Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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Don't make the mistake of bother
ing 'with uncertain remedies for Oel
piy King a purely vegetable formal!
tusile into a palatable tea is nature'!
feost remedy for leonstipation, upset
Stomach, coated tutigue and sick head
It" he.
" If a the aame old remedy that thou
ittnds fHear by and costs only a fow
(rent for a gouorous package.
! Take it freely and give it ta the lit
tie one When cross, and feverish.
(3uo oTiud iuojj ponur.iio)
Oct. 22. Brieullcs lias been set afire
by the Gentians and is burning fierce.!?
Clery Le Petit (two miles north of
Brieulle), also is burning
. There is a marked increase of German-
artillery ityaitiHt the American
.light wing, where the enemy is exhibit
ing signs of nervousness, evidently fear
ing an attack.
' By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With The - American Armies in
France. Oct. 22. The Oertnans contin
ue to strengthen their forces opposing
the Americans in the Argonne-Meune
region by mailing in units of now div
isions. A captured order issued by General
Yon Der Murwits appeals to the Ger
man soldiers to hold this sector at all
j-rmt, which he declares is the most
vital to German military movements.
Prisoners Tcport their officers are de
termined to hold back tho Yankee push.
In clearing out the Kappes wood,
which the doughboys accomplished yes
terday afternoon in three hour de
pute heavy ma.chine gun and artillery
'fire, thev have removed one of t.hft
most serious obstacles to their conlin-1
tied progress. " --'
, ,.' 1 ,
Orders closing theaters aad motion
(picture houses in Pan Francisco went
Alfonf Ui.iH.il.
into effect Friday.
A, hrintly Ofllcium compound ttin.t nftfe
euaiUH HSahiMt chronto tuntr and thrnat
xnn.in., a ' tonic-rcwtix-nllvo
i ton1ormturfltlv iiri-iiaio4
ifut or JiaUH-roruilng arug
av. -
without harm
Try thm Itulay.
SO cents a box, including war tax
Fur aa! hr all Irlt
Kt'kiuun I.aburatttry, I'ailtidNiilils
to get relief In any other wuy are Invited
to Investigate Chiropractic methods, which
ai a iiermanently curing hundred every
will thnrniiB-hlv flmtntnfl vnu. malca a enm I
plots diagnosis o( your cubs and direct
our treatments.
CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure
M per cent of all diseases.
Corner of Park and Yamliill, Portland, Or.
UuHPITAl.. In connection with college.
Wul lutiiille out-of-town pallwita at a
mutt reasonable rate, In order to how
what Chiropractic, can do. Address all
communications to
DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, Pres.
Are You In Trouble?
' The Problems of Life: - . .
Fear, Worries, Sorrows, Love, Domes
; tic and Business Affairs, SOLVED;
Nervous, Mental and Psychical Dis
eases, TREATED; and
Your Natural "Place" Vocation
on Earth, FOUND by the
Piycho-An.lyit and Vocational Director.
538-9 Morgan Building,
' Writs your troubles or wftntg. Knclose 9 cant
. atamn. Al(lrcrt I". O. Ikk fi7. Portlnnrt, Orefon- I
U0k a. L. .t Ih W
M at m yy (N(S is
y mam ( Au.ruRiM k
; Liberty SixPremier Six
622 Alder Sire WETLAND, ORE,
Nilson Tractors
Guarantee farm afficiency.
. Create traction automatically.
Stand years of hard aervieo.
Light weight May to handla.
"Junlor" for 1 plows, "Senior for
(Our 1-pluw machines coming soon.)
East Morrison at E. Third EL -rortiana,
a , m
bit -: m
P !M "''"V A :i hi
1 i ; ' - - ft k 1
K t 1 ' -', A '
n k . : 'i ' i ' ft '.! k
w ; : i . - , u :
M 5 it - I f-. - , it I 'if
INv- ! 'i j ji.ji
,c - I ' - ' ) l I ? J
w ' t. I h I
y f; . iJ L -t & 4 ii B
U X ' . ' - is -fi
liie use or our elevator gins, it is oi
coat and skirt. The cap and coat are
ilk braid.
Maximilian Harden Asks
Kaiser To Abdicate
Amsterdam, Oct. 22. 'Wc are alone.
a fortress can no longer hold
it is no dishonor if the commander sur-
'renders, The kaiser must take up his
Croi of concluding quickly necessary
peaec. Bllli accepting whatever is hard
1 t .1.- I...! J ... . 1 L ' IK l.
Let the kaiser declare himself ready
and let him fit himself with new Oer-
many as her first citizen '
This utterance by Maximilian Harden
ndd-essed to -severul people in Berlin
yesterdav, was loud y applauded. -
llerr Harden, whose plain-spoken
lnnininirn in Die Znkunft. of which hn
is editor, has caused siHpensioii of that i when the President's call came for vol-;
journal on several occasions, was per- i unfeflrs for service on the Mexican bor-i.
mitted. according to the reports of his,nVr. After serving on the border he
o,l(lr,Ma tn aiicnk frcclv nn
,i"l"'st to spcHK ireeiy an
hindranee. -
d without I
Ilis remarkable declaration respect
ing surrender and "the Kaiser's cross "
follov i a review of the situation in
which he pointed out that Bulgaria
was occupied Turkey's fate was sealed
and AUBtria-liungary was out of the
fight. ; f
' 1
Julius TI. Barnes, presidont of the
Food Administration's grain corpora-
tion, believes further extensions of
wheat acrcago unnecessary and unwise,
When the grass begins to crackle
undorfoot; when the leaves begin to
swirl -in mad edies and the naked
branches to reach after them im
potently; when the morning- crisp
ness hints of coming frosts; then the
man with bit of sportsman blood
in his veins, feels the call of the
Follows a jrreat furbishing and
oiling; of bums. There's rummaging
through closets for boots and leg
gings and oilskins and warm duck
coats. There's writing of letters to
places with wierd Indian names, to
Migage guide and camp. There a
- i
f " 4,u.' ' lll ft t( U ' - i ... , j .
1 1 tt j. k'Sittl v-4Aw s11 ". frL
! f - " r m TO, - s " x ,V f
; v vj f ' t I - I
Tr ;, ; V-tM ., . . , 4?:'tqi
f t y r v , L y i
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- .v- .. N Aw - ; J
w t I F ' i
t-t " - i .1 m ;
v r- - v . . . 4 f. . v, i
x " ' . i t- , j i ,
A ' . - 1 - . - J
photo shows the latest suit designed for
ours uiue monnir ami nas a irencn cap.
trimmed with brass buttons and yellow
Silvcrton Man Sick
At Ckro Lewis
I Capital journal Special Service.)
Bitvctton, Ore., Oe. 2. Word was re
ceived here today by1 Mr. and JIrs,
Clark Warnock that their sou Honnck
W,.,-,.W I. ,. .ii.lt . 1 finnm r.Pvvi-4.
T!u ti'ouMe is said to be a bad cas
""'cu!iu-pueuiiionin. ,
; Ml 1,11(1 Mr H- L- Brow:M r,!-'lvc
I toleBlara morning from their
!"'' '''. 1'lu 5" stioued at H.ver-
ile, Cnl., stating that' he had been com-
j missioned fecund lientemmt. Floyd
I was the first bny ill Silverton enii it .
wb i trnnstcrred into tb- regular army
!t ork' i ill t.;C t.V'ntiOil
T'hoot at Han IJios;i. At nrrssrt re is i
ef the March Field aviation scool. at
RivoiFido but is soon to be transferred
tn some other post.
Word ear.o to .Jofoph Madso:i a fei?
days ago (hat his son, Kelson Wadson,
.dieil New Mexico fro mSpanisli in-
fliienza, and that his wife and daughter,
Miss Sofi, who have been visiting therOj
for sonic time, are sick with the same
disease. Mr. Madson had some idea of
locating in that country but the death
lot of discussion with fellow-sportsmen
as to whA to take and what
not to take, but there is no discus
sion as to where to go at least not
for the Eastern sportsman. New
Brunswick Is the hunting ground for
him. Accessibility and plentifulness
of game guide his choice.
The keen desire of every hunter
going into the north woods u to get
a moose head. This desire is usually
gratified by going to New Bruns
wick. Its deep woods shelter moose,
caribou and deer in great numbers.
Black -bear and Canada lynx, or
wild-cat, offer further, big game
sport while small game is to be
found in riotous abundance.
E&lm Generally Balieve Ger
many b Hot Sincere la
American, (New York Mail):
"To the latest falsehoods,
ev;isiorf4 and d ploieatic subter
fuges attempted bv (Germany,
the American people can have
but one r-joindcr:
"You must surrender uncon
ditionally! "
British (London Post): "Oer
rmny's position is unchanged,
t'nless she' is disarmed we caa
not affoid to talk thus giving
Germany the pdvontages of any
unscrupulous liar over an hon
est man."
French (Paris Mail). "The
present German government is
uot responsible. Scheidemann
is no better than P.ethmann
HelhvegHe is alsi n 'icrap
of iapcr l.ian. Kut Wilsrn will
not bo duprd.''
",. ' Ispend a few cents foT a small bottle
ChuaTo. Oct. 22. - Commenting on;0'f KnowUon-g Danderine at anv drug
l.the latest O.-rman ucle, the Chicago jstore oj. toilpt jountcr ,, .y it' as di.
i Post today saiil e u'or:all': 'rcctetl
! "It is tho Sussex note over sain. i ' ;
kha German hih command seeks to hi whenlhty are made by
biing us to pecce by the same clumsy
hrnnnht us to w nr. 'faithless Germany. -
, What is the use of tiying to do-busi-
u n.ui stun 'nnuci,
The Chicago jNews fa d: iiermanj -s
reply is full of peril, since it tends to
awaken a general be.ier tnat tne .var
is over among the people of the free
dMiiocracies. Promises, however, count
of his son may change his plan,
Julius Aim, who has been in busi
ness here for the past fifteen years
has sold his stock of groceries to
Frank Syring.' Mr. Aim will retain the
gents furnishings department no
tends to separate tins acparnuem iiom
the grocery department by a
it.. t .3: nr. w..-:., .
has been
ln "e uiuunng. mi. cj.u.J
..imihivn.l in Aim stnrn for n num-.
hpi' nf vffnrs an.) is wi'll and favorably!
known in Silverton and vicinity. !
Flovd Carlson was in Portland again
tUis wr(fk Uyinf, t0 gct a j0b with Un-
cle Sr1!1i but. .so (ar has not been suc-
e?ssfui, . ,,
nous Wash
ials Skin ;
, r. D. I)., the jreatert of skin remedies will
temovo those skin aulictions that h.ivo made
ynur life a burden, That intolerable itching.
Ijiirning and diKcorafort will disnppear under
the mafrlc of this remedy. It has cured many
cues pronounced Incurable and will reacb
your case. We guarantc the tint battle to
bring you relief.
J. C. rEERY, Druggist '
Stalking moose is the keenest ofl
sport and demands much skill and!
caution. Moose, as, a rule, feed
"down wind" and,' with their eyesd
protecting them irom the front andj
their wonderful sense of smell and
hearing from the rear, stalking must'
be done "up wind." Getting youa
moose by "calling",)' s possible durW
ing the early days m' the season.
New Brunswick guides and camps
are unexcelled and are prepared to
accommodate women who are often
members of hunting parties. In the
care of a guide like six-foot Harry.
Allen, a hunter man or woman lr
assured of royal sport, good care and
an all-around fine time. - 4
jiy This! A3 Dandruff Disap
pears Acd Hair Stops
Coming Out,
Surelv trv a " Danderine Hair
l Cleanse" if you wish to immediately
double the beauty of vuur hair. Just
I moisten a cloth with Danderine and
Idraw it "carefully through your hair,
taking one small strand ' at a time;
! this will cleanse th9 hair of dust, dirt
or an' excessive oil in a few minutes
ou will be amazed, lournair win oe
tlutry and aounciant ana pos-
.sess an incomparaole sottness, lustre
land luxuriance.
I BesiUes beautifying tlie hair, one
' i- .T-ij: j:
jj. appiicatiun oi jauuermu uissuivtrs rv
jjj'cry particle of dandruff; invigorates
the scalp, stoTOing itching and tailing
Danderine is to the hair what fresh
jj, I showers of rain and sunshine are to
jj; ' vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
jj, I invigorates and strengthens them. Its
.j, exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro-g
ducing properties cause the hair to
grow long, strong and beautiful.
Yon can surely have pretty, soft,
I lustrous hair, and lets of it, if you will
j Cleveland Preps: "It will require
inieeas. uoi worus, io cmniuic
tiat gprjufiny wants a just peace. And
, HohejizoUems are on the
throne W(J knw bcyond doubt that
,t,rmaliy wwvlJ make peaeo 0iy for
tin)p prei)ar0 for another war'
Kansas City Star: "it is still true
that the only language she (Germany)
understands is the language of force.
Lpt Fd,,l , tQ t)i0 jatest notB and
comraai,(i0r to it Mb beaten enemy: '
ul-!COmlitiona! irarrenilft.')"
let his terms Be tnoso ot tno victorious
San Francisco Call: "The symptoms
are promising. But is kaiserism dead
or is it playing 'possum?"
San' Fmucisco Daily Mail: "Ger
many wants peace without correcting
one "of the evils .that plunged tho civil-zed
world into war. On to Berlin-! "
Philadelphia, Oct.. 22. "Peace is
brought no nearer by th latest German
appeal to President Wilson," the Ev
ening Publii! Ledger editorially com
mented totlay. .
Winnipeg tree Press: "Discussion
of war and of peaca terms with the
German government as now constitut
ed is worse than futile; it is danger
ous and subversive of the allied mo
rale." ' ' ' " t
Detroit Times. "ThAo is still some
thing missing from tho message. Thats
contrition and complete submission."
Detroit. News: "The German note
admits that heretofore their people
havo had no voico in declaring war or
peace. That's one argumeut JIrv Wil
son won."
8t. Louis Times: "Regardless of
what interpretation any purist may put
on the language of the German uotc,
the fact is that the. German govern
ment has mode an unconditional sur
render to President- Wilson. "
St. Louis Star: "There will be lit
tle patience with such a reply. The
American people are in tins war iur a
specific, thing and are not in a mood
to debate it with an undefeated and
! unrepentant German government."
j De Moines Capital: "Germany' re
ply is absurd and should receive no at
tention at the hands of tho president.
In four years America has not gained
a single point oy discussion with tho
kaiser. Nothing short of unconditional
surrender is our plea."
Dcs Moinos Tribune: "The German
response is . too much hedged about by
:ouditional pluaaes.' Gormany must
Mine to the allied powers with what
imimnts to surrender."
Minneapolis Daily News: "Germanys
latest answer is a mushy mass ef quibbling-
equivocating and cireumloeuting
It i8 full of trick'mess and loopholes
md is wholly devoid of any flnvor of
iircrity." -
(Seattle- Star: "President Wilsoi can
If you combined the curative proper-
lies of every known "readv-raade,r couKh
remedy, you probably could riot get as
much real curative power s there is in
this simpfe thome-made cough syrup,
which i easily prepared in a few mm-
Get) from any druggist 2 ounces of
Pinex, pour it into a pint bottle and
fill the bottle with syrup, using either
plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified
molasses, honey, or corn syrup, as
desired. The result is a full pint of
really better cough syrup than you
could buy ready-made for three times
the money. Xustes pleasant and never
This Pinex end Syrup preparation gets
right at the cause of a cough and jtivs
almost immediate relief. It loosens the
phlegm, stops the nasty throat tickle
and heals the sore, irritated'membranes
to gently and easily that it is really
A dav s use will nsnallv owreomB th
a Try Making Your Own R
g . Cough Remedy g
In Ton ran nn about t$, an j hare Qi
JJ a better remedy than tha ready- fu
p made kind. Kaalljr done. In
ordinary cough and for bronchitis, he city. A few of these recover quickly
croup, whooping courh and bronchial and new ones are reported. Dr. O. B.
asthma, there is nothing better. . Miles, city health officer, said .here
Pinex is a most valuable concentrated , - L
compound of genuine Norway pine ex- T . , t, , ' . i . .
tract, and has been used for generations Secretary of War Baker, who has just
to break tip severe coughs. i returned from France, subscribed 1 10,-
To avoid disappointment, ask your 000 to the fourth Liberty loan Satar-
aruRjrist for ,,2VJ ounces of Pinex" with day.
iViiS d''.t-dd0n!'t rPnyh;? According to Chief of Staff March,
else. Ouaranteed to give absolute satis- .'. . , ..? . 1
'action or money promptly refunded. Germans in four days this week re-
n - Pinex Co, Ft, Wayne, lad. Unqtushed 800 squar9 miles -of territory.
V j-v "a ?:'""y r
Genuine Gas Coke Is the Idea. Fuel for Heating
your home these brisk Pall -Days. For a quick, '
hot fire it is unequaled. ; You need simply shake
the fire a little, open the drafts, throw on a few ' -'
shovels of Coke and in ten minutes you have a
glowing bed of coals. - -
Gas Company Coke Is the
Cheapest of Fuels
Price $7.50 per Ton
You can save fully 15 per- cent of your heating
bill with Genuine Gas Coke. It is cheaper than
coal, is all carbon no slate or slack gives more
heat burns down to a fine white ash.
Phone 85
First Dose of 'Tape's Cold
Compound" ; Relieves All
Grippe Misery.
Don't stay stuf fed-up!
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose
of "Papa's Cold Compound" taken
every two hours until three doses are
taken will end grippe misery and Weak
up a severe cold either in the head,
chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens eloggetl-up nostrils
and air passages; stops nasty discharge ing Corps men pursuing Jeehnieal sub
or nose running; relieves sick headache ! jects-. Men who have at least one year
dullness, feverishness, sore throat,
sneezing, soreness and st'tfneas.
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents at drug stores. It acts
without assistance, tastes nice, and
causes no inconvenience. Don't accept
a substitute.
now teat the good faith cf the 'new'
German government. Germany can have
an armistice on Marshal Foch's terms"
Tacoma Times: "The message is in
teresting as a study in ' crooked lan
guage, crooked thinking, crooked am
bitions and crooked motives.
"But it is not a peaco note."
Ore, on .Daily Journal (Portland):
"How can an up 'to date democracy
i3sue out of Berlin overnight with such
smooth running gears? There has been
no revolution, no abdication, no elec
tion. Was this new form of governmerV
by decreo If so. who decreed it? Can-
no.t tho same authority abolish it?"
Jew York evening newspapers com
mented as follows on the German
The Sun: ''The allies cannot make
peace with an unconvinced and unre
pentant Germany, a ttcrmany thrilled
with a great self pity and a gnawing
hunger for resurgence into hegemony
of the world.'' ,
ine .Post: ''As to tho general effect
of tho German note, it will surely ba
taken as proving that Germany is ex
tremely, even desperately anxious fl
peaco. She would like to mako an offer
surrender, but does not know how.
iter official approaches are awkward
to a degree." -.
.JV.0,;'J: "lt ou-t do'- Um
,alk of half surrender is going to save
Germany from the full meaning and
consequences of the victorious sweep of
allied and American urmieg toward the
Tho Mail, i" To the latest falsehoods,
evasions and diplomatic subterfuges at
tempted by Germany, the American peo
pio can have bua one rejoinder. That
rejoinder is 'you must surrender un
conditionally.' "
No Change In Local
Influenza Situation
There is nothing now in the influ
enza situation in Salem." For several
thor has bee about 75 cases in
237 N. Liberty St.
was no virulent cases and the situation,
Woodhrn -Caucus Names
Complete City Ticket
Vo idbiirn, t n., Oct. 22. A caucus
In hi Lr to I'loniiiiato a city ti ; bat
naiiied the folio irg: Mayor, J. .!. ."all;
councilmen,.' Alfred : K. Limp, V,. 0.
King, Ed Tyler, and J. R. Laudon; ro
eorder, G. H. Beebo and treasurer, Edi.h
Dr.' Carl G. Dqney, president of Wil
lametto University, has received advice
from the' War Department rolative to
the assignment of Student Army Train-
of technical study are directed to con-
tiiui0 in this line until further directed.
The courses referred to in tho bulletin
;are engineering, medicine, mining, den
tistry, veterinary medicine and phar
macy. A number of Willamotto men
pursuing prc-medical and enginooring
courses will be affected by this order.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Oc.-. 21.-I.ester M. Boylan, of Ore
gon City, who died yesterday in Waldo
hospital, was the second victim of pneu
miia complicating Spanish influenza.
His father and mo jier, Mr. and Mrs. D.
L. Boylan, and his wife,' wero present at
the time of his death. They left for
Oregon City wi.,h tho body at noon.
Freeport, 111., Oct. 21. Private
Chester Godskesen, Portland, Ore., was
injured internally and G. B. Smith,
Perry, Iowa, was cut about .!he head
and face, when a Chicago - Great West
ern train on which they were pas
sengers waswrocked near here early
today. ' - ' .
Brew it yourself at home ' ..
Probably the best . remedy, you can
take for-clogged up bowels and slug
gish liver is one hat costs very little
and accomplishes much. .
- For many years Dr. Carter's K. and
B. Tea has been used by tens of thou
sands to keep the bowels regular and
the whoc system in fine condition.
Why not get a small package of this
gentle, yet sure acting bowel regula
tor and system tonic, and brew a cup
ful for yourself every night for a week
or two?
You'll surely be gratefully surprised
at the benefit you get and will praise
Dr. Carter's K. and B. Tea to your
friends. It's fine for the little folks
and they like it. All druggists lell it
The Journal Job Department
will print yon anything in the
stationery line do it right and
save, you real money.
ma i'iemmmviw