and asked, him
to assume tne management or a cam
paign for one-year memberships.
Mr Kay-signified his wijlingne&s to
work," provided there was a disposition
on the part of business men who ap
preciate the need of the club to get out
and co-operate with him.
Just as Mr- Kay was about to call
a meeting of the workers, the Portland
representative of the Fourth Liberty
loan came to Salem and induced the
liberty loan workers to put on the cam
paign before fair week. This of course
put a stop at the time to any efforts
in the way of securing members for the
Commercial club.
It is understood that Mr. Kay is will
ine to work and nut his shoulder to the
wheel as manager of the campaign if
'the business men will give their utmost
Amone those who are familiar with
the workings of the 'Commercial club,
there is but one opinion and that is
that it would be a calamity to the city
if , the business men did not get to
gether and pledge themselves for
enough memberships to support the
From general opinions expressed by
men who have supported the club for
years, there is but one thought and that
is that Salem ha enough, business men
who understand the need of a central
organization to support the club in the
way of memberships.
Besides the various business meet
ings and all meetings of the Women's
club there is a dailyactivity at the
club, as shown by" the records for the
month of August and September. Be
sides headquarters for the Liberty
Loan campaign and the writing of more
than 1000 letters for this campaign,
during the two month's there was 67
meetings held at the club. For the
same time 1568 letters were received
nH 919 ent out. On matters of gen
eral city business, 516 telephone ealls
were answered, ana 4.1s cans muue.
At the office 213 visitors were given
information. Employment was given to
. ... ... i i... nfr
34 01 tne 4- Wno BUUguv unuiuiowuu .
the club. Every eivic activity of the
city eenters at the Commercial club.
City To B3d Sdewalks ;
Where Owners Refuse
When the city council decides that
a -certain sidewalk is necessary it is
customary for the council to first pass
a resolution requiring tne owner oi
property along the side walk, to con
struct one within 20 days.
The city does not urge the property
owner to really put the sidowalk in
within 20 days but is often lenient and
allows a month or so and sometimes
more. - -
Then if the walk is not built, the
i-it.v advertises for bids and lots the
contract. Then an ordinance is passed
assessing against the property the cost
of the walk, tne amount, to oe cuiiuneu
the same as in street assessments.
The following sidewalks will be con
structed by the city and the cast, fig
nd at from 11 to 12 cents a square
foot, assessed against the property.
OrfMraets have already been lot:
On the cast side of 24th street, at
the corner of. Trade. 60 feet. The prop
erty is "owned by Arthur Bradeson
who uvea somewi'tre in ouuiu
On the cast side of 21st street at
the northeast corner of Cheuiekcta,
132 feet. This property is owned by
Mary A. Staffer who lives on, tne prcm
On the west side of 21st street at
the south west corner of Chemelieta,
Try This! Your Hair Gets
Wavy, Glossy And Abun
dant At Oace.
To foe possessed of a bead of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft,, lustrous, fluffy,
wavy and free .from danaruf :i mere
ly a matter of using a little mnderine,
it is easy and mcxpenfiive to nave
nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get
a small bottle of Knowlton's Dander-
ine now for a few ccnts all drug store
recommend it apply a little s direct
ed and within tea minutes there will
be an appearance of abundance, fresh
ness, iluffiness and an incomparable
gloss and lustre, and try as you will
you cannot find a trace of daiidrnff or
falling hair; but your re' surprise will
be after about two weeks' use, when
you will see new hair fine and downy
at first yes but really new hair
sprouting out all over your scalp Dan
derine is, we believe, the only sure
hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and
euro for itchy scalp and it nver fails
to stop falling hair at onee.
If you want to prove how pretty and
soft your hair really is, moisten a lloth
with littl Danderine and earefully
draw it through your hair taking one
small strand it time. Tour hair will
be soft, clossy and beautiful in just
a few moments-r delightful sarprise
awaits everyone who trie this.
,..,.,.,,,,.,. Mmm,.l.tnn.u.MM,,.,u,,,,1,u)lll.:H,HmHM.H(.tmHj
Wffi f HT fPFMU
UU. LLLL U W 1L 11 Jj W V) U 1L yi 0 Ail 1L 1
TT ; , , It
i . I r, nn 7 AIH Fridav and I
riS - S I 4 Silk , Wool
prA TTtrtrrrA M Lirjiiui jg? L -' - -h ir i n i n n iw i i n i i iivt-( ' miMKh at 'trj1 K. V
j p..,! L Messaline, Satin, Serge Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteors and
'll f- ! ' Georgette Combinations in blacks and colovs. Every dress new
t:: I f I for this season's showing Selling regularly up to $35.00. ;j
I Vrf Friday and Saturday Wjj JjQ jl
I Two Days ONLY MS I
v -- ' ' - ' : .i.
' " ' " !!rSSg!gS:Si!; I SSSSSSS ! . ,
'... . " - : . , ... 4
S Ne w Arrivals
"French Models" in Khaki and Heather Mixtures
Priced most reasonable for this
high grade" piaterial and class A-l workmanship. '
Ssi'nf A -' fl laiia always makes our store his head
CUiLCl ICill quarters. This year the HOLI-
H pared in all lines from useful presents for
to Toys of
38 years in SALEM and
still acknowledged the
leading establishment The
H Home of "Good Goods".
123 feet. This property is owned by
Jas. B. Young, formerly in the secre
tary of state's office.
East side of Winter street on the
southeast corner of Center, 74 'cet-Thig-property
Is owned by R. B. Kyan.
In each of the above four instances,
the property owners refused to put in
the sidewalk. Now the city will do it
and the property will eventually pay.
Amsterdam, Oct. . 24. The kaiserin
is seriously ill, according to reports re
ceived here today. Her children are
said to have been summoned to her
bedside at Potsdam.
Havre, Oct. 24. The Belgian govern
mcnt has decided to make Bruges the
temporary capital, it was announced
here today. 1
London, Oct. 24. The entire minis
try of Ukrainia has resigned, accord
ing to wireless dispatches received
here today from Berlin.
Copenhagen, Oct. 24. Prjnee Mali
milian, German chancellor, is ill with
influenza, according to advices receiv
ed hero today.
Berlin, via London, Oct. 24. Belgian
;nl,ul,;tj.nU cf Katteatr&at aided allied
troop in an attack on the Germa-'s
near that village yesterday, tne uer-
gfc4 , viuiui vu o uuu
all kinds tor
You can Always do Better at
man war office announced today. The
attack was repulsed.
Similar charges to this, later proven
unfounded, prefaced the German atroc
ities in 191-4. .
'On both banks of the Mcnse," the
statement says, "American attacks of
great extent were delivered from the
woods of Bantheville and north of
Cuna. The enemy advanced in strong
force, accompanied by tanks, but was
repulsed with heavy Iocs, under our
concentrated fire.
"East of the Mens.! violent fighting
for the wooded heights on both s'des of
the Consenvoye-Damvillers road up un
til evening. After stiff fighting our
successful counter attacks drove back
Americans who have advanced several
times." .
State Lbe Beard
Wa Ask For $51,950
The state lime board estimates that
it will need 51,950 to carry on its
operations during the next two years
and that it will sell 30,000 tons of lime
at $1.75 ton, which- will bring in
32,500. , ,
These estimates arc contained in a
bndget filed with the secretary of
state.' The budget shows that salaiies
are estimated at 1,S00 and mainte-
' nance at ?-i,uv. uaru iki tvi
1 13000 for building a residence for the
Waist Section
Never before have we made as splendid a showing
Every few days we receive express shipments of
WAISTS in the very newest shades of GEORG
ETTES and CREPE de CHINE, matching all the la
test shades in suits.
be done early.
the kiddies.
" - -
superintendent of the Hiuo plant, $1,200
for building bunkers, and $1,250 ftii re
pairs and replacements.
Included in the salary item of
800 arc $4,800 siilary for tho supcrin-.
tendent, $2,400 for the quarry mH:
$2,400 for tile mechanic, and $7,200 for
the convicts at tlio rate of 50 ceiita a
The Florence Crittcnton Refuge
Home submits u budget for a little
over $10,000 and says it cxpvctg to
rctcive $7,500 from the state.
The labor commissioner',) office sub
mits a budget fdr $7,000 for salaries,
factory inspection and office mainte
nance. For the exponse of returning fugi
tives from justice, the governor tub
mits a request for $15,000, while in an
other report he says ho vill ask for no
appropriation for the employment f
special agent8for the apprehension of
criminals as the state poliee will per
form that function.
William Psetak did some work for
A. Leutz this sP-'ng but when it came
to settling time, they were pretty far
part. Lentz claimed that Psetak wag
es were o be $2 a day, while Psetak
aid it was $3.50. LeuU said that (1
a day was to be paid Psetak for hi?
team, if Lent boarded them. Psetak
said it was $2- a day. Then Pctk prow
ised to pay for some berries and crates
We are pre-
the grown-up
Strictly a "Home Town"
Institution. AH our hopes
and interests are in SA
LEM." 4 - - 4.
belonging to Leutss that were destroy
ed. They wore so far apart that Pnct.uk
seemed willing to lot the Jaw decide
it. Lent, acknowledged he owed Ps
tak $22.00 but the way Psetak looked
at it, Iho amount was $60. Henco he
"lied lenta and fur good measure ask
ed $12 for a lawyer's fee and the $60
for himself. The jury decided with
Lent on the $22.00 and Psetak will
pay the costs of the suit andthelaw
yer'g foe out of his own pocket.
It isn't always safe to visit friends,
ven when on a leave of absence from
the navy, if one happens to be charged
with forging a check. Ralph Spencer,
a i Indian from Chcmawa tried it and
now he is in the county jail waiting
to see what will happen to htin. it
w that bo is charged with having
forged a ! check on one of the Chc
mawa instructors. The cheek was giv-e-n
lust June when the Indian boy was
working at the fiilver Falls Lumber Co:
Silvcrton. Later ho went to Montana,
joined the navy and concluded to visit
his old tiino friends. The instructor
whose name wa forged for $9 noti
fied the officers and last evening Con--tiible
Percy Varney went out and got
him. His trial was to havs been held
this afternoon before Judgo Webster
but Prosecuting Attorney tiehlhar hap
pened to be out of town. In the mean
time the 19 year old Indian boy will
board at the county's expense until
his trial J called. . ' - '