Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1918, Image 1

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(23,000 BEABEBS) DAiL "
Only Circulation ia Saiga Gai
anteed by the Audit Bursa of
It ill ( S A jF j j i i ,
ofl ; ft lif
; r jS .'fill vsVWN.Av
: jiiiniiiririrm
And Tuesday fair; light west-
erly trim!.
u u u
Three Thousand Prisoners
Captured In Operations
' Yesterday. :
rlacks Ford River At - Flood
Stage And Break German
-:.:zt: Resistance, :r r.
1 1 'I
VU U UP u uu
t rn
n r3
GermaS Reply 5 To President Receive
d AtW
Ai M
Are Making Steady. Progress
In Bloodiest Sector Uf
Entire Front :
Portland Member Of Emer- In Some Respects Complete
Raiding Operations In Alsace
Lorraine Presage Active
Operations There.
London, Oct.- 21. (2:15 p. m.) The
Germans- have boen hurled' back over
Mho. Lys river at thrco places and the
uHies are driving :loso to Ghent and
Tournay, Field Marshal Haig reported
todny.' In t. special statement on - the
J':!indcrs -nt feimive. His report made it
evident .that the. (tempt of the-Uor-mnns-t
make' stand- 0 4h lin f
the Lvj river has been overwhelmed1
mid that the allies are already in touch
with; the hex.) defense lino along the
fiicaut river.;; . , '..- ' '. ' ,-
,Haig declared the enemy had been
forced io wjthdraw on its wholo front
in Bulgiuin. The allis have reachei
Ail'ru, 11. miles west of Gheuc, the
gruatest road cenjjr. in western Belgi
mil. ai'd have occupied several villages
eu a ilni) rjnuing northward to the
Jiuteh frontier, r -t.
The JFrcueu. have established bridge
Iiends on the eastern side of the Lyg oc
rwnrii (-rai: jiit-jie'"' and Peteghera, It
niil, aninliwis. of Ghent and a potnt
pr Oyhenia fm miles further south.
Beyond Lille, the British have driven
. flic iJcriuans aercas tho border from
.France -into IMUmi and have reacni f
ithc uuhkirti of I tcq, six miles north of
i(.l:Tl!lll. . r
The st-ttoraen; laid:
. ' Tlie (isrmnn, vainlv endeajr !d t'1
amvst our r-j-cess toward tho Lvs, to-
V.Tid Driivkc,.. Eceloo and the Dutch
"The Germans were forced to with
draw on their whole fronj in Belgium,
"On our lefj touching the Dutch
frontier wo occupied Knesslacrc, Eltre,
Adegem, Bellem and trsel
'Tho French threw the enemy Dack
France, Oct. 21. American troops are
steadily closing in around Briculles, but
I steady rains and consequent muddiuess
of . the terrain have delayeu tnt, jper
ationg. ' '.
t. Fighting in the Argonne forest was
spasmodic, with oeeaslon outbursts of
artillery fire aift machine gun fire. At
onr plaeft tha Americans' retired venr
gency Board Talks Plain
ly lo Governor.
Gov. Whitycomb's state military po-
lico wero hurled back into his teeth to
day by Sen. G. Moser as one of Jie reas-
Surrender Of Allies Would
Strengthen Kaiser ;
By Carl P. Groat, "! ,
(United Press Staff' Correspondent.)
Washington, Oct.. 1, With Austia
ons why Moser refused, to vo lb for a de- and Turkey now a mill stone around the
. i7iis tar German neck, militarr authorises here
ficieucv appropriation oi $i,4Ju tor . . 1
v lr . .. today are studying War needs, on the
Oregon Agricultural college. I basis of Brosrcctive elimination of these
One of tho most heated controversies
nations. '
witnessed ' at the capitot in many a Such a break, in one way would Rna otrwan Dounuaries meet.
mon Si broke loose in the course of a strengthen uermany. it would permit ino aiueu aavance irom nisn, it
meeting of the stae emergency board t a defensive war on present base of operations in Serbia, is
iuuuiij w it i s j . shortened linos at her own doors. .. ..n.. al.m. i-fit.
.!. momliw. ' - , : . ....... m...i.!..v '"'" """"
Serbian Troops Are Fifty
lues From Border And
Advancing Steadily
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Tress war expert)
New York, Oct. 21. Invasion of
Hungary by allied forces operating in
Serbia is bow threatened by way of
the "Iron gate of the -Danube," near
Orsova, where the Hungarian, Ruinan-
Secretary McAdoo Engaged
In Gathering Total Of In
dividual Buyers.
GOOD liilD
Collapse ol. Austyo-Turkish military I ... . ... -..... . .i,.
Govei-nor Whityeombe . tolct Senator -.I.i. deemed certain. Then should," wwaVd Bel, rade. he ler-
Moser he was unpatriotic because he uermany decide .that She wuj tight en bian caDitai Tb, Qrsova movement is
would not vote for the 0. A. C. appro- iuto the ye'. struggle of iui-b far ,he 'mott important ,nd thore
l.U..d MHe.. Hmlifld that Ui eov . ana P"P''D' w0 e remains but fifty miles to be traversed
uL ,.hj !.. , i,n ot talk un"?naJt(?n: ."J; ; '. ' . .. "; before the Daiflibe will be reached.
t . . . i riie.L-uitcd Slates is proceeding on
when he wanter 2o0 000 for the state fhe A t,lgt (ucfc maximum et.
military police, which Moser said the fort will' ,)e rJeqllived. The general
governor had turned into .political ma- gtaf .g tM lnt mne pf
chme for himself. .. pcace maueuvers, ; .
The 0. A C. appropriation r Somo lndieatioll ar that Gemany
quested o ;.he ground, that the college . - ,anni take ch8nc0.. on
must have it to meet the emergency baUi; over Mo u
Una with her. as mil tftrv --Mt-lM it
porarily, but regained .the tost ground
next moruung.
: At the By is Do Kappes and the Bois
De Foret and near the Meuse our pa
trols went slightly northward on iho
main line, meeting with no resistance
whatever. - .s i
By Frank J. Taylor, , v'
With the American Armies In
France, Oct. 21. (Noon). German pri
soners sta 0 that 'Germany made ar
rangements to evacuate France before
the peac0 note was sent to President
Vt ilaon. . These prisoners remarked:
"The Americans havo - the worst
Every foot of ground is to be disputed
until the German retirement from thit
sea region is completed.
The line is quiet today.
The defensive center ' of Negotin
alone remains to be taken by the al
lies before they have a clear road to
the Hungarian frontier. Once tho Dan
ube Is crossed and an invasion of Hun
gary actually begins, the possibility
of a separate peace being agreed to by
the Hungarian government . will in
crease with leach! mile the, allies Ad
vance towards Hungary V wheat fields
and cattle plains. .Thslfc is every Midi
cation that tho movement among the
Hungarians for "complete separation
from Austria has lately reached dis
sidents uv army training v? . "'"". is whether - she - Obtain a better
Treasurer ay maue a njouon vo .u. Btanding at ,fre peace tab by 8U(.h B
th0 full amount; Secretary of State 01- ljle ; , ,.e )t
cott secondca u moser movea ro cut In event the war department i9
the amount to 15,000, but received no fonir ahead with its lan of .four
second. When the vote was taken tne miHi0n men abroad by mid-year, the quieting proportions to the absolutist
governor, 'Oleott, Kay and Bcpresenta- quartermaster branch ig preparing to Hapsburgers.' Instead of dependence,
live Kubli voted for Kay s motion and 8u . thlg vast uj (ho Bnlp. an extension of local self government
Moser voted against it. As five votes . . . , . lg bcin promise which docs not sat-
are necessary to authorize an appropria- tro 8nd C o 8ni . : . , isfy the Hungarians. Tho Hapsburgers
tion, the motion lost. '' As the war situation shace. tro at the look upon the independence movement
Kay then moved to call ano.iher. meet- moment miHt8ry men doubt that the " traitorous act toward their own
iug of the board next Friday and the boehe wiu be able i8rBtftnd bcoind the furtaI dynasty. ,
secretary was instructed to ."P'-. Scheldt ,as h planned to do. The thrust ' An "avance into Hungary ny tne ai
cial effort to get B. N. Stanf.eld, t Valenciennes wiU compel evacuation, lie at '" time would come there
speaker of the house, to at iend. The of Baieni t tnB nortn ( , fore, at an opportune moment to per
othcr absent member waa Senator W- p. Mcautime the Amcricaa' preMura in mit , the' Hungarians to decide i their
Wood, but he sent a communication t- Mou8e r ion n.ue,.1 The Gcr own future, ffojiag to the 'Wilson
saying ne was opposed to PPP-' mn is holding desperately on to tho " . ZTa .Z,, . a...
ntinn. mnnrimn h vnifl win ua ubcbs .t.-i
blood-letting sector on Jhe entir0 line. ' to au horize th aoRr onriation. " ?i. V "Bl n' "? ?s 10 comP'to
n ii. . . .! j ... . u. j:.....1.j.Bar" 10 "porize tne appropr mi ion . tll: Belcian retirement in comnarativ-
txovernor Whityeombe - strongly re- el d ord blA it ig he,d that Hg
sented Moser 'g vote against the appro- complft(, remnvay ,0 hig own froutiers
priation. . ... ' . . .is still likely to be accomplished be
"It i, a crime against the state of fore the wint(Jr setg in
Oregon"i go on record like this", he .
declared. "It is unpatriotic, Mr. Mo- STUDENT AKMY WILL SINO.
ser. These young men are preparing to 1
take part in the greatest war of all his-; A .Qn t the..rogu!ar periodfor
o.n. " ." u v ---j .1;l;.. inatri.ntinn ot W 1 nmmtto Ijlli-
ntMna -fn thpir trmninfr. J "v'v -v i
General Pershing Reports.
Washington, Oct. 21.' American
forces north of Verdun Sunday continu
ed their pressure, against the pivotal
point upon which the Gorman retreat is
swinging, Gen. Pershing reported to
Durine .Cie last week . thn Germans
0(fr the Lys and crossed the river, cs- have constantly increased their forces
-- o !!.,
I say it is unpatriptio." vorsny m m i .,s.Uj.
. "You got your military police on the Dr. Sites, head of the university school
grounds !hat it was patriotic", replied 0 music, will lead the Student Army
Moser, "and then you make a political m ., r,.. in fh .nj!tinn f rin.
tsblishing bridgeheads between Orain-,tbere in a determined attempt to hold machine out of it. V ttlat wn
: " : ! ."I dcnv it", shouted the governor,. ... ned . , reDVesentatives
"I have not made a political machine fe th gctudent Army Training Corps
out of the sta police. district siucinir conference, to be held
(Continued on page six)
(Continued on page two)
"lou broke loose then as you are Beed Co Novembor w and y
doing today", shot back Moser. "ou c in T ,c Commandant at i
said you had secret information from Hmetg UniverBitT, is an ardent
lied troops at hand to support a dec
laration-of independence by Hungary,
a sudden breakup of the Hamburg em
pire would receive every encourage
ment. Tho allies' advance through Serbia
may be regarded as having this ob
jective a its major purpose. Shoold it
succeed, Germany's isolation would re
quire only the .defection of Vienna-to
beconio complete.
Washington, Oct 21. Approximate
ly 22,000,000 persons, or 20 per cent of
the nation's population, subscribed to
the fourth liberty loan, official reports
today indicated.
Thlg ia about a 20 per cent increase
in individual sales over the third loan,
When 1,300,000 persona bought bonds.
. Washington, Oct. 21 Secretary Mc
Adoo today is counting noses as well
aB dollars on thB f our !h liberty loan.
He has tent a w.re to all federal re
serve banks to submit as quickly as
possible estimates on the number of
individuals who subscribed and the
approximate total subscriptions for
each district. - ,
It was estimatod today that around
22,000,000 Americang invested in this
greatest loan of the war and that the
total would run somo millions over the
minimum of $6,000,00,000. - ...
Unofficial estimates compiled by the
United Pre at the close of the cam
paign Saturday ..night indicated that
eight of the twelve federal reserve
dis.ricts and topped their quota. The
other lour were coniiircnt or bo aomg.
The conditions under which the
fourth campnigii , wag conducted were
admittedly of the worst character, or
ficials Baid. The View that it was u
tough job held to the end and realiza
tion that every ounce of energy, as
well a evory available dollar was neod
ed. brought, the desired rosuiv. ..
Secretary McAdoo .expressed the
opinion when the campaign was launch
ed that it would be seriously nanoi
capped unless tho tax legislation was
put tnrougn.. Kopons eacn nignt nur
in? tho campaign confirmed that be
lief. Thousands of subscriptions would
havo been larger, it was declared, had
the bond exemption provision sought
by the treasury department been mado
ertective. , .
As the nation's financial situation
now stands, the fifth war loan prob
ably will have '.,o coem about March 1;
Officials Are Not Diseased To
Take Premises Of RuIL-.
Powers Seriously.
been wmn:RAWii
Charges Of Relentless zii 1
husase Warfare Era:
: As False
Washington, Oct. 21. Germany's re
ply to President Wilson's "decision"
on basis for peace negotiations appear
ed to officials today to be merely a
"declaration of intentions, 'J the good
faith of which, can only be ascertained
by waiting.
It Was Authoritatively etsted that
trie German answer ''appeared ' to be
an awkward acceptance of President
Wilson's decision and that it "appear
ed'-' to raise no controversial points. -
It was pointed out emphatically, how
ever, that President Wilson in his first
reply, to the first offer, stressed the
point that he could no pass on the Teu
ton proposal to the allies until occu
pied territory had been evacuated.
This position of the president, it was
strongly indicated, still stands as a pri
mary condition today. , . '. .. .
Hence, it is indicated that President
Wilson, if ho replies. at all to the Ger
man note, can scarcely go farther than
state he must wait to see what the fu
ture brings, before additional mbvca
can be made.
! Text of the Beply j i
Berlin, via London, (By wireless),
Oct. 21. Tho text of Germany's reply
to President Wilson, which was haud-
1919. This ig further indicatod by the ed to the Swiss minister lust night,
larows All Available Troops!
Against Americans Who i
v Progress Steadily
-To give the German troops in Bel
gium time to retreat to their next line
of defense, it is necessary that the
f-ont. further south old firm. Other
. vise disaster mgy overwhelm the units
, now falling back with' all speed in the
, region from the Dutch border to Tour
. nai; This accounts for. the, bitter oppo
: Nation encountered by; tho British- in
their . push toward Valenciennes. Pro
- gress ia that - direction would greatly
' increase the pressure on the defeated
armies -in Belgium and ' might ; force
them - te precipitate flight. Therefore
the Germans held the Selle river in all
orrength and made each village a
strong point. But the tanks cleared the
way and thKnglish, Welsh and Scot
tish crossed the flooded stream, their
httteries close behind them, passing
' over hastily constructed bridges, Haig
reported that his tanks negotiated the
' rivrr at an tarly hour, but how they
. made their wy through the flood wa
ters U -not explained.
A'ii"rii:an troops are playing perhaps
tn least. spectacular but one of the
i most .important parts in ousting the
Oermans. Is the Champagne, where ev
e v slight' gain narrows the enemy's
maneuvering grmind between the front
steady progress in spite of bull dog re
sistance by the Germans, wet weather
and the strongest kind of natural de
fenses. Having crossed the Grand Pre
pass through the Argonne forest, they
are forcing a way through the northern
roaches of the- woods with open coun
try almost in sight ahead. Breuilles on
the Meuse, is being cncireled. To the
left of the Americans the Freneh are
confronted by the same kind of obsta
cles, and are also making consistent;
progress. , , ; . . '
VU4 Points are yielding , '
London, Oct. 21. On the vital flanks
of the German front in Belgium and
France, the allied troops drove on to
day. In Belgium, the northern flank,
the progress was spectacular. On the
southern flank, where the Americans
and French are fighting in the Cham
pagne, the enemy made desperate re
sitance, but failed to Salt the slow
methodical advance.
The French official statement issued
Sunday night declared . that despite
bad weather the allied positions bc-
Itween the Oisc and the Serre have been
extended. East of Vemeuil, the French
reached the snmmit of heights west of
Grandhip. All the Freneh gains were
made in the face of fierce counter at-
ilSJ?!: . "ever in this group singing idea, so he!
"B""r, "lorn onn w u V. will give up a part of th drill poriod
we voted you $250,000. . We have been . .?. J .
'greatly criticised for what act." i 1 ' ;
'It is a good thing that we had th
military police", replied the governoi J i
nd thp difficult. fnrtp,l ' Arrl pnnpa O
highlands, the iankecs are making "'K8 inii" luraitntu mui
wrathfully, "as they havo pfotec.ed
our ships and our crops and our biuld-' j.
an invasion of lawless men who w.-uld
burn our ships and ou crops. But they
did not come because: of the mili.'ary
police. I am proud of the military,
police."-,. . .....
"The state of Washington lia8 no mi
litary police and their ships and crops
wctb not burned", pointed out Mosner.'
"our talk is cheap demagogy."
"It is cheap demagogy on your par;",
retorted the" governor, "and sour
grape, because 70a were defeated f ol
governor.'! , -; '"'.' , '. 1 " : '
Moser remained firm in his position
that $15,000 was all lie would rote to
allow the O. A. C.
Kay declared it seemed strange to
him that the state will put forth every
effort 4? go over thn top in its Liberty
loan drives, Bed Crosa campaigns and
w hen . it. comes to providing means 'to
take care of the s ,udent soldiers any
body wotrid want to put the state in tlie
unpatriotic position of refusing to mcei
this obligation throst upon the state by
the government. '
He said it wa, illogical for Moser to
split hairs over the amount of the ap
propriation, and "pointed to the fae. that
thr government is spending billions up
on its armv.
Secretary of State Oleott asked Moser
what hc expected tho college to do if
(Continned on page two)
Continued Oa page fivel
Fresh Proof Outrages Com
mitted During Retreat i
Has Been Received
London, Oct. 21. (British admiralty
wireless.) From all quarters of the
countries that have been under the
heel of the enemy come stories of bru
tality toward helpless women and chil
dren, theft of provisions intended for
their help and other acts of savagery.
Telegrams arriving in London con
tinue to furnish proof of outrages com
mitted by the Germans in their retreat
from Flanders. The men set fire to
.Roulers and several places and cross
roads were mined. Inhabitants tell
heartrending utoric of pillage and vio
lence and say that just before the end
the German stole ineir ioou so "
force them tp consent to quit their
A correspondent of the Havas Agen
cy on the British front telegraphs that
on Friday afternoon shots were fired
at the crowds in Lille from a German
airplane and several persons were
wounded. The enemy also bombarded
the town with a long range gun. The
Germans have destroyed the municipal
water work and gas and electric ap
On Sentember 3. the Germans car
ried off all securities which were still
in the nosscssion of the Bank of Lille.
Two outstanding erimcs disgrace the
invader the deportation of women in
October. 1916. and the carrying off of
k .;!.. ... !t.. whAn hi:men which was CBffeciei len na xv.
makes gravy. We don't know which is, These men went out of Lille singing
th' worso nuisance th' feller that. the "Marseillaise.
likes to hear himself talk or th' feller I
that hnds you a elippin' t' read. . 'Continued on page two)
fact that the treasury provisions tor in
stallmcnt payments by the banks will
bring the entire proceeds of this loan
into the nation's use by February 1.
Of the fourth loan more than 5,
000,000,000 already is expended. The
interim expenses were met by the
sues of treasury certificates of indebt
edness which win be absorbed wuu
" In accepting the proposal for 'the
evacuation of occupied territories, tho
German government started from tho
assumption that the procedure of this
evacuation and the conditions of tho
armistice should be left to the judg
ment of the military advisers and that
tin netunl standard of power which
funds brought in by tho bonds. Hence; both sides in tho field have, should
there will be none of the fourth loan form the basis of arrangements safe
money left after the middle of Novem- guarding and guaranteeing this stand
ber at tho present rate of war expendi- ara- ,
(Continued on page sjx)
Continued on page six)
Nothin' makes mother as mad as fer
Two Armies In North Seem No
Longer Capable Of Mak
ing Strong Stand.
By William Philip Blmms
. (United Press staff correspondent)
Paris. Oct 21. The Germans' vast
turning movement backward continues
at full swing today. .
Six Hun armies under t'rince nup-
prccht, General Von Hochm and the
imperial crown prince, pivoting on
Mctz, are falling back from Belgium
and Franco. The enemy line is swing
ing like a great gate, the retreat be
coming more rapid in proportion to
the distance from the hinge.
Thus, the Hun. aro fighting like mad
men before. Met. Whereas their resist
ance in Flanders is slight.
Kin Albert may enter Brussels
within a fortnight. The fourth- and
sixth German armies of Von Arnim
and Von Quast are hard pressed. They
face the alternatives of scrambling
back across tho Dutch frontier, sur
rendering to the Belgians, or precipi
tately fleeing southeastward toward
, Neither army appears to be in a po
sition to put up a strong defense.
The enemy doubtless hoped to delay
the: pursuing allies, first on the line of,
the Lys, and, secondly, on the line of
the Kscaut, while the Meuse line was
strengthened, - but the domoralwctl
boches can scarcely be expected .. to
show much, fight now ,.uutii -they get
behind the Meuse. " i.
In the meantime Foch is threatening
to wreck Hindenburg's plans at sev
eral points on the line. Cavalry is push .
ing on toward Ghent and Audenarde,
threatening Germany's nortnern naiii
British, Americans and French- Are
menacing the enemy center while the
French and Americans in the Meuse
region threaten the very hinge of -the
whole movement. An endurance contest
is therefore in progress between the
Germanic armies and . the - Germanie
civilians. The armies are racing for
Liege, the Meuse, Metz, Strasburg and
the Rhine, oa which line they hoped to
make a stand before the civilians de
mand a show down from their rulers
and force an unconditional surrender.
It is the most forlorn of forlcrn hopes,
but it is the only chance that the nais
r has of having, even a dinky rem
nant of his throne and his crown. Ac
cording to opinion heie, his chances
are precisely the same as those of tno
nroveihial .nowball in Sahara or the
! place of eternal punishment. ...