THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 22, 191S. SEVEN MP; "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Report .Lieutenant Fred Hummell, North Portland, killed in action Lyle T. gloan, Pendleton, died -rounds.' Otis tCayaa, Dallas, died of wounds. The fallowing casualties are report ed by the eoniniauding general of the American, expeditionary forces: ' Killed in aetion .101 Missing in Action .... 73 iWounded severely . 35.) 2ied -pf wounds .:.- 37 ' total- Killed In Action. Captain Leon E. Briggs Joplin, Mo. Captain Wm, W. Jones, Newark, N., ar. ..... . . Lieutenant Fred W. Hummel, North ' Portland, Oregon. . Lieutenant Chester H. Plimpton, Buffalo, N. Y. .. " Sergeants William Donaiighy Bate man Kansas City, Mo. Frederick K. Bauer, Phildelphia, Pa Wni. K. Bowlin, St. Louis, Mo. - Win. J. Francis, Brooklyn, N. Y. - Heury L, Kersey, Samson, Ala. Linward A. Mann, Dexter, Maine. Frank Gardella, Jr. New York. George W. Meell, Philadelphia. Pa. Herbert Beese, UunitviUe, Pa- John J. Boggeinan, Brooklyn, N Y: (sergeants Homer t . Moulin, Uarlieiu Ohio. Frank J. Simon, Massilion. 0. Joe Robinson, Hartshorne, Okla. -' Geo. B. Cherrie, Chicago. Donald V. Dreschcr, S Louis, Mo. Thomas P. Farley, New Knesington, ra. Francis William Greene, Kansas a-y, Mo. ... . Stanley A. Matthews, Eochester, N- t. ' - ' Boy Bay, Waine City, 111 Wagoner Geo. Ephriam Lynn, Asher, Okla. Mechanics Clarence N. Coleman, De troit, Texas. . ' 1 ' ' Clarence G. Kepplc. Artesia, N. Mex. Privates Edward H. Bitzer, Musca tine, Iowa. Arnold Botsford, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. --" Paul J. Cash, Oakwpod, Texas. John T. Cc-x. Wintervillo, N. C ' t Dewey C. Croningor, Washburn, N.D Bernard D. Cunningham, Hamilton "exas. Herbert W. DeLong, Belmont, N. Y. , Antojne J. Deperry, Cloquct, Minn, . Kalph J.-Dull, Lcwisburg, Pa. , Leroy Evana, Forbur, Tenn. Leon B. Garten, Moorland, Okla. -t Louis C. Hagcn, El Cerrito, Cal- David Horwitz, Cincinnati Ohio. Bobert E. House, Aberdeen, Miss. , ' Jerome Ben Jendrzoy, Yorktown, Texas ' " John A. Lukken, Mena-Ga, Minn. i i. Bobert C. MoArthur, Brewton, Ala..! James Genaro Millago, Pittsburgh 'Pa. . .: Trn W. Myers. Lamane. Iowa. Johann Nils3on, St.. Paul, Minn,, - , William S. Parker, Abbeyvillo, Ala. Charles E. Eiker, Poughlteepsio, N.Y. Frank I Biley, jersey City, N. J. 1 Perry W; Skinner, Creston. Iowa. Edward J Sullivan, Manchester, N. H. , John I'dych, Detroit, Mich. . James H. Young, Walters, Texas. Spaulding L. Addingron, Quinlan, Texas. Oelbert E. Arvin, Timwill, 111. . Frank Bat, Cleveland, O. . Then L. Blaick, St. Paul, Minn. ' Henry .Carmcl', Pittufinlfl. JTass. Boneke Boisa, Brooklyn, N. Y, Chas. B. Blye, Peoria, III ' iSoren Christof f erscn, Trcynor, Iowa James W. Cooke, New York. Jack Cowan Tulsa, Okla. ' ' John W. Criner, Fort Worth, Texas. - John. B. Foster, Gardiner, Maine. Nick Goicas, Canton. Ohio. Clarence Groves, St. Marys, W. Va. Theodore Hartmann, New York. Vincent P Hays, Ogdcn 111 Cleopha P. Hebert, Urand Lake. La. Neil G. Hightower, Lyiuun, Wash. ' fctan.uel J Hochfielder, New York. Bo A4 Jov-Waier "Gets-It" For Corns o TVmna a fteconds Corn Is Doomed! When you almost die with your ssots - " ..... .v.. . i ,1. on and corns maxe you uiuiuhi sideways to get away from the pain, take a" vacation for a minute or. two and apply 2 or 3 dropg of the world's I - s .-..ilSIl "bit Cora Peel Clan Off, With Gas-It'"l majjic ind only genuino corn-peeler, '"Uets-It". 'firon, and then only will you besura Jhat your corn will losen from your toe so that you can peel it right off gloriously easy with "your f in Rers. Take no chances of continued paiji and soreness why use greasy, irri tating salves, jilaaters that shift and prvas into the "quick," razors and "diggers'' that make earns bleed and also grow faster! Use painless, easy, always sure "Gets It'-. There's only one like it in the world that'g "Gets It. " Millions have tried and O.' K. 'A it for years. It never fails. "Gets-It'! the guaranteed, money back eorn-remover, the ouly sure way, st but a trifle at any drug store. ;Vf'd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 1. Sold in PaK'm and recommedned as lie world 's best corn remedy by 3. C. erry and D. J. Fry. . IMP Alfred Housefield, "Madison, lad. Bobert B. Hutchjsea, Winterkill Mass Louis 'Hainan, iS ew York, Walter M. Lloyd, -Camden, S. C. Albert Mausner, Brooklyn, N. Y. John L. Meadows. Bed Fork Okla. John W. Medlin Marionville Mo. ' Charles F. Miller South Park Ky. . -Urban J. Moudt, Arkton, 111.' John rahoor, "MeKeesport," Fa..- Fred J. Nies, St. Louis, Mo.. . Francis Nunit, Hartsell, Alabama. ' . John Olson, Lockport, 111. . Albert A. Owens. Waco, Texas. " Geo. A. Perry, Richmond, Va. ' William Pierce, Melville, Cat "Isado Pobstman, Courtland, III William W. Poole, Kalamaaoo,"Mich. Edward U Proctor, Jefferson, Texas. Charles E." Hcdd. Norton, Kas. Ehner M. Bomaine, Maywood, N. J. Thomas C. Shipps, Ottumwa, Iowa. Lee B. Stutler, Toulon, 111. Thos. F. Sullivan, New Haven, Conn. Harry J. Thim, Baltimore, Md. Ernest Lawrence Thomas, Suiter, 0 Charlie A. Wagner, Eudd, Iowa, John E. Warner, Olympia, Wash Bert B. Whitson, Bloomberg. Texas. Henry Murrav Williams, . St. Louis, MO. ,,. " .;. ; John Yarasunas, Scranton, Pa. . Herbert A.' Zittinger. Baltimore. Md. Wounded Severely Captain Joseph T. Watsou, Lake Place, N. Y. Corporals Lawrence Binion, Birming ham, Ala. Lewis Jones. Carrington, Okla. Privates Kenneth C. Doddcridge; White City, Kas. Gordon Fuller, Ana, Ala Leon F. Goodwin, Dexter, Maine John Kerr, Mamoehs Ky Harry Kramer, Chicago. George W; Norton, Monroe, Cal. Jeremiah T. O'Brien Garrick, Pa Millamy Osborne, Olncy, Okla.' Eobert W. Owens, Stcedman, Okla. Elmer J. Powers, Younestown, O. ' Charles F. Shoemaker, Grand Kapids, idieh. , LeEoy AndTOwlWctborn, Axtcll, Eas. J as. a. weus, Decatur, m - Paul G. Wilson, Centrahoma, Okla, Slightly Wounded. . Lieutenant Fred Walter Va8'ell. Mil waukee, Wis! '' - ! - Sergeants John H. E. Hoppe, Balti more, Md. , Eobort B. Hurley; Haverhill, Mass. Sam E. McBurnett, Lincoln, Ala. ; Corporals Benlce Carpenter, Hamil ton, Ala. . j : Frank A. Clark. Audahmia, Ala. ' John Lavorgna, Eumford, Maine. - Daniel J Moore, Lady Smith, Wis. Phillip E. Mooro, Memphis, Tenn. Bger Mortimer, Chiltonj Wis. : Walter B. Nichols, Selma, Ala. '" Harry Olson; Oconto, Wis. : ; . Jos. A. Prosche, Franzcnta, Austria. Claude, Smith," Florence, Ala. ' ., "(fouk4-Lco-"Kitmmoicr,- Cold-Springs, Minn. - . --.'' Privates Edward S. Arden, Columbus, Oliio. Malcoinb Barnot', Montgomery, Ala, Sidnoy H. Batos, Putnam, Ala. ' 'Like Gt Bates. Crete, Greece " Peter Bisbis, Greece. ' Forrect Breedlove, Hartsclls. Ala. , Sam Dunn, Elisha, Ala. , James E. H. Elliott, Birmingham: Ala. ' Engene Fisher, Bhinelander, Wis. Farley J. Fry, Bhinelandcr, Wis. Stanislaw Gers, Milwaukee.. Wis. Geo. T. Harrison, Chicago, 111. Frank J Eubet, Chicago. ' Bcujamih J. Jenkins, Pileup, Ala. John Hudson, Chpman, Ala. . , LcBjy C. Lewis, Shippcnsville, Pa. Wni. H. M(eks, Gadsden, Ala. Grovcr C. Morgan, Pine Hill, Ala. Grover Morrison, Clayton, la. Archie C. Oliver, Tallahassee, Ala. Gatto Orlando, Italy. - Gordon Patterson, Oconto Falls, Wis. Tom Eoberts Capps, Ala. , Enimett Shine, Capps, Ala. John Slnski, Milwaukee, Wis. Wm- J Stanley, Carmi, 111. Willie Staten, Bowling Green, Ky, Albert Turner, Daleville, Aln. Frank Vann, Anniston, Ala. Earn Williams, Cassbv, Tenn. Died From Accident And Other Causes, Sereoant James Watson, Ft. Wood N. Y. Mechanic Jerry LaGressa, Pasisac. ,N J. Horse3hor Joo Walsh, Brooklyn, N, Y. t Privates, Frank Binantit Passiac, N J John Orwcki, Milwaukee, Wis. Felmon Ecmbret. Marysville. S. C, Died Of Wounds. Corporals Lleweyylu C Small, Ply mouth, Mass. Arthur F. Turner, Grantsburg, Ind. John N, Williams, Chicago Heights, HI. Privates Baymond Brumbaugh, Coles Summit, Pa. Harv-ev Cdak. Maben, W. Va. John F. Kcnchan, Scranton, Pa. Charles Moore, Meadevillo, Mum. Joseph EeU'luitzM, Milltnwn, N. J. Thos. Tucker, Susanville, Cal. John Lawrence Wallace Jejscy City N. J. - Chas. Duscha, Cleveland, Ohio Killed in action .... Missing in action Wounded severely . ... 40 .. 41 ... 17 43 Wounded slightly Pied ef accident and other causes 6 Died of woundg , ,. 1 1 Wounded, degree nndptermincd 322 Died of disease U, . ,- j4 Prisoners ...i..... 21 Total 53 Killed In Action. Seigeantt John L Purton, Minnrap0'1 Minn Lum C C Stringer, Craighead Ark Corporals Bernhard Barre, Yoakum Tex t Thos E DeLorne, New London Wis Ernest E Ouido, E Oakland ai Milton E Lane, Gloucester Mass Owen J Baine, Cullniau Ala Peter Bossi, Hazleton Pa Musician James P Meehan, Ireland Wagoner Halph W Hunt, Temple Okla , WITH FINGERS! CQMIOUT Freezoae Is Elagic! Corns And Calluses lift .KigM Off ? Without Paia. A few cents buvg a tiny bottle of the magic Freezone at any drug store. Apply a tew drops of treexoe upon a teuaer, aching corn or a- callus: Instantly that troublesome corn or callus stops hurt ing, then shortly you lift it out, root and all, without any pain, sorenuss of irri tation These little bottles of Freezone contain just enough to rid the feet of every hard eorn, aoft corn, between the tots and the calluses on bottom of feet, So easy ! So simple. Why waitt No hum Privates Alfred O Anderson, Gray S D Carroll Attaway, Conio. Tex Henry V Bailey, Connellsville Pa Dolce L Belgredo, Portland Nl). Bert Budd, Justus 0 pannes J Costello, Pittsburg Alfred Dohna, New Haven Conn Chas A Dowd Jr, Eochester HI George E Flora, Knox City Mo James S Gagas, Marlboro Mass Walter J Gruer, Kansas City Mo Chas L Jacquin, Detroit Mich Carl Johnson, Sweden Carl W H Loll, Eochester HI ': Eobert Maclnnis, Brookline Mass V Aubrey M Meservey, Lincoluville Me Lester 'Milton, Prattville Ala Andrea Murino, New York Frank A Ottati, Amsterdam N Y Walter Perkins, Cory Pa Elisha Bocklin, Palatine Bidge N Y Perry C Sogers, Blair Okla Bobert H Bonk, Oakland 1 John Eunkelo, Benton 111 Charles W Shelton, Thornton Tex Egbert P Snow, Lebanon N H. Jos Straka, Chicago Thog Vaughn, Madison N O John Wallen, Finland H - ' '. Missing In, Aetion , i,, -. Lieutenants r ... Wm G Brooker, Tampa Fla John MacArthur, Buffalo -N Y -.. Jos F Weinhcr,-Evorett Mass - - Sergeants Geo B Huestis, Wakefield Mass Joseph S McAdoo, Boynoldsvilkj Pa Coipoiala f Lorenzo 8 Spoors, -Levering Mich Jacie A Swafford, Mojo Tex Privates Theros Catranis, Pottsvillo Pa Wm Crotty, Marion 0 r Chas A Dixon, Ralston Wash ' Dewey DuHon, Bruce La -Merritt B ' Durham, Blue Mtn Miss Jas F Ellis, Hackloburg Ala Theopoli Fanguy, Dulac Ala Milton C Fisher, Prattville Ala Boy Hanover, English Ind , Oscar E Hoigeson, Elva Wis Myrl B Hopiagarner, White Pigeon Wig Jesse Hurley, Kinge mont Peter Laurusa, Johnstown Pa - Carl C LocHc, Alva Okla Albert G Litchfield, Medina N Y , Geo Loeffler Jr, Brooklyn Charles F Ludon, St Louis Mo SUvie J Lusardi, Sail Luis Obispo LaJ Joseph Lyhonna, Philadellia Geo E McClintock, Kellcttsville Pa Alva McFarland, Ck-o Springs Okla Nathan J Miers, De Bidder La Jas Morris, PatchoRuo NY Eugeuo O 'Boyle, Cleveland 0 .Frank M Petro, ioungstown 0 Clair Eichwine, Gardners Pa Frederick F Eoeding, Brooklyn Kenneth Sachnson, Erie Pa 'its l r WHERE AMERICAN FLYERS LEARN TO MAKE OBSERVATIONS Here is the interior of a Camera Obscura used in bombing planes. The man seated within i as stu dent at an American bombing school. Jno F Spasel, Erie Pa I Paul Spaxt. Gry Ind Stanislaw Stantiiy,- Ejie Pa John Stasaewski, Fayshlc NY Frank I'tkowitt, New York . ; John L Wetters, Bay City Slivh' .' Harry ir Wilson,- Philadelphia Died of Disease . Maj Claieuca Fahastock, New York Sgt Charles A Emerson, Douglas Aril - . Corporal . . . . v . - Edward Costello, Lawrence Mass : Francis- Ha-wthorne, Newport Ark Meeh Charles W Stoops,' Midvale Pa Wagoner Albert H Gavigan, Canton Mass Oooks Lloyd F Emerson, Lebanon N H Willie F Sharp, Blythewood S C. PrtTiiea . . Walter Alt man, Bussia Earl C Beames, Bellville Kan Wn E Bennett, Pittsburg . Henry C F Beyer, Chicago Win Jj Curtis, Clearwater Fla Norman E Daniel, Manor Ga Bernard Dittman, St Paul Mina Ad4ie Dufficld, CWoe W Va Allen Duke, Abbeville Miss Boy O Durham, Burning Neb . Eichard J Gray, Teconis Cons Lawyer Green, -Bateeville Miss Charlie E Greer, Broughton 111 Wm A Haffner, Biisyrug O Clyde O Hemphill, Blue Lake Cal Baxter Hicks, Blossom Tex Boy Hill, Licking Mo Henry Holdtdorp, Sawyer Wi John H HomWette, Appleton Wis Leo A Hopkins, Sorauton Pa r Chas B Hotard, Montegut La Bobt L James, EUuont Va Sam Kennedy, Cambria Mo Jos B Kunzman, Albion Neb Max Lax, Chicago . j . George Lewis, Pleasant Pa Eniil Leiu, .Hickstou Wis " . Wm Mead, Marysville Mich Fred W A Miller, lvoryton Conn Bcubcn A Miller Cody Wyo Chas A Moran, New York is&muel I Murray, Wbitinsville Mass George Norris, Winfrey Ark Joseph A Pace, Fullerton La ' . John Parker, Glcnburnie Md Jas C Pritchardj New York Byran B Keis, Philadelphia ,( , Claude DSiniSj Brinkley Ark Jesse I Smart Oldfield La Chas B Smith, New York Willie Smith, Cottouplaut Miss Carlo Tangrcdi, Syracuse N Y J J Williams, Chesapeake City Md- Chas Wilson, "Washington Otto -H Zager, KaJoua la Prisoners , Lt Edw W Gray, Eichmoud Ky - Privates, ,'.. Chas W Adcock, Browaville Fla Artrur E Boyer, Philadelphia ' John L Burr, Washington Pa, Jefferson N Craig, Newcastle Pa Nicol Dinorcia, Nowark N J Myron E, Dixon, Btooklyn ' Benj Fonney, Ossining N Y Wm P Griffith, Shinnston W Va Karl Hoffman, New Haven Conn Irving E lines, West Haven Conn Eouald McBae, Farmingtou N M Elmer Motris, Jroy Kn , t .r , . Ales Nowojsky, Ne.wjirk NJ ' ' Homer Boevcs, Lanad Miss. ' Joa.Bogers Jr, -Scranton Pa Ef can,.Bala-ar, Espajjoja Alfred Slater, Norway ', ' ;Stanloy Wisneflky, 2di Carmel P As Young As Your ; Kidneys The secret of youth' is ELIMINA TION, OF POBSONS from your body. This, done, you an live to be a hundred and. enjoy the good things pf life with as much tliT', As vnn i1irl in tho springtime of youth.(Keep the body in. good condition, that's the secret. -Watch the kidneys. Xh kidney end, digeativo organs are the main causes. The kidneys filter and purify the blood All tuo fclofld passos tnrougu your Kia neyg once every three, minutes. They strain or filter out the impurities. That is their work. Keep them clean and in proper working condition and you have nothing to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes and deadly uricaeid accumula tions from your system. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlcn Oil Capsules at inter vals and you will always be in perfect working order. You will feol strong and vigorous. Nerves and muscles will be elastic and your face will radiate youth aiid health. GOLD MEDAL Haar lem Oil' Capsules are imported direct from tho laboratories at Haarlem, Hot- land. ' " They ore not a patent medicine, but a guaranteed remedy which has been used by the sturdy JJutcn lor over zJ) years and which has helped them to de velop into one of the strongest and healthiest races in the world. Get them from youv druguist. Do not take a sub stitute. ia sealed packages three sizes f ' ' . ; t , - m 1 t' if : "?' m I . 4 V . SM l - L -I -if tft , K -M ' -...(.ia vr4 .v " tM . ' y 'At . -jmp- ; s . - y . W ... : , f S fi p. "... 'v.... y:yy :.'.:'. ' - ' v.- f -f v& - " y ' ii' -sj --y't.y & V . ' ' w-" I CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. QUICK REFERENCE TO , WHERE BUYER AND SELLER IEEI-WE RECORD OUR ADVESTISERS M MM SVEXTTHINa EIXCTlilCAIi laga Eeetrla Co, liascsie Temple, 127 North Hih , OSTEOPATH DBS. B. E. WHITE AND B. W; WAL- 10N Osteopathia physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates Of Am erican school of Osteopathy. Kixk ville, Mo. Post graduate and spec ialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College! Offices 505-508 Na Bank Bldg. Phone 85. Kesidenee, 1620 Court Phone 8215. Dr, White Bes. Phone 469, . - ' DENTIST- DB. F. L. TJTTEB, DEST'It-I, BOOMS 413-411 Bank of Commerce building. John Suchuck, E Port Chester Conn Ernest B Swcaringeji; Eosevillb Kan Chas C Tatum, Talking Bock Ga . Wm Thomas, Wyoming Del ; Emanuel Truman, Artas S D' , Sam A Weant, Pulton Mo ! . '. Luther Whitfield, Veto Ala ' - :.' Earl Wilkinson, Bridgeport VI J. B Williams, Franfort 111 John Wright, Jonesburg Mo ' '; Jack Kelly, Cortes Colo - ' Died from Wounds Lt Harvey C BingerPaola Kan Sergeants Ambrose C Karcher, West Etna Vm Vernon C Parr, Norfolk Va Fred Worthcy. Jersey ville 111 Cbrporala Dan B Racobs, Smithland Ia Peter Bohledor, Nnionport NY Hugo C Weden, Whitehouso fita N J Privates Henry Bodgajowics, Madison Wis ' Jos A.' Castmore,-Englewood N J Bufus E Coleman, Cairo G Lawrence Delaney, Philadelphia William Demarest, Waldwick N J Horace K Duffy, Eockland Me. Alva O Dyson, Marble City Okla James Farr, Burlington Vt Clarence L Hinklo, Chambersburg Pa Jesse Ivy, Bolatusha Mis Olaf M Johnson, Maynard Minn Louis Karpatva, Philadelphia Baymond L Lamm,Newcastle Pa . Clarence "W! Low, Low N Y J McGrath, Chicago , Jesse Herbort Marston, Offingham W B Melton. Cnrolen N 0 Henry B Meyer, Jamaica N Y Leo E Montagne, Jefferson S D Leroy C Nodderaon, De Moines la Ole Ormstad, Emmons Minn , i Henry C Pauley, Cerro Gordo Ark Michael I Peters, East' Peru La Earl F Phillips, Btct Mo ' Walter E Eaber, Powhattan Kan Clifford A Sheppard, Mt Pleasant Pa Jesse B Todd, Winston Ind ' S,ecol B Warsawslty, Chicago , V St. Our Want Ads aro tho Bait that catch the Big Fish ResuIt3-Try one ia to-morrow paocr 0 e-4 ..... .... - .n FIRTIS THAT GIVE SERVICE M Tliphoae Mail ISO SECQND-ilAND GOODS EUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Men's . clomos, anees, nan, jeweiry, watches, tools,, musiosl instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, -revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange S3T Court street, Phone 493. WATER COMPANY 3ALEM WATER COMPANY Offiee aorne? Commercial and Trade streets Bills -payable monthly 'in advance. Phone 606. FINANCIAL MOM 10 LOAN On Gocd Beat Estate Security i . THOS.. K. FOBD Ladd A Bush bank;. Salent Oregon FEDEBAL FARM LOANS 5 per tent 34 years time. A. G. BobrnstedtJ , 401 Masonic Tomplq. Salem, Oregon. REAL ESTATE BRING YOUR TRADES - l can match you. G. W. Niomeyer, Real Estate Ag-nt, Canada Lands, 544 State treat. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGES Charlos Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts St reasonable rates. Yard and eess pools cleaned. Office phone, Main 247. Besidence Main 2272.- . J TS MARKET - I ' " 4. Oraia Wheat, soft white 1.942 Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats .-m 0cl Hav. oats , , 25 Barley, ton o062 Hav. eheati new 24 Mitt run r-. Wi ' " Butterfat ." Buttorfat 69c RAILROAD TEIE TABLE ; (Eff eetive Octobor 3, 19i8.) gOUTHEEN PAOITIO, Ma! Wa A : Northbound- ... No. 16 Oregon Express 6:G . No. 64 Orefjpnian :......"...........S:05 a. m. No. 28 Willamotte" Limited -9:15 a, m. No.8 Portland Passeu(er .1:20 p. m No? 24 Coos Bay Limited -..4:00 p. m No. 14 Portland Express . 7;C5 p. m Sonthbound No. 53 Oregonian .S:20 a. m. No. 23 Coos Bay Limited 9:42 a. m No. 15 California Express 10:68 a. m. No. 17 Eoseburg Passenger ....9:33 p. m. No. 27 Willametted I4mited....5:64 p. m. No. 13 'Frisco Express .4:18 p. m. SALEM GEEB LINE. No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a, m No, 74 Leave Salem .....3:10 p. m. SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN. 161 Leaves Salem,, motor 7:00 a.m. 163 Leaves Salem, motor ....9:28 a.m. 163 Leaves Salem, motor ... 1:65 p.m. (Through ear to Monmouth and Arlie.) 171 Leaves Salem ... 6:15 p.m 162 Arrives at Salem . 8:23 a.m. 164 Arriv at Salem 11:00 a. m. 168 Arivws at Salem 8:20 p.m. 172 Arrives at Salom 7:40 p.m. OREGON ELECTEI0. Southbound, Train Leave Arrive Arrive No. - Portland Salem fc'ugeue 5 Ltd 8:15am 10:15 am 12:30 pm 7 10:40 am 12:50 pm Salom only 9 2:05 pm 4.12 pm 6:85 pm 13 Ltd 4:45 pin 6.40 pm 8:50 pm 17 8:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only 19 .9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only No. 63 school train from Woociburn, ar rive 8:35 a. in. except Saturday and Sunday. ' (North Bank Station (leaving Jefforson Street 15 and 20 niinutee later,) Northbound - Train, Leave Arrlvo Arrive No. : Eugene Salem Portland 6 , 7:15 am 9:20 am No. 04 to Woodburn 8:53 a. m. except Saturday and Sunday. , , 10 Ltd.. ..7:25 am 9:43 am 11:30 am 12 . ,,.. 13:15 pm 2:23 pm 16 Ltd...... 1;4J pm 4:00 pm 5:50 pm 20 M 5:30 pm 7:40 pm 82 5:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pm (North Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson . : street 15 minutes earlier. COBVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Leave Corvajlis Arrive Salem 8:20 am .-...Northbound ,..9:43 am .2:41 pm Northbound.,..4:00 pm 6:18 am Northbound 7:55 pm Leave Salem Arrive Corvalllg 10:15 am-.. Southbouad.....,41:37 am 4:12 pm Southbound 5:40 pm 6:40 pm.....'..8outhbound.,....B:00 pm Tho Knights of Columbus of New York have nut 2,000 to Madame Foch, wift of the marbal, for the fuad for widows aud orphans of French soldiers. ON SHORT NOTICE WOOD SAW. FOB A WOOD SAW Phone 1090-B . 1253 N. Summer St. Our prices are right. W. M. Ztnder, proprietor. GENERAL REPAIRING THE FIXIT SHOP Let is repair nA Sharpen your lawn mowers. 61 Cowt Phone 1023. - tl STOVE REPAmiNG STOVES REBUILT AND BEPAIBEB 60 .years experience, .Depot, NatioMl and American fence. Keoi 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete : Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 850 Court street Phone 124. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHT3 OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MoCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. P. J. Kuntn K. B. a M.ODEBN WOODMEN OF AMEBIC A. Oregon Cedar Camp'No. 5246 meet every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clocN in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, V. C.j F. A. Turner, clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D Keoler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All eases of cruelty or ne gleet of dumb animals should be re ported to the sec ret ay for investiga tion. .-., ROYAL NEIGHBOES OF AMEBICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360. meets every Thursday evening im Derby building, Court and High St , Mrs, Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St. oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capita! Assent bly No. 84 meets first Thursday at each month, at S p. m- ia L O. O. T. Hall. Norma L. Tersrilliger, M. A. C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 84Q Owen etreet. - Croamery butter - 68f Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot .... 16Vi4 Veal, fancy 181 Htoors 7(S)9 Cows ................................ Spring lambs T-ambs, yearlings . 40e .. He ..4(5)6 ' , jtiggs ami rouiiry Eggs, cash .:......... 53a Hens, live .....;.......,,...: - 20228 Old roosters . , 15a Springs .......... 2131 Vegetable Sweet potatoes ....;..... 4.5 .!S.5 Potatoes Onions, local . Cabbage .......... 2.2 .. 3 1.7S Carrots Tomatoes Turnips; 2 Beets Cucumbers .... a Grapes Muskmelon .... $1.79 . . 1.7i Green peppers W Casabas -.; 8 Parsuips1 .............., 3t Egg plant ........... 8e Cranberries, box ...,,............. 4.1sS , rnut .. Oranges ., $t Lemons, box ................. .,...,..:.. $H9 Bananas .. . "VA Black figs, 25 25 lbs. Figs, 4 oz packages S Figs, 6 oz, packages - I W Figs, 8 oa. packages ...,.,.,......., 3.5 Figs, 10 lb. fancy W-8 Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy . . 2.5lf BetoU Prices Creamery butter ...J- Flour, hard wheat Country butter ...-r 73 J3 25 6He COe Eggs dozen For sugar -permits go to C. M. Lok- wood, food administrator, 214.Nort Commercial street. No limit on purchases of flour. Portland, Or., Sept, 25. Butter, eX creamery liOo Eggs, selected local ex. 5356o Bens 25(3)27e . " Broilers 2730 Csese I7(ffi18e - Cheese triplets 3536 DAILY LIVE BTOOK MARKET Cattle ' Portland, Or., Oct, 22. Butter, city; creamery 6C)c Beeeipts 324 Tone of market steady, unchanged Prime steers $1213 Choice to good steers $11(3)12 Medium to good steers $!).75U ' Fair to medium steers $S.239.23 Oonunon to fair steer $C(u8 Choice cows and heifers $8(ffi9 Medium to good cows and heifers (ii 7.25 " Fair to medium cows and hoifers 0. Canncrs $3(o)4 " ' ; Bulla $5(cf7 . f Calves Wam " ' ' ' . . ' Stockers and feeders $08 . Hogs ; Receipts 191 Tone of market steady, unchanged changed , Prime mixed $17.75(317.85 ' Medium mixed 17.35(fjn.60 Bough heavies $15.7515.83 Pig, $14.5(Kffil5.50 . ' Bulk $17.50 17.73 ' Sheep ; . ' Eeeeipts 54 Toao of market steady, unchanged Prime lambs $1214 Fair to- medium lambs $91I Yearlings 10(rll . . Wethers 'X?il0 . - ; Ewes $6.50(9