Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1918, Image 1

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(23,000 READERS) daily
Only Circulati-i in SaVm Guar-'
aateed by the Audit Burai f
I IkuiWI 111.,, vil
v in i nM r
Oregon: Tonight snd Wcdnes
day cloudy with rin west por
tion; warmer tonight; moder
ate southerly winds.
M l
P. tori m ti-ri
, , v - - .... wrmmnc
ff Wi if fvWIi If! 11 P 111
yUulililnlO u II W u Lu 11 LLLiLU u yell W vJiUAlLUUlioLj IniJ U - liW u riiU,
4 - ' " 1 r , ... r B B a . M '
Would Erfee America
To Espouse
Escape Just
Hermans Plead For Justice
But Faii To Administer It
; Themselves.
By J. W. I. Mason
(United Press war expert) .
. New York, Oct. 22. (fcraiany it try
ing to use her peace of tensive to en
tice America, into protecting the' Ger
man nation against the righteous' ret
. ribution for. its erimei against humani
ty.'. By seeking to encourage interna
tional sentimentalism among . Ameri
cans, Germany hopes to escape with
wmie of her loot, at the same time di
viding the democratic nations -against
ne another.
- ; While pleading for a peace of jut
vee,tbe German government hat" tak
n nu action agatnat. its- military crim
inals who have tried to conquer the
sworld" b.V "' rape; '"incendiarism, murder
rtd robbery. AH of the old gang re
tain tlreir positions, from Von Hinden
liarg to the lowest, their hands stilt
'dripping with the blood of civiliza
tion.... . , . -
Every noto addressed to President
Wilson1 is- debated by the war chiefs
.before it is dispatchct. Evory possible
. 4tp into which the militarists believe
'.America . might fall, is carefully set
' nd concealed- with cunning words. :
A Germait-clianfcellor wUoplcails for
he salvation of the honcr of the peo-'
Tile and -.at -the game time- denies the
cruelties trf-Germany's ..submarine ,pi
racy, cannot bei trusted. Having out
Assistant Secretary Tells
Many Interesting Facts
Gleaned Abroad.
Washington, ct. 22. American naval
stations, dotting the Frech coast from
Bpain' to the channel have created a
'fifty mile "forbidden zone" for sub
marines around France.
The ('northern bombing squadron"
operating along the Belgian coast con
tributed largely to keeping Ostend and
&ee!rugge U-boat bases bottled up.
These institutions, plus a vast amount
of new naval work, including the
northern mine barrage locking the last
testes of the U-boats, wero pointed out
ly. Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Roosevelt, as samples of- American nav
el achievements abroad.
Roosevelt, who had contracted influ
enza en route on his way from Europe,
was back at 'his desk for the first time
in many weeks. He was very enrhusi
stic over what he had seen. Hig pio
ture of - United States efforts on sea
and along the shores from Scotland to
tap Adriatic formed a hitherto unre
pealed account of what has been un
dertaken abroad.
Roosevelt taid that everywhere he
vent there was praise for the United
States naval forces. Admiral Beatty
(told him that the American grand fleet
assigned to one of the important posi
. tions, is one of the most efficient sec
tions of That ''magnificent organiza
tion." He emphasized that United State
forces are not confined merely to con
voying across the ocean and in the for--,
tgn danger zone, nor is it confined to
chaser end destroyer patrol and battle
eaip guard duty. Instead, it has amount
d to th creating of numerous stations
- and building of many new units, in
cluding a big oil pipe' line across Seot-
land., ; . , ...
The northern mine barrage was par-
tieularlv: pointed out. It is known the
idea originated with Koosevelt more
than a year a?.
Many factories in is country, Ho
mid, worked practically all winter on
materials for this barrage.
Bluejackets built most of tha. ta
tions. They built houses from airplane
packing boxes. From 200 to 300 men
re in each of the station whiea are
licated often on uninhabited islanda or
in obscure fishing villages. A bomb
practice scfocoi has been established
ii.-d ther? is a big assembly and repair.
ll'onlinued on page two)
Cause and
raged Belgium, defiled France, bombed
the open towns of Great Britain and
murdered American women and chil
dren on the high seas, the Germans
will henceforth lie to the uttermost, be
lieving false promises may save them.
Now that their bloody crimes have
failed, they cringo before the least
harmed of their marked victims and
plead that their interests bo safeguard
ed. . .......
They cannot speak honest words,
having but a single meaning. Their ac
ceptance of conditions for an armistice
it so phrased as to mean' anything or
nothing. Their promises of constitution
al reforms have no present value.
Prince Maximilian has not Bounded the
reichstag and secured a vote of confi
dence. since he became chancellor charg
cd by the kaiser to initiate a peace
Maximilian is as much an absolutist
in hig power as were any 'of his prede
cessors. Yet he declare no German gov
ernment can take-office ' without the
Support of a majority of the, reichstag.
Nci peace announcement from Germany
is worth anything unless it is guaran
teed by, the military might of Ameri
ca and the allies. No armistice can safe
guard the interest of, democracy that
isn't dictated by. Marshal. Poch, Gen
eral Perching and the allied command
ers. - , V ' ,
Germany has forfeited the, world's
trust. The- penalty for that is uncondi
tional .surrender... Otherwise democracy
will be betrayed 'at "the hour of its tri
umph. 1 o ..;-' . . .. ,f
Two Lieutenants And Ninety
Nine Privates Were Lost
With Steamship.-
Washington, Oct. 22. The war
partment Joday made public the names
of two lieutenants and ninety-nine
. . , . . .. T, c ,, . 1. , :1
privates lost when the U. S. S. Ticoit-1
deroga was submarined September 30. '
Fourteen privates are listed as hav: j
inn bpen saved
" ,' . . . . ,
iUB ut-puiuuBuv
announced a list of eleven officers and
102 enlisted men of the navy who were I French and Americans have broken
lost at the same time, three officersUp repeated enemy counter attacks in
aJ five enlisted men who wore sivnd
and five enlisted men who wore saved
and two officers' who were taken pris
oner. Following" arc the officers, and en
listed men of the army who lost their
lives in the sinking of the Ticonderoga:
Lieutenant Joseph W. Forman, , We-
taumpka, Ala.
Cleveland CV Frost, Bcrea. Ky.
Privates J. D. Alexander, Batesburg
Max Autrey, Houston, Texas.
Joseph F. Bancroft, East Liverpool,
Ohio. . ' ' "
Joseph Banker, Blading, Ohio. '
John 8. Beisel, Grums. Pa. .
Fred Bensinger. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Melvin O. Bodkins, Lake, Ohio.
George W. Booth, Chester, Pa.
Kalph L. Boyd, New Brooklyn, S. C .
Joseph A. Burley. Irbana, Ohio.
Louis H. Campbell, Belton, S. C
Wilfred A. Cobb, Oberlin, Ohio.-
John M. Dcvereaux, Columbia, 8. C.
Ross V. Douglas, Erie, Pn.
Patrick F. Dugan, Long Island Citv.
N. Y. . ..-,'
Dean Duncan, Cleveland, Ohio. -:
Frank L Dnnwoody, Toledo, Ohio.
Homer A. Pate,, Auburn, Ohio.
Melvin C. Eamcs, Chegrin Falls, O
Harry A. Ellis, .Crystal Springs, Miss.
Clyde F. Galogaly, -Cleveland, Ohio.
G. E. Gardner, Bockhill, S. C.
LoRoy E. Gardner, Milton, Pa.
Willis J. Geise, Lima, Ohio.
Charles E. Glazebrock, Everett. Mas.
Bay a Hallock, Sidney, N. Y,
Clyde Harter, Pandoro, Ohio
Rollin E. Hinkson, Elyria, Ohio.
- Nicholas Iacano, Providence, R. I.
James Jennings. Bichfield, Ohio.
John P. Keith, Greenville, Pa.
G. C. Kirbv. Whitestonc, 8. C.
Otto Koch," Toledo, Ohio.
Clarence A. Lewis, Columbia, 8. P.
ITfrhert IT. I.irtninsntt. Akrnn. Ohin.
Andrew Lombardo. Italy-
H Lone, Bloomdale, Ohio.
William Losee, Cleveland, Ohio.
Lloyd Lowwaster, Upper Stfndusky,
Germans Pushed Away From
Djitch Frostier On West
ern Front.
Antwerp May. Be Abandoned
" And kst Stand Mads On
Line Through liege
- London,. Oct. 2-While the allies
continue to. drive the Germans back
oh the west front from the Dutch fron
tier to the Verdun ' ridge, - French
troops hve reached the Rumanian bol
der, -v. .. .,'"'.
t The French war office announces
that just thirty four days after the
Balkan offensive was launched French
detachments arrived Sunday at the
Danube near Vidin, in . Bulgaria 95
miles north of Sofia and only 45 milts
from Hungarian soil. This represents
an a,ctvaneo of about 200" ' mile ''north"
ward from the Lake Doiran tegion. "
"Further progress all along the Bal
kan front was reported in official state
ruents. Serbian troops are in contact
with the Germans, who are strongiy en
trenched north of Afeksiuatz and Kru
shevatz, north of 'Nish. . ' :
British troops, driving ahead in the
Valenciennes region, have approached
to within two miles of that important,
city and have "rendered uselcss'the Va-lencicnues-Hirson
railway, a vital en
emy supply line. .
Tournai has been flanked from the
north and south, the British reaching
the Scneldt rivt on a five mile front
north of that city..
The Belgians have crossed the Ship
donck canal on a front of nearly fif
teen miles," from the Dutch frontier
j southward of Mcerende, only five miles
west of Ghent. Between Ghent and
Tournai the allies are approaching Au-
dimardo. . ,
British and Americans are across tho
Bumhe and oisc canal in foree ,,
aro reported to be pushing eastward.
"Between' the Oise and tho Serre the
U'rencn nave maae runner progress
made further
1 capturing Mesbrecourt and Kichecourt
and reaching the outskirts of Villeis-
ne Vouz.'..r "hero fierce tig.if
ing is still under way. , .
In the Argonne region the Auiori-.
cans have captured Eappes wood aud
hill 299.
By William Philip Simms
(United Press staff correspondent)
Paris, Oct. 22. The news cf th; last
48 hours i corroborative ot ucrmany
intention to fall back on the . short
yf, from Holland, through Liege,' Metz
and StrassSurg to Switzerland. , - !
The eleventh hour armistice manciv
ver having failed to save them from
disaster, Von Hindenburg and Ludcn
dorff are working Tiaud in glovs with
Berlin, playing for time.
Meanwhi'le ithey are prayin? to every
variety of boche billikin that some
thing will happen to prevent a debacle,
Apparently the rainy season has
commenced, holding out the hope that
General Winter will grant the truce
which the allies refused. However, the
' battle is rattling on. ;
Ludendorff s general plan : seems
clear, i It consists of refusing battle on
the - northern flank while stubbornly
holding on to the positions in the cen
ter. '
Reports have reached Paris that the
Huns do not intend to defend Ant
werp. Masses of bodies are ' pouring
past Antwerp toward Liege, likewise
much material. " (
Military critics do not believe the
Germans would have quit the Belgian
eoast unless they realized the necessi
ty of giving up practically all of Bel
gium. Things a also livening up on the
Alsace-Lorraine front, where the Ger
man are verv uneasy. Developments
arc expected there, especially by thej
Ipnmiv. J
I Thus, while the precise goal of Lu
Idendorff's maneuvers can still only
be surmised, he scheme of accomplish-
. i in
(Continued on page three) ;..
If Germany Y Latest Peace
Note h Accepted, Foci.;
Will Naag Con&Ions : :.
Maiority Of Senators Heed
DsdLt Good Fia Of
' ft ':'-;
By Bobert 3. Bender,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington,- Oct. S2. Germany mus;
eonij. to military torms with Marshall
Foch. 'u-'' '''.'. ' .,
This was. tho outstanding feature of
developments hero-up to . noon today,
following tho receipt of the latest reply
to 1'rosident Wilson. ' f , : - -:
' The next logical step, appeared to be,
an : announcement from Foch of the
ternig on which he: would consider an
armUtico possible.- Whether the pre.
sideni- will request -Fjeh M make tail
statement at this -time -St ,p"ely prob
lematical. - --(.:
. It is believe iff military circlet that
Foch'g minimum.' terms will include al-;
lied occupation of Metz, S (rassgurg and
Meantime; public pressure from, the ,
ontire nation, in the form of telegramt cotdinj? to battle front dispatches re
and editorial opinion, . wag combined ceiVed here this afternoon,
with the strongest demands from con-. French and American recOnnoitering
gross, expressed by members individu- nartie on. this front have penetrated
ally,; that nneondiionai' turrender be
madc tho only basis for f urthor negoti
The official -ter of thE German note
has been received by the Swiss legation
and is no being decoded. It will be'gion south of Metz, embracing the front
delivered to Secretary Lansing shorJy. established by the Americans aftor
WU1 Pass Up' To Foch. ) they wiped out the St. Mibicl salient-
.If the reply stand,,-the test, peace Activity on this front has been.in
maHeuvres will pass from diplomatic 'creasing to a marked extent during tho
to military control and Marshal ioch
will take the wheel from tho prcsiden.'
President Wilson's task is to deter
mine definitely Germany's acceptanco
of the American terms laid down in his
several speeches, and then turn the
whole job over io Foch to conclude.
A pause in the next step is .ncccssi -
tated by the need for th0 carefully,10"11.'''
checking up on the German declaration!
Also exchanges of opinion, already un-
r way, must ?,ed on between
i " .; ".'"lT.., ""'I
iimnur, mo n-tu ol in. '"'!,, artillery activity .during tho
people, the laet German note ml,st nigi,t'' the communique said. "On the
i,be taken into account. - 'Serre front we recommenced our pro-
It is deemed likely, however, that af-
tcr the president has an opportunity to wcat of Assis-Sur-Serre, also tho. St.
s.udy the official text of the German jaCque farm north of Chalandruy (a
note, some indication-will to given out ,nilo nth of Crccy-Sur-8crro.)
to bis attitude. Meantime, many in j ycgt of Chatcau-Porcien both ar
congress and the press of this and artilleries are active.
i;ea nations, demand an end to ,he par-
When an ole seont does drop back in
hia class he certainly looks ole.' Anther
'igwd thing about tu war it g revivea
i.ii' fine ole art o' letter wntia .
1 1 11 1 1 i
' (Continued on pafo Ure& I
; m marun . ;!
. ; ' . ...... .. :'
K3: ' '
Battle In Vcuziers Region Also
, Renewed With Redoubled
Germans Use Large Number
Of Trcsns To Prevent :
. Flanking Of Massif. ;
- London, Oct. 22. French troops, op
erating north of the British second
army (in Flanders), advanced on a
vide front tola morning and are mak
ing excellent progress, battle front dis
patches reported today.
' Paris, Oct. 22. The battle in- the
Vouziere Tegion was renewed tooay
with redoubled violence. The Germans,
who are. using enormous numbers of
men; in' their determination to prevent
flanking of the Argonne massif on the'
north,, are suffering keavy .losses in
the' Jiard fighting." .. - '
General DeGouttes army is reported
to be advancing swiftly in Bolgiurn..
! ' : j Artillery In Woevre. ,
-Paris,. Oct., 22. Artillery fighting is
u wnvi- reinn into Lorraine, ac-
deeply ihto the German lines on nspec-
Hon expeditions.
The front referred to extends from
the reffion north of Verdun into the rc-
past two days
French Are Advancing
Paris. Oot. 22. Resuming their pro
gress on the Serre front, tho French
have advanced to wunin less mun a
M of CrecJ-Sur-Serre from tho south
"' he Frellch WM offlce oxxnoeA
German counter attacks in the Vou-
have diminished in vio-
j fc Q. and jn tho chatcau
"North of the Oise there was great
. ,, TPah.j the railway north
'On the plateaus east of Vouziors
the battle has diminished in intensity.
but yesterday's enemy attacks were
extremely violent. We identified ele
ments of sixteen divisions.
''This morning an enemy tentativo at
tack against Lal'ardonne farm wat
completely repulsed.
' "Jn the' VoHgea patrols toot prison
ers in the region of Col-Du-Bonhommc,
(northwest of Colmar;". .
By Fred a Ferguson
With The American Arniiet in France
V " (Continued on page six) " I
Albers May Have Been !
, Deep In Seditions not
Portland. Ore., Oct. 22. Investiga
tion of Henry Albers, the millionaire
miller and alleged pro-Hun- spread to
San Francisco today. United States of
ficials admit icd they were investigating
the statement during Jhe Hindu plot
trial there that Albers was one of the
chief stockholders of the American In
dependent, scdi gou paper published
there for a short time.
Albert wa out on 10,000 bond. He
refused to make a statement. Albers
was born in Ucrmany in 1866 and came
to the United States in 1891. When nv
arrived here he wat of small means. The
huge profits of the Albers Milling com
pany, of which he is head, were made
largely in dealing with the aliie, since
the war began,
English Press Opinion
Does Not Accept Reply
As One Entirely Sincere
Newspaper Editors Of London
Make Most Unfavorable
London, Oct. 22. London morning
newspapora reject the German reply jo
President Wilson, pointing out that 1'
contains no offer of unconditional sur
render, which is tho only terms upon
which the allies can afford an armistice
with the unscrupulous enemy. , Claims
of Germany 't democratization are no)
believed. .. . - ... . , ,
"Germany's position is unchanged'.',
declared the Post. "Unless she is dis
armed we cannot afford to talk, thus
giving Germany the advantage of' an
unscrupulous liar over an honest man."
Other press commenjs wore as fol
lows: , , Y '. '. .'-, .' ,.. "'. '..
Mail: t'Tho puerile, incoherent .'mis
sive ig" no reply' at all. The only way
for Germany to prove her sincerity Is to
surrender to Marshal Foch."
Vice Adniiral Momyas, British first
sea lofd, in tho Telegraph: : Acceptance
of evacuation is cloaked in the vaguest
yorms, bb it was ln the former note, Ger
many evidently wishes to' continue talk
ing." Kxpress: " 'The nigger in the wood
pile': Is the request for an armistice,
based on the military status today, en
Evidence Seen On" All Sides
That Plan Is Made For
Diplomatic Wrangle.
London, Oci. 22. (British admiralty
wireless.) The German method of con
ducting international discussion makes
it difficult to believe in her sincerity,
or professions of sincerity. -Exanilna-tion
of tho original German aceonn eoto
to President Wilsott shows customary
German subterfuge in pretending to ac
cept what she certainly does not mean
to accept.
Tho second German noto said Ger
many accepted tho president's thesis,
the German word used being "satz."
What tho president asked was whothcr
Germany accepted his "terms." The
answer was a deliberate indication to
avoid acceptance of the terms. -
This is proved by the fact that the
German translation of the first Ameri
can reply contained not the word
"satze" but the word "bedingunen,"
the lattor being an accurate transla
tion of the word terms in the sense of
Thus Germany clearly understood the
question aud gave a crooked answer.
Reference to German newspapers of
October 13, 14 and 15 shows that no
body in Germany imagines for a mo
ment that Germany has accepted .
terms. -
Acceptance of these was taken on all
hands to mean only acceptance of the
basis for negotiations and the wholo
presg continued its assertion that Oor
many would not surrender cither Al-
sace-Lorraine or Prussian Poland. I
It will be remembered also that tho
Dortion of tho German chancellor's
speech which implied the same refusal
was carefully taacn irom ine version
of the speech (which Germany sent
Germany's conservative press com
ment naturally has taken that view of
the position (and liberal papers are
equally emphatic.
The Berliner Tageblatt speaks thru
out of the "guiding principles" and
sayt the whole German concession con
sists merely of an admission that tho
question of Alsace-Lorraine 'and Po
land are now international questions.
It protests against the appeal for free
dom of Prussian Poles and say "only
a completely defeated Germany could
agree to separation of the - eastern
marshes from Prussia."
Elsewhere the Tageblatt says there
;an be, aft"r all, no barm ia discussing
any "questions" at "conference ta
bles." .
!.. (Continued on ftgt two) ,
abling the German armies to rest and
recuperate, instead of weakening tlead
ily as would othcrwiso be inevitable.;
Daily News: "It 1, necessary that the
allies shall endorse President Wilson
program immediately to prevent Gor
man driving in a wedge among ,(bem."
The Dally-Newg is non-committal re
garding the note, although it points out
the uocossity of guarantees. . :
' The Times: "The note is ambiguous;
regarding e-n armistice and it trying o
confuse the issue. Regarding atrocities
instruction, to the German army are
proof of their existence heretofore." !
Chronicle: "It (the po c) is unaccept
able. It has not exproBscd a word of
regret regarding atrocities and merely
protests against the accusations. Solf '
armistice plan is not sufficien t."
Manchester Guardian: "The nota
goes a long way to meet President AVU
son's main points, but atrocities have
not ceased yet. . The most difficul. is
sues of reconstruction cannot be trans
formed in a day."
', The French Press.
Paris, Oct. 22. The Paris Midi eon
tiders the German roply evasive. '
" The present. Gorman! government is
not responsible", the newspaper de
clared today. . .. '
"Scheldeman It no be. tor than Beth-man-Hollweg.
Ho ig a 'scrap of papor'
man. But President Wilson will not be,
dupcd."t, v s ; ' " i i
i:iJ0!lG KGliiE
Members Of Governor's BeJy
Guard Wake Up Severn
; Oregon City.
,-. - (Modford Mail Service.)
A raid made by Chief of Polic Ti
mothy and Night Policeman Adams on
a room in a rooming houe at midnfght
broke Tip a drinking party and resulted
in the arrest of State Policeman Chas.
Hinithers, 20 year, old, and an individ
ual giving tho name of Brown, of Jose
phine county,, and two young women.
Tho room raided was '.hat of Sergeant
C. C; Triplott of tho stato police who
was in Portland at the time, but who
will bo arrested on his return from' that
city tonight, as Chief Timotby claims .
that for some time he has been making
hig room the headquarters for Social
drinking parties. ,. . -
Triple 's homo is In Springfield, and
Smitlicrg is a resident of Salem. These .
two officers have been stationed in tho
Siskivous for sevarnl months for tho
ospecial purpose of catching .bottlcggcrs
smuggling whisked into Oregon from
Bootleggers Oot By,
In view of last night's raid and de
velopments it is claimed are coming, it
is not hard Jo understand why liquor in
wholesale quantities has gotten by theso
officers the past few weeks. , Tha
smuggler, in nearly every Instance wore
later caught near Roscburg by Deputy
Sheriff Hopkins of Douglas coun.y.
Hundreds of quarts of whisky have been
confiscated in Douglas Cqunty' and
about $2,000 in fineg imposed at Rose
burg In the past two weekg from the
several wholesale auto smugglers ap
prehended. ,
Chief Timothy " had been watching
Triplet's room for a week or more
He says that last Tuesday night the
samo two young women, and Triplet
and Smithors were it, the room drink
ing. Feeling sure of big ground, the
chief obtained a search warrant yes r
dny afternoon, and at midnight made
the raid. Triplet wag absent at Port
land, for which city he left Wednesday
wi,h Deputy Unitod brates muriral Ti
chenor to take somo bootleg prisoners
to the state metropolis.
Complete Confession.
Following the . raid County Prose-
j cu (or Robert was summoned from home
land thc prisoners were iakeo to his or
ifice where they wore closely qnostion-
cd. Smithcrs and all others of Uo
party talked freely aud mado, it ii
claimed, a coniple confession, inipU-
, (Continued on page two) ,