Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 19, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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MMMMM t nmt
mi ;
Bate P" worct New Today: 1 1 .
Eaeh insertion , loj WD FOB SALE Call evenings, 53
One week (6 insertions)
Oat month (8 insertions) .
The Capital Journal will not be re-,
sponsible for more than one Insertion,
or errors in Classified Advertisements.
Head your advertisement the first da;
it appears and notify us immediately it
rror occurs.
Minimum charge, 13c,
POTATOES for sale. Phone 80FH. tf
WOOD far sale. Phone 79P11.
TAKEN VP Stray horse. 365 West
.Luther. 10-21
EXTRA fine .Whit Rock roosters for
sale. Phone 93F5. . 10-21
CHOICE 6 weeks old pig f ale $3
Phone iW2, H. R. Jones. 10-19
FOR SALE Cream separator, used
sixty days. Phone 80F11. 10-19
WANTED Used hand stump puller.
A-49 care Journal. 10-21
FOR. SALE Opal heater in good eon
. dition, $6.50 phone 2153R. 10-19
5 PASSENGER Buick for sale, at 554
Ferry St. In first class, condition, tf
0OL. W. P. WEIGHT, ike auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Pitom 59. , tf.
WANTED To buy a good second
hand feed cutter. Phone 674W. 10-22
WANT To buy 25, 50 or 75 chairs for
hall in good condition, must be
cheap. B care Journal. 10-21
FOR SALE 2 small bhck mares, very
cheap, or will trade for stock. Phone
77F12. io-2a
MONEY to loan on good farm seouri
tv. Phone 538M. tf
BROOD sows for sale, J. A. Pickens,
Salem. Rt. 8.' box 104. 10-23
S MILK cows for sale; 1 brood sow and
four pies. Phone 65F15. 10-19
WANTED Stock hogs, 80 to 110
I'hona 8F3. tf
FOR SALE 2 Ancona cockerels. 1427
N. Church. 10-22
WANTED One good, servicable 600
. lb. scale. Phone 80F11. 10-22
HIGHEST prices paid tor cattle and
larire calves. Phone 1425M. 11-15
AM prepared to do team work of all
kinds. Call 510 LaFelle St. lv-22
FOR SALE Ford touring car $285.
1309 N. Com'l, call after 6 p. in. tf
WANTED Several men at once at
Quaker nurseries. Call or - phone
260032. u-"
FOR 6 ALE Cheap, almost new 'Wil
ton rug, 9x12 1381 State or phoae
97. , ' 10-22
SALE OR TRADE 10 acre orchard
for unimproved land near Salem
P-47 care Journal. :r 10-21
"WANTED Good cow, must be giving
good mess of inilk, and reasonable.
Phone 75F5. 10-21
JtfAN with good team wants work on
farm. W. E. Grinder, phono Center
Street Feed barn. 10-21
IVJR SALE Stock hogs, also apples
and pears. Inquire W. H. Egan, Uor
vais, Or., Phone 3F11. 10-22
FOR SALE Cleveland motorcycle.
Phone 101F22 between 7 and 8 a. m.
or 4 and 5 p. m. 10-19
25 PRUNE pickers wanted, meet at
Capital City Transfer at 7 o 'clock
every morning. Phone 1435W. tf
WANTED To buy a second hand box
stove; also- want an orange colored
kitten. Address 10-18 care J001-
W ANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full description. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn.
tVALIi PAPEE 15 cents per double roll
pwsrd. Buren's Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. tf.
HOUSEKEEPING apartments find
tingle rooms, nicely furnished, at
33 Ferry street.
FOR BENT Large furnished house, 111
1A9 Tnmiira ffrflnt Oor-1
, fcy, agent. 14 Breyman bldg. Phone
484.' ' l""23
FOR SALE At less than half price,
an eight disc? extension, Teversable
harrow. Has been used less than halt
day. Frank Fiala, Et. 1, box 21.
WANTED To purchase farm near Sa
lem. 40 to 100 acres, reasonable im
provements, from party who will
make terms on contract to pay at
reasonable interest; describe place
nti-ma vmi will make. W K care
Hyip katr f!oo unffines. one four cyL
30 h. p., good for tractor or truck,
price $45; on three h. p. pumping en
gine $35; both engines in good con
dition. Phone 314M. 1360 North
- v.t at 1019
WILL store a piano for its use. The
piano will be well taken- eare of.
Call P J care Jouraal. . 10-21
BROOD sows for sale; couple' tons of
baled wheat straw, A No. 1. J. A.
Pickens, Salem, Rt. 8, box 104. 10-23
WANTED A load of good oat or clov
er hay at once. Loose hay preferred.
Phone 908. 10-19
FOR SALE A New Home sewing ma
chine, in good repair, price reason
able. Phone 599. 10-19
SPIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A.
Miles, 1106 Leslie St. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thurs. af
ternoons. Phone 1425R.
WjIT To sell or trade half interest
in apartment house of 40 rooms,
building, ground and furniture; full
of tenants. Box 333, Salem. . 10-19
TAKEN CP At my place one mile
west of Fruitland, 2 black and
white pigs, weight about 100 pounds
H. Edwards, phone 73F12. 10-21
WANTED For cash, small tract out
side city limits, must have bath in
houso. Will pay up to .$4500. C. W.
Niemeyer, 544 Slate. Phone 1000 or
MOM , , ..' ; , 10-22
WANTED-r-To rent modern ft or 6
room house,- must be elose in and
reasonable. Want possession not lat
er than Nov. 15. Address J-24 care
"'Journal. tf
WANTED To rent by Nov; 1st. by per
mancnt party, 5 or 6 room modern
house, close in. Address J-24 care
journal or Phono 164a. tf
FOB SALE registered sorrel Shetland
pony stud., phone afternoons, Eick
real 39r5 or address G. S. care
Journal. 10-19
YOUNG woman would assist with house
work in small private family in re
turn for; board. Satisfacton guaran
teed. Reply box 10-15 care Journal.
WANTED-Salesman for mens' furn-
ishings. J. L. Stockton's store. .tf
WANTED Veal calves and fat cattle.
Phone 1576W, 10-28
HOUSEKEEPING suite, 4 rooms, first
floor, nicely furnisnea at MJ ierry
St. 10-17
WANT to buv or rlhrmanently rent
modern house, close in,- must Be a
bargain. Deal with owner, only. Ad
dress 10-17 cafe Journal. 10-19
1 ACRE home place for sale on easy
terms, 8 room house ana hot water
heat, all conveniences, near carline
on paved street, near school. Fruit,
berries' nd garden, llhone 'owner
2440. . . , , 10 1
FOE RENT 20 acre farm east of
city, for three or five years. Stoc
for sale, also 12 acres north of
mute school, peaches, cherries, ap
ples, 4 acres garden land. Cash only.
.Phone i9F3, Ryan. " 10-19
FOR SALE And worth the price, five
acres of choice land for hay, grain
or fruit; located about 2Y miles
from city limits, a new- and well
furnished house and barn, an excel
lent well with pump, .acre of tim
ber, place well fenced on E. F. D.
Plenty and variety of fruit for fam
si Prico 42000. mnrovements
- are worth the money asked. Inquire
. of Square Deal Realty vo. rnone iy
FOR SALE One team of mares well
x . i i . . ,. . .
mHiuam, souna ana weu broken.
Weight 3000 lbs. Must seU at once.
Inquire day time at wood dep t
Spaulding Logging Co's mill, or
phone 2030B evenings after 0 o'clock
AGENTS WANTED Large manufac
turer wants representatives to sell
shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write
for free samples. Madison Mills, 503
Broadway, New York City.
MAKE money in spare time, costs lit
tle to raise rabbits. Its interesting,
and profitable. Their delicious meat
now finds ready sale at 45e per lb.
$5 will start you with pair of
prize strain, famous large New Zea
land Reds or Flemish Giants, soon
, ready to breed, expressed in good
condition to any address on receipt
of money order. The Breeders, P. O.
Box 172, San Diigo, Cal. 10 3
I Ccirl Kcsss News J
GOVERNMENT needs 12,000 clerks.
Oregon examinations Nov. 2, Dec. 7,
Salary $1200. Experieace uhmeoes
sariy. Men and women desiring gov
ernment positions write for free par
ticulars, J. C. Leonard (former civil
service examiner,) 1059 Kenoig build
ing, Washington, D. C. 10-19
i '
la the suit of Lena B. Medley against
George B. Medley, answering the affi
davit of Mr. "Medley, that he had an in
come of $100 a month'and was paying
$3S a month on Liberty bonds, Mrs.
Medley filed an counter affidavit to
day in which she assert that when she
visited at his home last July, he told
her that he was making $100 a month
but that he was working overtime and
on 8undavs and 'Oat his total income
was $10 the month. Aha that he had
already paid for all his Liberty bonds.
and was only paying on savings stamps.
Carrie Schulthess has entered suit
against C. J, Smith - sd Christine
Smith for the payment, of three notes
amounting to $8,000 and interest, and
! also the foreclosure of a mortgage on
the northwest quarter of section 24 and
'the eaj quarter of the northeast quar
ter and the northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 23. town
ship 8 south o frango 1 east confining J
ou acrus aiso me .lurccjuaure 01 a
mortgage on the west half of the north
east quarter and the east half of .lie
northwest quarter of section 23, town
ship 8 south of range I east, confin
ing 180 acres. The complaint alleges
that the defenadants failed to pay the
taxes for 1915, 1916 and 1917.
Utah Is First State To Go
(her Tojh-EYery District
MARRY if lonely; for results, try me;
best and most successful "Horns
Maker;", hundreds rich wish mar
riage soon; strictly confidential;
most reliable; years of experience;
descriptions free. "The Successful
Club,' Mrs. Furdle, Box 556, Oak
land, Calif. ;
U. S. GOVERNMENT is appointing 50
thousand clerks, men, ' women, girls,
18 or over. Commence $1100 year.
Easy, office, positions. ' Washington
'D. C., or near home, 7 hour day. Va
cations. Common education sufficient
Experience - unnecessary. Salem ex
aminations coming. Very simple.
Write for free sample questions, and
coaching lessons. Franklin Institute,
Dep't 379 H, Rochester, N. Y.
I WILL PAY. up to $5000 cash money
and put in a $4000 Portland resi
dence, well located, on corner lot,
hardwood floors, fireplace, etc., in
an- exchange for a small prune orch
ard. It must be in first class condi
tion and on a good road. I might con
sider a well situated small farm. If
you have anything to offer along
these lines give me full details and
I will come and see your place. Box
256 Salem. 10-19
: Tine Hesedahl, guardian of '.he estate
and person of Orley Knutsen Overskei
filed her annual report showing1 a bal
ance on hand of $1,511.02. The eourt
gave her permission to pay .$60 attor
neys fees and to re-imburse herself $30
and to expend $5 a month towards the
support and education of the boy. :
Alice M. Goodell, sister of A. G. Dal
rynfple, who died Oc.. 15, was appointed
administratis of the estate of A. G.
Dalrymple and his wife Alice Dal
rymple who also died Ocl 17. The es
tate is valued at about $800. There are
three children, daughters four and two
years old and a eon one year old.
FOR SALE R. I. R. and Ancona hens
and pullets and cockerels. Mrs. K.
T Tlrnrlfnrfl. see or write W. A.
Snrineer. St. 7. Salem. 10-17 1 f
- r a- i -
40 ACRES, 20 cultivated, 20 in tim
ber, 3 acre's bearing prunes, lots ber
ries for ' family use, 6 room house,
barn for 10 head of stock, well and
spring, 1 mile to school, on good
' county road, phone in house, 4 miles
from town in Douglas county, on
account of 111 health of the owner,
this place is offered for a short time
. at $2000, $500 to $1000 'cash, bal
ance terms at 6 per cent. If you are
interested aot now. Bocolofsky, 341
State St. ( .v. -. .- tf
Miss Grace Maxwell, city secretary
of the northwest field, will arrive in
the city on Monday. No meetings will
be called, but various 'chairmen of
committees will confer with her.
Miss Helen Barnes' visit has been
postponed until after the ban on pub
lic gatherings has been lifted. Miss
Barnes has but recently returned from
France. Recent reports from France
tell much of the work. which is be
ing done.
Eomc, Oct. 18. Commander Rizzo,
who commanded thy small power boat
which tut -red Pola harbor and sank an
Austrian warship several months ago,
is ill with Spanish influenza He is
said to. be out of danger, however.
V r
Washington, Oct. 19 Utah is
the first tate "to go over the
top" i) both the classifica-
tion and physical examination
of elass one men in the ages
of 19 to 20 and 32 to 36, accord
ing to a telegram received at
the provost marshal general's
office today.
General Pershing Appeals
Washington, Oct. 19. Gener-
al Pershing today appealed to
the American people to back up..
the boys at the front, in a ca-
blegram to Secretary McAdoo. .
Perehing said. " . .
"The success of the fourth
liberty loan means much to tho
men of the American army who
ore (IngagRd in the igreatesiti
battles of the war. The sacrific-
es our troops are daily making
for the natio" are adding glor-
ious pages to her history.
Occupying an important.
. sector on the battle front, tnoy
are forcing the barbarous ene-
mv northward, step by step, in
hand to hand encounters, and
5s are resoiveu 10 continue uni" i
the crime for our enemies hall
be expiated. Standing firmly on
this resolve,- your sturdy Bon
are fighting this war for free-
dom and firmly expect the con-
tinued support of all Americans
at home."
FOR SALE 10 acre tract, 5 acres un
der cultivation, balance pasture and
some timber, 4 room house, good' bam
chicken house, hog house, family or
chard, running water, good road, 5
miles from' Salem. Price $1200. W.
H. Grabenhorst & Co. ' 275 State
street. ..''.' 10-19
8PLENDID new 7 room furnished bull
galow, garage, pa'i tret 800Q
location, some fruit, a snap of rare
type, only $2800. Soeplofsky, Ml
' State. tt
FOR BY3 per eent farm loans, see the
Marion-Polk county national farm
loan association. W. D. Smith, 303
; Balem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
3? ANTED Man and wife for general
farm work and housekeeping. Ad
dress Gervais, Et. 2, box 45. Phone
3P11. ' u
PLENTY of money to loa-i on good
farms; low interest rates; five yean
time; privilege to pap $100 or multi
ple oa any interest date. Call or
write H. Ml "Hawkins, 314 Masoaie
hlig, Salem. tf
- -
J OgeaFonsn J
Salem, Oregon, July 6,
1918. An open letter to Bishop Mat
thew Simpsoa Hughes!
Tw Tatinn- Vnnr weeks ft CO a PUD11C
JLili VlDUu, - O- -
letter addressed to you charged the
Sunday newspaper wnn oemg u -mid
the republican
party with being "an hypocritical, un-
' . . .... U J ..r w
Godly old liquor prlJ, cr
years behind the times, ruled by U
,. tnhuaca." T boldly renew
both charges. To me these seem to be
vital and irrepreesioie issue ui
and immediate importance. Are you a
..i...t p0.w.f,.n Wm.'N. Taft.
" (Reprinted from Capital Journal,
t,,1. 191 S. YPaid adv.i
' '
" ' J'
t Every room in every home gliould have a distinc
tive air about iL Wall paper plays a very import
ant part in forming this distinction.
Every Living room should be livable, restful un
obstructive. Every Dining room should be gay
and fanciful, at the same time dignified and for
mal Every Bed Boom should be expressive of
-quietness in soothing tones. Every kitchen should
be sanitary, cheerful, attractive.
We have such a wide variety of patterns in our
stock that you can find just what you are looking
for and still have a selection that's different f rom
- any other home in the city.-
179 Commercial Street
Twine to Oversubscribe
Washineton, Oct. 19. Striving not
onlv for the Quota of. $6,000,000,000
but for an over subscription the nation
this morning entered the last oay oi
tho fniirth liWtv loan caniDaian. Pros
pects were good for over-subscription,
. en. ) : l A ntn.liiira nv.
treasurer uiiiciuib m '
ArvwhArA wrA nnihusifistio.
The ereatest loan in history is about
to succeed. .
Woi n th twplva federal reserve
districts are within a comparatively
thnir minimum allotment.
The others,, with two exceptions are
not.vc.ausing mucn worry?at oan ueau
nnr.r. i,,i ' flnlv TMuliirtolnhiA. and
Atlanta have given reasen-: for uneasii
ness in the minds of officials, nowever
cnntmitt.ppft of both Of
those districts are confident they will
not disappoint ne nation.
rrv, va,i ntiTAfjirtir fcfeaturo 'of
no 4'"v"m i--1 n n --
in haa hMn the manner in
...... p"fe. '
which the communities oi. smuu i'"im-
laion have responded to tne govern'
A.t'a w,n fm fnnilu. None has too
ped at iU quota. All nre plugging for
double and treDied suoscripuuun.
t- k noiimmi initnl t. noon
spectacular airplane battle took place.
rr.ln ,,lo,,o. in hnttln fnr.mation Tiar-
pibuvb .
tiii,ooii si made a sham on the
k,.;iiinrr Thn other wore the
defenders, Army officers who have
been at the front, scored me uaiuo.
War loan headquarters here was sub
merged under an avmancne oi icio
nf thfl attainment of quo
tas by towns, cities, counties and statos
Cleveland, O., Oct. lit. Officials of
this district at 3 o'Ciock t bmciiiu
announced the district's liberty loan
quota of 600,000,000 would be over
sHhcribed by between $40,000,000 and
Minneapolis Minn., Oct. 19. The nin
.u .,.i... i .no,.rvo Hiatrict has report-
ed $1,750,000 more than its $210,000,
(inn nno n n tne rourm hobhj )
ti,...i.. U'nld. Bnvernor of the feder
.1 o.n v,n,,ij announced late today
Several millions more are expected to
be reported by OctoDer t.
...ii. woii rti't ifl. The state.of
Washington has "over subscribed . its
$58,000,000 Hherry loan oy
committeemen annonneea ai nuon t
af.' i:. ti nt. it). Every
... uini no reached its
fourth liberty loan quota. Over sub
scriptions at noon louuy cai-u
nfKKIOO. The figures for the state at
uoon were $lii,-olO'W.
iiTa.,i,t T)l . Oct. 19. lela
ware has raised its allotment ef the
fourlh liberty loan, whicn was i-,-000,00.
It is believed thaVtlus wunt
will be over sutiscriDeu oy
ti..... iro.. fv.t 19. Maine and
w ii..hivi. ATM subscribed their
liberty loan quotas, according to to
day's official figures. m .'
ed $19,882,000, while New Hampslnre
wen oVer with a total of $10,449,000.
Young Men Inducted
lata Service Today
The jollowing young men were in
ducted into the service this -morning at
10 o'clock by the local exemption board
and will first serve tie country as
members of the Wudents Army Training
Corps at "Willamette, University:
Joseph H Thompson, Union, Ore.;
Harold R. Olson, Woodburn, Or.; Jesse
L. Sparks, Bandon, Ore.; Raymond E.
Wuimick, Woodburn, Ore.; J'loyd P.
Key Holds Send, Ore.; Cha H. Nichols
'.h fir Waldo (',. Zeller. Sunny-
side, Wash.; Lester B. Judd, Yakima.
Wash.; Noble 8. Moodhe, Spokane.
Shop E airly !l
By order of the
National Council of Defense
the merchants must appeal to the
public to do their
ChristmasShoppingNow I
Stores will not be allowed to keep
open evening, or to employ extra
Don't delay, but act now and co-operate
with the
National Council of Defense
Our stock for
Holiday Shoppers
is complete and on display.
Another demand of the '
National Council of Defense
is that GIFT GIVING be confined
DIES excepted."
This is a
measure as much of an order as a
Republican form of government,
Democratically expressing itself
could issue to the public.
The Super Phonograph
At last comes the ultimate phono
graph the NEW lilM'NHWK'K. "
. After years of phonographic de
velopment. The House of Brunswick
has achieved a hew method of re
production. .
To properly interpret the sound
waves of all recordsto round out
these vibrations in full, life-like v
ume these wero the problems.
And they are solved by the Bruns
wick's new and distinctive method,
combining the UlVl'ONA and the
All-Wood Tone Amplifier.
With the ULTONA, the precise
requirements of each type of record
are met at a turn of the hand. The
playing point, its position on the
record and the exact degree of pres
sure with which it rests in the
groove all are provided In one compact, simple dovico.
Kqually important in the new Brunswick method is the Tone Am
plifier. It is built of wood, like a fine violin. Wood alone can give
sound waves the mellow vibration essential to good music, .
.... This explains why Brunswick reproduction arc entirely free from
metallic harshness. . . '
With the ULTONA and the All-Wood Tone Amplifier, new possi
bilities in phonographic music are discovered.
And remember, th:o perfect reproductions are possible not from
one make or type of r-cerd alone, but from ALIi records.
No longer! need yua be restricted in making up your record collec
tion. Choose the selections and the performances you prefer from any
catalog the stars i f all the world are at. your command.
Of the many nodel of Brunswick phonographs, there is one that
will be sure to su!t you exactly, and the price is little less than you
expected to pay.
Furniture Store, Salem,Or.
I f.lf .1. V
. ... .