Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in Salea Guar
anteed by the Aadit Bursal ef
Drive Begun By British And
Americans Aims At Great
Are Now - Bat Eleven Miles
From Pass Through Which
Germans Must Pass.
-' Frank admission of the military peril
, faciiig Germany was made in ChaneeV
l,vMax'. address to the rciebstajr, yest
, erjny. .. . , ... , . . ,
. "The enemy ;is at our gatesl " he de
ctrured and warned people, against eir-.
' t -ulating ''unjust charges" against the
army. .
The chancellor spoke .under the as
' feumption that President Wilson will
reply to pr. Solf ' latest note and ex
. pressed tlio belief that the president
will clarify .the. question whether it ig to
tie a-"peace of violence or justice',,'.
Ke- said thatfreo discussio,, with the
v Wi, adi.Bot-Oerniaiiy'g strength- will
decide what is right. , ' ; i
. Prince Max' dilated on new political
, "reforms'! nowbefore the reichstag,,-
including a -widening of the chancellor's,
resnonsibilities -and. .ropreseutatron. He
(slid the new system of imperial govera-
roent includes representation of Alsace
; Torraiiie in .the provincial government
. through dolegatos appointed by the gov
ernment and-the secretary of slat o.
British and Americans began an at
' tct today which may be regarded as
" the initial drivP against the great fort
ress city of Maubeuge. ' ,
(Continued on page, throe,) t
Enemy js At Our Gates
States Chancellor Max
In Speech to Reichstag
JUntO President Answers Peace
Efforts Germany Will Pre
pare To Resist.
Copenhagen, 'Oct.' 23. "The. enemy
at our gates,'.' declared Chancellor
JMiximiliarf, in addressing the reich
iag yesterday. !.'' 1 . " .
. "Our firdt and' last thoughts must
Itz tor the brave defenders, whom we
tmist defend against unjust charge.
Tliere are "bad elements in every army.
"With the fundamental will of -the po
)!o, the army will disown them."
He declared that President Wilson
"list answer Germany's peaceeffort5.
T'litil thenj he said, Germany must pre
pare to resist a 'peace of violence.
"The Germa-n peoples have spoken
t3 President Wilson." the Chancellor
aidi "This- fact lends added voice to
the utterances of the representatives
f all parties today. . '
"Therefore, regarding the interna
tional situation, 1 say only that the
president innst first answer Germany's
feaoe efforts which throughout all the
rauntriea have brought to the highest
point the question of a penee of jus
tice or violence.
, "The whole German people are anx
ijoi to hear tha government 'a jicw
regarding the auecesg of peace negoti
. otions.
"I speak with the greatest reserve.
I am certain the parties will observe
a reticence consistent with the serious-1
iifHs of the hour. '
"President Wilson's last . note has
; list made clear to the-German people
hrm this public agitation will end. His
iipw answer, perhaps, will bring a defi
nite certainty.-
"Meanwhile, we most in all our
-.thoughts and action's prepare for botn
eventualities. first, that the enemy
r vernBicnta are easier ior war. In that
3e, we have no choke but to assume
nn nf
Member Of High Commission
Tells Why Germany Must m
Be Made To Submit i J
' By Charles B. Drlscoll.
(UnitcJ Press Staff Correspondent.)
New York, Oct. 23. Allied occupa
tion of Germany for at least Jhree or
four years is an essential condition of
any beginning of permanent peace, ao-'
cording to Stephen Lauzaune, member
of the French high commission in the
United States. - :
, Commenting upon the Gennaa n'oJe
today,' M. Lauzanne said: . -
"Germany, even in her 'present ex
t'iuity,''say3 her actions in France and
Belgium are in accordance with interna-,
tional law. Perhaps the Gorman people
stitl think such barbarities are part of
ha natural consequences of war. The
Gorman people mus) be cured of such
beliefs. . The only way to. cure them
is to permit them to have a taste of mili
tary occupation in their own country.1
"Unless the allieg and the UnKd
States' keep a army' of. occupation in
Germany, unless allied troop, march in
i Berlin, unless the German people have
French, British and American otticers
quartered in their . homes as we have
had German officerg i our homes for
.four years, unless we. can impose such
f iree unon the Gorman We will have
this war to fight over' again in twen.y
years-, for tho Germans will not be
enred of their insane worship of focC;
"These people understand .force only.
rVt"ry weU, let us talk t0 them in their
:owu language. .German women must be
made;: tp clean (he bpotg of ;-English,
American and French officers for' a
cotile of years at least, even as our
.women have had to clean German boots,
"Their tactics are in accordance wit!
( international law, they say. Very well,
! let the junkurg turn over some of their
easftes and fine homes to allied troops
of occupation for it while. If some of
the furniture should be a little scaircd
as a result, that will be all right. It
' (Continued on pace three)1
a posture of defense, with the strength
of people driven to the last extremity.
In the event of such necessity, I have
no doubt that) the German govern
ment, in the name of the German peo
ple, will issue a call for national d -',
tense, in the way it spoke for the peo
plo when it took action for peace.
"We who honestly took a stand on
tho 'basis of a peace of justiee are un
dertaking this duty of not submitting
to' a peace of violence without fight
ing. '
" Regarding the second possibility
the German people must not be blindly
brought to the conference table. They
have a right to ask what a peace on
Wilson's terms will mean for our life
in the future. Our answer to President
Wilson must 'be framed on the people
understanding of this quemtion. The
people want iclcarness. The discussion
with our ; opponent and not. our
strength, will decide What we think
i right.'
"The essence of President Wilson's
program for a league of nations can
not W accomplished unless all peoples
have the right of self determination.
Realization of community law means
arrangement of part of that unquali
fied independence which hitherto we,
with cithers, considered an indication
of sovereignty. Should we at home
maintain the national egoism, wsieh
until recently dominated our national
life, thpn there would j be- no restitu
tion and renovation for us. There would
be a feeKng of bitterness which would
cripple us for generations. But if we
Comprehend that this frightful war is,
over all, a victory for the idea of jus
tice, and submit to it with no mental
reservation,' we will find in it the cure
for onr present wounds and a reser
voir for future strength.
"None can foresee whether the next
few weekg will eall us to fight on, er
Continued on page four)
Indications Are There Will Be
No Reply Until Further
Changes Made In German
Government Not Yet Sat
, : isfactory.
Washington, Oct. 23. While Presi
dent Wilson conferred today with
Chief of Staff March, Secretary t of
State. Lansing and by cable with the
allied governments, the curtain of 3
crecy (continued over the nature of the
response to be made to Germany's lat
est peace advances.' ' . .
March's presence at the white house
sessions was regarded -with- signifi
cance. This was held to indicate the
president might " leave if to Foch"
to continue any further conversation
with. Germany, his' action" then .being
merely to notify Germany of this course
- The jSosvexsations, proceeding . Twith
the allies led 4o the belief expressed
at the state department that "it is to
be- expected that-there-will .be no- re
ply to Germany today.". ,
It. has been emphasized that. Presi
dent Wilson will abide by his original
declaration that he will propose uu ar
mistioe until Germany has evacuated
occupied territory. :. .
' A cursory reading of tho official
text showed that it was substantial!;
the same as that sent Cut by German
And these factg were the only things
in a more or less puzzling situation in
officialdom. . '
Befonug are Discussed :
The main point of discussion in offi
cial ' and congressional quarters hing
ed on Germany's alleged constitutional
reforms which the president stressed
as of prime importance in his last re
ply to the kaiser.
Wh-il widely. at variance on the ques
tion of Germany' sincerity in her lat
est peace note, officials and leaders are
practically unanimous upon one point
that Germany must go much further
than she hag bo far promised in amend
ing her constitution before she can sat
isfy the world that autocracy has been
shorn of its powers.
The proposed amendment to the Ger
man constitution now before the reich
stag regarding declaration of ar
"The consent of the federal coun
cil (bundrsrath) and the diet (rcich
stag) isfequired for a declaration of
war in the empire ' name except in
cases where imperial territory already
has been invaded or its coast attack
ed." The amendment regarding peace trea
ties says:
"Treaties of peace and treaties with
foreign states which deal with affairs
coming under the competence of the
imperial law giving bodies require the
consent of the federal eouneil and the
reichstag. "
The constitution now provides that
"the emperor shall declare wa. and
conclude peace."
Other Changes Must Come
These amendments, officials agree,
mark a step toward German democrat
ization,"l)ut they declare that the con
stitution contains other provisions
which must be eliminated or amended
before the kaiser will be shorn ut iis
autocratic war making power.
Among other changes which officials
today declare vital are: .
Kc'moval of the German ermy from
the kaiser' personal control..
Abrogation of his power to dissolve
the reichstag at will.
Curtail the power of the federal
council or bundesrath. f-
He-districtins of the German empire
to .eliminate the "rotten borough"
evil and reduce the junkers' power in
the reichstag.
- With regard to tho first of these, it
was pointed out today tfrait the German
consitiition specifically provides that
every German aoldier is sworn to obey
every order issued by the emperor; that
army officers are named and promoted
by the kaiser; without review by the
bundesrath or reichstag, and that the
kaiser therefore has power to build up
a pergonal military machine owing al
legiance directly to him, but not to the
(Continued oa page tarec)
r3 - : pits
After War. Will Be Independ
ent State OrProvince Of
, By BAymond Clapper
(United Press staff correspondent)
Washington, Oct. 23,Luxemburg,
from which Germany is drawing iron
for munitions, will cut itseltf free from
German domination iuid join the allies
after the war, according (o diplomats
here today. Allied military successes
may make this possible earlier. ; "'
Information leading to this conclus
ion has been received 'n official quar
ters here, it is stated."
After the war .Luxemburg will be
either: - ' ' ' ' ' ;
1 An independent state under pro
tection of the league 6f nations, or
2 Or a province of Belgium adjoinJ
ing Belgian iiuxemourp.,
Nominally an independent grand
duchy, Luxemburg has been held vas
sal by Germany for" years bevanse of
her extensive iron mines which have
fed the Krupp munitions factories and
made possible Germany 'a super:pro
pareduesg' prbgram. .
The people ttf Luxemburg have now
aooealed to President . Wilson for pro
tection and have deiiaudcd that the
German armies evacuate their terri
tory which was overrun at the outbreak
of the war.' "
, Popular - resentment "-ul. long - held
in Check by the Grano'Viichess. .
But dispatches 'here'indioate the par
liament is striving to cut .loose trom
Germany and join the allies. -
Luxemburg contains' a percentage of
French and (Belgian population and
French is spoken among- the educated
classes and dominatesno peasant am
leets. exnerts say. '
Germany signed treaties in 1867 and
1902 guaranteeing neutrality of Lux
emburg and promising not to use her
railways for troop movements.
But " without a seaport, Luxemburg
was forced into tho Germau customs uu
ion and German tariffs'-were exacted
on all goods coming into her- borders.
She was thug forced into economic, de
pendence oh. Germany, having few man
ufactories and being obliged to take
German goods in exchange for iron,
coal and farm products.
Allied military successes have en
couraged parliamentary leaders in Lux
emburg to protest against German usur
pation. The tiny country i without a
large military force and will be help
less to defend herself against Germany
until allied successes push the kaiser s
hordes from her borders.
Her vast mineral resources and ag
ricultural producU will be of great aid
to allied peoples nearby and she would,
in turn, have better access to the sea
by obtaining free passage through Bel
gium, and France, diplomats point out.
Portland, Or., Oct. 23. Henry Al
bcrg resigned today as president of the
Albcrg Brothers Milling company. The
resignation follows closely upon tho ar
rest of fibers charged with violating
the espionage act. He is out on $10,000
bond. Associated with Henry Albers in
the company aro his three brothers.
Th' ole fashioned feller that used t.'
hold his breath watchin' a trapeze per
former now hi, a n f lyin ' in France.
A small p'tater never K'ts t' th' top.
-. i ti--
i if f '
3 I i ' i - , i
23, 1918
Appeal To President To Fix
Price At $2.46 A Bushel
In Future.
Washingtup, Oct. 23. The National
Wheat Growers' association in its ap
peal to President Wilson for $2.46
wheat, contends that even this price
will not permit the wheat growers to
reap tho profit now toeing made by the
grower of corn and cotton.
In its brief to the president the as
sociation declares that "on the basis
of the ration of the price fixtures be
tween rops the price of wheat would
be over $3, as the pre-war price of cot
ton was, about 11 cents and is now 35
to 40 eents a pound. Corn also brings
nearly three times the pre-war-prices."
" . , " '
The. growers also, maintain that "the
increases In tho price asked-for wheat
is not as much proportionately as the
increases in the wages that most labor
is receiving over pre-war wages." :
Id fixing the price at $2.(i, the as
sociation points ont that the president
would only be adopting "the recom
mendation o tho agricultural advis
ory committee selected by the secre
tary of agriculture, Houston and Food
Director Hoover." . '
President Wilson Mast
London,-.-Oct.. 23., TW'i'Sts fol
eigri office today issued the 'following
statement regarding- the latest Ger
man not to-President Wilson;. 1
"The reply wa addressed to Presi
dent Wilson.' He must deal with it and
determine whether it shall be commu
nicated to' the allies. Until then it is
not desirable to make a statement of
ficially.". . ."' '
The Chronicle , today published the
"England will demand surrender or
the U-boato and France, will demand
evneuation of Alsace-Lorraine 'as a con
dition of any armistice."
; ul
Yankees Played Important
Part In Recent fighting
On line South of LeCateau
Advanced Thirteen Miles In
Thirteen Days Through
Enemy Positons.
By Lowell Mellett,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the British Armies in France,
Oct. 23. The story of the part the
Americans played in the recent fighting
has been obtainod by a half days'
journey into the wrecked country be
yong the Hindenburg line.
The battlo in which tho Americans
participated lasted three days, begin
ning at 5:20 Thursday morning when,
with the British on either side of t-tei,
they attacked from the St. Souplet
line -(south of Le Cateau) on a front of
5,000 yards (nearly three miles, with
out artillery preparation. Tanks
manned by Americans were important
factors. ' 4
The position from which . they at
tacked was on a ridge west of the La
Selle river. The river wag from six to
twenty feet wide and three feet deep.
There were Germans behind the first
ridgs. Beyond the river were Bw
- A heavy morning fog Thursday hid
the German machine guns and almost
caused the tanks to lose their way. The
German resistance wi, bitter. It began
simultaneously with the attack, , when
they let down a heavy barrage , that
lasted 36 hours. It included gas and
was direclcd at St. Souplet and the line
of villages on either side.
Five German divisions, including the
f.imou, Third naval, and elements of
s'x others, participated in the fighting
alon the American second corps front,
of which tho New.Yorkg bad the left
wing and th Carolina and Tennessee
tronpg the right.
The first day the German naval divi-
jg'n attacked from trc left and another
i M fAAv N !
' J ' M I ' 'If' Ij
. i i . ;
Raids And Patrol Activity
Cve Indcaticns 0 Pros
pective Offensive.
By' J. W. T. Mason
(United Press War Expert)
Now York, Oct. 23. Eenewal of Am
erican and French patrol activity along
the Matz front and in Alsace may be
tho forerunner of new attacks by Gen
eral Pershing's command in those
areas. ' -i ' ' '
The progress of the Americans north
of Verdun toward the Luxemburg bor
der is v i'npedod by the large number
of new Gorman divisions that aro be
ing thrown into that sector to hold
open Von Hindenburg's sole way of
'olicat from eastern Franoe. It is prob
able that along the twenty mile front
occupied by tho Americans Von Hin
donburg has concentrated 20 per cent
of his active fighting units.
One reason why the Germans are
able to maintain so strong a defensive
north of Verdun is the absence of any
large activity disturbing them in Al
sace or along tho Lorraine border. The
Rhine is not for the moment threat
ened by direct assault. Therefore, it is
not immediately necessary for the Ger
n.nns to scatter their troops through
Alsace Lorraine. . .
The troops saved by. the shortening
ot tho ricaruy ana riandors lines can
(Continued on paga two)
Chancellor Uax
Felly Approved
s ' f - i '
. Amsterdam .Oct. 23-"-Tho Ger-,
man reichstag unanimously ap- .
proved the speech of Prince
' 'Max of Baden, setting forth his
I program in connection with etf-
forts towards peace and eldo
I toral and government reforms,
j according to displatcheg from
ertt toaay.
division from the-right. Fighting con-,
tinued by moonlight.
When one battalion established hcad
quartors at L'Arbre Do Guise (a mile
cast of St. Huuplot) the major used a.
tank for an office.
Molain, St. Martin Riviere and
L'Arbre De Guise wero captured the
first day in a two mile advance. The
river was waded in some places and in
others was crossed on bridges built by
the engineers.
At 7'clock on the first day the en
gineers, engaged in building bridges for
the artillery under shell fire, were em-1
barrassed by prisoners who had surrcn-i
dercd to the tank8 which had plunged,
on ahead. I
On the second day the Germans hold
strongly until the middle of the after
noon,when they broke and gave ground
The British, in the meantime, had pass-1
ed LeCateau on th0 northward. . j
The Americans took Kiboanvillo (two,
miles southeast of St. Souplet) and pro
ceeded' so far a Mazinghlen (a mile'
northeast of Ribcauville), which an of
ficer entered by moonlight and found!
unoccupied. Ho reported back, where
upon a regiment marched in behind its
commanders as though on parade.
This gave tho Americans the third
ridge. " ' i 1
The three days fighting resulted in
heavy German casualties from rifle, as
well as fro martillery.
In a period of thirteen days, only six
of which were spent in actual figh
ing, these Americans advanced a total
depth of thirtccn miles.
Thn cnliro Second corps includes the
loiirui division ot inH regular army;;
.the Thirtieth (Wild Cat) division ofi
'Tennessee North and Mouth Carolina,
l.i l, ;..:. r'.,i,,.i,; n.iinn.l
guard; the Thirty-sixth division of Mis
souri and Kansas national guard, and'
(the Seventy-seventh New York and
Eeighty-second Georgia, Alabama andj
Florida national army men. I
II? it T t
Oregno: Tonight and Tiur-
.Isy fair; b.?gvy frost; ecatle i
oiribwt'Strlv windis
Hers Geman Lfcs Frca
LeCateau To Ssbsr.es,
Today, '
era Dcf SUSS) Arcdy In
Paris, Oct. 23. The British are in
Valenciennes, It was learned today.
London, Oct S3. (1:10 p. m.) r- la
Field Marshal Balg't new attack this
morning between LoCateau and Sples
niea, the British advanced a mile on
front from five to six miles, according
to dispatches from the battlefroat, "
. Londun, Oct. 23. British and Ameri
can troops attacked early today on the
LeCateau-Solemcs front, about ten
mites. Field Marshal Haig announced. .
"Good f fogreiw" was reported.
'.TDe British Save captured Bruay, on
the west bank of the Scheldt (three
miles northeast of 'Valenciennes).
" "At a early hour this morning wo
attacked on 'the LoGafcau.- Bolcsmns
front"; the statement 'said. "Good
progress is reported. ' - ' i
" Further north between Valenciennes
and Tournay we have take,, Bruay and
have reached the wost bank of the
Scheldt and Bleharics and Gspain. Con
siderable resistance wag met on this)
front yesterday. In sharp fifrhting in
which we pressed tho enemy vigorously
wo inflictod many casualties aiid drovo
him from his positions, capturing
number of prisoners."
Western Defense of Next Line.
London, Oct. 23.-Valenciennes, tho
communicittion ccntor which forms
the principal western defunso of tiiu
Maubeuge portion of the next German
line of resistance, has been penetrated
by British troops.
Announcement of its complete occu
pation is expected hourly.
(Mnttbeugo lies just twenty milon
east of Valenciennes. Mons, which be
came a historic spot in the great Brit
ish retreat throuh Flanders in the
early days of the war, is elevon milea
north of Maub.ni(,o. A great part "f tho
intervening country between these w
cities and VajV-ncionnes ig difficult
wooded country.)
North of Valenciennes the British pe
netrated deeply into the great Raismea
forest. Thev also drew close to Timr-
nay and advanced north and south tr
that city, practically surrounding it
from the Bouth by reaching thi
Scheldt at Bruyelles.
i Progress was mailo by tho Belgian
and French on practically th0 whoU
front between the Dutch border and
Tournai. The Belgians cleared thtfcen
tire west bank of the Rarenburg canal,
except at Ooverbrock. The French ad
vanced nearly two miles, south of I)o
nyze, crossing the Lys near Vive-fit. Ba
von. '',.,. ;"''
Fionch troops pushed the Germans
back again in the Sitiu valley,' clearing
the south bank of the river as far ont
a Mortieres. . ' .
Ficrc0 fighting was resumed in the
region of Vouziers. In the face of Ger
man , counter attacks, Czcco Slovaks,
operating with the French, recaptured
th villapo of Terron-Bur-Ansne, four
miles north of Vouziers. ,
In the Balkans, the French have
reached the Danube at " Lorn Palanka,
aiid now hold the south bank of nearly
twenty miles, i Bugarian territory,
facing the Rumanian frontier. , Serbian,
Montenegrin and French detachment
continue to cut tha rear, guards of th
retreating AustroGcrmans to pieces,
takig numbers of pprisoners and great
quantities of material .
San Francisco, Oct. 2e3. JPifty eijrht
deaths and 1261 new eases of influ
enza were reported in San Franeisc
during the 24 hours endinif at midnight
This make, a tivtnl of 229 deaths
from the malady and 7595 cmps.
Some physicians expressed tho opin
ion that the disease ha reached its
icnith here and will soon begin to re
cede. - ,-