BA1XM, OMaOIt TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 22, 1918. If AG 5 EIGHT T Ve continue to give you merchan dise of the BEST QUALITY at the QWEST Our old customers know this to be a fact. Just a little investigation will convince any one that it is right ; It is to your interest to prove it. NOTICE THE FOLLOWING AS A SAMPLE Percales , . . . . . ............ 17c, 20c, and 29c Yard Ginghams . . ....... . . . 25c, 29c, 35c and 39c Yard Kiddie cloth -29c Yard Outing Flannel . ...... - -29c Yard naneiette . ....... . v.. ... i ............ 29c Yard Cheviot Shirtings . . '. . '. . ... i ... A ...... . -29c Yard Cretonnes ........ 25c, 29c, 45c, 49c, and 65c Yard Siikoiines -25c Yard Yon Should Not Overlook Our Shoes : FHsoriALs ; : p - . E. A. McCornaok,- U.,8. Q. M. .0., ia tegistcred at the Bligh from JEugoue. ; W. S. Burnett of Pondloton is in the pity; - , W, M. Smith, superintendent of coun ty school, end W. I. Htaley are today organizing towns and certain' school districts in the county for ithe coming Vnlted'war fund drive. , II, A. Wood a nulla merchant, was In tho city yesterday. , . , Mrs. M. h. Fulkcrson, school super visor, is at Gold Beach attending a teachers Institute. ' Mrs. Charles M. Foskc'tt' of Chicago, kfltor a visit of several day liere and at Cottage Grovo, left yostorduy for her home, expectinjf to stop in Salom nd'Bpokano for visits with friends. Bhe'was accompanied to Salem by Mrs. Laura Paine. Mrs, Foskett was former ly Mrs. W. H. Abrams. Eugene Hog iater. Felix Qouled, a Now Yorker army con tractor, hag been found guilty of en Raging in a conspiracy to defraud the government. ' ' .'s..- ; " n i ..V f GOVERNOR OF SOUTH CAUOUNA HAS SIX SONS IN SERVICE The liuveiuur and Mr it. J. Manning of South Carolina have just added another service star to thetr flag making" a total of six Five are "already in France and the sixth, the youngest, has just J .ined the colors Your Eyes ii I -J - I :: - .' LI A. LIcCULLOCH, Optcsctrist, Bank of Commerce Bldg. 4W .1 MIX Salem Soldiers Express Thanks For Tohacco Those who co-operated with the Cap ital Journal several . months ego in sending kits of tobacco to the boys in Franco, may feel that their efforts were well appreciated. 1 Tentorday three cards were received from the boys who happened to be for tunate in receiving .the tobacco, each thanking thoir friends for tho romom branco. Ralph B. Baird, a member of tho lo cal Elks lodgo writes: 'Must a few linos to,, express ( appreciation and thanks for the kit of tobacco sent our force through, the Capitol Journal It was a great treat as no tobacco can be purchased. The boys are certainly en joying it." ' " - Arthur S. Cole, another1 Salem Elk writes: ' fTthank you for your gift and appreciate your kindness. This is the grandest gift I have over received." Harry Tucker, also an Elk writes. '"I thank you very much for the tobacco kit, It In very much appreciated- It i helps make life more pleasant in the trenches ' - Journal Want Ads Pay , I 1' T rfttthiititMftfwH May or may not be alike. You may and you may not need glasses. The only way to find out is to nave them Carefully examined. Then if you need glasses buy them; If you don't you'll be frankly told so. In any event you will be fairly treated. All Around Town I COMG EVENTS Oct. 23. Election of Directors Willamette Chapter, Bed Cross. " Oet 27- Bun day. At night, torn the time back one hour. Nov. 6. Election day. "Toe funeral oeautifnl."Webl ft dough Co. tf 'The best' death cornea. Phone 120. Is Q yon can bo when Call Webb Clough Co it. o The postal receipts of tbs Salem post office for September were 112,745.50. for the county outside of Salem the receipts were $11,197.82. o Dr. C. Hartley, dentist, Moore build ing, 407 Court St. Painless filling and extractdn. Pyorrhea. tf ' ' 0 " Dr. Bete iik has now returned from hit vacation, and he extends a cordial invitation to his patrons end friends to visit his institution. tf A marriage licenoj Was issued yes terday to Joseph George Hatter of Bcottg Mills, age 24, a laborer, and Miss Kuth At. Kobinson, age 18. a stu dent of Scotts Mills. L 0. Dawson, who had his leg broken whilo loading stoel from the old bridge about the first of the month, and who has been in Willamette sani tarium, has so far recovered that he has been able to return to his home at Medford. Public stenographer. Patricia Graf, first door south of Salem Bank of Commerce, 124 South Liberty street. Phone 937. Dr. O. B. Miles, city health officer, roports nothing especially new in the inf luonza situation in the city. Thore are a few new cases and about an equal number that have recovered from slight attacks. No serious cases are re ported. , . : (,, , CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sproed of Cherry Ave. wish to express their great appreciation to the kind friends and neighbor! who have, assisted them in the sickness and death of their son, John. , ' , Marriage licenses may only be issued iu-tho eounty in which the prospective bride lives. About every so often Miss McOee, who issues the licenses in the couutv clerks offico is obliged to dis appoint folks and this was true this morning whon an expectant Portland couple stopped up to the desk and made the all important announcement that a license was wanted. After learn ing that tho birdo lives in Portland, all she could do was to advise then to return to Multnomah county to se cure the lieense. They did. ; It seems that women who have had experience in nursing are a little back ward about sending in thoir names to Miss Grace Taylor, at Red Cross head quarters in the U. 8. National bank. The government has asked a census of nurses who have cither graduated or have had experience not for army soir vice,' but 'for local needs such eg tho present. All work will be paid'his is not an appeal for froe sorvice but jiiat an etrort to get we names oi an nurses in aho two counties. Signing the questionnaire does not imply govern mont service of auy kind. Mrs. H. .J. Wenderoth received , I (ublesram this morning from her broth ir, Cnptain Phil. J. Kcizcr, in Fiance that road ns follows: "Well. Report mistake. Everything fine.' This cablegram was most wolcome newg to Mrs. Wenderoth as on Sept. 8 te govern ment, reported that .Captain Keizor had been killed in action July 23. He is with the 301,i Euginoors' gas and flame regiment ,onlisting from Marshfield. Ho was woth .lie first gas and flame rogi mont that left this country for France. Lieutenant Paul Wallace has been slightly wounded whilo in action at teh front. A cablegram wa8 received yester day by relatives from Lieutenant Wal lace with thig information and also .ihe fact that there was no need of worry. It road: "Stigtly wounded. Don't woory." Ho left with Company M over seas. r i o The barracks in the science build ing of Willamette universiity are fully equipped and all members of the S. A. T. 0. are now being taken care of in the barracks. Just at present, during the influenza, no soldiers are permit tod to go off the campus, and to date, none are suffering from the "flu." After the danger is over, the young soldiers will be on regulation army hours which means arising at 6:30 and in the barracks at 7.15 in the evening, unless they have a pass and even then they must be in by 10 o'clock. Satur day evening the boys are permitted a "little more liberty and if they live in Salem may pass the night ait home o a special pass. Tho hour for getting in Saturday nightu is 11 o'clock, , Dr. D. A. Timiesi, of Pendleton, member of the Salem Elks lodgo, wrl.s his friends hero that he has recently been given a commission as captain in the medical corps and that h0 would shortly leavo for Camp Lewis. Dr. Ta- micst u well know,, in Salem as for sev eral year8 ho was with the Oregan State hospital befor0 being transferred 4 the stato hospital at Pendleton. He also en closed a check for his Elk dues but it was returned to hm as all dues of mem- bers in the service have been remitted! ty may do its share, W. M. Smith eoun has resigned, according to Vienna news until af er the close of te war, ej superintendent, has made arrange- -papers. - Edmund Aldrich is now in oversea service having safely arrived on the otlrer side. He is the son of he $cv. and Mrs. H. N. Aldrich and i8 with Company K of the Fourth Engineers. . 0 James McClelland Jr. has recently been transferred from Camp Dick, Tex., to Augusta, Oa. He is in the aviation corps. o - last night the mercury in the gov ernment's official thermometer dropped down to the 37 notch, the coldest since the night of April 26. At 8 o'clock .hi, morning it had only reached 38. With a maximum of 58 yesterday, it was the coldest day since May 20. All those who were loaned flags by Paul Stege for Elks day at the state fair are requested to return them to Mr. S ege as he has been individually charged with every flag that he loaned for the occasion. No word was received today regard ing th0 condition of E. E. Baker who is ill of pneumonia at Camp Lewis. Mr. r. , ...... . . : rsancr icit eaiem several months ago as a private and has recently been pro moted t0 sergcanr. Just as a matter of time economy In the post offico, the public has Men asked to purchase the larger denomi nations of stamps in sending letters and packages. That is, do not use three ones in sending a lettor nor several stamps for a package that requires a ten cent stamp. This is asked just as a matter or economy. o Announcement is made again that the limit on one issue of wa savings stamps is $1000 and not the first limit of $100. This information is given out in order that thoee who wish to invest in the 1919 issue may know that $1000 is the limit for one person. Two Salem meiTare among those re ported wounded at the front. Cap.flin R. C. Wygant was severely wounded in the leg during one of the late Ameri can drives in France and is now in a Red Cross hospital hear Paris. He was oergeant in Company M whon on theanM- 108 court nolas tnM "e does not Mexican border and lator was commis-l c?"ne VJ provisions of the em- sioned captain or engineers. i'rancis Marion Phelps, also a Salem man, was' seriouslv wounded. His next of kin isl Mrs. Lillie Phelps. About 90 cases of influenza have de veloped a4 tho State training school for boys.. The handling of so many cases is difficult on account of te scarcity of nurses, onily four being on duty. All but two of the regular officers of the school ar0 ill. As yet none of the cases hav developed into pneumonia, Emanuel Northup Jr., age 18, Is dead at Eugene of pneumonia. He was a member of the Students Army Training Corps and had been ill since Sept. 13 His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Northup, were at his bedside at the time of his death. Mr. Northup is dean of men and professor of mathematics at McMmnvillo college. .Because of the prevalence of Influ enza, Q. G. Brown, dork of the state land board, was given permission to day by the board to postpone his trip to San Francisco for 10 days or two weeks. Ho expects to take to San Fran cisco certain records of his office wkich the attorneys for the Paelfu Livestock company, defendant in a land fraud suit brought by the state, wish to have photographed. H. A. Curry, a general agent of the Bradstreet's agency is in the city check ing over ratings and especially taking note of tho firms that have gone out of business during the past year. It is understood thore have been .but few failures in the Willamette valley the .past yar, but quite a number of small business houses have gono out of bnsi iness on account of changing conditions and high markets. The canning season is now over and thofo who failed to put up ,'heir win ter's fruit ar0 now barred from canning as no sugar permits will hereafter be is sued. Orders from the national food administration said that all canning in general (.iiuuld b8 over by Out. 20 and (hat after that date, no sugar canning permits would be issued. County food administrator Lockwood did not receive hig orders until this morning. Hence those who applied yesterday were given permits, 78 in number. Saturday last, 127 poruut8 were issued all or which in dicates a loJ of people in tho county will be disappointed. The food admin istration as given no advance notice that Oct. 20 would be the l8t "day for : canning permits. I W. S. Walton has received from his brother, Major Leo A. Walton, a large panoramlo picture of Camp; Brooks, San Antonio, Texas. It ig now on exhibition at Watt Bhipp's store. Major Walton, who graduated .from; West Point three years ago, ia now in charge of to aviation branch of service at Brooks' field, which has inado cnvi abel record from the fact that but one death from airplane accident has oc curred there among the very largo number of avia ors trained. Youiijj Walton has had an active career, hav ing seen service in Mexico with General Pershing's expedition as cavalry officer before the outbreak of the war with Germany. Before his West Point days as a Salem boy ho was employed by Jho Watt Shipp company, and wag for a time in Ladd & Bush's bank. - "The war department must have BOO tons of pits and nut shells each day in order to meet the demands for gas masks." This is the information being sent out everywhere by the war do- parhnent, Ia order that it an on eoun Dr. M. L Poaeroy . . Dies Ia Portland - A telephone message was re- ceived at 3 o'clock this after- noon, by W. J. Kearth, of 720 iv'orth Commercial, with the sad news of the death of Dr. M. E. Pomerey this afternoon at St Vincent', hospital in Portland It was last week that Dr. Pomeroy went to Portland to attend the funeral services of . her brother. The following day she was stricken with an attack of pneumonia. Saturday even- ing her husband, C. T, Pomeroy received work of her serious ill- ness and left immediately. " . ' Tuesday afternoonv she was thought to. be, recovering and , Mr. Pomeroy, returned home. He " ak had barely arrived here when he received a message that his wife's illness was again sen- ons. Besides her - husband, she is survived by her son, Dr. Roy - Pomeroy, who is in the navy service in France, ,, with the rank of lieutenant. - LARGE JUDGMENT Award Of $20,000 Damages Against Hardware Firms Will Stand. yerdict of the circuit court for Mult nomah county awarding Thomas Malloy a-judgment of $20,000 against the Marshall-Wells Hardware company for in juries he received while employed as barn boss for the company waB affirm ed .today in an opinion writtodvby-Justice Harris and handed down "by the supreme court. This is ther second time. the court; has passed on the case and f firmed the verdiot. Today's opinion, 'however, reverses the lower court in that it dismisses the action against R. A. Camp, who was superintendent for the company ana was named as one of the defend- - r " , , , .""' J' "'jurea wnuo worung in .of th bar"' A.roP and tackle broke, throwing him through an open hatchway. '. Justice. Burnett dissents from the portion of the opinion relating to tho form of a bill of exceptions, but he concurs in the result reached by Jus tice Harris, , . . . ' Other opinions were handed .down as follows: , ' B. E. I. Brown, appellant vs. John Sheecly; appoaled from Benton; action in roplevin to recover possession of 87 head of cattlo; opinion by Justice Burnett; Circuit Judge Skipworth af firmed. ' . St. Helens Lumber company, appel lant vs P. T. Evans; appealed from Columbia; suit to collect debt; opin ion by Justice Olson; Circuit Judge Eakin affirmed. State vs. S. M. Moris, appellant; appealed from'tJrook; appeal from con viction of larceny of horse; opinion by Chief Justice McBride; Circuit Judge Duffey affirmed. Emma A Smith and Mary J. Colo ap pellants vs J; F. Booth, et al., appealed from Multnomah; suit to recover real property alleged to have been taken through false pretenses; opinion by Justice Benson; Circuit Judge Gatens af if rmed. t mcnts by which tho pits may be sent to the schools in every rural district. In Salem; they- may be sent to the court house, to thi public library or placed in the barrel at State and Lib erty streets. The caution is given that shells must be thoroughly dried and washed. Moist shells may spoil a largo shipment. The Home Service section of the Bed, Cross has carevl for several cases the past week that probably would have not been properly handled had it not been for the efforts of the women in charge of this all important work. Within tho past few days, a girl who was driven from her home was placed in congenial surroundings. The wife of a man now in the service wa3 stranded in Tacoma without funds. Her case was taken up by the Home Service section of Tacoma, brought to the at tention of the local home service and arrangements were mado by which she is now with her paroivts near the city. Work was obtained for the wives of two soldiers in the service and in an other ease, the home service section made arrangements for the care of a child while the mother worked. The hus band is in the service. It was jusa a few days ago that the wifo of an en listed man was returned to her folks in Indiana, And thus the work goes on from day to day. Victor Benson Goes . Into Limited Service Victor Benson, a man found at Sil- verton with no final classification card was today sent by Sheriff W. I. Need hnm to Vancouver for limited service. Benson figured out that as long as he had his blue registration eard, that he was all right as he was moving around con-siderably. He had failed to respond to tho order to report for a physical examination, nor did he sign and send in his questionaire. He felt that as he wandered about the regis tration card would save him. He did not know that the old registration card is of no avail now-a-days, but that every man must have his final class ification card, excepting those who reg istered Sept. 12 of this year. Baron Burian. tho Austrian nremicT. 31 Supply your Winter needs here Men s Heavy Work Sox . . ... . . . . ; . . . . . . A 15c Pair Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers garment. 95c Men s Heavy Ribbed Usion Suits $1.75 and $193 Suit Men's Khaki Pants . $1.50 and $1.98 Pair Men's Extra Quality Felt Hats .... . . J. . . $1.98 Each Men's Mackinaw Coats .$6.95 to $10.50 Each Men's Shoes for work or dress the best values in town & . m . I Men s Work Shirts . ,. Dress Shirts..... L. 98c to $1.75 Our Prices Always the Lowest. GALE PHONE 1072 it Commercial and Court Streets v . . . , PTJBVlNE. At her homo at the Lin coin -road, about five miles from Sa lem, Oct. 21, 1918, Mrs. J. Jr. Purvme. Death was due to an attack of in fluenza followed bv pneumonia. cBsidcs her husband, sho is survived by a son, Lovell. Tho funeral sorvices . will be held Wednesday morning from the chapel of the Eigdon company. DUNN. At vhe Deaconess Hospital, Oct. 20, 1918, George W. Dunn, Jr., at the age of 48 years. " His parents live 6n Howell Prairie. - Th funoral services will be held en Wednesday afternoon from the Bigdon chapel. ; Burial will be in the Pioneer cemetery. ' , ' ' Mr. Dunn had been in business for several years in Oklahoma and having recently disposed of his interests, de cided to visit his parents. He had been' home only two days when his death on- curred, from an a'.itaek of pneumonia. He had a slight attack before leaving for the west. ' ' . Plan For Recruiting Officers Is Changed Washington,' Oct. 22. Recruiting of officers for the array hereafter will be centralized. The new uprsoniiol branch of the general s.iaff under General Bishop will establish bureaus in all big cities and through theso . all require ments of the army will be filled.- - This service will take care of all branches and hereafter no direct appli cations for commissions will be consi dered through te staff corps. At the sfeme fime, pressure in Washington will j bo relieved. Tho plan is meeting wilh some opposi tion in tho various branches. Many of ficers nold that each sectionof the army should retain its own personnel section as in the past, tholding that one central ized bureau can not judge as thoroughly of the needs of several bureaus and the qualifications of men applying. I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. ' I WANT YOUR SACKS AND JAGS,' I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my Prices Before you sell. THE COITAL JUNK CO. Phone 398 The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street ; WANTED, JIM 5 ABd All Kinds of Sad Hut 4 .jOOdS. s) TnO Market Price-Special 4 Prices paid for Sacks. . ( Oet oar prices before yon tell. 4 THH PEOPLE'S JTJNK ss SHU 4 HAND BTOBJB 4 871 H. Oon't St. Phone ?M 4 tn n oa n .wc to ju wen & CO. Formerly Chicago Store ttitltttttitttttt i; Bring in j; : your beans We are now running our $ bean cleaner and if your f : beans are going to need i cleaning bring them in r. at once whether you 1 sell now or not and have them cleaned. We can- I not keep our bean clean- t er running all the time t ; so. better clean" them ' now. " ; , f D. A. WHITE & SONS ! I 251 State St. Phone 160 - tttttitft i L.M.HUM ; ' ear of ' ; ' Yick So Tonf if Chinese Medicine tni Tea Os. - Has medicine which will ear " any known disease. .. ' ' ' Open Bnndayi from 10 a. a. until 8 p. m. -,. ; 153 South High St. T Balem, Oregon. , Phone 181 I WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON Stop at BLIGH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 100 Booms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District PR. W. L .STANTON S Dermatologist and Foot Specialist. " Specializes in removing superflous hair from face ,ncck and arms.. Facial work for removal of blemishes. , Also the latest appliances for treat- . mcnt of the feet. - v- Try Stanton's face crcVm, massage ' cream and freckle lotion the best that monuy can buy. v . Jadv Assistant " l . LadyVAssistant DR. W.L STANTON Licensed Dermatologist, ' 518 United States Bank Building. Phone 416. 1 ; WANTED. , Portland Furniture Dealer wants all kinds of second hund furniture, stoves, gas ranges, eie. Best price ! paid. Phone 951. . - .... S HEMSTiTCHING S Hemstitching and Picot edge work. m We do tide work la '-he best ' Banner. All work guaranteed. Singer Sewcg Machine Co Phone 441 337 State Street - ' Baleu - JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY