- SALEM, OBEGOU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1918 IfAGI ITEN (D)fIlailBnl(ilIounial, TOWELS, BATH TOWELS , itt'ttttMtMMt IMMimiiittttHM and We have these useful articles for you yet at old time low prices, which you will be sure to appreciate: , FACE TOWELS .12c, 15c 18c and 25c each WHITE BATH TOWELS ; 12 l-2c, 20c and 25c each FANCY BATH TOWELS 25c, 35c, 49c, 59c and 69c each WASH CLOTHS 5c each BATH SETS-which make exceptionally GOOD USEFUL GIFTS. There are 3, 4, and 5-piece sets in nice boxes at 98c, $1.25. $1.69, and $1.98 Set EVERYTHING TO WEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT PRICES THAT APPEAL TO ALL. ii h h a ... 4 . ' . j, - . a. J. l : personals' : B. W. Macy who has beon in San Francisco on legal business will re.urn linno Sunday evening. Miss Eva M. Cox and Mrs. Frank Bj erly of Falls City were Salom visitor Yesterday. J. W. McDonald of Bond is registered; t the Bligh. . Mrs. C. E. Knowland and daughtor re visiting in Albany , . a i , JOB EINGWALD WEITES "LETTER FEOM TRANCE". , , Joe Bhigwald is, in Franco with Company F( 9th' depot battalion signal orps. In a letter addressed to his truthcr and sister hero he tells of his exporienevs in crossing the Atlan.io. He Write ti.at for the first day ho felt fine tut that a little later be leaned over Mi ruling with all tli0 rest of the boys. AIm . ilk, others, he niissed several meals. In regard to tho work of the V. At. C. A.) ho writes; "Some people do not uphold the Y. M. C. A. but lot m0 tvll you the Y. M. C. A. and K. of C. are ear Mainly doing the great est social work Hut van be done hero and I urge each f yon to back them up. . Tho Y. M. 0. A. and K. of C. work toeother hore as Iho Y M. C, A. permit? priosts to say! piass in tlivij- buildings." MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM GLDEN RULE METHODS " GOLDEN RULE WRICKS ICR MOTTO it John Howard Payne, immortalized himself in his song, it is stud he wrote the words, while he was dying, far from home and friends. The environment of home, appealed to him, as it has to others, with a strong yearning under those circumstances. Even death's sorrows are mitigated by the refined surroundings of "Hdme." We are absolutely the only ones in Salem who"of f er such inducements. A . special Guest Room for man or woman, compelled to remain over night, for ' which no charge is made. And those entrusted to our care are absolutely never left alone. Mrs. Terwilliger gives her personal care to all ladies and child ren and we assure you that, , when entrusted to us they will have all the at tention and care that they would receive in a private home; v 1 envilfiger Fune: 770 Chemeketa Street, Salem, Oregon. ' - ' G. E. TERWILLIGER !'. MRS. N. N. TERWILLIGER License No. 172 - License No. 270 . IttMHtMMH MMtMMMMMMMMHMHt BATH SETS 'Incorporated Final Effort This Evening To Complete Salem's Quota One final effort will be made this evening to secure pledges whereby Ha lorn will have the honor of going over tho top. In order to aid those who wish to increase their subscriptions as well as those who have been negligent and put it off to the last minute, all banks in the city will, be open this evening from six until eight o'clock for the purpose only of receiving liberty loan subscriptions. , The executive committee announces that no effort will bo mado to secure more than Salem's quota. There is a fooling that with the city now within '4),000 of tho mark-,-that enough pa triotic citizen will rally this evening to save the name of the capital city. The time for soliciing has passed and now wjth but a ftw hours before the limit when subscriptions may be ro; ccivod, tho workers, have passed it up to the people. . There is a fooling of confidence that tho people of Salom this evening will do the right thing and that the city will have the honor of having its name inscribed with those that went over tho top in the fourth liberty loan, . WILSON SUITS ITALIANS. Borne, Oct. 18.-1- Fresldont Wilson's reply to Germany completely agreis wi.li Italian views, it was officially an nounced today. ' , - i . ' , i ,ivi-. t "'I"' W ft! f & iicu KAPLI. Mrs. Laura Es.ella Kapli died Oct. 9, 1918, at Gainesville, Fla. Mrs. Kapll was known in and around I Salem as Miss LauraSavago,sho was born in 1898, at tho time of her death she was twonty ymars and one month old. She came . to Oregon - at the age of one month win the parents and had spent tho greater.' part of her life in and around Snlem. She was the daughter of Mrs. Jessie Knapke and grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Gosncr who reside six niilCf) east of Salem. Miss Savage was married to Charley L. Kapli Dec. 8, 1017, In Columbia, S. C. She leaves be sides ' a sorrowing husband a mother, father, Harry L. Savage brother, Ray mond L, Savage, two little half-brothers and a half-sister; uncles, aunts, and hosts of frronds she had made through hor sunny disposition to mourn her loss. Asleep in Jesus blessed sloep from whiclnone over wake to weep. . AVIATORS SAY BRUSSELS . HAS BEEN EVACUATED. London, Oct. 19. Advices Bolgian sources tonight declared Brussels has been "military eva cuated" by the Gormans. MMMtMMMMMMM A PRIVATE HOME .. IN ALL ITS APPOINTMENTS WITH SERVICE IS OUB . KEYSTONE 1 "Home Sweet Home." 44 if Rl M MM MMtMMM Itl .: - v :;- , : All Around Town! COFJNGEYENTS Oct 19. Last day of regis tering for city election. Oct. 23. Election of Directors Willamette Chapter, Bed Cross. Oet 27 Sunday. At night, turn the time back one hour. Nov. 6. Election day. "Taa funeral Clough Co. oeautlfnt". .Webb ft tf 'The best' death comes. Phone 129. la all j cm can do when Call Webb Clough Co. Dr. C. Hartley, dentist, Moors build ing, 407 Court St. Painless filling and extractin. Pyorrhea. tf o Wanted We need 100 women to work in the preparatory department. Good wages and steady work all win ter. Apply at once Salem King's fro ducts Co., Front St. 10-19 o Will ship all Mnds of livestock Tues day, October 22. Will pay the highest market price possible. Phone G. W. Eyre, 2206JI evenings. t 10-19 -o- - Will sell at a bargain property on 5th and Hood. Inquire ef A. G. Carl, 424 18th St. or at R. D. Gilbert & Co. o- " Dr. Bchenk has now returned from his vacation and he extends a cordial invitation to his patrons and friends to visit his institution. tf Wood Special For 10 days only be ginning Oct. 8 wo will sell 10 loads 16 inch mill' wood at' $2.50 per load; prompt delivery. , Spaulding Logging eompany. i tt - o Snxlal meeting of Salem lodge No. 4. A. F. & A. M. to morrow at2 p. m. To attend the funeral of our late Bro, Thomas A.,Townsend. Visiting brethren wcicome. o- A marriage license was isued yester- day to Tnomas in. .vnapun, age a io, oi. Salem, and Mathilda Buchner, aged 77 years, also of Salem. r 0 r- The funeral services for Kenneth 0. Crosson. who died at Portsmou.jh, Va- will be held Sunday afternoon from the Biedon chapel and will be conducted by the Bov. H. N. AJdrich of the Leslie M. E. church. Burial will be made in the City View cemetery Fool and billiard playing as well as card games are now permitted by Ae health officers. ,;t- - Olen Ackerman.is now sergeant, ma jor, according to a letter recently re ceived by his mother, Mrs. J. J. Acker- man. He recently returned from Borne, Italy, where ho had; been Bent on otri cial business. He i8 now stationed at headquarter at Aix-le-Bains in south ern France. . - ', , As the city cbuncilmen sit far apart in ' the council room with the desks strung around them on both sides of the council chamber, Mayor Walter Keyes foels there would be no special danger from a keal.h standpoint to the city if tho councilinen should meet Monday evoning and discuss city af fairs. Hence tbera will be tho regula tion Monday evenina to permit the councilinen care for the city. o Lee Gilbert, the Elgin distributor, and E. W. Hazard, cashier of the United States Bank, aio home from a fishing and hunting trip above Blue river on tho McKenzie. They claim to hare caught a lot of fish and brought back a big consignment of bear meat, hav ing had a 'splendid ..(rip. Incidentally Mr. Gilbert remarks that "the !,'E1g'n Six" noyet bucked a minute. A- very flto phonograph made by the Brunswick Balko Collendar company is now being sold in- Salem. This phono graph plays all makes of records by the aid of a combination reproducer which ig especially arranged for each kind of rocord. The machines are being shown by tho C. 8. Hamilton Furniture store. Or Mrs. 8. J. Dorsey, who has handed in her resignation as police matron to take cffec'.l Nov. 1, is now taking hor two weeks vacation. No one has been ap pointed to servo in her place and it seems .o be a question as to whether the council will appoint a police matron be fore tho first of tho year. The salary of $50 a month appears to be rathor un attractive as there has been no applica tion for tho position. ' ' . o E. E. Baker, tho attorney 01 Salem, who is jll of pneumonia t Camp Lewis, is no better today but holding his own. according to a telegram received this morning by his parents; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baker of 1445 Oak street , o- Developments are rather alow with the prune packers. Although there are plenty of promises and orders in sight, no positive shipping instruction have been received, There has been so many delay....s and unusual eonditaons thrown In the way of immediate shipmen.n that the packers are now simply waiting, wondering what official can think of somethin gelset to delay matters. One of tho latest was the order from tiho British authorities i Washington re- ouirinsr that everv box. even tho 25 pound one, should be iron strapped. Af ter a few days delay the order as to iron straps so unusual in the prune business, was cancelled. ' Within few day con tracts will be received for the shipment from Salem of half a million pounds and if there is no inker inserted, an ae- Jtual shipment will be made within the If the grocer happens to deliver sev eral articles unwrapped, do not blame him. He is just trying to carry out one of the many instructions issued by Ae U. S. Food Administration. W. A. Den ton, state secretary of the Oregon retail grocers and merchants association, re ceived this morning instructions to is sue to the grocers as follows: "Wrap no food except those that have to be wrapped for sanitary reasons and then use as light a paper and as small an mount as practicable. Encourage the use of marker baskets.'' j Misa Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of the old Italian Method Vf singing, Studio 162 Liberty St. N. For appoint ments phone 334. ' . o . After breaking the record of the past generation for a low stage, the river is now rapidly rising and this morning was above the low water mark, the highest since June 18. During the las.; week of September tho river was two feet below the low water mark, breaking the low record even of last year when there wasn't a drop of rain fall during the month of October. For Bent Bedroom with private bath Mrs. Peck, Vick's garage. On the first day of the fourth liberty loan drive in Salem, the Associated Oil company subscribed $3,000 through its local agent R. 0. Snelling. Having been informed by Mr. Snelling that the city was having a pretty fierce smuggle to get oyer the top, the company this morning 'wired its agent to subscribe another $3,000. " " . o After a week will be back buying stock. Phone evonings 2357J. G. D. Bur diek. A pro-German who had no use what ever for this counHry and who expressed his desire to return to Germany was brought down town last evening by E. E. Lavallcur and constable Percy Var ney. Mr. Varney had been asked to accompany the solicitor to the home of the pro-German and even with .pie two witnesses the man who wanted to go back to Germany declared that this country had no business in getting into ,:his war and that no one could make him subscribe to any loan. Nor had he ever subscribed for any of the Bed Cross drives, aeeording to his own statement. After thinking it over, he was let off with a $50 subscription. The man is making about $135 a month but claimed & have no money in tho bank. ., : . . Just to help in making sure that Sa lem soourcd its quota for the fourth lib erty loan, D. A. Whito & Song today subscribed $1,000. Their first subscrip tion for this loon was $5,000, pledged on I'lie first day of the campaign. The Salem Heights Sunday school is among those that will not meet until the-ban has been Temoved from meet ings ol aff kind. Fred A. Derenleau died yesterday at Camp Kearney,-Calif., from pneumonia roiiowmg an attack of the influenza. He was tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucian A. Doranleau of Polk couir.y. The body will bo brought to Salem but the time of arrival ia indefinite. He enlisted in the regular army from the Salem re cruiting station in April of 1917. Be sides his parents he is survived by three brothers, one of whom, Ar,hur J. Dcran leau, ig now stationed at Camp Joseph E. Johnson, Fla. : BOLLAND-NORDHATJSEN. A pretty wedding occured at 'Jhe home of Mrs. Gesinc Norduausen, Oct.9, when her daughter Erica was united in mar riage to Mr. OscaBolland. The bride was becomingly dressed .in a gown of white Gcoirgotte Crepe and earried a bouquet of pink carnations and aspar agus ferns. Tho groom wore a suit of dark bluo serge. Tlie bride's sisVr Sidonw was maid of honor and wore a dress of blue crepe dc chine. Tho groom's brother, Peter, was groomsman. The wedding march "Lolrengrin Bridal Chorus" was play ed by Miss Johanna Yost. Miss Caro line Nordhausen, attired in a blue crepe gown, was bridesmaid. Her escort in tho weeding march was Dick Nordiia sea. Eov. Bruss of Aurora performed aiu ceremony. . After tla congratulations were over and a bountiful ropast hod been served to all, the happy couple loft for a short wedding trip to Seattle. Aurora Ob server. 1 1 - - ' Dr .Doney Is Opposed To S. A. T.C Boys Dancing In regard to the' proposed giving of weekly dances by those interested in the welfare of the Students Army Training corps of Willamette Univer sity, in an interview rtpday, Dr, Carl Gregg Doney said: "In the matter of the announcement that weekly dances will be given for the entertainment of the S. A. T. C. of Willamette University, the universiiy states that it doe not approve or sanction this form of enter-i tainment and that dances will not take place on the campus or anywhere within the control of he institution." A number of women are furnishing the upper story of the Science building to be used as a rest and entertainment room for the boys of the university now inducted in p the service and under regulation army disciplin. As almost all of the boys are away from home for tho first time, those-interested in their welfare are arranging . to entertain Jhom with weekly dances to be given , elsewhere than on s'he Lniversity W1 U ID II I Fresh Dairy Cows Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1918 On the Clarence S. Bowne Farm, 2 Miles South of Aumsville, Oregon. 100 Head Jerseys 40 cows fresh and coming fresh; 60 head choice young stockj 3 choice registered Jersey bulls; 3 registered Poland China Boars; 18 head pure bred Poland China hogs and pigs. Also a few beef cattle- The com bined herds of J. B. Bowne and Clarence S. Bo ne, whose achievements havo proven their value as high producers of milk and butterfat. They are bred along the same lines and every one persistent milkers. Prac tically all of the cows were sired by Hazel Fern Tormentor 80178, whose daughters havo been uniformly high producer. Herd average for pro duction under official test approximately $140.00 per year. Cows in herd that have given 14o0 pounds milk per month. Entire herd average test over 5 per cent. The herd is free from disease. No contagious ab ortion. Herds tuberculin tested. No old cows in herd. Not an animal but what is a PROFITABLE PRODUCES. TERMS OF SALE One year's time bearing 8 per cent interest- - TIME Sale will start at 10 a. m. October 23, 1918.' FBEE LUNCH served at noon. . . J. B. BOWNE, and CLARENCE S. BOWNE. Owners. IE. A. RHOTEN, 1 SALE MANAGER. - State House Notes In connection with the amalgama tion of the worn of the men's and women's sections of the state council of defense, Governor Withycombe has appointed Mrs. John H. Albert, of Sa lem and Mrs. William MacMastors of Portland as members of the state council: Amalgamation of the work of the two sections is being brought about at the request of FranWin K. Lane, chief of the field division of the na tional council of defense. Memorial services for the late Frank A. Moore, justice of tho supreme court, have been postponed because of the precautions being taken against the tedwerfe toTave Z2Vo day. "No definite date is now fixed,1 but they will be hold later. ' Attorney General Brown has advised Gilbert Hedges district attorney at Oregon City, that under the law he does not consider it necesasry for a Voter to (place a cross before a name which he may write upon tho general election ballot as his choice for any office. All he needs do is write in the name in the blank pace provided for that purpose. However, the attorney general recommends that as the quse tion may not be entirely free from doiibt it would be better for voters to be on the safe side and make the cross in addition to writing in the name. This is of particular interest in connection with the election of a justice of the supreme court to fill tho vacancy caus ed by the death of Justice Moore as there will be no names of candidates on the ballot for that place. , ... State Engineer John H. Lewis has approved the application of James H. Sturgis for tho appropriation of 50 second feet of water from the Uma tilla river near Barnhart for the de velopment of 284 horsepower to be used for commercial purposes. , This project will involve the construction of a concrete dam 7 feet in height and 700 feet long, a ditch four miles long together with other works at an ap proximate cost of $20,00000. ' Leaders of the boys' and girls' indus- I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give-you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. 7 I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get . ray Prices Before you sell. ' THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. . Phone 398 The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street ; And All Kinds of 2nd Has . ooda. rail Market Price Special - Prices paid for Sacks. Got oar prices before yon cell. THB TEOPLB'S JUNK ft SHB HANS STOEE 171 R. Oom'l Bt Fnone 734 i will be given on bankable notes. j COL. A I: STEVENSON; AUCTIONEER. trial club work , in the state held a conference in the office of J. A. Church ill, superintendent of public instruc tion, yesterday to outline the work for next year. Some new projects probably will be added to the club work. Thoso attending the conferenco were O. D. Center, director of the extension de partment of O. A. O; H. C. Seymour, state club leader; A. I. O'Bcilly, indus trial club worker for the O. A. C; N. C. Maris, and L. P. Harrington, indus trial club workers for. tho department of education and Superintendent Churchill. . , , .. C. D. Butler, head of the motor vo hiele registration department in tho Office of Secretary of Stato 'Olcott, has enlisted in the navy and expects to leave the last of this month' for train ing. He went to Portland to take the physical examination, which he success fully passed. Mrs. Butler and baby boy VHS HZ i will roturn to The Dalles to make their A, S. Bennett, while Mr. Butler is away. EOAD TO BE COMPLETED. . - - , . . . A good send to the. traveling public has taken place on tho Silwrton-Wood-burn road in tho complde repair of the Early last June Willis English,, as overseer, started in to gravel thB road from the Bethany corner to the Ab- iqua bridge tho length of this district Ho met with much difficulty in tho way of help, but he stayed wi.h tho job and had the satisfaction Tuesday ewning of seeing his-part of the high way gravoled and properly rolled. The road from the bridge into Woodburn is also gravoled and in shape for winter travel. Mr. English i9 entitled ,o' milch praise and credit for arcing the job job through under such trying labor conditions. Appeal. - ,-.,'.. . ; .L.M.HUM ' tare of . Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea 0. Has medicine' which will ear any known disease.' . S ' ; - ! Open Sundays from 10 a. a. on til S p. m. 153 South High Si Salem, Oregon. PhoBa 181 DH W.L STANTON T Dermatologist and Foot Specialist. Specializes in removing snperflous hair from face ,neck and arms. Facial work for removal of blemishes. -'. Also tho latest applinncos for treat ment of tho feet. Try Stanton's face cream, masssTjo cream and freckle lotion the best that money can buy. Lady Assistant DR. W. E. STANTON Licensed Dermatologist, 518 United State, Bank Building. , Phono 416. WANTED. Portland Furniture Dealer wants all kinds of second bund furniture, stoves, gas ranges, ete. Best price paid. Phone 951. . , ,. : I HEMSTITCHING I . Hemstitching and Picot edge work. j We do this work in 'is best - Banner. - All work guaranteed. Suiger Sewing Machlns Co Phone 441 337 Stato Street Saleu. vv j ., next Vn days. grounds.