Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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    THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON Thursday, October 24, 1918.
How Is Your
"Culebra Cut"?
The Panama Canal is a clear passageway
as far as the Culebra Cut. But Gold Hill
has a way of slipping into the cut. And
until dredges can clear the channel, the industrial
schedule of the world is out of gear. -
How about your own canal 1 The intestinal canal
is a clear passageway as far as the large intestine.
There, if you become constipated, waste matter is
allowed to stagnate. It becomes unnaturally dry and
undergoes abnormal fermentation and putrefaction. ,
Germ activity is increased. Your whole system is
out of gear. Result, the production of irritating and
poisonous substances, which are absorbed into your
blood and carried all over your body liable to pro
duce disease anywhere. The longer such stagnation
is allowed to exist, the harder it is to clean out the
canal 90 of human disease originates in tha
"Culebra Cut"
If engineers tried to blast out the slide from
Culebra Cut they would have more slides to cope
with. If you try to blast out accumulated waste from
yiur Culebra Cut with pills, salts or purges, you will
increase your constipation and next time you will
have to' take stronger medicine in a larger dose.
You can't dredge yr canaL
You am clean it out with NujoL
Nujol softens the mass, and. supplies the intestinal
canal with sufficient moisture to replace deficient
mucus. It causes the obstructive waste matter to
pass gently out of your system at a regular hour,,
absorbing and removing the poisons' as if goes;
Nujol regularity keeps the traffic of your mind and
body operating on schedule.
You admire the Panama Canal system. Why not
safeguard your own? Your druggist has NujoL
NUJOL is sold only in sealed bottles bearing the
Nujol Trade Mark Insist on NujoL You may mfftr
from substitutes
Nujql Laboratories
,50 Broadway, New York
Mrs. Margaret Grant Barry has an-- T
nouncpd .the engagement of her dangh-"
tor, Miss Margaret Donald Harry, tor- Ber ia a. home-made syrue which, mil
marlv of Salem and more recently1 of tinn of twoisIh hav found to b the most
Astoria, to Captain Charles O. Whit-, dependable meant of breaking, up. stub
ton of the spruce production division, corn eougis. is curmp ana aimpre, ouv
TTniW State. ,rmv. Mrs. Barry and 7 prompt In action. Under its heal-
. : . -j " usr. soothina? influence, chest soren
her aaugnterg are in iwasiao . pre Ki, phlegm roowne, breathing become
where thcr have been making their r;CiiB in thm.t. tmw &nd vmt
AAfiier. air-klino. in thmar, tAlM And volt ,-. . b . .t . a
home during the past few month,, and Jet. Rood night's Twtfut ileepT Jhi ITZrLtZ.fZX.Zl hi'
formine a weleome addition to the usual throat and chest eold are eon, Prtments and boards for the w" to
summer colony of city people. quered by it in, 24 hours or less. Xothr anium, are now -being filed with See
summer COlOny 01 Cliy pevpio. m ,t a.,.!,;.!, k,..,.,. n Sft rilontr tW ineorrna in
Captain Whitton has ben stanonea ""riliuT.; ;CLT .. l -C7Z i.
at Clatsop uistrict in me ispruco ""-, ,Bter couehs. , .,r.. tn, the. fartbmmiiii lem ntni.
ion for some time. As yet there are no To mtk m tvettm couea eyro r individual budaeta have been filed
definite plans for the wedding. pour 2 ounce of Pinex into a pint Jl
- - Dome ana Tin tne Dottie witn. piain , . . . .
i.v. t r. .. a :.. p. ammilativi ancrar vrim ml shake Insurance department Salaries, fZ4,
olaV". tovrpned thrir Oetobw Thoroughly, if yon prefer, use clari- 000; maintenaee, l5j000; total ,-
muuK v,Vk :' 7' insteaa ot sugar syrup. e,itner way, i . Department of edueation Salaries
noon t the Commercial elub room, un- vou ?t ull ..i. family unnlv , . C.:-.- oa nn.
:l .-J lh fivitv once ,.nh Kttt ...k "'"", w, r-.""8
more countenanced y the health au- could buy ready-made lor turee times
thorities. A program of special merit the money Keeps perfectly and oliil
l u" n,i B,,eelli! dren love its pleasant taste,
had been planned for the "nce''er, Pinex is a, special and highly concen
meeting -of Baturdaj, with V . trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, Known tne worm over lor
its prompt healing effect upon the mem
branes. To avoid disappointment ask your
druggist for "2 ounce of Pinex" with
full directions, and- don't, accept any
thing else, Guaranteed to give absolute
satisfaction or money promptly refunded.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, lad.
Gregg Doney as the speaker of the af
ternoon, his subject being nis experi
ences in the war zone. It had also been
arranged that outside guests should be
nvited. The ame program yrm prou-
ably be given later.
.'it'"? -
A '
Mr. Walker -waa oonwrted at Fords
I'tniD urouuilk in Union county Tenn
J))h Mclmon' Hilton Walker was WBl,n quit young and became a mem
liorn Nov. 25, 1851, in Claybourne coun-.ber of the Methodist church.' He was
ty( Tcmn-. 'licensed as a local preacher os exhorter
While still a small boy ho moved in; the MothoiHst church at about the
with his parents, Henry and Lupindu aaa of 19 yours, and has always r
Walker to Union county, Tenn., iooat j nuiinod a faithful and devoted Chris-
'Ing t what afterwa 'ds became known
s WaUoew Rird, Tena., where he re
aided ' until manhood.
(in Jaa. 11, 1872. ft was married to
Sliss tiarah Marimia llrllamy, daugh
ter of John D; Bellamy of Claytourne
county, Tonn.
To this onion were born 30 children
4wo having lied in early childhood.
He loavi to mourn his loos a loving
wife end eight children Mrs. Harah
Mlinla Walkr of JSalem, Or., I). H. U.
Walker o Eugene, Or., J. A, Walker
of ltosoburgi, Or., Mrs. Lucy Johnson of
Ha 1pm, O., Mrs. Jona Perrine of Sa
lem, Or., Mrs, frftnnie Pnrlts of Mul
keytown, 111., Mrs. Olivo. Hogan of
Kwimend, Or., Mrs. Lta Monoon of
Salem, Or., and Paul H. Walker of
Portland, Also a sinter, Mrs, J,
Walker aoid two bnithws, James A. 'ceased on the Garden
Walker and 'EEbcrt Walker of Harlta .Tuesday Oct. 22, 118.
Man worker.
In the fall of 1875 with his wife and
2 children, he moved to Davis county,
Kentucky, where he remained for
about two years then moving with his
wife and three children to Franklin
county, 111., where ho resided until
1904, with the exception of one year
spent in Marshfielu, Mo.
In the spring of 1904 together with
his wife and three unmarried children
he moved to Salem, Or., accompanied
by hia brother-in'-law, IX r Harrison
and family, where he resided ustit the
time of his death, Oct. 20, 1918.
He was loved and honored by all
who- knew him and will be greatly
missed by hia many relatives, friends
and acquaintances. The funeral servio
es were held at the home or the He
oad at 11 a, m
Ueaidi the Immediate family there
(if 9$ mend -children, .four great Rntad
f hUdrea, and. many friends and ae-
The servicca were conducted by Eev.
it. Avison or tne tlrst-ii. K. enure
of Salem, and interment was at the
Lee Mission cemetery,
Kidney dbiease Is no res pec tor of
persons. It attacks all classes, regard-lesa-of
age, ae-x or conditions. A matur
ity o the ills afflicting people today
ran be traced back to the kidney trou
ble. . ,rL
The kidneys are the most important
organs of the body, They are tho fil
terers, the puriflert, of your blond. If
She poiaoa which ere awept from the
tisanes by the blood are not eliminated
A -' Stubborn - CcuQh
Looten Right Up
Jm aaik raMlt.
To Gc23' These For
Ccsing Sssaoa.
Budgets giving aa estimate of the
signals to warn you that the kidneya
need help. You should use GOLD M KU
AL Haarlnm Oil Capsulee immediately.
The soothing, healing oil stimulates the
kidneys, relievra inflammation and de
stroys ' tho germs which have caused
it. lo not welt until tomorrow. Uo to
your druggist .today and insUt on his
supplying you with a box of GOLD
MKIAL Haa rlvm Oil Capsules. In twen
ty four hours you .should feel health
through the kidneys, disease of one and vigor returning and will bless the
form or another will claim you as a; nay you nm neard ot uuuti ju.iuual
victim. Haarlem Oil.
Kidney disease is usually indicated! After you feel that you have eurod
hf weariaea, sleeplcesuese, nervous- j yourself, continue to taka one or two
nests, dcepondency, backache, stomach jcaiaules each, day, so as to keep in
trouble, difficulty when urinating, pain j first elas condition and ward off the
5 b loina and lowr aoaonv, gan stones, aangcr or otner aiiaes.
jfravel, . rheumatiam, eciatien and lum-
iZO. ...
AU these derangements are nature a
A few friends of Miss Mabel Robert
son -were bidden informally to lunch
eon yesterday at her home, 909 Center
street. A basket of glowing dahliaB
centered the table," which was circled
by Mrs. William Burgbardt, Jr., .airs.
William Walton, Miss Elizabeth Lord,
Miss Bernlce Hale, Miss Mabel Withy-1
comlbe and the hostess.
Mrs. L. A. Baker of Eugene is be
ing entertained in Salem as the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Hughes, at
the Hughes residence on South High
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McKinnon enter
tained a small coterie of friends infor
mally Monday evening at their resi
dence on Court street, in compliment
to Mr. McKinnon 's brother, Jack Mc
Kinnon, of Eauclaire, Wisconsin, who
was visiting in Salem as thoir guest
for a short time. Mr. McKinnon has
now gone on to Montana, where he has
business inttrests.
Mr. and Mrs. Connell Dyer have re
turned from Portland after a snori
visit with friends.
T.iftlA William and Josephine McGii-
christ, who have been enjoying a weeks
' ... .... J.. S
outing with tncir 1granu.prtrin,
and Mrs. W. N. Savage of the Waldo
Hills, returned home Sunday,
Mr. and Ms. Henry Lee, who have
been passing tho summer monine ai
their country piace casi ux
moved to town for the winter, and
will be domiciled with Mrs. Lee's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Tarpley, 739
North Liberty street.
W w w
Miss Jessie Miller returned the fore
part of the weex. irom iinriioui.B,
where she visited relatives for a few
"Ml nrlna TOpvnnldsi of the U. 8. navy
home on a few days' furlough. While
in Snlem ha is with his sister, wn.
John McDonald.' At present he is sta
tioned at the Bremerton navy yru,
anil on his reaurn win snip over .
dys in Portland witn Mr. anu
Reynolds. He is a rcromur vi
w w
m.. wiolfni. .T. Kirk went to Eu
gene yesterday, where she was called
in tlm niirsino- of the influen
za patients at the 3. A. T. C. at the
University oi vregon. mt. ivi.n. .
stationed at Bremerton, in the navy.
v.nA Pearcv of Camp Lewis was a
guest over the week end at the homes
ot Mr and: Mrs.- rraua. umcj " -and
Mrs. A. B. Wilcox. Mr. Pearc.y is
formerly of Salem, though more recent
ly of Koseburg, where he held the po
sition of county agriculturist tot Doug
las .county. Mr. Pearcy had been visit
ing his parents at Portland, previous
to his coming to Salem. He ia a nephew
of Mr, and .Mrs. Davcy.
State line Plant . .
Is Now ProGacing
nm.nn Acricultural College, Cor-
vallis, Oct. 24. Now that the stato limn
plant at Oold liui is proaucmg iv !
to the farmer, of Oragon to make it
. ..,.... b utndincr in orders, aocora
ing to Dr. A. B. Cordloy, chairman of
it,, limn nl. ut committee. The plant
is now producing one, and in a few days
will increase to at least two carloads
of agricudtural lime daily. The price is
1.75 a ton f. o. b. at tho quarry near
nnl.l Hill
"The farmer, of Western Oregon
fomrht lonir and hard for a state-owned
limo plant which would furnish lime at
cost," says Dr Cordley. "There have
been many delays in getting, the plant
ready for operation owing to lack of
funds, scarcity ot skilled labor and the
fact that it was almost impossible to
get machinery and supplies at all The
plant, however, is now ready for opera
tion and the succoss of th enterprise
i. up to the farmers themselves.
In nther words, in order' to op-
orate the plant must have ot.tJrs. If
these are not received at, the rate of at
least two carloads a day it will bo nec
essary to stop operation, at once aa
tho hourd not only has no funds for
operating expenses, but has already be
come individually responsible for some
of tlie funds necessary to complete the
plant. The next ton days or two weeks
will determine whether or not we are
to receive sufflciut orders t0 kpP tho
plant ia operation.' ,
Names Of AH Nurses
Wanted By Red Cross
Teachers throughout the cosnty will
be asked to co-operate with the Bed
Cros, in securing the names of those in
tho two counties who might be of ser
vice in cose o femcrgency. Each teach
er will be asked to answer the follow
ing questions: 1. Is any member of your
family a nurse, either graduate or
othcrwiset' 2., Hag any member of your
family who is not now a nurse, ever had
any experience' in nursing f ' 3.- In either
case, please give, name and address.
Do you know of any- one in your
neighborhood who is now or ever has
been a nurset 5. If 8b, give names and
The obpect'is not to seeure nurses for
influenza patients but to assist the gov
ernment m making a nurse- census.
Teachers are requested to report results
of investigation to the . county superintendent.
blanks, etc., $11,668: total, $41,168.
State board of examiners (lor teaen-
ers) Salaries, $17,300; maintenance,
$2700; total, $20,000.
State teachers association -Mainte
nance, $500.
State 'tax commission balanes, $ll,
000; maintenance, $4000; total, $15,000
Oregon Normal school Salaries,
000; maintenance, $15,000; addition to
heating plant, $5000; apparatus anu
cabinets, $7230; total, $111,830. Esti
mated receipts from miuage tax ipso
338.44; deficit, $24,491.56.
Executive department Salaries, $20,
000; maintenance, $3300; total, $23,700.
Board of pilot commissioners waiar-
ies $3600.
Supreme eourt library Salaries, ?,
000; maintenance $10,500; . total, $16,-
Stat land department Salaries, $18
200; maintenance $1800; total $18,000
Grand Army: ot itepuonc muting,
Board for examination and registra
tion of nurses Salaries $1168; mainte
nance $220; total $1388.
Stals 'board of (torestry Daiaries,
$13,800; maintenance $56,200; total
State board of cniropractic examin
er Salaries $1200.-
Beard - of text book commissioners-
Salaries and mileage $750:
Department of weights and measures
Salaries $7U6U; maintenance nnouu
total $8760;
Continued front page one) 1
I )SriT
lit LW
Improve Your
Know h Joy of a
better compiuioa.
You cm iiutuitty
render to your klo
a beautiful, soil.
n.artv-whlU nnear-
atKC that will be
the wendet of your
lends U you wuiiue
Ori:ntcl Crc:ni
Dallas Or., Oct. 24; The Charles B..
Spaulding Ixigrinr company of Salem
haa filed three suits for damages in
the circuit court, one against the Val
ley & Sileta railway and two - against
the tuletz liunvber ni .bogging com
pany. In the aetion against the railway
the Speuldings ask for $600 damages
because of failure of the railway com'
pany to deliver cars for the transpor
tation of logs. One of the suits against
the Siletz Logging & Lumber company
is for $5000 damages alleged to have
been eaused by fires said to have been
due to negligence oa the part of the
Silnts company, and the other, is for
$1000 damages for the alleged wrong
ful euttinxr of timber m the SileU ba
sin balongang to the plamtill.
Nk rwwwa CwmI fiiijiwj.
. A m w u .
' Of ICONQMY t (t)
Ask for the original Imported OOLD.
MTr:i)AL brand. Three sines. Money re-'
funded if they do not help you.
Th Jonrnal JA. Department
will print yea anythinir la tha
stationery line d it rijjht aaa
save yea real money.
is comfortably
done when one
uses .
This cereal food
is composed porf
lyof iKffiey and
sugar made from
its own tjraina
M Food, ready
to eat.
... ..... W"W !. ..HI - '
Make every Monday
Thrift Monday a Use
Fels-Naptha soap. It
enables you to be
thrifty with fuel;: and
it saves wear and tear
on clothes by cutting
down washboard rub
bing. At your own grocer's
i i
belligerent, with tho suggestion that, if
those oovernments are. disposed to ef-
foct peace on the terms' and principles
iadicatod, their military advisers ana
the military, adviserg of the United
State be asked to submit to- tho gov
ernments associated,! against Germany
necessary termg,. of such an armistice as
will fully protect: the- interests oi ine
peoples involved andsansure' to tne asso
ciated.- government, the unrestricted
power to safeguard' and enforce details
More and Cheaper Fish tfn IJfl
HONEST Livelihood OU A HU
FOOD PRODUCTION Laborins c,ass
Pleasure Seekers 0U0 A IL0
WASTEof FOOD Fish Sportsmen
Keep the price of fish down. Help pro
duction of fish. Eliminate waste.
Eead argument in State election pamphlet
Clakamas County Fisherman's Union. Andrew Naterlin, Secy. Oregon
City, Oregon. , (PaSd. Advt.)
Continued from page one)
ly terms equal to those imposed on Bult
garia, it is stated. Details of an ar
mistice will be left to General AUenby
and General D'Espery. Tormatioa of a
of the, peace W.whieb, the German gov- joint allied commission to supervise-do-
ernment haa. agreed,' provided they
deem such'- an' armistice possible from
the military point of viowj
" Should such terms of armistice oe
suggested their acceptance by Geriuanyj
will afford the best' conereto evidence
of her unequivocal acceptances of the
terms, and principles of peace troin
whicb; the" whole action proceeds; .
"The- president would deem himseir
lacking in candor did be not point' out
in the frankest possible terms the rea-4
son. why, extraordinary safeguards must
be demanded- Signuicant ana im-.
portant as tho constitutional changes
seem ty bo which are spoken of by the
German . foreign secretary in. his note
of the 20th- of, October, it does not ap
nea that, the principle., of a govern
ineut responsible to the German people
has yet been fully worked out or that
any guarantees either exist or in con
templatien..tbat the alterations of prin
ciple and practicflj now partially agreed
on, wilV bei permanent;. Moreover, it
does- not ' appear that the heart of' the.
present difficulty has been reached,; It
may be that future wars' have been
brought nailers control of: thei German
peoplei bnU the- present'' war ha- not
been; and it is with the present? war
that we are dealing: It is evident that
mobilization in Turkey and. to assist, in
restoring order is being-insisted: upon
ia allied Quarters. ' Pillage- and massa
cre would bo likely if disgruntled Turk
soldiers, were turned loose upon : the
country, diplomats say.
Greece, with the-allies, will continue
to mako war on the Turk until they can
impose a fate like that' which" came
upon Bulgaria, semi-official adviceg to
the Greek legation here-stated-
"Enthusiastic Greek troops are wait
ing, for the order to continue tfieii
suceossful advance t stab the heart ot
the Turkish- empire, " one" cable de
clared. It described the valor of the
Greek.- troop, in Macedonia. Testi
monials from various- allied leaders
lauding the' fighting quality of the
Greek officers and men have been re
ceived at the Greek legation;
(Continued from page one)
ate and on thepo itical field of the na
tion; ";.'-,
Also they are presenting a strong
front against- continuance' of peace dis
cussions with Germany on any grounds
save- unconditional ssrreder-
the German people-have no -means- of I Administration leaders are preparing
1! ... :K.nn.'4A anmK.1 lnfll rv6 ihll lown&a 1 h i.a. ..Bid,
authoritic of the empire in the popular
will j that - the' power of the king of
Prussia to control the policy of the em
pire is unimpaired; that the determin
ing, initiative- still remains with those
who' hitherto have been-masters of Ger
many: Feeling that the pholo peace of
the warld depends now on plain speak
ing ajid straightforward action, the
president deems -it. his duty tosay, with
out any attempt to soften whaf may
teem harsh words, that the nations of
V world do not and cannot trust the
word of those, whe hitherto have been
masters ef German policy and to point
out once wore that ia concluding peace
and attempting to undo the infinity in
juries and injustice- of. this war, the
government-of the-United States can
not dcnl with- any but veritable repre
sentative., of the German' people who
- u ainrejl of a. genuine consti
tutienal standing as the real ruler of
"If it must deal with , tha military
masters ant the menarehial ' autoerats
of Germany new, or if it is likely to
have to deal with them later in regard
to international obligations of the
German empire, it must demand, not
peace negotiations, but surrender.
Nothing eaa be gained by leaving this
essential thing unsaid.
- "Aeccpt, sir, the renewed assurances
of my high eonside ration.
:! A: M. !
ed by the republicans. It is believed
likely tha president himself, will direct
the fight. In his expected statement
to the people, it is thought he- will em
phasize his purposes in conducting the
peace negotiations with Germany,.
Further, he is , expected to clear up
his meaning- on principle number three
regarding after the war trade, in his
peace program to expel republican
fear 3 that it means free trade.
Meantime, as .the campaign gains
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the. county .cpur of he, state ,o Ore
gon for the county of Marion as es-w,
ecutor of the last will and tCBtament
of'Rosia'R. Gorig; deceased, and that
he has duly qualified as such executor.
All persons having claims against egja
estate are hereby notified to present
tho same, duly verified, te me at the
office of A. O. Condit, 203 Hubbard
building, in Salem, m Marion county,
state of .Orcgoon within six. months of
tho date of this -notice.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this loth
day of October, 1918.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Rosia R Gerig. deosed.
mcmentum, both parties are increasing
ly confident of success at the polls No
vember 5. Tho great worry of both,
however, is that the influenza epidemic
will reduce the vote- : . i
How To Get Relief When Head
and Nose are Stuffed Up.
Count fifty ! Your oold' in head er
eatarrh disappears. Your clogged nos-'
trils will open, the air passages of your -head
will ' clear and you- can breathe
freely. No more snuffling; hawkinjr,
mucous discharge, dryness-or headache i
no struggling for breath at night,
Get a Bmall bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
in your nostrils. It penetrates through1
every, air passage of the- head, soothing
and healing the swollen or inflamed
mucous membrane, giving you instant
relief. Head colds and catarrh yield
lika magic. Don't stay stuff ed-up and
miserable. Belief ia sure.
Croup - i
If your, children- are subject te croup
get a bettlt of Chamberlain's Cough
Kemedy, and. when, the attack comes
ea he- careful to follow the piaia print
ed directions; You will be snrpriseM
at the quiek relief which it afforua.
JosradWaat Ads Pay
Ttiit. the "L".R4 r
of automobile- engine hk.
U mtmnti txmbutUan
enrfMwM, rcqaiiei mi oil
that hold its lubricating
qualities at cvtuxlar heat,
bunt clca. in to n
buKioa chamber t and
ott out with exhauat.
require meat. perfectiw,
Swom. , ia ewietfjr rw
Itiww! from Ow faired Ca&
fornta pluJtJiam end.
Only perfect satisfaction can ac
count tor the use of ZEROLENS
by the majority, of automobile- own-
Leading coast dittribotor alas tetUTy that It
ia "a most sauaUctory mator oiL"
They know rem the records of their sere Ice
department. and we know from azbantiT
tuta that ZEKOLENE cerreetiy rehaed
from aaleeted California aiphalt ba. crude,
ra perfect lubricatioa with; lea it carbon
poeit Get our lubrication char showing
to comet coaatstency for joar car. .
. JU daaiars evei r wi. enrf Stanetarat OH ' '
. (Califsnia) ,
IheStxdtrdQll&rMbtcf Qa 1
R. H. CAMPBELL. Special Agt, Standard OH Co., Salem