SUBSCRIBERS (33,000 EEADEES) DAILY Only Circulation is SaVm Guar anteed by the Audit Bureaa ef Circulations . FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES EFEfilAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEW-"BV1CB ' Oregon! Tonight fair wills light frost in the southwest por tion and Wavy frost ia the eat portion; bucilur gent-raily fair, light southerly winds. . - m Tin i rt r : .1 it, I FORTY-FIEi TAR- NO. 248. a SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1918. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS fin 0 ff ''''jl''f:: H I W ffl n I ift f I 111 i i) V (AY V 4 l l VLaU UU Uli Lili J LI UIJ Li HUlil Li II IW V H ULba U mmm: NEW ADVANCE IN R Cermans Strengthen Defenses In Hope Of Holding Yan kee Advance. FRENCH TROOPS CROSS OISE CANAL NEAR GUISE Anglo-American Attacks In Boham Region Made Im portant Advances. By Frank J. Taylor, ; (United Press Staff Correspondent, Yance, Oci. 19. (Noon), The Ameri cans made a new advance of about two kiloniei's (a mile and a quarter) in the. region north of Chanipignoulle and Bantheville (a front of about fifteen organising their new positions. . o'rgauizin gtheir new positions. ... ' ; TJ;' Germans arfr hastily strengthen ing their defense,' along the heights wegt of Ainoreville (five. miles north of Brieulles) whieh are roughly about two kilometers north of the present line.-:-' French Cross Olse Canal j, ; Paris, Oct., 19. French troops, cross lag tkVOlse canal en a wide front, hare erftproached to within a mile hnd a quar-. le.r of . Otiiso, the French Official cora- immique Indies f.d today. ',?' Additional gains were made in the Aisne region west of Attigny. "During the night the First army oaiitiuucd its victorious advance and drove the enemy, who atjjmpted to hold at all costs, from tl.'j west bank of the Oise", said the communique. "We reached the canal from east of .Me enemy' between the Aisne and the ville. Hsnnanes. Ti.nirnv. nJ Nnv. ales, also the' majority of the localities boruvring the canal, are in our hands, "During the battle in this region, since Oct. 17, we have .Jaken over 3000 prisoners, 20 guns, many machine guns, important material and a, complete mu uition train. "On the Aisne front Wo cleared out t.v ucmey between the Aisne and .Die canal and west of Attigny took Ambly and Ilaut and some prisoners.'' Attacks are Contained. London, Oct. 18. (Delayed) fuid American !foops continuing their I DRIVE EA LY TODAY pttack between LeChateau and Boliain,La nof he shall be the judges of what (have captured the important - railway ivuier ui Yvassiguy, c lent jiarsnai iiaig reported tonight. Fighting is -still go ing on in hat region. . Further progress was made on the whole front from the North sea to the Henseo river. Additional advances of juore than fiw iniles were made bo ityvceu Lille aud Douai. The British cap tured Toiircoing and Roubaix and pass ed eastward of those ei.'ies. Occupa tion of 'Douai was completed. Anglo-American troops continued 'thCir attack betWtvn Bohain and Lo Inteau today and made good progress in .co-operation . with ihe Friich on their .ritfht", the 'statement said. , " , " Despite ' heavy resistance, the ne ciny was driven from hig postion We captured 'WosKigny and Ribeauville sod entered Kaziel, where fighlug is still qoing on. Vvre took 1,200 prisotters! an 1 a few ufu in these operations. "Hetweit the Sense canal and the !.ys riv.r, the enemy ret.vat, forced by Hie allied success, con inued.,' Despite considerable Opposition by the enemy's rear guilds, wi made a further advance five miles. '. "General HarneV first army eom jileted the capture of Douai aud pro gressed east of the'town. On this front, we reached ttv general line of Mar- quette-En-Ostryant (a mile and a half west of Bouchain), Masny (five miles east of Douay), Bersee (seven miles and a hoif northeast of Douai), Fretin (five miles southeast of Lille), Saignhin (two miles northeast of Fretin), and Ascq (three miles and a half 'east of Lille). ' To the northward. General Plumer'g ecMiond army advanced eas.taard of JJou- baix aud Turcoing." j l & Kntish continue to advance north of the Se'nsee canal, making an addi tional gain of more than three miles -011 a wide front northeast of Douai. Eassl of Lille the British crossed th? Marque river a'nd approached to within less than eight miles of Tournay. "Further progress was made yester dy evening northeast of Bohain", the statvmcnt said. "We captured Mazinghien and eom- ( Continued on page two) PRESIDENT REFUSES TO DEAL DIRECT WITH AUSTRIA Answers Peace Note Telling Of Changed Conditions Since Speech, ' Washington; Oct. 19. The' United States today answered Austria-Hungary's plea for peace with the reply that conditions are so altered since January 8, that we cannot now accept their autonomy plan as a basis of peace Instead,, he insisted that the oppressed-peoples of the dual empire 'J shall be the judges of what action on the part of the Austro-Hungarian govern ment will satisfy their acpirations." la substance It was a refusal to do any peace business with Austria. The note, as transmitted from Sec retary of State Lansing to the Swedish minister, said: "I have the honor to acknowledge1 the receipt of your note of the sev enth instant in which you transmit a communication from the" imperial and royal government of Austria-Hungary to the president. I am now instructed by the presi dent to request you to be good enough through your government to convey to the imperial and royal government the following -reply: " 'The president deems it his duty to say to the Austro-Hungarian gov ernment that he cannot entertain the present suggestions of that government because, of certain events of the ut- Lmost importance which occuring since the delivery of his address of the eighth of January last,, have necessar ily altered the attitude and' responsi bility of the government of the Unit ed states.- 4 ,s:.u- - . - " 'Among the fourteen terms .Of peace which the. president formulated at that time, oceurred the following: ' " ' 10 The peoples of Austria-Hun gary whose place among the nations e wish to see safeguarded and assur- ea, should De accorded the freest op portunity of autonomous development.' " 'teince that sentence was written and uttered to the congress of the Unit ed States, the government of the Unit ed States has recognized that a. state Of belligerency exists between the Caecho-Slovaks and the German and Austro-Hungarian empires and that the Czechoslovaks National Council is a de facto belligerent government, cloth, ed with proper authority to direct the military and political affairs of the Cfcecho-Slovaks. " 'It has also recognized in the full est manner the justice of the national istic aspirations of the Jugo-Slavs for freedom. . The president is, therefore, no . ' longer at liberty to accept a mere 'ati British tnnftmv' nf thesn neorlleR sa a basi of no.., hut nnlived tn iiisist. that thev action on the part of the AtiBtro-Hun garian government will satisfy their aspirations and their conception ot their rights and destiny as members of the family of nations.' " The text of the Austrian note to the president said: ' "The Austro-Hungarian i monarchy, which has. waged war always and sole ly as a defensive' war and repeatedly given documentary evidence or its rea mi aocumentary evmence 01 us reu to stop the shedding of Woodbind it5J.U VtiA0,. mess arnv ship, the president of theiJnited States me "v"- . , of America and offers . to conclude with him and his allies an armistice on every front on land, at sea and in tho air, and to enter immediately upon negotiations toward a peace for which the fourteen points in the message of President Wilson to congress of Janu ary 8, 1918, and the four points con tained in President Wilson's address on February, 12, 1918, serve as the foundation a'nd which with tho view paints declared by President Wilson in his address of September 28, 1918, will also be taken into account." HEARST PAPEBS BABBED. Camp Dodge, Iowa, Oct. 19. Because of sensational head lines, Hearst's Chicago Ameri can has been barred from the amp here; c Germany Surrenders; Kais er Out," was the headlines that brought about the disbarment.' MAY JOY-BIDE SUNDAYS. Washington, Oct. 17. The ban of the' use of automobiles on Sunday was hinconditionally lifted today, effective immediately. Fuel Administrator Oar-j fiold said that no restriction will be , pined on the usg of automobile,! na1' g-uUae stocks again become uauge oi'! low. He added that prior.ty ti leri v.i!l be issued for overscan v'.te ATTENDANCE AT CITY SCHOOLS HOLDING UP High School Loses More Than Others As Boys Have Gone To War. Although doxwns of families from Sa lem have moved to Portland or other Ci fes calling for ship yard workers, the attendance at the city public schools after two.weck8 session is not mater ially different from that of one year ago. The greatest tailing on is in ne the high school and this is accounted for from the fact that so many of the older boys have enlisted during the past year, uuc year ago .ne attendance ot the Salem high school was registration "ow is In .'he grades just below that or tne high school, there is no great difference iu the attendance, now and one year' ago. A.I the Washington Junior high school; in the .three higher grades one year airo thw resistration was 366 while this year it is 356. In tlie Lincoln jnn- according to best information available ior high' in the three upper grades the ae,e today, will not be decisive, attendance ono year ago was 142 while . 1 of to(Uv,( difipatehes rom Hol. "U,5;T J I the th,eanhl,C lttnd 8-itzeriand indicate that the ..or Ijigh school, iit the higher 0erraan milit8 9te enccceded ia grades the attendanec was W whfl teventi compite( submig9ion. this year it is 135. Compared to ono The generaiy aRree that in year .go.m.the .upper grades, Wash- hgl 'G(rais wiUVk-to prolong ington- has lost 10, .: Linjoln 6, and the discussion Grant 14. ',..'!'.i t ' . ,, ' '""'','' In the pimrr grades, he (eretwst ' fg Clamm Won ' loss is ia the Englewood school. Oua. London, Oct.- 19. ? Intervention, by year ago the attendance at this time the ruiing eaMCs in Germany restorod was 175 while thB registration todaj is tne kaiser after he had actually .odi only 10k - '- . . cated, and hUcrfcrred with the sending Garfield school iH holding its ow. 0f the reply to iPrcaidcnt Wilson's last Ono year ago tl.v? registration was 242 not; the Chronicle today declared it while today it is 244. . had reason to believe. , Grant school in the primary grades y According to this newspapers be has lost 12 pupils in the year. One lief,' the kaiser abdicated for several yoar ago the registration wag 132 whilo hours and probably even signod his ab today it is 130. - dication. An agreement on an armistice Highland school showg a registration under Wilson's terms was Teached, and of 14 less 'than one year ago at this ,wasvctually nder way rwhen the rul timo.In 1917 at this timc in Octobwr ing caste intcrrenedi caused cancella the pupils numbered 162 while the rcg- tion of the note and restored the kais istration now is 148. ' . Lincoln school in the primary grades : now has registered 184. With the In' connection with this report, it was closing of the McKinley school, i.ts noted that there were many rumors pupils mostly were sent toX.incoln. One early, this week of a reply already be yenr ago Lincoln had in the primary ing en route, then neutral news centors grades 146 and McKinley 49. 1 received accounts of the arrival in Iter- . Park school shows a loss of 15 pupils u ? Hindcnburg and other military ,...,1 win, nno var .im The leaders and -at the same time riots registration for Park in October of 1917 was l4 is 149. whil. today it8 registration ,-2uUirXLf.?C'?r'' . LTl "1 L J ' ' ' 1 a nl J.. "I "e ," . " " - registration was 100 while today it is ' . . .. ' . ., . ' The resistration now m the Bich- mond school in 140 showing but little change from that of one year gao. . -.' Hence .notwithstanding thvs fact that so many families in Salem and vicinity have moved ,to the ship yard cities, .'.Tie attendance in the public schools shows decrcase of only 163 compared to one Half of this numl, is ac- """tea for m the young men of the 98,1001 whofw7t th As many are out of school on account'. of crop conditions, the prospects are mm miuiu a muuin ur so, mc urgm- tration of tho city schools will compare vjrv favorably with that of one vear ago. The total attendance as regis tcred last week in the city schools is 2, 349. One year ago it was 2,512. King And Queen Visit American Prsoners,' Officials are at a loss to knew ex-' . , 'actly whether Germany 's reply is com-1 Dartford, Eng.," Oct. 19. King ing directly or whether it will be de-1 George, Queen Mary and Princess Ma- layed while a peace atmosphere is fur ry visited the Bed Cross hospital here ther created. . yesterday, where 2000 wounded AmcrJ They do not anticipate that there ' icans are being cared for. 'will be further discussion from Gcr-.l stepping from his ntomobile, the king was greeted by Sergeant E. J. Donnell, Chicago. He shook hands with Donnell and talked with . him. The king then conversed with Lieu- teant Irving-P. Corse of Minneapolis, wo was wounded by a shell fragment Wilson has set for them the only way while flying over the German lines. out a path nhblotted by Hohenzoll "But I certainly bombed the Ger- ernism. Neutral diplomats here believe mans, ' Corse iid. " Accompanied by Bed Cross officials the king visited the doughboys' wards talking and joking with them and lalinlfinor hands, fla tftll f.ioiflan.nt T Pr Kerrigan of Rutland, Vt, who loi-t a w ; Pr!hice. of the wonderful d- vances made in the manufacture of artificial limbs and expressed the hope that Kerrigan soon would be able to walk without crutches. , ''The American Bed Cross is doing a wonderful work in England." the king told Captain Frank American of! Buffalo, a Red Cross official and for- RULING CLASS IS STILL IU POWER III KAISER'S RE Rumor, Current -4 That Kaiser Was Forced To Withdraw HislbdicaMcn. IPECTEOiREPLY V ' WIU BE INDEFINITE On Other HdPresdsstFd soa VrTI Kt Accept Half Hearted Proposals Londqn, Oct.. 19.--(12.i0 p. m.) Germany's reply to; Piesident Wilson, were reported in the German- capital, NO HALF WA YMEASUEES By Robwrt J. Bender (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Oct. 19. The United 9 governn)cnt win fefpt halJ. hearted measures of political reform in Gcrma and in Al)fri fl8 basi(J for pCg(,e Xhj ,,moke barrag0 now bein(( down by the German propagandists is 1oalm n0 one but tho (,.,rinan9 thenv. iVM. An.oricim anthorikien re nene. trating the purposes and developments bchind this 8CrePn. And thus ""fo ,n, Z "hi -".ported ZVt meet the acid test 1 far they reforms not meet the acid tost. They , are grded mainly a, being the basis for n.tkm rn from nrmnv in the pcaee situation. It is held she will at-j tempi TO snow innv uo nas rriormru and that the kaiser is no longer the all powerful with tho "divine right." However, President : Wilson 1 last communication was a "decision," con taining the minimurti that Germany must meet if she wants peace. And President Wilson will stand as judge of the degree of Teuton sincer- many. Germany is regarded as anxious to get peace but there is a doubt here bow as to whether the Teuton war lords have yet seen the handwriting on the wall, or whether the German! people fully 'appreciate that President' Germany "went the limit" in the con cessions In her last note and will now fight on. Congress received President Wil son 's reply to Austria with the same enthusiastic approval his note to Germany evoked. - Republicans were particularly pleas ed over what they termed. the presi dent's emphatic reiteration of what he has previously stated in terms not so plain that the United. States i com mitted to dismemberment of the Aus- tro-Hnngarian empire, insoffr as the subject peoples are concerned.. WITHYCOMBE'S PRISON ADMINISTRATION VERY EXPENSIVEJO OREGON In Four Years Taxpayers Pay $157,000 More Than Dar ing West's Term. Four years of the Oregon state peni tentiary under the administration of Governor Withycombo will ; have cos. thb taxpayers pt Oregon approximately 157,000 more than it cost th-em under the administration of Governor West, j This increase is in the faee of ,;he fact that there ii, and for a, long time past has been, a much smaller popula tion at the state prison under tlw Wi.'ihyconibe administration than there wag under the whole of tho. West ad ministration. Nor does the answer repeatedly made by Wn sponsors for the Withyc'oinbe admin ia.lration that war time conditions are responsible for the steadily mount ing deficiencies at the penitentiary give full aatisfactoin. Increase 71 Per Cent. The figuws show .,'hat while 'the per capita cost at the penitentiary has in creased approximately 71 per cont from $18.37 to 131.98 per month during the past two years, tho por capi.a cost of running the state hospital under tho superiutendency of Dr. E, E. Lee Stein ez hag increased approximately only 10 per , cent from fl5.93 to 117.58 per month during ".lie same period of time. The '1911 legislature gave the peni tentiary lor tho first two years of the West administration, tU2,Q00. for iin maintonaace, and $21,250 for provo ments. During .iat biennlum fire dam aged the auditorium to tho extent of $1600, which was. voted a deficiency by the 1913 legislatuiv, making the total cost of jhe prison for tho first' two years $164,850.. The 1913 legislature gavo West $147,000 to maintain the prison and $56,300 for improvements, $29,650 of which was used, The remain der going to the guneral fund, making the cost for th0 last i.,wo years $176. 650, and the total for the four years $341,500. Big Deficiencies Noted. The 1915 legislature gav0 Governor Withycoml! $178,000 for the mainten ance of the penixntiary and $10,250 for improvements. Tho 1917 legislature vo ted $22,292(37 t0 cover deficiencies iu the maintenance account and $9267.44 for deficiencies in the improvement ac count of the two prccoeding years, mak ing the otal cost of the 1915-17 bicn nium $219,809.81. The 1917 legislature gacv Whttycombe $183,000 for mainvii aiicg of the penitentiary and $24,955.7u for improvements, whilo tho emergency board has already voted $70,000 to cov er deficiencies in maintenance for the past '.iwo years, together with an addi tional sum of $750 to cover deficiencies in improvement account, making the to tal cost of the penitentiary, already in sight, for the pos1, two years mount to $278,705.70. This" brings th total fot the four years 1915 to 1918 inclusive, bp to $498,515.51. , , Tho difference between $498,515.61 and $341,500 is $157,015.5),. which is the cost to tUe taxpaypr, of peni.' '.!.. a .l . j!..i...i5 -j Governor Withycomb over it, cost un- dcr jjjfl adniinigtration. of Governor' yfei I HIGH COST' OF CLOTHING. Bonrs, Sept. 10 (by mail). Men's clothing in Austria-Hungary cost from $200 to $300 a suit, while women's tailor-made gowns average from $300 to $400 each, according to the "Krejcovsky Listy", .(he offi cial organ of - the Tcheque fizechi). tailors in the dual mo narch?. ' . , ... DEATH BATE IN CAMPS. Washington Oct. 19. Spanish influenza and pneumonia in the .army camps and cantonments in this country caused an nnprece- . dentedly high death rate for the week ending October 11 the war department announced to day. The weekly death rate was 206.4 per thousand on a year ly basis as compared with 81.88 the week before vastly higher thsn t&c normal rate. , . ' u uuvuuuuu GREAT AIRPLANE IS BEING PERFECTED i Makers of British Model Ex pect to be First in Field Wilh Giant Machine By Carl D. Croat Washington, Oct. 19, Berlin i8 to be bombed. Mukvrs ' of tho British airplane, Handlcy-Page, are perfecting a gian; craft which shall meet the requirements of a big gasoline load and a big bomb load, according to information from United States military aeronautic branch. While the Bri tish are developing this important machine, others among tbu allies are striving toward tho same. end. Tl.vre has been much unfounuutt id much impaginative talk about what air planes would do to Germany. Now however, national aujhoritiog say that tho Handley-Page .development assures the bombing of Berlin and will make easy the dropping of bwavy loads of T. N. T. on .German towns. One thing helping the airplane situation im mensely is the allied advance in Bel gium and elsewhere along the west front. , This is shor.cning the flying distanco- materially. In airplane con struction the great difficulty is to de velop a machine which can carry suffi ckmt gasoline for a long flight a heavy load; , , In other words, ,s' : Major -General Kenly puts i-iy it 'is a hard proposition te do much damage if Jhe flyer can only remain out four hours and has large load of bombs to drop on some- Ger man city. ' "":' v t ; ' . " ' Konly and other were gratified) t day at the news of the all-American Pre, in which sixty -four flyers parti cipated.'. ' ' ' ,'"' ''" '' The joint air offensive of tho United States and hor allies is to be developed on gigantic lines. Bombing Berlin is only onu phase of it. Other phases are understood to be bombing of every inv portnnl individual city in wester. Ger many, so that the Teuton may have, a "dose of his own medicine". The moral effect of bombing Borlm i regarded as great.' Germany thought air raids wore very terrorizing and hence tried them out oD London and Paris. It is believed from Jhe wails she set up at recent allied raids and against har she will bo agonized if Unter .den Linden and Wilholmstrasse feel the weight of tho raider.. ilajor General Konly is scouring the nation for aerial observers. General Pershing has urgently asked for ;liem. While there ftro plenty of pilots, the pb servers aro scarce. ' Men of Intelligence, daring and good physiqiio are needed, A commission is promised nil qualifying and men of venturesome spirit are as- "We occupied Kralajevosels and pup surod plenty of thrills. Overseas sot- sued the enemy toward Trstenik (fiftj vice will be the certain portion of all observers. Bruges Is Occupied : By Allied Annies ; London, Oct. 19. (6:20 p. m.) Bruges has been 'complete ly occupied by the allies, ad vices from the front reported this evening.. All floating docks were found burned or sunk. , The Germans destroyed their costal batterie at Zeebritege ' and sank three steamers there before tho Belgians entered the city this morning. ! ! , London, Oct. 19. (5:05 p. . m.) The' allied lino now ex-' ' ! l tends from Eede, on the Dutch frontier in the direction of Thiolt, mceording to advices from the front this evening. (Eede is eight miles north- cast of Bruges.) , Emperor Karl Has v Attack Of Reformitis Washington, Oct. 18.-Epcrq Karl of Washington, Oct. 18. Emperor Karl of Austria is about to grant tutono mies and a new system of government, according to state department informa tion thiH afternoon from Borne, which said Austria is facing a decisive poli- Tko report said that .'he) emperor would issue a manifesto at the meeting of the Austro-Hungariao delegates. At the same time, quoting the Frankfurter Zcitung said, a general strike was spreading in Bohemia, O pier information was thot 80 Poles t 1 j -1 T .. : .1.-. 1 nava vo.ieu 10 n no lunger body. EIGHT HUNDRED SQUARE MILES OF TERRITORY FRE Allies Make Resarkalle Pro gress In Advance Of Last Four Days. cerman smjATicrr v : GROWS Vm CRITICAL Six Thousand Trc;;s Reported I!ezr.dhCa Ccsct j - Washington, Oct. 19. The Germane In four days this week relinquished 809 square miles of territory, long held Chief of Btaff March stated today. . At the same time, he revealed that the British were reported to hare Bruges. , London, Oct. 19 (1:05 p. m.) The French hav captured Vandy, four milec north of Vouzieres, according to battle front dispatches received here today. - (This indicates that the important railway town of Vouiieres haerbeea captured, or rendered untenable.) Amsterdam, Oct- 19-Allied tiOops hay reached Eecloo, ,shuttlng.. la six, thouBud Germans sgainst lua rutch ' frontier, according to the Telegraaf This represents an advance of about fourteen miles. , ,, Eecloo is fourteen miles east of Bruges, four miles from the Dutch border and - ten miles northwest of Ghent. , . - - - , London,' Oct. 19 (12:49 p. m.) Bel. gian troops have reached the canal be tween ZeebTugge and Bruges, according to dispatches from the front today. The Germans are reported' to he still holding of the outskirts of Zeehrugge. London, Oct. 19 (5 p. m.) The allied line In Belgium has now reached tho Dutch frontier east of Bruges, running from there to Courtrai according to Standard today. Other dispatches declaie the allies have captured Bollenghem and Luiughe. London, Oct. 19. Serbian troops are continuing their pursuit of the Austro Germans northwest of Wish, it was an nounced by the Serbian war office to .day. miles nortwest of Nlsh)", the report said. " By William Philip Slmms (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Oct.' lfl. (12tl0 p. m.) Tho Onrrnnn f?iftmana uOtifhnacf nt ftrtiaftGt are reported to have been broken.. What's become 0' th ole time wo man that smoked th' whole neighbor hood out once a year makin' soft soap! Mr. Lemmie Peters got caught in th' draft an' 'II take rhetoric ami botany. (Continued on page two) I ' - ;I ABE HARTIN I !