Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1918, Image 4

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    -J- aJUmrn
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Editorial Page of The Capital Journal
Iditor ui PttUUtet
. -October 22, 1918
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
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D. Ward. New York, Tribune Butldtog.
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The Oregon Voter says in discussing the writing in
on the ballot of the name of a successor to Justice Moore
. for the supreme bench, that both Judge Coke and Justice
Olson are such splendid candidates that a vote for either
will be all right. It says, though, that: "Should a third
candidacy loom up in threatening proportions, as is pos
sible when the names of candidates must be written in on
the ballet (there being no printed nominations for this
vacancy), The Voter will next week make a definite recom
mendation as between the two named above." This is
real kind of The Voter, for under the contingencies named
by it the Oregon citizen would be unable to vote at all in
telligently without this assistance. This shows one reason
perhaps, of The Voter's admiration for Governor Withy
comjbe. It is the fellow feeling, the mutual understanding
of the weaknesses of the average Oregonian. The Voter
would tell the citizen how to vote and the governor would
have the offices of the state consolidated, and "the offi
cers made appointive by him so as to take from the peo-
rta o voennnaiViilifv fVlAV arc: nnt nualified to bear." This
was real thoughtful in the governor and who is there will
deny that the Oregon Voter is doing a kindly act by decid
ing for the citizen just how he should vote in selecting a
supreme judge 7 borne really suspicious ioiks migm see m
The Voter's statement a suggestion to the candidates
named, that between now and next week is a splendid
time to "consult" the editor of The Voter. In this con
nection it is pointed out that at the last primaries The
Voter warned republicans to vote for Cusick instead of
Ryan for state treasurer, in order to defeat Hoff. ' Later,
it frankly admitted it had made a mistake in so doing and
that it should have recommended the backing of Ryan. It
apologized for its' mistake, and the consequent defeat of
Ryan, modestly1 assuming that its recommendation had
been' the cause therefore; This however does not prevent
its present offer of advice on a like occasion.
Retail dealers' prices of food reported to the United
States bureau of labor statistics, as of September 15, show
' an increase of 4 per cent over the report of August 15.
Of the 28 articles for which prices were reported but two
showed m increase of less than 56 per cent while six more
nine per cent. The increase for the year period was only
14 per cent, but the increase for the five .year period from
September 15, 1913, to this year, showed an increase of
72 per cent for all foods combined. None of the articles
showed a nincrease of less than 56 per cent while six more
than doubled in price. The increase for the six was for
bacon 100 per cent; pork chops 10;i; potatoes 105; flour,
106; lard, 109 and cornmeal, 123. Even though the war
should end soon, it is likely prices will go still higher be-
fore they get on the toboggan and start for the old time
normal conditions and prices.
' Old Henry Albers, of the Portland milling concern,
who has made millions selling patented brands of flour
to Americans, is under-arrest as a pro-German, traitor
with pretty straight evidence of his guilt. This fact may
be a good advertisement for Albert Bros, products, but
we should think Americans would quit buying the stuff
and patriotic dealers refuse to handle it. Men who come
to this country to get rich and continue to regard the
kaiser-as their ruler will get less than is coming to them,
no matter how severe their punishment.
v The last German note concerning peace, and replying
to President Wilson says, "It will take several months to
withdraw from Belgium." If the present plan of remov
ing all property belonging to the Belgians is followed this
might be true, but if the robbers will drop their plunder,
along with assistance being given them by the allies the
withdrawal may be cut much under that time. At any
rate there will be no let up in the assistance being given
them by the allies.
If you vote "no" on all the initiated measures on the
ballot next Tuesday, you will not go far wrong.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
arc receiving subscriptions now
for the
8ec. nd Trww.
If the carrier baa ailaaed you.
Germany's latest note was so fully discounted by ad
vance reports and discussion that its receipt has created
little interest.
It was what was to be expected from the militarists
who have not yet lost control of the empire and still think
that diplomacy may in a measure solve their problems. It
will no doubt receive a reply from the president, who will
not accept the assurances given by the . kaiser's party.
Other, notes may follow, but in the meantime the allies
will continue to hammer the weakening German line in
France and Belgium. Every day its defenders are fewer
and they are becoming more worn aril weary of continual
fighting. ': - : . . ' .. . :
Soon the inevitable must come, because the German
people are demanding to be heard. They want peace and
are not going to be denied indefinitely. - The end a not
far distant and it will be the only end for the Prussian
regimeunconditional surrender. .
Attorney General Brown is pushing the investigation
of the prison scandal over the securing of paroles through
improper influences, but it is not probable the result will
be known until after the election. Apparently he is going
into the matter with the intention of going clear to the
bottom of it, and when his report is made public it will
be demonstrated whether the governor's boon companion
and friend," Joe Keller, is a parole, or a pay roll officer. '
When Sweden learned
ceive a peace on her own easy
man mark dropped 15 per cent in Stockholm. Sympathy
is a Jong trait with Sweden so long as it pays, but, when
it comes to cash transactions the thrifty Swede wants
all there is in the deal. ; -
The kaiser is said to have abdicated, but was finally
induced by the junkers to stand pat for militarism to the
end. Well if he holds on long enough the Yanks will at
tend to the abdication ceremonies without interference
from the junkers when they get to Berlin,
And with all the other demands upon us Kerr of the
O. A. C. comes around with his ingratiating smile and
asks for more money. Death, taxes, and the Kerr request
for an appropriation are the surest things on earth.
ii The governor's state military police force is becom
ing almost as bad a plague as the Spanish influenza. That
Medford bootlegging incident shows what the people are
being taxed to pay for. - ,-.. ,
Apparently there is at least one detail of Germany's
proposed peace conference, if accepted by the allies, that
General Foch could be entrusted to look after. We re
fer to the occupied portions of France and Belgium,
ii Rippling
by Walt
r - M - f
The war was old and dreary, t ceased to make a hit;
the struggling hosts were weary of blood and mud and
grit; then came the Yankee fighters (laughed at by Ger
man writers as brash and untrained blighters) to speed
things up a bit. The kaiser would not credit the tale that
Yanks could scrap;. he cooked up bunk and fed it to every
German chap; because we were not willing to spend our
lifetime drilling, we'd be no good at killing, or tearing up
the map. The war was stale and dragging, the armies
badly mired; the generals were sagging, the soldiers sick
and tired; then came the Yankees trooping, a-whistling
and kerwhooping, to spur the
au-iireq. And now, behold the wonder; the tired out allies
rose, and like a streak of thunder went zipping through
the foes; they sent the Bulgar chasing, the Turk they gave
a lacing, and started Fritzie racing until he tore his
clothes. The Yanks are blithe and skittish, in camp or in
the trench; "They're wonders," say the British; "They're
heroes," say the French; the allies all are laying the roses
where they're straying; but what the kaiser's saying pos
sesses sulphur's stench.
To Ruth, having Rachel with her
would have been unalloyed joy had
t not been for the fact that her aunt
had not yet forgiven her for disgrao
ing the family name by going to work
"She sholy was mad wid y when
she got dat letter, missy Ruth. 8he
a 'most npsot the hul house, site did."
"But Rachel, what deference does
it make whether I wash dishes and
sernb, here at tome, or earn the money
somewhere else to pay you to do itf"
'It don' make no difference to Ra
chel, honey." She was proud that Ruth
eould work in th shop. Ruth Baa taken
her down with ber, one morning just
that Germany was not to re
terms, the price of the Ger
Mason i
- M - M H HH4-
spirits drooping, with energy
to. let her see what a nice place it was.
"But yo' aunt am a mos partikler wo
man. They ain 't none of her folks ever
Kuth -had written several letters to
her aunt At first she tried to make
her understand how she 'felt about
things; that she hated housework and
was happy in the decorating. But Mrs.
Clayborne had remained obdurate, she
bad so insistently declared Ruth was
disgracing her, th&t now she scarcely
mentioned her work at all. Just wrote
brixht, breeay letters telling of her
new friendsi the Roberta of where
she went, and was reading, etc.
"I just long to tell her afl about nty
work," Ruth said to Clara Robert's one
it only makes her ngrr go I Keep
"I can't understand it," Clara bad
sympathetically replied. The idea of
thinking it was lowering to take a po
sition outside the home was to her real
ly funny.
"Aunt is so very aristocratic."
"Ves, but scrubbing and washing
dishes are not. I know, don't I do
both." ' "
;"But unless yon told it, no one would
know. I really believe aunt would lock
the door and work nights rather than
let anyone know she did anything. Yet
she is so sensible in every other way.
It' s the way a - good many southern
people 'feel. "They 've always had so
many niggers to wait on them, they
have some reason for feeling as they
do, I guess." . - -' - ' .
"If she could see the lovely place
you work. I think she would be more
reoonailed." - . -.
"I've ihought that too. It 'a one let
son I have urged her so bard to come
and visit me. And Mr. Mandel is so
nice to (lie. He has raised mo twice
since J have been with him without
niv asking for it. either." ,
"You are a wonder! I tell Kcnyon
that I'd give everything f 1 were on
ly half as clever. 1 am good for noth
ing but just a housekoeper. "
"But yon like it, and X loathe do
ing it. That's the difference. If I had
cared for housekeeping I probably nev
er should have looked for a position
Yet in many ways we are better off
because I did. Then too, I can have
Rachel because of it."
-"She's a dear!" '
"Isn't shel l love her dearly, and
hope now to keep her always."
Ruth meant it. Now that she had
Rachel with her, it seemed like a bit
of her old plantation life come to er.
Now she was eagerly welcomed when
she arrived home, was petted and made
much of. '
"Is yo tired," honey f"' would be Ra
chel's greeting, then she would unfast
en Ruth's shoes, and draw her bath
just as she used to do in the time
which had seemed so long ago, but
which now Ruth declared had not been
any tinte at all.
"I just shut my eyes, Mammy, and
it seems that I never have been away
from you. Sometimes I think I am a
little girl again, and you are taking
care of me just as you used to."
('Yo ain't noth'in but a chile, yo
ain't, ef yo is iuar'd.V
"Oh, yes, I am! but I like to be a
baby to you, Rachel.' -
Often after some .such conversation
Rachel would grumbilo to iierself :
" 'Tain't no use talkin' Master Brian
don mak 'nough of ber, he don. I ha
to mak up to hor, I does."
Ruth had told Brian that she was to
receive ten dollars a' week more. That
Mr. Mandol had said she earned
"1 do, too,'! .she had added.
"I' suppose you think you aro' work
ed to death," tie had said, scowling:
"In my work it is the knowing what
must be done that they pay people for
Brian.. After I or someone else have
figured out just what a house or a
room- needs, almost anyone can carry
out our orders.""
"He'll be making you one of the
firm, next," He was beginning to sulk
and to show his jealousy. -. . '
. "I hope so!" Ruth laughed. , Then
she added, "Come on, let's got dress
ed and go somewhere. We'll just use
the first ten having a good, time to
gether. Perhaps it will bring us luck
if we do."'
"Us! I can't see but you are lucky
enough. That isin all but tho man you
"That, was the very luckiest tiling
I ever did," she replied, then hurried
him off to dross.' Yet, in Sjiite of her
gay manner, she felt depressed, by his
reception of her news.
(Tomorrow Brian takes Molile to
tho matinee. Ruth is there ftlso.)
Hare is One Treatment That All Suf
ferers Can Rdy TJtion
If you want to drive catarrh and all
t ilUirimtinu svmntoma from your
system in the shortest possible time,
go to your druggist and ask for a Hy
omei outfit today.
Breathe Hyomei and it wiu nu you
of catarrh; it gives such, quick relief
that all who uso it for the first time
are astonished. '
Hyomei is a pure pleasant antiseptic
which is breathed into the lungs over
tlx. inflnmerl membrane: it kills the
catarrh germs, soothes the sore spots,
and heals all intiammaunn.
Von'n suiter anotner aay wica c
Hivnm in dangerous and
often' ends in consumption. Start the
Hvomei treatment touay. io sioumcu
dosing, no sprays or douches; just
hrcathe it that 's all. ask wan i
Shaw Parent-Teackrs'
Association Meets
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Shaw, Ore., Oct. SO. The Parent-Tea-chers
association of thig placo hold their
first meeting for this school year on
Friday evening, Oc.lober 18th. Tj meet
ing wa9 called to order by the president
and a short talk given by a. A. Blevms
on our duty to our children and reasons
why we should give this our closest at
tention. The election bf officers for IJio com
ing year was then in order with the
following result: President, R. A. Blev-
ius; vice. president, Miss rear! Dyer;
secretary, Robert Claxton; treasurer,
Mrs. Ida M. Claxton. Committees for
the 5car were as follows: Programme
Mrs. Addie Lewis, Mrs. Ba Jinor, Miss
Pearl tyer, Mrs. Ruckle and Miss Miz
Committee on entertainment were: Hen
ry Keene, O. A. Lewis aud Mrs. Edd
Amort. Committee on membership:
Robert Claxton, Mrg. L. M. Bleviaa.
Hhaw has a wide awake association
and great in.f rest is shown in the work
by all patrons of the school. .
Willamette Valley News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Stayton, Oct. 22. Attorney Y. A.
Geode and wife are home from Port
land, where Mr. Goode spent several
days on business.
i)r. C. H. Brewer is home from Hele
na, Mont., where he was called by the
government. Dr. Beauchamp i8 still in
Helena. Dr. Brewer is at present con
fined to his home suffering from what
is considered influenza.
Sunday, the 13th, was a big day at
Sublimity, when the people of that
place dedicated a service flag." Promi
nent speakers were present. There are
forty ono young men and one young
woman represented on the flag.
At the city olection neid iriday the
following were elected: Mayor, Grant
Murphy; councilmen,- J. P. Wilbur, J.
R. Gardner,, John Tfooma and C. D.
Stayton; recorder, J. B. Grier. The last
named, the present recorder, is acting
mayor during the absence of Mayor
Mrs. A. V. Shelley and daughter, Mrs
Bradsliaw, are homo from Portland,
where they have been for some time.
Mr. Shelley is in a very poor state of
Mrs. Audrey Hobson of Portland, vis
ited at W. H. Hobson ' Sunday.
J. W. Bailey of Montague, Cal., vis
ited his sister, Mrs. Adam Shepherd,
and other friends here last week.
Leo J. Rock and wife have moved in
tb. the Murphy house in the west part
of town.- .
Saturday night the Kitchen house,
occupied by Mrs. . Creech, caught fire
under the fire place, which is a poorly
constructed affair, being constructed
of bricks laid on wood. The bricks in
the bottom becoming loose, fire caught
in the boards underneath and required
considerable work on the part of neigh
bors to put it out.
Miss Hughretta McCrow of Golden
dalo. Wash., is visiting at the home of
her aunt, .Mrs. Jos. Fisher.
Mrs. A.. S. Pancoast, whlrwas re
cently operated on in a Salem hospital
for gall stones, is reported recovering
W. F, Goodman, formerly a resident
here, is recovering from an attack of
typhoid fever in a Pendleton hospital,
at which town they have, been resid
ing for some time. . . . ..
Word 'has been received here of the
death of the youngest child of Ray
Blakely, formerly of 4 Stayton; at the.,
family Home in JSugenc,
Mrs. G. L, Brown, is in Eugene, call
ed by tho illnoss of her daughter,
Wanda, who is attending U. of O. -Miss
Brown is reported as better.
There are only a few cases. of (Span
ish influonza so far reported in Stay
ton, and these are in mild form. While
all public gatherings have been pro
hibited the schools continue to run.
. LeRoy Steward was home last week
from Camp Lewis visiting his parents,
C. W. Steward and wife, east of town.
Judge Bushey was in Stayton from
the county seat Saturday, looking after
some bridge work. He wa accompan
ied by Commissioner Hunt.
Capt. L. S. Lambrt of Separate Co.
A of Stayton, has received tho appoint
ment of major in the Oregon guard,
and it is currently reported that ho
will be soon inducted into regular ser
vice. Mrs. Bd Young and daughters of Sa
lem, were in Stayton Saturday.
Ted Gehlen, who has been stopping
in Portland for some time, has return
ed to Stayton. . . . .
Job Department
Is Busy all the
. Time.
It goes to prove that our work
. and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.
--- - .1- i i.i i,-- ,r. y-y
fctVAJi Vl)4fc.l4IUlWlWUj
Rally Pay At Qear Lake
f he United - Evangelical Sunday
Sunday school of Clear Lake observed
rally day Sunday, Oct. 20, with a special
program. The Rev. G. LP Lovell of
Snlem delivered an interesting talk' ia
the foreaoon whiih was followed by. a
diunor at ho schuol house served ia oT
toria style.
The church was decorated with au
tumn leaves, flowers, fruits and vege
tables. Among those whose' absence wa
regretted was that of the superinten
dent, Mr. Brow and his family. Mr.
Brown has been confined to his home
for two weeks on account of. illness.
The program for tho afternoon W'Os ai
follows; '
Bong "The Hero of the Cross", by
four girls.
Exercise "Be ready for the day".
by throe girls.
Solo "A Lijtle Lamb", by Joaa
Instrumental solo by Marie Harold.
Recitation "Three Trees", by. Alice
Instrumental duett by Inea Ander
son and Elsie Beekner.
.-Roeitntion "Rallying otir forces",
by Aliee Masscy.
Song by Rov. C. H. Stover of Salem. ,
Ercise "I'll Try", by two Uttle
Address by .the Rev. C. H. Stove
Solo by Miss Shelly.
Address by the Rev. G. E. Eiskia
of Dayton, Ore.
Exercise "Not Very Big", by twt
little girls.
Ralph A, Wlams'
Writes From France
Roy A. Williams, who enlisted last
December in the engineering corps Hal
tho pleasure of being in the big drive
started by tho Americans. He is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Williams ot
796 North 14th stree. '
In telling of his experiences in the
drive, ho writes as follows: "My truck
was standing on the road about a mile
from our front when the big guns let
go all around me. Now I was rather ,
anxious to have jho traffic start moving
about that time as I supposed the Boeb
would be sending, some back to us. Ot
course I did not get started for aeout
an hour and during this imo there was
so much fire and So many explosion!
that I though;) tho Germans were shoot
ing back as well as us shooting them.
"A new hand at tho business usually
thinks all is coming his way. My part-
ncr and I stood and- watched it all
though neither of us being willing to
be the first one to suggest getting under
covor. Wa afterwards found out that
all the noise was from our own guns. I
worked behind tho boys as thoy ad
vanced and saw the fields on which tha
battles were fought. " "
1 saw tho places jus;,, as tha Ger- '
mans left them. They didn't even take
their packs. In some places they left
their meals half oaten on their tabla.
The Germans had the choice position!
and should have made a good stand bo '
they Baid thoy never saw ,such an artil
lery fire as the Americans puJ over.
"I think there is a chance of tliU
war coming to a close most any time
and then I can come and tell you all
about i Don't forget I am alwaya
glad to hear from you."
,M I W WUr --ZrTw!!!
-FntfcH, H fc MM
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